10 mobs that'd make the End more Interesting

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today we're checking out 10 mobs that would make Minecraft more interesting from giant Phantoms to baby dragon Pets the end is the perfect place to spice up Minecraft and if you stick around to the end of the video we cover one of the most unique yet dangerous mobs yet to reside in the end now the first mob to spice things up in the end is going to be the Phantom brood mother because if you didn't realize this is where Phantoms were originally from when they were initially introduced in the snapshots they spawned in in the end the Phantom brood mother though is a gigantic Phantom that will summon in baby Phantoms to attack you she'll also dive bomb you as well so look out oh gosh if this is supposed to be one of the easier ones we are in serious trouble it is huge one hit you gotta be joking me I'm glad we spawn in instantly oh my gosh okay well I can't even I can't even get a single hit on it we're gonna have to use the bow instead okay um okay cool yeah so you can't let the Phantom brood mother even attack you essentially because if you do well it's just gonna one hit wonder you and I'm not looking forward to that yikes these just keeps spawning in I'm glad that these guys are like one hit because otherwise oh wait big big it's got a lot of Health on it too no less oh my gosh I mean all these guys seem to okay you can go go got it finally okay sooner to drop anything special nope she didn't just a challenge and there's gonna be a very dangerous mob in today's video so you thought that one was bad oh you're in for a treat number two though is the dragonling while building suspense I was gonna say longest path ever it's actually right over here so the little one is an offspring of the Ender Dragon you can tame it using oh Phantom membranes which is what we got from before it can damage mobs using a melee attack it will also attack with fire breath from time to time okay well there's some more fat to membranes just in case we need it but let's see what this is all about before we try taming it huh hi look at him friendly mate Maybe okay who's tame tame you detain yeah yeah oh he's a hungry boy there we go he's my friend now oh I love him so I guess what we can do is summon in some Baddies oh wow legit attacking with fire instantly oh yes oh my gosh go to town on him son wow we're going nuts legit just setting them all on fire I don't even really need to do anything attack the babies they're always the first to go yes yes yes yo can I get another one of these things popping off or what let me see boom boom boom honey we got two of these on backup okay buddy I'm gonna have you sit put okay you're gonna make all the other mobs too easy next is the Glutton oh they made a mob after me okay let's see what this one's all about huh this creature eats the very land itself and is never full if left alone it'll mind its own business attack it though and it'll come after you and if bitten by its Galaxy mouth it may TP you back to the Overworld okay let's see what you're all about huh hi whoa literal Galaxy mouth oh look hungry wow we literally look like so alike okay so I guess I'm gonna attack it oh he's oh wow ooh nasty nasty guy okay should I let him hit me once let me see okay I'm gonna let him attack me see what happens to me take me to the leader I guess it only happens sometimes yo legit in his mouth yeah we're just gonna kill him instead and we got our hands on some cooked mutton some steak and some potatoes what one kill that drops an assortment of food it collected okay well that's all I needed for that to make sense I suppose we'll skip getting tped back there's a lot of mobs to cover like Enderman Prime ancestors of the Enderman that we know of Enderman Prime are very dangerous and they'll deal higher damage and move faster than normal Enderman they also travel in groups worse they have a magnetic gaze while not angry at you they will force you to look at them they dropped starter pearls on death what is that all about okay so there's the there's the Enderman Prime look at him over there danger oh oh no oh man it's legit forcing me to oh okay put the shield on yikes oh man that's the worst okay well I'm glad we we legit just respawned instantly so it's not the end of the world by any means I that is rude there's literally like a rule to not stare at people and instead they force me to stare at them come on man okay so we got some starter pearls let me just take care of this last guy because I don't want him coming and getting me out of nowhere cool we got another starter Pearl so what does it do oh interesting it'll TP you back to where you were when you threw the Pearl the moment it lands so if I'm not mistaken then I'm gonna use the starter Pro throw it as far as I can and how much does it take off a bucket and so right as it lands hey that's interesting oh I get it it's like the opposite of the end of pearl kind of I suppose right because the start of pearl ender pearl so then in theory I want to try something here this might be a tough one to time but I'm gonna give it a shot there we go and oh well it did take me back but I still died guys I cannot wait for you to see the last month and by the way make sure you subscribe if you haven't already otherwise the sing song is gonna get you what is this one it's an interdimensional little Songbird unlike the previous things it doesn't want to kill you finally but it loves music it likes to repeat songs it's heard from other Realms its rendition is a little warped but it sounds familiar it drops a flute which will warp you to your bed when used ooh that's nice hi oh I like this is this what your is this what you're singing to me buddy look at him doesn't look like a bird yeah I'm gonna kill you you suck let's see we just got an end flute so if I right click hey my bed oh that makes me smile okay definitely quite interesting not gonna lie about that but we need to get back to the end oh this one sounds very interesting the dark creeper a creeper that accidentally made its way to the end became this terrible creation this creeper variant explodes two times bigger and quicker and with that extremely good armor it will wipe you out yikes attacking from a distance is probably best okay dark creeper hi oh big boy big boy I am going to attack you from a distance good good but let's see what happens if we don't attack from a distance come here come here so what are you all about huh he's my shield okay look well not as bad when you use a shield how about with no Shield okay I mean there's not much to say here it's creepers in the end that would be quite interesting but apparently there's a chance that you can get gunpowder from this guy so let's try and get some there we go just dropped okay so we got our hands on some dark gun powder interesting apparently we can use it to make a deadly form of TNT it explodes bigger and instantly so this is how you make it okay but we'll spare you some time it's right over there so light this off it is legit and instantaneous explosion and a big one at that nice now we got even more reasons to head to the end next is void slime void slime the Slime is stickier than its green cousin gross it will pick up any loose items on the ground these items will be destroyed if they're made inside the Slime for too long so we're going to kill it to get the items back good lesson here don't Litter okay hi there Mr slimy slimy so you can wow it it picked up the beef yo this man's got beef seriously so oh it's gone that was quick okay big boy over here hungry does it split it splits into him too we'll do the baby guys do the same nope okay so it looks as though maybe only the big boys the one we got to worry about oh and with it we got our hands on some black slime balls up next for interesting mobs is the island mimic oh we're getting so close to the last one guys but for now don't be deceived this crafty creature has disguised itself as a small island what really if approached it will start to hover over you then crash down the only way to kill us with explosives for example get it to land on a TNT block that should do it oh man we gotta deal with C4 and stuff okay well let's see what this thing is all about huh is that uh is that the mob oh it is what's he gonna do oh it's spinning whoa oh okay okay sure sure so does it oh he's still there okay let's um [Music] did we get him I think we killed him with the TNT oh man I wish I'd seen that hold on I want to summon in another let's summon in uh let's summon in two more oh they're both on me at the same time oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy I didn't know if I was about to fall off the edge well it's a little difficult to mess with maybe if we time it right come on not good at diving it but I'm pretty sure it died oh and this one comes with a drop as well and Stone I mean it's literally made of ED Style what are we expecting a ninth mob to make the end more interesting is dead shot sounds intimidating this battle hardened skeleton means business no bones about it it goes fully equipped in netherrite gear come again he also has a triple shot bow that shoots three air well you think one flicks fire one flicks poison one inflicts weakness be peered be prayered for this fight or he will break you wow that's very specific language to feed him and he might get his bow for yourself okay I guess we'll find out dead shot homeboy wow legit actual three sets of arrows coming in hot and that nether right gear can we fire it back at him let me dang dang hit it drop boom I want to hit him with his own Arrow stop backing up yeah with a shield I mean any skeleton is not a problem but see if you're not careful you can get hit with a handful of these all at once like I just got hit with poison I think I got hit with uh or not poison but weakness and I got hit with fire certainly stop bad yo he's got a lot of he's got a lot of help to be honest am I about to die I think I'm about to die yeah you suck get there we go we got him in corner now yeah now you can't move at all perfect and I think nice we just got the dead shot bow oh cool cool yeah we're shooting off three arrows at once not bad though uh and the most dangerous and most interesting man in the OR mob in the end yeah that's the one ends blight a monster most foul feared by all inhabitants of the end the blight is fast powerful and deadly it starts Dorman awaiting its prey approach it within 40 blocks and it will awaken to hunt you you'll know it sensed you by the activation sound it emits if it's ghostly purple flicker isn't the last thing you see It'll surely be The Gleam from the wicked sights on its arms wow kind of scary sounding to be honest we're gonna call it ooh what is that is that it okay uh huh I don't want to like get oh okay oh well you can see it through things yo that thing is scary looking so what do we do what um I guess we can just oh look at it hideous oh no running towards me oh yikes bad oh my gosh you see how it's damaged oh you see how much damage it did to me like instantly homeboy homeboy oh he died well he's got low Health high damage but check out this drop blight blade yo it can't even fit in the hot bar down there look at that so it's slightly stronger than the diamond sword so talk about a serious upgrade if you get your hands on one of these in the end it's a nice shortcut instead of worrying about netherright so I encourage you guys to petition everything you can in order to get oh these mobs into the end on your own and uh thanks for watching
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,741,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, the end, the end in minecraft, ender dragon, new mobs in the end, ender mobs, enderman, mobs in the end, end update, new mobs, end mobs, end biome, new biome mobs, the end update, nether, caves and cliffs update, new mobs in minecraft, minecraft mobs, how to beat the end, surviving the end, ender, new minecraft mobs, mob variants, minecraft update, ender items, new items in minecraft, minecraft survival, mob update, mobs, new mob, logdotzip, survival
Id: gx5JJQleSpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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