we gave use to 25 USELESS Minecraft Features

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there's a lot of useless updates in minecraft bats bricks banners balls snowball specifically but now we've updated many of them 25 in fact giving them tons of new uses that you are probably gonna like so you should watch all 25 of them we'll start right now let's start today with bats one of the most useless mobs it doesn't even drop anything i mean they're annoying they're hard to kill they're small well now they received a new drop to commemorate the effort of killing one see die guy i killed him and look i got a transformation fragment but what does it do well it can be used by dropping it on any mob to transform it into something else yo get a load of this we got a whole handful of these right now so we're gonna summon a test subject drop it on instant transform into sand okay let's let's try that again drop into oh hey i'll take that one any day one second that was sick actually oh gosh tnt that is not sick not sick at all get back get back next up is silverfish another pretty useless mob i mean if you ask me some fish are rather useless usually but they can now inhabit an iron golem when they inhabit one the golem dies it will drop a special item well i mean once the golem dies it'll drop a special so summon a silver fish and an iron golem inhabit oh goodness gracious yo they're like infesting like actual parasites so check this out he's all up in the golem the golem is now highlighted to imply that he's been infested so now we gotta kill this guy okay good he's not attacking me too all right buddy i'm sorry it's not the person i mean there's just too many holes in your arm i meant that one oh okay he heard me he got rid of the holes but check this out he didn't get rid of this new item okay so what is this new item exactly it's the golem hijacker it allows you to mimic newfound power of the silverfish beautiful hold on a second can i can i try i wanna i wanna can i hijack ooh what am i i'm in the golem i am a golem oh two too cool look at me wow strong invisible but not really oh this is the best am i as strong as a golem too maybe i don't know but at least i look sweet mostly probably hit the gym a little too often sometimes it's just gross big to no longer be a golem to sneak you go back to normal human being sick chainmail armor useless till now it'll now deal damage to mobs that attack you by having pieces of it break off and hit them so i'm gonna put on this chainmail gear because everybody knows i look so good in this lingerie baby hey hold on a second testing subjects okay so oh my gosh oh that is the loudest whoa all right all right all right my ears all right i get it dash jabs why is this so loud uh paintings useless who even likes art dead art paintings were very useless that was changed just kidding by the way painting is pretty cool certain paintings now have magical transportation powers jumping into the painting super mario style of the nether will put you to the nether the end the end and the overworld in the overworld so check this out ultimate end painting ultimate nether painting let's jump on in collect the six stars yo literally jumped in check this out dripping into the burning painting school this is what's waiting for me in the overworld oh gosh horrible okay let's jump into the nether instead in we go it is useful it's way faster than a portal snowballs good for acting like you don't like a girl but you actually do because you pilter with one i shouldn't encourage that but i did well now we've updated them they were very useless before but now they might freeze a mob when you hit them with one see we got testing subject frozen in place stupid stupid idiot husk won't always work but we seem to be getting a pretty decent track record moving about on this one uh-huh let him do his thing right over there for the furnace minecart is what's up next number six just like that oh boy yo this guy's in trouble worst day anyways the first minecart now is the ability to smelt oars check this puppy out simply drop an oar on it and it will smelt we got some iron we got some glod get it together baby yeah oh yeah drop another one on there you'll make it popular yes oh i think i accidentally grabbed them before they were ready how embarrassing oh we'll take a sweet time good stuff good stuff cooking away looks like it's done and hey iron and glad he's kind of cute let's oh he's not attracted to me whatever andesite granite diorite i think it's granite but it sounded bad when i said them all like that that's number seven today they're the worst stone blocks i mean no one builds with them they're literally the worst these trio blocks is quite possibly the most useless thing in minecraft well laid out of a hard death holy moly they've been given and use of being able to be special statues these statues will make villagers happy and lower their prices i can get behind now hold on a second so here's how you craft them all you gotta do is take an upside down tee and you can get a granite statue just like that you can get a diorite statue just like that you can get an andesite statue i don't like that and we'll grab some emeralds for our trouble hold on first of all let's place one down boom whoa fancy dancy huckary do i know what that means how about you oh yo check these guys out whoa really nice wow the ultimate aesthetic birdhouse alert bird alert what is the bird the word or something so check this out place them nearby the villagers and you'll see that we got some discounts for uh trouble half off of shears oh i sure could get behind that wow that one wasn't that bad and a five emerald discount for this white wolf wouldn't you know okay that one was bad oh look the golem is judging me back there oh he heard me too all right guys i hate to break it to you dragon egg still useless i mean we've given it plenty of use over the years on this channel but in game still useless what gives it's begging for a use well now the dragon egg as a trophy item while currently being useless can be made into an actual dragon trophy you'll need a whole mess oh bloxo gold so you can turn your dragon egg into something a little more flex worthy drop it on in there you dig the dragon trophy super cool hold on let's show you an example of not cool this okay oh you're ready very cool yo real cool not cool cool to wear all these particles hanging out by the by well i'll explain it to you right here on this sign when place the dragon trophy will end your hunger problems you can't get hungry you've got constant saturation blinking on screen you literally cannot go hungry when you're near this dragon egg it does kind of look like an egg yolk so it makes sense good protein oh oh he heard me he's bouncing away can we just let's behave ourselves okay oh wow it's easy to to move around and wow okay place this down like you're just chilling bro you never have to eat again must be nice number nine is the clock useless clocks suck hate them who even cares about time what time is it even i don't know i'm stuck in a room with no windows it's fine clocks aren't useful as you get more accurate time from the sky see it's currently middle of the day o'clock as such they've been gifted some magical powers if the clock is in an item frame the rotation of it in the item frame will change the flow of time whoa exciting hold on a second let me test this guy out huh so currently still middle of the day o'clock let's rotate this puppy around a little bit you can literally see oh boy yo very cool very cool hold on not mad not mad the sun is literally tilting shifting in time every single time you rotate it yes yes we are fast forwarding like it ain't nobody's business this is my favorite part of the show where you subscribe thanks okay wither roses somewhat of a use kind of useless i mean when's the last time you saw one of these in your garden huh with a rose very useless item but no item requires it in crafting however so now it's been given a use you'll need a whole mess of weather roses and soul sand placed like this to get a weather cure which is the saddest little heart i've ever seen i think it can be used on right click and will cure wither effect press button to summon a wither skeleton where is he useless item number 11 button that does nothing i'll do it myself we'll do it live there he is now attack me oh gosh don't kill me though but look right click with this withers has been secured uh makes you blind too which you know it's lame but you know yeah trade-offs oh and it healed me a whole mess too yo i like that yo you couldn't see me either stupid moving on number 11. you know it's gonna be good because there's literally particles all over the place it's banners banners were purely decorative block previously so now they have special powers if they have a specific pattern i could get behind this we're gonna press a button for a creeper um i don't know if that's a good idea oh gosh well anyways someone pause effect the scraper one it will kill any creepers that come too close all right i get it oh wow he literally stepped just a smidge too close hey stupid hey ugly worst oh wow he literally answered i called him ugly turned around talking about self-confidence i have not now why you will want one of these positive banners some will have negative effects like the n banner it will negate any slow falling that you have so we're gonna press the button to go to the platform with some slow falling potions we're gonna drink one of these check it out we've got slow falling but get too close to this banner area and as you can see no it will negate it now we have a levitation instead it's like the opposite aight painful but good for defensive purposes if you're ever getting ambushed by people with a whole bunch of slow falling potions yeah bone block get your armor ready for this one currently the bone block kind of has a use you can use it for mass storage bone meal you know but why do you need to do that i mean you're probably using it on your plants instead so now instead you can drop three bones right on top and you'll summon in oh my gosh a very intimidating mini boss holy moly fire aspect on this sucker he's got some serious armor on he's really scary scary guy can we just can you die it would be really good if you oh wow really same time ugh how'd i get stuck in here with you oh the bed right sorry i roll over in the night but now we've got this special bow as a drop it's known as the recycle bow this is an unbreakable bow it can be used forever it's pretty good it's got infinity on it too so now you just need one arrow and this bow will literally never break that's pretty useful flower pots who even likes about me that's what i always say i always say that flower pots like bone blocks and banners we're decorative but now you put a flower in a minute without a divided flash powers depending on what flower you put in the flower pot you'll get different effects let's push down a little poppy oh poppy please now you got a strength boost hold on a second strength two and you step on that thing now i gotta do put a different flower in get a different effect stand on that guy jump boost uh-huh yes okay how about this one what does this one do we got okay blue that gives us speed boost so whenever you've got this flower pot nearby the equal flower will give you one of these numerous effects i'm pretty sure they coincide with the suspicious stew variant so just keep that in mind you're gonna want alliums all over the place because it's instantaneous healing yes very useful number fourteen the poisonous potato poisonous potatoes are the ultimate symbol of uselessness harsh you now bury them under some dirt and make special farmland that will never dehydrate dig a hole in the grass drop a poisonous potato seal it off don't mind if i do okay here's what we're going to do we're going to drop it on in now uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh wait now i'm stuck try this instead drop it on here now drop another one for good measure maybe that's how we do it ah i see so you got to put it right on it right makes sense so check this out never dehydrated beautiful compare the growth speed of irregular soil and special soil so this is going to grow a lot faster as well literally before our eyes sick other than be real ugly ravagers are pretty useless as well i mean they've had no real help from this the player so now they can transform aorus for some reason hey it's useful now the raptors will transform coal iron or gold by stomping on them hey i can get behind that that makes sense it compresses it down hi buddy oh goodness whoa well naturally it makes enough sense they turn them into emeralds which is exactly what they're looking for i mean i currently looking for me but you know oh you again music discs music also useless all are useless just kidding now when you're happily listening to music discs you can receive some nice effects different music discs will give you different effects check it out slow falling for listening to chirp makes sense kind of bird related how about this one far will give you a jump boost jumping far in the air so far it's making sense how about 13 who you'll glow that seems unlucky kind of like 13. it's all making sense so far malohi will give you luck kind of sounds like an irish word i don't know don't get mad at me if you're irish i'm irish g you can't blame me regen for the saddest song in the world and of course pig step gives us fire resistance we got some cool ones in here vex they're next vexes are very useless and even irritating now your anger never will be rewarded with a special power that can make any piece of equipment unbreakable when you happen to kill a vex oh another useless button come on down sucker what's good it's like a free sundays get at it come on down come at me yeah wait where'd he go oh gosh well now we got our vex dust get a smoothing table drop the item you want to upgrade on top of it and drop five more dust from the vex on top of that as well and you will get a special new iron sword unbreakable mossy wobble stone that's number 18 today this is uh pretty useless but now other than decorative points you can use it to make mob spotters yes bring mobs to life you'll need mossy cobblestone regular cobblestone and iron bars place like this to get an actual spawner in game lovely now by default mob spawners will spawn in pigs which pretty useful i mean you can't eat them they're literally walking lunch next to beetroots these are okay beetroots are the least useful crop however now it can be used to make bone meal drop five beet roots into a composter such as one two three four five right here and just like that what do you want you want some get away from me you'll get 10 bone meal for your trouble look at that now you can plant some more flowers for your flower pots polar bears that's number 20 today polar bears are among the least useful mobs in minecraft but now they drop special polar hives which can be crafted into leather hi time to kill an endangered animal my favorite part of my day ah wow big one polar hide will get you eight leather so the next time you see a polar bear in game all you should really think is chest plate dead bushes that's what's up next that bushes are the useless item iconic of the desert they can now be lit on fire and sometimes they'll drop some charcoal for their trouble slit baby i didn't mean to okay well we'll you know like nearby them and you know you get some charcoal and there's some here and hey we got five charcoal for that one that's a great fuel source if you happen to be in the desert i guess pretty useful tropical fish not as useful but now you can use tropical fish to sell to cats you can sell tropical fish to cats what simply drop the tropical fish on them sell them huh okay here you go what do we get iron okay why do cats have iron i am not going to ask too many questions but that is oh you're hungry aren't you my gosh you've been stalking the iron golems lately or what the netherite hoe the ultimate this thing sucks then there it is even more useless than diamond but now you get additional seeds instead of it being totally useless and a cool challenge complete sound effect so check this out bam bam bam bam every single time we right click check out our hot bar down there getting seeds you literally get a seed with every piece of land you till that is useful that makes sense but it's useful bedrock i mean it kind of holds the earth up kind of useful but now it's got even more use it'll not harm mobs to touch it and it will not hurt players this is fantastic for mob farms see check it out you gonna spawn maybe we gotta set it to night time that yeah yep oh boy yeah yo yo yo they lighting up baby oh so sad good for mop oh he's escaped lastly bricks oh wow i guess it didn't need to be nighttime anyways final one here like a lot of things on this list bricks were useless they're merely for decorative purposes but now that's changed you can now throw bricks everyone's favorite thing to do too cool they have a high chance to kill a mob instantly i mean i get it anyone ever heard that song brick in your face this is what that song was about if you haven't heard it don't don't look it up i'll probably get in trouble in fact you should just ignore that i said that i'm just kidding by the way uh any throwable bricks that's it 25 useless items now give it a use favorite one's probably throwing bricks at mobs that's awesome let's know what your favorite was in the comment section below and if you want to see even more updates in minecraft see some use you can check out the video that you're seeing play on screen right now by clicking the little clickable video thing makes enough sense
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 940,072
Rating: 4.8265634 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, useless, useless minecraft, useless minecraft items, minecraft useless items, dragon egg, bat, chainmail, clock, time, wither rose, paintings, minecraft painting, useless items in minecraft, new minecraft update, banners, new uses, new update in minecraft, bone block, minecraft item update, update, minecraft update, bow, farming, ravager, uses, how to, minecraft item uses, we made, we gave, we gave use to, we developed, we paid, so I created, gave use to useless items
Id: RQTz_wCxTIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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