7 Times You Thought You Were Done But You Were Just Getting Started

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there's nothing worse in video games than thinking you've completed your objective only to find out the goal posts have moved except maybe having that information relayed to you by toad [Music] yeah that's five times in a row now toad how about you tell me which castle your mushroom sadly all too often video games will make it seem like you're done when in fact you've got a whole heap of work still ahead of you here are seven times video games did just that enjoy and beware spoilers ahead for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Castlevania Symphony of the Night casts you as Dracula's son a new card which is Dracula backwards it's generally considered one of the best games of all time so I can't wait to introduce it to my son ich in your job as alia card is to track down vampire hunter and hero of the previous game Richter Belmont who has been brainwashed by one of count Dracula's disciples a dark priest called shaft so you are the one who is controlling Belmont yes shaft no relation to the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about no.1 Garfield book and it's just all you here Richter is up at the top of Dracula's castle in the throne room but to get there you'll have to explore this huge gothic fortress unlocking new abilities in order to reach different areas as you go you can watch your game completion percentage satisfyingly creeped up to 100 percent as you explore every room in the castle on your way to the final confrontation with Richter I have been waiting for you that's why it's a bit of a shock when it's revealed that Dracula has another second Castle and that's where shaft is hiding no time for small talk is the person who controlled you in that castle over there you supposed to be a vampire Lord Dracula not a real estate mogul this second castle is actually an inverted version of the same castle you just spent hours navigating exactly the same size but where everything is upside-down and the rooms are filled with different item enemy and boss placements on a pissed-off Dracula or element gym which is Dracula upside down Dracula in the name of my mother I will defeat you again [Music] this is a bit of a nasty shop when you thought you were already a whisker away from a hundred percent completion instead if you want to fully complete the game you'll need to visit every room in the second castle as well and get to hundred point six percent which is absolutely not how percentages are supposed to work this is false advertising it should have called it castles Vania okay what what do you think you're talking about I'm sorry about your daughter but there isn't gonna be any rescue we have to get out of here resident evil 3 nemesis tells the story of original resident evil hero Jill Valentine who is trying to escape Raccoon City in search of more sensible clothes standing in Jill's way are both hordes of zombies and the Nemesis of the title a hulking monstrous bioweapon armed with a rocket launcher whose hobbies include murder and saying the word stars a lot throughout the early part of the game you have two main objectives one make it to the Clocktower to ring the bell which will summon a rescue helicopter and to try to avoid the nemesis so you don't end up like the last helicopter pilot you met yeah that's for abandoning us at the start of resident evil one dead eventually after loads of zombies monsters and exciting cable car accidents you make it to the Clocktower and ring the bell at which point things get very good ending everything's in slow motion and soft focus there are lots of slow cross dissolves and Jill is saying a bunch of stuff that's gonna sound really stupid if this turns out not to be the end of the game its spoiler alert it's not did I mention the nemesis is armed with a rocket launcher yeah turns out you're not even halfway done and just to make things worse the nemesis infects you with the t-virus so now not only do you have to find a new way to get out of the city you also have to cure yourself of this deadly virus that has turned everyone else in town into a zombie okay Jill now you're sick you should definitely wear something a bit warmer what's the use of that sweater if you're just going to wear around your waist that's not the only time the Resident Evil series has pulled this particular dick move for another example please regard the B scenario ending in Resident Evil 2 in both reservoir 2 and its recent remake you can play through the story with both playable characters in both an A and a B scenario in the original version this meant that Leon and Claire's stories took place in parallel with the things you did in your first playthrough having significant impact on your second playthrough in the remake that means that you both do exactly the same stuff even when that makes zero sense one of the things that you'll both do that makes zero sense is fight William Birkin over and over again Birkin is the scientist who created the G virus and then injected it into himself to stop umbrella getting their hands on it which worked in as much as it turned him into a terrifying eyeball monster because ain't nobody going near that you spend a good portion of the final third of the game absolutely wrecking Birkin smashing hit with magnums and renamed launchers launching him into pits with shipping containers and exploding all of his eyeballs with the kind of firepower you could use to win a small war in the a scenario you then board the emergency evacuation train and ride that thing the hell out of there bound for the credits and a results screen that c-come on Resident Evil in the B scenario however there's a lot more Birkin reel burqini up in here not only do you have to fight him again before you can get the train moving an event that is ominously foreshadowed by the fact that the train control cabin has a minigun in it for some reason but then your escape is rudely interrupted by more game and as ominous foreshadowing goes about the only thing worse than a minigun lying around it's a save typewriter positioned awkwardly in a train carriage this probably isn't a good sign Clare yep turns out it isn't game over just yet because guess who it's William Birkin again who has now transformed into his final form a sort of sentient cheese wedge made out of steak and teeth funny Leon didn't mention any of this in his a scenario ending guess he didn't think it was important oh well at least this time I definitely got up ok Resident Evil I see how it is if I was trying to escape an already haunted town I think the last place I'd want to go is a Haunted Mansion theme part right that's like double haunted and yet in Silent Hill 3 that's exactly what player character Heather does as she heads straight into a ride called ball II Haunted Mansion maybe she thought it said barely Haunted Mansion easy mistake to make the write itself is pretty weird and definitely less child friendly than Disney's version of the Haunted Mansion for example rather than a stretching gallery of fun changing paintings the first room is a grisly murder scene where four people were brutally killed well until the rides narrator decides that actually it isn't it was all a joke it's all just a joke what's wrong with why did the chicken cross the road then there's the actual corpse that falls from the ceiling which suggests that lakeside amusement park really burns through it's part-time summer staff he's gonna sell me overpriced churros now finally there's the room whereas white ceiling drops towards you narrowly missing the top of your head the mechanism is broken you see it wasn't supposed to stop there ah not the quality joking narrator there this guy is really wasted on the amusement park crowd there's the exit and that's it you think as you're directed towards the exit and presumably through the gift shop to browse the collectible pins and novelty mugs at your leisure but surprise in another one of the narrator's jokes it's not the exist at all and you're chased through the rest of the mansion by a cloud of fatal red mist struggling every step of the way with old-school survival horror controls no offense but this guy really needs to work on his comedy material didn't even have time to pick up on ride photo [Music] you [Music] if the Phoenix right games have taught me anything it's that being a lawyer is easy you just tap your notes point a lot and if things get really tough shout objection as loudly as you can also sometimes you get to interrogate a killer whale trouble is sometimes you can be too good at lawyering as happens in the second case in Phoenix Wright's trials and tribulations in which you are defending Ron delight a security guard accused of stealing a priceless urn in the guise of his alter ego the master thief mask starts in both damask I think I'm pronouncing that right this is no easy feat as all the evidence is against Ron and you're up against God Oh feared prosecutor and part-time Robocop cosplayer oh and also because Ron keeps confessing to the crime [Music] however with grit perseverance and yes shouting objection a lot you managed to categorically prove that Ron couldn't have been at the scene of the theft on the night of the crime because he was actually at a nearby office building so Ron is found not guilty everyone celebrates and you're getting ready for your wrap-up cutscene in which you all go for hamburgers when suddenly vice' face comes back in and announces that there's been a murder at the exact place that you just proved Ron delight was at the exact time you just proved Ron delight was there and that the victim was someone you just proved was blackmailing Ron delight establishing a cast-iron motive objection there usually works so despite having already won a not guilty verdict you have to now defend Ron against the much more serious charge of murder something which is a lot more complicated and time-consuming especially because the prosecutor keeps throwing boiling hot coffee in your face [Music] objection oh now that I do object to in banjo-kazooie for the n64 you play as the titular bear bird combo who are out to rescue banjo sister tootsie who has been kidnapped by which called gruntilda and I didn't even make any of those names up eventually after traveling across swamps caves mountains haunted mansions and forests Banjo and Kazooie finally faced off against gruntilda in a harrowing brutal quiz show worrying that right apparently I am because the prize is at the end of this quiz show include a plush grunty doll some kind of washing cauldron and yes banjo sister Tootie who to be fair is at least the grand prize banjo could use a washing machine though it's been wearing those same shorts this entire time regardless you have to take part in grunty's quiz answering questions about the game you've just played to move along the board answer enough correctly and you'll make it to the end rescue Tootie and then the game is over so you can sit back and watch the credits basking in the satisfaction of a job well done there's even a nice post-credit scene where banjo and his mates have a celebratory barbecue which is going super well until tutti wanders in and reminds you that you never actually properly defeated gruntilda who has received zero comeuppance for the whole aggravated kidnapping and deadly game show thing so it's back up spiral Mountain for the final boss fight bad luck still at least the boss fight is relatively straightforward and the actual final blow isn't struck by you but rather by this blue jinjo thing so your hands are clean which is just as well but this gruntilda is unceremoniously booted off this tower and then buried under a massive boulder [Music] it was the jinjo you all saw it double jeopardy you can't prosecute a bear and a bird for the same crime pretty sure that's what that means ten minutes to drop off hey at the beginning of Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater you're playing as a CIA agent called Naked Snake you're tasked with completing what the game calls the virtuous mission heading into the Soviet jungle to extract a defecting Soviet scientist called so Claude who has been developing a nuclear capable tank called the shagger hot for an hour or so things are going smoothly you find so glove break him out and are proceeding as planned to the extraction point now this is unusually straightforward and sensible for a Hideo Kojima game you think to yourself and then a grinning upside down man at the center of a cloud of supernatural Hornets levitate so plop into a helicopter and we're right back on track had me worried for a second married heir yes it turns out that your mentor the boss who's been guiding you along up to this point is actually claiming to be defecting herself and she's aligned herself with a bunch of boss fight' looking supernatural weirdos she then chokeslams you off a bridge and only then that the game's opening credits start to roll so yeah everything up to that point was just the game's prologue also you've now got a ton of injuries including numerous deep cuts a broken arm and a missing shirt so at least things can't get any worse can they oh they got worse thanks watching this video about the times that you thought you were done but actually you had more stuff to do and while you might think you're done with this video you actually have more stuff to do as well you have to watch more videos from us you don't have to just be nice be nice if you would politely asking so ok yeah I didn't realize we were being graded but how about guessing again labor isn't evil but up here is a video from us which is about x games stole all your stuff without even asking the horror and down here is a video from outside extra which is about stressful countdowns they're really stressed you out sound very relaxing but it's probably quite good and funny so maybe watch that thanks watching see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,248,394
Rating: 4.9352021 out of 5
Keywords: 7 things, outsidexbox, list, countdown, top 10, top 5, 5 things, 10 things, funny, ending, end, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, dracula, alucard, shaft, castle, second, resident evil 3, nemesis, helicopter, shot down, jill valentine, resident evil 2, william birkin, final form, true ending, silent hill 3, borley haunted mansion, phoenix wright, trials and tribulations, the stolen turnabout, banjo kazooie, gruntilda, final boss, metal gear solid 3, snake eater, sokolov, boss, betrayal
Id: mu_fjmsWqks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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