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good evening good evening good evening this is RC Blake's and I this is your first time I'm a pastor I'm an author I'm a husband I'm a man and I have a lot of opinions this evening I want to hopefully my my signal is good and my sound is good this evening I want to look at something that was on my heart relative to women great women who great women who seem to constantly miss husband material great women who seem to constantly miss husband material and I because it's it's it's a topic of discussion in my email almost on a daily basis really and I mean these are great women these are not I'm not talking about fly-by-night I'm not talking about you know some some fake pseudo type woman I'm talking about great women and you know just from my manly observations and from my interactions with so many women in what Lisa and I do in the world I have some perspectives and and I know that it's you know by nature it's gone to some of you gonna become defensive towards this message but I would encourage you not to be defensive but just you know kind of take it in and understand that I'm not I'm not in any way belittling or you know demeaning you I'm just trying to help you to see things from a male males perspective and I think that's a lot of my role in in the world and in the lives of so many men and women is to help each side to see the perspective of the other you know and so don't don't beat me up too bad but I mean it's you know it's just this is stuff that hopefully just kind of shines a light and and brings an awareness to you rather than a reaction you know what I mean a revelation rather than a reaction to what I'm getting ready to say but there are five things that I said and I thought about the e-excuse me I'm having a little tickle in my throat but there are five reasons that I can think of why women great women may constantly miss good husbands and I think it behooves all of us no matter what our station is in life no matter what our predicament is I think when things are not going well with me I think the the wise thing for me to do is to do some introspection Thank You Elena is to do some introspection because the the tendency is to thank you ver Etta the tendency is to point your finger out there and say him them her you know the you know Vey but what I've come to learn in the years of living that I've done is that when things are not going well or right in my life the answer to my problem it does not lie in the hands of anyone outside of me so if I want to change my life significantly the power to do so is within me but if if I do not if I do not own up to my own stuff and where I'm failing myself possibly maybe sincerely you know I don't mean any harm but I'm yet doing harm to myself look what the Bible says in Haggai 1 5 through 7 and I think this is I think this is the amplified version listen to what it says listen to the wording very very very carefully because I submit to you that there are some things that I'm going to highlight here today that should send most of you back to the drawing board relative to how you live in your lives as great women and how you're doing relationships the Bible says in Hagar 1 5 through 7 now therefore thus says the Lord of hosts consider your ways and set your mind on what has come to you enough of this you know you know a victim thing they're doing this to me the world is doing this to me says no stop consider your ways and set your mind on what has come to you you have so much but you have reaped little Thank You Audrey you eat but you do not have enough you drink but you do not have your fill you clothed yourselves but no one is warm and he who earns wages has earned them to put them in a bag with holes in it constantly losing thus saith the Lord of hosts consider your ways your previous and present conduct and how you have fared and why did I read that I read that because most of you have continued to live your lives your relational lives the same way that you started when you started in relationship 17 18 19 whatever may be younger and you've constantly gotten the wrong end of the stick you keep reproaching the next situation in the same manner that you started out in at some point you got to stop and you got to look at what you've been getting and you have to consider your ways shwayne I think it is thank you so much thank you Bishop pronounce show on thank you for helping to pronounce it Thank You Siwon you have to stop and you have to consider your ways so there are five things that I've highlighted here today that I want you to consider just consider it may not be you it may not be you but I believe that it's it's gonna I'm gonna hit the greater percentage of you at some point in my little discussion here this evening number one why Bishop why why is it that I never get husband material number one I had a conversation this week with a dear heart and this is what came out of the conversation sometimes your your missing husband material because let's let's let's see it this way the parking space is always occupied Thank You Jennifer you're missing the husband never pulls in to your life because the parking space marked husband is always occupied with something or someone who is less than a husband it's kind of like when you go to the mall and you have the handicapped space I hate it when people do that and some people just take it you know lightly like it's no big deal that you pour your big grease itself up in a handicapped space is marked handicapped for a reason it's because anybody that's not handicapped should not be pulling into this space well so it is in your life the Creator Thank You Ida she says you are amazing I appreciate that you are too the Creator has preordained the space of your life for a husband but every time the husband pulls around to get into his space you have another vehicle that's not husband material occupying it that's just the truth that's just the truth so y'all want to burn my email up and you won't you won't get on the phone and all this kind of stuff and talk about all this stuff and why you can't have this and then when I get deeper to the conversation you got somebody sleeping in your bed you got somebody occupying your life and you wondering why God is not sending your husband which you want God to send you to a man that already got a woman God's not gonna send no husband you know that the space is preoccupied it's like a it's like a single parking space in a mall and every time you know the rolls-royce passes around your space you got a hoop in there every time the King passes around you preoccupied with a clown because you don't know how to be you don't know how to wait you don't know how to be alone and some of y'all say well well you know you know oh I'm this age I'm that age Thank You Tammi baby you've been doing this since you were a teenager you just think I'm nothing do it age if you've been doing this since you were a teenager you've been keeping your life preoccupied with clowns and wondering why no kings show up number one clowns and kings don't sit in the same spaces number two no parking space can accommodate two at a time see a lot of times your parking space is full and what you're trying to do is you're trying to cram two cars up in there because you want to hold on to the old unproductive familiar while you trying to learn of the new and ordained no no you got to give up the old productive familiar and you got to let him go on wherever you gonna go and you got to open this space up and you got to be willing to stand in that space as an individual until the right look what the Bible says in proverbs 3:5 through 7 trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding Wow in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths watch this be not wise in thine own eyes fear the Lord and depart from evil so you got it you got to be willing to stand in that space and hold it down Thank You Kimberly until the right man comes around you've got to be willing to stand as an individual and hold that space down let all these other cars pass doesn't matter how angry they get ain't you're not getting in here no no this space is for we waiting on the bending we waiting on the Rolls Royce we've had enough hoop this come through here you got to keep it moving go find another space I'm standing here until the right one shows up so as a woman you must stop watch this listen to this statement hear me I wrote this down as a woman you must stop arranging relationships and become patient enough with the process I don't hear nothing about your age I don't hear nothing about your age please don't tell me anything about your age nobody cares about your age as a grown woman you have to become patient enough with the process mature enough in your womanhood to recognize what you've been doing for the last 20 years 30 years has not worked and now you have to come to terms with the fact that you have not gotten a bit me in your space because you've kept it preoccupied with and why why have you continued to get hoop this there in greater abundance you got more hoop DS on the road than you have Bentley's or Rolls Royces but when you understand who you are you will know the difference between a hoopty and a rolls-royce and you will say to the hoop to keep it moving keep it moving I'm waiting on a certain kind of car waiting on a certain kind of man you ain't no offense but you ain't it you ain't you you're not what I'm waiting on you you're not what I'm waiting on all right no no no I'm just I'm saying to you is that you ain't what I'm waiting on you mean to tell me you won't talking I'm not putting you down I'm just saying to you I'm waiting on a certain kind of man and you ain't it and I'm I'm watch this myself definition as a woman is not in my relational status so I don't have to have on Facebook in a relationship because I'm not defined I don't I don't value myself based on my relational status so if I'm not in a relationship right now if I'm not in a relationship two years from now three years from now I'm cool with that Thank You Michelle because I'm defined by something internal there's my son Dwight I love you man I miss you too I'm defined by something internal you must be strong enough to resist settling because of impatience and then you must know exactly what you're waiting on versus are look alike see cuz you got some cause they look nice but it's stealing you know that ain't no Bentley that's not a Rolls Royce that's not a Benz it's nice don't get me wrong it's nice it's a knight but anyone I'm waiting on see you got to know what you waiting on you got to be able to identify it at just a glance you got to be able to identify it and then then then you got to know how to get out of the way and let it let let let that brother pull into your life let's see as long as you just keep on flagging all these hookers up in there and then you sitting there you didn't wasted up two years three years with the hoop did somebody else how much you know how old you but you didn't waste it up last twenty years what hoop this why don't you why don't you stop leaning to your own understanding for a little while and acknowledge God and let him direct your path because you haven't done that yet you haven't done that yet can I say that one more time you haven't done that you have not stopped leaning to your own understanding you've been choosing a man thank you success bug your videos are helping out helping to set me free oh that's why I'm here thank you so much you've been choosing a man based on what your mama taught you and your mama never got a decent man you've been choosing a man based on your girlfriend none of them got sick yeah she mattered but she ain't happenin man she cheating on us and you getting youuuu taking advice from her she don't even have a man that can you know you have not stopped to stand in that parking space and do some introspection and hear what God has to say about this thing for change number two okay so number one we said the parking spaces is is is occupied if done time husband material pass around man thieves thank you so much the parking space is filled with something other than husband material even though the spaces mark husband number two second reason Yolanda thank you so much thank you so much this is a really great topic thank you for sharing your wisdom with us I'm trying I'm hoping I don't get in trouble today hope I don't get a bunch of bad emails praise the Lord watch this number two why great women constantly missing good husbands number two the sign on the outside does not read wife we got a wife on the inside in here and in here but the sign on the outside doesn't read wife the sign on the outside doesn't read wife I know y'all say oh he gets old fogey you know he from that old school I am I am I am and I'll tell you this much what I've learned from the old school is that you got to look like it you got to look like it Nene thank you so much thank you Bishop I appreciate you thank you so much you got to look like it and some of the stuff I'm seeing of y'all you name it you got a wife in here you got a wife in here but you any what's your advertising see you can't cook burgers you can't cook burgers on the inside the joint advertise chicken and then get mad when folks show up asking for wings you cannot cook burgers in the kitchen advertised chicken and then get mad when the full come around on the thing and say give me five wings Thank You Audrey your advertisement is misleading and I know y'all wanna be cute and all this kind of stuff but BAE Natasha thank you so much I just woke up and I needed this badly oh god bless you hey I know y'all want to be cute you want to be sexy and I get it I get it I understand I have three daughters you know I have a wife I'm surrounded by women I understand y'all yeah you know that's a neat y'all have to to feel sexy in to be I understand it and I'm not trying to say that you need to be like a little old church lady that's not what I'm saying your self-esteem needs to feel but I'll put it to you this way you got to be a wife when he finds you you can't wait to become a wife to dress like one after you finds you you got to be dressed like a sexy wife when he finds you you can't dress like a stripper no no offense the strippers because I have you know strippers that that look up to me and listen to me but you know that may turn a man on but it ain't gonna an angle bring to the altar now watch this your dress code as I say in the father-daughter talk your dress code is your personal commercial I'm sorry see all these booty shots y'all doing on Instagram that ain't helping your case B that ain't helping your case all these booty shots y'all doing on Instagram all these booty shots y'all doing on all these other things and and and it's just not helping your case it's just not helping your case it's not helping your case you cooking burgers but you advertising chicken and only people you're gonna get coming through your line or people that's looking for chicken if you advertising sex oh you're gonna get a little horny perverted men that want nothing but a good time see some of that stuff you advertising right now supposed to be reserved for when your husband shows up that's private stuff you putting out there in the public right now the whole the public not supposed to see that tattoo you got you know where you got it at public and suppose see that I don't care many people are doing that I don't care how popular that is thank you Latonya you're not supposed to do that there's some stuff you are supposed to reserved you should pull the lead with your brains and your spirit thank you true love not your sexuality this is the wrong day and time for a woman to feel likes yes the lead with a sexuality because a man a perverted man today just wants the slightest little bit of reason to disrespect you and when a man sees that that you you know you just you have naked every time I'm looking up Thank You Allison god bless you has been a minute we'll miss you in June stay safe Bishop much love god bless you thank you so much thank you so much yeah we were going to have a time but now watch this when it back to my point the sign on the outside doesn't read wife Bible says in proverbs 18:22 whoso findeth a wife Queen J thank you so much whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the lord finds a white finds a what a wife that means watch this you have to be identified as a wife when the husband shows up so you know hey you don't need to have all of that out you got thick eyed stuff disclosed that's very sexy you know form-fitting and all of that you know yeah you got your little shape show your little shape oh but you ain't got no penis I hope I'm making sense I hope I'm not I'm hope I'm not missing some of y'all because of a generational gap but again you have to take this and you have to figure out whatever I've been doing whatever I've been getting you have to do that see you may get angry with me but the reality is I believe that God put this in your face today for you to sit down and ask yourself knob and showing booty shots for the last 10 years what does it got me then but a whole lot of broken heart a whole lot of sex that I didn't need to have that never led anywhere and now I'm sitting there confused trying to figure out my value in my worth so the sign on outside doesn't read wife okay so number one we said Wyatt why great women missing good husbands number one we said the parking space is occupied number two we said the sign on the outside does not read wife your personal commercial is advertising something other than what you really are which is a wife a great woman and sometimes that's because of social conditioning sometimes that's because sometimes that's because of empty self-esteem father wounds and you're just searching for Thank You Leslie you're searching for something that only God can really provide number three your past anger watch this your past anger may be frightening present prospects your anger with your past and how your past only afforded to pain and disappointment Bible says Hope deferred makes the heart sick a lot of times when you've not processed that wo vdr rubies thank you so much Thank You Nicole thank you so much I'm trying to be it's hard though because you know your past anger may be frightening present prospects when you have not dealt with the disappointment and the anger the brokenness from your past and you just continue along in life without having a he disposal system to get rid of all of this toxicity what happens is you transfer that pain into present and even future encounters and see energy never lies you may be a great woman in your in your mind you may be a great woman in your spirit but the energy that a great man is going to pick up from you is that of anger because when you've not processed that anger you know you start making stables like ain't no man go ever I don't one thing a man that not okay now you sounding like you know okay what's going on here and you don't even realize it's going on but the reality is that your anger is speaking Thank You Veronica your anger is speaking out of you and you don't realize it because you have not Thank You KJ you have not taken the time to sit down and to heal and so you've really not been emotionally positioned are prepared to move forward in a relationship because you still have stuff from yesterday that you've not processed yet you still have bitterness that you've not dealt with my Angela and Angel I think I said it my angel thank you Hebrews 12:15 says make sure no one listen to this make sure no one gets left out of God's generosity this is the message Bible version keep a sharp eye out for weeds of bitter discontent a thistle or two gone to seed can ruin a whole garden in no time when you have bitterness that you've not processed when you have anger that you've now when you when you have somebody in your past that broke your heart and crushed you and did you wrong and you just kept it moving and ignored it and swept it under the rug what happens is you bring all of that toxicity into the next encounter and so anybody who is healthy they can pick up on your energy and you don't even realize it and you view it as a rejection of you when it's just that it's a rejection of the kind of energy that you bring in because they don't understand where it comes from see if you had processed that energy or if you had processed that pain you'd be in a position where you could relate positive and divine energy to this individual and then be mature enough to be able to bring them down through you know after a period of time bring them down your your your history line so that they could understand you but when you have all of that pain in you what happens is that pain jumps out as soon as you have the encounter you're looking at you your mannerisms and looking at your eyes they're looking at how short you are and what you what they don't realize is that you're just really scared and afraid that you're gonna be hurt again and it's really just your defense mechanism it's it does not represent your heart does not represent who you are is just it's like PTSD you know it's post-traumatic stress and and you're trying to do relationships but you scared that it's gonna happen again so you know you're just you're reacting rather than responding to the person because you've not dealt with that past anger is this making sense to anybody y'all give me some more thumbs if you don't mind some more likes proverbs 18:24 says this watch this a man that hath friends must show himself friendly say you can't be mad and angry with the world why would you say you want a relationship and you're looking at this man and you sizing this man up like he johnny from three years ago this man don't know nothing about that but you giving him that energy like you know you ain't even gonna do it to me this time you don't get me this time but if you go have friends he says you must first be healthy enough to show yourself friendly if you won't if you want a husband you have to be healthy enough to show yourself receptive some of y'all just need to chill honestly you just need to chill find your counselor and get healed before you try to move forward because the truth of the matter is well a lot of y'all saying you know good men I did the reality is that some of y'all are driven all three or four of them Thank You jasmine because you still mad you're still angry you looking at every man send me out when you first came on this channel you was looking at me in healing he got to say I don't trust no man yeah they all dogs they all dogs then you start listening mmm maybe you're not a dog but see most of the men that you go meet they're not gonna have the opportunity to keep speaking into your life without encountering your energy did you and I just say it most of the men in your life are not going to have the opportunity to keep speaking into your life until you recognize their value and their nature without encountering your energy series how you say that this is serious that's the name right there thank you anyway I appreciate you see I'm on the other side of the screen so I did encounter your energy I didn't feel that energy you had when you first listen to me but the man you go meet you know on the street is gonna feel your energy immediately and he's going to make a decision do I continue with this if he's a great guy and he not just there for sex he's gonna probably move on because you know he sign up all that all right number four on there five your spiritual vision is bad why do great women consistently miss good husbands your spiritual vision is bad you still you still you are still looking and not seeing you're still looking and not seeing see you're looking with these but you see with this and this so your vision is bad you're still looking at biceps and you looking at haircuts and and and you looking at height and and you looking at skin tone so you looking but you ain't seeing you ain't seeing behind that haircut these horns sticking out thank you Kiki you know you're not seeing those horns because you're not looking in the spirit you're not seeing in the spirit your spiritual vision is bad and at a certain point you got to wake up and you got to say I've been looking too much in haven't seen anything in Hebrews 5 and 14 says and I'm almost done Hebrews 5 and 14 says but strongly belongs to them that are full age I'm at or even those by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil ease talking about the difference between spiritually mature people and spiritual babes is his spiritual base you read the context you got to feed them with milk but spiritually mature people you can feed them with me see this is meat right here some of y'all choking because you spiritual babe this is not milk this is meat straight at you no chaser and he says when you're spiritually mature one of the signs of spiritual maturity is that your senses are exercised to discern both good and evil in other words the stuff that used to get by you don't get by you no more because your discernment is working your discernment is working you can you can look across the room and you can say uh-uh no no no no keep it moving keep it moving because your discernment is working and see some of y'all need to pray that the Holy Spirit sharpens your discernment Thank You Michelle need to pray that the Holy Spirit sharpens your discernment I don't know how you keep letting these clowns sliding on this crown next to you on this this throne rather you got this clown up there with this crown crooked on his head big old red nose big old shoes and you you always calling him King ain't no King that's a clown in the crown that's a clown in a crown you'll deserve money working you looking but you ain't seeing nothing you're looking but you ain't seeing nothing and in number five and finally why do great women miss good husbands number five and finally your subconscious mind is still on the old preferences of settings Cameron King 1980 thank you so much your subconscious mind is still on the old preferences see you've changed your conscious mind you said okay I want a husband I'm tired of boyfriends I need a husband and so in the front of your mind you saying I want a husband but then your subconscious mind in your spirit your subconscious mind is still attracted to everything but with your conscious mind you say I want a husband and so your mouth agrees with your conscious mind I want a husband but your subconscious mind takes your eyes out of the direction of a husband and shifts your eyes back in the same direction of the stuff you've always gotten latrell thank you so much because your subconscious mind is still on the old settings have you ever noticed you say you want this but you always end up with that it's because your subconscious mind is still set on attraction to the clown in the crown Thank You Murray great message thank you for all you do I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying to do my part you got to get your subconscious mind see that's I believe that's a that's a that's a place where the Spirit of God has me fitting into many of your lives is to help your subconscious mind to catch up with your present reality because a lot of y'all say I want a husband but you're always attracted to dog you can't tell every time they come around you're scratching it's fleas that's sleaze look at matthew 15:8 9 says this people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth and honoureth me with their lips but their heart is far from me but in vain they do worship Me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men Jesus is right he says they come not that come close to me they draw nigh to me with their mouth and the honoureth me with their lips but their hearts in another place and in that the way life goes thank you was it Leisha we should be thank you thank you god bless you in that way life is that you say one thing with your mouth and your heart is really in another place in it the way life is see you have to do the personal work to make certain that you're true to yourself from the inside out that you're not just here spouse in certain things that you've not made an internal commitment to so those are those are the five things that I wanted to share with you today relative to why great women consistently Thank You Danielle why great women consistently miss good husbands I hope that you got something out of this I hope got something out of this father I thank you today for this opportunity to share with so many people and now father ask you to breathe upon this time that revelation and life come to your people now in Jesus's name revelation in life in Jesus's name Amen amen amen now I love you all thank you for hanging out with me today I'll probably talk to you again this week sometime but just know I love you know that I'm praying for you wait a minute thing is moving too fast Ms lady Locker I'm awake for the first time in my life adjusting my crown and glad I am gaining the skills to raise my young queen thank you sweetheart that is that is that is a blessing to hear that is a blessing to hear my god listen if you have not picked up any of my books and maybe this is your first time here I'm Marcy Blake's if you go to Amazon you can pick up my book queen ology father/daughter talk so ties imperfectly holy wisdom for women in ministry king ology those of you that pre-ordered King ology we're looking for that to be coming the physical book to arrive soon as soon as that gets here I'm gonna sign them and we're gonna mail them out to you and then it'll be all over Amazon those of you that want to do the electronic version you can do that now on Amazon but I wrote you know yeah and I just finished another book actually that I'm excited about but we're not releasing that for a while me my mind is the title of the book and it's my perspectives on narcissistic abuse how to recognize it and how to overcome a narcissistic relationship so that's that's a little bit of who I am don't forget to stop by RC Blake's calm all of my online programs queen ology so ties transcending the father wound wisdom for women in ministry I've done four so far all of them are on sale the most expensive one is $49 I'm really excited about queen ology I think it's like ten sessions and along with the ten sessions is a PDF download of about a hundred and thirteen pages where you can print out the workbook that goes along with online program just like we have the study guide that goes along with the physical book I put in in PDF form the workbook to go along with the online program Thank You Evelyn thank you so much and it's just $49 as you as you go through each session you can do all the work on the sheets you can creat the binder I'm excited about it so ties is the newest one and all of that is at RSC Blake's calm I love y'all I love you all I think up for you and I'll talk to you real soon all right you can reach out to Lisa and I at RSC god bless you babe have a great one now talk to you real soon
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 153,895
Rating: 4.9235854 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC BLAKES
Id: Voa2HnC7ziQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 57sec (2577 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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