7 Weirdly Easy Boss Fights in Very Hard Games

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what's the hardest aspect of a really difficult video game usually the boss battles and also convincing yourself your family and your friends that failing to kill a screaming flesh monster 100 times in a row is a good use of your valuable time on Earth yeah sorry mum I won't make this weekend I'm just too busy but we say usually the boss battles are the hardest part because sometimes in a bizarre and frankly gracious diversion from normalcy a difficult video game will present us with a boss fight that is frankly not that hard what the heck I put aside a clear day for this encounter and it really isn't very tough at all hey Mama looks like I can make this weekend after all oh come on life with me is not a devastating emotional rollercoaster here are seven weirdly easy boss fights in very hard games but we're spoilers for The Following [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you I don't know why people stress about spending dozens of hours trying to beat Dark Souls bosses it's not that much time in the grand scheme of things not when you consider the average human lifespan is what 500 years it's what oh no perhaps more than any video game series in history the souls games are Infamous for challenging the player to beat spectacular and spectacularly tough bosses usually at the end of a grueling area that you've had to battle through expect any boss in Dark Souls to be straightforward and certainly not one you find at the bottom of an area called The Catacombs a hellish ever downward reaching network of caves filled with skeletons finding increasingly inventive ways to shred your body to ribbons ah I do not want to meet their boss you'll have to though if you want to push on through the catacombs to the next area of the game and so you drop into this candlelit Eerie tomb and gird your loins as area boss pinwheels cutscene introduction begins to play in a scene that clocks in at roughly 30 seconds it which we mentioned only because this cutscene runs longer than the actual boss fight about 30 times longer okay that's a slight exaggeration about as slight as pinwheels Health reserves in fact because despite being a fully fledged Dark Souls boss pinwheel can be killed in the blink of an eye his main trick is creating clones of himself to fool the player which would probably be effective if he didn't do it so agonizingly slowly that it's extremely obvious which pinwheel is the real one we'd list pinwheels many other humorous failings but frankly there's only so many seconds of game footage of this boss we have to play with and oh oh he's died and here's me with all this unused pinwheel material hey hey why does pinwheel have three masks because if he had any more you'd have to forget it the moment's past [Music] the Castlevania games are about fighting and killing Dracula and his Legions of demonic forces so it makes sense that they're pretty hard because that sounds hard Castlevania Bloodlines for the Sega Genesis is no exception with difficult levels and bosses that will test your stabbing and jumping powers to the utmost with one exception that would be the boss encountered in the Atlantis Shrine stage of the game known as the wizard to begin with the wizard gives you the nearest Taste of his powers teleportation with shocking speed he vanishes and reappears and now here comes his attack I said Here Comes his attack no this actually is his attack see the Wizard's whole thing is very slowly raising the water level and hoping you'll conveniently drown before you stab him to death which is very unlikely because the water rises very slowly and there's absolutely nothing else for you to do in the game right now but stab Wizards of course that's only the first part of this boss fight isn't it surely yeah no okay okay I guess we're done Donkey Kong Country 2 introduced millions of children to a crushing unyielding level of difficulty that frankly left them well prepared to face life's challenges or psychologically destroyed the evidence is unclear while undoubtedly excellent this challenging game will have you crushing your controller in a sweaty grip as you fight to clear its increasingly tricky environments boss fights are predictably difficult too here's the second boss fight in the game which demands Flawless Precision jumping while dodging fireballs at least that's one of its phases it's super weird then that one of the bosses you'll face in this grueling platform in Gauntlet is cudgel a remarkably straightforward boss encountered in the stage called cudgel's contest where presumably the contest in question is how many barrels of dynamite cudgel can take to the face without Landing a single bit of damage on you cudgel's main attack is a leap that will briefly stun you if you're on the ground when it lands which might have been scary if this wasn't a game about acrobatic Apes that are almost never touching the floor after easily dodging cudgel's leaps it's simply a matter of throwing the TNT Barrel that cudgel we're gonna say foolishly drops into the arena right in his scaly face and repeating this process until he quickly dies no burning through your spare lives here cudgel will soon be beaten and you'll be boomboxing insensitively in front of his drowned corpse in no time a crocodile died did he show some respect foreign [Applause] cuphead is a relative term because honestly the only part of this retro animated rock hard run and gun game that's easy is the pause menu and I wouldn't be surprised if we've screwed that up a few times too cuphead's crowning glory is of course its boss battles which require immense persistence practice and memorization to get through on top of remembering every single attack on screen you'll have to dodge parry and place your character with Pixel Perfect accuracy to make it through and as the game progresses the battles only get more complex which means there's something slightly odd about the boss of Erna Vermin I mean apart from the fact that he's a cigar smoking rat who drives a soup can around like a tank this man will get red hot now go the consensus among cuphead players is that Werner encountered a fair distance into the game is a surprisingly straightforward boss the battle begins with you dodging crap hold down from his soup can tank avoiding dangerous bombs and nailing Parry jumps to dodge His Manic charges across the screen if you think that sounds hard you're right but it's not like cuphead hard verna's next move is to deploy a flamethrower and spinning bottle cap blades which can finish your fight in moments if you're not careful but compared to the absolutely hat stand boss fights found elsewhere in this game doesn't require too much practice to figure out finally Vermin is eaten by the cat that's been peering into his little box house since the fight started and then you fight the cat [Applause] boot is presumably now full and sleepy because he only has a few attacks to Dole out in the climax to a boss battle that's puzzlingly simple by cuphead standards not that we're complaining the cat's been dealt enough damage the fight is over and its face wait pops off to reveal Werner Vermin at the controls what [Applause] good thing this boss fight doesn't take too long because that does not stand up to much scrutiny Hollow Knight is absolutely brutal just look at this typical player just had silk song got delayed again there are many challenges you'll have to face if you want to fully conquer this sprawling bug-themed metroidvania Adventure from getting lost to the equally pressing worry of getting murdered meanwhile the game's boss fights are famous tests of reflexes timing patience and bloody-minded endurance and Hollow Knight doesn't f about setting the tone consider the false Knight the first boss most players will encounter this whole King smashing Beetle bastard crashes in from the ceiling when you first step foot in his Arena making clear exactly what kind of game this is mother boss makes a much a much subdued first impression seeing as when you enter her Arena likely a short while later in the game she doesn't smash through the ceiling instead she's lying asleep in the corner visibly knackered hard same Gru's mother if you do jab her into starting the fight her main attack is flying straight at you and bouncing around the screen like a furious DVD screensaver wait don't hit her I think she's about to hit the corner weirdly considering the game she's in the guru's mother isn't as fearsome as she looks and once you've figured out how to dodge out the way and Jab her with your sword is dispatched with extreme ease compared to her fellow bosses [Applause] just a few hits a few Dodges and she dies and then moments later explodes because it turns out the Gru's mother bug was pregnant with seven children which to be fair explains the exhaustion [Music] there are over 130 games in the Mega Man series which means Mega Man can claim the title of most tired person in video games a title I myself had hoped to retain for a 10th year running from the first second to the last Mega Man games are generally exhausting a Non-Stop barrage of Killer Robots and environmental obstacles that will send you on a one-way train to game oversville if you so much as blink thank you [Music] interestingly Mega Man X lets you attempt its levels in any order you like and most players choose to do snow mountain first why is it because they like being run over by snowballs and murdered by those novelty drinking bird death toys [Music] no it's because there's a valuable suit upgrade in here and also the boss is a piece of piss which is a very very unusual accusation to level a Mega Man Boss but here we are the boss of this zone is Chill penguin who sadly isn't as relaxed as he sounds turning the floor of this boss room into a death trap filled with hurled ice chunks deadly ice sculptures and most alarmingly chill penguin himself torpedoing into you oh this boss fight could be easy if only there was a way to not be on the floor oh hang on I'll just do that yes by spamming Mega Man's wall jump It's really straightforward to stay well clear of basically all chill Penguins moves then at your leisure nail him in the beak with a Charged Up laser foreign [Music] in no time with the only downside being now you have to go do the other seven bosses none of whom are such pushovers unless of course you just decide the game ends here watch use whatever haunted well I choose chill penguin then nothing I am the mega Mega credits if I had to choose one word to describe bloodborne's bosses it would be howling in terms of sheer brutality and intimidation very few games can compete with the bosses on offer in this gore-soaked RPG where a great number of major enemies are huge hairy and clawing at you furiously while looking absolutely terrifying and also this big funny alien is there meet the celestial Emissary one of many funny jelly aliens encountered in the game's Lumen flower gardens who have several attacks but the main one is to run at you like toddlers with jam on their hands one of these tottering ETS is the larger Celestial Emissary in Disguise and once identified will go all big and start stamping on you which is unpleasant but really not very intense by bloodborne standards whittling the emissary's health bar down doesn't require much luck or strategy or even damage leaving bloodborne players somewhat baffled and with a surprisingly low heart rate as the fight reaches its unexciting conclusion it's not easy per se but in a game like bloodborne well let's just say that dying to the celestial Emissary is a mark of terrible shame for any player oh whoa okay weakest boss in the game says Fletch underscore 4 just as you were doing well it's a pain that never goes away oh this boss in the game right here confirmed ow ow so those are some of the easy like weirdly easy boss battles in otherwise particularly hard games can you think of any let us know in the comments in fact can you think of like the opposite as well like really hard bosses in otherwise easy games like those ones that you get to and they're just like an absolute brick wall and you're like why game why we can rant about it in the comments and maybe make a video on that as well but in the meantime if you enjoyed this video give us a thumbs up and if you want to support us you can subscribe if you haven't already and if you want to go one step further you can join our patreon where you can also have access to our Discord where we can complain about boss battles there as well and yes and then also in the meantime we've also got some other lovely videos for you here both with Apes on the thumbnails because Luke likes apes and monkeys content
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 400,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming
Id: FI387YqQy-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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