5 NEW Updates that could Spruce Up Minecraft!

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today guys we cover five simple additions for your minecraft worlds from resource packs to spruce up your world to special combat situations that add in new structures non-combat situations to make your mining and crafting that much easier special creative type installments that will allow you to decorate like you've never decorated before or even upgrades to the advancement and recipe system for that much more logical crafting and completing let's find out more alright we first dive into some simple resource packs you can add to your game to spruce things up we first start with armor icons you may have noticed some interesting changes to what the armor icon system looks like right there down there you can even see like a mini elytra well as you can see near the hot bar my armor icons look a little bit different it's because armor will now display based on the type and there are so many different ways that you can spin this with lots of different combinations that you'll be able to keep in mind allow me to show you some of these right now let's get our hands on i don't know let's start with full gold as an example if we look down here we'll see that the armor now displays as full goal you can instantly tell how many armor points you're getting and from what type of armor you're getting them from but you can even mix and match these so now as you can see here with all the text popping up we now have a mixture of gold and diamond armor icons near the bottom there there's even detection if you happen to be wearing an elytra you can now see that elytra icon has filled up and again you can do any which way sort of combinations so that you can see all sorts of different combos of what makes up your armor that is really cool apparently even turtle shells have their own special turtles let me see the turtle shell here oh yeah look at that green yeah awesome our next resource pack is a daylight sensor level detector have you ever wondered how much power is in your daylight sensor well with this resource pack you can now tell at a moment's notice just how far the redstone powering ability of the daylight sensor is active as you can see right now it is not fully active it's got a daylight level of 10. well we can flip the switch to speed up time and what you'll notice is right off the bat the sun is now moving a little more reasonably and as you can see here every single time it does you can see that number slowly tick up and on top of that what's more look check it out you can actually see the bits at the top they're slowly filling up eventually it'll max out at 15 and if we were to set things to night you'd see that it's already down to two but if you look here you can now make the difference out as well with it slowly filling up when you've switched it to night time daylight to sensor mode what did i just say next up is silverfish safety a slight resource pack addition to any builders out there i don't know if you spend a lot of time in creative mode but this is the build for you as you can see right here we've got what looks like some plain old stone bricks but upon closer inspection trying to mine them you'll notice that they are in fact infested stone bricks and oh gosh we're in trouble someone help me all that time building wasted that's because stone and infested stone look identical even in creative mode but this pack will change that now you can see that infested stone bricks have their own unique icon when held in hand so that you can instantly tell that they got nasty dirty silverfish inside but upon placing them you'll notice that they do in fact look as they normally should there's no way to tell them apart once they're placed but at the very least you'll be able to know that you are accidentally building with this when you're in creative mode so very very useful and of course all the different infested blocks have this icon swap out so that you'll never have any questions about what type of block you're building with finally for resource packs we've got animated ores and more this resource pack adds animations to various different blocks and items in game including iron which has an awesome little glint shimmers across gold will slowly transmute from one type of gold color to another we've got a bit of a diamond glow coming off of the gems found within this rock emerald's got the same glint as iron except vertical instead of horizontal and as you can see here the redstone ore is pulsing with power when you get too close to it you can really make out that difference now we'll see these auras again a little bit later for now there's even some changes to some another stuff such as the roots and stems that you can now find in the new nether update having some life breathed into them look at these guys they look like they're dancing oh my gosh you invited me to the party you'd even see that glowstone has its own special animation as well uh slowly shifting between different types of colors pulsating light you can even see here that soul sand will slowly change as well animated so that the faces that appear on it will shift with time and of course there's even some changes to how furnaces look and now the furnace has an animated flame therein and there's also a whole mess of animated icons now including an eye vendor that moves the herobrine discs slowly showing its eyes buckets of fish having the fish inside them actually moving speaking of moving we've got turtle eggs in there lava slowly making its way around the bucket itself and many more options for you to choose from i mean look at this campfire that's hot let's move to number two some simple additions for combat survival in your minecraft world first of all curving arrows yes it's like with the the movies where they curve the bullets except with many of the arrows if you know what you're doing you can now be very dangerous using these because if you tilt your body slowly when you shoot arrows see right here's a real straight one if you tilt your body when you're shooting that arrow off you can actually curve the arrows depending on the direction that you're looking when you curve i mean look at that that's fantastic we literally curve the arrow upwards now we can actually try and get some special targets by knocking these out a little bit oh boy well i'm not necessarily a great shot here but as you can see there is in fact the ability to curve arrows if you happen to be good enough to do so the sheep they never stood a chance and if you didn't notice there's a whole mess of advancements that you may not be used to seeing that have been popping up as we've been making our way through this world we'll get to those in just a little bit i really want to get just come on just just one can we can we yeah i got it yes how about illager fortresses part of the combat experience involves raiding so now there's a brand new structure that you can raid these will actually replace the igloo structure in your world so if you like igloos i wouldn't recommend you add this one but all the same this place looks monstrous we gotta check out what's inside tons of new goodies to be found blocks to collect banners to display and what's more this is actually going to be the one place you can now find the illusioner mob actually spawning in in-game so if you have wanted to find a new challenge well this is the place to do it yo he's literally hanging out right over there the boy come on i can't hit the illusion or he's got too much illusion or something i don't know let's just go with the sword attacks instead oh boy there's a whole mess of him over here oh my gosh yo i'm about to get messed up yo run look at him over there menacing worst guy come on is that is he in is that that's an illusion that's not even the real one oh that's the saddest story to be honest look they're all just hanging out right there okay we're gonna handle these guys step at a time and if i die i'm gonna go into creative okay yeah you know what maybe we should smith yo smith's got a gold sword yo awesome hold on a second let's handle these guys don't mind if i do where is he eve seriously oh gosh he's right there oh my all right to creative mode we go as you can see there's a whole mess of stuff to explore in here mobs to defeat wheat to collect there's just a lot that you're going to be able to get your hands on if you decide to take on an illegal fortress let me look at this mob skulls brand new blocks for you to collect and buy brand new blocks they don't mean branded blocks i just mean new blocks they aren't normally there look at all of this there's just stuff chalk filled in like every single room in here oh my gosh i'm gonna let you guys do most of the exploring of this on your own we have so much more to cover although i gotta say if you do end up defeating this pillager fortress you gotta let me know in the comments below because this is just there's just so much going on in here oh jackpot and third for combat survival is more swords which is what everybody wants right well there's a whole bunch of new ways to get rid of mobs check out all of these new swords my goodness we've got glass sword does very little damage but causes bleeding we've got magma sword with a chance to burn god sword totally open look at 50 attack damage oh my gosh i'm just gonna get a handful of these swords and let's just bang bang bang let's grab the enderman sword we'll grab the shulker sword glass sword what else we got all right so let's spawn in some sheet okay that's not a sheep this is an example of what we've got the coarse fruit sword which can teleport mobs from time to time randomly now it's not always going to work at a moment's notice so you'll want to keep that in mind but some of these will work a little more frequently than the other one oh my god did you see that one oh blew up the button saddest story okay let's try this one instead so as you can see this sword does not have too much durability but has a chance to cause bleeding at the nearby mob shulker swords cause mobs to levitate the enderman sword you can right click and allow you to teleport from time to time as well there is just so many things to choose from what is this sticky piston sword will pull for foes towards you oh cool you can get your hands on these swords through various different means including special loot tables things of that nature the experience sword oh wow oh i love this so many swords to choose from we didn't even cover half of them but we covered combat survival how about we cover some non-combat survival for our third simple addition to your minecraft worlds and we'll start with vein mining yes you all know what vane mining is and if you don't you're about to find out very soon vane miner is pretty simple it's an enchantment that you can find from time to time now check this out boom instantly mine's all of the ores found nearby saving you a whole mess of time and what's more i think i was wrong it's not actually an enchantment it's just an extra ability you can add to your worlds to allow you to more easily grab any ores that have to be adjacent to one another so if you're looking to save some time on mining this is highly recommended in a similar fashion we've got the tree capitator it's like the vein miner except with trees we've got an iron axe right here and all you do is break the bottom log and just like that they will instantly destroy the tree so this is going to make collecting resources in your world way faster than you're used to and be louder too jeez number three for non-combat is the elytra merger so we're gonna head up here and show you what we're talking about now this is a very simple but useful data pack you want to wear both armor and electro well now you can simple enough just combine the two in a smoothing table you can try different combos so you can see exactly what it is we are working with here first of all we can get some enchantments on these various different things let's go ahead and add thorns to this guy the perfect amount of levels right there so now what we can do is grab some of these wings and boom put them together just like that we now have an elytra with thorns three that will also give us to some degree some armor boost as well lovely it's not gonna be evident when you've got this other resource pack on that shows the differences in the types of armor you're wearing but all the same you can now use those in tandem with one another i mean look at this oh it's beautiful now you will have to put the elytra here but just like that you'll have extra armor bonus when you are wearing these things together and as you would have guessed you can fly just fine with it ah so good and finally for non-combat survival we've got gravity gloves now this is a new tool for moving blocks and entities for that matter all you need to do is have the gravity glove in your hand now check this one out y'all ready for this one second this is gonna be the best but in your first hand slot and all you'll need to do is find oh i don't know some kind of nearby victim and in this case what we can do is we can literally make him move wherever it is we want now he'll highlight orange and then we can kind of control where that mob takes place and as you saw there we mistakenly also grabbed a block as well because you can move blocks in addition so it's a simple right click one time and then just like that we can suffocate this poor little soul yo yeah you gotta go buddy we're gonna put you right inside the center of this thing you can even grab other blocks nearby and let them go at a moment's notice now they'll have a little blip of bedrock that appears but needless to say it can in fact grab various other types of blocks as you can see we've got our hands on an iron ore and we're going to go ahead and move that one right over there we can grab a log over here too cool this is yo this is really cool actually big fan i'm sorry sheep it has to be done i'm not evil i promise you can even grab multiple items at once so check that out that's awesome group four of our simple additions to your minecraft world involves all of you creatives out there and we start with sword pedestals this is a way of displaying your swords here's how you craft it you're gonna need three different slabs as well as a sword that you're gonna have to sacrifice in order to make yourself this special pedestal never mind that it says skeleton spawn egg you will in fact get the pedestal instantly and there are a ton of different pedestals for you to choose from as well let me place one of these down and as you can see right there we now have the ability to place down any sword of our choosing on this pedestal we can grab it instantly and we can also choose from various different types so you've got the oak one there we've got a smooth stone pedestal lovely we've got ourselves a purple sword pedestal we've got smooth red sandstone pedestals and we even have a prismarine brick sword pedestal now technically you don't even have to use a sword you can use whatever you want right there but the swords seem to look best next are temporary blocks a builder's dream this is more of a build tool that doesn't make too much of a mess all you're going to need to do is throw four sand on the ground as well as one iron nugget to spawn in a whole bunch of these temporary blocks now check this out the moment you start placing these down you can actually use them to climb and move around what's more you'll notice that they are slowly disappearing as we are placing these things so if you're ever trying to build something way up in the air and you're not looking to have to delete all the blocks you used after the fact well temporary blocks are going to be your best friend number three shulker box structure storage once placed right click to activate this one is a doozy hold on a second we're gonna build the most basic of houses get your hands on one of these things and again all the information for these different data packs gonna be the description of today's video but essentially this will allow you to save structures that you've actually generated in game depending on where you place down this structure and the bounding boxes that you set for it so we're gonna place this down you're gonna be instantly met with what appears to be a bounding box around it simply right click this box in question and you'll have all these different highlighted squares left click one to modify the bounding box and then sneak to set it back in place as you can see this bounding box has now completely changed location we can go ahead and adjust this one in this direction as well and if we wanted to we could even take this top one right up here and jump get one block higher now check this out whatever we build within this bounding box is actually going to be saved the moment we get rid oh this is so cool the moment we get rid of the shulker box in question so as you can see everything here is exactly placed as it's been i know it's a work of art everyone calm down we're gonna break this shulker box and the moment we do you're gonna notice something really exciting first of all the entire structure is gone but second of all the moment we decide to place this in a different area well it's instantly placed once again exactly how you built it it does not matter where you place it it's going to bring all those blocks right back with you and if you place it in a quote-unquote a legal spot you'll get this red bounding box to show you that the structure is not going to spawn in until you place it in an area that is appropriate with enough room for your structure to respawn in so cool finally for creative we've got mob rugs this is a book that you'll be able to install using this data pack that will allow you to place in quote unquote bob ruggs no literally check this out we're going to place down an orange fox rug now this will act as a decorative rug that you can add to your world and you can use the book to rotate it causing it to move ever so slightly you can cause it to change subtle directions and not only are there foxes as options but there are a couple other mobs as well i know all the animal activists out there are killing me right now it's okay guys it's literally a video game polar bear rugs and yes there's even everyone's favorite and expected one sheep yes you can have no it's kind of sad actually and finally for our simple additions we've got advancements and recipes and these ones aren't so simple we start with blazing caves advancements now this adds in look at this over 750 new advancements for your world and you can see a whole plethora of them on our advantage screen look at this look how many tabs there are it's insanity it's literally insane there are so many different advancements that you can be able to get your hands on that are going to allow you to always be working towards something unique and special no matter what you have to be doing in minecraft this is for the ultimate completionist i mean this was a little easier it's just a dead bag but it is just unending there is so much that you're going to be able to explore and it's fully treed out with so many different branching areas from all the different plants crops buildings weaponry i mean it speaks for itself next are logical recipes this data fact adds hundreds of recipes to craft more in less steps for example here's a new stick recipe normally you have to take logs and then you turn those logs into planks and then you turn the planks into sticks well now you just place an oak log on top of one another and just like that you instantly have access to 16 sticks it just makes perfect sense here's another logical one you can now use we in whatever placement you put it in order to make bread or heck why don't you put down eight pieces of coal and one of these guys in order to make 32 torches i mean the shortcuts are just unfathomable next are platies recipes and advancements now like the other advancement pack it contains a bunch of new advancements for example overkill happens when you do 9.5 hearts of damage but first you need a fire aspect to netherright sword in order to make it happen now this isn't going to actually pop up because unfortunately we already gave ourselves all different advancements but the idea here uh is obvious enough you can kind of see an example of all of these different advancements in planes so if you're looking for one that doesn't have 750 but still has a good amount well again you'll be able to find all that information in the description of today's video but it also does add some new recipes for example we've got stone right here mixed with flint any guesses as to what this one's going to get us well we'll find out right now eight cobblestone any guesses as to what these chains from the new nether update allow us to make well if you didn't guess chainmail you would be wrong now you can make that you can even use oak logs and oak leaves put together just like this to get a sapling finally we've got uncraftable recipes which adds recipes to items you cannot normally obtain such as obsidian surrounding one single crying obsidian is going to get you something very special the music disc c41811 which is now animated by the way so it's even scarier you could also get your hands on a few different things like this apple which is another disc recipe as far as i'm aware let's see yep music disc just like that heck you can even get some odd recipes like string and a green dye placed in the corner just like this to get your hands on green wool any guesses as to what four gold blocks two emeralds and one turtle legs gonna get us a totem of undying there is so much more for you guys to explore when you add any of these various different data packs to your minecraft world so let us know in the comments below which of these you're most excited about we'll see for another video real soon make sure you subscribe
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,495,967
Rating: 4.8807602 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, resource packs, addon, addons, mods, minecraft update, new update, new minecraft update, new armor, minecraft armor, animated ores, new ores, ores, nether, nether update, cave update, caves and cliffs, bow, arrows, new update in minecraft, illagers, illusioner, new swords, minecraft combat, vein miner, elytra, resource pack, data packs, datapacks, new data pack, minecraft data pack, building in minecraft, mobs, advancements, new crafting recipes, new in minecraft, simple
Id: S4NM5b2WqjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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