7 Surprising Real-World Things Games Made You Do

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the way you usually progress in a video game is by doing things and achieving goals inside the video game which suits me just fine because i'm pretty sure i couldn't lift a buster sword in real [Music] life there are a few video games however which extend their reach beyond the game and into the real world forcing you to go online touch physical objects or god forbid go outside in order to progress the game did we learn nothing from pokemon go i mean apart from how pidgey's a trash bird it's not even worth catching to grind up into candy that's a lesson for life here are seven surprising times we had to do things irl in order to progress in a video game enjoy emperor's spoilers ahead for the [Music] [Applause] following [Music] gorgeous pixel art puzzle game fez is like a zombie kitten it looks cute but give it half a chance and it will totally destroy your brain this unique platformer allowed you to rotate its 2d world in three dimensions with the left and right triggers forcing you into some serious mental gymnastics in order to solve puzzles and collect cube fragments what's more even if you'd wrapped your head around the central mechanic the game was more full of secrets than a cia shredder some of which required you to put down the controller and actually do stuff in the real world some of these mysterious puzzles involve deciphering a qr code for the uninitiated a qr code is a 2d barcode format that looks like a pixel art explosion and that is now mostly obsolete on account of how scanning one is a giant hassle and usually enters you into a mountain dew competition to win an afternoon snowboarding with sean white in fez however you might find a qr code on a wall or a treasure map and now it's just a simple case of getting out your phone in real life downloading a qr code reader if you don't have one already taking a photo of the qr code in the game putting that qr code into the reader and seeing what comes out still amazed these things weren't more popular in fez the qr code corresponded to text namely a sequence of lts and rts that form a code that you can enter with the left and right triggers input the code and you're rewarded with your elusive anti-cube so it was all worth it in the end qr codes might be fiddly arcane techno junk but at the time they were all the rage we should just be grateful fez came out before tiktok was a thing or we'd have to find our codes by cutting into things that are actually cake your reputation certainly precedes you agent ray i'll take that as a compliment agent reyes it's how it was intended i'm sure it was let's photograph the victim and head into town to talk to the local sheriff the body is starting to pixelate old school point and click adventure thimbleweed park started life as a kickstarter campaign asking fans of the genre to use money on internet to fund the game it's been our dream for years don't destroy our dream why are you mad at us what did we ever do to you as you would expect then everything about thimbleweed park is point-and-click fan service meant to evoke those classic old school adventures from the art style to the verb menu at the bottom of the screen to the bizarre moon logic puzzles that worked i have a blood sample makes sense what was a bit more avant-garde however was the plot of thimbleweed park in which the characters eventually discovered that they are trapped inside the adventure game you're playing to escape they must shut the game down by using a computer inside the original prototype version of thimbleweed park aka the video game that you are currently playing right now delete the world and end our existence yes it's the only way the developers keep rebooting us back into the same story over and over they will do anything to keep us from deleting the game to achieve this the character dolores is given a balloon animal and told that it is what she needs to shut down the game the only catch is that the game doesn't provide you with any information whatsoever about what to do with this balloon animal i can't tell you how to use it the developers deleted all my dialogue in the hopes of keeping it from you your only clue is back in the original kickstarter video everything you need is there instead you're told that your only clue is back in the original kickstarter video yes the original kickstarter video for thimbleweed park on the website kickstarter.com and very much not in the video game thimbleweed park which you are currently playing head to kickstarter using your real world internet computer and find the video in question which is six years old at this point and you'll realize that the very first thing that happens in it is that one of the characters uses a balloon animal on the corpse that we saw at the very start of the game [Music] do the same thing in the game and it will glitch you back to the prototype version seen in that kickstarter video with much more basic placeholder graphics no music and only one working puzzle which ends the game the second you complete it let's end this [Music] what do you do if you don't have internet access or if you don't know what kickstarter is or if kickstarter is down for maintenance i don't know maybe you could use the balloon animal on every single object in the entire game it's always worked before eventually that doesn't seem to work i might be a while come back to me [Music] game boy advance game boktai the sun is in your hand is absolutely not kidding with that title the sun bit i mean not the bok-tai bit i have no idea what that means [Music] the game is about a vampire hunter called jango who has a gun that fires bolts of sunlight and his enemies this solar gun is replenished not with in-game magic or ammo crates but with real-world sunlight from planet earth's real world sun aka the sun or tinkle [Music] this effect was achieved through the use of a photometric light sensor in bocti's translucent cartridge that detected uv rays so to keep your in-game gun charged up you'd have to go outdoors and treat the sensor to some sunshine if your solar-powered gun ran out of real-world sunshine you'd be in serious trouble because you were fighting vampires and the game had no way of detecting if in the real world you had whittled yourself some sharp wooden stakes or if you were say covered in garlic paste sunlight was the one thing the sensor could detect and so sunlight is what you had to go outside and get no excuses i don't care if it is night time a game that made you step outdoors to play was probably a positive thing overall for every child who got lost or kidnapped by sewer clowns while wandering around outside holding a game boy cartridge in the air there are probably two with healthy teeth and bones and no history of childhood rickets thanks to all the vitamin d they got trying to beat boktai so it evens out [Music] hotel dusk room 215 is what you'd get if some files got mixed up and someone accidentally adapted the music video for take on me by aha into a gritty noir detective thriller holding the nintendo ds upright like a book you play as former police detective kyle hyde who is trying to solve the mystery of his partner's disappearance a task you'll mostly achieve by exploring the hotel of the title solving puzzles talking to people and occasionally doing children's jigsaws [Music] early on in the game you find a single jigsaw piece with part of a message on the back the piece fits into this jigsaw of a rabbit that's clearly meant for children not that you'd know it by the unbelievably smug expression kyle pulls after solving it yes well done kyle it's clear after solving the jigsaw puzzle that the whole message should be readable on the back if you can flip the jigsaw over the problem is that there doesn't seem to be any way of doing that you're not so smug now are you kyle the solution here is to think three-dimensionally what you need to do is close your nintendo ds in real life bringing the left screen on which the puzzle is displayed down onto the right screen on which is displayed at bare table [Music] when you reopen the ds the left screen will now be empty and the jigsaw puzzle will be face down on the table on the right screen allowing you to read the message which it turns out is an ice cold goodbye from this little girl's mum who left her forever and that you've just devastatingly revealed to her carl maybe just keep the ds closed next time [Music] [Music] pressing the reset button on your own console in the middle of playing a game might sound like an act of extreme self-sabotage and it is except in the rare case of the 1993 sega genesis game named after based on and starring the x-men in this game the x-men's holographic training room aka the danger room has been infected by a computer virus which has deactivated all the safety features that stop the holograms from killing people in a scenario commonly known as every episode of star trek with the holodeck in it now you're stuck in the even more danger room and it's your job as one of the playable x-men to side-scroll your way to victory using your mutant powers and human smarts the true test of those smarts came when professor xavier nipped in on his hoverchair to tell you he'd found the key to escaping the simulation and that key was you had to reset the computer that controls the danger room leave it with me professor you might have thought i the mighty wolverine will surely find and reset this master computer with my adamantium bone claws only when you reached the end of the level and found what looked to be the computer in question smashing it a bit did absolutely nothing at which point no one could blame you for being out of ideas because smashing things to bits is your only mode of interacting with this game or is it no is the answer in fact to get out of the simulation you must do literally what professor x told you to do and hit the reset button on your sega genesis only by pressing reset could you proceed in the game and regroup with the other x-men back in the x-mansion [Music] this reset trick would be just a neat and fun gimmick if it weren't for the fact that it required you to press the reset button only briefly and if you pressed it for just a millisecond too long you would actually reset your console and lose all your progress i know it's outrageous but who were you going to complain about it too game facts wouldn't be invented for another two years it's the perfect crime hotel dusk wasn't the only nintendo ds game to use the unique features of the console to make you do stuff in real life to advance the game the legend of zelda phantom hourglass had a dungeon in which you had to blow into the microphone to blow out candles and nintendogs let you tell your virtual pups that they were the best shower them with the stylus and dress them up in adorable hats which is why nintendog rules [Music] make nintendogs for the switch you cowards for an awkward real-life game input that'll really draw a lot of concerned looks on a crowded train however we turn to ninja gaiden dragon sword ryu hayabusa's first outing on nintendo's dual screen handheld dragon sword did a pretty good job of using the ds's unique features like hotel dusk you had to hold the ds upright to play and it introduced a whole new control system whereby you controlled the game by using the stylus and touch screen to move ryu around tapping the screen to use projectiles and making a slashing movement to attack with your sword like all early ds games though it also couldn't resist incorporating the microphone most notably when near the start of the game ryu is required to wake up a sleeping old man now i get that the whole point of being a ninja is that you're a stealthy assassin who goes places silently then disappears in a cloud of mystery but in this instance you're going to have to go loud and yell into your nintendo ds in real life where it'll be picked up by the microphone and this geezer will finally get off his backside and start being useful hey gramps get off got ninja stuff to do definitely the potential for real-life awkwardness there although to be fair i probably shouldn't have been playing ninja gaiden at my sister's wedding in the first place there are six members of foxhound involved in this terrorist activity psycho matters with his powerful psychic abilities if metal gear solid 1 had never existed we wouldn't have the stealth genre as we know it today solid snake would be just a weird euphemism and our minds would never have been blown wide open by that one boss fight where you had to switch controller ports see if there's one series that loves itself a meta fictional mine screw it's metal gear solid and if there's one incident that exemplifies the metal gear solid habit of putting a sledgehammer through the fourth wall it's the battle you have with iconic baddie psychomantis back in game one [Music] that's right this is no trick it's true if you haven't had the pleasure psychomantis is a telekinetic psychic who looks like he just hovered out of an industrial club night in kreuzberg and he can read your thoughts [Music] i can see into your mind when it comes time for you as solid snake to put an end to his whole malevolent floating deal psychomantis begins the confrontation by intimidating you with his incredible mental powers of seeing what saved games you have on your playstation memory card and making your playstation controller [Music] vibrate these are both i think you'll agree pretty good party tricks for a 1998 boss fight and together they set the stage for a battle in which mantis can read your mind and therefore is impervious to your attacks unless you deduce that you need to unplug your ps1 controller and switch it from port 1 to port 2. or until campbell gets fed up with watching psychomantis kill you and tells you to do that thing i just said plug your controller into controller port 2. if you do that he won't be able to read your mind this was an inventive left field bit of upturning player expectations that sticks in the mind for having made you do something that wasn't within the game itself to win against a boss just don't think too hard about why it makes sense that mantis can read your thoughts through playstation port 1 and not port two maybe you spilt any delight in it who can say i mean i definitely did there we go friends that were seven surprising times you had to do things irl in the real world to win a video game do you have any more examples that we missed please do let us know in the comments below and if you're looking for more from outside xbox then why not check out our rocks venture d d campaign we just had a an episode go up where luke took over the dming duties from johnny which was a lot of fun that's on screen right now uh but if you want to watch something from outside extra then why not check out their show of the weekend most recent episode of that has luke and ellen doing personality quizzes to find out which smash brothers character they are so that's fun as well uh check out both those videos and we'll see you next time for more of this kind of thing thanks for watching
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 639,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, hotel dusk, hotel dusk jigsaw, thimbleweed park, thimbleweed park balloon animal, psycho mantis, psycho mantis fight, fez, fez qr code, bokati, boktai the sun is in your hand, x-men sega genesis, x-men reset game, Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword, ninja gaiden dragon sword old man, funny, funny moments
Id: 6ajeSBcktiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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