we Added 10 Mobs from SECRET Minecraft Dimensions...

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today we're checking out 10 brand new mobs that were added in via the form of new dimensions in your minecraft survival worlds we're able to locate all these new mobs that come with some brand new items and features for you to add to your survival experience let's jump in first up we're headed into the tropical exotic dimension so that we can take on the blue sea slug aka the blue dragon portals of this dimension will occasionally spawn in in lakes and oceans periodically in your world and jumping in will take you to a paradise of an island oh this looks fantastic now located nearby are some of these new mobs but seriously guys just take this all in lush landscapes the ultimate greens surrounded by coral reefs as far as the eye can see you may even want to just set up shop on this place okay but let's dive into the water and try and get our hands on one of these new mobs here's the creature in question right here one of them looked like they just died in fact and it's dropped a new item but we'll get to that in just a second for now check out this puppy this is the blue sea slug aka the blue dragon whoa nasty looking guy look at you hey fella oh man i'm gonna kill you uh or i'm gonna try to at least maybe we're gonna drown on the way if you get too close to these things they are capable of stinging you so you'll want to be very careful when you are swinging your sword nearby now we managed to take him out and once we did we got this new item it's known as stinging slime let me grab a couple more mostly because i want to get up close look at you aren't you cute takes a few different hits but once you manage to get enough sword swings on him you will be good to go stop running i'm just trying to murder you okay isn't that fair enough and why do people always run for me when i try and kill them now stinging slime is a throwable slime projectile that you can use to damage and stun nearby mobs similar to a jellyfish's sting you can see we dealt some pretty decent damage this husk and he cannot move so long as that slime is in effect now you'll want to make sure that you get a good aim on this guy because if you miss or if you get too close to him the slime will just splatter instead of dealing the effect on it but now check it out real easy to just eat them away it doesn't work on just baddies you can actually use it on innocent turtles as well look you're stupid okay well the slime only works on land by the way but you know he can still swim around and he can still deal damage to him but you know you just save the turtles or you know something like that okay yeah we'll just kill them for good measure wow you got a lot of health all right there we go for our next dimensional mob we're headed into the fear dimension now don't be scared otherwise i'm gonna leave you in there now the fear dimension is used with crying obsidian instead of regular obsidian to make a portal that will take you to meet the kraken our next mob from these dimensional mob but first of all check out this place oh boy yo the kraken don't want to do anything just yet oh he's literally already hanging out right there holy moly kraken is smacking and attacking and he's about to start snacking too look at this he's about to start attacking i'm pretty sure right now so instead for now though get a load of this fear dimension red and blue trees on a teal landscape with lava everywhere i mean everywhere this is a scary place all right so let's get our hands on a bow and some arrows before this guy blows us up with his fireball attack oh my god there literally coming everywhere i'm gonna go and take shelter okay now the key to attacking the crack is to find its actual tentacles which can apparently spawn in in the ai in the air as well as in the ground now if you attack the krakens tentacles enough times what you'll see end up happening is you'll actually get a special new item but we do have to wait for those tentacles to come back in some form or another there's another one right there get it yes oh boy and they keep spawning in get it get it yes come on now if you wait long enough as you're attacking these tentacles they will eventually float into the sky and the kraken will take off on his own giving you a new item which we already got our hands on a kraken totem but here's something quite unique about the kraken totem when you fall into lava or present yourself in danger you will not only live but your crack and totem will be reusable that's right you can use it again don't mind if i do check this out we're literally going to teleport ourselves up and drop down bang one more time for good measure bang and we can keep using this puppy i mean i gotta say it is pretty useful indeed well literally i gosh kraken let's head back and our next dimensional mob is the sand worm located throughout minecraft biomes you'll find new patches of sand that appear to be layered but be very careful it's actually quicksand and if you sink too far in you'll be greeted with a brand new desert dimension home of the sand war and these sand worms will spawn all around these dunes but the problem is you'll never know where you will find one until it's too late papa scary actually here's one right here oh gosh yo that thing needs to see a dentist stat holy moly get away from me yikes bad bad bad now the sand worm is capable of attacking you as well as dealing hunger damage you similar to a husk but it can spawn in in the middle of the day so be very careful when approaching because if you get too close you'll have to look at its mouth again disgusting to be honest oh gosh all right you heard me let's go ahead and just take this guy out so we can get a new drop to show off to you guys instead it's known as the sand worms tooth and while this tooth can be used as a weapon that's not its ultimate use instead you can use it to very very quickly dig through sand it's got a specialized tooth digging ability i guess sink your teeth into this one oh my goodness it can clear sand extremely quickly so you'll want one of these whenever you happen to be in a desert area because it has got some crazy durability on it as well which makes enough sense sand worms are constantly chomping down on sand as they come across oh gosh speaking of i'm pretty sure there's one nearby yes they do sound like husks so don't get too close or you might have to deal with one all right let's head over to the next dimension and be very careful because in this dimension we have herobrine now herobrine aka the glitch is found in the herobrine dimension you can find a portal inside of woodland mansions yes that's right now you can actually get to this brand new dimension whenever you come across one of the woodland mansions in game because there's a new room that was added to them that has the port come on guys weren't you paying attention jump on in and just like that we are in the herobrine dimension here brian will spawn here and attack you with duplicates and strange floating bows so we're going to be on the lookout for a nearby herobrine hopefully he doesn't get us oh boy yo very very very scary dimension and look there's another woodland mansion oh look there's herobrine holy moly you'll want to be very careful when approaching him now here brian can take on many shapes and forms across minecraft but in this specific dimension he will do his best to start messing you up with a floating bow that is completely detached oh gosh there's four of them now from reality apparently my goodness i'm getting just totally messed up right now i gotta run a little bit okay let's catch our breath let's not go this way there's probably oh there's another one over there yo we gotta be careful or maybe he teleported i should have brought food or something this guy looks like he's gonna just ruin my day gosh but if you manage to kill him you'll get a brand new type of item and presumably an arrow in your shoulder but the item is the splash potion of blindness the only way you can actually give yourself a blindness effect in vanilla minecraft at least currently i know you can do it with commands now you can do it in item form and if you splash it on yourself mobs or anyone else around you you'll be hit with blindness immediately yo scary son behind us whoa creepy nice i can't see well it didn't last too long but hey collect a couple of these and you'll be able to play some fun pranks on your friends if only you didn't have to take on herobrine to do it next up we're off to the overgrown dimension for our new mob to get to this dimension you'll just need some mossy cobblestone created like a normal nether portal except with mossy cobblestone let's jump on in for a brand new dimension home to some new creatures the ants we'll get to them in a second first let's look around this place very exciting random portal particles or experience park all over the place the occasional warped fungus ah it is lovely oh hey we should probably get some supplies ready for this one huh nice and oh gosh whoa the ant i i had no idea that he'd be there just kidding you fooled you guys are silly oh he's got a little fun little plant on his head cutie pie okay we're gonna kill you you're the worst yes got him that's pretty easy actually and he'll drop a brand new type of block now we'll get to this log disguise and well i guess you can see right here you literally disguise yourself as a log so now you've got the ability to do some fun hide and seek with anyone that happens to be nearby who also hates wood because now well i guess if they hate wood that might try and kill you so that might not be a good idea but you know details details details look at this dimension filled with these interesting looking trees just littered all over the place wow holy moly this would be a fantastic place to collect some wood and get building and as well as horses those are nice now i'm not sure if every single oh yep okay maybe every single tree here is literally one of the ants oh my gosh guys i'm just trying to punch some wood leave me alone please i don't uh i don't think you like my joke i'll really make friends with the horse okay okay i'll remember that oh yeah yeah okay okay um i was just kidding by the way if we could just that would be good thank you so much i just gotta knock him out quick yeah long discards that's also does let's uh let's head on back for the new elemental mobs you're gonna want to get your hands on some elytra because we are headed up to the sky occasionally you'll come across a man-made portal that looks a little bit like a cloud that has a dimension tucked right in the middle of it now for this case we're just going to go ahead and float on into it oh gosh i don't know about elementals sounds a little messed up to me oh boy oh gosh and here they are literally just hanging out all over the place fire air earth water everywhere elementals come in four different forms they are still dangerous each one drops an elemental orb letting you become the elemental for a short period of time so yes be very careful when approaching these things also it'd probably be a good idea to not fall off of the clouds because you're literally thousands of blocks in the air hey oh gosh yo okay well he is is he going okay well maybe we should yeah we're gonna go ahead and from from a distance whoa it sounded like a chicken i guess that makes enough sense we got ourselves an air orb for that one okay now what does this one do set me on fire i yep it sure does okay let's kill him quick die if you could die please yikes this is how global warming started okay we're gonna stick to a tagging with a bow instead that seems to make the most sense okay got another orb the fire orb now what does the water one do okay it deals us um water damage we'll call it huh what are you waiting for if you could just die that would be great thank you grab ourselves a nice water orb now where's that last one i think i saw him hanging out over here okay okay well what's up dan huh what do you do oh lightning i totally thought that it was i thought this was the air one nope okay so in fact it's air fire water and lightning serious elemental here let's see lightning orb oh yeah bad let's head back down to earth okay so we can use some of these orbs now here's the exciting thing you can right click and become the elemental i'm literally the fire elemental i'm hanging out and check this out if we were to summon in a pig nothing happens but hey you look really cool you know that so you know that that's cool it doesn't last forever you'll eventually turn back into a human being so that you can use some of the other orbs as well like the water orb so you can uh rain on on on the pigs yup it's like i'm in a sad movie or something guys this is so sad can we subscribe you know most of the people watching right now are not subscribed i think like five percent of you guys are subscribers based on my analytics so make sure you hit that subscribe button for more awesome content like the lightning orb which doesn't shoot lightning yeah no it's good don't listen anybody's gonna move on next is the red dragon y'all ready for this now believe it or not this one will need to go to the nether four first so in we go see in a sec there's more to it though than just going to the nether every once in a while you'll be lucky enough to find a new type of rift a portal y'all ready for this to the infernal dimension scary stuff that's right these responded naturally in the nether jumping in will bring you to the infernal dimension a variant of the nether complete with yellow skies and believe it or not some clouds up in here if you bring your dragon egg after defeating the ender dragon in the end to the infernal dimension and place it down well believe it or not this egg will hatch where'd it go oh where's the dragon oh oh oh gosh okay well there's the dragon that's one way to do it yo he is all over the place too can we take it easy please now you'll want to defeat this dragon as fast as you possibly can because if you don't he will begin to set you on fire which is why we brought potions of fire resistance now i'm gonna go ahead and kill this guy so that we can get his special drop which believe it or not isn't actually a drop but a brand new mechanic that you'll be able to have permanently added to you when you are playing in this survival world so a few more shots and i want to say he'll be good in a decent amount of time if we could just you know if you could just die you know a little bit sooner that'd be great get it yeah oh got him hey just like that he's out of here i'm still on fire but at least i'm immune to it but hey check out our hot bar down there you noticed something new we've got two extra hearts that have been added to us permanently all you do is kill an innocent dragon in his own world look at that isn't that that mean but it's totally worth it because dragons suck and they're evil and he did try and set me on fire so i think you know i was justified but now we got two extra hearts so yeah that's really cool plus you get your egg back for your trouble hey not bad huh oh gosh where'd he go oh yeah okay yeah we're gonna go ahead and just head on back it's time to check out some robots yes in this brand new fangled time time machine yeah it's convincing right these robots are found in a future wasteland known as the dystopian dimension we'll need to enter this time machine that you can build believe it or not it works so you can head there okay and so here we are and so there they are the robots they be roaming and they mean business as well literally floating all around this world alongside some you know pigs and grass and flowers and things it's actually pretty nice here for the dystopian dimension i guess the water's brown but be careful because they will swoop in and attempt to attack you now we can actually kill them with one shot so we should do that so we can get our hands on a new iei 9 item on a new item that's what i'm trying to say get away okay the item is known as the laser eye and you can use it to shoot lasers from the eye and the laser eye is capable of massive damage see dead dead he's stupid he's dead again hold on let me use it on something way more nefarious hey you suck pretty good world for building too i mean other than the robots that are constantly flying around you know trying to kill you but if you thought this time machine was a convincing build just wait until we get to the moon snails where we head to the moon in our rocket ship yeah this is literally the rocket ship we're gonna have to build ahead there i don't know if you realize this but wool is actually immune to rocket fuel so you know just go ahead build this press the button wait inside and in a moment's notice we will be transported somewhere brand new you know if you could hurry that'd be great okay perfect there we are ah the moon and some new friends oh look at him oh he's kind of adorable actually look at you oh he heard me okay you don't like me that much what's good moon snail you're kind of cute ah we killed him and what did we get well we got itself as a drop also the moon has uh clouds and an atmosphere now which is why we're able to survive here don't ask questions now eating one of these mood snails will instantly teleport you to france nah just kidding you get slow falling for 20 seconds and not only that you can actually use it back on earth as well so you'll want to keep some of these on you if you happen to be in an area with lots of ledges because they will keep you nice and safe and our final dimensional mob is the end wasps number 10 here and wasps are found in the end so this is a dimension that we're already familiar with if we look around though we'll see something we're not familiar with or gosh right behind us look at that thing look at these creepy little boys and girls i don't really know what it is to be honest i don't know if it's anything well i do know it's an end wasp but look at it just floating around causing problems looking for flowers presumably well ain't none here but what we can do is attack it and kill it and steal its goodies or at least try to now if you don't mind i'm gonna kill you oh yo now he's mad okay and i think his friends okay yeah they're all mad at me okay okay this is maybe a bad idea maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe just bad idea okay well we got hit with end poison which is a new type of status effect you're gonna have to watch out for and poison will cause you to quickly drop whenever you are falling see i literally can't even make it up the top of this block because they're poison stingers well they did me dirty to be honest see check this out while we're inflicted with the effect if we were to attempt to fall well look instantly down we go no ability to catch yourself can't fly during this it's just bad news stop attacking me i already finished talking about you look what happens if you fall off the edge though you literally get dragged down so quickly it hurts no literally because you died in fact all they're good for are helping chorus fruit grow faster so if you happen to be planting any of these keep some end wasps nearby and they will grow way more quickly but that my friends is going to do for all of today's dimensional mobs let us know in the comment section below which dimension was your favorite as well as which mob was your favorite and make sure to subscribe for so much more see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,261,557
Rating: 4.8651524 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new minecraft mobs, new mobs, new mobs in minecraft, minecraft dimensions, worm, monster, new mob, new minecraft mob, caves and cliffs, mountain mobs, herobrine, dragon, red dragon, dimensions, dimension, infinite dimensions, new minecraft items, minecraft update, cave update, new mobs added to minecraft, mobs added to minecraft, drone, robot, laser, snail, moon, new dimensions in minecraft, mob update, enderman, 1.16, 1.17, nether
Id: ZUfkBzbBJkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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