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good evening good evening good evening that evening hope everybody can hear and see me well if this is your first time on my channel I'm ROC Blake's I am a pastor I'm an author I'm a husband I'm a father and I'm a man with a whole lot of opinions that I share if you would invite some people to come in maybe call your friends and tell them that I'm on so many people say I wish I could catch you live all you have to do is hit that little bell and give YouTube authorization to alert you when I am live and you'll be made aware so hope everybody's doing good thank you for coming in thank you for coming in I have something on my heart today that was really just kind of dropped in my spirit on yesterday that I want to discuss with you today and I'm really entitled in this discussion today the wimpy syndrome and I'm kind of telling my age which I always do anyway when I was when I was a child my favorite at least one of my favorite cartoons was Popeye Popeye the sailorman and there was a character on Popeye the sailorman the cartoon there was a character by the name of wimpy and wimpy was a guy that loved hamburgers and he would do anything for a hamburger and would you find what you which you found with wimpy was that he would always say his line was ow gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today he was always promising to pay Tuesday for a hamburger today but you never found wimpy pain let me see if I can show you one P this is what wimpy look like you see his little caption there I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today so he was a professional promise-breaker he made a living off of broken promises and as I thought about this yesterday you know it it dawned on me that wimpy unknowingly represents a deceptive pattern found in men today who sold tie or tie they tie the souls of women up and eventually discard them with promises unkept now just to be fair because you know we are getting men a lot of men in this community thank you Tammy I appreciate you this goes both ways but today I'm specifically talking about at least five empty promises that men make that will cause a woman to get stuck and I called this the wimpy syndrome now what is the wimpy syndrome the wimpy syndrome is a woman who is addicted to promises Thank You vici ignoring the facts and constantly drawn in by elaborate and passionate excuses for why these promises are not fulfilled yet it's always coming it's always coming and because she's drawn in by these elaborate and these passionate excuses this starts the cycle all over again once once this individual can give you an apology some elaborate apology or make up some elaborate excuse and you buy into it and you reinvest your heart into a promise-breaker the cycle starts all over again Thank You Andrea so a woman with the wimpy syndrome is managed by empty promises now is that you is that you that all a person has to do is make a lot of empty promises that he does not intend on fulfilling and all he has to do is just continue to make these promises and you will be managed you will be contained you'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a baby today I'll gladly marry you Tuesday for sex today and then Tuesday gets here he wants another baby thank you Laurie he wants some more sex and he's gonna pay you next Tuesday and then next Tuesday gets here he wants another baby he wants some more cooking he wants some more years of your life and he's gonna pay you Tuesday and you've been waiting for Tuesday to come and here it is 20 years now and you've been managed you've been managed a PhD woman has been managed by a GED man and all he's had to do was make empty promises and he keeps you on that leash whoo this is when a man plunders your life with promises he can't fulfill or won't fulfill not only not only is it that he can't Thank You Kim stage I appreciate you not only is it he can't fulfill it he won't fulfill it and you buy it I know that I'm talking to a lot of people here today and you know somebody said to me and I really felt them the other day they said I love your content he says but person says but you know your approach sometimes is a little harsh and I get it but I find I really find that when I when I talk when I try to talk like just a regular person my message you know does not resonate like it should I think I have to talk see I'm talking to you with a similar passion as I would talk to my daughter's that's why so many people view me as a spiritual father it's because I talk to you out of the same passion and concern so when you hear me talking like that I'm not trying to belittle you I'm not trying to I'm not trying to hurt you in any way I'm trying to make certain that you understand what I'm saying is very serious and it can be a matter of life or death because for many of you you're losing too many years to empty promises that's all you have to show for it empty promises now in proverbs 13 and 12 it says and this is and this is the message Bible version it says unrelenting disappointment one of my favorite texts leaves you heartsick unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick the King James Version trees like this Hope deferred makes the heart sick in other words if you continue to leave yourself submit yourself to a situation where somebody has you strung out on promises and they never come through you are doing damage to your own mind you're doing damage to your own soul your self-esteem is emptying by the minute your self perspective is being skewed your goals your ambitions are being drowned out if you continue to submit yourself to a situation where somebody can manage you through empty promises you are damaging yourself emotionally psychologically right so a man that has no one listen to this statement very well and if you have like Facebook please share this copy this link and share this a link to your Facebook page because see this message right here there there doesn't there's a lot of women that need to hear this and I may come back with you know for the brothers I may come back with the promises that empty promises women me because y'all do it too but I'm talking about amenity listen to this statement right here a man that has to make promises either not is either not available not capable of fulfilling them or is unwilling let me read that statement again a man that has to make promises is either not available not capable of fulfilling them or as unwilling and his only goal is to manipulate you because the right man the right the right man that will do you well he doesn't have to make promises his character and his behavior speaks for it he doesn't have to promise he doesn't have to give you a whole lot of bumping up the gums a whole lot of yackety-yak because his character and his actions speak for him he's very decisive he's very easy to read and to understand because he communicates his heart he's not one of these people that you got to figure out where he's at Thank You Marion thank you so much he's not one of these people you got to try to figure out where he's at because he's decisive his character again speaks for him right now watch this watch this watch this your entire problem your entire problem is that now listen to this very carefully and this was actually what I'm reading to you now is actually a response to end a beautiful individual that reached out to me and had some questions along these lines which I think stimulated my thought to bring this subject matter up to my audience listen to this your entire problem and this is what I said to the individual to the young lady your entire problem is that you've delivered value without price you've given him everything you have and you have demanded nothing and that statement there though I was sending this to an individual it speaks to a multitude of women and men where you've been conned into this relationship or this situation ship Thank You Vanessa and you have delivered value you have delivered value without price you've given him everything and you have demanded nothing he has no he has no investment you're giving an individual all of these were husband privileges are based on what in des promises he's shopping at your store this is still in my response he's shopping at your store taking your most precious and valuable items on the mere strength of promises that have never been fulfilled and will never be fulfilled you're suffering from the wimpy syndrome I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today another promise wimpy now watch this this is still my response for his continuous infractions in the relationship there have been no consequences which makes him realize that he may go as far as he chooses with this disrespect and dishonor all he has to use are empty promises now that speaks to so many of you where you you're delivering in this situation ship you're delivering all of the value no price attached Thank You Christine I appreciate you you're delivering all of the value with no price attached you've given everything and you've demanded nothing this person is shopping at your store taking your most valuable items on the mere strength of promises that have never been fulfilled and for all of this person's continuous infractions there has never been a consequence this is this depicts what the strength of a soul time this is when a person gets you in your mind your will and emotions all tied up and the knots they're using on you are the knots of empty promises so let's look at five promises that that men use to tire woman up okay here it is number one I'm gonna leave Oh Thank You Tracy I'm going to leave her you're gonna leave I'm gonna leave oh I promise I'm gonna leave oh I'm gonna leave oh how old of them I don't love I'm gonna leave okay he's gonna leave her but when he gets to telling you he's gonna leave her he's really leaving you going back to the house where she's at and you believe it see listen to what the Bible says in John chapter 8 verse 44 says your from your father the devil and all you want to do is please him who the devil he was a killer from the very start he couldn't stand the truth because there wasn't a shred of truth in him when the liar speaks he makes it up out of his lying nature and fills the world with lies you are dealing with a spawn of Satan and you believe the stuff coming out of his mouth he's a liar like his father the devil when a man tells you he's going to leave another woman for you there are few things you got a question number one you got to question yourself how is it that you are on the wrong side of this situation breaking another woman's heart how is it that you're participating in something or relative to another sister that you would not want done to you that's the first thing how did how did you even get in this position because this does not even represent your character this is so far beneath who you are is on believable number two if he'll leave her for you use that PhD you got right now if he will leave her for you what makes you think he won't leave you for somebody else number three do you even want a man that has the kind of broken character that he would break the heart of a woman for another woman I'm preaching better than y'all shuttin dealing with a person when you start telling my dis you have to understand that there's a lapse in your judgment right now and and I believe the Lord had me to plug this thing up on this Thursday evening to make you aware of it there's a lapse in your judgment and you're on the wrong side of this eating and breaking another system look what the Bible says in Matthew 7 17 through 20 how many y'all have ever heard somebody my Maleeva that's a lot see you think is one thing because you got your whole heart invested in it and you got so tired and you didn't even realize this dude was even you know had a significant relationship or maybe not even didn't even know he was married and you got caught up in something but this is just who this dude is and the reality is can I just be honest with you the reality is you just called and you know what kind of call I'm talking about that's so far beneath you is frightening that's so far beneath you it's frightening Thank You Nina that's so far beneath you is frightening you are more than a call I mean I don't say the other word but they might you know they'd contaminate watch the language and slightest little stuff you a call you know call girl your wife you're not all of a woman you're not a call you're not supposed to be treated like a call you're a virtuous woman your place is your queen do you know who you are and you're gonna let this bum with these lies manipulate you and make you behave like nothing but a call Matthew seven seventeen through twenty says even so very good even so every good tree rather bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire wherefore by their fruits you shall know them you don't even listen to what no man says thank you Eve you don't need you don't need to listen to know what no man says words that word some meaningless you don't need to listen to what no man says you need to watch what he does see Thank You Kela thank you so much you don't need you don't need to listen what no man says you listen of course listen you know listen pay attention go gather data but then watch watch behavior and see if that behavior is lining up with all of that fancy talk coming out of this Joker's mouth see I'm Oliva I'm only ver and in after he gets through dawn you know what are you gonna do it's your house you know what you know what I'm talking about he Russian he rushing to grab his britches and you know gonna probably take a shower didn't gonna rush through got to rehire got to pick up something you know got the picker mmm-hmm he's using you as a call and he's hooking you with this lie that he's gonna leave here or leaving or leave oh he not gonna leave oh I'm sorry to tell you but he not gonna leave he not gonna leave he ain't even he ain't even in the be honest with you it's the biggest blessing in the world for you that he'd not leaving Thank You Jacqueline it's the biggest blessing in the world he's not leaving because you ain't got yourself here nothing but a bum a bum he may be a six-figure bum but he's a bum and the Lord know you're not strong enough to make certain decisions for yourself so the largest steps into the situation and he makes an executive call on your behalf and he makes this bomb stay away he's a bum number two number two okay number one is I'm gonna leave her okay here's his number two I like this one let me see why my eyes are not working right is it Irina thank you so much number two I got you covered financially I got you covered I got you I'm a whole year down financially don't worry about nothing I'm gonna hold you down well see you got to be careful with this you know what a man tells you about when a man go telling you about quit your job don't worry about school no more I'm gonna hold you down I got you you gotta be careful with that you got to be very very careful with that because when you financially dependent on a man it can very easily lead to imprisonment because anybody that you got to depend on financially Thank You Selena that does not have the right heart towards you can very quickly become your warden and when you got to go and ask a man that does not honor or respect you so you don't figure out that he done on or respect you until you have quit your job quit school he didn't put a few babies in you and now you ain't got no choice you gotta ask this man for money to get your nails done you got to ask this a man for money to buy your mama a Mother's Day present he won't know why you got to spin so much on it and any you know and he just can just control you with the checkbook no no no that's that's that's that's that's that's a empty promise right there I'm a whole you down I got you you need some you need a specific conversation what do you mean you you got me number one why you gonna hold me down financially and you haven't even married me you don't honor me enough you don't respect me enough to marry me and now you want me to believe that I can give up all of my financial independence and trust you to be my financial source when you not enough man to bring me to the altar you can you can lay up here and make babies with me but you're not enough man to make a covenant a commitment but I'm supposed to trust that you are enough man to hold me down financially and I'm gonna put my whole future and my well-being completely in your hands you got to be crazy see what I wouldn't want usually when one of these one of these what you called it predators go to telling you stuff like you know I got you I'm gonna hold you down financially you ain't got nothing to worry about I got you let me see something here usually when they tell you something like that that's cold language and I'm gonna tell you in a minute what it's called cold language for we're looking for something oh let's see that's cold language for watch this give up your educational pursuits dump your career and become totally dependent on me so I can put these shackles on you and some of y'all needed to hear this because some of y'all been somebody is you know told you that recently I'm a whole you're not promised y'all got you I'll promise you I got you know that that means I I want to keep you in this box as as almost like a like a picked I want to keep you I want to keep you in this box and I don't want you to be able to independently make any moves or decisions without me so I'm going to take on the full responsibility of financing you and all I want you to do is believe me and then once you believe me and you are actually completely and totally dependent on me then I'm going to think of a Rhetta then I'm going to do the dr. Jekyll mr. Hyde thing on you look what the Bible says in Proverbs 22:7 the rich rule is over the poor and the borrower is servant to the Linda the one that got the money proverbs 25 nineteen confidence in an unfaithful man in time of troubles is like a broken tooth in a foot out of Jonas a lot of pain in that situation see now in our in our relationship I've held my wife down financially for the last twenty five years but see when a man you know number one I'm a husband I honored her I'm a husband number two when I when I told my wife I got you Latonia thank you so much when I told my wife that she had access to all of the money she controls the money they got money to come in there I don't even see Lisa just take that money to do it you know do what she needed she handled all the money she ain't got to ask me for nothing it ain't no my money anyways our money so it comes in that she can handle that money any kind of wishy-washy needs up she ain't got to ask me for it she got access to all of the money for Manny and ready to do that number one if he ain't ready to make you his wife and if he's not proven to be faithful you don't need to trust no man promise and you he's gonna hold you down financially because sometimes that means you know I just I just want to dictate your life I want to be able to attract everything you doing and I want you to see that I'm really a malignant narcissist at a certain point and I'm crazier than I look and you end up you know with a okay number three let me move on number three I'm gonna marry you and I didn't even write in a whole lot of commentary into that I'm gonna marry you I'm gonna marry you now when this person first start telling you making this promise you had just graduated from college you's 36-24-36 this people this person is still telling you I'm gonna marry you watch this y'all got grandchildren now y'all got grandchildren y'all got grandchildren miss 60 thank you thank you so much y'all got grandchildren and this gray-haired do still tell you about I'm gonna marry you and you still hanging around there you 50 some years old now you can let this this man eat up 20 something almost 30 years of your life on a promise that he gonna marry you and me babies y'all raise children and now you got grandchildren y'all still ain't got married and you hung around there for that and some of your young people believe in that line let me tell you something that's cold for a 21 year old man to tell you that that's cool for 22 yo dude 23 24 25 26 when he started getting around 27 and y'all been dating for you know six months a year 28 y'all been dating a year 30 he's forgetting a dude that's 30 years old you not supposed give him no more than six months of your time if he if he not smart enough Thank You Latonya to understand what he working with and to make a decision and he 30 years old Thank You Katherine you supposed dumped him cuz if he if he's not bright enough to be able to look and see the value that's in you and make a decision he ain't man enough to meet your future why would you put your life or jeopardize the lives of your potential children with this man with somebody that's sold Donald between the ears Thank You bendy that they can't see the value that aw why would you do that I won't marry you oh so long I'm oh I'm gonna give you a big wedding to won't give you a big win he ain't got no job he ain't got no job he ain't got no car cuz the thing he got out then in in the parking lot at Department complex it run when they want to run most time he wearing your car smoking all in your car got fast food bags all in your car I'm gonna marry you you got to be crazy Thank You Kiki but that's a promise that does what ties the soul see and watch this listen to this statement very well here's a t-shirt here here's a t-shirt don't desire to be a wife so bad that you accept less than a husband you saw a post on that one don't desire to be a wife so bad that you accept less than a husband all right what is this number four and before okay it is now here's another promise they make it's just a complete lie I'm gonna make it public when the time is right I'm gonna make I'm oh I'm gonna make us public when the time is right now the time is right for you to keep coming to my house sliding in my bed eating my food making children with me but you you got all of these you got Instagram you got Facebook you got whatever else ain't got no pictures of me on there and then I asked you about it you you your responses I'm gonna make it public when the time is right well what's preventing the present time from being right that that should be your first question why is the time not right right now so you cannot allow yourself to be nobody secret that that's disrespectful to yourself it's disrespect from them of course but it's disrespectful to you yourself you have to have more respect for yourself didn't allow yourself to be anybody secret period you don't want no so-called relationship that has to be secret anything that's a secret something wrong with it it's sin it's immoral it's not right the time is not right now listen to this statement this is what I wrote the time is not right now because the situation is not right Thank You kita the time is not right now because the situation is not right timing is everything if the timing is off it's an indication that a lot of other things are out of autumn any man tells you I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it public when the time is right you got something to hide he double dipping he got he got something else going on he got something else going on and he got to keep all you got to keep all of y'all separated so while he telling you them at the time each telling somebody when the time is right when I'm a man I'm gonna doing the time I just don't want people to all in my business I don't want people all up in my business what you tell my man what you tell much you don't want people all up in your business you got no business you even got a job you gonna make it public when the time is right have you noticed have you noticed y'all go much further than your apartment have you noticed that have you noticed you haven't you haven't been in his house and you notice you ain't been to none of the cookouts you ain't been to none of the barbecues you notice you don't go to church with him he say go to church you knows you ain't gonna go to church with him homeboy got a double and triple life and he makes all of these promises to you because he knows that you suffering from the wimpiest syndrome you won't give him a hamburger today and he gonna gladly pay you Tuesday Tuesday never comes in the number fighting finally is the big one here's the big promise I'm gonna change I'm gonna change or do you have change how to met Jesus I know him now I know Jesus for myself I'll admit it not the Lord is my shepherd I shall not well I didn't let him for myself I know Jesus now I'll have been born again crying and everything else just lying lying lying lying I'm gonna check all right I don't know put my hands on you again I will never do it I'm gonna never do it just a lie just a lie I'm gonna gonna cheat again I learned my lesson I learned mother's almost long the best thing in the world only world the best thing I've ever learned I learned and you believe in all that you know what you're supposed to do with that you supposed to strike quiet and you're supposed to look at this Negro like I'm looking at this camera just let him have his rent let him fall all out in the floor let him do it that thank you Karen just look at him you know what that look on saying I'm walking home the last thing the world wants is a woke Queen and Queens wake up there are consequences and repercussions for the previous behavior it's time for you to wake up all of these empty promises all of these lies you can't fall for that no moment you can't fall for that no more you bigger than that you better than that you cannot fall for that anymore so now I want y'all to think about what I've talked about this afternoon really seriously I want y'all to think seriously about what I've talked about it is afternoon and look what the Bible says in that it's not it yeah maybe it is Jeremiah 13:23 and 24 says can the Ethiopian change your skin when it says the easy opening it's a might of the black man can look at me as a black man can I change my skin nothing I can do with that I don't care how much bleaching cream you get Thank You superstar I like that name okay much bleaching cream you get you can't use your black man bro your black man you don't believe me watch me call this bed in the morning when you can hear your bed being called your black man when you comb in your bed and the comb is saying out Shh who you through yet your black man can I change can I change my skin no he says he says can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots can you wipe the spots off of a leopard no didn't me also do good that are accustomed to do evil therefore will I scatter them as the stubble that passes the way by the wind of the wilderness what is saying is when something is engrained in your nature and your D in a you can't change it and a person is what they consistently do I don't care I don't care how much propaganda they may push at you that I'm different than this and I'm better now but I've been saved all know Jesus now you know assalamualaikum or whatever it religion you well you know they want to do or you know whatever can a leper change his spots no cuz it's in his nature can a black man change his skin no because this in his this clown in a crown that continues to manipulate you through empty promises he is what he consistently does and Maya Angelou says when a person tells you or shows you who they are the first time but leave them don't wait 5 10 15 20 years to come back and tell us I do it in the beginning and don't sit up here you know grieving over the years you've lost you know better now it's time for you to make a decision for your future are known as stilettos I like that god bless you thank you it's time for you to make a decision for your future you've got to stop being manipulated by all of these empty promises you got to be delivered from this wimpy syndrome somebody that can just keep sliding in your life getting your hamburgers every day and promising to pay and never pays up now I need you all I'm gonna get off of here we're getting ready to I need y'all give me some likes I got 316 likes only I got a thousand people on it but I got 317 likes why can't I get a thousand likes on this thing it helps my helps my thing to trend better I need y'all to help me out come on hit the things you hit the thing now listen let me pray for you father God I thank you for this revelation I thank you for be anointed to communicate it and now god I ask you to allow this word to sink and settle into the souls and into the hearts of your people that every person that needs to hear this dear God let this message find them in some kind of way you know God we thank you for deliverance from soul times in Jesus's name Amen I've enjoyed this time with you all now listen don't forget to stop by our se blake's thank you ms a don't forget to stop by our se Blake's dot-com and pick up my latest online program so tithe breaking the ties that bind you can also get the on the online program queen ology or transcending the father wound or for those of you ladies in ministry wisdom for women in ministry the most expensive program is $49 i slashed them the prices of them because i want i want you to have access to it queen ology think it has ten sessions and there's a hundred and think eleven page PDF downloadable study guide a workbook to go along with the program that you can print it out and do the work as you go $49 so x $49 RS e Blake's calm hmm I love you all now listen let me also say this to you in about eight minutes if you go to new home Family Worship Center on YouTube and subscribe you can tap into our cyber Bible study you know since the pandemic has gone on for the last two months we've done cyber church and new home Family Worship Center is the church that I pastor and we're talking tonight and Bible study we're talking about discipline I forget the exact subject but its overall theme is discipline it it'll bless you and that's gonna start up in about eight minutes Thank You Jacqueline that's gonna start up in about eight minutes at my new home Family Worship Center YouTube channel or you can go to Facebook and you can search new home Family Worship Center you can see it there likewise I'll share it on my personal page Hara C Blake's on Facebook but you already on YouTube so just click on over to new home Family Worship Center and in a few minutes we'll be starting up thank you guys ladies rather for well guys in leaders for spending this time with me and I know my brothers are gonna say man when you gonna talk about our stuff I'm coming back I'm coming back I'm coming back don't forget King ology is available now you can get it right now in terms of the electronic version and you can go to on Amazon you can get the electronic version and you can go to my personal web store RSC Blake's store comm and pre-order the book and the workbook I'm gonna sign those and they should be in in about week and a half two weeks I'll be signing them and will be will be mailing them you can pre-order them now at my personal web store RSC Blake's store com and once I'm finished signing those then all of that stuff will be available on Amazon for massive access global access but right now if you if you desire me to sign it you can you can pre-order it and we'll do it like that I love you all thank you so much thank all of you that so into my life I appreciate you with all of my heart you can reach out to Lisa and I or I at pastor RC Blake's at gmail.com I got 588 thumbs up what I need I need about 410 to get to a thousand y'all do that for me I sure appreciate it I love you all thank you so much go come on over with me to Bible study new home family work new home Family Worship Center go and subscribe to our Channel you get a chance to see me my brother bishops Samuel pastor of Bishop Bolden pastor Nikki I'm ok these are all the pastors in the new home family of churches but tonight I'm teaching in just five minutes god bless you I love you talk to you real soon
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 232,804
Rating: 4.9541159 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC BLAKES
Id: JOP4YpkTlw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 28sec (2908 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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