7 Folks Who Turned to Cannibalism Way Too Fast

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cannibalism is one of society's great taboos and as such even in fiction generally only occurs in the most desperate or extreme of circumstances like when eating human flesh is the only way to survive or when the only fatality in mortal kombat you can pull off is melina's i mean at least nothing was wasted so there's no excuse for these folks in video games who turned to cannibalism way before it could have been considered a last resort chowing down on their fellow humans when frankly everyone else seems to be managing just fine seriously you lot i must have walked past 50 chickens on my way here so why exactly are you tucking into steve what's going on here are the folks who turned to cannibalism way too fast you'll wear spoilers for the following games so like i was saying welcome to ann dale what can the smith family do for you it's the best little town there is we don't have a care in the world here i mean honestly what more do you need to know has he been spreading his stories again poor guy i'll just have to have jack give him a talking to i really look forward to preparing you for dinner sometime it goes without saying that everything gets much harder in the post-nuclear war irradiated wasteland whether that be getting enough sunlight because now most everyone lives in underground vaults or keeping occupied when the only pastimes left are collecting garden gnomes and shooting your dad in the head with a bb gun well that killed four seconds but despite the obvious hardships there is plainly no excuse for the occupants of fallout 3's wasteland to turn to cannibalism not when a single radroach of which there are millions everywhere is big enough to feed a family and in a world where birthday cake still exists if you can afford to have a robot destroy cake you can afford not to eat people as my grandmother always said there is absolutely no justification then for the practices of the residents of andale a seemingly idyllic small town on the outskirts of fallout 3's playable area you're new here aren't you wow here the houses are more or less intact happy kids play in the yard and the residents are super welcoming even to shotgun wielding strangers who barge in the front door well hi there welcome to andale i'm willie wilson though folks just call me bill is there anything i can do for you only one andale resident seems less chipper about the neighborhood grouchy old man harris who isn't so much into the arndale spirit as he is into accusing his neighbors of terrible crimes they're killers every one of them run get out while you can don't believe me do you just check out the basement or that shed knowing the title of this video it probably won't come as a shock to you what the residents of andale have been up to in the basement and shed here's a clue it rhymes with practicing frannibalism andale's gross secret is revealed in a mess of human guts bloody carving knives and fridges rammed with strange meat which seems needlessly euphemistic considering there's literally a human goddamn skeleton hanging next to this one of course the residents of andale won't be too happy you stumbled onto their horrifying secrets though if challenged on it you always have the option of trying to persuade them you're totally cool with it well that's good to hear friend very good to hear indeed you wouldn't believe how judgmental some people can be honestly all i'm trying to do is keep my family happy and fed tell you what talk to linda she'll give you some of her special meat pie it's to die for but not you you're good people and what dare we ask is the nutritional value of a pie made from human meat is it very high perhaps justifying andale's sickening culture of cannibalism or is it exactly the same as a lump of radroach meat five hp have a word with yourself and dale i don't remember it being this far away i know i don't recognize anything you never made it back without this guy grand theft auto 5 is a game set in a world of rampant capitalism and consumption with a fast food placed seemingly on every corner and plenty of shops to pop in and get yourself a snack so this is probably the last place you'd expect to see folks turning to a more cannibalistic form of consumption but you'd be wrong see trevor gets a message from his pal ron that a so-called altruistic cult in the mountains will exchange cash for lost souls and just want them for dinner uh yeah ron i don't think that means what you think it means you can find plenty of lost souls around los santos and the surrounding areas who you can give rides to hey hey you buddy can you do us a massive favor it's the little lady's birthday and we are really [ __ ] up can you drive us back to our motel our car's right there sadly for these folks if you're playing as trevor you're given the opportunity to drive them not to their requested destination but instead to the altruistic camp in the middle of nowhere hey i think you've taken us too far man yeah i'm pretty sure our hotel wasn't up a mountain for each person you send you get a one thousand dollar reward but give the cultists enough and eventually they abduct trevor too whereupon you discover that hey this is a weird baby boomer cult and yet they probably definitely ate all those people we shall be free once more altruism the greatest good for the greatest generation we shall boom again not okay boomer but trevor is not one to go down easily sourcing himself a gun and clearing out the entire encampment hurting them not just with bullets but also his words your generation ruined everything for everyone once every cultist is down you can look around to discover weird markings painted everywhere but more importantly four briefcases full of money amounted to a grand total of one hundred thousand dollars oh my god you could have bought so many burgers with this why did you ask us to bring you people still to be honest we don't think trevor feels as guilty about this whole thing as we do the brain thing what is it you know it's not very tasty right you got a sizeable carcass you sustain with the loins first and then the legs far tastier yeah no he's fine the eponymous jade empire from the game jade empire is a realm filled with fantasy and yet in this world the rules of food and drink seem to be basically normal there's a tea house for instance i am three sheets duton proud owner of this quaint little tea house even if some of the dishes on sale here might be a little advanced for our palette roasted cow's heart sauteed with bile of leopard um you know what pass i had a big breakfast that one chef aside he would assume that in this fantasy world the only good reason to turn cannibal would be in exchange for unimaginable magic power of some kind and just have that idea at the back of your mind as we introduce you to the pilgrims rest in in the game's great southern forest welcome to the pilgrim's rest traveler pilgrim's rest appears to be a regular inn full of regular folks although admittedly everything seems kind of gloomy and the staff will insist on saying things that seem just a little off hello welcome to the pilgrims rest where the patron is the most important part of our business confront the innkeeper about how everything in his horrible inn is freaking you out and he'll reveal the terrible secrets of pilgrim's rest that everyone here has turned to cannibalism why in service of a great demon called the mother and in exchange for great power and here it is gaze upon our forms and our glory oh oh you're all gollums um well done intriguing yes such power is hard to resist is it not yet somehow i think i may resist actually go in take whatever you want only leave puppets for me one tiny upside to living on a space station with half the crew turned into ask spy alien life forms is that with no one around to guard their snacks there's a lot more food and drink to go around such is the case for morgan yu in 2017's prey a game absolutely filled with free snacks however when you get to telos one's crew quarters cafeteria chef william mitchell isn't keen on sharing anything whoever you are ron there is no more food here except you what do you mean dude there are snacks everywhere unless oh william doesn't see the possessed crewmates locked outside his kitchen as human anymore constantly calling them puppets even after you've killed the local floaty telepath typhon thus freeing the crew from its mind control couldn't hide behind your puppets in fact he doesn't seem to have much regard for any of the human lives upon the station as in order to let you into the safety of the kitchen he sends you off on a fetch quest to his bedroom forgetting to mention the electronic inky spaghetti monster between you and said bedroom don't worry about power flickering station is just hurting keep going don't worry don't worry i'll give you don't worry when you finally get past the monstrous life forms and into the bedroom you'll find an audio log of chef will mitchell who surprise surprise looks nothing like the bloke in the kitchen well morgan said it was all right in fact when william finally lets you into the kitchen you'll see that the weigh-in is covered in blood wait a minute [Music] yeah this isn't a good sign a worst sign however is when he lets you get your hands on some goodies in the freezer and yep he locks you in cold storage but looking around you discover you're not alone not only do you stumble into poor frozen crew member abigail foy but also a box of suspicious meat which contains the real will mitchell's tracking bracelet oh oh dear fortunately for you you can get out of there pretty easily through a handy-dandy vent but even after all that fake mitchell still tries to blow you up into bite-sized chunks with a booby trap on the way out and you maybe you see it avoid it his hankering for human flesh must be pretty huge as the kitchen is well stocked with enough unagi rolls jellied eels and eel scraps that there's no need to nibble on the talos one crew but to be honest we should have realized something was up when we asked what was in the soup if hungry eat but i wonder tastes like eel and there's something else oh god brings a whole new meaning to chef special not many would walk blindly into a crypt smelling of steel and blood but not fear i feel the hunger inside of you gnawing at you you see the dead and your mouth grows wet your stomach growls there are a lot of weirdos in skyrim but pretty high on the ranking would be ayola a woman who chooses to spend her time hanging out in a tomb beneath the city of markarth and is a cannibal in a world where you cannot walk five feet without bumping into a delicious goat trying to persuade ayola that she may have swerved to cannibalism too soon given the abundance of non-human meat is a fool's errand though because she won't be persuaded of anything she won't even be persuaded that you are not a cannibal as well despite the fact she's just met you and you just told her you are not one a lot of our kind block out the memory of their first meal the shame is too much but you don't need to hide anymore even telling her very clearly that you want nothing to do with her won't slow ayola's role instead it starts a quest the name of which very much implies we're not done with the skyrim cannibals taste of death sounds chill follow the quest because i mean that's what quests are for and suddenly you're helping ayola clear a cave of drauga a cave that turns out to be a shrine to namira patron daedric lord of cannibals before you know it aiola has asserted that you are now part of her cannibal coven and you're in charge of bringing the next sacrifice now we need to prepare a grand feast to welcome you to namira's coven you will have the honor of bringing a fresh kill for the main course all despite the fact you never actually agreed to any of this aiola must have put all her points in speech i guess say hello to verilis for me bringing ayola her sacrifice means persuading brother verilos the priest to come with you on what he thinks is a treasure-hunting expedition in a dangerous tomb not that he's worried at all don't worry rk's protection is absolute um is it absolute against a room full of cannibals who are here specifically to dismember and eat you virulence because that's what it's going to take who who are you what's going on because it seems aiola's not alone after all and skyrim is secretly full of cannibals who want nothing more than to feast on the flesh of their fellow humans seems entirely unnecessary how could anyone get bored of sweet rolls and wheels of cheese the two best foods ah the new disciple i hear you have quite the appetite if you don't mind killing and eating a bit of virulence yourself you can earn a a horrible ring from the daedric lord in the mirror that lets you recover hp when you eat people and be the trust of the coven who it turns out are all recognizable business owners from around macarth although they don't like that fact to be mentioned outside of cannibal club don't go talking about that only the dinner guests can know that said access to this inner circle isn't much of a reward bearing in mind that like every cannibal in fiction the dinner conversation with this lot is basically only cannibal puns did you know i inherited the story from my late husband shame what happened to him he had such good taste right and have you seen any good films or they took my boy my boy who did he's missing he's only a youngster my boy is missing where who took him them people in the hills them hills near hanging rock they took it we'd be the first to admit that the limited range of culinary options in the wild west will leave some pallets wanting i mean we don't know exactly what vittles are but they sure don't look gourmet but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to eat people instead and if you want proof of this fact look no further than randall forrester a giggling weirdo who you only have to listen to for one second to know has never had a good idea in his life thank you mister see randall will come into protagonist john marston's orbit should you pick up the quests around the town of armadillo to investigate folks who've gone missing under mysterious circumstances leaving only a puddle of blood and some bone scraps jon catches a break in the case when he finds someone alive with a busted leg that someone you'll remember from 30 seconds ago is cannibal randall forrester but john doesn't know that yet what he broke my leg some city fella got kind of creepy on me and then he got violent wind just now he ran off that way can't have gone too far as such you'll end up unwittingly bringing forrester his lunch back at least once you've chased down that lunch lassoed the lunch flopped the lunch over your horse's bum and carted the lunch back to a hungry cannibal oops you broke this poor fool's leg mister this maniac tried to eat me we've got cannibals in these here hills please help me fellas gotta eat now fellas got to eat you get to decide whether or not to let forrester eat the poor stranger or punish him in accordance with the anti-cannibalism laws of 1911. or at least we assume this is the sentence the law prescribes we didn't read the chart too carefully i've already discussed the matter with the senator i take it he was agreeable he didn't really have a choice has he been infected oh yes most certainly when i mentioned that we could put him on the priority list for the ambrosia vaccine he was so willing it was almost pathetic this play the writing is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it stealth rpg deus ex is set in a grim version of the future where society is caught in the grip of a pandemic and if that sounds a bit depressingly too real maybe give the real world some credit because at least we're not all eating people too we're not eating people right folks it's not immediately obvious when playing deus ex that cannibalism is rife or even that it could possibly be necessary seeing as the versalife corporation featured in the game has used its grasp of genetics to invent the greasel a small dinosaur that looks frankly delicious and don't stand there and tell me you wouldn't eat a khakian which is what this is because i would have to call you a liar there is however one small but definitive sign that everyone in deus ex is eating people and that's the candy bar a common item found lying around or looted off dead enemies specifically the item description for that candy bar which if you look at it in your inventory reads chocolate dream it's chocolate it's people it's both and then the trademark signed as if anyone in their right mind would want to steal that tagline it's an easily missed but irrefutable bit of proof that people in deus ex have turned to eating each other presumably recycling dead bodies into chocolate if the clear reference to the movie soylent green is anything to go by what the hell citizens of deus ex you'll eat each other but you won't eat a khakian he'd eat you ah the circle of life so those are some folks who turned to cannibalism way too fast i mean come on they had so many options in fact we had a lot of options for this list so why not pop your suggestions in the comments below because there are so many examples of this oh my goodness video games are weird but we love them which is why we make list videos like this every single week and we make loads of other stuff on the channel as well including fabulous tabletop adventures on outside xbox doing d and d and here we do blades in the dark so why not check those out thanks for watching bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 661,272
Rating: 4.9438524 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra
Id: aAWlm9dz2w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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