Minecraft mobs if they never skipped leg day

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today's video is all about games minecraft games because we're checking out the buffest mobs minecraft has ever seen and if you're anything like me you'll literally be mortified by what some of these things look like it's kind of gross but we're gonna check out them anyways and we're really going to check them out oh no staring hey guys to celebrate the holidays we are doing a special 12 days of deals with this awesome log that is at plushie so starting today until christmas day grab yourself one with a 15 discount but go ahead and get one soon because there's only a couple hundred left and after this we will not be selling them anymore big thanks to everyone that's already bought one including the ones that i have signed and given away to five special winners and with that enjoy today's video all right first up is the buff bat could you imagine this hulking diesel just coming for you in the air literally flies you'd be surprised if his weight didn't keep him down so this is what it looks like nasty oh hideous look at him he's frantically looking for something to lift the weights they're hidden just down that cave system man if you could make it down there you'd probably be doing yourself a big favor that's where i'm putting all the protein as well so the buff bat will really just be there to annoy you he's pretty much impossible to kill he's got a whole bunch of health he's just kind of hanging out in fact the only way you can kill him is to tell him that all the gyms are closed you'll need a netherright sword in order to take this thing down cut them down to size but we don't have one of those on us so instead we've got a panic button and instead the panic button is going to do us roughly the same favor so we're going to press the where did he go i thought he found the protein for a second okay so anyways look panic button boom turns into ten little bats instead and these guys aren't nearly as strong okay they haven't hit the gym in ages i mean clearly they've all skipped leg day you can't even see them on these things again big old batboy press the panic button and instantly becomes 10 more bats and apparently kills all the other bats nearby man talk about some serious problems with the gym drama i gotta say it takes some serious upper body strength to be able to lift this hulking mass into the air and actually fly with it maybe as much as this next buff mob the buffer fish oh goodness gracious so the buffer fish looks like a normal puffer fish but don't be tricked get close to see how he got his name we're gonna kill it to get a puff block yes unfortunately sometimes you have to kill things in life to get further ahead i'm just kidding by the way don't it's uh okay so we're gonna summon in the buffer fish right right right doesn't look too buff to me i could probably take him now you'll want to be remarkably careful when you're getting close to this guy because he'll only puff up and buff up when you are really close to him otherwise he'll just keep kind of sort of poisoning you man show me your gains bro this is the only reason i'm here oh my gosh he just shed his outer shell and holy moly someone has been doing the squats look at the size of that gluteus maximus it is huge and kind of disgusting and i know it's impolite to stare but i just can't help myself oh my goodness now look at this guy show me your face man i want to see that chiseled jawline quite envious in fact hey buddy buddy buddy can you give me some tips there you are is he is he flexing his pecs at me as well oh he got a little shy there definitely though definitely skipped leg day i mean those things are puny puny tiny little guys i know a gentle heart behind all the muscle mass i want to see your front there we go come on there we stopped playing these he's literally hiding his muscles from me there we go oh i got too close and now he wants to poison me well that's what happens when you take too much pre-workout it's like poison to your body he's so embarrassed show me show me i goodness gracious not gonna kill you instead well your muscles are no match for my sword so i do want to show off the drop that you get from killing the buffer fish okay there we go nice look at those pecks i'll take it at this point looks like a real meat head look at that expressionless look on his face pathetic i mean that is mean but you know sometimes you gotta be mean you know what i mean there we go give me those puff blocks now these are actually useful now not only will these puff blocks actually provide a source of light when you are outside it's a minor amount but if you stand on them you'll be hit with the bristles of the puffer fish you'll actually take damage i ooh burns for some reason but here's the bigger one the puff block is great for farm so check this out at the bottom there really why why would we why would we put a spider spawner you know these things float and climb in the air right it makes for a good mob farm because the moment one of these mobs hits the ground y'all ready for it can we just i'm gonna go into creative mode yeah so we can punch this guy off his ledge oh what up son boom and it had nothing to do with the height either i swear okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna wait for a spider to spawn on down and see it didn't die instantly but if we were to put a spider down here it would instantly begin taking constant damage this is gonna be perfect for any mob farms out there the power of the puck that puffs got some buff stuff uh jeff don't look at me like that the joke was okay you are 100 wrong we're here in a stronghold to show you the next buff mob the buff silverfish suffers so buff that he breaks right literally hold the brakes what is with the spellings kilos you gotta work on it dude on touch he'll break stone and upon death it'll drop a stack of two stone pickaxes so i'll show you that in a second for now though i skipped much better so check out this nasty thing oh my gosh it is literally hideous and it will break all sorts of actual stone when you get by nearby uh-huh big old problems ooh diamond so lovely that's great hey can you get off me buddy i'm trying to i wanna oh gosh what are you doing what are you doing i can't see anything oh gosh i'm supposed to work out in the dark much better now i can see everything so he's legit just going nuts removing all sorts of stone nearby oh my gosh oh come on look he's just mocking me up there get ah ridiculous oh gosh and you're back okay so i actually want to kill this thing as best i possibly can so if you could if you could please thank you oh gosh we gotta be really careful now he won't actually break any of the regular like stone bricks only actual stone variants there but he has a lot of health on him we can't even get a good punch in here and there but i do want to kill him so i can show you what this guy drops so we gonna punch on him real good a couple times in creative mode hopefully that makes a big difference here with any luck yo i gotta get like super low and attack him oh or okay i guess he died but look a double stone pickaxe we literally have two pickaxes in one single slot here this is you know half useful let me explain why because you can use this pickaxe slowly but surely literally it's been stacked on top of one another in fact i gave myself ultimate haste right now so you can see me actually break the first pickaxe and look at what happens the moment the first pickaxe breaks it's a thing of beauty we got another pickaxe instantly now the reason this is only like partially useful is because um it's still pickaxe oh gosh yo heard me talking smack about the pick get away non-buff version don't scare me so if you've got like better than a stone pickaxe and you probably do if you're in a stronghold you know it's whatever it's more of an anomaly did i say that right now whatever details details details okay this next one's awesome the six-pack slime now this one can be found in swamps busting a move okay doing some lifting doing some power squatting posing frankly look look at the steez that's funny looking in fact look you're funny wow he's like die now if you actually kill one of these things it will not attack you in this form it will attack you in the form of what's really hiding behind these see-through abs i can tell that those are installations okay you got cosmetic surgery behind it is actually a giant tower of slimes being held up by smallest slime it almost kind of looks like a giant leg limb bouncing after you okay another example of why you don't skip leg day get away now if you break the bottom area you'll continue to get even more and more smaller slimes okay they're all forms of the buff slime in some sense or another if you could stop please when legs attack get away get a way please but look look at these little babies you get in return so the buff slime is gonna be a fantastic source of all sorts of extra slime which if you don't mix your protein shakes enough it's kind of the same consistency let's just stop and appreciate the pose again though yeah oh look at this guy imagine him coming for you in your dreams this is what happens if you don't work out enough okay buff slime will come for you in your dreams be careful okay but how about a buff creeper i don't think you guys are ready for this one this will make a huge explosion and will drop tnt on death here's a normal creeper explosion whatever not impressed frankly i mean it's embarrassing you call yourself a trainer i mean i don't think he doesn't encompass a creeper but anyways check out the buff creeper oh my gosh it looks like a centaur oy coming for me no no no bad okay let me show you the creeper the buff creeper sorry i didn't want to offend him the buff creepers explosion radius oh he changed his mind he doesn't want to flex on us come on come on come on hey i'll give you some pre-workout look i know i get him okay seriously he prefers whey protein to be honest but some of those things are flavorless okay okay i'm sorry you don't prefer whey protein you prefer plant-based protein that's what i meant okay gosh work with me dude i'm trying to get a video done here thank you hideous really don't like okay so watch out for this one though because we gotta spawn there we go got it in time so check out the explosion that just got left here and he did leave us some tnt on death as well such a thoughtful guy people say that gym rats are mean it's never been my experience they just want to help you work out brah get some more sets and brought more reps and bra i don't know why i'm saying that but yeah the explosion here is insanity this is rather large big old boy one singular explosion basically caused the entire side of this mountain to get caved in oh my gosh it's like a punching bag for these buff creatures let's try and kill one without it blowing up step back yes another gun yes stupid not working out that brain clearly hey two tnt drops for our trouble get all these nasties out of here look at that instead of dropping gunpowder we get full blown tnt which is basically like 10 gunpowder in one single drop totally worth it in my eyes you know what else is worth in my eyes making sure that we can blow up this tnt as well so get on over here buddy it's time to show off those gains to the world oh boy that was um oh gosh and now i'm spawning in the little mineral of the air what'd i just say holy moly that is an explosion right i'm glad the button to get to the next mob survived otherwise we would never been able to show off the beefager yes yes an interesting name for this beefcake okay so we're going to summon in a beefager this is what he looks like look at you you are also gross arm still is folded as ever i i don't know what to think about that but you know maybe i don't have to think about it all i do have to think about is the fact that we're going to need to get our hands on some emeralds because we're going to trade this guy to get all of his workout routines because he'll only trade them to us in exchange for emeralds but not just emeralds emerald blocks so we got a whole bunch of emeralds right here and we're going to use this crafting table to get ourselves some emerald blocks and it's not actually workout routines we're gonna get our hands on instead we're gonna get our hands on some of the largest weaponry and tools you've ever seen so come here buddy i got what you need what what why are you that is that is highly inappropriate what are you doing i don't put them there that's uh uh okay i'm just gonna right click we're not gonna talk about it okay giant sword for one emerald block okay giant pickaxe for one emerald block and naturally a giant axe for one whole emerald block thank you for your service and never trade with me like that again so the giant sword looks normal in your hand same with the pickaxe same with the axe axe but flip things around not the case big old boy i mean what were you expecting the b for drew to use for his tasks not anything regular size same story all rather large boys including the sword here now the sword is quite useful indeed because it deals a whole mess of extra damage this iron golem we can instantly take out by instantly i mean just wait faster than normal i mean wow that was very quick oh sorry i didn't mean to oh no i've upset him but check out this giant pickaxe okay we're gonna mine right here look at what happens instantaneous triple mining based on the direction we're looking in okay it is very finicky with where it does it's mining but just like that we're getting a three by three wonder yes yes oh yeah baby biggest fan okay this is gonna be extraordinarily useful for all of your mining endeavors but we also can show you off the giant axe too it works as a sort of tree feller which will cause any nearby trees to essentially instantly break so useful oh buddy i don't think you're going gonna be able to fit inside this village anymore in fact i'm pretty sure you just scared one of the villagers have you seen your friend out there man oh he's gonna go get a look for himself whoa that is um that is an interesting place to have a conversation yeah yeah i figured you'd probably want to go back inside after that oh no he's coming back for more okay well i'ma let you do your thing the oddest couple i've ever seen it even works on larger trees to an extent you will have to do a couple extra jobs to get that thing felled but hey way more effective than a plain old axe hi horsey die two hits on a horse i mean if there was a ever a more effective gauge for how strong the sword is this is a two-hit horse sword that's very nice maybe we'll use it for the buff dolphin over here okay because the buff dolphins power you know it's whatever we get infinite dolphins crates alongside a few other powers but once you see what this thing looks like you'll understand why i brought the giant sword with me oh my word you are something else aren't you buddy oh gosh it's really gross oh my gosh i'm so sorry i don't mean to be offensive but it's you know it's just it's a lot you know it's a lot okay i like it though he's doing his shoulder lifts those are like the worst by the way when i do workouts too so i totally understand where he's coming from trying to get those on okay because it is a great way of showing off but look when we're near the sky we get conduit power water breathing and dolphins grace and an extraordinarily fast version of dolphins grace as well plus he starts sparring with you did you see how he was circling me rather impressive now here's something else that's also impressive this guy hates drowns because they're just such downers or drowners i suppose when they're at the gym and so any drowns nearby this dolphin will instantly begin taking massive amounts of damage until they essentially just kind of die exactly where they were in place come get this last guy gotta deal with the scraps mr dolphin get it hey you're embarrassing me oh he's just playing with the zombie flesh you got anything else better to lift dude no he really just wants the dolphin or the rotten flesh go ahead take it do your thing homeboy i'd give you some of my steak but you're already big enough of a beefcake now the last buff mob to show off to oh that just spawned another one of those uh right it was this one the last buff mob to show off is the sheep and this is what it looks like hey nice you're you're big oh i fell in water big and kind of gross to be perfectly honest i mean what is with those abs they're like separated from one another did you get surgery too i won't tell anybody not a big deal now you can in fact use shears to shear this guy and reveal one of his dirtiest secrets okay you all ready he's not as buff as he'd like you to think in fact most of it's just wool oh gosh so gross looking oh he's shocked he's like you've revealed my secret someone had to do it man you get knitted wool for your trouble of shearing one of these things don't worry all of his muscles will grow back the moment he decides that he wants to eat up on some grass but it's not a big deal we're gonna go ahead and head into creative mode and get us a couple extra stacks of this knitted wool so check this out it does have a little bit of a different look compared to regular wool right here's what white wool looks like instead it's got more of a quilted like pattern or i suppose a knitted pattern hence the name now this is a form of compact wool look he got hungry he went ahead and replenished his health or army army i say so knitted wool will actually turn into nine pieces of regular wool as well but it only goes one way you cannot turn white wool back into your knitted wool so keep that in mind because you'll also want to keep the knitted wool for some new types of armor that you can make that's right we got a knitted chest plate we got knitted leggings we've got a knitted helmet and of course those knitted booties baby we're going to get rid of these nasties and put on this full set of wool so that we can not only look super sweet and very uh soft and lovely and fun to touch because i'm covered in wool no other reasons but we also get special effect resistance 2 fire resistance 4 and slow falling 3 so you're pretty much impervious to most types of damage or at the least will take far less amounts of damage so that you can mess with some of these buff creatures and i'm going to know guys in the comments section which of these buff mobs was not your favorite but the most hideous which one did you think just shouldn't exist because i mean frankly none of them should but i'd like to know which one you uh were grossed out by most and you can check out this other video right here where my developer turned every mob into the new axolotl from the upcoming cave update it's also kind of creepy
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 3,160,609
Rating: 4.8858247 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, buff mobs, ripped, weight lifting, buff, buff minecraft mobs, mobs that are buff, buffest, buffest minecraft mob, buffed minecraft, pumping iron, new mobs, new minecraft mobs, new biome mobs, new mobs in minecraft, caves and cliffs update, 1.17, 1.17 update, dangerous minecraft mobs, most dangerous mobs in minecraft, mob variants, mob update, new mob, minecraft mob, mob, mobs, strange mobs, we updated, minecraft update, new update, logdotzip, villager, buff villager
Id: 4FCeAb7UxmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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