7 Boss Fights You Can Win Before they Even Start

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Tthhhaattsss not how you get the mimic tear ashes. But correct, actually twice, on the boss cheese.

Not how you pronounce "Malenia" either, but to be fair I'd push that encounter out of my mind too 😅

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Felrathror86 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2023 🗫︎ replies
and the Royal boss fights are arduous encounters that eat up your time resources and occasionally your will to live not naming any names millennia oh you're on full health again cool cool cool cool cool cool super cool sometimes though the video game Gods smile upon us and furnish time poor players with sneaky shortcuts whereby you can take steps to win a boss fight before it even starts or at least before you've lost the will to live would have been nice hey Millennia what was I saying oh yeah consider these seven boss fights you can win before they even get going enjoy and but we're spoilers ahead for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you it takes a lot to put a dent in the mighty Master Chief and his thousand pounds of power armor a lot is also what you might call basus the hulking banished brute who wants to smash you flat in Halo infinite Chief I see him basus is a very mean very fast space gorilla who confronts you at the end of the excavation site Mission waving a massive gravity hammer in a tight Close Quarters Arena that is the ideal venue for cracking you open like a big green walnuts pathetic like I say he's a lot before we proceed a word the nice thing about a cutscene that is rendered directly in real time is that it will preserve whatever's going on in the environment before the cutscene triggers in the case of the diamond hard boss fight against bassus this means that before going Toe to Toe with this boss you can spend several minutes carefully collecting explosive items from all around the level stacking them up in a careful pile right here adding a few more and then one more for luck now when you do go and Trigger the cutscene that precedes the boss fight that cutscene takes place in a round and atop your pre-made pile of explosive course good news for you basus does not notice finally when you pop out of the cutscene and into the boss fight your HEAP of explosives is still there preserved by the cutscene and ready for instant detonation turning what would have been an extended boss fight into a very short fireworks display I'm impressed I can't believe how easy you made that look some would call it cheating yeah I call it cheating like I say greetings are you here for Spirit tuning Outsourcing is the practice of Contracting your workout to a third party like when I have my eight-year-old nephew write jokes for me this just says fortnite in Eldon ring you can Outsource the nasty business of slaying your many many enemies to Spirit summons these Spirits are ethereal beings summoned to do your bidding with a small bell like a translucent murder Butler laughs they take Myriad strange and beautiful forms such as the giant hovering Spirit jellyfish or the lone wolf spirit which is actually three wolves but it's fine let's not get into it the best of all these Spirits is the mimic tier which is the spirit that copies your appearance and skills meaning it looks and fights just like you so you can run away and hide while it smashes monsters on your behalf and if you're lucky casual bystanders will think it is you just glowing a bit foreign to acquire the mimic tier however you must first defeat it in combat and that will surely be a Stern challenge since by the Adaptive nature of the mimic tier you'll be doing battle with an exact duplicate of yourself which brings all your strengths and abilities to Bear against you you have at last literally met your match except not really because by means of magical loophole you can turn the situation to your advantage and transform this boss fight into a trivially easy Affair before it even Begins by stripping off all your clothes and gear then rocking up to the fight in nothing but a grubby loin cloth I said it would be easy I didn't say I would be dignified at this point the unfortunate mimic tier has no choice but to replicate your Nearly Naked unarmed form and engage you in battle then with the Plucky loincloth clad mimic tier resolve to do its best despite the circumstances you can re-equip all your Mighty armor and mystical armaments and kick it loincloth but six ways from Sunday now the mimic tier is yours forever at your beck and call even though it presumably remembers the time you took off all your clothes to cheese that fight and is at all times silently judging you Outsourcing it works and then it just says fortnite again I guess we're playing fortnite later [Music] in Castlevania 2 Simon's Quest on the nest you play as the titular Vampire killer Simon Belmont and if he could have had a Tinder profile back in the year 1698 when the game is set it would read that he enjoys driving around in his whip eating whipped cream and listening to the Devo song Whip It [Music] he likes whips but if you're going to make it through this bastard hard 1980s Nest game you can't rely on a whip alone you're going to need to collect and or purchase a selection of other items and weapons to Aid you in your quest to gather all the bits of Dracula's body like you're constructing the world's most cursed Mr Potato Head [Music] before we have to worry about the count though you'll have to venture through the Brahms Mansion where the game casually and without ceremony drops a mid-game boss on you the mother freaking actual Grim Reaper and let me tell you he does not want to play chess this is a tricky boss battle even if you're packing the expensive chain whip but what you might not realize is that you can purchase a much more affordable item that will stop the reaper in his tracks garlic who knew that the personification of death itself and your chances of getting a good night kiss after a dinner date had so much in common drop the garlic at death's feet just as he's getting ready to rumble and this boss will become stun locked thus before the fight even gets going the reaper is Frozen in place helpless against the automatic garlic damage [Music] simply a case of waiting around for approximately a minute and 10 seconds as his health is gradually whittled down by the pungent bulb [Music] weird how effective this is given that he's one of the few Castlevania bosses who isn't some sort of vampire maybe he's allergic or he has a dinner date later that'll be it [Laughter] [Music] we all know that language is an ever-evolving tool that adapts to meet the needs of those using it but at the same time folks words have meaning so when towards the end of world 3 in Super Mario World 2 your promise to Stage by the name of Naval piranhas Castle you would rightly expect a castle of some sort and not as it turns out a Subterranean sewer maze [Music] yet this so-called Castle is very much a damp Labyrinth of pipes filled with waste water and unfriendly creatures primarily variants on the Super Mario franchises iconic carnivorous piranha plants but if that's a castle I'm Iggy Cooper if you're wondering about the rest of the name Naval piranhas castle and assuming it had something to do with all the water down here and how a Navy has boats what to go on water you would be half right don't worry though things will become clear when you reach the end of the maze I say things will become clear but first they will briefly become more confusing when the Koopa wizard kamek Zooms in and calls Yoshi a cutie and roasts him for having no navel with an E while Yoshi is indisputably cute and having been born from an egg will admittedly not have a navel I think I speak for all of us when I say what what's going on and here's where things get clear is that kamek is giving you the clue you need to defeat the boss you're about to face which is the naval piranha [Music] the naval piranha is a magically super-sized piranha plant with thorny tentacles and a bandaged belly button also known as a navel which is both its weak spot in this fight and the second meaning behind its name which is hereby revealed to be delicious wordplay isn't language fun shut up it is that's all good and fine but now you have to do battle with this monstrous piranha plant boss in order to complete World 3. whacking it in its somehow already injured belly button to put this sewer fever dream far behind you much easier is taking preventative action against the bay mer plant destined to transform into this Behemoth boss simply turn up Bop the plant with an egg before kamek has time to work his magic and hey Presto the plant's out of the picture the boss fight is averted and kamek foiled oh better yet he doesn't get a chance to call you a cutie without a navel which again what few were able to reach the relative safety of the large underground vaults your family was part of that group that entered vault 13. imprisoned safely behind the large vault door under a mountain of stone a generation has lived without knowledge of the outside world no offense to the original Fallout game but after around 10 hours of surviving in an unforgiving radioactive Wasteland and constantly fighting for my life I'm ready to take just about any break I can get fortunately if you know what you're doing There's an opportunity to kill a challenging endgame boss with a minimum of fuss reach the closing stages of the game and a location called Mariposa base and you'll likely end up face to face with a super mutant called the lieutenant or Lou to his friends what a splendid sense of humor pity I don't have one he doesn't have any friends regardless of how polite and well spoken the lieutenant is you're probably not going to like his plan which is to immerse you in a substance called the forced evolutionary virus and turn you into a giant green Super Mutant like him the Super Mutant is the next advancement in human evolution why is the next stage in human evolution always being a gross monster refuse this generous offer and you'll end up in combat with the lieutenant given that I managed to get killed by the rats in the caves immediately outside the vault at the start of the game you can see why I might want to avoid this boss fight [Music] your life ends in the Wasteland they were probably mutated rats highly intelligent and pretty naturally strong that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it okay lucky for you there is a way to circumvent the boss fight entirely if you can sneak your way to Mariposa base's self-destruct terminal without setting off any alarms and before meeting the lieutenant who is hanging out on the other side of the base you can set a silent timer for it to explode and then Scurry out of there before anyone notices then it's time to sit back break out the snacks and enjoy the fireworks as the base will be blown Sky High and the lieutenant with it [Music] of course the other way to avoid a messy conflict is to Simply accept the Lieutenant's offer of getting dunked in the fev and end the game that way maybe I'll evolve something that will help me deal with those rats there's always hope you've lost you know that don't you the relay will open the birds will return being powerfully charismatic has all kinds of benefits for Mass effect's Commander Shepard and not all of them have to do with Romancing your crewmates just most of them let's embrace the way we feel right now one of the finest benefits of Shepard's persuasive personality crops up towards the end of game one during the dramatic finale when you come face to face with sarin arturius turian traitor two Galactic Civilization I am a vision of the future Shepherd the evolution are true sarin has really fallen from Grace by this point having gone from elite special operative to brainwashed jerk rolling out the red carpet for a sentient machine race who want to enslave all organic life surrender to the Reapers and you will be spared join us you've already fought sarin prior to this confrontation on vermeier where he was a massive pain in the backside zooming about on his hoverboard like the Green Goblin but gray and smug foreign the good news is you can make a preemptive strike against a repeat of that fight with sarin by convincing sarin he's been brainwashed and that the enslavement of all organic life in the galaxy is a bad thing actually you could have resisted you could have fought instead you surrendered if you successfully make your case saren will shoot himself in the head meaning you've won the fight against your Nemesis before it even began saved yourself the hassle of a boss fight or at least you could if your Paragon or Renegade rating was high enough which will depend on whether you've done enough good or bad stuff in the run-up the bad news is there's still a secondary unavoidable fight right afterwards where Sovereign the malevolent machine boss takes control of saren's dead ass and turns him into a puppet made of meat or whatever it is that turians are made of trees who knows you don't seem to understand they came in here they killed my family they made me into this thing I didn't want it I didn't ask for it I had no choice Hunter the Reckoning is a hack and slash action game in which you're part of a team of vampire Hunters if the name sounds familiar that's because it's based on the tabletop role-playing game of the same name which is part of the world of Darkness the same world of Darkness that brought us vampire the Masquerade bloodlines and if it ever comes out vampire Masquerade bloodlines too anytime you like seriously I need my fix in Hunter the Reckoning you're trapped in the prison town of Ashcroft where Ashcroft Penitentiary is presided over by a vampire Warden called degenhart who has to be the whiniest vampire we've ever met I have Nothing Left to Lose welcome to Eternity eternal life I mean okay he was forcibly turned into a vampire and his entire family were killed but think of the savings on skin care products at the end of the game you confront warden degenhart for a decisive final boss battle in the Attic of a mansion no matter what your gifts you're still only human I am Eternal then degenhart metamorphosizes into his true terrifying form a huge vampiric apex predator that for some reason still has the exact same Little Beard hey if you found a look you like stick with it that is why I have been dressing like an undergraduate student for nearly two decades although you can fight the warden in the usual way it's an exceptionally tough boss fight not least because he has that dickest of Boss moves regenerating health lucky for you there is an alternative you might have spotted the boarded up window with Sunshine peeking through it if you whip out your chainsaw you can hack away at it until the boards break sunlight floods the room and the warden is instantly defeated I'll be honest it's just nice seeing a video game chainsaw being used for its intended purpose I'm looking at you doom and Resident Evil 4 and Evil Within Gears of War and Grand Theft Auto Vice City and Left 4 Dead 2. in fact pretty much everyone except Farming Simulator this one will not fall over fall over you dumb tree so those were some bosses that you can beat before they even start sort of by cheating I guess are you robbing yourself of the true challenge of the game by doing this some would say yes could have robbed yourself the true challenge of this video by just reading the comment where someone always lists all of the entries in the comments yeah my I've got a bit well he's going to be in his Bonnet it seems Mike's airing some grievances and while he does that why don't you watch some videos here's uh one from us you can check out another video like this or down here is one from Luke and Ellen over on outside extra talking about the stuff that they'd like to get into so whatever those guys are up to check out that it's probably fun I expect anyway thanks for watching see you next time tell me more about these comments Mike well you know that's what you hit after
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 623,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, top ten, top five, top 10, top 5, countdown, list, bassus, halo infinite, cutscene, mimic tear, elden ring, strip, death, Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest, garlic, naval piranha, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island, kamek, plant, The Lieutenant, fallout 1, saren, mass effect, Degenhardt, Hunter: The Reckoning, boss, boss fight, beat, early, quick, cheese, cheap, funny, wtf, lol, funny moment
Id: Dj0V49uTLMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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