24 HOURS To Find APHMAU In Minecraft!

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nooooooo APH nOOOOOOOOO I will find yoouuuuuuuu ur too yong to dieeeeeee *crys*

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LuckyGirla πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Aphmua don’t do that in real life! Or you explode to death! Is not safe!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Theogameing πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

you know Aph was kinda a jerk in this epiesodie

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Indoraptor1234567 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
we have only 24 hours to find out now when my friends plan a full minecraft prank party on me i decide to get them before they can get me so i set up a prank that makes it look like i've been taken and they have only 24 hours to change their ways and give the imposter what they want but remember that imposter is me shhh and i'm not going to make it easy for them to get asked now back what measures will my friends go through to save after within 24 hours let's find out oh and hey you only have 24 seconds to like and subscribe just kidding but it does help thanks okay let's see what's everyone up to on the hub today um what was that oh i am so excited this is going to be awesome keep it down ian just so loud you're going to give away the surprise sorry sorry okay we're kind of stupid all right surprise party you brought her all her favorite things right yeah you know how much you like shiny things i got her gold you what uh and i know much she likes to eat stuff so i brought her butt [Music] and then i brought her pink bars well oh she's gonna love this party this is gonna be the great best party ever i i know she likes installing mods on this server here so i bought her a book to show her how to do it as well so yeah i think this should work out yeah yeah it's gonna work out yes okay so we need to plan this out it's going to happen tonight and you all cannot say a word otherwise she's going to hear us as we're trying to plan this okay who's providing who's bringing the catering i'm gonna give her bud but we can't feed her button so let me get this straight my friends are planning a surprise party for me which is super sweet but all the things they got me are like what like things that they know i don't like it's like they don't even know me wait a minute i've got a brilliant idea i'm going to go missing for 24 hours see if they can figure out what i like with that they'll never see this coming all right perfect alright so i just gotta get rid of these ropes there we go okay all right so my first part of my plan is complete and if you take a look over here look at that hey perfect all right it recorded just as perfect and it will project over here there we go perfectly can see that they'll be like what happened and over here is my tv where i can broadcast them if i need to and you know just to make sure that they think that i am gone i am gone i'm going to do something like this [Music] oh yes yes perfect all right all right so i can pretend like i have now i'm gonna put this away get rid of that and then oh that's right the secret note to the we have half bound note perfect perfect okay all right let's see let's see uh i have aphmau has been took i have her that's not what it says but you know what i did my best okay so let's go and grab them let's go see if i can lure them over here all my cameras are good i have my monitor set up perfect everything is in motion to think that aphmau has been kidnapped for 24 hours okay uh van van van all right perfect and then let me get in the van i probably should have waited until night but they're not going to be there for long and the party is tonight that's what they said okay okay so we're all in agreement that we're using mac's catering service for the for the food right all vegetables catering i'm not sure that carrots mutton carrots yeah [Laughter] [Music] that's weird did she get a new van uh if she has a van it wouldn't be black come on that's true that's true something's not right something just does not feel right the only one who wore black ah wait i don't see no vans zayn are you sure i know we don't want to spoil a surprise but i think we need to check on her something's definitely not right wow [Music] are you here huh what's going on well looky here it seems like aphmau's learning how to read what look at that there's a book going to see that okay well i guess we got something what does it say here you read it right we have afmal athmo has been took try and find her what yeah guys guys i think that book might have something to do with whoa no no no no no no now it's time to broadcast and get the things that i want i mean i do like her new rope jacket who are you and what have you done with that and what are you doing on her tv tell us your answers now [Music] and you only have 24 hours to find her before it's over or you give it to my demands my demands are you bring me potatoes cakes look at all this look at all of this tnt look at [Music] i mean we could definitely get like the the diamonds or the planes and the manchester what up but how are we gonna find any potatoes they don't just like [Music] [Applause] just you wait we will get our friend back if it's the last thing we do look you can just get into the demands and not have to wait for 24 hours to trust you ask now you know isn't she precious to you you know we don't give in to kidnappers we are going to find her if it's the last thing we do yeah okay okay first thing we need to do is try to figure out any traces of where aphmau's been taken so from that feat it looks like she's underground somewhere can't we just give in to the demands no no we should never get the kidnappers okay so i'm gonna go uh go look for clues maybe we can find something i'm gonna see if she's in this tv no she's not in the tv get away from me i'm gonna go with ian so he doesn't get kidnapped too oh that's a fair point thanks i appreciate the concern wait a minute what what what what is something you're doing isn't it you traded now to get some of those jersey blue sheep didn't you excuse me first off they're kinetic kitty and blue sheep get it right thank you thank you why but because you wanted to bring her mutton yeah that wasn't for her wasn't that was for all yourself i like button and i figure other people like button but i think i think you're putting two to two together too many places bud well i've got four one way or another so i am going to take a look at your house yeah just just get old good old blue house that's fine what's this non-blue inconspicuous secret shed you have here no no no you don't need to see this you you don't need you're you're invading my privacy i'd like you to leave oh well i'm going to beat your privacy as much as i want because i have the high ground hey ow hey that's not very nice now let's just see okay where app is it's yeah i can't believe that you've resorted to violence to get your way into my secret shed why do you have so much blue wool and tnt specifically the tnt the rainy day project okay all right yeah i got a little bit of rainy day project likely story speak up [Laughter] [Applause] my secret shack is certainly not much of a secret and or a shack anymore thank you guys guys what why guys i found a clue why what is it wait what i found i found potatoes they were growing right in casey's farm the whole time whoa wait what does that mean i mean i grow other stuff so of course i've grown potatoes too you know i'm gonna make sure casey for this i am blaming zayn for this because he blew up my secret shed in order to cover up evidence of his own misgivings and undoings that's ridiculous cover it up you're the one that had tnt jealous of my shed that's what's up wait guys look what what are these are those ice cream sandwiches i love those wait what no they're not they're they're tracks oh drags like rocky road i love rocky road oh my goodness pierce you're so dumb oh where could these go to i'm going to make sure that they go out set them up i already might try these they're not very good all right let's see gonna close this everything should be good all my traps are set up perfect my van is here so let's put some tire tracks down so they won't be able to find me there we go all right the accounts are still going oh no oh no i gotta go gotta go gotta go yeah here's pierce and you gotta stop trying to eat them yeah they're trapped they look so tasty and maybe i'll get lucky wine well you can't stop me sign i can't read let's keep going check it out careful it says there's danger here oh no definitely not just kidding let's go hold on who knows what could be in here she could be anywhere in this house [Music] [Music] right the potatoes answer the kidnappers the mansion's on backorder okay all right well that's perfectly fine but guess what i smell a show with reason that right off now i got help okay well you see here's the thing alpha you only have uh how much time do you have oh you only have 16 hours left oh no that that's pretty bad i know you follow the tire tracks for a long time but let's let's get real here given to my demands or else she gets it guess what uh the ice cream bars that you don't have and she gets exploded oh it's bad oh i get it yeah okay all right well good luck she's in this mansion somewhere unless you want to give me the items now okay yeah yeah i'm gonna check the back they're always in the back all right he's gonna go check in the back oh what what just what the oh oh they fell into it zayn in the i don't know what happened i can't get out how did you fall into this it was obviously like a floor it's very tricky yeah but there's a tripwire here even i could see that with only one eye [Music] listen i'm not that short i couldn't see the tripwire every place it must have been really short all right hang on there we go oh thank you you you're gonna pull me up yeah yeah yeah ah yay [Applause] [Music] yeah i wouldn't be real with all y'all i really thought i could jump this one oh that's on me yeah damn i'm a little bit in trouble here that's that that's a big jump okay hold [Music] on [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] oh the garage did anybody check that i mean that's maybe where the suspicious van came from so maybe it's over here the van maybe she's in one of these chests no wait don't touch those they could be movie trapped that looks like an obvious trap no no no no i mean really don't want to touch [Laughter] okay i got it out it looks like a trap it's a trap i don't think it's a good idea to be here anymore yeah you know what i think i think really i don't know why you have to go elsewhere i don't like that let's see let's go yeah okay let's get out of here what what how did the wow [Applause] oh the tree trick always gets them let's go see what they're up to now when will they give in to my demands to make my party better we'll find out oh okay all right i gotta figure out something else i can do with it somewhere else can we look where else can we look uh oh i gotta invest i gotta visit yeah dangerous trap house was dangerous so let's uh maybe check around the hub again this captor is toying with us are we sure we don't want to just give them the items it that sounds pretty good to me right now no how many times a week yeah we cannot give in to kidnappers yeah we are running it we're running out of time hour i mean i do have the potatoes from casey potato wait that was suspiciously grown wait guys guys hold on what i see something purple over at half bounce house hold on is it off now i found her what you found out now i found that but no no no no she's got a little bit cuter a little bit fluffier but i think it's her i mean it's purple like a bow so it must be her you turned aphmau into a sheep pierce uh wait what no i knew you had something to do okay you know what i've been doing a lot of thinking i i have come to a conclusion after after the the sketchy house yeah the potatoes and casey's farm it's all it's all it's all so simple i think that zayn set this whole thing up excuse me i mean why would i set this up i mean that's ridiculous you think about it you're her best friend true not mm-hmm so their assumption yes so you'd be the last person we'd suspect yeah but i didn't do it why would i capture aphmau why would i go through all this send you on a quest and then go on it myself to try and find her because you're a do-do-head after all wouldn't you want to take now all for yourself and say you planned the perfect party for her and take all the credit and wouldn't you blame this soul on me so you could cover up the fact that you actually did it i didn't do anything that isn't that is an ian thing to do no and you pierce i don't even know what side you're on you're just trying to blame everybody else to take the heat off pierce's side all right pierce says he doesn't do it right surely yeah yeah casey i know you didn't do it because you are well things i can't say it works [Music] i hate this so much why do we have to go through this hold still what oh what was that that a hole in the wall they made through irresponsible running around and attacking you wait a minute oh no [Music] wait watch here look out the window [Music] the tv person accept your okay i really really think we should just give in to the demands fine yeah i can't keep up with this i think it's just better that we just give up and i mean that's that's pierce's motto so that that makes sense stuff fine i call dibs on farm stuff okay [Music] [Applause] i can't believe this you did this in like 30 minutes hey anything's possible when you're desperate and here i was excited that i found some potatoes did you know these things these bad boys just grow in the ground i didn't know yes pierce they grow in the ground always grown in the ground [Music] how did you get that out of your oven the cake is now just a part of the mansion it's one of the wings you said make a big cake i made a big cake okay then i think we're just waiting on ian right what did you get me guys [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] sorry about the plane but i do have a paper plane oh oh that is uh is that really paper oh my god everything you wanted hey guys i know they're here so the 24 hours is up and you know what that means you know what that means you didn't get the puppies i also have the diamond that i stole from the house oh and the puppies were there until the plane hit what we gave you everything you want to know tell us where outbound is [Music] oh thank you thank you there you go look at me what is two plus one uh uh 21. okay good it's her oh yeah it's definitely hard oh thank you ian oops uh don't mind that uh okay so um guys oh my god you're doing this all to save me oh my gosh of course yeah you're afraid of ours but also the uh person was scary oh my gosh i want to see you got me a giant cake yeah how are we gonna fit that in the house yeah surprise all the things that wait are these your favorite things where are the puppies you'll get the puppies the lighter day it's it's fun yummy oh that's so great guys you're the best oh thank you yeah and now time for uh
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 12,951,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau 24hrs, aphmau 24 hours, aphmau dead 24hours, 24 hours, 24hr, 24 hrs, aphmau minecraft, aphmau died, aphmau is dead, aphmau dead, aphmau dying, aphmau went to heaven, aphmau funny prank, pranks to play on your minecraft friends, minecraft friends, funny prank moments in minecraft, aphmau died in minecraft, aphmau death, aphmau is dying, minecraft funny pranks
Id: VEtJpks4D2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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