It Doesn't Get Better Than Skyrim

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It's still hard to accept it's over been a decade already. Heck, almost 12 years now. I remember during the Summer in 2011, I watched the trailer and being overly hyped that I felt like I rocketed through the roof. Getting that newest experience at the time and how busy I was and how it made me forget that real life was going on as this game is literally homework. I wish I had a time machine to do it all over again.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Auburnell 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2023 🗫︎ replies

I saw a mud crab the other day, horrible creatures.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Carl_Wheeze 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2023 🗫︎ replies

You'd think that with the amount of playtime I have in Skyrim that it must be one of my favorite games of all time, but there's a reason most of my playthroughs rarely get past 10 hours. Even with mods, I can't fix what I ultimately consider a mediocre game. I used to love the game, and I still cherish those memories, but these days I'd rather play a game those does 1-2 things well, rather than a shallow sandbox.

Because I've played the game so much, the faults have been able to show through, but I do wonder if I'd even enjoy Skyrim if I played it for the first time today given how many games I've played that have done specific aspects of Skyrim better.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GeneralApathy 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2023 🗫︎ replies

Cringe. Skyrim has no depth. The world is huge, but almost every quest is "Go fetch something, come back, you might be able to pick 1 of 2 rewards."

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/casualmagicman 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2023 🗫︎ replies

My favorite Elder Scrolls game is, and will probably always be Oblivion, unless TES VI takes that spot (don't think so) if it ever releases. Even so, i still respect people calling Skyrim "the best TES game" even if that's not my opinion. Heck, i've put hundreds of hours into Skyrim, it is certainly a great game, but it will never rival Oblivion in terms of like, literally everything (except combat, Oblivion's combat is shit). Like someone else said here, Skyrim feels kind of hollow. It doesn't have as much depth and it doesn't have that rich atmosphere that Oblivion has. The quests, although they can be good, often lack in Skyrim. Not saying Oblivion has perfect quests, some of them are also shit, but it's still something to note.

Even if i wrote a whole paragraph, i really respect people's opinion, as long as they respect mine. Saying that "It doesnt get better than Skyrim" implies a LOT, for me it doesn't get better than Oblivion, but that is just my opinion, and it does nothing to change the opinion of others.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dumbassgaming700 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2023 🗫︎ replies

Yeah its a great game. I think I hit like 800 hours in it but I feel like I'm done with it now.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheSmall-RougeOne 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2023 🗫︎ replies

Didn't watch the whole thing but how do you not immediately recognize that sound as a nirnroot???? BTW I haven't played Skyrim yet - bought it recently and might try it after I finish my current Oblivion playthrough.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Content_Mobile_4416 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2023 🗫︎ replies
[Music] Skyrim [Music] how many hours have you spent in this world  just trekking through the land and soaking in   the music the distant mountains the villagers  going about their days the wildlife the sky,   or throwing on your combat gear and crushing  draugrs shooting down dragons and smashing   through bandicams how many different builds have  you played the stealthy thief the unkillable tank   the overpowered Mage the Archer assassin who's  secretly a family man with four adopted kids   waiting for him at home zooming out a little  to reality think of all the times you've booted   this game up on multiple generations of consoles  during different seasons of Life maybe after your   high school band performance as a break during an  all-nighter in college before the kids wake up in   the morning we're at the end of a long day at work  this game is over a decade old and yet there's a   chance you've played it within the last few years  for many of us it's a staple that never leaves   for long it re-emerges like an evening tide that  strikes the shores of our lives and pulls us out   to familiar Waters in case that cheesy analogy  didn't make it obvious enough I'll go ahead and   say it Skyrim is my favorite game I've had a lot  of fun playing other games like The Witcher 3 the   shadow of the Tomb Raider Minecraft Assassin's  Creed and NBA 2K but none of these games have   ever quite managed to take hold of me like Skyrim  and I need to know why so I've spent the last two   months replaying the game talking to my friends  about it reading blogs and watching interviews   with the devs to answer this question after 10  years why haven't I stopped playing this game   and maybe more importantly why haven't I been able  to enjoy any other games as much as Skyrim [Music]   when I asked my friends why they play Skyrim  after all these years many of them talked about   the immersion between the beautiful landscape  the abundance of conversible NPCs the random   events hidden quests and locations NPC schedules  lore books and Scrolls the different guilds to   join and one of the best music scores ever  it's no wonder why to me Skyrim feels like   a real place that exists long before I  open up the game and continues to exist   even if I'm not playing at the moment if  you start wandering the world it won't   be long before you stumble across an NPC with  some unique dialogue and a miscellaneous task   maybe a letter to deliver along the way some  Bandits might attack you and you're suddenly   in the fight of your life luckily you're  a pro and you take them on like a champ foreign maybe a few other random  events befall you but eventually   you deliver the letter the second  NPC thanks you then a dragon attacks well now you have to kill this Dragon quickly or  the non-essential NBC you just helped is going   to die I guess some things never change each of  us has countless stories of getting distracted   by a side quest a unique location or just a  really tall mountain we want to get to the   top of Skyrim is meant to pull you in and gives  you organic Adventures at every turn I know I'm   starting with some of the more obvious parts of  this game but don't worry we'll dive deeper as   we go we first have to lay a strong Foundation  because without these qualities nothing else   in the game would matter we'll be quick so  we can get to the real meat of the video   oh the sheer size of this game enables players  to sink hundreds or even thousands of hours   into it there are 300 plus quests dozens of  play Styles over 400 named locations not to   mention the hundreds of unnamed places that  are still being discovered to this day over 1   000 unique NPCs 66 different options for a spouse  depending on your taste one of the best parts of   this game is just wandering it's so fun to explore  until you find a new place and delve into whatever   Secrets the devs Left Behind maybe you'll uncover  a quest you've never encountered or an item worth   displaying in your house you just never know and  I love that sense of Discovery mascara manages to   have a massive amount of things to do while still  keeping the quality of these things at a maximum   on my recent playthrough I heard a noise that's  been bothering me for like years this extremely   annoying ringing of which I've never been  able to find the source determined to learn   the answer once and for all I tracked it down to  this stupid plant I almost couldn't believe it   when the noise stopped how had I never found this  before maybe that was something you uncovered like   an hour into your experience maybe I'm a scrub  for not knowing about this before the point is   there are countless things to do and explore  and each person's experience is unique because   of it there's always a new path to take a new play  style to invent and a new adventure to seek after   hearing my friends bring up both the breadth of  content and the immersive experience I asked them   couldn't you get that same experience from GTA  the response was maybe but this is fantasy which   is exactly how I would answer the same question  Skyrim is not only a quality open world but a   quality fantasy open world and that makes all  the difference sure I can blow things up in GTA   or Skydive onto unsuspecting pedestrians but can I  ride a dragon or craft my armor from its bones can   I join a guild of land's most fierce assassins  can I pointlessly push wood through a sawmill not everyone who loves Skyrim is a fantasy nerd   but for those of us that  are this game is pure gold everyone who's played the game knows  exactly what I mean by the Skyrim ambience   that perfect combination of Music Skybox visual  effects and the atmosphere is nothing short of   therapeutic and while this Ambience certainly  makes me nostalgic I think it's a disservice to   say Nostalgia is the only reason or even the main  reason so many people come back to Skyrim but it   is an important piece of the picture life has  a tendency to become more and more complicated   it seems like the level of stress and commitment  and responsibility increases pretty steadily until   you're retired so anyone who played Skyrim when  it first came out likely played it at a simpler   time of their life it personally reminds me of  staying up late in my first college dorm to play   it on an Xbox 360. my roommate found outside of a  dumpster for you maybe it was a friend's house and   you didn't even mind watching him play because  it was so entrancing maybe it was the first RPG   you ever encountered you were hooked instantly  back then you didn't have student loans or bills   so you could just play from the moment you got  home until your parents told you to go outside   and stop staring at the TV Skyrim is infused with  the memories of Our Lives before of simpler times   there's nothing wrong with that even if some  people say that these memories are rose-colored   glasses that fly out the flaws of the game but  to them I asked this question if Nostalgia is   the only thing bringing us back to Skyrim wouldn't  we be revisiting all of our games from the past one thing that sets it apart is that Skyrim has  an incredibly diverse game Loop that allows for   almost endless progression without ever feeling  grindy I've played my share of Assassin's Creed   games and it almost always ends the same I get the  game on SEO and the story sucks me in and I play   non-stop for an afternoon or evening I really  enjoy these game worlds especially Origins and   odyssey and exploring usually lasts me the next  few days I level up here and there doing side   quests that interests me and diving into every  conveniently placed hay bale I can find then I   returned to the main quest for a while sometime  around this point there comes a moment where the   main quest has a recommended level way higher  than my own it stops me dead in my tracks every   time suddenly the game goes from an engaging plot  driven story with fun gameplay and lots of side   content to a grindy sludge where I'm forced  to engage with a bunch of fetch quests before   I can return to the part of the game I actually  want to play I might keep at it for a bit maybe   getting a bit farther into the story before slowly  fizzling out over the next couple weeks a month   later and I end up deleting the game to make  room for Placid plastic duck simulator you are   classic plastic dock the same thing happens  with NBA 2K and even Minecraft whether it's   participating in Annoying team drills between  games to get badges or spending countless hours   mining cobblestone in survival mode I always hit  a point where the grind surpasses the reward I'm   not saying these games are bad I enjoy them and  I appreciate them for what they are but there's   no denying that they become repetitive or they  restrict your freedom often both listen to this   quote from Joel Burgess one of the lead level  designers for Skyrim side content is Meaningful   because you can miss it Assassin's Creed has side  content that's extremely fun until they force   you to engage with it making it main content you  can't miss if you want to finish the game Skyrim   doesn't have this problem it's not interested  in making you pointlessly engage in activities   to collect resources or level up the game scales  with your level meaning you can finish the main   quest without ever veering off course or beat  it a thousand hours into a build and still have   a great experience either way some people might  argue that dungeons are a grind but I disagree to   me a grind isn't Aging in repetitive or obnoxious  activity in order to progress in the game I enjoy   combat enough that it never feels like a chore  to clear a mine or a tomb the level design keeps   things interesting especially since I'm the  type of player that likes to look into every   nook and cranny I hate it when I reach the end of  a dungeon and I know in the back of my mind that   there was one path I missed because I thought  I was taking a side route first and plan on   coming back but the side route turned out to be  the main route and now I'll never find out what   was back there at the end you almost always get  something worthwhile whether that's a new word to   a shout a best in slot item or gear you can sell  off to a merchant for cash and best of all the   dungeons have nice exits or Loops so you don't  ever have to backtrack even if you don't enjoy   all that the great thing is you don't ever have to  enter a dungeon if you don't want to just explore   the cities the towns the mountains the sea the  college anything you want the parts of the game   that can be considered a grind like a certain  quest to obtain unusual gems are optional they   often offer decent rewards and honestly they're  a lot of fun for some people the point is thanks   to its broad gameplay Loop Skyrim has not the  type of game you get burnt out playing tired   of going through the Dwarven mines collecting  cogs to melt down so you can hit Max smithing   go build a sick house and fill it with gear you've  collected done with Quests for a while maybe you'd   fancy becoming a werewolf I'm not saying I hate  grinding games I love Minecraft and the reason   I play Survival Mode is because collecting the  resources to build something epic makes it all   the more rewarding when I finish Assassin's  Creed makes you feel like a demigod when you   encounter a low-level boss after returning from  a leveling up session but eventually these games   burn their players out invariably I will put the  controller away because the game has become more   like a job than a relaxing Pastime the only  reason I ever stopped playing a Skyrim is   because I feel like I've done everything I've  wanted to for now last time I stopped because   I completed every major quest line including the  DLCs this time I'll probably stop playing when I   run out of new locations to discover or not who  knows maybe I'll get inspired to lock myself in   Whiterun and try to Max my skills play it like  Iron Man mode and Runescape or beat the entire   game using only a fork probably not but these  are just few of the countless challenges out   there Skyrim is a game that lets you do whatever  you want without forcing you to engage in any one   thing half of the people I've talked to for this  video have sunk hundreds of hours into the game   without ever even finishing the main story it  was like the first thing I did this game lets   you do what you want when you want to no matter  how little or how much time you've already played   so let's do a 180. Skyrim doesn't railroad  players into a certain playstyle or into   certain regions however it does give you a clear  path for leveling up your character advancing the   storyline and exploring the world as I mentioned  before I've played a lot of achievement or level   driven games and there's a reason I love them  even if I do get burnt out man when that sweet   dopamine hits as your progress bar moves up and  the numbers get bigger I'm like a lab rat with a   meth lever [Music] without these systems in place  games can often feel pointless to me I've spent   a lot of time building things in Minecraft I've  explored hundreds of caves built dozens of bases   and deep dived into Redstone creation mumbo jumbo  style but I usually stop playing after thinking   what's next sometimes having your imagination be  the limit can be well limiting Skyrim is not going   to spoon feed you content but there's always an  obvious way to progress the game the perk system   allows for a wide range of builds it forces you  to make conscious decisions about the type of   character you want to play it gives you something  to work toward and later on down the road when   you've settled into a rhythm the quick Dragon  kills in Dungeon clears feel like the results   of careful decision making and not just the  game taking it easy on you shouts are a great   way of adding another layer of magic to all combat  types they can turn the tide of a battle and make   you feel like an absolute Beast not to mention  the pure joy of fusro dying Lydia into Oblivion there are so many shouts out there  and they give you reason to delve   into Dungeons and to scour the lands or  dragons there's something so refreshing   about the sound of capturing a  dragon soul and unlocking a shout foreign exploration is part of the progression once you  get close enough to a named location it shows up   on your map so you can get to it after you've  exported you can come back anytime via fast   travel the game keeps track of dungeons you've  cleared so you don't have to repeat content   it all works together to give you a sense of  accomplishment in the natural course of the game quests are simple to follow so you don't need  to pull up a Wiki I'm looking at you old school   RuneScape and you can easily switch between them  or stop paying attention altogether something I   don't see mentioned often enough is the balance  of the quest to interconnectedness if quests are   too interconnected and rely on the completion of  Prior quests that severely Limits The Player's   agency not to mention that each choice introduced  into a quest makes it exponentially more difficult   for the devs imagine if there were 16 more quests  after Civil War finished that's 16 quests you have   to write taking into account the fact that the  player could have picked either the Stormcloaks   or the Imperials now imagine that every four  quests another major Choice introduced doubling   the number of paths and the amount of content  needed by the end of the 16 quests you have two   by two by two by two multiplied by the two Civil  War endings which is 32 total endings if my math   is correct as you can see things quickly get out  of hand sure you can weave choices back into a   Common Thread or just have fewer major decisions  but then the player feels like they're having less   of an impact even if you don't have any choices  creating 16 direct quests limits how many the   the player has access to you can't start part  14 without doing the other 13. however if you   split that into four separate quest lines you now  have four options for the player to choose from   instead of just doing one after the other the  opposite end of the spectrum is probably worse   from a developmental standpoint it's simpler  to have hundreds of one-off quests that don't   have any prerequisites you can add four endings to  every Quest without having it trickle down to any   others but this comes at the cost of a potentially  disjointed experience where there are no long-term   Stakes cohesive story lines or dynamic characters  Skyrim balances this well by having several long   Loosely connected storylines that span multiple  entries locations and characters you have the   main quests the companions the Thieves Guild the  Dark Brotherhood Dawnguard Dragonborn the college   Winterhold the Civil War the Daedric quests and  more there are big decisions along the way that   will carry weight and affect that particular  storyline but those decisions rarely shut you   out from other content since they're usually made  near the end because of the large number of quest   lines as well as a massive catalog of one-offs  players can find quests anywhere they look even   if they haven't done a ton of prerequisite  all that to say is Skyrim has a remarkably   Broad and balanced range of quests which make  progression natural and engaging marvelous the level as you play System the Elder Scrolls  games are known for makes every aspect of the   game rewarding an interconnected economy  and Skilling system give the player clear   direction for gear and result in satisfying  upgrades even without exploits that give you   a carrying capacity of a 585 357. overall  this game knows how to incentivize its   players organically with gratifying rewards and  that sense of accomplishment goes a long way to   make the game feel less like an empty world and  more like a place of endless possibility [Music]   I'm sure it's kind of crazy how much stuff you  can interact with in Skyrim most of us already   have an inventory full of mostly useless crap  by the time we exit Helgen I mean who could   resist all that free stuff lying around it shows  you the value right there I'm definitely going   to use all the food and candlesticks in bone  meal I'm collecting right but seriously Skyrim   lets you pick up like everything even things  that seem decorative can often be cut down or   Foos rodat away like this dangling dead skiver  the devs referred to adding all these items as   cluttering the world but I prefer the term  populating it makes the game feel lived in   you can pick plants and take animal hides for  crafting gear or brewing potions and if you're   like me and can't be bothered to make a single  potion you can always tell the materials to Bella   Thor because in Skyrim everything's for sale my  friend everything it's not just the items that   provide lots of options to interact the NPCs are  also highly engaging sure some of them spout the   same quotes at you every time but I appreciate  that everyone will stop and talk to you most   of them have multiple dialogue options and even  the ones that don't will at least say something   before moving on do you get to the Cloud District  very often oh what am I saying of course you don't   this may seem trivial to longtime players  especially since we have most of those lines   memorized by now but when you play a game that  lacks the same level of integration it becomes   painfully obvious take Harry Potter Legacy  for example a great game in general from what   I hear but a big complaint I hear is that you  can't really talk much to other students it's a   jarring experience Skyrim spoiled Us by giving us  a vibrant world full of characters that are just   living their lives and I love that I love talking  to an NPC I haven't seen before especially when   I realized they actually have a quest for me  you make sure the log tips you when it gets it   sometimes when I play Skyrim I feel like Simba  talking to his dad everything the sun touches   is a place where I can wander discover conquer  and plunder see a mountain climb it see a castle   raid it prancing deer hunt it favorite NPC marry  them shipwreck swim there nothing is for show it's   all there for you to explore Loot and engage with  speaking of choices character creation is one of   my favorite aspects of an RPG and I instantly  miss it in games like Red Dead Redemption 2   Kingdom Come deliverance and The Witcher 3. I  get why they have you play through a specific   character but for me I'll always pick customizing  my guy if given the option I probably spent more   time in the Skyrim character creator than half  the games in my Xbox Library there are Endless   Options and each one gives you a unique feel  starting the game this brute of an orc plays   differently than my dark elf build even though  they're very similar technically aside from a   few starting stats a perk and a power Skyrim lets  you do more than just create disgusting looking   characters you can build giant houses with rooms  for Alchemy enchanting storage and more there are   countless pieces of armor and clothing to make  mix and match I mean how sick do I look you can   adopt kids and turn stray dogs hungry skivers  spiders and foxes into companions who can get   married and have your spouse run a business for  you you can buy different horses turn yourself   into a vampire turn yourself into a werewolf and  so much more all these small decisions and options   lead to a character that feels fully fleshed out  and really yours no one else has made all these   exact customizations you have the difference  between a massive empty world and a vibrant   open world is the ability to interact it doesn't  matter how ambient and beautiful the mountains and   forests and plains are if you can't engage in any  meaningful way in a words Skyrim gives you total   freedom it's one of the many qualities that bring  us back to the game over and over again [Music]   by the way thanks for watching this video my  channel is still new so your support means a   lot I make videos about movies shows books and  video games if you'd like to see more from me   you're more than welcome to subscribe  or even turn on the notification Bell   whatever you decide to do I really appreciate  your time now let's get back to the video   there are some great game franchises out there but  I don't think any can match the lore of the Elder   Scrolls games Skyrim is the fifth installment in  this series and at this point the rich in-game   history is built into the DNA of these games I  don't think I can overstate how deep this goes   if you have a free 25 hours fudge Muppet has over  100 videos diving into specific topics of the lore   Imperial knowledge has a bunch of great videos  as well including some for beginners if you're   interested in learning more it makes sense that  these channels Thrive when you look at the source   material with over 10 official games multiple  game guides dozens of in-game books countless   developer interviews and two novels there's plenty  of material to sift through I'm no lore buff but   I know there's a massive community of people  who love diving into this world not unlike the   Middle Earth or we love time communities so if you  want to discuss the details of how individuals who   have achieved Kim are able to become amaranth  and create their own dream reality you'll have   plenty of people who are more than willing on  Reddit even if you don't care all that much   about the history of Tamriel prior to Skyrim the  lore still enhances your gameplay the region of   Skyrim itself was conceived all the way back at  the start of the first game Elder Scrolls Arena   the whole Nordic Vibe is a result of this lore  Alduin and his apocalyptic return is mentioned in   Morrowind so we can thank that tidbit for the main  plot of the game the different races are a result   of an evolving larger storyline they look and talk  and act differently because of these Origins for   example the Orcs are scattered throughout Skyrim  in strongholds but they don't have any cities   here or in other regions and haven't managed to  conquer significant land because in short their   entire race is the result of a curse their violent  nature often provoked the other races to band   together against them to suppress their growth  some of the game's best quest lines and content   are iterations on the previous games the Thieves  Guild has appeared in every game since Daggerfall   their Dark Brotherhood has been around since  the start though you couldn't join them until   later on in the series Morrowind introduced the  ability to join the blades Daedric quests we've   had those since Daggerfall heck even sweet roles  have been in the game since Arena let me guess   someone stole your sweet roll that distinctly  free feeling in Skyrim is something every other   Scrolls game has worked to increase in fact every  mechanic in this game is the result of iterating   on the genre for well over a decade sure not every  game gets better in every aspect but there's no   denying that Skyrim is the result of a studio  with strong arpg DNA working year after year to   make great games the experience of the studio  the vast lore and the successful iterations of   its predecessors all make Skyrim immeasurably  better I can't imagine a new studio or even an   experienced Studio making a new franchise creating  something as intricate deep and whole as Skyrim   in my opinion mods get too much credit for  Skyrim's success I've played hundreds of hours on   the PC Xbox 360 Xbox One and Xbox series X vanilla  versions and I never felt like the game was   missing anything mods helped the game stay fresh  and can really enhance the player's experience   but they aren't by any means a necessity if  you are into that sort of thing Bethesda has   done a good job of making sure that mods are  easy to access even on consoles a lot of them   add better lighting more customization options  texture variations improved animations a better   UI and other visual changes or audio changes  my personal favorite is the project Pew mod for new players cosmetic changes might  be important but what really interests   me are mods that add quest lines or gameplay  options ever wondered what it would be like to   start Skyrim as something other than a prisoner  alternate start lets you pick from a bunch of   different options to begin your game like being  a hunter or getting attacked and Left 4 Dead if   you want an in-depth Quest where you escort  a caravan of Khajiit back to their Homeland   give moonpath to elsewhere a shot you can add  weapons and armor with dozens of different mods   or rebuild Helgen with the fully voiced Helgen  reborn mod there are countless mods that add   hundreds of hours of brand new content to the  game if you're worried about the quality of   this content just look at the Forgotten city mod  it won awards for its writing and eventually got   turned into its own indie game if that doesn't  speak to the quality of many of these mods I'm   not sure what will there are a ton of channels  and blogs that dive really deep into Mods but   I'm not going to get into it here I do think  it was worth mentioning the vibrant modding   Community has really helped this game and  many mods add that extra little cherry on top   Blackreach The Headless Horseman ants crawling  along tree stumps and Little Critters like   butterflies what do these all have in common  their additions to Skyrim that weren't in the   original schedule created by passionate devs  who just wanted to give the game a little extra   life according to Joel Burgess who we heard from  earlier less than 100 people worked on Skyrim for   perspective roughly 500 people worked on cyberpunk  and breath of the wild had around 300 people at   its peak it's clear from interviews that the Elder  Scrolls 5 devs loved what they did and who they   got to do it with they genuinely cared about this  project competed to make each other better gave   it the role and took it upon themselves to make  the experience as immersive as possible for every   player it was never about like what I drew or what  I modeled or what I added it was always about like   what can we give to the player what can we do  collectively to just make this better than it was   going to be with each one of our additional steps  on there the ants you can thank Mark tier for that   no one asked him to do it and when he pitched  it in a meeting after already having completed   the work the reception was meh but listen to how  he describes his thought process you have like a   very very interested in participatory audience  and they'll find your thing that you love then   you put in and they'll make something of it and  enjoy it this is just you know tickling an itch   for me but I bet you someone else will like this  Jonah Loeb a character artist who just wanted the   world to feel alive and full of Promise pushed  the idea of a criticism her criticism pushed the   idea of a critter system and tell developer Sean  simono I know I said that wrong but I promise I   practice first until he decided to create it  as a side project it's because of these two   taking initiative that the game has fireflies and  butterflies and moths and other Little Critters   that help our subconscious connect to the game and  what about Blackreach a whole area of the world a   fan favorite area at that wouldn't exist without  Nate porcupine and Joe Burgess quote sneaking it   in I mean a lot of people know about it now but  we did effectively sneak it in then there's my   personal favorite The Headless Horseman Justin  Schramm created a character who spawns randomly   in the world and then rides at full speed to ham  Beer's rest his grave site I love seeing the smile   on this guy's face as he describes his creation  it's the simple little dumb thing but I'm so proud   of it there are so many little pieces of the game  added in by countless passionate developers the   eventual cumulative effect of everyone who worked  on this game giving it their best effort to add   just a little extra to the game is one that  feels whole lived in beautiful even [Music]   one of my favorite things on YouTube is a 10  hour long Skyrim Ambience video that I throw   on in the background while I'm at work it makes  the day better to have that music going to see   the calming Skyrim night sky shining at me while  I write code every so often I'll scroll through   the comments you have people who are homesick for  a place they've never been people like me who have   never really found a game to match this and others  who just miss simpler times as I mentioned before   life is much more complicated now for just about  everyone than it was 10 years ago it's challenging   to deal with bills and car maintenance fees and  debt and aging parents and health problems and   financial downturn and all of these factors make  it harder to find time to relax sometimes when we   do have time it's a challenge to just let go for  years Skyrim has been the perfect way for me to   do exactly that I come in knowing that I'm going  to enter fantasy world where I can do anything   and be anyone usually that anyone is just a guy  wandering the tundra looking at the sky in trees   stumbling across little Shacks or a small quests  to help NPCs it's a place where I can unwind where   I bring no expectations except that it's going to  be fun and that the game will bring something new   and exciting if only I give it a little time if  you go to the same place over and over to relax   and you find the calmness or the adventure or  excitement or exploration you're looking for it   becomes easier and easier to find because you've  already gone down that neural pathway dozens of   times before with Limitless Freedom the unending  content Rich lore countless quality mods and a   thoughtfully crafted World things stay fresh for  years if the game starts to feel stale you can   just start over again with a new build or it comes  to worse you can give it a break for a few months   or years but you'll be back because when we play  this game we enter a certain State of Mind One of   expectation filled with memories knowing that this  game all these years later still has more to offer oh no to answer my earlier question I  haven't been able to find another game   I enjoy as much as Skyrim because it's a  one-of-a-kind game that perfectly aligns   with my preferences You could argue that Red  Dead Redemption 2 and The Witcher 3 do some   of the things I mentioned in this video even  better than Skyrim but I'll never like those   games as much because of my personal taste  all of Skyrim's mechanics and lore and world   and stories combine to make a game that is  objectively good that I subjectively think   is the greatest game of all time if you're  still watching this probably resonates with   you luckily for us the game isn't going anywhere  and we can always hope that we'll still be alive   in 2088 when the Elder Scrolls 6 comes out  until then I'll just be here playing Skyrim foreign ly awake you were trying to  cross the border right walk   right into that Imperial Ambush same as us beef
Channel: Caleb A. Robinson
Views: 263,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls v, elder scrolls 6, elder scrolls vi, special, irreplaceable, gaming, stories, quests, experience, gameplay, best games
Id: fRvrG6o6KrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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