Here's what mobs looked like in early development stages (Minecraft)

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book me today on cameo for a personalized video message perfect last minute present did you know there were certain prototypes of mobs we have in minecraft today that looked totally differently and possibly worked totally differently from how they do now well in today's video we check out how some of the mobs currently in game used to look before they received their official release and if this video hits 25 000 likes we'll release this project for free as a download so you can add them to your world and after you see the 10th mob you're definitely going to want to download this our first mob takes us to the high seas believe it or not it's the pillager yes you you were originally meant to be a pirate of some sort or at least that's what we believe because this is what the pillager originally looked like very interesting indeed got an eye patch a bit more of an orange outfit to it looks like his arms are tattered he's got a huge belt but well i guess they both have the big belt buckle show-offs now looking at them more generally you know the biggest differences are really in the color scheme the eyebrows look the same they still have such lovely green eyes you know uh there's bigger cuffs on this guy perhaps or maybe this one's just layered but either way this is what the original one was supposed to look like and based on what we know we're gonna be able to find these pillagers on pirate ships sometimes they may rage your home to steal from your chests we've got an example of that right in here so you see here is a whole bunch of goodies lots of infinity books mending golden apples diamonds you know valuables so our concept here is that a pillager could spawn in head to your chest and slowly begin stealing from you my goodness and you'd have to kill this pillager in order to get the items back which we just did you saw there that the moment he died we were able to put these things back but ho ho-ho you get another pillager and he'll begin taking everything from this chest just as you might expect instantaneously oh and giving you a dirty look while he does it now you could of course try and collect some of these but you know if you were to put them back you'd take them right away now the idea here is that the pillager would then run away after you took all of your goods so you'd want to make sure that you killed him as soon as possible so you didn't lose all your stuff for this next mob prototype you don't have to go anywhere they seem to show up on their own all the time it's the wandering trader yes this guy the one you can't ever seem to get rid of the one that never has any decent trades worthwhile i mean seriously one emerald for a dandelion you're killing me dude well this is what the wandering trader was originally supposed to look like interesting wow with an emerald literally etched into his forehead seemingly holding a basket of emeralds in front of him as well in fact there is one thing that seems fairly similar and that is that they both have this blue robe yes this is what the wandering trader was originally going to look like instead opting to don a face mask and a hood at some point or another uh he was expecting 20 20. looks as though the shoes changed a little bit as well this guy's got on what seems to be more of sandals and this guy's got full-blown shoes on chests on the side still longer sleeves same disgusting look on their face like they're ready to rob you of all your hard-earned emeralds well the idea here is that this trader doesn't deal in wares but in wishes you can throw an emerald at this wandering trader and it will grant you one random wish it could be wish for health wealth luck a new pet and more so take my emerald oh he's pleased about it and watch as he disappears replacing himself with nine golden apples now see that is a worthwhile trade i would actually use a wandering traitor yeah i'm thrilled about it too man if he acted something like this you literally give him one emerald and then he gets out of your sight now there's lots of different options between what you can get for your wandering traders we're gonna go ahead and burn through a couple of them right now lots of golden apples this time around how about this time what you gonna give us more than i swear you dropped something else come on dude don't embarrass me give me oh he turned into a chest hey and it had a diamond in it with some lava lily and some iron ooh not bad we get oh we got five minutes of luck for that one yeah honestly i'd be totally in favor of this being the way the wandering trader was implemented anything else seems to just be not worth it at this point we got to refresh on our luck we'll go ahead and do one more and then see what else oh parrot sure yeah you know whatever it's back to the oceans for this one guys except for a completely different reason than before yes that's right our next mob is the drowned yes this is what he currently looks like this is what he was supposed to look like oh my goodness hideous seemingly a lot bloodier more exposed skull kind of looks like the flesh was oh this is gross rotting off of him like it was like super pruning like you were in the bath too long and it just kind of fell off disgusting not really that much in terms of similarities i mean the hair the hair right there seems to be the same now again these are all actual textures that were originally considered we did not make these textures this is what these mobs were originally going to look like in favor of what we're seeing now with the drowned and in this case it's horrifying counterpart i'm actually quite glad we didn't get this one this one just seems a lot friendlier and i would be legitimately terrified if this one was starting to come at me underwater and you'll be terrified as well once you see what this version of the drown does it's particularly dangerous because if they hit you they'll start to drag you down to the ocean floor and if you don't react quickly enough you will drown so check this out he sees me hits me once and look we are being dragged down with him and we will actually have to kill the mob in order to break free of its grasp so once it attacks you once it won't do any more damage to you but it will take you down to its davey jones locker with it let me see again a replay of that because that's kind of terrifying actually like look at this attacks you and now we're stuck he's just bringing us down down down oh my gosh and now he's like oh man hell he almost dug me into the sand you know saddest story we gotta get back to the surface i'm just glad i got these golden apples from the trader this next prototype mob is from a whole different dimension than nether oh i brought my bird with many me to do that oh sorry supposed to be serious the nether oh serious and it's the strider one of the more drastic changes this is the strider we know and are used to today box like creature so sad looking even sadder when he's not in lava right well that's what the canceled prototype variant looks like yeah what the heck what kind of difference is this it's night and day actually uh this one kind of looks like a pill bug of some sort roly-poly oldie wow he's small in front and round anybody now i'm not particularly sure of the reason behind such the drastic change between the texture and model of this creature but i can only assume it has something to do with the fact that this one looks way cuddlier if not a little sad compared to this thing which um i hold my comment now with our implementation this strider can't cross lava but can still be written as a mount it's useful for easily tunneling and exploring the nether now it does move slower but it can burrow through netherrack so we've got a strider right here that is um oh wait that's uh okay oh okay that's his backside kind of looks like it could be a face as well but i don't be staring at the behind for too long anyways idea here is again we can ride this version of the strider and you can see it is capable of burrowing through the net i gosh but not through ports apparently so you want to be very careful when navigating with it oh my gosh oh i love this actually and look it even keeps us somewhat safe from um you know magma and stuff i mean it just it did take a little bit of damage oh man oh gosh you're taking some serious damage actually let's get the heck out of here okay so it won't do anything but damage the netherrack it seems but yo you can kind of start going nuts on it to be perfectly hot oh gosh can we jump on this thing too can we jump ah i can't tell if we can jump or not no no jumping okay a true shame truly that was redundant our next mob is also from the nether the zombified piglen this one was very scary before its current version which looks a little something like this right here very similar to the original zombie pigman as well but one thing you know about the original zombie pigman was it also had some of the falling features of this one yes the zombified piglen was a little bit more of a bloodied mess of a creature red instead of green that seems to be the biggest change here but as you can tell oh man one of these i'd be happy to see the other one you know not so much and so yes zombie pigmen now called piglen were originally going to have bloody wounds it was considered too gory and so this red was hanged hanged oh change to green instead reading comprehension in our rendition these bloody piglen are much more hostile than normal ones they are highly territorial just your presence will anger them now normally a zombified piglen if you didn't realize will leave you alone but the longer you hang out around one that's just hanging out well eventually he's just gonna get mad on his own and begin assaulting you for literally no reason at all what's more the longer you stay around this piglen the stronger he will get he literally will receive strength boosts if you happen to kite him around for long enough without dealing with him on your own so i'm going to go ahead and avoid him for a second so that you can see the strength at which he gains as you can see he now has a whole bunch of particles on him and he appears to be moving a little bit faster than normal too oh my gosh he just dealt like five and a half hearts of damage in one fell swoop summon the horde what does that do oh gosh okay okay okay so imagine running across this many zombified piglen all it's gonna take is for one of them to get slightly mad at me and then we've got a serious problem in our hands okay guys i'm gonna go ahead and head to the another portal now it's a little too bright out for our next mob but i think we'll be able to make do ah much better it's the phantom here's the current rendition of it floating in all its glory purple skeletal green eyes well this is what it originally was going to look like something a little more comparable to this still got those green eyes way darker in nature yes the phantom indeed was a scary beast namely because it was so hard to see originally any trouble you cause in the nether may come back to haunt you staying in the nether too long may also spawn phantoms in the overworld using this version of this nasty creature and not only that but a bite from this type of phantom will inflict a withering effect on you so here's the phantom in question and as you can see we've been withered a nasty amount and worth noting you can hardly see this thing in the sky compared to other phantoms so you'll want to seriously keep a keen eye out if you want any chance of being able to see it now this is with night vision on imagine what this thing might look like without any night vision you can barely make it out in the sky it is kind of insane frankly i'm glad they changed it to be more perfect because these guys are annoying enough as it was but now we've got something special right here it's an alternate type of membrane a shadow membrane which you can actually use to brew in a brewing stand upon doing so you'll be treated to a new type of potion a splash potion of nightmares oh my goodness now if you throw this at a mob it will drive them into a frenzy good for getting away from a group of hostels such as this horde right over here throw it away oh my goodness frenzying towards me it appears looks like a couple of them missed out yes a fantastic way of distracting them from getting a little too close but rest assured you can get hit with the nightmare as well believe it or not even the enderman had a former variant this is the one that we are currently used to with this lovely pink purple eyes here's what the cancelled one looked like green eyed menace ooh smoking no less too smoking hot maybe anyways no one knows for certain why the enderman's eyes would change from green to this purplish pink maybe having something to do with portals but then again it's another portal it's not an end portal but extra caution is needed nonetheless when fighting this new green eyed enderman that's because when you hit it you'll be hit with a blindness effect as well and with obscured vision your ability to fight back is quite hindered attack and now i've been blinded oh my gosh and i can hardly see him to begin with he can already teleport around good luck trying to see anything though while you're blinded at the exact same time oh gosh it's never not scary it's never not scary alright guys this next mob change was sweet it's the bee yes this cute adorable little buzzy wonder did not used to look adorable literally in any way at all here's the prototype oh i just i mean it's i don't like it i just i don't i don't like it it's not good this one is way better in my opinion but i guess that makes sense that's why this was the prototype that never came through perhaps for a different reason though did it never come through which we've highlighted right here or perhaps not these bees aren't as cuddling friendly as what we have now getting near them will instantly make them aggressive and attack you as you can see here these bees uh well they've got a bone to pick or a stinger to give oh my gosh nasty nasty nasty they're all coming for me oh my gosh okay now they're getting me they're all sticking me oh you gotta hit this button it will kill them all more importantly it will also cause them to drop a new item any guesses well simple enough it's a stinger which you can use if placed in a brewing stand the sting will be an alternative way for you to get potions of poison in game so keep that in mind when you well i guess they didn't wear out of the game so never mind unless of course like i said earlier we get 25 000 likes on today's video number nine is the spider this is one of the oldest types of prototype mobs this is what it currently looks like you've all seen this plenty here's the original rendition from ages and ages and ages ago believe it or not this is what the spider's original look was all about until it was changed to this black and red variant originally spiders are going to place webs where they walked now they do that's because these spiders make spider fights a bit more tricky and dangerous by using those webs also if you get bitten by a spider you will be slowed down so let's watch as the spider leaves its trail of silk behind it wherever it moves okay stupid now it won't always lay web but it will do it periodically now note we've been hit with slowness just from getting attacked by this spider very various camera and dude you suck worst yeah that's all it does the final change is arguably one of the spookiest changes it was to the ravager we're gonna head to the swamp for this one yes deep in the swamp is a new structure get on my way to a witch coven that's where you'll find the fearsome beast known as the ravager oh he's not excited to be here except it's not this ravager it's this ravager yeah this thing is what ravagers were supposed to look like hideous literally literally nightmare fuel enormous as well look at the size of this thing i do not like it not good very very bad oh my gosh guys please don't hit 25 000 likes i don't want to unleash this thing on the world anyways they are trying to summon in this fearsome beast the ravager at the witch's coven after the ritual is complete the raptor will start to attack you can summon in reinforcements shoot eye lasers and release a bellowing roar to blast you into the air to defeat it you'll have to shoot it with enough arrows to take down an army so i suppose we should start the ritual right as the witches all begin using their powers together to bring forth the old form of the ravager kind of scary actually quite scary now this thing will actually work in tandem with the nearby witches to take you out and it can do a lot of serious damage especially with its red laser eyes i'm already dead oh at least we start over here now that the witches are way back there it might be a good idea for us to go ahead and oh we've been spotted by one oh gosh i've been slowed okay take out that one that should be more than enough looks like this guy's gonna oh man yeah we'll want to make sure we stay extremely far away from this ravager otherwise his roar can actually deal serious my goodness it's so powerful let's get behind this pillar instead holy moly oh there's so much in skeletons too it's the whole nine yards okay let's get rid of you as well thank you get back oh you too everything is just after me right now oh boy okay oh boy uh yeah okay now that most of the mobs are oh my gosh again that is not what i wanted yeah you'll want to maintain a very very safe distance away from this ravager goodness gracious oh my gosh oh wow and it keeps summoning in skeletons as well that just attack constantly holy moly okay guys i don't think you want this thing to be added into game to be honest with any luck though bro please get to the water okay we did it and that final shot actually managed to take him out so that we can claim some special drops that this ravager is capable of providing okay guys check this out it's the potion of undying alongside some bottles of enchanting you'll be given some potions of undying which you can actually use to keep you alive for an extended period of time for example if these creatures were to kill me right now i would instantly be brought to life and guess what the effect lasts for a decent amount of time i'm alive once again and i wouldn't be surprised if i lived through that as well the potion of undying seriously overpowered but seemingly worthwhile because this is an extremely difficult boss you'll be able to get with enough likes on today's video
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,766,269
Rating: 4.9157524 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mobs, updates, beta, how mobs used to look, early mobs, oldest mobs, experimental updates, minecraft update, ravager, endermen, nether, bee, strider, phantom, logdotzip, gaming
Id: 0WMOnX1SDh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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