7 Bosses That Were Way Scarier in the Remake

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Poor Ellen with the spider.

Also does anyone know which t-shirt she has?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EaterOfCleanSocks πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
remasters and remakes are a great opportunity to give our favorite games a much-needed glow up but while our favorite heroes may look cooler friendlier or more handsome after their HD makeover occasionally enemy bosses will go from a clump of 4 9 pixels to something that will haunt our nightmares forever the makers of the game presumably seeing the remake as a great opportunity to scar us for life yeah here are the bosses that got way scarier in the remake who has spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when you hear the word genie you might think of the late Robin Williams singing a number of brilliant jazzy Disney tunes but before Aladdin graced our cinema screens a little game called Link's Awakening appeared on nintendo gameboy screens all over the world within it was bottle grotto home to a genie in a bottle who sadly wasn't dirty chanteuse christina aguillera but a clown genie who threw fireballs at you although a little bit weird the pixel graphics and limited animations meant that it looked more silly than freaky and then along came the Link's Awakening HD switch remake which said you know what let's really F these kids up upon entering the updated bottom grotto in the HD remake you're greeted with a fully animated balloon like monstrosity as we discovered to our horror is that the boss eyes and mouth and whole deal genie now the genies gaze follows you as you walk around the room with it staring you down as it juggles its fireballs whilst his eyes simultaneously roll around his head I don't know how it manages to do both its new creepy animations also haven't taught you before spiralling back into its bottle and it's too ghost-like forms rotate wildly as they circle around you like Catherine wheels made of clowns [Music] even when you defeat it it flails horribly like a fly drowning in picnic lemonade before it finally explodes allowing you to leave the cave I never had a friend like him Thanks any advice before this battle advice a wise dragon once told me aim high in life but watch out for flying boxes huh if you thought the genie from Link's Awakening was going to be the only nightmare clown on this list well friend you really underestimated how many nightmare clowns we have to show you today back in the 90s Spyro fans were introduced to clown boss Jack the jack-in-the-box who is composed purely of triangles with his angular green face and huge top row of goofy teeth he ended up looking less like a clown and more like someone had forced half an alligator into a Mardi Gras costume but when making the reignited trilogy it seems that the art department had taken note of this in fact we have the notes right here nightmare clowns and who boy did they help spring jack out of the box and into everyone's stress dreams forever move over unexpected exam because jack is here with his wide eyes tall like hands and snarling pointy grin these and extra details such as his now tattered wings tell him from possible lizard into I'm a clown and this terrifying monster gesture will make you never want to find out what the hell is in those boxes he's throwing at you given them there's nothing else in this design brief I can only assume it's more smaller nightmare clowns [Music] you'd think the life of a lone space adventurer would be a great one total freedom no one hassling you to reply to emails and bathing that's going right out the airlock and indeed in the early days of samus aran's adventuring career it seemed she was living the high life indeed pinballing her way around alien catacombs and polishing off monsters with her gun arm indeed it seems no enemy alien could stand in the way of Samus and certainly not kraid a portly boss encountered in the midst of 1986 is Metroid for the NES grade blessum attacks by firing spikes from his tummy as well as what looked like fingernails which is not terribly effective perhaps he was hoping his alien appearance would be enough to drive away enemies which might have worked if pork raids didn't resemble anything so much as a fossilized Hedgehog ie not so scary unless you find one in the compost pile come springtime who a boy does that stay with you and so Metroid players starting out in 2004 metroid zero mission for the Game Boy Advance may well have looked forward to another chance to kick grade in his diminutive alien but what with zero mission being a faithful remake of that very first game [Music] alright Creed time to boot in your behind from here to Tallinn for now to take a big swig of cream soda and casually proceed through this door yeah guess what kraid must have spent those intervening 18 years monstering protein shakes because now he is an entire two stories worth of claws and screaming crates actual moves firing claws and exploding tummy projectiles are essentially the same as before but only in the same sense that a kitten's moves are essentially the same as the Tigers because holy crap size matters and this boss fight is now a lot lot scarier you might attribute this change in cranes appearance to pure sadism on Nintendo's part but in fact this isn't the first time we've glimpsed gigantic raid that was in 1994 Super Metroid so in fact zero mission was just retconning crate to his more recent canonical appearance technically speaking well technically speaking in Tendo you owe me a cream soda so damn should have asked for a new f-zero as graphics have improved Lara Croft's death animations have gone from - oh I'll show you right now by watching one hmm each time Tomb Raider has been rebooted many of Lara's foes whether they be spikes or monsters have also gotten a nightmarish upgrade one prime example can be found in Tomb Raider anniversary an upgraded updated version of the original 1996 Tomb Raider this game gave animals and monsters more depth texture and Lara death animations compared to their political originals life finds a way to kill Lara Croft over and over again but one enemy got the grossest upgrade of all at the end of the original tomb raider players came up against genetically engineered monster the torso boss you can probably guess how he got his name just gonna say someone's been skipping leg day this thing would drop down from an egg sack and chase Lara around on a platform with its funny little head making noises like a barking dog trying to start a chainsaw [Music] but it was so slow that even with the old playstation controls you could outmaneuver it by running in a circle and using a few of Lara's incredible gymnastic flips to take it out all you have to do was shoot it with a load of bullets until it fully exploded like a two-stage firework however on arriving into the same area of Atlantis and Tomb Raider anniversary you were treated to something even more horrifying all new graphics created an egg sac that pulsated hideously before producing this thing yellower same this abomination had even more higher definition muscles on show which sounds cool except that it also didn't have any skin plus as it dragged itself towards you on its new fluid-filled sac with its clasping bony hands you could see that it definitely had some work done on its huge nightmare skull face and it emitted a much more terrifying guttural hell demon roar running around in a circle would no longer cut it instead you had to make sure you'd properly learn to Lara's adrenaline shop move had the platform edge behind you and took the shot when the sinewy horror charged at you [Music] oh wait what am I forgetting oh yeah you had to shoot its hand off so that he couldn't pull itself back up again oh I can't something that might have hurt a bit still could have been worse you know what thanks to these improved graphics I'm almost starting to feel sorry for it but not really the revered honorific pumpkin King brings to mind Christmas loving Halloween boy Jack Skellington we Stan a legend but when running around in Medi evil the pumpkin King was less a suave Skelly with the singing voice of Danny Elfman and a highly profitable range in hot topic and more a faceless boring plot with no character whatsoever did anyone order the roast pumpkin after you took out all its pods this orange ball on a stick would screech at you like a small angry parrot before waggling around like the head of a student trying to stay awake in a particularly boring lecture it was a pretty easy boss and after bashing all its positive it was quickly turned to mush once you've got enough hits in but when it came to the 2019 remake the pumpkin king got a rather mucousy makeover this might still not having a full face this gourd monarch was given a huge gaping more of a mouth that showed off its green and slimy insides something tells me you wouldn't want to make pumpkin pie out of this thing from this it roared at you and shot smaller pumpkin projectiles slammed itself into the ground and tried to hit you with now much more wiggly looking tendrils and the pods were updated to be gross pus filled vine sacks as if that's something anybody was asking for there was also an added stage to the fight where the Kings outsides matched its green innards making it look even more like a sad jack-o'-lantern left out two weeks into November once it finally died instead of just Keeling over like before it milked it ooze fill death scene screeching like it was trying to win an Oscar [Music] come on buddy you're never gonna get a hot topic line looking like that look at Jack here sleek lines an actual face and crucially no mucus [Music] if you're wondering how horrible the bosses in a lien syndrome are just check the manual and see that one of them is simply named argh indeed this arcade game which was later ported to several home consoles served up a positive smorgasbord of stomach-churning enemies including your very first major foe our buddy named in that same manual as Squire Squire is horribly a lump and head attached to a brainy mound of flesh and adorned with a second head that looks very much like it wants to go home but has to stick with its mate all night until the pub shuts and it can bundle the main head into a taxi thus crime boss is clearly extremely freaky so you'd think the makers of the 2004 graphical remaster for the PlayStation 2 we're facing an impossible task coming up with something worse but this is human beings we're talking about we put a man on the moon and those heroes dug deep and by God did they remaster that boss yet in remastered form thus Quine boss is soaked in gore and boasts a hideous swiveling eye but somehow not in any of its actual eye sockets Bravo what's more when it takes enough damage the boss now dissolves in a pool of blood in the most upsetting melting incident since that tub of haagen-dazs rolled under by passenger seat and we can only assume the developers of the original game desperately wanted crab arms to lunge at you out of an exposed skull but were tragically limited by 80s hardware well no more finally the technology has caught up with the storytelling [Music] developers usually put a lot of time and effort into designing creatively scary bosses other times they go the pubs open let's just put in a giant spider such was the case in 1998's Resident Evil alongside the truly terrifying T virus infected dogs and humans was black tiger this misleadingly was not a majestic evany big cat but a spider also infected by the virus and you'll never guess what happens when a spider is infected yes it becomes the size of a family car yay fortunately for arachnophobes in 98 video game hardware wasn't powerful enough to effectively recreate the unnerving movement of a large spider walking towards you but then in 2015 came the HD remaster and black tiger got a hideous makeover which gone at this reaction from one media commentator this eight-legged miss creation had been given updated creepy animations an HD furry overcoat and a more detailed exoskeleton complete with accurate nightmare spider face fun fact like snakes spiders shed their skin as they grow so they'll be giant cases of that thing just randomly about their Spencer mansion loved that really really loved thinking about that not only at Black Tiger gone from a bit creepy to oh my god that's just a realistic giant spider but the decor of the room you were trapped in when it also had an HD update gone with a few white lines drawn on the walls and floor instead here was a blanket of giant sticky cobweb strands but it looked like they could trap you there forever so that even if you did kill the giant spider trying to eat you you just be trapped in there with its curled up dead body and now I'm out I'm done I'm good so those are the bosses that started out kind of you know like and then went to like yeah in the remaster why did they do that why it's just it was the remaster generally too easy and so they had a whole lot of extra time to add in the clowns but what's what's the deal can you think of any other bosses that got a lot scarier or freakier or just fling weirder in the remaster or so drop a note in the comments and hey we have more videos for you to watch this one from us is all about really weird button prompts and this one down here from outside Xbox is all about what's it about Ellen remind me let me look at it oh yes the silliest names that you were somehow expected to take seriously and if you enjoyed this then why not subscribe
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,340,673
Rating: 4.8750892 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidexbox, outsidextra, outside xbox, remake, remaster, link's awakening, zelda, boss fights, hardest, funny videos, funny, gameplay, switch, ps4, xbox one, tomb raider, resident evil
Id: eskRzdVyHmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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