7 Ridiculous Ways You Screwed With Cutscenes

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cutscenes play an important role in video games they convey vital story information develop characters and most importantly give you a chance to go make a cup of tea I joke of course cutscenes are important and you should obviously pay attention to them but sometimes the temptation to mess around with the game's carefully constructed storytelling is too great here are seven ways we've devised to keep ourselves amused during long cut scenes enjoy Ambush spoilers for The Following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the cutscenes in Goldeneye for the N64 were mostly short little scene setters at the start and end of levels to give you a little bit of flavor showing Bond swinging his gun around or blowing something up or swinging his gun around [Music] this is mostly those two things however as short as they may be that doesn't mean that they're not still right for messing with and the fact that they all take place in engine means that you can use explosives to totally disrupt what's supposed to happen for example here in the seven Nia installation in Siberia we have a cutscene with Bond being captured [Music] foreign [Music] before triggering the cutscene and it plays out a lot differently running out of patience with Natalya once again explosives can change the cutscene of the two of you leaving the bunker from this [Music] [Applause] to this [Music] and really mishkin and his cronies arresting you here in Saint Petersburg should probably keep an eye on all these explosives you're tossing around [Music] more like James Bond am I right I am right the Devil May Cry series is known for spectacular hack and slash action achingly stylish characters and one of the weirdest line reads in history want to fill your Dark Soul with light that was the take I guess the director of the voiceover session had somewhere else to be that day it is at least in keeping with the fact that everything in the Devil May Cry series is fabulously over the top compared to pretty much every other video game franchise out there not least the cut seeds just look at this one from Devil May Cry 4 when Nero revs up his sword like a motorcycle and then rides around on top of a corpse you don't get that in The Last of Us everyone's too sad about the world ending or whatever some of the cutscenes in dmc4 go on for absolutely ages such as the opening scene of the game where the two main characters engage in beautifully choreographed combat as you the player watch on enviously oh I can't wait to be doing that myself any moment now then after almost nine whole minutes it's finally your turn yeah not quite the same is it developer Capcom appears at least somewhat mindful of this in that it decided the player probably needed something to do during these lengthy cut scenes as a result they added in the option to twiddle the white analog stick for some limited camera movement and squeeze the trigger to zoom in and out a bit wow you're really spoiling us presumably this was designed to allow you to focus in on small details in the scenes but everything happened so rapidly we mainly found ourselves using it for looking at people's noses zooming in on Nero's butt and inspecting this guy's weird little beard achieve that shape the only explanation is that his chin looks like that underneath if you're particularly impatient and frantic on the controls you can actually render some of the most lavishly action-packed cutscenes in gaming history almost completely unwatchable at least it's not ruined by the voice acting this time notion of fair playpower a plus performance no notes it took just 24 hours for us to lose control of the city tonight Gotham's relying on one man to save us all being the billionaire owner of a tech company means that Batman has access to all kinds of amazing gadgets that he can use for a variety of crime fighting purposes there are the batarangs which he can use to smash criminals unconscious the bat claw which he could use to smash criminals unconscious and of course the Batmobile which okay these are mostly for smashing criminals unconscious if I'm honest one Gadget that isn't used for caving in Desperate people's skulls however is the holographic projector that bats has built into the wrist of his Bat Suit Oracle I need the location of unit 247 already worked this handy Communicator lets him chat away to Oracle and see her in real time without him having to do anything as gauche as fish a cell phone out of his pocket I mean for one thing it would ruin the line of his Bat trousers these conversations with Oracle are full of useful info on what to do next but if you're anything like us you'll be less interested in listening to what Oracle has to say and more interested in rotating the camera and perfectly lining up oracle's face with Batman's face so it looks like Oracle is Batman cowl ears and all chemical breakdown on the back computer yes nailed it sorry what was that something about scarecrow destroying the city I'm sorry I wasn't listening the ship's dead in the water the whole Island's gone to hell if there was ever a game series that didn't need much in the way of plot it's Dead Island you're on an island everyone's dead hit them with sticks until they fall over I think that pretty much covers it however there are still non-player characters in games like 2011 spin-off Dead Island Riptide who will insist on trying to tell you about the plot and who you'll need to listen to before the game will allow you to go back to caving zombie heads in Jesus I thought we were garnet where the hell did you come from of course the other main selling point of Dead Island is the fact that you can play it with up to three other players in Co-op as a result if you've got other players joining you in your game whenever you're enduring some unskippable story they are free to start kicking the out of the quest givers furniture map now they're also free to wander into shot brandishing a flaming Chile and start trying to kick that Quest Giver in the back fortunately there are so many factors to consider that it is impossible for me to tell you exactly I did one thing is clear we should avoid anything that would put you at risk I really hope he wasn't talking about zombie cure because I didn't get a word of that also I've killed a lot of those zombies so that's gonna be an awkward conversation I cannot tell you we must become or where the line is [Applause] this the playable character in Star Wars Jedi Survivor is that rarest of things a Jedi who actually survived order 66 I suppose that was Yoda and Obi-Wan grogu nasoka Tano Keller and back Caleb Doom oh and luminara unduly but that's definitely it apart from sea agenda but that is definitely it don't doubt me Eno Cordova all right fine you can barely move for Jedi who survived Order 66 but that doesn't mean that Cal's story is any less impactful as he struggles to survive in a hostile Galaxy in which Jedi are hunted and the order is on the brink of being wiped out completely if there is any hope of surviving we must stand that being said as Channel Jedi Survivor also lets you customize cow to create new looks that range from typical Jedi robes and haircuts to the nastiest skevious perviest little mustache you can possibly imagine the great thing about this is that you can customize Khaled any time even during cutscenes and his appearance will change instantly so say for example a cutscene is starting to drag a little I'd assume the first time we met you'd be strapped to an interrogation chair I've heard that before you can just pop open the customization menu dresscal in the worst combination of clothes and hair you can imagine and then struggle to take the rest of the cutscene seriously as it plays out with you looking like this still weird get on the comps and call off the base alert oh what you're a Jedi I know what you were capable of Order 66 starting to make a lot more sense now not gonna lie here let me buy you a drink oh and by the way nice to finally meet you in the half-life series of games your player character Gordon Freeman is a highly respected scientist who is a graduate from MIT I don't know how you can say that although I will admit that the possibility of a resonance Cascade scenario is extremely unlikely Gordon doesn't need to hear all this he's a highly trained professional whereas I went to what I like to call the University of life and still somehow managed to flunk the first year more full valve then for putting me in charge of the camera during the cutscenes in Half-Life 2. probably were Gordon in control he'd be concentrating on absorbing every detail about the potentially hazardous teleportation experiment that's about to take place in Dr kleiner's lab we'll inaugurate the new teleport with a double transmission you mean it's working for real this time because I I still have nightmares about that cat no no there's nothing to be nervous about we've made major strides since then major strike what cat well it seems like all this is in hand that leads me to ignore all the important Exposition explaining how the teleporter works and instead trying to balance books on people's heads I've made a few modifications but I'll just acquaint you with the essentials putting the little plastic hula girl on the desk and fooling around with the miniature version of the teleportation machine and making books explode out of it now [Music] maybe I learn by doing probably if we'd been listening to what Dr Kleiner was saying when the moment came to actually teleport ourselves across the countryside surrounding City 17 and things began to go catastrophically wrong we might have actually been able to do something clever to help I'm not sure something's throwing him away but hey look at it this way if I had intervened help and been instantly teleported across to Eli Vance's Outpost then Half-Life 2 would have been a much shorter and less interesting game so really I did us all a favor certainly not never fear Gordon she's DB just a little bit of wisdom I picked up in what I like to call the Community College of life there must be another way this one need not die [Music] an excellent kill fortune favors your blame like the iPhone hashtags and the subprime mortgage crisis the original Assassin's Creed is 16 years old this year and it too in its own way changed the world forever I never looked at a haystack the same way again and because this is such an ancient game one might forget that the original Assassin's Creed protagonist Altair was what one might describe as a total nothing is true everything is permitted understand these words it matters not how we complete our task only that it's done but this is not the way my way is better at least in the early stages of the game Altair the OG assassin is arrogant cold and when I'm playing him constantly body checking people in the street huh I'm a consummate role player I'll tell you his arrogance makes it all the more fitting in my mind that during the sequences in this game where the camera is locked off for a cutscene I'll tell you it's free to roam around within the confines of the scene while another character talks at him Altair you've returned rauf it is good to see you unharmed I trust your mission was a success is the master in his Tower you can't stab anything or climb anything but you can March moodly back and forth or turn your back rudely on the speaker especially suitable when it's your revered Mentor Al mwalim giving you a telling off for being a total and you you my best man to come to comfort and you return to me with nothing but apologies and excuses I did do not speak happily this feature also lets you walk in small circles throughout dramatic cutscenes adding a much appreciated interactive Dimension to the Assassin's Creed storytelling bring forth the hostage [Music] and occasionally if you manage to kite some enemies into a cutscene it adds a much less appreciated interactive Dimension where you get an unanswerable ass beating while almor Lim watches on impassively I'll tell you master forward tell me of your mission and since this is all taking place within the simulation of genetic memories from Modern Day Altair look-alike Desmond miles we have to infer that this is how it all really happened return to me with nothing but apologies and excuses I did do not speak not another word this is a genetic memory I'd rather forget if I'm honest we'll need to mountains no you do nothing thank you so much for watching this video we hope it was amusing enough that you didn't feel the need to run around in small circles or completely change your outfit during it just to keep yourself entertained um if that is the case and you were able to avoid that then we have two more videos one up here about rubbish vehicles that were so bad we'd rather walk and one down here from our sister Channel outside extra about Video Game announcers who didn't need to go that hard yeah really unnecessary anyway enjoy those and we'll see you on the next one foreign
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 357,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell
Id: J6pqSD75nqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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