7 Weirdest Things Games Made You Do While High

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video games sometimes give you the opportunity to sample mind-altering substances that make your screen all wibbly and your character incredibly sick and sometimes you as well with all those effects on but often games use those same substances to send you off into weird full-blown hallucinations making you do some strange things while under the influence i mean what the hell is this thing and why is it harshing my mellow brace for motion sickness as we take a trip through the 7 weirdest things games made you do while high but we're spoilers for the following [Applause] [Music] devoid of moisture come forth from the stream so this let their eyes be opened let your eyes be open people living in ancient egypt shared space with some pretty dangerous wildlife such as hippos crocodiles and snakes the size of a london tube train [Applause] okay truth be told not that last one but try telling that to assassin's creed origins where bayek tangles with a super-sized serpent on his quest to stop the order of ancients aka baby's first templars this happens when he takes part in a ritual to help high priest's timotep during which he drinks a strange liquid from a bowl and wakes up in a sandstorm what is this god's forsaken place hey i can think of worse places to wake up after a night out like a travel lodge upon exploring the area you find that bayek is next to a large tomb whose fires are pretty resilient considering the hurricane force winds inside you find not a peaceful resting place but something else that is the saw litter oh man it's never the hug giver or the high fiver so when bayek walks into a room and sees a creepy copy of himself offering up by ex-glowing heart it's safe to say that bayek is tripping major balls that's a rough translation from the original hieroglyphics no by its metaphorical soul also senu goes all glowy and turns into an archer's bow nice not so nice is what ensues a bizarre boss battle unlike any other in the game first off you're shooting arrows of light at it from a boat while it squirts poison at you and tries to knock you off protect me then when the snake has well and truly had enough of your nonsense it destroys the boat forces you onto solid ground and then tries to destroy that ground from under you too in order to drop you into the deathly waters below i need to get to solid ground yeah this is a tad different to sneaking up to some dude and sticking a hidden blade in them when you finally slay the beast you have to swim to a casket from which bayek pulls out his glowing heart and shoves it back inside his chest before seeing his deceased son in egyptian mythological afterlife of the field of reeds this is why you say no to mysterious ritual bowls of liquid kids [Music] yoshi's island is an adorable snare's platformer where you play as yoshi transporting little baby mario around on your back it's up to you to keep this tiny proto plumber safe from enemies around you so you're encouraged to gobble them up and convert them into eggs which is a totally normal sentence in video games [Music] however when you get to the seventh level of yoshi's island there's one enemy type you really shouldn't gobble up known as the fuzzy i know i know they look all organic and delicious but you would better not wait yoshi no [Music] yup eat one of these fluffy boys and yoshi's pupils narrow into pinpoints as the world warps around him changes colour and the music goes all weird [Music] this is a kids game right because i am absolutely out of my tree on fuzzies this is not ideal in a child care situation at the best of times but especially not one that also requires precision platforming you can avoid eating these bristly creatures but most players will accidentally brush up against them and it turns out even so much as touching these things will give you a wall melting contact high but i mean how is anyone to know that except for the fact that this level is called touch fuzzy get dizzy ah should have seen that coming really that's on me oh wow i feel i feel great i feel like doing something yeah i feel like doing something going somewhere gta 5 is full of interesting trips and no we don't just mean the long drives you can take to the coast with your friends indeed not too far into the main game you find yourself playing as a drugged michael while he hallucinates getting abducted by aliens and being dropped out of a ufo yeah probably not best to skydiving only a boxers i tried to think where you'd keep the parachute or what you'd pull to activate it still despite this stomach-churning drug-addled skydive players are actively encouraged to search around for peyote plants peyote is a kind of small cactus known for its psychoactive properties which according to the developers of gta 5 turn you into various animals what the hell is going on i knew michael was a terrible boar indeed play around and you can turn these heist pulling criminals into all sorts of animals from great mountain lions to cute wittle kitty curts i am i'm a cat i am a cat who's a cute kitty michael is yeah michael however the most hilarious animal you can turn into is none other than the squished up faced pug [Music] truths from franklin there you're not really given anything to do during these pyote episodes and the game only gives you the ability to move around or to quote attack people so what we're just gonna go around and jump up at these nice people with a funny little bark maybe a trouser leg or two [Music] oh that is not what i was expecting yep turns out pugs are tiny killing machines at least when they're being controlled by one of gta 5's protagonists although if say during a police chase your pug falls into a swimming pool then franklin wakes up implying that these people are actually being attacked by a fully grown man on all fours who thinks he's a pug which is honestly more embarrassing for everyone involved [Music] man thank goodness none of them turn into anything more ugly and deadly than a pug oh oh no not funny at all i may look funny but you think it'll be funny when i bake your face off i'm angry yeah this is bad now if i was a mercenary dressed like a scorpion where would i be behind you me i'd end it now but octavius is paying and he wants to torture you which i respect marvel's spider-man has a huge roster of quirky characters that our hero peter parker has to fight in spandex such as a guy in a fancy electricity suit and a businessman the size of a small family car [Music] so should we kiss now hey i understood that reference but the strangest fight of all comes when green goblin cosplay runner-up scorpion manages to do spider-man with some of his trippy venom whoa what the is that a sea of poison yeah looks like it pete although it's likely a hallucination spider-man isn't taking any chances this kicks off a game of the floor is lava except it's taking place in the whole of new york rather than just your living room and this time you have spider-man's web slinging to help not gonna lie i did try this as a kid but my mum wasn't very happy with the resulting hole in our ceiling not only is the big apple turned green but pete then has to analyze the poison with his pattern matching minigame and the result is not good news hallucinogenic neurotoxin my brain will create nightmares that my body thinks are real and indeed the nightmares really kick in on top of the rising poison drowning the city pete's old mentor turned supervillain doc ock keeps showing up in broken floating fragments of new york in order to really twist the knife i'm sorry doc i'm so sorry yes yes you're sorry and yet you let it happen makes one wonder where your priorities lie i mean if i was really that important to you why would you let me destroy myself wow i knew this was a trip but i didn't realize it was a guilt trip after finally collecting the ingredients needed for the antidote you guide spidey to find some antitoxins but this time as well as the poison you have to avoid wait what the hell are those giant deadly scorpion tails lovely thanks brain aha right of course after that you have yet more guilty conversations with doc hock this time in a gravity-defying void surrounded by his metal arms then you have to swing past yet more giant scorpion tails before finally having a punch-up in the orange void with scorpion himself well with several apparitions of scorpion anyway scorpion buddy i think your venom could use a little more work this is getting repetitive hope that's the last of them me too well at least after all that you can fix up that antidote and get back to normal i think i did it where'd my suit go oh um well at least his boxer shorts stayed on unless he's hallucinating those two oh god what have you been up to no one's seen you for hours oh nose to the grindstone you know then why haven't i heard a single whoosh through the door since 10 o'clock did you forget we're having deidra's birthday party we've got a pinata psychedelic nightmare we happy few is set on the island town of wellington wells where everyone has to take a special drug called joy and remember no matter what make joy makes people see the world in a much rosier light and in order to keep society in order the citizens of wellington wells are forced to take it regularly um hi hopkin yeah this is fine this is fine when you start the game as arthur he dutifully reaches for his pills whenever some horrible memories start to resurface when life annoys top up your joy however you can decide not to keep taking them which reveals some horrific stuff later on down the line as the effects start to wear off [ __ ] if you're suspected of not taking your joy you could be in real trouble so arthur still has to pretend that everything is totally fine have you forgotten your joy of course not snug as a mug on a drug this culminates when you get to deirdre's party and everyone wants you to join in on the pinata even though one they've not tied it up properly two they're not blindfolded and three there's a horrible squeaking noise that comes out whenever it gets whacked come on hit it hit it hit it okay okay hang on this isn't candy this is oh god they're eating it unfortunately for arthur and you this is exactly when the joy finally wears off meaning he has to see the truth of what he just did he reacts as you might expect so his fellow workers realize that he's not taking the state-mandated drugs and he has to make a run for it i would have preferred it wearing off before we were tricked into crushing a rat to death and had to watch people eat it or sometime much later but hey if i asked you what you were scared of giant scarecrow with needles for hands might not be on your list but only because you hadn't thought of it in batman arkham asylum dr jonathan crane who i believe prefers to be known as scarecrow shows us this very nightmare by finding two key weaknesses in batman's defenses those two weaknesses being a dark traumatic nightmare-inducing past and the human requirement to breathe through your nose and mouth yes scarecrow doesn't even have to use those horrible syringe fingers to administer his spooky psychiatrist's serum instead joker gets batman to breathe it in [Laughter] this gaseous concoction makes bats see all sorts of weird stuff in the asylum such as james gordon being dragged off by some hidden horror please help me batman [Applause] thousands of roaches crawling all over the tiles and weirdest of all his dead parents scolding him for not stopping their attacker you should have stood up to him like a man dad you're embarrassing me in front of all my deadly enemies [Music] don't let us die oh sorry you might not know this if you're not a true fan but bruce wayne's parents are dead little bit of obscure batman law for you there batman goes on to find himself in an even more broken version of arkham asylum with scarecrow towering above him trying to flush him out with his terrifying gays i know you want to show off that chiseled jawline but have you maybe considered wearing some sort of face covering to protect not just your identity but also yourself from gases that make you see this sort of thing but hey what do i know i'm not the world's greatest detective we were new arrivals in kyrat fresh off the boat so to speak yes and we were eager to sample the local halticulture scene very eager we were not disappointed no not in the slightest and it was all thanks to an uh kindly old guru who helped open our minces right that day we reached a level of herbal nirvana unlike any other when it was all said and done we asked the guru whose supplier was that's when we heard of shangri-la in far cry 4 you'd think the only hallucinations you'd have to worry about would come from altitude sickness up in the mountains or from concussion after falling off those mountains however some are supplied by not so local locals yogi and reggie so the gu told us he had journeyed to a story place and when he was there he nipped a few buds this was all made possible through a mystical tanker that hung on this very wall so what happened to it uh i was torn to pieces and scattered throughout kairat by persons i know yeah they might not be from kerap i'm also not sure where in britain these two are supposed to be from either still they lead you on a path to find some paintings that help someone journey to the mythical shangri-la it's not entirely clear whether the game intends this to be a reflection of a true spiritual experience or one caused purely by some psychoactive in-game substance actually given this is a far cry game it's definitely the latter probably because of ancient paint fumes or something so off you pop on a mind-bending voyage of drug trippery in these visions you befriend a sacred tiger and go around stabbing and shooting arrows at demons more like shangri ah these terrifying masked monsters love to appear out of nowhere and when you dispatch them they fall away turning into blue dust except for the dogs who turn into massive explosions turns out his boom is worse than his bite not only that but you also fly around on the wind of stone lotus flowers and there's a giant bell and a huge bird and after each mission aj wakes up on the floor of his living room with no memory of how he got there and more crucially no cool giant white tiger friend yep definitely paint fumes so those were some of the weirdest things that games made you do while high oh gosh all of the all melting wibbly wobbliness can you think of any other examples of really weird things that games made you do under the influence if so pop them in the comments and if you enjoyed this then why not check out some of the other things we do on this channel for example our tabletop series where we play late in the dark which is a really cool crime sim it's part of oxventure where we also play dungeons and dragons so check that out if you haven't already thanks for watching goodbye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 346,178
Rating: 4.9620175 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, outsidexbox, outside xbox, jane douglas, andy farrant, mike channell, funny, switch, ps5, ps4, spiderman, spider-man, gta, gta5, peyote
Id: iGswMi9NS60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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