5 Movie Villains That Would Make Great Leaders (Game of Thrones, The Dark Knight)

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no no no no no no I don't want to run for office I would never do that I like researching about politics I like figuring out presidential weaknesses in case I ever have to fight any of them but I would never run for office I mean it well if I did obviously my bumper sticker would be Dan he thinks outside the can like you think outside of a toilet no I can't no it's like it's like thinking outside the box but I made it can cuz it runs with that yeah no I'd rather have an evil leader than Dan who thinks outside the candle of course it's not gonna sing when it comes out of your weird now oh whoa villain in chief I like that oh there's so many good ones to choose from I feel like The Bachelorette but with bad der guys circe obviously it's that simple sir see the best fight certainly it's like the most evil queen and all of Game of Thrones I check lazy power-hungry and she doesn't care who lose and who dies and she's screwing her brother and she just don't know what so generous so real ambitious so motivated so enthusiastic kind of game with Dawn's are you watching okay time for some game theory he'll get game as an acronym parentheses this is my game theory I'm sorry what she is for generous yes technically she's in debt but she uses her family's wealth to fund all the seven kingdoms finger says we can outspend in treats or one nice a father raised you to have too much respect some money oh man imagine if our current world leaders were using their family's money to better the country non-stop ice cream party drinks hey ambitious say what you want about Circe but she gets it done well I get done she killed a lot of people who challenged her power by that logic kim jeong-hoon gets done but remember that she's dealing with a civil war and she's the only one in the Seven Kingdoms who's holding all of it together yes maybe sometimes a few heads have to roll along the way to preserve that unity but she's basically like the Abe Lincoln of Westeros dead son checks out Jesus Michael M motivated she knows what she wants and she gets it similar to ambitious I realize now maybe I'll change it later he enthusiasm Searcy will stop at nothing to get power but once she has that power imagine all of that energy spent on just leading and now with all the pesky roadblocks out of the way some of those roadblocks were her son's you remember Jesus Daniel T tolerance she doesn't care if you worship the One God or the many gods or those broccoli kids if she's going to kill you it's going to be personal not because of how you live hi auntie I'm pretty sure she ate at the religion and made her walk through the town naked while they yelled shame at her [Music] can you blame her yes but I'll pay you 10 bucks she'll kill him sure he did kill okay well there you go I win $10 ooh nice Jeannie yeah I was gonna go for all Thrones and I had an implant pasties on actually feel cleft you stalling nope seriously isn't generous she's in borrowing money from the iron bank yeah you're not generous if you just take it out a bunch alone yeah and it's also not tolerant if you're just sort of ambivalent about someone else's religion she just doesn't care about anything that doesn't directly affect her Cersei stands for nothing his loves being queen of everything and boning her bro as much as I'd like to see a lady in the power seat I'm gonna have to say that scar is obviously the better leader scar he killed his brother he killed his brother inva sadist Disney death scene ever I still get sad thinking about Lion King [Music] oh you mean he killed his brother the guy that said that he could kill everything that wasn't a lion that it was their right dad don't eat the in a loop yes but let me explain when we die our bodies become the dress and the Antelope eat yes let me cover this before yes we did okay we all agreed Mufasa is a shoddy leader and scar is a leader for the people right he just wanted everyone to eat and be on an equal playing field he reaches across the aisle to the hyenas for the most downtrodden of the savanna animals he keeps around the old regime using Zazu as his trusted advisor I mean keeping around account of the opposing party is almost unheard of it's very Abraham Lincoln s alright not everyone can be Lincoln and he didn't deliver on any of his promises everyone just got more starving yeah why did they get more starving they did all the prey animals just stopped wanting to [Music] exactly none of the lion would help him any can't force the other species to procreate it was like the Savannah was against him but Mufasa made it work somehow no no I want my leader to bring peace and prosperity to the people that's why I choose the Joker Joker as much as he says he's all about chaos for chaos a is actually incredibly organized he orchestrates these elaborate schemes that cause havoc you got a ton of people who work for him and not a single piece of information about his plans going forward leaks out that's a tight ship no leaks okay so he's good organization that doesn't make him a great leader but after dark night there's two years of peacefulness in Gotham and that's nothing to do with Batman's presence yeah Batman is a magnet for trouble much like yours truly okay Joker is able to get people to do what he wants even if that includes just like being a peaceful cool member of society that's more than Batman ever did Joker is strangely anti wealthy elite he destroyed that our museum gassed everyone inside you seem to really like hurling money for the masses so he does like giving cash to the poor in a weird way but he's obsessed with chaos to the degree that he would be super organized with the populace which he does frequently well if our only standard is someone who can run a complex organization without any leaks Blofeld is way better at that pausing for gasps none okay that's fine dude sound inspector which does not just involve useless lackeys like the Joker has okay Spectre is staffed by underling with special skill sets as well as a healthy portion of useless lackeys my point is he has a use both for disposable lackeys and the gifted putting the right person with the right job Oh also job creators yes he's got better international relations or you just have international relations I mean he's always on the phone talking to world leader or threatening them with nukes which actually sounds a lot like a lot of our current world leader no one else we have talked about so far ever interacts with the world outside their city at least blow so has the confidence to interact with other nations he's no nationalist he knows that there's a whole universe out there universe the Borg genuine gasp of disbelief in Star Trek what is the Borg Queen one perfection right we're on a quest to better us out evolving toward a state of imperfection yeah but by assimilating the minds of every other species you really want to lose this rare noodle okay an assimilation nation doesn't have to be all bad they're taking the best of every single culture and incorporating that and then trimming the fat rolls did it successfully unity in Rick and Morty creates a utopia until Rick comes and ruins it hang glider in a coxless Uncle Sam cost you and I want the entire field of your largest stadium covered end to end with naked redheads and I want the stands packed with every man that remotely resembles my father I don't know it still sounds pretty terrible you still think give up everything about yourself what makes you you or you excuse me sorry let me try it again who are you what makes you exclusive and unique Katie you're a totally different person than you were when you were seven or or 13 or 21 or any age because you're constantly changing and growing as a person you have already assimilated the time in which you live and take it on the priorities at that time hopefully and when you're 50 you'll have completely different priorities and mindsets than you do now every time you change you're a little less recognizable to your past self do you think that young Katie would recognize you today so if you join the board you're still you you just have different priorities priorities so if everybody is on the same page about the priorities then I guess it's a utopia well we'll never know and time we assimilate or we had our mind control so would I guess we would feel like that for sure also resistance is futile wait what I said your persistence is beautiful I don't know a compliment let's say I mean you're all coming with me yeah hey everybody thank you for watching that video you can always click on the C in the middle of the screen to subscribe you can click on any other videos here in the right rail over there or you could smash that Bell down there for some serious I mean subscribing oh you know where new videos come out that's what it's for this is gross
Channel: Cracked
Views: 1,396,559
Rating: 4.7285085 out of 5
Keywords: Tv Villains, movie villains, presidents, president, The Joker, The Dark Knight, Scar, Lion King, Cersei, Cersei Lannister, Game of Thrones, dark knight, batman, The Borg, Blomfel, Donald Trump, After Hours, Cracked, cracked.com, sketch, comedy, funny, spoof, humor, satire, Cracked after hours, michael swaim, katie willert, dan o'brien, soren bowie, parody, leaders, great leaders
Id: 32nDFvTeRFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2017
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