50 SIMPLE Updates to Improve Vanilla Minecraft

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whatup guys here's 50 tiny updates that would improve vanilla minecraft put together by fellow you tumeric zoom avoid the vanilla tweaks data pack adds or changes very small things about your Minecraft experience from different breaking animations to giving old blocks 3d faceless from tool wrenches that modify blocks to tools that change appearance depending on how weak they are bigger phantoms decorative blocks armorstand modeling more recipes the list goes on and on download the tweaks in the description below but for now let's dive into all 50 changes and special thanks to our friends over at MC pro hosting for sponsoring today's video make sure you watch to the end of the video for an awesome surprise alright well we got the first 5 right here let's start with number 1 the numbered hot bar look at the hot bar down below you can see that each one of these now has a number associated with it now if you didn't know if you play the computer version of the game you can actually switch to any of these numbered hot bar items at any time by pressing the number and now you've got an easier way to identify what your press number 2 is the dot crosshair look at the very center of my screen you should see a teensy little gray dot yeah normally it's bigger in this little vanilla tweak it's a lot smaller it's a little less in the way number 3 the mining progress speaking of things no longer being in the way the break animation on blocks has changed to be on the outside of whatever block it is you're breaking so now you're not actually breaking the block in the sense that it's slowly cracking from the middle you've got more of a progress bar along the sides of it so you can tell the moment your gonna get your hands on this block and as you can see if we were to do it with a block that takes a little bit longer to mine it would take a little bit longer for that progress bar to get all the way to the end number 4 are dark UI y'all ready for this check it out ooh hello darkness my old friend I've come to use you in my resource pack again there's a full-blown dark UI change all the buttons are a little bit darker your inventory is darker the crafting menus darker chest interfaces darker I mean heck every single new interface has been adjusted to be darker in-game and we'll get to these guys a little bit later gosh there okay number five oak plank menu background so going further into the options you can see that the background of the full-blown menu is now changed to have an oak plank background now what you're seeing on screen currently is asuma's website where you can download the vanilla tweaks and actually choose the type of menu background you'd like to see you don't have to go up lakes you got a lot of options baby but hey we opted for oak now number six is lovely clearer water we can see all the way through this water we don't have any sort of water breathing effect on no night vision on this water is clear as day now as you can see from the screenshot currently popped up on screen here water does not normally look like this in your Minecraft world so if you add the vanilla tweaks you're able to get a good grip of what is going on in the depths at all times number seven smoother font check it out we've got every single letter displayed here an uppercase lowercase numbers as well as them all displayed in a sentence notice a little difference here compared to the normal minecraft text this has a lot more of a smoothness to it so it should be a little bit easier for those that want to read a little easier to read easier right number eight circular Sun and Moon yes mind blown check out this puppy oh my gosh it's got curves that well some way no longer are the Sun and Moon square in this case they take on more of a rounded shape the moon of course being no exception to that rule and if you're to see here we can cycle through all the different moon phases and you can see that they all have now taken on this round of shape with that new moon that bloom only looked kind of scary to be honest anyways number nine different stems for different plants melons pumpkins beet roots etc here is what they look like normally a little more familiar huh this is what you're used to seeing but with the tweaks resourcepack we are back to normal and by normal I mean better however the stems are not the only coloration changes that have been made leather armor is now entirely diable where it normally if you were to dyed leather armor in-game portions of it would remain that brown leather color you no longer have to worry about it take any dye of your choice and now the leather will take on essentially the full color of that the only thing differing being some of the highlights of the armor itself so now I've got on full black leather once again this is how the armor normally looks in Minecraft same with the white armor over here the resource pack changes these brown little highlights so now all your armor stands with armor on them can look beautiful just as number eleven will continue to help us do with armor stand statues by installing the vanilla tweaks data pack you'll get your hands on a special armor stand book now this is a full-blown book system that's going to alight apply basic settings to nearby armor stance it's got a clickable table of contents so all you do is be near your armor standard choice check the target make sure that it becomes highlighted as you're seeing right here and that means you know that this armor stand is the one that is selected for all the various tricks you can do for example we can pose this guy so let's go ahead and go to another page right here and give them nice pose how about he's running oh nice how about stargazing what would stargates oh wow you see something good up there nice now there's lots of different pages to this book that will allow you to do really cool things such as make the armor stand face towards you wherever you're looking you can hide the base plate on it which you can see is actually what we've done right here before the base plate wasn't there and in a second you'll see that it will appear I press the wrong one yeah there it is it's even got real intricate details such as being able to mirror the arms of the same armor stand however I'm gonna let you guys explore this full book on your own number 12 and number 13 although we'll start with number 12 transparent pumpkin overlays we didn't realize you can wear pumpkins on your head and normally when you do that your vision is obscured however if you look closely this pumpkin texture has been modified so that you can see outside of the dark edges of it even though you can still see the pumpkin face hanging out you can still see that there's a chest in the corner and side of the screen for example or there's a lectern in the top right the normal texture does not have this semi transparency so now you can fairly easily use this one fighting the ender dragon for example to keep yourself safe from Enderman now shields work in a semi similar fashion as you can see here the shield is somewhat invisible and when we hold it up we can see right through it as well whoa and we got a new advancement that's right there's even new advancements in the vanilla two weeks data pack but this is awesome now you don't have to worry about the shield getting in your way of being able to see everything which it obviously does although now it looks like you've got a ghost shield so it's just a matter of taste really it makes sense that number 13 was something really spooky number 14 not as spooky clean Andross the and raw texture has been adjusted to get rid of the purple / gray little end on the side of it that acts as the stand for the rod so that you can now decorate with a cleaner looking end rods they now look like full-blown poles that you can vault across as an example I even placing them down singularly you can tell the difference they no longer have that specific block on their side I happen to really like it because it allows you to make a lot more symmetrical shapes because you'd have to worry about the ends of these things being on one side this is it perfectly evened out block number 15 is amazing get a load of all of these diminishing tools the idea here is depending on the durability of your weapon the actual texture of the weapon will change as well so here's a nice clean iron sword hasn't seen any combat yet however the more you use this sword the more and more damage the texture of the sword will get until it's basically down to a little nub looking closely here you'll see that it has a ton of different variants for very different tools in game pose axes shovels bows even sheers all have slight changes to what their damage variants look like but I want to really show you what this looks like so check out my hot bar at the bottom of the screen as we just go to town using this o all over the place you're gonna slowly start to see the hoe lose its durability as well as its specific texturing the moment we reach those weaker levels look at that until it's completely gone now number 16 here is a durability ping when you're durability on your tools reach a certain level you will actually get notified an advancement that pops up that lets you know that the durability on your tool is quite low you see there it is right there so you got to watch out but at least it tells you on screen in case you're not paying any attention number 17 3d iron bars we're gonna be seeing a lot of this in just a second but pay close attention to what it is we're looking at here these iron bars actually have a little bit of a third dimension to them you can see that there is width to these bars now what you're seeing is what they look like without any resource pack and you can see that the bars on the sides are paper-thin is essentially so you're gonna want to keep that in mind alongside number 18 here which is 3d ladders again this is currently no resource pack you can see right past this ladder in fact it kind of even goes invisible if you walk perfectly to the right side however with the resource pack it's a completely different story yeah oh nice depth baby mind if I climb yeah same goes for number 19 3d doors similar to the bars and the ladder over there there is now certain width to these doors you can now see the indentations within the dark oak door or on between the insides of the iron door the little grooves on the spruce door as well as on the birch regular acacia jungle etc these are beautiful once again here's a reminder of what they normally look like completely lame there's no depth to them at all no width on the inside it's all just a 2d mess no one likes it no one likes you guys you guys should go away and naturally number 20 is gonna be 3d trapdoors a similar process I'll spare you the trouble there now 3d boom baby yeah you guys trust me okay how about something alters gameplay number 21 the Thunder shrine ooh not bad all you got to do is place a glass block on top of a diamond block and then drop an offering to your Thunder shrine right on top the moment you do that a great storm will be initiated by the ritual of dropping another star on top of a diamond block it has a glass block on top of it but hey this is a great way to trigger weather in game and you never know when you're gonna need a thunderstorm you might need to put out a fire very quickly that's gone out of control Oh maybe you want phantoms to start hanging out around you this is bad you'll see why with those guys soon oh my gosh everyone come out to play in the rain number 22 multiplayer sleeping normally if you want to turn night today you got to get into bed but if you're on a server everyone needs to get in the bed at once and while we unfortunately cannot demonstrate this right now because there's no one on my single-player world if you did have this setup on a server only one player would need to hop into bed in order to well you know turn a day so pretend there's someone else on the server right now we're going to if there's no play roaming around it'd be no problem see it says log that's it went to bed sweet dreams and day is suddenly set this is done using a data pack so now you can go back today without need to bug your friends to get back in bed I'll turn the view though if you decide to keep things at night you better watch out for number 23 bigger phantoms the longer you stay awake in game the bigger the phantoms that spawn will become so you couldn't theory run into some phantoms of this size strength and caliber if you did not hit that bed at least somewhat periodically all I really want to do is ride this thing this would be the best mount in the world gosh let me see if I know okay well you have the big ones don't burn or something's going wrong but I'm hoping it's the latter no not this ladder number 24 built in coordinates with this data pack installed typing in slash trigger space c-h underscore toggle as you can see that and that will actually give you working coordinates at all times where wherever you are in game as you can see down there by on my arm or in health we've got built in working coordinates at all times that will also show you the direction that you're currently facing and the in-game time currently the in-game time is not moving but that's because we've just said it so that it doesn't move if we already go ahead and adjust that you can see that we now have the time moving quite quickly in fact this is the speed of a Minecraft minute so 10 minutes is our decon bhai thank goodness if you wanted to get rid of this at any time you would just type it in the same slash trigger space c-h underscore toggle there's gonna be a fantastic way of getting your coordinates without having to the messy nasty dirty f3 scream that nobody actually likes but you want to get rid of it just type in the very same trigger and the text will slowly disappear speaking of number 25 is an additional trigger the ability to set homes in-game as well as to warp to those homes it's quite easy wherever you decide you want to call your home all you got to do is type in slash trigger set home and just like that your home is set now you have a certain amount of homes that are remaining that you can use we don't want to max the mountain necessarily but if you ever wanted to get back to your home you would just type in trigger set or a trigger home and look we instantly get teleported right back to where we were typing set home in a new location and then teleporting it will take you to that new location it's a little o P I'm not gonna lie but hey it's built in and you may as well use it at that point right especially if you happen to die with a whole bunch of good items like a grass block and some seeds right whatever well number 26 and number 27 solves that problem for you it's graves BAM we've died on death you'll get the coordinates to your graves locations you've seen the bottom-left at the screen and more importantly when you get there there's an actual grave that's been left behind this grave will keep your items safe until you are nearby enough to claim everything from whence it buried did that that sentence makes sense I don't know whatever point is getting near your grave sneaked on top of it you'll get every single thing that you died with including number 27 a player head you can see here we've got my own skull after dying it even says a lot that zips head killed by log does it which means when you die now you've got an opportunity for this kill match just to show whatever mob happened to kill you maybe it was all these cows speaking of number 28 silence mobs these cows are ridiculous now all you need to do to silence them is name a name tag a silence me and then use the name tag on the mob you'll get a brief highlight showing that the mob has now been silenced which means they will not make any more noise in-game until you re neigh the mob and you can instantly tell what mops have already been named by hovering your mouse over them and seeing if they've been silenced and so now listen not even when they walk around do you hear anything sweet sweet sugarcane see look more 3d stuff I'm not gonna show you what it looks like normally just know that 3ds your game is now 3d or 2d sugarcane is now 3d still works the same can still be crafted the same way you known as managing 3d cat was like bamboo in a similar vein number 30s 3d lilypads they now had some depth underneath them as well so you can actually manage to see what's going on on the bottom side of these lily pads well you can't really see what's on the bottom side of them but you can more or less see the bottom we've already made it through 30 and so while there's still 20 to go to cover in today's video I'd like to let you guys know if you haven't already seen them I've got so many more videos like this on the channel including the one you're seeing on screen right now 25 tiny ways to improve minecraft which adds in some fun new mobs brand new items like rope cave updates and so much more so if you want to see that you can click the I in the corner for now back to what we're doing here number 31 more mop heads as you know in game you can get a creeper skull a zombie a skeleton and wither skeleton skull you get this room from where the skeletons and you get the other three from blowing them up around charged creepers well now we got a whole mess mole ooh look at all these whether it's a Ravager from the new update parents iron golems god wandering traitors zombie horses phantoms pandas pufferfish bats and her dragons or a bye though that one's already in-game as well as very very many more and they work in a similar manner they act as a rare drop and you can also get them with player heads too as you saw with the grave earlier on so now you've got even more trophy hunting to do maybe we'll get a shocker head from number 33 here which is a change to show curse namely they always drop to shulker shells now count'em one though makes sense they have two shells to begin with so No you know it's good you know it's good you know what else is good the Enderdragon because now the ender dragon hooks it up on death number 34 the inner dragon now drops Elektra Elektra Elektra li toora I don't I say don't need to check it out we got ourselves some new Elektra or Elijah anyways these ones look a little bit more like dragon wings which I guess makes sense you've killed the dragon to get them and it's an easier way to get your hands on aerial transportation the moment you beat the final technical boss in the game it makes sense look people are gonna be mad that you get him before you reach the end cities but hey once you get your first pair the rest are really easy to get so amazed will make it easier to get the first pair to begin with oh yeah oops that was number 35 - I heard that my wings look cool now sorry guys you got to deal with it you're probably what that I wonder what happened to the 32 yep we went out of order oops it's just as well these guys are like really creepy looking their new villager types and they've got special mini blocks for sale sand red sand dirt mycelium melons hay bales even got purpur hardened clay red mushroom blocks etc now you noticed you need sapphire gems to make these trades happen well needless to say you can get your sapphire gems quite easily they alongside numerous other gem types now we'll randomly spawn in in dungeon loot desert temples mine shafts etc food this time we got it topaz nice aquamarine gems in that one we got some topaz in that guy and hey there's her sapphires not bad with enough of them in hand you can go back to these new villagers and get your hands on some very special decorative blocks pumpkin and grass from you let's grab some bricks I'll take a mini obsidian thank you very much once you've got these in place you can decorate to your heart's content there they're honestly so adorable oh my gosh oh wow Builders rejoice heck you can even place the gems down any of you so please that's nice you could make for some really cool-looking treasure rooms with all this stay away from my gems oh and you could wear them right I totally forgot about that anyways we're now on number thirty-six sorry for going out of order before but 36 is the wrench very useful tool that you able to get with the data pack now what does it do well it allows you to change the state of certain block types by simply right-clicking them and notice we are now able to change the rotation of these blocks to match our needs the designs oh yeah oh yeah baby this is good much easier than having to mine and replace and mind if this was actually in game I would use terracotta blocks but otherwise there's such a pain and the beauty to get done and placed right it's just not worth it for me but now you can do with the simple right-click it doesn't get much better than that doesn't work on other blocks though I suppose why would it 37 clean redstone wires no longer does it look natural and arguably gross I don't mind how it looks naturally but this is a lot cleaner of a way to tell where your redstone is and what it's doing for you that's because the new texture also shows off the power level of the redstone from 0 up to 15 this will show you how powerful your specific redstone dust line is this one's right next to the redstone block powering it which means got a power of 15 move one block away 14 move another block away you've got 13 another 12 etc 11 10 9 all the way down and the power signal gets weaker and weaker the further away it is from the source which is also number 38 the power levels that we were just talking about gosh I'm bad at this stuff sorry guys number 39 directional hoppers oh yeah on the sides of hoppers you'll now see an arrow showing you what direction the bottom of the hopper is feeding into and in addition you can see that the arrows are also on the top part of the hopper so at any moment you can instantly tell the direction that the hopper is feeding worth noting that if it's not a directional and it's simply feeding downwards it won't have an arrow there and it won't have any arrows on the side so if you don't see an arrow that means it's going straight down but in any other direction you can tell right away which way it's going number 40 better observers not only are there now redstone indicators on the sides and the top of the observer to let you know when it's powered and what erection it's looking but the observers got a hilarious new face when it detects a block update you already don't blink it's quick luckily our editor keV has introduced a nice freeze frame freeze you can see the shock value of this observer when it's finally gotten its own facelift thanks keV now speaking of lifting faces number 41 has everything to do with piston the sticky pistons to be exact the face lifter because it lifts blocks and blocks up anyway check it out the sides of them now have stickiness on them where normally you wouldn't see that see here's what the normal texture pack looks like no stickiness on the sides which means that if this block was in theory a block that you could not see through you'd have no instant way of telling if this was a regular piston or a sticky piston but a because of this simple change it's easy enough we're down to the final stretch number 42 through 50 will be new crafting recipes you can get your hands on if you install these tweaks into your world most of these are gonna be very quick fire so we'll make the first couple but the restaurants gonna show you the recipe for them first things first six oak planks will now get you 12 oak trapdoors what a lovely change I'm gonna do is make them as you normally would and the recipe has been changed to give you way more trapdoors than you're normally used to getting I mean it makes sense they don't use that much wood to begin with now here's another one for oak logs in a two by two will get you oak wood this one makes perfect sense to me oak wood is slightly different in that on every single side of the wood you have the bark texture fantastic now you can make seamless trees branches to your heart's content this one's a favorite of mine you can now use any type of terracotta alongside die to read I it into whatever that dye color is so if you've got a whole bunch of extra terracotta or maybe you're in the Mesa you no longer need the regular type alone you can use any type to get the color you want you can now craft diamond horse armor using diamonds and a saddle in the design scene as such now that one makes perfect sense to me how about this guy ooh blue ice will turn into nine packed ice so if you ever find a glacier you can very quickly get a whole mess of ice blocks by collecting the blue-ice this is essentially an easy way to stack like almost 10 stacks of blocks into one single blue-ice stack good stuff now the warp block you can now turn back into nether wart we've actually done a video on this in fact it was the one I mentioned earlier so don't forget to click that eye in the corner now over here we've got 2 by 2 Flint turning back into gravel currently you can't do that using this recipe you now can pray and finally recipe wise you can turn tube corals and tube coral fans into tube coral blocks which is quite convenient given there's a whole nice underwater coral reef right here now as it currently stands I believe you need a silk touch item in order to collect tube coral because even the sheers aren't grabbing them but if you do get your hands on that you now have an infinite source of these brand-new coral blocks from 1.13 but hey guys you made it through all 50 let us know in the comments section below which one of these features was your favorite check out the download below as well we'll see you later video and a special thank you to our friends over at MC pro hosting for sponsoring today's video if you didn't know MC pro hosting is the largest minecraft server host and not only do they have amazing configurations for iOS Android bedrock and the Java versions of the game but they offer extensive modded support as well so grab your very own minecraft server check out the description today's video for an awesome discount code slot zip for 25% off of your first month's hosting and with that my friends check out this amazing minecraft animation [Music] the dash of blood and lots of memory it's done duh what are you making it's the terrifyingly new which bun from MC pro hosting charity players are just screaming to play on your new minecraft server that's getting father reasons to the whole daily junkie for gigabytes of RAM nothing will stand in the way of your spine-tingling adventure get all of this for the wicked price of only $19.99 the value is enough to skills get off your phones sorry Billy the witch blood from MC Bravo stick get it now at MC pro hosting.com
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,851,825
Rating: 4.8341436 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft changes, minecraft updates, minecraft needs, minecraft mods, logdotzip, best minecraft mods, mods, mod, update, showcase, funny, new, no swearing, minecraft 1.14, 1.14, 1.14 minecraft, minecraft update, new minecraft, new minecraft update, logdotzip 1.14, minecraft logdotzip, features, no cursing, enchanting, villager, mining, nether, better, farming, 50, 50 updates, 3d items, phantom, new blocks
Id: s8Aivq6nMNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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