Getting flushed down a giant minecraft toilet

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the winter sale is almost over grab your log dot zip merge today dude thank you guys ready drop Hey drop her eggs the final dropper is the name of this map and I and this is Matt by simmering artworks that later twitch it around like I'm freaked oh he's got two heads he's a snowman on the other side of things hey what up dude I want that command Oh David you will find out more down description here's the rule don't cheat playing peaceful 1.12 or two ready no use off to find zoom oh I don't know if I can guarantee that I'm gonna play this map right we got it I love optimize we have to use the only level they're great and on see this is the most beautiful dropper map you guys have ever seen and guarantee you hey y'all that y'all ready look at this it's so lovely where I just press the button in it oh wow it's so pretty oh there's the water Wow okay I know exactly I'm going at least and we got a whole death count and everything we on that new minecraft act back Oh y'all ready no where's the water e yeah first try no i mean ii try what am i stupid i literally just saw myself dive that's terrible well we did it we made it that's good that's good but where exactly am I supposed like look how lovely this is this is such a beautiful like I want to explore I want to look around a little bit because I'm just so enthralled like I can't wait can I move in when is when is the moving oh oh okay so we got a book here it's called button hints so not only do we drop but we have to find the button in order to move on oh my gosh let's find the button and drop or combined uh-huh I think we might be in trouble here it's gonna take a little bit least we need to explore around this time huh it where before they get to the bottom of this dropper status now I gotta search for things and this is the biggest map and all and I guess we should start inside the house it seems my sense and we go swanky pad by the way I thought that was the button right there all right if I was a button where where's the book uh-huh what happened to the book the book is missing it's really let's see just like this button really like this new texture pack it's really cool it's the one you can get on where's the look at the glass it's so pleasant and there's not all these ugly little streaks down the middle like there usually are oh hey there's the button hey that's convenient now wait a second how do i jeez good yeah got it all right level one completed now they're level two which is did you Christmas well that's convenient that's just it I like how he stole his shirt Sam Urick your shirt is mine oh where are you look at the stupid titles in the way ein ooh well we fallen that's not good we got to keep a keen eye out where's the water gotta find wha how much was together the snow uh-huh we're in trouble really all right hold on I seem out oh hey really though I don't see any water anywhere what if I'm supposed to jump to exactly can I just can we maybe that's maybe can we nein nein nein what trying to see stupid glass wait all right so we got it mmm focused wait go I guess we're just gonna drop and see if we can find anything worth a while I as close I still is that it the read that one loop block yeah right all right listen oh wow it's so Santa at that I don't even know to Santa there for a second ago do this can we do nice little jump oh maybe not again let's go baby I oh I think that may be the right way I think we should be good you see that cuz I saw a glimpse of the water second ago yeah yeah oh just a void oh oh so close Hey alright know exactly how to do now we're just gonna run straight off pretty much look just run straight off yeah I know don't use out the bidented that I missed it again alright we all get it on this one I feel it I feel it so strongly in my bones come on baby come on baby come on baby ball yeah what we made it right on top oh no no it's gonna do me like that this whole stupid I budge every time I is why I don't do dropper maps anymore because I so happy all right now for this button is the button gonna be hiding oh wow Christmas is over I should have to deal with this anymore stupid giant floating dead sit you even bring me cold like I could use it power my car so yeah like 30 houses to search through I mean we gonna be here a lot wait I think the houses are huh it was a ruse we can't actually get inside well that saves us some time I think I mean it's still a huge huge land maybe these guys know something hey bunk look at he's got a nice backwards hat on cool guy hey you mind hooking it up with some secrets haha I got a book for you I like how the book is the secret oh you just get two books Hey Oh took one from me on his terrible his rep he's kind of seemed a little huh what's with it everything's beautiful and then he just kind of put sea lanterns all over the place so yeah Sam Urick he got work on your build skits actually that seems really out of place there's no other sea lanterns used in the build anywhere it's all wool so I like is this like a breadcrumb trail should we be looking for where the sea lanterns take us oh look okay this one's not Hollow all right just completely empty buttons should stand on instantly here yeah okay yeah here it is look right by the sea lanterns I figured as much you know what I've changed my mind you know we're gonna do we're gonna keep this to dropper y'all trying to find the buttons on your own you can do that on your own time what we have here instead is a button him book and I'm planning on using it now because I thought wrapper where we originally signed on up so level three the desert Oh things about to get hot whoa and look at this great build right here I'm telling you this is the pretties this is the prettiest dropper oh are we trying to get right in the middle there because this has also been a very difficult dropper map like we had one water block to fall into before get real okay I'm trying not to use Optifine as often as possible okay I'm trying to be a good boy Sam Urick all right I feel a little premature leading me to do that e all right no water there I almost like want to get like actually get a good look I want to peek around get a nice little preview there's the water oh yeah close mmm okay I know what I'm doing we don't fall this way hey oh hey Loden the chokes were at Loudoun I call shenanigans oh come on baby won't need gotta have it love it love it honestly I was feeling myself going this way before only I got play this game where I've got like the Oh all right I know to do now I know to do now I know to do before but now I definitely know what to do we go stick on left and then we're gonna stop moved okay well once again once again there we go here we go here we go I said here we go here we go Oh No Oh Cedric you're literally the worst human no one played this map on oh geez ah well that's I get how do you only get fifty nine deaths across all these levels I don't buy I think you're lying you did make the map you could put that number to whatever you want no one will be able to know the difference Sam Urick you filthy dirty live I hate you so much you're the worst I love you Cedric you're the best it's a great map you all downloaded yet to the description a subscribe this and that all right now here's you see we're gonna use the hints we still got a search gold blocks gold blocks we kept smacking her face on him a second ago oh there's a gold block okay well the hunt begins in a real way now y'all mess around waiting artists open time but there's only one gold block there where's the rest well raft a good start so far we got the gold blocks leading yeah okay perfect and we go this is the real mother lode right here yeah I'm on that new texture pack by the way I'm trying to get used to it cuz this is gonna be the official texture pack with enough time y'all know I'm sayin so alright keep a keen eye out trying to find some blocks and each all to help me I'm just kidding there's a video it's already been done but you pay attention a little bit oh here we go here we go sneaky little mom are we huh uh-uh now my book not on my book not on my watch I gots week okay then what happens when I look for buttons for way too long love for the bathroom oh this is so cool giant oh this is so cool and that's a lot of water pretty sure we'll be able to fall in just fine yes thank you very much that's actually pretty wait that's glass I thought it was water well one of its water one of it I say yeah there's water right in the middle there imma get it it's mine umm I thought that's not water either well the more my supposed to jump to right now I think I saw maybe in the faucet let me see let's see is this it not just a faucet oh I know it's was use Optifine but I Badou I did it I did it it's mine we all jump we got the job it's gonna be so good ah ha ha am I supposed to go here did that kill me oh I made it I'm excited ech Phu why growth don't put that in maps your lap that was off this optional thing you could just have the toilet thing yeah now I got to jump all over it ah well we made it okay let's look at the head level for what the trash bin hmm okay well we're in the wrong area right now this is the crapper so I'm gonna have to I mean the dropper I'm here right okay now I want to say the trash bin where's the is this the trash bin yes I can I jump to this Oh No apparently I'll get come on love me seriously where am I supposed to jump to if I'm like wondering can I is it this is this do I have to just make this trip I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make the jump yeah no good measure [Applause] now the trash bin huh y'all in here somewhere huh at the bottom maybe is there some stone but yeah see it's right there hey got him that's good now we busting through the time I'm sorry the hints I don't want him I don't need him level five though needed it's a rainbow it's my favorite it's a beautiful and colorful oh yeah oh this is exactly what I needed okay we'll make this one on our first try guaranteed check it out check it out check it out I'm telling you I can do these ones all well that should count okay we were at least very close to in proximity just shut up you stop the fight this time because it's just so much more sweet yeah don't mind come on I had it better before third time's a charm baby here we go yeah no I need to be the best dropper if there ever was why am i dying I know I hit at that time calm things that bad this is a visit what happened this is how it starts this is whoa now yeah they go disappear on me now huh mmm-hmm why what kind of stupid I hate him so much Sam Urick why do you give me one block I need both what kind of let's get pop a blood vessel really soon eh well now you have fire where this button is cuz I'm playing around it's in the world make parkour it did I click the right one or a little fun come on it's easy oh wow literally right off they see it what do you want for me I tried dude map best I can around the next level well level six oh it's on this side uh-huh right nice little 1000 we have we're done at least I'll take it all right let's see what we got here level six space space well thank goodness because everybody should be able to hear this oh wow hold on can we just like stop putting the glass like just give me a break hold on a second I just want to see this is amazing this is like honestly the sweetest dropper man just for sake of like you know what I mean it's just beautiful it's truly like it's so pretty but now we got to figure out what we're dropping to I see some water right over there we're gonna run to the corner not it uh-huh yeah I see it I see it I see it it's mine fall oh we got close oh look we're supposed to fall back to earth that's cute ain't mad about that's really cute but can we do it that's the key key oh we got close we gotta like thread that's satellite or the spaceship whatever it is I don't like it I love it just what I'm ready to say to get to work already come on get in Oh hit the thing so I fill up my kilobit oh we got it this time I feel it I love it come on right in the middle there No and we're like quickly approaching his death count no less I had better the December I need to prove it oh we did it hey hey that's nice no one am I supposed to climb up the trees where's my head alright let me see let me see let me see level six it's in the world to make parkour it's in the world so must be in here okay so we got to get to the top of the tree Trio life presumably nice okay yeah I'm getting used to these textures by the way the wood looks a little bit bubbly bubbly or than usual but it's okay it's it's fancy it's pretty it's a little bit cleaner like y'all can't be too mad about the texture back yeah I'm I'm probably so usually in more my videos just so we can all kind of get used to it because it's gonna be coming whether we whether y'all wanted or not like oh they are hey not bad da-daddy level 700 yeah I'm I don't sound anything like it it's okay we're under water for this guy what do we got here I'm just not getting lysing that light a nice little gander let me see giant octopus yeah seen that all before and this is nice because the next updates all about sea so now we I look for water even though we're completely underwater I think I just see where I'm supposed to go is it right there it is it's not Oh getting between the tentacles quick I mean I died right as I was it's okay guys I'm good at Minecraft I hope please is there there's the water I knew it I thought I saw okay we know we need to do now we got to just cut right in between the tennis right between the tentacles yeah yeah yeah there is some stained glass there that like popped out out of nowhere we're gonna avoid it this time beat good old boys good old boys yeah take whatever I don't know anymore it's alright minecraft I'm good at this game everybody loves me everybody's my best friend you see I'll call it I'm excited alright where's this hint at huh level seven hint look at diamond block look at diamond block all caps look at diamond block why are you so angry what's wrong with the diamonds where is the diamond block is that the time that's gotta be the down my block that's it it look it's begging to be discovered over there but now how do we we got to navigate this coral oh boy this coral is quite floor it's got great colors let's just get over there already huh let me see what is the best means to reach this guy we might be able to just ooh close we may be able just do it yeah is that the button yeah that's the button but then hmm I'm wondering this looks like their way right here okay cool what aren't I great we're getting closer now that we know where the buttons are all at it makes everything a little bit nicer level eight the seedy city y'all ready let's give a nice look gander and then we'll fall to our deaths ooh ooh hey this is really nice be an airplane we all a giant buildings we got trees kind of like existing sideways oh I see cuz we're supposed to be looking at it like this okay okay okay oh that's cool we've fall to the skyscrapers I'll be bait step on my friends we need to locate the water alright we ready let's go through the bridge through the woods or we just die again that's great no it's funny that's what I'm used to we're about to tie this man for death I don't like it I don't have to like it I don't need to like I don't even like Simran like we've already established this point like look at these kills me all the time we got this it we're about to tie him I leaned over the wall oh yeah there's the water all right well I sounded nice little glimpse right between the stupid bridge there you are you idiot I oh can we do it we can't die we can die one more time to tie him we can die 0 more times to win now where is this but she and Ville Street looks good well this must be an Ville Street uh-huh I got a feeling now can we sneak right through anvil Street and find what we need button please yes I think so but mmm maybe up here this is great it's like a full-blown build can we get on up there oh there's the button done it oh well I was convenient we did it prepare to be on level 9 the jungle you know this means if we want to win we need to try our best to scout out where water is I see the water is that the right water no that's like on a wall only we land in that one where's the water I need to look mmm I got a feeling it's probably behind this tree really I really don't want to lose our lives like we're so close it's all right Tyler if these things will happen but let's get the glass out of the way and get one couple more looks is that it did I see it do I see it do I see it hard to tell we're gonna get one more look we're gonna fall right on in it okay I have no idea we're gonna let's just oh boy let's just try and locate the safest okay gonna press right here yeah we got I see the water it's between the wimps the whatever this is right through there all right this is it this is to stay tied what we gotta go quick Eve oh whoa nice y'all see the water Oh [Applause] we lose we're terrible but the vines the vines helped us quite a bit to be honest with it which I hit those vines again can we just can we just yeah that vines was nice it saves us I that's close I it's close we did it are we gonna do with one death over I swear if we do with one death over it's gonna be even a sadder story is this right T&T room are we on the right oh this is the TNT I mean I assume right is there really sir is there a tea tea room or do we click the wrong no there's a tea tea room on this map somewhere alrighty I guess we go find it TNT you take too long less slowly but surely look for a button friend where he is is the end do you like my singing I'm so good at singing what's in here nothing nothing it isn't here like it has to be in here oh there yeah all right all right all right all right which means final level and I swear watch if we make it on this first one I'll be so upset I'll be so upset because that means we directly tied now where's the water because I want to try and locate it I see some over there again that's useless water can we can we can we do it can we like figure this out together there it is I think oh alright well hey I feel a little bit about myself does that mean we're gonna hit it no matter what alright here we go down we go don't hit the stupid wall parts how'd that even happen where I thought I saw the water I did Trevor the white part alright alright alright come on come on you got a water with me you gotta need it with me I we're so close feel it feel it feeling you're the strongest man land you'd even rhyme so it must be true get in there not the same spot but everybody wants to be your friend Tyler okay all the kids in school love you they love you they adore you people give you gum people copy off your homework cuz you're smart everybody wants to be your friend let's try and stay under sixty seven deaths which means we can't die anymore can we do that okay let's giant stay under sixty eight deaths which means we can't dining can we how do we do that we gonna get it on this one choo-choo load already with the render distance get in it structures alright no 69 deaths we got to avoid that at all costs right right come on come on come on I see to my eyes i we all Optifine it because that's what big boys do well I I like did worse with the Optifine alright no more have to fine and if we just take a nice clean wait where's just I like disoriented it'll lost half way through that how do i whoa oh man I was literally about to finish my sentence saying let's stay at 70 deaths make it nice and clean nice clean 70 deaths and then that happened how does that happen white and this block I've hit that specific block mmm I'm gonna put him out of his misery after this man I'm serious right after this map ends I'm gonna find that block I'm gonna put him out of his misery he's killed me personally way too many times you know 82 great number grandma you're 82 this one's for you grandma bring it home for you grandma grandma come on in shout out to my grandma you're not actually 82 I just have a lot of devs and I wanted to find a way to excuse it now if we find this last button please we don't pumpkin me look look pumpkins eyes well that's convenient uh-huh that'll save me a lot of time is if we can get up to the pumpkin how do we mmm do we climb up the leaves the vines are we doing it for the vine right now can I even it was that the worst joke in the world yep it was how I good enough to pumpkin oh there's two pumpkins okay that's yeah okay well then maybe that's why where this pumpkin doesn't have eyes what's going on here oh there's three pumpkins Howey pumpkins I mean it's the Halloween theme map I guess it makes sense but well you'll play me like that there's the button I saw I seen it present present yeah we won thanks for playing you're welcome Sam Urick I suppose you can have your shirt back here buddy you probably need this a little bit more than I do ladies and gentlemen that is Ben drop her ex the final drop I hope is that the front dropper I like robbers and I like them I mean I completely hate them but if you like him you should leave a like on this video a I'll subscribe yet and hit that belt do you mean notified of all my videos rise they come out oh you have will do it thanks so much lace in the description have a good with my friends let's see it get my way see
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,154,266
Rating: 4.7311516 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, crazy, traps, secret, update, minecraft challenge games, minecraft challenge, custom command, only one command, minecraft secrets, new minecraft, minecraft new, funny, comedy, gaming, no swearing, no cursing, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip,, log dot zip, logdotzip minecraft, mod, mods, kid friendly, dopper, toilet, bathroom, tutorial, map, custom map, fall, down
Id: Ijaj9Mbeii4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2017
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