7 Horror Movie Villains Way More Killable in Games

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in the movies horror bad guys are basically invulnerable even if you do manage to vanquish one with molten metal or a mystical amulet or the power of friendship they just pop back up for the sequel more powerful than ever not so in video games where some of cinema's scariest villains can be dealt with so easily they wouldn't make it past the opening credits of part 1 let alone through a twenty movie franchise consider these legendarily fearsome cinema baddies whose video gaming carnations were a walkover and beware of spooky spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jason Voorhees from the Friday to the 13th movies is an unstoppable murder juggernaut who has been stabbed shot chained to a rock at the bottom of a lake submerged in toxic waste frozen with liquid nitrogen and then shattered into a million pieces and ejected into space and burnt up during atmospheric reentry and he's still alive and kicking in Friday the 13th the game on the other hand Jason is a fragile soul who will keel over when hit with a blunt object by an unearthly t'k teenager Jason is also super vulnerable to pocketknives get up Jason bear traps and if you're playing as Jason you can forget about getting anything done if one of your intended murder victims remember to pack firecrackers most embarrassing of all Jason can actually be killed outright by the camp counselors albeit in a long and involved process that involves them wearing his mother's sweater knocking off his mask and shoving a machete through his head I say that's the most embarrassing of all but there is one more way that game Jason can be defeated network problems it's a connection issue watch out this summer for Friday the 13th part 13 Jason changes his NAT settings [Music] in the Nightmare on Elm Street movies Freddy Krueger is a supernatural child murderer who strikes you when you're most vulnerable in your sleep but then in the 1989 Nightmare on Elm Street game on the nez Freddy Krueger is just one of many problems for the residents of Elm Street a road that is somehow overrun with giant spiders zombies and rats the size of dogs might be worth calling the council one mechanic unique to nightmare on the nez is the sleep meter which depletes gradually as you play once it reaches zero you'll enter the dream world where monsters are tougher and you're much more susceptible to attack by Fredy this would be a problem if he didn't suck despite Freddy being a knife fingered omnipotent dream God he is usually content to merely send individual body parts after you rather than turning up in person luckily for you when you're in the game's dream world you have access to green warrior forms one of which is a ninja related Freddy's individual body parts are super vulnerable to ninja kicks when Freddy does deign to actually show up and fight you in person you'll know thanks to this screen which warns you that Freddy is coming and is also a registered trademark here Freddy makes very much less intimidating presence than he does in the films he's walking the wrong way slashing wildly at nothing I'm generally acting like a Roomba in an unfamiliar living room before deciding he's had enough and launching himself wildly off the side of the screen eventually you do get to face Freddy in an epic showdown at which point you discover that getting rid of him for good is as easy as throwing all 28 of his leg bones into a furnace god this is gonna take forever this is the real Nightmare on Elm Street hello big Robert get the job yeah I'll be working with you starting tomorrow so I guess I'll be seeing you soon really that's great so why don't we go out for a celebratory drink okay okay really I promise usually the only way a VHS tape could kill you is if a stack of them fell on you in a thrift store in the 90s not so in Japanese horror film the ring one of the most terrifying movies ever made which features a cursed VHS tape that claims the life of anyone who watches it this premise was updated for the video game adaptation called the ring terrors realm in it the deadly curse was transmitted via a cursed computer program rather than a videotape [Music] the game's hero is Meg Raymond who is a researcher at a Center for Disease Control instead of being scared of the prospect of being supernaturally assassinated by a computer program she spends the whole time grinning like she's just won the lottery arguably more terrifying than the actual curse smiley here has to figure out the mystery behind the cursed ring program and as in the film it turns out the culprit is Sadako the vengeful ghost of a psychic who is murdered and thrown down a well this leads to a climactic final showdown on a rooftop between our hero meg and Sadako the supernatural well dwelling spirit with eerie powers that can alter the very fabric of reality itself seen here awkwardly jumping off a water tower in the movie seven days after the victim watches the tape they are killed by Sadako who crawls out of their television screens in one of the most genuinely unsettling scenes in cinema history in the films we never actually see what Sadako does when she gets to her victims which is probably just as well because according to the ring terrors realm the answer is shuffle after them like a clingy toddler [Music] Letton she whips them with her hair like a careless Willow Smith backing dancer and occasionally she turns into four crows for some reason far from being the terrifying unknowable entity cheese in the movie here Sadako is a bumbling awkward battle mannequin who is vulnerable to guns swords and whatever else you happen to have lying around hit her enough with any of these and she has a breezy with you about how humans suck and then dies despite being a ghost [Music] well at least Meg seems happy a chainsaw that's so yeah what now the face off of Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a pretty intimidating dude because of their pleather face and the chainsaw but then most of their time he's only about to kill panicky teenagers put him up against the supernatural martial artists of the Mortal Kombat series on the other hand and Leatherface is a lot less scary by comparison whenever faces opponents are fighters in peak physical condition armed with guns gun arms ice magic and nice hats this amateur butcher armed with just e1 chainsaw starts to look like the safest option to face in a lethal duel nether face made his way into the top tier of horror movie murderers by spending most of his movies reeling around with a chainsaw and putting people on hooks cultivating an aura of terrifying brutality that is undone in seconds when you see Cassie cage break every bone in his body ah when you see Aaron black taunt him with a bullet with his name on it oh when you see Johnny Cage punch him in the junk man this is the worst thing to happen to Leatherface since that reboot movie that revealed he was bullied as a kid [Music] long before the AVP movies came along to stink up your uncle's DVD collection Capcom introduced arcade gamers to the concept of alien vs. predator in 1994 like the comic series before it this side-scroller pitted HR Giger's nightmarish horror creation the a lien against the awesome technological might of the predator though given how the energy bar says P hunter it could just be a guy called Peter hunter with some really top-notch cosplay the alien is designed to be a creature of pure terror with its razor-sharp tail double jaws full of razor-sharp teeth and highly corrosive acid blood in fact in the first Alien movie the character ash describes the alien as the perfect organism saying and I quote its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility reminds me of a cat I want owned in the movies a handful of aliens can wipe out an entire squad of highly trained and heavily armed Marines in a matter of minutes that's why it's amazing that in the game the human character lieutenant Kurosawa is able to defeat hundreds of the things by punching them to death with her bare hands still it answers a lot of questions I had about the combat effectiveness of tiger print leggings if this game were your only exposure to the alien you'd be forgiven for thinking there were just a bit of a nuisance like big space cockroaches rather than a toothy space monster to avoid at all costs now I realize why I was so bad at alien isolation oh if I could have just got in one solid right hook I think I would have had it very iconic horror film persona you Don the mask you have the axe the soundscape changes everyone knows you're coming and you're just tearing them up a further example of a horror movie villain who seems impressive only when he's up against terrified teens and Busta Rhymes is Michael Myers from the Halloween movies but set him on a bunch of highly trained soldiers with state-of-the-art firepower like in Call of Duty ghosts DLC onslaught and it's a whole different ballgame true or michael has an axe and is reasonably durable but we've got fully automatic assault rifles frag grenades and infinite respawns more like Halloween hate - oh no another disadvantage for Mikey is his signature theme music we've always assumed that in the Halloween films John Carpenter's eerie piano tune isn't actually playing in universe as Michael Myers goes about his deadly business in call of duty however the second Mike arrives on the scene hidden speakers start piping out the theme song giving everyone a heads up but there's a horror movie icon inbound which makes it a lot easier to kill Michael Myers with the aforementioned assault rifles and frag grenades or if it's me playing as Michael you could probably just wait around for him to accidentally fall in a hole and die oh gosh thank you sexy teens is right by that's what oh I fell I fell I fell down a well or something well jeez come on Michael how did you never make it to 11 movies and approaching the rain from here [Applause] in the Terminator films people have had to go to some pretty extreme lengths to kill off the titular cyborg ranging from crushing him in an industrial press to befriending him and letting him lower himself into liquid metal to releasing the movie Terminator Genisys and even that didn't finish him off for good not so in wrestling game WWE 2k16 which included the Terminator as a bonus character now you might think that sending a pitiless near unkillable robot murder machine from the future out to grapple with regular human athletes is a bit unfair but guess what it isn't that's because the Terminator and WWE 2k16 appears to be no stronger or deadlier than a regular wrestler as we can see from this footage of him being beaten senseless by Tyler breeze a wrestler whose gimmick is that he's a vain self-obsessed male model who is quite bad at fighting now it's entirely possible that Tyler breeze is also an unkillable cyborg sent from the future to protect humanity and also teach us how to wear boot fringes properly but if he isn't that's a pretty serious downgrade for the t800 these superstars won't don't to to achieve victory here tonight oh steel chair to be fair no one ever gets up from that there you have it those were seven horror movie villains who were way less scary and way more killable in video games than in their movies if you would like to continue watching videos here on the YouTube why wouldn't you here is a video from outside Xbox and this one is about the scariest moment in videogames that were so scary they made us actually stop playing if you'd like something a little bit different from our our friends over at outside extra here's a video about the big head bosses that were basically just big heads clues in the name so enjoy
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,044,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, horror, game, movie, horror movie, villain, enemy, bad guy, monster, jason voorhees, freddie krueger, alien, predator, michael myers, leatherface, nightmare on elm street, friday 13th, texas chainsaw massacre, mortal kombat, call of duty, list, 7 things, countdown, top 7, horror villains, best villains
Id: 7wiFuzOx_nM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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