5 Day Solo Bushcraft - Ep 2-Camp Life, Fatwood Fire, Chaga Tea, Exploration, Improvised Pot Hanger.

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well folks i hope you enjoyed part one of this series we're about to jump into part two but before we do i have to give a huge shout out to my sponsor for this trip trade coffee thanks trade with trade you can discover new coffees from the nation's top roasters trade matches your own personal selection of coffee and conveniently delivers it to you are you tired of going to the grocery store dealing with long lines lots of people possibly bare shelves well we're in luck since trade coffee conveniently delivers right to your door we'll never have to go with our morning cup again whoa so this is how trade works step one you take the quiz tell trade how you like your coffee and they will curate matches just for you step two it's right to your door choose a delivery frequency and it'll appear at your doorstep fresh from the roaster step three rate and repeat rate your matches so trade can continue to delight you with coffees you'll love so click the link below get 30 off your first bag of coffee when you sign up plus free shipping so once again click the link below and receive 30 off your first bag of coffee when you sign up thank you very much to trey for sponsoring another video let's continue with the series good morning it's dead calm out there there's a little bit of a red sky it's about seven third well it's 10 30. i just kept staying in bed passing back out and it's i'm glad i did it's gorgeous out right now there's not a a breeze to be found this nice nice sunny day so maybe i'll get up and make some like brunch and uh i don't know maybe i'll just take a day pack and go explore around i'm uh very comfortable in here i had a good sleep i had a really good sleep really long sleep okay up and at him what a nice day just see how drying up the old feeties it's been a nice day man a little bit of a breeze now some clouds coming in still sun though the fire went pretty good last night oh man i'm chilled now holy smokes it's so different so different when the sun comes out um fire went good last night let's get some uh some wood split up we'll split up that fat wood like i was talking about see what that's all about all about [Applause] oh it's a pileated woodpecker yeah look at that that's all super fat wood cool split a few of these look down that you can really see it there yeah i can just take off like good size pieces i want to get a baton here one second why a baton you ask just so it's a little bit more controlled here the second one man it's a beauty day when the sun comes out that is crazy so this is all ant holes all through this i saw some of them coming out before it's crazy that they can live in that turpentine smelling uh fat wood which is real waxy again it's not like normal wood okay i've got a bunch of pieces there and then i still have a huge chunk here so let's get some feather sticks going with this stuff and get a fire going wow it's hard to make fine curls with this there we go got to do the canadian way canadian curls look at that that is wax this is going to go up like nobody's business guys like just for demonstration purposes because i have so very much of it and i have confidence this is going to work very well wow fat wood it's still going strong look at the look at this is on fire that is craziness still going strong boys and girls still on fire crazy anyways as you can see this stuff is no joke okay all right let's get this thing going there she goes [Music] man no birch bark necessary huh holy smokes big old fish just jumped out right there probably 20 feet from my camp and that's all super shallow water which i have not been fishing in so maybe they'll try that today can't hurt right and even just because they're there doesn't mean they're biting still but whatever else i have to tell myself to make myself feel all right you know all right so i'm going to eat one of my precious precious oatmeals this morning and then i'll have some jerky with that i still haven't found my gloves it's very strange the only thing i can think is when i went to go cut some wood yesterday i might have left them at the side of the lake somewhere if that's the case i gotta go back but i gotta tear my camp apart first and look it might be underneath my bed i don't know real quick over here this is my food jerky bag of rice with vegetable dehydrated vegetables and some spices in there i got enough rice in there to last me fish crisp a healthy amount of fish chris because you know that's what i need butter one dehydrated meal of chili a potato with some onions and garlic and i have tin foil to go that a lemon for my fish pancake mix three things of oatmeal lipton soup this is new to me uncle ben's beans in the uh in a pouch so we'll try that um as opposed to a can and then i have two clif bars two three granola bar two clip bars three three granola bars a little tiny bit of popcorn some syrup and some oil so not too much meat i have this for meat and i have this for meat and there's not much meat in the chili so a fish would really really go a long way so i'm getting ready to leave getting my canoe in the water everything i look over not only are my gloves here my secondary gopro with the tripod and my gopro head mount so you think it didn't rain too much but i'll as well i got a different lure on just trolling to the end of the lake here i'm gonna hop on that portage and get into the next lake [Applause] gorgeous oak it's the perfect amount of sun and clouds these glasses make everything pop like crazy too all the colors are just super vibrant wow what a pretty lake it's nice to see a different lake we'll go paddle around see what's up just look at this lake like this is worth it for for the view of this lake alone is this a little sand beach up here i see a little sandy beach somewhat old beach it's very fine sand too [Music] so the shoreline is just so very inviting there's like exposed rock like this everywhere not too steep either not on this side anyway very pretty late all this flat rock man it's all real good uh real estate i think i'm gonna go check out this island over here and get off for a minute have a bite to eat i brought a granola bar i think it's a cliff bar actually it's nice and open excuse me oh it's been used for sure see signs of people yeah the bench the old famous grill at every campsite ever look at this rock tons of little rocks inside of it rocks on rocks on rocks not wrong what a gorgeous spot man really really pretty contours for days [Applause] wow this is a really nice spot really nice i'm tempted to move here permanently i'm tempted also to just drink the lake water because i'm super thirsty what i should have done is boiled up some tea or some water this morning put in my analogy and brought it with me i wasn't thinking i chugged a bunch before i left but it's getting late in the afternoon it was so windy and it still is out there but this is pretty protected on this side this is that island oh those clouds are looking wild i'm just paddling back now it's gonna be like four o'clock by the time i get back i think we got some chores to do and uh some projects to do still today those clouds man it's intense well that nice calm weather we had at the island there has changed and paddle into paddling into some decent waves here nothing too crazy but the wind keeps kicking up every now and then a little bit of white caps out there i might go take shelter on this island here on the way back just to take a break for a minute bring it back and boil me up some water it's raining i'm back on my lake i got a score of firewood but it's actually raining it's not sprinkling this is rain and i'm pretty exposed here so i do have my life jacket i'm sorry i do have my rain jacket it's in my backpack in front of me i should probably get it on and get my camera out of the rain darn it burn it i can see blue sky ahead i think this cloud just needs to just needs to blow by and then we'll be okay that dark one there this is the nicest little rainstorm i've ever been in sideways rain can you see the rainbow oh she's disappearing a little bit of a rainbow what does this mean one side of the lake the other side [Music] okay oh i might have i don't know if i can trust that probably not man let's see but i don't think so i don't think so maybe maybe okay we're gonna leave this um not too long actually i'll put cut it right here above this okay let's see if this will hold let's see if those will hold the weight before i start doing anything i think it will so i've not made this type of pot hanger before i better try it with the lid on actually make sure it fits the reason i'm using this is because i picked this i was originally going to use this piece of maple that i got um for firewood before i cut it up but i don't have anything that has forks around it or like notches or anything like that this is just all straight red pine and there's barely any kind of like vegetation there i can cut some live stuff but why do that when i have this so anyways have never made this i want to see if it works that's gonna hold that just fine i don't have to worry i don't think about that breaking so next up if this works i will be excited next up i gotta flatten this and then kind of drill a hole with my knife through without breaking the integrity of it excuse me yep actually i should measure it all up and everything too this would be much easier with live wood yeah okay she's gone uh okay probably as thin as i want to go before i start notching it out or making a drilling it out i guess oh snap check it out the old multi tool forgot i had it okay what on here can do the job and save my knife tip of drilling into this dense wood i have screwdrivers and all would be amazing i don't think there's an awl on here so oh that fire's pretty hot it's pretty hot there you are how's this gopro look this is the new nine about the new nine gopro nine um this can opener is pretty sharp but this little saw doohickey thing might work there's a bigger saw on the outside but this is a pretty sharp little tool i'm gonna start scoring it but i'm gonna do it on top of a log not my leg log not like this little thing is wicked wicked sharp just digs right in wicked shop holy smokes yeah see it's starting to split too oh just go easy on it i guess hmm there we go okay through and i'll just widen it okay perfect this is gonna work uh there's that pileated woodpecker again i can't see him but i can sure hear him okay stick with me now not everyone is going to think this is a good idea and that's all right because it's maybe not but it will test the strength of the tie out points for sure and uh i'm interested i kind of like this idea i'm interested to see if it'll hold interested to see if it will work and if it's just a waste of time i should just do things the way i normally do and normally just as you guys know how to set set way i do things in the bush and stick to it and it works but i'm gonna try new things every now and then right okay see where i'm going strong toggle in there very strong toggle okay secondary toggle this is precarious over the fire all right let's get this up as high as we can this time yeah much higher much higher perfect sweet okay much better of an angle much higher up i hope you got to see how i did that with the stick look how high up i got it it's amazing all right silly me i pulled the joe and forgot to leave enough slack but i think i can get it here okay um so the idea is oh no i'm gonna have to make this bigger i'm gonna have to make this hole bigger i'll be right back get this off again okay then now we're going to slip this double this up and slip this through here it's going to go no problem no problemo right come on you know you want to go in your home come on all right sweet through okay now we'll pull this down a ways until it fits where it needs to go this might be difficult now to get that toggle back on after but we'll see right about there i guess i can move it after it doesn't matter so i made two toggles this one's gonna go right here okay and that's gonna hold that right on to there so now i need to put the other toggle oh come on there it is is that a toggle in your pocket yes it is doing this the difficult way okay okay that looks good now i should be able to slide this over it's off to the side a touch so it's not perfectly in the center but there we go let's see let's put some weight on and see what happens it doesn't really seem to be stressing it at all too bad it's actually all still pretty loose somehow i'll show you see what i mean it's like the the tab itself is kind of tight but nothing's like it'll just be this one tab if anything else if anything gets ruined at all anyways cool try that out and the cool thing is too where it's positioned i can either like have my chaga tea roasting slowly over to that side you know what i mean taking a a slow roast type thing and just have my fire in the normal spot or i can simply roll some of my fire over and have it just right over like a centimeter a centimeter away who knows this might all just be for naught but it works and it's kind of cool taking things uh this rope is already here you know i mean might as well use it for something but who knows who knows if i like it we'll see let me know in the comments okay now the only thing is something that i needed something to do with that while i'm not using it i can slide it over here and just take the toggle out and just take the toggle out no whatever i'll have to do that again one more time we'll have to figure out a better way yeah i know she lost saggy too because this isn't tight for some reason that's weird um we'll fix it all up next time i have to use it we can just tighten it with this [Music] okay it's out of the way now [Applause] all right cook supper i guess we're doing rice and a couple pieces of jerky tonight drink that water when i boiled up a little bit left in the pot there full scoop of this guy so we got rice dehydrated a bunch of different dehydrated vegetables in there and then we'll throw some jerky in near the end that'll be supper we'll save our chili for tomorrow night because i was able to eat meat last night so stagger it a bit um that might even be fine there yeah just throw that back on i'm just going to tie a top line on here that way i can move it back and forth and or take it down easily that toggle here is not necessary obviously two on the inside on the outside and we can make it tight and move the hot hook if you want she's going to go down there and we might want to loosen it a bit to bring it back that way okay it's actually a pretty easy and decent system so there it is and because there's less water in it this time it's not gonna go down as far but i can use the top line hitch and move it down all's well that cooks up in my pot and goes in my belly and ends well not too shabby i'm kind of impressed with that so check it out this is the big crack from yesterday it was way more open than that probably three times as wide and the other ones were here but these were here before they these cracks they always healed up and then this one came up last night hard thanks bender we'll do three pieces i am going to cut them up into manageable bite-sized pieces i'll go better in the food anyway that way i'm not trying to rip it apart and savor it a bit more i hate to admit i lost my spoon the one roger wood spoons made for me so roger if you're watching this i do apologize i will look and look and look and look but i had it yesterday or the day before one of those two days i used it and now i can't find it for the life of me it wasn't with my gloves either so i do apologize and i feel really bad about that because i really liked it and it was in a very nice gesture but we'll see what we can do and if not maybe i'll commission you to make me another one if you don't mind i do appreciate it so i whip this up anyways this is all cedar and uh it's a spatula spatula this is a hearty enough meal for me a little joe i'm just talking it up it's okay it reminds me of my 10-day alone the 10-item trip these are the same dehydrated vegetables and it gives it the same taste as the rice all i'm missing is a boiled pike boiled pike water hmm poached pike it'll do for a couple nights after i'm done eating this this pot is going right back on the fire and i'm boiling up some chaga tea and i'm gonna drink that throughout the night again it was really good last night and it uh i know it's good for me you know what the best is if you have if you just add honey to it if you have chocolate and you just add honey it's freaking on point oh tomorrow i'll show you guys some fire starting stuff with this i said i would yesterday um yeah don't let me forget i like my little shelter here i cleaned it up i want my room next to me here in my bed i am going to stick my backpack in here before i go to bed but i'm toasty toasty warm in here must be a warm night but uh got my chocolaty on that food actually did fill me up pretty good it was enough for me for tonight at least fire's rocking out there it's nice bit of coals chocolate is on i'm just taking it easy relaxing sit here by the fire maybe read my book a little bit and drink my chocolate tea starting to feel out here i'm starting to feel like at one you know i mean starting to feel pretty comfortable slowing down going up the pace that things just happen so that's the whole point feels good some something to be said about sitting on the ground you know what i mean not having a fancy chair that you bring around with you builds character stick with me kids all right shelter is holding up sturdy man nice and taut nice and taut
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 291,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: 0xKPzcQeqlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 31sec (2551 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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