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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

So far I agree on everything that he has said with some exceptions.

Those being:

The divine order- God, man, then woman

A woman must submit to a man's authority

The right man will make you feel like the only woman on earth/the most beautiful person unless you haven't maxed out your beauty at any time of day. Nope. The right man will always aee you as the most beautiful no matter what state your appearance is in and he will appreciate all that you do to maximize your beauty.

A HVM isn't born at his peak potential and you should build him. This is sketch area for me personally but I agree that the way a woman builds a HVM is different from how a woman builds a LVM. A HVM has integrity, morals, values and behaviors that will always allow for his woman to operate in the feminine despite all the challenges of life.

A man and a woman who enter into a partnership together become one are each other's priority. I agree with this but it definitely goes beyond just being a priority. The ideal romantic partner is quite literally your other half, your twin flame, because they have the maximum highest compatibility with you on all levels.

I am a very spiritual person and it has encompassed the vast majority of my life as well as being a huge part of my purpose here on this earth. He's very right about the spirit. I've met HVMs throughout my life who were never the one because they weren't meant for me and my spirit knew it.

Our bodies are temples that house our spirits and our spirits are the temple of the Divine. That's why mind, body, soul is all connected and proven not just by personal experiences but also the advancement of technology and sciences that we have today.

That being said we need to keep our bodies clean, we need to purify it of toxins (emotional and chemical) and maintain it according to its processes. Chew your food until it is like water before you swallow, eat when the sun is high and when it sets in a day, eat small portions until you are satisfied not full, do not eat death or else death will come into your body and thereby your spirit (animal carcasses, any flesh meat, any blood), meditate out in the open air, meditate in the waters, meditate out in the sun so that the body can purify itself by its natural processes, drink the daily intake of water, eat living foods such as herbs, fruits and vegetables that do not require the death of the plant to consume.

I'm not even 100% on this list but every bit that I have done has strengthened my connection to the Divine. If your path is spiritual and you trust in the Divine it will lead you to these truths as you say, "I am ready to stop doing the things that keep me further from you, whatever they are, so that I may be closer to you".

When your spirit is discerning and your connection with the Divine is strong you will gain that 6th sense. It will manifest through the channels that you allow the Divine to speak into your life. Will you accept it speaking through people? Through literature? Through ancient wisdom and philosophy? Through personalized signs? Science? By impressions in your body? By epiphanies of your mind?

Truth of the Divine is scattered everywhere and anyone can know it, especially as the Divine is living and it's spark is in you. If all you have are embers or if you feel that there is no fire in you then ask the Divine to wake you up and do what is in your power to become closer to it. If your heart's desire is true and fervent then all will be revealed to you as you continue on your spiritual path.

I am certain beyond every doubt that the man I am with now is my husband by and large because of what the Divine has communicated to me along my path of getting to know him, at every interval. This all in addition to every strategy that I have used to vett him. This man could not be any more perfect for me so my expectations are very grand.

Still, I wait on his actions and that ring.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/quaintlyspoken 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think I’ve seen a video of his in the past. Will have to check him out again!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/butterflymeadowzz 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
and we want to get back to our discussion on race relations in the United States applies to pastor RC Blake's too and as leaders on the local level when we begin to combat with a rhetoric with truth and this is for this is for male and female this is not just for women at night this is for male and female you know the right one you know because if you're if you're like me if you're like me you've made a lot of mistakes in terms of trying to choose a person for your life and sometimes you know you you choose people before you really have a full understanding of who you are and so you choose a person that is right for you at that time not understanding that you are going to evolve and not being wise enough to discern that the person does not have the capacity to evolve with you so those relationships tend to end they tend to fall off broken hearts divorces all of that other kind of stuff and then at a certain point you kind of mature and then you you really begin to learn what's important in a relationship and what's important in a relationship is not you know the size of a woman's bustline or the height of a man or the size of his biceps or how big his bank account is he ought to have one but how big it is should not be number one on your list how fine a woman is should not be number one on your list because there many of you are here tonight who've had handsome guys with money and you're currently single didn't work there many of you aren't here tonight at least some of you on here tonight if we have any brothers in that have had fine women and it didn't work so how do you you know how do you know the right one you know when Adam met Eve when God presented Eve to Adam Adam knew instantly now I believe you know there's a lot of teaching to be done here I believe the reason Adam knew instantly is because now listen to this very carefully this may change the game for you if you hear what I'm saying I believe that Adam knew instantly because Eve was introduced to Adam when Adam was at his spiritual zenith Adam was not observing he was not men and looking at the external Adam was discerning and so in adamite Eve he said this is bone of my bone flesh of my flesh this was this is mine this is woman because he was in the spirit now what you agree with me that most of the time and I believe that probably most of the people on here tonight are Christians most maybe not all but most would you agree with me that most of the time most of the time when we made relational choices we were not in the spirit we made relational choices based on physical attraction we made relational choices based on what he or she can do for me and we were not in the spirit if we were discerning if we were discerning from you know the starting line we would have never made the errors we made in terms of relational choices so there are many of you who are still making relational choices out of your flesh out of your intellect you can only make a real relational choice out of your spirit if a person does not agree with your spirit if there is no witness in your spirit I don't care how fine they are I don't care what kind of money they have I don't care what kind of name they have if it does not agree with your spirit run Forrest run so now that I just wanted to get that out of the way because you know you know I want to deal with some practical stuff and when you deal with practical stuff people always want to come back and and you know remind you of the obvious spiritual principles that you know that we under most of us understand at least so person has to have a common faith y'all can't be on two different pages spiritually you've got to be equal to your to get all of these kinds of things so that's out of the way now let's get down to some practical stuff you know that you have met you have potentially met the right one for you male a female when you find a person that respects you hey honey I'm proud of you cause you're talking to KC I'm thank you talking to me girl when you have met the one that respects you now that's big on both sides a woman should never have a man that disrespects and does not view her as an equal in fact the Bible says in first Peter 3 and 7 husband's dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor unto the wife as under the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered so the Bible tells the man make certain that you honor and view this woman as an equal but the respect thing has it goes both ways when a man meets a woman that has the slightest bit of disrespect in her personality he should run immediately because she will never be a woman that will submit to Authority biblical whatever you or whatever other kind you want to call it she will never fall into the into the divine order of God respect respect respect if a person disrespects you if a person disrespects you what more do you have to talk about when a person begins to disrespect you okay you know something simple as I'll be there to get you for a to show up at 9:30 that's disrespectful the right one will have respect for you the right one will have respect for you the right man will respect you enough listen to this to listen to you the right man will respect you enough to listen to you the right man will respect you enough to hear you out and to implement your ideas when your ideas are best and he's big enough to say that's a better idea than the one I had and he respects you enough to use your idea over his not feeling that his manhood has been assaulted at all the right woman is going to respect you enough to talk to you a certain kind of way she's not gonna call you boy and you know calling you out your name and all of this kind of stuff clowning you in front of her friends and a family you it supposed to go around the block with a woman like that the Bible says man it's better to live on the roof than to be living up in a mansion with old brawling woman yeah that's right put some respect on it and I ain't telling you no more ain't saying it no more o3o put some respect on it that individual respects you that individual respects you see the thing that that makes me and Lisa work so well I believe one of the things she's on here she can chime in if she desires to is that we have mutual respect for one another there's a certain way I'm gonna talk to my wife there's a certain way she's gonna talk to me we've never ever ever gotten out of line in terms of respecting one another my wife always gives me the highest respect privately and publicly and I give my wife the highest respect if a relationship is not built on respect you don't have no foundation there's nothing to talk about I don't care how much you think you in love with a person if a person is toying with you and playing with you and if a person is not exercising the basic respect for you there comes a point that you got to respect yourself number two a man or the right one rather the right one I initially started writing this lesson just the women and I realized that this applies both ways this is not just for women the right one will make you feel like number one not number three not number four not number two the right one will make you feel like number one the right woman will make you feel like you the only man on the planet the right man will make you feel like you have an only woman walking the right man will make you feel like you're the most beautiful woman in the world now granted you know when you take care of yourself properly not when you're walking around with curlers in your head and one o'clock in afternoon but you know you take care yourself the right man will make you feel like you are the most gorgeous woman in the world there's no woman on the planet that's more beautiful than you they will make you feel like you are number one you a priority I love my people I love my mom and my dad and my siblings and my friends but nobody comes before you you should never marry a person that does not make you number one you're not even supposed to have an extended courting that's an old fogey term dating situation with a person that that does not exemplify the capacity to make you number one when you when you discern in a person's life that they have this person in that person and that person and that person that come ahead of you you know you're then to an exit stage left alright whichever way you can get out of that get out of there because the right one the one that you should walk down an aisle and say yes to is the one that will make you the priority Wow look what the Bible says here Nick well no in Genesis 2:24 therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife I don't believe in dating courtship only this way that's that's you know hey I feel you therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh meaning the two of them become each other's priority what about his work saying he is busy all the time well now that you know that depends that depends depends on what kind of bills y'all have you know what I mean depends on what it takes to run that household you got a factor all that in I think when people are courting if that's the term some of y'all would prefer to use and your your couple in our church use the term dating dating you know tomaría dating for towards marriage you need to discuss what is our lifestyle going to be like because if you desire to have a 7,000 square-foot house and three three Mercedes Benz the children will have to go to work everybody got to work you know so that depends sometimes a man is not just being selfish sometimes he's just trying to do what comes naturally and that is provide and sometimes we don't know when to stop and doesn't mean that we don't love it's just that as men we sure show our love by providing you can't squeeze that out of us we show our love by by paying the bills people make time for what they see as priority okay I'll go with that but the reality is that sometimes a man got to work you got to look at the lifestyle and sometimes it is advisable for a family to downsize the lifestyle so that they can have quality time together and a lot of men are workaholics yes we are because we've not been taught better we find our identity in what we do and how much we make not understanding that our identity is in our legacy and our legacies at our house with our wife with our wives and our children yeah yeah so no okay y'all y'all let me still pointy man will make you feel a person that doesn't that is the right one will make you feel like number one number three the right one will have the ability to make you laugh the right one will have the ability to make you laugh can you imagine spending the rest of your life with a person that that never makes you laugh and that never laughs can you imagine that the right one will have the ability to make you laugh and brothers let me tell you something there's nothing bigger in the in the in the life of a woman than a man that her man being able to make her laugh if you can make your woman laugh if you can make your wife laugh wow that's big laughter a woman being able to make a woman laugh sometimes is more attractive than anything relative to your physique a woman is attracted to a man that will take the time to make a laugh and a lot of times we miss it on that point you know a lot of times we miss it on that point but you want to be with somebody that can make you laugh and someone that you can laugh with it can't be all business if the relationship can't be all business you got to be able to laugh you know just just the two of you you got to be able to just laugh and and and find fun and one another man you know just laugh you know I was keep trying to get out to bid the other day and man my back oh Jesus I had a pain that shot through my back and my wife laying there laughing at me looking like an old man trying to get out and I looked back and I laughed at her because I said you got to get out next to myself and I know she got the same pains so we find reasons to laugh you need you to have chemistry with somebody you got to be able to laugh how can you make it in this life without laughter you got to be able to laugh and you shouldn't have to turn the television on the radio on to laugh that should be found within the constructs of your relationship Jesus is three and four says I'm gonna read the whole thing but it talks about everything in verse 1 it talks about everything there's a season at a time now in verse 4 it says there's a time to weep and a time to laugh a time to mourn and a time to dance it the right one is a person that will have that kind of emotional balance that they can shift from business to spiritual to laughter to fun most of the relationship once you are on that you know you're on the same spiritual page same spiritual frequency most of the relationships should be geared towards keeping one another in a light and healthy place laughter you know your relationship has to be filled with with laughter alright watch this number four the right one will be generous in every way they will be generous in every way he passes e glad to see you glad to see you sir the right one will be generous in every way financially with their time just being just being there to help the right one will be generous in every way no woman now listen to what I'm saying no woman should marry a man that is stingy with his money if a man brings you on on a date or brings you to dinner and that man allows you to pay for it mm-hmm now that may be old school some of y'all or if if he go to my wedding there's your bill this is mine you don't want that I promise you you don't want that you don't want that you don't want that you don't want no man tell my we're going Dutch hey half is yours this half is mine you know even y'all get married if the man gonna marry you he needs to know what kind of bills you have because he married you and your bills no no God didn't make no motor but he married you and your bills if a man doesn't have a mind to take care of you financially now he may not be there yet but he has to have a mind to be there you you you you got to have generosity there has C because relationships especially marriages work on the the give-and-take system see I gotta watch this okay here it is here it is here it is here it is here's Lisa Anna again this is one of the keys to our marriage I firmly believe it well my wife wakes up in the morning she's trying to figure out what do I need to do to empower my husband's life what do I need to do to make my husband's life easier what do I need to do to help my husband the day and I wake up trying to figure out what can I do to help my wife today what can I do to make my wife's lolled easier lighter and see when when when both come to the relationship with the spirit of generosity with a spirit to Gail see marriages work where two mature people understand that they are to enter into this covenant and empty out themselves one into the other if I give Lisa everything she needs she has no needs if she gives me everything I need have no needs there you have a covenant that can stand that does not have the cracks and the crevices that the enemies usually seeps in through but when you have a person that shows you signs of selfishness you know at the most shallow end of the pool why would you go into the deep end with them if if you going if you're going out with a person for the first time and if it's a man and he got you paying your own bill if your brother and you say to a woman that you're you know you're seeing and you're thinking about her as a potential and you say well hey you know my car just broke down for some reason can you come pick me up and and drop me off at the dealership or whatever and she tell you by she don't feel like it I'm tired and I ain't got time for all of this you know she ain't the one that is not the one the one has a spirit of generosity the one is going to give everything they have and more come on now relative to the man the Bible says in Ephesians 5:25 husband's love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it some big onus with men especially because a woman should never have a man that's not generous and I'll put it to you this way a man that won't go to work for you is not a generous man he won't he won't get a job he's not a generous man a man is just lying around lounging around and he ain't making no money he'd see you got all these bills and you have all these needs he doesn't want to provide that's a he's not a generous man a generous man will work himself to the bone to make certain that he has everything necessary to provide for his woman and he's certainly not gonna sit there and let you go out and get two and three jobs while he working one or none I can't see my son better not ever ever ever in his life go anywhere with a woman and I get wind that he let a woman pay his way he better not ever don't go out if you ain't got no money talk on the phone Skype do not go out if you don't have no money go borrow some money from your daddy your friends but pay for that woman I ain't never met no woman pay for nothing never mm-hmm all right here we go the right one will allow you to be yourself see I don't have to I don't have to come home and act for Lisa I don't have to be you know I want the where Carla walks it around the house like I'm the bishop I can be me when I come home I can be me belly and oh you know what I'm saying I get home and it's just me and my wife well y'all fill in the blank I can be me I let my wife my wife can be her she can do her she doesn't have to put on you know no nose no certain kind of hat she can be her and my wife my wife can be ghetto you know she's raised in Canada born in Jamaica raised in Canada but she can be as ghetto as they come I'm come out ghetto but she can be ghetto at home she ain't got to worry about trying to be nothing but herself why would you go to distance with somebody that's always trying to make you something other than what you are if you don't like me the way I am see you know there's some things about me that's just not gonna change me and if you don't like me who if you don't like who I if you don't like the constitution of Who I am innately keep moving you don't you don't need to be with somebody that's always trying to change you trying to change who you are fundamentally they don't like the way you talk they don't like the way you dress you know sometimes we dress a little while we can use some improvements with that and if I English is bad you know it's good for them to try to help correct us and all of that but you know just everything you mean to me everything about everything about me you want to change for you know they're gonna be bringing you down to the plastic surgeon that might break break my nose and fix it this way yeah pull our eyes and they're gonna go where you don't want to be with nobody that that is not going to accept you for who you are you know if you know like a fat dude don't come over here just stay on your side the street I'm cold I'm good over you me and my ice cream cone I'm good over here you gotta accept you got that you got to know that the right one is gonna love you for who you are watch this the good the bad and ugly my wife sees me and see me at my weakest moments she seemed that my moments man when I felt like I couldn't make it I couldn't take it anymore I felt like quitting crying like a little girl a wife looking at me never lost respect for me allowed me to be me in those moments allowed me to have those moments I've seen my wife in broken states she's always been able to be who she is she never had to put on an act to come home but there are a lot of you are in relationships right now that you got to pretend to be something just to keep this person's interest so you know you get old but you're trying to act busy because you got a certain a woman a certain kind of man that you know the the sip the tea with their finger you know like that an indie I can't believe that you're eating with your salad fork they please is picking this meat up oh I'm having too much fun here tonight but you gotta be what you gotta be with somebody that allows you to be yourself Genesis 2:24 the Bible says therefore shall a man leave his father's mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be that's the wrong one yeah and it shall be one flesh that's not the one I'm looking for though I'm looking for the one where it says that it says that they were both naked and not ashamed they were both naked and not ashamed look that's the verse where they were both naked and not ashamed if you can't get naked in front of a person I'm not talking about physically I'm talking about emotionally if you can't get naked if you can't reveal the whole truth and nothing but the truth and this person stick around Wow all right all right here we go the right one will be patient with you the right one will be patient with you and this means more towards men towards women the right man will take his time he will be patient with you the right man is not trying to rush you into anything the right man is not trying to persuade you to do something you're not ready to do the right man is not trying to rush you into the bed to have sex the right man is always patient with you the right man always moves at your pace and the right woman is patient with the development of the right man sometimes the man now listen to this very carefully listen to this very carefully sometimes the man is like the man is like it's like Christmas toy that you that you know I used to buy for my children when they were kids we buy these toys and you see the image of this toil in the box you got this big box and you know foolishly thinking that it's just in the box like that and you get it home and it says assembly required all of the necessary parts are there all of the value is there all of the potential is there but the purchaser has to be patient enough to put it all together sometimes the right man may not be fully assembled and he just needs the right woman that knows how to put the pieces together and a lot of women are missing a lot of great men because he's not assembled he's not polished you don't want him and then you let him go on another woman take that same low man that you called him dusty and she puts them together and she polishes him and then three years later you sitting there hating on the woman because you knew you you you see she has what you had but she was patient enough to put it together now the parts got to be there everything got to be that there's a reason God said to Adam is not good for you to be alone I'm gonna make you a help me what does that mean the man becomes something greater when he finds the right woman to fit into his life but the woman has to be wise enough to recognize if the man has all of the necessary parts and then she has to be patient enough to help put them together now if you got a man that don't work he ain't got no parts you got a man that's just lazy and disrespectful he ain't got no parts but if you got a man that loves God a working man a man that has a vision and just need somebody to help him put it together my man be patient with that process be patient with that process help that man be patient with that man you turn you take that man when you get through my god you'll be so proud of the man he becomes on your watch but you got to be patient the right man is patient with his woman you can't be an impatient man you can't love a woman if you're not patient women go through all kinds of different changes the minds switch you know like that they have different things on their minds and the bodies go through a whole lot of stuff and a man has to be patient with a woman you can't be an abrasive man you got to be patient look what the Bible says in Colossians three and nineteen husbands love your wives and I think this is the amplified version be affectionate and sympathetic with them and do not be harsh of bitter or resentful toward them be patient and then wife is finally the right one the right one closes the deal see the right the right man it's not gonna take him years and years and years of dating I feel 20 years old you know y'all got time y'all young you need to grow you need to grow but if you got a man as 30 years old and he time out one of these days and y'all already been together for two years mm-hmm you know really a year man over 30 years old and you you've been with this man a year and he he don't he does not know the value that you are 50 years old 19 50 old manual to give him about three months he can't make up his mind in three months you need the right one closes the deal and watch this the sad thing is this sometimes I found that there are men that want to be married and women don't wanna and I know that's for a lot of different reasons sometimes sometimes I've discovered in counseling that it's because you know she's been hurt so many times she's scared to really put herself out there and even have anticipation that something can really you know last but sometimes it's the man it wants to be married and it's the woman that doesn't want to be married but the right one for you is gonna close is going to want to close the deal [Music] Genesis to 22 and 23 says in the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman brought unto the man and Adam said this is now bone of my bones flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of me out of man he recognized who she was and she became his wife because the right one has the same objectives as you they want they want a relationship that is in divine order you know walk they don't want a baby daddy you don't want their won't somebody to shack up with they don't want a roommate they don't want to be friends with benefits they want a mate that they can live out the remainder of their days in the will of God [Music]
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 246,848
Rating: 4.9206576 out of 5
Id: SDH6e5eohNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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