669 Boxes FOUND Inside Abandoned Storage Unit... Unbelievable

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you guys ready this is gonna be a while [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa are you protected today you got the gloves alright so guys we outdid ourselves today we outdid ourselves are you ready for this I'm ready this is gonna be a mystery yeah this is a mystery unit we're gonna talk a little loud over here cuz we have some air coming through which is nice though it's nice and warm all right we bought three ten by tens three ten by ten no this is gonna be nuts this can mean bonkers so yeah we we bought three ten by ten skies we're gonna go through everything spent I think 300 or 400 dollars on this unit I can't member three or three or 400 bucks on this unit and it is plumb full this is a ten by ten there's gonna be a lot of stuff in here guys a lot of boxes it's going to be busy so what we're gonna do and there's not a lot of room there's only this small little hallway here so what we're gonna do is bring Fox for a box we're gonna put on this little dolly thing right here and then we're gonna go through it and show you guys what we found hopefully we crushed it let me wipe off the count here okay all right you guys ready all right now what is today's date today is the 17th 15 17 17th guys so Thursday night that's all I'm Jordan too thick of things so all right all right let me put this down so you can see him and let's do this we're gonna kind of clear our way guys so we can get in you gotta kind of hurry a little bit with all three days unit to solve the same facility so that's good all right we have vhss and it's full but this one's sealed the world's greatest oh wow photography yeah this is sealed even the dummies one is sealed I love the books the dummy books somebody ate justice that are sealed I got an Arnold Schwarzenegger one it's worth like 40 bucks and that last unit so all right so we got putting over here has I don't want to make them seasick oh I did forget my knife okay everybody do you have any I have earpiece all right let me see darn it people are asking how can you be a storage in a Bayern for here your knife actually needs to watch his own coat my own chords on what well you never know when they will run out here okay it's good to do this okay what's we get it we get the toilet paper but we forget the knife oh my gosh what is this what is it they're heavy oh are they in there some of these good this they're not on call god I was ready to say they are some old ones self no they are in there they are in there oh my gosh I used to have a razor I like I know that it kind of takes you back don't it yeah mags going way back with the first car phone oh this is in there this blackberry wow that's wonderfully worked for t-mobile like somebody else we know yeah oh are they new they look good condition I don't think they're new but Wow interesting some people still like those kinds oh yeah some people apply them is it Warren Buffett that just now started using a smartphone it was on the news the things they put on the news you know Wow money money guys are in first okay let's go ahead continue here I'll try to get this top step off this maybe befo oh my gosh we don't have another bottle unit do we I'm a little worried oh these are empty Oh oh my god we do not have another bottle unit oh these are paper bags oh if you haven't seen the bottle I don't know why we're almost crying but this is brand-new this is gonna be interesting I have oh my god Oh subway he likes subway oh my gosh this is a falling in it is the sanitizer wipes oh soaps that's not good well you know what these are bills guys he really takes nice care of its bills he's not like me and uses a shredder wow this thing's gonna last I'm getting nervous look at this look I can't even oh my gosh that's all the way at the top guys Wow no no those are boxes back there oh thank god oh but we had boxes in the bottle unit too this is gonna be a this is going to be all weaker we have parties all kinds of stuff yeah how odd I don't know if we want to tear them all apart because we might have to bak these bags back show em all I'm trying to get in there so I can get like a table or something well those are new tissues we're excited about Kleenex collection genuine men's wallet brand new Wow okay this is gonna be interesting we this could go either way yeah I think we made money really good on this one these are more bills I think what is very very compulsive what is that these are all coffee but they're not real coffee they're empty right oh the coffee's there the coffee's there oh well that's better than not having a label this is why that's it small jump everything is labeled oh that's measuring cups oh my gasps okay maybe when I use this table for a table because marfan not to read the labels I think look at that those are soaps that looks like clothes pins they're all soaps no you must stay in a motel a lot or something Wow this is the place shaping up the lady said he paid on this for a long time no oh boy by night what is this what is this I don't even there's no guessing obsessing in it like really no guess II more thought to tell any but I must be valuable please be careful oh oh these are magazines look it isn't magazines well no one's taking cruises these days yeah that's hopefully nothing to joke about but hello I'm serious Wade likes cruises but I don't think even he would go this time though some pinecone saw an ebay guys yeah Krauss and decorations so who would have thought that we would find Bank okay we're trying to get a table oh that's the shredder with a left to shred you have just been all sand stuff this would be oh right here what's it say Winchester pay not washed not washed Winchester damn dirty laundry but it's labeled not dirty so you know Mota [Music] Oh their shells oh and they're not washed he really took care of his stuff I mean this is above and beyond look at these seashells cool those can be used for things yeah exactly we have a lady that hasn't even seen lot of seashells Wow Wow right I mean together and we can believe the labels it's been seven minutes all right what we got no no my guests wear plastic plates the kind I like and straws yeah you don't have to do dishes that way that reason cans of course Oh what's a just curiosity what is the expiration date does it have one oh that one I can't even read November 7th 1990s re 2017 wow they're little old yeah no I'm not laughing about that that's not funny - oh but speaking of which that toilet paper there you go wait so you didn't have to worry about it at all but there's a lot Kleenex these are usable except I like them there's like five of them in here saves money yeah we have some more toilet paper in paper towel paper towel that could be used it's always usable mm-hmm especially right now oh my gosh let me show we're not even in the door yet look at this not even the door yet and they just keep going oh this is gonna be a while Wow you might want to get your chair [Laughter] [Applause] okay let me make sure they can see it yes guys we made money on this unit we're never gonna be one of those crazy fun units oh my god I love that phone now she's gonna love that Bo yes she is actually he's gonna be dead tomorrow she'll be doing one of these units yeah grandma's gonna watch the kids this what's it say it says everything maybe I can get a nice one here that's Oh buddy if he brought a knife that would just ruin it wouldn't it guys oh really take things up good he uses a lot of care and everything that's gonna be fun to see what brand-new so oh just on top yeah watch out there's some big heavy nines in there there's some I gotta look and see if I mean this is silver here let's bring this down here real quick now move slow so I don't burn my videotape there's a lot [Music] Wow this says 1881 Rogers isn't that a nice collectible one 1881 Rogers the Rogers part sticks in my mind let's see if we can show um I may take a second to load the whole clothes 1881 [Music] there we go pretty crazy I wouldn't big too long we've got a lot more ringing we're gonna make some money [Music] use this for my box cutter I hope you don't lose that because I've got a big blade there's so much it's fun it's a lot of mystery to yes except we don't want to read the labels he's got a lot of just knickknacks in here guys he he must have spent a fortune on these are from the beach oh you know there's a a lot of decorative stuff people could use we've got a lot of crafter with it it's got a water which would shells some oh my gosh Wow nice holy moly a lot of crafty stuff and he even label them look at they're probably labeled where they even came from oh my gosh there's a lot of money in Sheldon more shells shells oh wait there's a huge garbage can oh my gosh don't let it come down on your head I've been at school what's it say on the top of that box no we're not cheating oh I like to it's always fun to see if they're correct and I have a feeling this guy is always correct ooh be careful oh my cos who knows I'll shut up there's no way of knowing I gotta be careful of this because I don't want that it might just be that what are they are they ordinance I have no clue you're gonna have to open one it's gonna take me a year ago to this week oh we're gonna have to clean up all that stuff yeah those are ornaments and they're really wrapped nicely lot of teeth oh I don't know if I think we need scissors nice doll oh my gosh you might have to ask for five days or was it don't break it it must be special oh Jesus here let's see oh wow you're right they are ournament now maybe we should read the box aren't thank you there's nothing marked on it though no but they're very pretty just for the sake of time I know you guys want see okay we're gonna have to show some of this stuff after we spent some time unwrapped it must be rocks oh rocks are fortunate it's forged whoa what is that oh maybe it's lava after shell I mean look at this well you know you can do that outside of your house and a beach thing look at though these are shells - it's all shells like I said that they'd look pretty in your garden this one says sci-fi books and he's still gonna open it and it says books I know you're shocked some good money that's what I gotta see I gotta see I don't know if George reads sci-fi book I need to find out oh those look like good books yep but their books bust up these real quick oh my gosh it's all boxes we're gonna be hearing here nice working good oh here even partial rolls it's over somebody must have really had to blow their nose I mean cuz they're all brand new nice for our house yeah but there's like a lot of them in there somebody really had to blow their nose oh I like them to clean my eyeglasses I have the donees some of this yeah I have I think that's probably what we'll do there's a bunch of this is all napkins that's all napkins in there I might have to donate some of that you know it's funny how often we find that kind of stuff in storage units mom and dad they don't ever have to buy Kleenex is anything to show you guys now that would have got in here a little bit very little tubs boxes boxes boxes I mean this whole thing this is gonna take a second oh hey that's a lot of stuff in here okay now we're gonna need this back myself oh yeah and it is there it's used isn't it it's used but it's all in there we don't need to use that Oh new stuff is gonna fall what is that it looks the old and said well that's uh that's Charlene Tilton wasn't she on the early galas and that's how she keeps her shape I needed it years ago no that's back from the early Dallas I think it's 70s or 80s there's more toilet paper yeah even partial rolls is what gives me [Laughter] everybody guess why this partial rolls in there you know what I think this is gonna be one of those word days it's a little strange I it might be toilet paper all I know is is that the perfect time yeah the way the stores are we might want those too wait had a hard time finding some the other day this is just possible this does remind me like you're following us yeah but it's a little Java Safeway coupons are probably expired really we just pulled out like a dolly parton that's how I frickin grand adventures along she is just okay okay he's making fun of me and you guys know it they know this is all this type of stuff threaten to take me to the dump once I'll take them to the dump oh honey this is something oh I know we made good money on it already but it's definitely a mystery cuz you can go for one good thing did some odd things what is that Oh what is that is it oh it's a lamp oh that's a cool old sad there's three of them isn't there yeah isn't that look like an old-fashioned glass when like mom uses in her house it's all it is isn't that pretty I love stuff like that that is really nice very nice somebody will love those so there's actually a few women good thing man whoa here's another one what's the pink thing oh that's what I'm going to show you oh here's another one so this is smaller so cool are you ready I I've been waiting I'm waiting it's a cookie jar old cookie jar is it plastic no this is like it is chick right here oh it's ceramic cookie jar yeah it's like a cable-car mold it is though so you think that's a cookie jar yes oh it's it's cookie jar okay I thought it was a Kleenex when you check your temperature look at this it's got a few I'd love it but why is that make sure it gets packed nice yep well it's a Town Car cookie jar like from San Francisco cool there's a lamp up there that we put should put in that box one more - I love the lamps I think those are really cool I wonder what's in that huge garbage pan I hope it's not really it might be closed okay it's not a that's a quilt a nice quilt beautiful quilt here's another one in here gosh we paid 300 400 bucks I came up exactly how much well one the other I thought for you I'm here so that's a cool blanket oh yeah that's a quilt - no no this is uh this is a what is it oh no this is oh you own a craft store like you know your mind gets swab ly after a while it's a gift it's like we're out a game show we're trying to see who can guess at the first oh I bet these still work this saves me a ton of money a ton of money I helped figure this look this they're all in there are they all big ones look at that I mean this right here is like nine ten bucks steam iron this will go good at the warehouse so when we can actually have it this is brand-new yeah we're kind of closed due to the virus we can't mention that name be me who will beam you for saying the name of the yeah oh I didn't know that thank God you said something or I might have mentioned it a lot okay I don't know where to start some piles of boxes here I'm worried that when you take that out ladder look it's a oh that's this fragile clown mask and figurines cow cow collection okay let's go hold that should we put that stuff in the truck or oh he did this once before careful with the clown they put all make sure the Khans on top and I can't believe it so nice idea do I do - I have faith in the labels in this unit oh don't worry about the horse show okay ready oh boy okay let's bring this over here Oh Oh put it up here look he's a little chubby thing oh he's cute as can be that's that's porcelain yeah he's cute I think these are worth something people love clowns Phyllis you to quit crying OH that's a cowbell he says mean Taiwan I like the cowbell so it's an older they click cows older guy oh man it's too cute that is so cute my mom dad live on the farm and they ring we might have to give a couple of these to them yeah this must be the mass I love I have one at the house man yeah that's this main Taiwan that was so really Wang Poshmark oh this is just I I want to thank our viewers that have gone on pockmark and been very nice to me yeah whoa what is this what is this careful I have a feeling it's something Oh old porcelain doll he is old I love that it has something there love that another mass cells are ones like some of those I think you paint yourself I don't know this is the big we gotta fit all these back really nice oh look that does of your favorites right well they're genders I have so many favorites like yeah I have those I have someone that one looks even nicer than ones I have with gold remember guys we'll put them back nice but for the sake of time we'll film it and then I'll put it back I love that that is so beautiful that's big all white except for the Stoli fun that's a big boy oh my gosh look how big this one and I'd love the comedy always look that the hands are not broken no the beats are not I love the color and he's got a little bill love that one there's another one tell by the side buddy red-and-white oh don't they look old they don't look no laughter porcelain - you want to get these a prairie you need I love the feet on that one this stone critters collection oh it's another cow you know what remember those houses we bought people love cows they love this looks like it might be a collectible thing like hotels yeah oh isn't that cute very nice oh alright spear back switch the gloves up I had to take mine off I can't wear antelopes they drive me insane smiles oh that was oh that is so cool for scrap booking units it's or is it a car no it's a bunch of old old circus birds I love those oh that it's so cool well that's a good Poshmark thing yeah well that didn't become your really good funny yours or mine really good money goes but bills taxes cut that side stay here I think we accidentally loaded some of that stuff yeah you always take it we'll get it off Titus didn't wanna be nitpicky he's working really hard today oh this one says Maps and I believe it oh it's so cool because this is gonna sound but maps and globes I love be fun to have an office a full of just some wall amounts yeah Christian advocates so it's like maybe maybe it's places they go to help people oh it's a bunch of this crafty I hope they may put it in the comment oh yeah some people like ooh that sounds breakable just a little bit that he you did we're gonna get him a table here soon yeah we're not we're not safe Oh old canteen yards Oh some have the screw on lid yeah those are really nice yeah like that oh I love those there's a lot of them in here I hope the lids are in there I bet you they are look at this what he thinks in here picture frames the only reason I can guess that is I kind of looked at it when he was loading the truck I saw oh there's some said picture frames the other brand-new something like this with your inner self oh he's gonna have a table oh no it's not very heavy speaker an old piece of it speaker yeah well we could fill that up with something yeah I mean oh this this must be here let me see it's supposed to be an old radio yeah some of these actually do really well I think you do good selling meals around ideas yeah missed objects some people like it oh that is a very cool old one yeah nope nope the knobs in there I was gonna say it's missing the knob but it's in here good so somebody will like that yeah no it'll be fine okay I want to get up in here let's not get ahead of ourselves we'll have an avalanche so those are old computers Theater creative speakers and well-kept I'm trying to keep the camera on wait when he goes up there cuz we might see an avalanche we don't know well it would be good video Wade I don't wish you any harm you know oh my gosh guys careful wow-wow I gotta show them this oh my gosh you guys are higher than I am see look ahead oh look holy Wow it's just crazy and see that's the sprinkler right there wouldn't work at all cuz they would just uh she was really nice and she's like oh yeah she gave us more time really nice lady who works here I'm gonna try to get her on video before we leave something I have a feeling we're gonna have a lot of canned food I just don't know why I'll check it all right guys it's all food canned food somewhat it has pop top so it can't be that old or I don't know I have no clue when they started making pop top all right I've been wondering about that bright green let's go oh oh I like that box I like boxing oh I thought I owed to got excited too fast I'll have to go through it though just in case you don't want stocks bonds cash I like the container coins look at look at these just a punch well there's more than one pair in there and they're all clean here's a Bowie a lot of times glasses Oh glue glue we just bought some plastic bags garbage bag yep this is the house I love town - OH straw hat old straw how fun is that oh the little king awesome wow that's Australian hat oh yeah I love hats so does my dad maybe that's why I do there's a bottle in here yeah I don't know if that's his style though that one would be Stan yes some more and we have some Lincoln City yeah obviously you might want to use that green thing for oh you're using the other green thing oh nice belt feels kind of light don't it it goes you lifted it up so easily watch us all the muscle oh that's it there it's in there and it's a Sony it's in there Wow Aereo VCR he says it's one of four so there must be four gr yep it's in there that's that one well a lot of times you don't actually see him in there they're empty boxes or there's something else you know this guy's pretty um he must drive himself nuts being so exact about everything I know I would I couldn't do it so it's in there another this is a DVD player and this is his Santana oh this may be the Sony to the other yeah piece yeah this is meant I guess he wasn't perfect I feel better now we could have made a really good money with aa stuff this VHS yeah so this something bottle alright which size I would open it from the top and I think the writing would be the top one of these oh it's an actual juicers what it is it's what he says it is when are we ever gonna take him at his word so yeah it's all in there what's this juicer okay cool yeah it's blinking but it's not off not done yet all right what do we have here we needed the wood Lisa don't break our pretty good shape I have a feeling everything he does is in good shape fragile wish I knew I um that's good sounds like a fun one oh here Eddie Hart labeled there's a whole wreath missed he labeled Fanny put pink lines in between them and wrote very this site up fragile okay a little more mystery just a little cup for more mystery a lot of drama in this unit oh my gosh we've got at least open wine what's it stay on stone tea part boom teapot home die cut tree candle holder with glass holder oh they're all different stuff oh my gosh I don't know this will take a year almost a minute I think I need don't rip that I can use tissue paper I don't oh it is a tree handle over the middle freak and oily okay we can't go through all this right now I wonder if we should have like a video unboxing at the Walt like the warehouse of this stuff will do more unboxings for sure we use them at home once in a while black and gold candle this is a oh then there's a box classic cottages ham shire house plastic cottages no no no classic Oh but should we see what it is carefully hold that oh wait I gotta take these out okay but classic cottages sound kind of cool oh never gonna get this all back together we'll do it our way I wonder if it's uh it's like those cottage dude you got before those could sell them on stop I hope I can't do it here bit on time okay what are this I think they might be be careful I mean we haven't made a dent in this unit ya know what are we have here this is York Shire it is from old england's classic cottages and it's absolutely in perfect condition look at this you know chips I love them and definitely box house stuff like that in it okay let's see one the problem is there's so many boxes like this that we're gonna have to do some of this look how tight is yeah he's really protected okay look we'll do it on boxing it the warehouse guys yeah cuz if I go through every single one we'll never get through this but I'm assuming this is classic cottage Hampshire yeah it was probably the same yeah they closed at 7:00 as Whitey's you know I think having an unveiling as we unbox them at the warehouse would be great thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wades ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 117,172
Rating: 4.8447714 out of 5
Keywords: 669 Boxes FOUND Inside Abandoned Storage Unit... Unbelievable, Boxes, Abandoned Storage Unit, Storage Unit, Abandoned, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars full episode, storage wars, treasure hunting, self storage, storage auction, storage, unit, locker, storage unit finds, storage unit business, unboxing, mystery boxes, real storage auction, opening mystery boxes, storagewars, storage units best finds, abandoned storage, how to make money, storage wars fights, buy, sell
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 49sec (2809 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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