$1 vs $100 vs $1000 Minecraft Creeper

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I paid to have 10 different creeper mobs developed all ranging from one set in cost up to one thousand dollars some of the less expensive ones are well they're exactly what you'd expect but as we work our way up the ranks the creepers start to get a little better and better and better all the way up until we reveal to you what a thousand bucks will get you in creeper land you have entered a new world a world without creepers finally but now it's time to rebuild the creeper how much will it cost man developer Dash Chap's going way dramatic we're gonna test out each of these creepers to see which ones are more dangerous than the last and we start with the one cent creeper the cheapest creeper money can buy yeah I feel bad for you probably spent like two minutes on this one okay so let me see oh crapper spawn egg okay so I have no idea what this one looks like let me see okay that definitely doesn't look like a creeper okay well that would explain why it's one cent not gonna lie Pretty sizable explosion for a one set creeper it's not even looking at me oh it's kind of oh gosh it doesn't deal any damage to me it looks like yeah it deals zero damage to me it doesn't even look like a creeper and it certainly does not be spelled proper creeper but I gotta say it's actually pretty decent at mining for us I mean we're gonna hit diamonds in no time yo I'm about to be rich okay okay let's move on the 10 cent creeper this one's slightly more expensive but not by much it's not gonna get you too far all right let's see what crapper spawning okay so look at the difference here between how they're what they're called creper spawn egg and Creeper spawning ooh grape stop makes me a little hungry all right miss junior let's see okay it's a it's like okay it's a little bit better it's literally just a little bit better I mean it's only cost me nine more cents so a little baby still explodes the same rate at the adult version of that so how about we get a couple of these guys going at the same time what happened now oh yeah as planned get it mine iron for me though will it break the iron on my behalf let's see hey got my hands on some iron okay best 10 cents I ever spent surely we can do better how about a one dollar Cooper I paid a buck for this one let's see the dollar store creeper fantastic deals this one's a little better than the last one it might be blob like but its shape at least looks like a creeper okay let's see hey that one's at least kind of spelled proper I mean it looks like it's entirely spilled properly but let's see how proper it looks oh I uh okay get me creative let me look at it in all of its Glory right now Barbie it doesn't even matter that I've been creative mode is it gonna float towards me take it all in take it all in it won't float through the sand amazing okay though still not seemingly posing much of a threat yeah it's I mean ugly at the very least okay still very effective at mining you know so far that's been the theme of the hour here does it get better though we find out with the five dollar creeper so far this video has cost me six dollars and 11 cents but now we're getting there still not the best but you know better for five dollars it's starting to look like a real creeper on top of that is explosion mechanic is a little more consistent let's see what it's all about huh creeper spawn egg eat on them oh oh oh all right well I I finally died at least this thing is particularly unattractive oh didn't like that I said that I couldn't even kill it before it blew up let's give another shot huh they don't even okay well so far this is actually the worst five dollars I've ever spent because this thing is just wrecking me I mean I've practically got on full diamond armor can we you can we can I the arrows don't even work okay well hey I live that time perfect finally he's actually kind of adorable I love his little sad boy face sad you want some bread sad boy hours can we can I kill him I want to try hey we can't kill him man that makes me feel so much better about my situation but it's not enough we need to double it the ten dollar creeper the extra five dollars was used to make this creeper look slash act slightly better still not the same as a real creeper but we are getting there okay creeper spawn egg and now it looks to be you know properly formatted on the text everything else okay starting a good thing looking forward let's see hey okay okay I like this one yo he is fluorescent green and appears to be doing some sort of Dance For Me dance monkey dance show me your moves stumble up okay well ten dollars obviously didn't get me proper code oh yeah he heard me dude that one was cool okay I like the look of it and it's like smoking a little bit too oh when when oh when you get close to it or when he gets close to you I suppose that's when the smoke starts popping off let's see so if we maintain a safe enough distance yeah yeah look wow kind of like kind of gives away when he's close to yo this guy have you been on a StairMaster recently dude he is having some serious trouble here buddy can I can I like do anything to look it up he's adorable I don't want to kill him do they drop anything special ooh that one dropped me rotten flesh and an iron ingot well that sounds like a ten dollar drop to me actually iron is pretty valuable as far as I know so double it twenty dollar creeper now we're getting there this one's pretty good it's taller and shaped more like a creeper and this one spawns a creeper when you place it oh well thanks I guess that makes enough sense ooh okay well I'll read that chest in a second here let's see what this one looks like hey okay well side effects yo that was a Aftershock death alert that sounds like a heavy metal band of some sort anyways check this out yeah he's starting to get there it's starting to look like a real creeper oh that baby one didn't want my bread oh I hit one people waste load up my creeper yo let's get a couple popping off what's good homies yo can you can you explode this nether area for me that'd be much appreciated thank you also take out his buddies pretty big explosion for a 20 creeper I mean it makes sense I didn't pay anything for the original one well I mean I guess I bought Minecraft but details details you know okay so what does this say based on this we can conclude a regular creeper costs about 25 for texturing modeling and programming yeah okay let's see that's the regular creeper in all of its Glory kind of like the other ones better so far and let us know in the comments below which one you think is hmm I would say most adorable which one do you think is most adorable maybe it's the 50 creeper now we're getting into the more expensive creepers for double the price of a regular one this has more particles a bigger and better explosion finer textures maybe it's a scam I don't know I hope not to ask what the heck what am I paying you for oh this one's got some fancy colored text on it hey hey getting a little bit more spicy huh okay let's see what you're all about okay well it's still looking a little bit different from the original creep oh boy oh he's getting a little bit hold on a second yo he got real close to him and sped up now it's cool I don't know if you saw because you know I died but it had some really cool looking particle effects the moment like it gave off like uh some campfire looking particle effects now it's hard for me to tell the difference between this one and the one the one just before it let me see maybe there's something I'm missing here twenty dollar creeper okay actually I think let me see this is the 20 creeper and this is the 50 creeper they look practically the same they don't seem to necessarily explode the same but hey what do I know let's see can you yeah that one's got a bigger explosion okay we're down to the final three Creepers the 100 creeper yeah this one does sound like a scam maybe it's because of merchandising ranch or something whatever the case this creeper is better than the last one it has a super fancy texture and an even better explosion wow and it's nice and bold The Bold and The Brave or the beautiful I don't know any moms out there talk about some soap opera oh hey this one's wow it's got some pretty smooth animation and that is a scary looking face actually easy wow big boy explosion all this from one single Creeper explosion Wowie oh he doesn't notice me oh okay no he notices me oh no I'm stuck It All Bright still not much of a brain despite paying a hundred dollars for him huh yeah get that experience big fan so they definitely are killable that's Pleasant enough and they stop making zombie sounds which is nice [Laughter] good explosion so honestly and at the end of the video we're gonna look at all of the different creepers at the same time it's gonna be family reunion but for now we check out the 250 dollar creeper starting to break the bank on this video the best creeper money can buy maybe 250 is a lot this one is better in every way than a regular creeper better texture explosion particles and more okay okay I'll be the judge of that spawn it on in now this one does look similar to the last one but what is different I suppose can we do it bigger explosion better particles some of this is a little bit difficult to tell I'm not gonna lie let's go into creative mode and see if we can discern a little bit more closely what's happening here yo you didn't have any interest in me I mean I guess that's worth paying money for oh gosh the 250 dollar creeper blew up the one thousand dollar creepers area that explained what it does jealousy I guess it's gonna be a total mystery but you know I want to say I'm okay with that so what does this one have more Health perhaps now still only three shots to take this puppy out huh okay maybe uh maybe hey guys you want to come over for some cake and some tea and that you know okay final creeper one thousand dollar creeper right here the creeper with all his wealth had invested into knowledge books reading Lamborghinis before we summon them in let's look at our family of creepers the one cent creeper okay this is the 10 cent creeper we've got the one dollar creeper I believe next is the five dollar creeper the ten dollar creeper we've got the twenty dollar creeper the fifty dollar creeper the 100 creeper is the one cent creeper floating in the air and of course the 250 creeper all quite lovely but it's time for the real party the one thousand dollar creeper what's good holy moly what is happening there what even what even is it did it just cause okay we're gonna spawn this one in separately look at this it is like floating in the air and it's like rotating it's what what is happening what is that did it just teleport me to the void yo I need my weapon out for this one bruh look that was that was wild where did is he is he over there where where'd he go let's see yeah yeah this is I don't like I don't actually oh no the explosion got me again so what happens if I get close can I can I even kill it can you die die die dude it's got like a death it's got an instant death ray that is really scary what the heck it looks like a bunch of floating creeper wrenches in the sky let me see if I can actually kill him somehow yeah you gotta watch out for that thing like your life depended on it I mean because it literally does die die [Laughter] it's after me guys this is not what I wanted can you yeah we got him still drops zombie flesh though well I hope that was worth a thousand dollars but you can let us know in the comment section below what mob we should pay to have remade next
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 3,568,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, creeper, remade, 1 vs 1000, $1, $1000, $100, thousand dollar, one dollar, new creeper, creeper update, $1000 creeper, mob, mobs, minecraft mobs, new minecraft mobs, mob update, creepers, zombie, tnt, cursed crafting, corrupted minecraft, minecraft but, new creepers in minecraft, we remade, creeper remake, we developed, we paid
Id: Kv19FEXkZqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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