Top 20 SNL Impressions Done in Front of the Actual Person

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well in case I don't see you good afternoon good evening and good night welcome to Miz Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 SNL Impressions done in front of the actual person did you know I smoked Salvia you know well there's no reason why you wouldn't because it's totally legal yo for this list we're looking at the funniest and most impressive Impressions performed on Saturday Night Live in front of the celebrity in question which of these do you think is the most impressive let us know in the comments below number 20 Dana Carvey as George HW Bush the 41st president of the United States was a popular Target on Saturday Night Live particularly from comedian Dana Carvey look no one knows what the hell that means and I wrote it and I don't even know uniter not divider let's review our strategy today between 1987 and 2000 Carvey impersonated Bush a total of 39 times and during the episode of October 22nd 1994 he performed his famous impersonation in front of bush himself during the episode's cold open Carvey was interrupted and informed that the real Bush was on the line he he's here now yeah should I put him through uh all right put him in D George Bush here I'm watching you do your impression of me and I got to say it's nothing like me the two then argued about about the merits of carvey's impression before Bush threatened to watch Tales from the Crypt instead but I'm going to warn you I'm a channel Surfer and as the sketches get long I'm going to flip right over to Tales from the CP it's always fun to see a president with a sense of humor not to mention one who can laugh at himself and his idiosyncrasies number 19 Bill hater as Dave Matthews the season 35 episode taking place on November 21st 2009 included Dave Matthews Band as the musical guest celebrate the occasion Matthews performed in the Mellow show sketch as Aussie Osborne please welcome Mr aie Osborne opposite him was Bill hater playing Matthews hater hilariously impersonates Matthew's speaking voice before launching into a winning parody of his music so Dave I understand you have a new song for us I sure do Jack it's called chicken panina I got a chicken panina [Music] but the real star here is Matthews himself he is surprisingly great as Osborne both in the quality of his impression and his comedic ability he also had the wonderful ability to poke fun at himself by referencing his distinctive voice and haters Meek recoiling of fear what doesn't scare Dave Matthews I mean look at him he his stupid face and his and his stupid feet and his voice makes me want to throw up in my hands number 18 Vanessa Bayer as Miley Cyrus the Miley Cyrus show was a recurring sketch on Saturday Night Live that saw Vanessa Bayer playing Cyrus and hosting a talk show it's m so this is just like my show where I like talk to people are pretty cool and we like talk about things I think are pretty cool and yeah various notable celebrities have starred in the sketch including Anne Hathaway and Jeff Bridges on March 5th 2011 Cyrus herself appeared playing Justin Bieber she is an incredibly good sport even though Bayer is performing with a greatly exaggerated version of her voice so Justin what have you been up to lately you know I'm just just chilling right now wink N Point wow Bayer also mockingly references Cyrus's use of salvia which she infamously used in December of 2010 just 3 months before this episode aired the sketch even has an extra layer of metah humor as Jason sedus impersonates Miley's father Billy Ray Cyrus as the talk show band leader you are so special baby girl thanks Dad number 17 Abby Elliott as Zoe desel while she's mostly grown out of it by now Zoe deel had a reputation throughout the late 2000s as a downto earth quirky girl hey girl I'm Zoe deel and my soul was born in 1901 this element of Deschanel's personality was parody in the SNL sketch be and Corky with Zoe disel which saw Abby Elliott playing the titular star on the episode of February 11th 2012 dishel herself appeared on the sketch playing Mary Kate Olsen Hey Zoe I haven't seen you since we both tried to pick the same Wildflower she takes Elliot's spot- on impression on the chin as she Nails de Chanel's vocal inflections folksy musical style and unique expression so Mary Kate where do you get your quirky inspiration that's actually my next tip Zoe you can draw inspiration from past Generations it must be hard keeping a straight face while someone makes fun of your eccentricities but disel pulls it off number 16 Vanessa Bayer as Rachel green/ Jennifer Aniston throughout her tenure on Saturday Night Live Vanessa Bayer earned a reputation as one of the show's greatest Impressionists one of her most popular bits was impersonating Rachel Green Jennifer Aniston's iconic character from friends here to comment is Rachel from [Applause] Friends yeah hi oh Colin yeah hi during one weekend update segment Bayer appeared as green conducting a new segment on '90s Nostalgia the impression was simply incredible and this was made obvious when Jennifer Aniston made a surprise Cameo Vanessa Vanessa what are you doing what oh what hi wait can you just can you just drop that for a second the greatest bit is when Aniston and beay synchronize while performing Rachel's mannerisms as they sound exactly alike at one point they even say what at the exact same time and it harmonizes like a beautiful piece of music number 15 John balushi as Joe Cocker throughout his career musician Joe Cocker was known mostly for two things his bizarre movements on stage and his grally Blues voice SNL icon John balushi Nails them both Belushi's impression of cocker was well known throughout the industry you [Music] [Applause] me [Music] I Paul McCartney asked Belushi to perform as Cocker at a birthday party and Cocker told Rolling Stone that he thought Belushi was lipsyncing upon first hearing the impression the co-performed feeling all right on October 2nd 1976 and it was like watching someone strut around in front of a [Music] mirror not only were they dressed alike but Belushi proved uncanny as Cocker this musical impression is a legendary bit of SNL history number 14 will Ferell as Janet Reno SNL loves to poke fun at politicians and and Janet Reno was no different Reno was the first female Attorney General of the United States serving from 1993 to 2001 now it's time for a segment of the show that I like to call team talk where I roll up my sleeves and shoot straight with the kids of today Reno was far more high-profile than her predecessors and will frell became known for his hilarious Reno impression on Saturday Night [Music] Live he continuously starred as the Attorney General in a segment called Janet Reno's dance party which saw Reno dancing with a group of teenagers in a basement It's Time to Say Goodbye I guess the dance party is finally over for once in [Music] all however frell was going more for parody than outright impression telling the Washington Post quote I just sound the way she looks I like your dress Janet thanks Janet I like your too Reno appeared on SNL on her last day as attorney general appearing for a dance party alongside Ferell to Wild Applause from the audience what do you do when you get sad I Just Dance now hit it number 13 will frell as Alex tbec this late great host of Jeopardy always had a good sense of humor even when the subject was himself tbec appeared in two episodes of Saturday Night Live including the May 18th 2002 episode in which he appeared opposite will Ferell impersonating him and so this was the Final Jeopardy frell had become famous for his impression of tbec in a recurring skit called Celebrity Jeopardy like his impression of Janet Reno frell is going more for parody than outright impression remaining in his own voice but dressing as the famous Jeopardy host complete with his iconic mustache those celebrities did not know the right answer to any of your questions no they didn't not they were very stupid W you got that right unfortunately tbec had shaved his mustache by this point as he proved when he walked out to escort Ferell from the podium two TCS I feel like I'm in a raan brand commercial two scoops of fruit back off Conor I don't have to take that from you number 12 Mike Myers as Mick Jagger it's amazing to consider that even amidst the slew of talent found on early '90s SNL M Jagger stands out as an impressionist Master Jagger was the musical guest for the episode airing on February 6th 1993 and he appeared in The Weekend Update segment alongside Mike Myers it's outrageous man all right it's outrageous Keith all the dude wants to do is ride a bloody too man Myers impeccably impersonated Jagger while Jagger was portraying his Rolling Stones bandmate Keith Richards Myers's MC Jagger is hilarious even if it's a little overly cartoony he EX exaggerates many of Jagger's traits including his chicken arms squinted eyes and pouty lips you going a sing go with a G thing you got a Silling go with the and while the impression is solid modern viewers can't help but compare his MC Jagger character to Austin Powers they're essentially the exact same thing number 11 Jim Brewer as Joe peshy this iconic American actor may be the nicest guy on the planet but he will forever be linked to his intense gangster characters like Tommy DeVito and Nikki Santoro I'm going to take this it's okay okay yeah bring it back though you know case in point the recurring SNL segment the Joe peshi show hey everyone I'm Joe pesy in which Jim Brewer played a violent and easily offended peshi who often loses his temper and assaults his talk show guests oh Joe I'm just kidding I know you do more than beat up people oh no I don't during the April 12 1997 episode peshi and Robert dairo made surprise Cameo appearances in the sketch telling Brewer that his impression is both offensive and misleading peshi informed Brewer I'm actually a very calm laidback person before viciously beating him with the prop weapon first thing you have to do is you take the bat you hit him in the knees number 10 the entire cast as Jim Carrey this legendary comedian and his various mannerisms are ripe for impression thankfully fans get a lot of them in this family reunion sketch this is a gold mine for any Carri fan featuring a slew of great impressions and Recreations of all his popular characters when did you grow into a man well I started growing in high school and stopped right around here Taran kilum kicks things off with a spot-on impression that has Carri subduing laughter and various players show up doing the likes of Ace Ventura the Cable Guy and The Mask but perhaps the greatest part is when Jeff Daniels shows up as Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber Grandpa Lloyd you never look better oh boy we're proud of you Jimbo you're probably having a blast with all them Hollywood movies Not only was it touching to see them reunited but viewers could tell that Carrie was legitimately shocked and happy to see his old co-star number nine Eddie Murphy as Stevie Wonder Eddie Murphy is an enormously talented man so talented in fact that he teaches Stevie Wonder how to do a Stevie Wonder impression I know Stevie Wonder Man and he's like you have to mellow out when you do Stevie too tense the episode of May 7th 1983 aired a sketch in which Murphy plays a music producer coaching a Stevie Wonder impersonator For an upcoming event of course the impersonator is actually played by Wonder himself adding another layer of Comedy to the whole routine then you got to you got to loosen up see and you got to move your hands you got to go like see like listen to me watch this okay my sh more lovely as a summer day the impersonator isn't very good prompting Murphy to coach him on W's voice and mannerisms it's a great bit of back and forth and it proves especially funny as Wonder does an intentionally poor version of himself that is until he shows everyone the true extent of his talent my sh pretty little one I you're the only girl heart number eight Jimmy Fallon as Barry Gibb an icon of disco Barry Gibb is well known as a member of the BS perhaps the most famous aspect of Gibb's music is his falsetto voice which is often parodied in popular culture for example Jimmy Fallon did a great impression on the recurring SNL segment the Barry Gibb talk show he tonight Barry's guests are in [Music] former California recall candidate Ariana Huffington politics Fallon played the titler host and he was accompanied by Justin Timberlake playing Barry's brother Robin the sketch went out with a bang on December 21st 2013 when the real Barry Gibb joined Fallon in Timberlake for a brief [Music] [Applause] performance it was all in good fun if over a little too quickly it certainly seemed like Gibb was having a good time and it's clear that he was enjoying Fallon's impression number seven Sher oot ter as Judge Judy after finding Success With The Comedy troop the Groundlings alongside Chris Katan and Will frell Sher otar was hired as a repor performer on SNL for the 1995 96 season she remained on the show for 5 years in that time otari became quite famous for her celebrity Impressions one of which was television Legend Judge Judy look at me okay I'll take a pig to the butcher when I want to eat baloney okay Judy shinin Cameo on SNL on October 17th 1998 appearing in a sketch that saw otari impersonating the famous TV judge I seen enough Sherry get up but I'm get your bony ass out of my chair get up Midway through the skit Judge Judy appeared to rapturous Applause and tapped o ter on the shoulder telling her to get her bony ass out of the chair so the real judge can take over you keep your trap shut and get a life and take over she did proving a great sport in the process court rules in favor of the plaintiff now Sher let's go talk about those eyebrows it wasn't my idea number six Jimmy Fallon as Jerry Seinfeld Fallon is indeed an incredible impressionist complete with a surprisingly huge arsenal of celebrities and taking the Counterpoint is former television star Jerry Seinfeld okay thanks Colin thanks a lot buddy after impressing Lauren Michaels with his audition valon debuted on SNL in September of 19 1998 one year later he was doing an impression of Jerry Seinfeld in front of Jerry Seinfeld Jerry what are you talking about I love the guy the two star together in a weekend update segment with Fallon dressed like Seinfeld Fallon could barely get through his opening lines without laughing but he did manage to compose himself and perform one of the all-time great Jerry Seinfeld Impressions we're going to dress you up in a vest we're going to dress you up in a vest we're going to dress you up in a vest close your eyes and listen it's hard to tell who's who I know I'm kidding I know you're kidding I know you're kidding about me kidding I'm kidding want to go see a movie yeah's go number five cast members as Adam Sandler now one of the biggest movie stars in the world Adam Sandler got his start on Saturday Night Live in the early '90s nearly 25 years after its firing Sandler returned to host and starred in a skit called Sandler Family Reunion well hello Mr Hollywood big shot this skit had the cast doing impressions of Sandler and his characters these included some absolutely killer Impressions from Pete Davidson as Little Nikki excuse me may I have everyone's attention please hello Sanders Melissa via seor as Bobby bu I I see that big on the big old screen and I said I said hey hey that's me up there now no no no and Jimmy Fallon whose absolutely amazing impression caused Sandler to break character fun fact Fallon actually originally auditioned for SNL by doing an impression of Sandler for Lauren Michaels the notoriously stoic Michaels broke down and laughed and we can see why 1 2 three number four Amy polar as Hillary Clinton this politician has long been a subject of SNL Impressions with Kate McKinnon of course doing an admirable job hey bartender keep them coming but Amy po will forever Remain the queen of the Hillary Clinton impression I'm glad to be here thanks for having me oh you thank you for coming I love your outfit polar had been doing a Clinton impression for years and she performed it face Toof face with Clinton herself on the March 1st 2008 episode of Saturday Night Live Well I love you outfit but I do want the earrings back oh okay Clinton appeared during the episode's cold open when she was a candidate in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary do I really laugh like that after Clinton referenced polar's famous impression polar came on stage and proved that she is one of the best in the biz number three Andy Samberg as Nicholas Cage on the February 11th 2012 episode of Saturday Night Live Andy Samberg starred opposite Nicholas Cage in a weekend update segment subtitled get in the cage with Nicholas Cage and Nicholas Cage please join me in welcoming Nicholas Cage and Nicholas Cage like the Seinfeld Fallon segment Samberg appeared dressed the same as cage complete with a hilarious receding hairline well good evening Nick you're looking very well tonight it's very kind of you Nick you look great too the skit had Nicholas Cage playing a clone of Nicholas Cage so that he can appear in every movie ever made okay as everyone knows my dream as an actor is to appear in every film ever released however until now I've only been able to muster aasly 90% yes Andy Samberg was playing the real Nicholas Gage confused it doesn't really matter I sorry cloning experiment well that's exactly right Seth I am his clone all that mattered was samberg's hilarious impression this Nick is calm and stealthy like a ninja warrior whereas this Nick is an exaggerated screaming psychopath and Cage's expressionless face as he absolutely refused to break character that's High Praise number two Tina Fay as Sarah Palin Tina Fay will forever be admired for her eerily spot-on impression of Sarah Palin good evening my fellow Americans they starred as Palin throughout the 2008 presidential election campaign pain with a sketch of her and Amy polar as Hillary Clinton becoming a massive internet sensation she would return to that well again and again on SNL and now I'd like to entertain everybody with some fancy pageant walking Palin actually appeared in the cold open of the October 18th 2008 episode alongside Lauren Michaels watching FaZe impression on TV yes but it it's obviously a heightened reality why couldn't we have done the 30 Rock sketch that I wrote honestly not enough people know that show she told Michaels that the impression was not realistic before being approached by Alec Baldwin who jokingly mistook her for Tina Fay they call her What's that name they call her Cara Cara what do they call her again Tina uh that'd be Caribou Barbie Caribou Barbie thank you Tina we can see how the mistake was made the resemblance really is uncanny and I must say your brother Steven is my favorite Baldwin brother before we unveil our top pick here are some honorable mentions Alec Baldwin as Tony Bennett the kuner loved this take you know you're a real Prince let me on this show this guy can wear the heck out of a suit don't you know you no SLS either Justin Timberlake Andy Samberg and Bobby moan as Beyonce a hilarious take on the iconic Single Ladies Dance Justin Timberlake as Jimmy Fallon Timberlake does Fallon on Family Feud there's a lot of good answers there Jimmy Fallon which one y'all going to pick so many great answers so many we're so great so great my man Jay Pharaoh as Kevin Hart Pharaoh plays Hart's son now here's the thing there's no way he's my son yeah here's the thing mom let me explain first of all uh this is not my dad it's a waste of my damn time that's what it is okay before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications Number One cast members as Christopher Walkin the legendary Christopher Walkin has perhaps the most distinct voice in Hollywood and has long been the subject of hilarious celebrity Impressions Christopher I can't believe you made it like Adam Sandler Walkin was the subject of a family reunion skit in which multiple cast members showed off their Impressions I recall we stole the ice sculpture I wonder what happened to it I don't know it probably melted the skit got off to a great start with the Fantastic Bill hater and remained consistently entertaining throughout John is that you or do my eyes deceive me it's really me you remember my kids Maxine and Scott some of the Impressions were genuinely great like the one from Jason sedus and others were hilariously sincere and also surprisingly spot-on like Amy Po's impersonation because I hate ghosts they're spooky and I don't respond well to Spooky Behavior it is a hilarious tribute to one of SNL's greatest and most prolific guest hosts let's all go over to the bar and get a drink everything in moderation you're driving driving no I'm walking do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from M Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 2,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Sitcom, Streaming, TV, adam sandler, amy poehler, andy samberg, christopher walken, hillary clinton, impressions, jim carrey, list, mojo, nicolas cage, sarah palin, saturday night live, saturday night live impressions, snl, snl impressions, snl impressions done in front of actual person, snl impressions in front of real person, tina fey, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: Fh3mDU8Vjws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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