7 Weirdest Things You Did to Get the ‘True’ Ending

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video games often feature multiple endings for example the good ending or the bad ending or that it's been 48 hours so we have to return the game to Blockbuster ending ask your parents among the different ending types none is so prized as the true ending a term that refers to the conclusion the makers of the game consider to be the official end to the narrative normally bagging a true ending simply requires finishing with a high completion rate I.E doing a lot of side missions or finding Collectibles but occasionally will require you to indulge in something so totally wild it Beggars belief that it's what the game requires to unlock the very best ending here's the weirdest you did to get the true ending but we massive spoilers for The Following [Music] [Applause] [Music] obviously perhaps it's better to end this way yet are the gettings good Pinocchio famously wants to be a real boy probably because he's never tried it FYI Pinocchio as far as I recall it's mostly being pushed over by bigger real boys but this puppet's made his little wooden mind up trouble is in brutal Moody Souls like lies of PE the famous Tokyo Begins the game as a mechanical killing machine doing his daddy jepetto's bidding with barely a trace of humanity in him the good news is that being a mechanical killing machine is exactly what you want to be in a game like lies of PE where everything is trying to tear you apart the bad news is that if you want to unlock lies of pe's true ending which is the only one that ends happily for your good friend sfia here you must have achieved a high level of humanity before kicking off a key conversation near the end of the game despite it all I thank you one way you can become more human is by lying every chance you get because I guess the makers of this game take a pretty dim view of humanity there is however no in-game number that shows you how far you've progressed along the game's invisible Humanity scale you can only guess how well you're doing based on cryptic in-game events like how tolerant this cat is of you which is tough to judge because there aren't many humans that could do this to a cat and escape with their eyeballs unscratched so those looking for the true ending will need to do other activities that nudge your Humanity score up and for some reason one of those things is listening to collectible records from beginning to [Music] end as such those aspiring to get the game's best ending must make the unusual choice of spending many of their limited minutes on earth watching a puppet boy listening to Long mournful vinyls of sad Jazz accordion [Music] simply finding these rare records throughout the world lets you no Humanity at all so anyone pursuing the true ending must take care to actually play each record at the Hub world's gramophone until each track reaches its somber conclusion some three or 4 minutes later [Music] close and there are a lot of Records out there so expect to spend a really significant stretch of time admiring the back of Pinocchio's head and listening to ballads all to get a cryptic onscreen message at the end that suggests the lad may have become a smidge more human you feel warmth maybe check you didn't wet yourself panio you have been stood there a very long time are you okay perfect what little little girl doesn't dream of being baited for her strapping dark night we're leaving you might be but I'm not ah both contestants are finally here tonight folks we've got riddles Galore I like to think that I'm a tolerant peaceful person although I do believe that every person who enjoys riddles should have a cryptic crossword puzzle book shove and then they should and then and then and then push it in until it's completely smooth Ellen what chances are if you played Batman Arkham Knight you feel exactly the same way and if you're one of the dedicated few who pursued the true ending of this open world Batman game you definitely feel like I do greetings to my costume contestants your next challenge is Simple Guide an electric charge to its destination I hope the varying amounts of pressure don't get to you why because getting the true ending of Arkham Knight requires spending an awful lot of time in the company of Batman's categorically most irritating villain The Riddler and specifically finding all of his 243 little neon question marks hidden around Gotham are you kidding me the time investment required to find every trophy even with a guide is staggering and all to satisfy the wishes of self-proclaimed genius The Riddler who just for the record managed to hide Riddler trophies inside Wayne Tower without piecing together Batman's real identity a fluke detective a very palpable fluke truly a staggering intellect collecting redler trophies takes ages but at least you'll have plenty of time to reflect on how weird it is that the game's proper ending in which Bruce Wayne seemingly fakes his death in order to Rise From the Ashes as a new more hardcore Batman relies on Bruce poking around hundreds of tiny puzzles looking for little statues even weirder is that despite the massive time sync all of this trophy hunting canonically happens in just one night a night in which Batman also defeats leagues of iconic villains just saying have you ever seen Batman and Santa in the same room get away oh there they are oh never mind [Applause] [Music] Final Fantasy X2 is interesting for a number of reasons first it's a direct sequel which Final Fantasy games don't often bother with and it has multiple endings it's also the only Final Fantasy game to share a title with an X-Men movie that's not a joke I just think it's interesting like a lot of games with multiple endings getting the true or as Final Fantasy X2 calls it perfect ending requires finishing the game with 100% completion and the winner of the first Spar break tournament is high Summoner Yuna nothing too unusual there you might think but what sets X2 apart from the pack is what the secret mathematics at work behind the scenes choose to count towards completion not only every single side quest and Mini game and absolutely everything else you can imagine in this gigantic RPG but every cutscene as well oh God yeah I have to learn to be stronger yeah that's right skip a cut scene and you're locked out of the game's true ending which means you have to watch them all even this [Music] [Music] one tying completion percentage to cut scene viewing is an absolutely wild choice and while you might well want to watch all the cut scenes on a first playthrough anyway the fact you can lock yourself out of the best Ending by skipping one is Bonkers on the plus side you can at least use these lengthy cutcenes as an opportunity to put the controller down and pop to the kitchen for a cup of tea unless of course the game happens to get to one of several points at which you have to press X during a cut scene to make some whistling happen and unlock a bonus cut scene where are you there's no clue or prompting at all to suggest when you need to do this but you'll be locked out of the perfect ending if you miss a whistling opportunity like here when main character Yuna is walking through a flower field sorry what did I miss oh [Music] no is it over is it really all over I don't know well is your wrath gone I said I don't know the video game masur's wrath begins with a monster exploding out the core of a planet and doesn't really get more chill from there in this overwrought anime infused beat him up you play as Aura a demigod who at the start of the game is framed and his wife murdered leaving him on a quest to save his daughter with only an unlimited amount of white hot demig rage to help him on his [Music] way which does seem quite helpful to be fair you might think aura's Planet cracking anger is the most wrath conceivable but it is nothing compared with the a publisher Capcom wrist incurring when it decided that the game's exciting finale episode 18 a turn of the events wouldn't actually be the true ending of the game instead if players wanted to see the canonical actual ending to aura's wrath they would have to earn it for instance at a job or by providing goods and services in exchange for money which can then be used to purchase a zura's rth DLC round three Nana for $66.99 to be specific or 560 Microsoft points which once transferred into the coffers of Capcom would let aura's wrath owners play four all new chapters that wrapped up the game story for real an ending that sees Aura in a climactic fist fight with chakravartin the god of Mantra and finally finally being able to chill the out my wrath is finally at least until DLC round four when Ryu from Street Fighter shows [Music] up all yours for only 160 Microsoft points that's a good deal possibly [Music] most games require you to sacrifice time and energy to get the true endings but near autometer asks for something much more profound the game a fastpaced hacken RPG is also one that asks big questions about the state of being alive and whether a computer program can ever really understand what that means and being alive is pretty much a constant stream of embarrassment yeah I'd say they've pretty much got it that clip was from the true ending of NE autometer a game with as many endings as there are letters in the Roman alphabet but the very final most truest of all is the one called ending e achieved by finishing the game several times over then commencing a strange dialogue with those two robots you just saw over the end credits data noise present in stream requesting temporary halt to perform data check [Music] the game then switches into one of its occasional bullet hell sections with you tasked with destroying the end credits it's punishingly difficult but gets easier when delightfully data from actual other near autometer players comes to your Aid at the conclusion of this the game asks you a difficult question would you be willing to sacrifice all of your near autom save data in order to help someone else the way you were just assisted selecting this option enables you to save someone somewhere in the world however in exchange you will lose all of your save data do you still wish to rescue someone a total stranger in spite of this I mean after all you've gone through there's really only one answer you can give to that right what's in it for me the answer is a special title screen you can only get by voluntarily exploding all your near automater save data you can still technically achieve the E ending if you refuse but most neur automative fans would agree the truest possible ending of the game is this title screen behind which lies absolutely no save data but a good deal of Inner Glow that comes from having helped out a fellow human somewhere in this big wide world and isn't that what it really means to be alive the answer is no it's the constant stream of embarrassment thing sorry my my name is huh my name is Tako maruki any qualified counselor will have been instructed to adhere to a strict ethical code but if you want to unlock the true ending of Persona 5 Royal an enhanced version of Persona 5 featuring a raft of bonus content including several new endings you'll end up doing a few things that probably transgress the boundaries that should exist between therapist and client unless it's within the guidelines to have a fist fight with your client in a metaverse formed from the collective unconscious we're thinking no Persona 5 Royal's true ending involves one final campaign inside the M Palace of takuto maruki your school counselor brought in to ensure student welfare who turns out to be a Persona user creating an alternate reality where everyone's wishes become real and I believe you called forth your power like this this Persona why maroi is doing this and everything else about him is going to become clear if you pursue this ending because this ending only unlocks if you take your Confidant level with maroi to a very high state with a deadline of November 18th in the game's calendar so if you want that special ending with the boss fight and the punch up that comes after you'd best be sure to I guess grind counseling right in one of the weirdest grinds we've ever encountered to unlock an you'll have to do counseling with maroi whenever you can to deepen your bond eventually you'll end up grabbing meals together and when you hit a high enough rank he'll pour his heart out to you in one of your counseling sessions about how his engagement to a woman called roomie collapsed after her parents were murdered in a home invasion why H so um maybe we could talk about my end of turn paper cuz it's really stressing me out fans of from software's action RPGs are no strangers to having to do extremely weird things to unlock a specific ending there's the bit in Elden ring where you have to talk to a doll or the bit in Dark Souls 3 where you have to get [Music] married well it's a Dark Souls version of a marriage at least probably no single ending requirement is as weird though as the activity requires to activate the true ending of bloodborne you know the one where you unlock one final boss fight after which you turn into a slug I'd have to read more wiks than I'm comfortable with to find out why that's a good thing to get this ending you need to find three umbilical chords like this one which from the name you could easily mistake for being the third umbilical cord present in the game but actually the third refers to the length this is a third of umbilical cord and there are four of them total in the game and you need three 3/3 you might think this is confusing but don't worry there's a note you can find that explains everything great that's very clear now one of the thirds of umbilical cord can be found by simply beating a boss but the others are much harder to locate hidden in secret Areas or at the end of NPC quest lines involving for instance a squeaking monster baby spending your time hunting down bits of umbilical cord would be bizarre enough to qualify for a place in this video but it's actually not finding the chords that's so weird is what you have to do with them once you've got them place them on an altar hand them to an NPC these are perhaps options that game director H attaka Miyazaki considered before slamming his hands down on the desk and shouting by god let's make them eat them that's right if you want the true ending to bloodborne you've got to not just collect but consume 33 umbilical C from your inventory do this and you'll unlock the true ending just so long as you do it before the fight with the final boss but maybe give it 45 minutes let those settle so those are some of the weirdest things that we all had to do to get the true ending and uh I hate to break it to you but you you I know you're nearly there at the end of the video but you haven't fully finished this video unless you've um subscribed um unless you've left a comment as well um probably like about your favorite entry or a suggestion for another weird thing that you had to do in a video game and also most importantly you need to like the video like otherwise you definitely not finished it um also like you had to press X at some point and we didn't tell you when sorry bye um anyway but if you would like you know some uh extra bonus things on the end of this video more things for you to go watch over here and if you would like even more stuff which by which we mean chat to us in our lovely membersonly Discord uh you can join our patreon and there is a link on screen and down below in the description for you to go over there and uh get some fun extra chats with us maybe yeah yeah we'll see you there bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 461,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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