5 All Negative Traits Characters Survive in Project Zomboid Multiplayer

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what do we do what is our goal oh nothing should we have a few words of introduction um yes arguably yes um i think our goal should be each of us should actually get to level five in a skill okay i think that should be a goal is that impossible that's that's that's going to be like a month i would have sent for that that's gonna be quite a bit of pain that one all of us need to go on a fishing holiday together that's our goal yeah yeah all right we need to find a body of water that will uh hold all of us at it north north i say we need to make our way there perfect keep going should we check around and see what's around here right let us do an introduction though of who everyone is imagining oh that's a good idea like an aaa meeting uh led by a.a yeah all right uh we all have a problem as as we begin all of my videos um my name is negative man in all caps uh would anyone else care to introduce themselves i have a problem uh i am actual rabble i just spent the last five of my years of life streaming for an audience and it's here today i'm terrible terry i've spent the last 14 years being a roblox youtuber and uh now the apocalypse has come my body is ready my body is a temple i am perfect in every way my name's gordon i've spent four years trying to be funny on the internet and uh it hasn't gone very well i i have nothing but uh all negative traits please help oh god uh my name is jolly and i am naked with a bunch of dudes all right let's go uh let's uh let's try to look out the window all right i'm thirsty i shall quench my first okay really hungry uh and i notice there's not that much food available so bagsy the corn and the can opener okay we have to designate rolls who carries the food we need a food holder i will hold the food i think that's the most important task okay i'll hold him on i'll hold the books i'll grab the newspaper that i can't read if anyone comes to my food okay i will shiv them i will shift them and i will i will not be upset are we allowed to wear clothes uh i think we have to of course we're not gonna be able to go outside okay about five articles of clothing i think we should divvy these up among us equally that seems like the only fair way to do this everyone pets one item of clothing from this cabinet uh king left his clothing in here so we're gonna just divide it among us i will take the shorts okay very nice all right [Music] there we are i got sneakers sneakers oh no oh no i'll just take the shirt uh i'll take a belt i'd like that oh this is you're not not a lot of belt that's technology we don't know how belts work um without your back uh i'll take it off this is my knife okay it's every time you do a sit-up it just you know stabs you in the back oh i'm no longer doing sit-ups okay i need to relock yeah you've got a bit of a poltergeist going on there there we go yeah yeah yeah i encountered this bug on the uh test server uh do not look at me before we make our way outside we need to get some shoes i accidentally just ran into private life fell over on the sofa now i'm bleeding out my left hand oh no oh my god i can't even walk in a straight line someone's gonna have to take off their clothes i'm gonna no i'm destroying the curtains uh the curtains there we go just still doing setups for me i know i need to reload sorry but i will first heal myself no i think you should just stay the whole game doing that i thought he was just trying to impress us all by getting really really ripped i mean is it still improving my fitness no it is not sadly rip okay i shall re-log oh my god my guy's hungry i'm gonna eat this orange i look like i work i.t let's all explore one room together so that we don't die are you anxious from eating an orange can you hold my hand i'm scared obesity is tough all right what do we have in here no stay together keep the group together because we're all experiencing aggression invite me back oh we have a bra oh yeah i'll invite you back okay uh what other articles of clothing do we have oh there's some shoes i'm gonna grab those shoes okay i'll take a tank top i'll take the bra i mean as a roblox youtuber i've never seen one of those before it's it's it's new territory for all of us okay uh we got two out of uh how many of us are there we got two out of five with shoes now we need another three pair before we head out oh there's a pair on the floor here oh great okay see means we're 60 of the way there i have five socks socks are almost as good as shoes all right i've got a saucepan remember to divvy up the loot we can only carry five pounds each oh oh there's a load of food in this freezer does anyone want spiff you want to grab that uh yeah i'll grab it into my belly i wouldn't eat frozen [ __ ] meat frozen peas my dude that's lovely i will carry this orange soda its weight will almost destroy my legs okay how much is all of the meat oh the meat is heavy yeah i've got a first aid kit by the way if anyone does get injured i'm the i'm your man uh i'm going to use tongs as a weapon i shall be using this kitchen knife i found i shall use the spoon all right we must we should go on our way for the apocalypse i lied i uh actually the tongues aren't a weapon i'll be using my hands as a weapon what's the plan from here on help gang uh i think we need to go to the local food shop just up the road uh from here and get some food right yeah yeah oh we can check the downstairs okay so the goal will be to go to the next door everyone crouch while we go next door so as to not cause a ruckus i can just imagine five naked obese men crouching across the street terrified wherever they go uh careful we're gonna have to go solid snake across the street single file line everyone don't want to search these cupboards painkillers a lot of painkillers oh antidepressants i'll be eating some of those bad boys oh surgical gloves oh yeah sleeping tablets oh there's a scalpel i will use that as well oh yeah yeah as well yeah yeah oh we have beta blockers that's perfect for us oh you wanna divvy those out uh can i just give you a single pill each yeah have a pen for a weapon that's a good start here i'm gonna drop it on the floor and only eat one only box of paper clips uh take pills yes everyone eat one beta blocker sharing is caring everyone all right it's on the floor i've got my surgical gloves so if anyone uh takes more than one you're gonna get it oh wow there's farming for beginners i wonder if i'm going to last long enough of farving so do you think this is why we were able to make it this far like just our caregivers were doctors so they could support all five of us no i just think this is a this is just classic luck you know we have lived the worst possible life and so naturally we are also the luckiest individual slash the most unlucky because we are stuck in this housescape oh a car yeah okay who's wearing the hospital gown uh yep that'd be me i could see your butt crack that's the best part i wonder if i put like like panties on if it shows through the backside the car is unlocked and it has maps so i shall read the maps you can read is there anything apparently even though i i can't read books i can read maps no problem oh it's called pictures it's just a big picture you guys want to look at some pictures they're on the floor some pictures we'll take turns on that and then we'll maybe get to eat an apple across the street i have extreme panic because i'm outside oh lovely all right let us go get apple all right let's do this let's do this fellas ridge and muldraw nice tactical snake oh i feel like we're missing two people there's nobody we're we're looking at funny pictures give us a second yeah we're just about done with the maps it's the most amount of freedom i've had in years i'm already first here we've only walked to the next door the next building he's starving yeah i'm extremely anxious but what our best shot will be to be uh find a very large room where we'll be subjected to neither our claustrophobia nor our agrophobia because we're technically inside but uh we aren't afraid of the small spaces i only see fruit in this shop i don't think it's worth going huh yeah gross hold on i see some i see some chips down here lots of people oh yeah oh that's what we're after we'll just jump just jump over the fruit i'll throw some on the counter for everyone divvy up the chips okay i need to eat produce because i'm morbidly obese yes so am i but that's not going to stop me oh there's a jar of hot sauce here if anyone wants to drink that is it there we go oh hot sauce yeah drink it all do it in one i just took um a jar of peanut butter and it's crushing my legs is anyone underweight is anyone very underweight or do we all pick morbidly obese obesity obese if anyone's on the way there's a jar of peanut butter over here if you want to eat the entire thing oh someone's already picked that up okay canned goods in the back oh cans is there liquid they're uh you could have some of my mug of water if you want oh i got a garbage bag here you go okay you oh a containment device yes we can stall our food in the garbage three bottles of water in the fridge score oh that's a good yes i know i'm grabbing one oh water we could have a community bag yeah yeah i'm gonna throw the mac and cheese in there and the pasta take my lemon oh can i give me all the food i'll carry it around in our big bag good job i think i still need shoes i'll take the next pair we find until then i'll fear i'm gonna start bulking in the corner do you think wait i'm already bulky i'm already obese i'm already as bulky as can be why am i drinking milk oh god i can't stop i can't stop the calories uh can someone carry the uh first aid kit because i can't carry the garbage bag and a first aid kit i got a car in my own carrier you send it on send it on this grapefruit weighs 1.5 what the hell is this this is the heaviest breakthrough in the universe this grapefruit weighs as much as seven pork chops what the hell oh no just eat the grapefruit just eat it and we'll be done with it yes sir oh well you're in socks and i'm in nothing i think we need to kill our first zombie but only one yeah please i need i need socks or shoes i just need some shoes please why don't you come back in here um we'll rip up your shirt and banded your feet with it don't worry i've i stole some uh i got some sheets from the last house it's all good oh perfect can you guys go out and get us a pair of shoes because if we walk around outside we're actually going to bleed to death yeah we could investigate this house down here i just don't want to go alone i'm scared or uh i've got a fairly heavy load i might need to drop my rice can i like worm my way across the floor and uh not use my feet i don't really know i mean we could do a test i mean your feet are already messed up but they are bandaged slide around doing stops again all right coming in with clothes we'll walk real slowly he just vaulted a fence oh look there's a dead zombie over there that guy probably has shoes nope they're actually completely clearly naked oh my god they're odds on that oh they were just like us just like there's a zombie here oh there's one of his shoes i hit it with a pan yeah we need to use the blunt objects stomp on him stop putting him good he's dead he's dead drive his shoes grab his shoes now we just need one more sneakers oh he's got jeans there's a pair over here oh yeah there's some good jeans there dips on the glasses you keep what you kill boys i'll take the socks okay good i choose perfect let us get another one how long does it take my guy to put a pair of jeans on oh are we going to the house over there now i mean it makes sense there could be some uh some clothes there i in goodness i can hardly see this is amazing none of us can can i just improve my like nimbleness by eating myself i just i'm bleeding why why did i fall over that fence now my fire's bleeding i'm bleeding from free places oh you gotta press e otherwise uh you you take the risk of maybe falling over it's just so clumsy hmm who's at the ready food food food food okay we're getting panicked again from our claustrophobia yeah i'm extremely panicked oh there's some apples some lettuce strawberries in here red pen yeah eat a lot of produce it'll keep you full but you won't get fat from it yeah i'm gonna eat those strawberries the lettuce makes me powerful enough to carry at least one grapefruit i'm gonna cook steak wow look at you it's the fancy man who thinks he can cook oh yeah there's a muffin have oh this is just going to be our new base then this is terrible it's only one floor there's no there's one bed one bed for five of us oh that's fine we can all get a little bit cozy as everyone's right with that i'd need the entire bed for myself if that's the case we need a huddle for warmth um the neighbors the neighbors are on their way uh i don't mean to alarm anyone oh no quite a few of the neighbors in fact good i mean kill one of them i'll finish off the steak let me just dump the sack so a little bit more oh my god well she did not want to go down oh dibs on the hat oh great hey there's a wristwatch sure yeah go ahead tell the time time lord there's another oh beat down can't beat the saucepan all right it's 2 50 a.m oh cool she's uh she's got some uh animal print underpants i think you should get those on you straight away absolutely i'm gonna take those uh baggy jeans as well because they're not bloody all right we can upgrade our weapons right now i have the lowly pen which is mightier than the sword in fact would you want a spoon you look fantastic why would i put this on top of tiny whities all right who wants a steak that is peak male performance size no i gotta turn off the yellow i'm gonna eat a quarter of the steak i need it yeah oreo core if you i need protein my mom says if i eat a lot of meat i'll grow big and strong yes you're looking massive and muscular already thank you thank you i've been really thinking about my figure all right shall we proceed on to the lake then yes i would love to go fishing as well we're all starving to death just going fantastic already okay good job well no one's freezing to death is anyone in danger of death because if you're if you do die you're dead forever you're done i've got a whole bunch of dirty bandages wrapped around myself but i'm sure that's fine it's glued down here the bleeding didn't stop right the bleeding has has ceased yes watch out guys the window's broken here we got some earbuds we all got shoes right yes yeah we're good i finally got a pair nothing moving oh the doors are locked no looking like lurkers outside the window is anyone home hello vitamins oh can opener that's like game changer right yeah um ooh a cd of bible readings from the tower of babel god damn it the can open is too heavy i just took a bread knife and i just got severely overweight yeah can i can anyone take a can opener i shall bear the burden of the can open well the can opener is an extremely heavy item you sir are a true warrior i will die of martyr all my sleeping tablets and painkillers i've gotta keep oh a spatula who wants to wield it i've already got my own cooking utensil i've got my pot thank you sir okay it beats a pen i guess uh spiff there's some more curtains if you want to rip them for uh sheets um no i'm good i've got enough sheets i've been cleaning them oh actually it's not even a weapon never mind uh we got we got company yeah it's fine okay just the jehovah's witness oh no we need to move boys let's get out of here this entire 50-mile radius is put you know speaking of that you know a little bit off-topic here i actually got a note from the door from one of them you gave me their email address saying that you know happy to have us move in the neighborhood and they're wondering if they if we have time to speak to them about jesus yeah and i was there like no but he gave me his email address in a way was he dressed like us some kind of thing was he was he morbidly obese and crouching bearing in the window there was five of them and they all knocked on my door there's some behind us as well we might need a skedaddle that's free are we fighting stop i can't oh this is so bad hey what's up behind you hide you crap ah thank you watch out watch out i left mine to you there's another one there still on you yeah oh look at that oh we got more oh we got more we got more coming from the south boys oh crap we gotta get out of here okay north north everyone serpents it was a butter knife it wasn't worth it oh they're still following us all right we might have them boys there's only a couple here all right at least we can see them now my bones creak with every swing i'm not i've got thirsty throughout this fight apparently all right they're down all right maybe some elude on those ones oh my god my pot broke can i attack him with a newspaper good job oh i'm clapping with one hand it would require too much energy because it looks like you're patting your belly there is one zombie a tactical clap we've got one zombie inside this house maybe we could get this one to open the door for us because we're not able to open the door i'm gonna be here a while oh this window's open everyone get inside there's pants over there who needs pants we have only shorts still i got a bag of jeans i'm i'm moving up in the world stealth time with a scalpel oh no no stealth starboard try and push one muscular man over that's we're just pushing in between nothing yeah there we go yeah take that herb stomp that'll serve you for not being fat uh that sounds like more zombies oh someone shot the window someone shut the window the zombie's coming oh let me eat this cabbage really quick oh it's a ranger oh he's oh good job well done we're seeing oh he's not done athletic come to the back everybody all right all right we have so many more we all take hats there's four he's wearing four hats his power level what kind of mad man wears four hats i think he kept getting localized onto everybody else's machine coding yeah what is it yeah because it's like a little monster right now but who wants to step up and be the executive with the right oh okay all right he's already done it oh i didn't get a hat i was gonna say there is another hat on the floor if you can see it there is anyone whoever doesn't have a ranger clothing item everyone has one you all have rob i'll drop the hat for you if you haven't got one no i got another one there it turns out there was a fifth hat yeah oh now now we are true apocalypse survivors we are ready so alpha now we just need to get some kind of storage device there's another bin bag out in that uh trash outside oh a mighty weapon a spoon oh duct tape never know when you need that right now i'm just jabbing people part of a tortilla chip let's place the corn on the table if y'all want some corn oh there's a a person with an axe in the back of their head over there or is it a hammer it's an axe i'm going for it oh i just fell over a fence and dropped my hat oh no every single fancy guy cannot even scale a small small garden fence it's too much we could maybe listen to a cd since we can't read do you think these bible readings would entertain all of us together perhaps at the end of the day you think it could teach us magic oh no we're cooking in here yeah let me rest up i'm actually pretty exhausted from that previous fight no i don't get tired anymore i'm apparently i'm getting moist though i'm like oh oh do you guys have any like cool compliments to give me i'm feeling a little sad i uh i like you i like your hat thank you i'm still sad i'll stop at you i like your hat as well hey i really like the colors of your hat the ripped shorts look cool thank you you're welcome i'll i'll have some steak the egg zombie is on its way does anyone want to help me with my valiant fight i'll come out and help i was just about to put some pasta in the oven now we can truly say it's my weapon my sword do we play rock paper scissors to see who gets it uh no i saw it and i brought it over here that is very much my axe remember the rules boys you you keep what you kill and i i probably didn't kill but uh it's mine nonetheless all right let's keep going north uh someone's left the oven on now let me turn it off oh it doesn't matter we won't be back here you know we're going fishing save the environment now that i think about it don't we need a fishing rod to go fishing no worry about uh what's up behind you we can just find a stick and fish with that remember we can do spear fishing i saw that on an episode of spongebob damn it hey these new neighbors with their dance moves all this is just embarrassing we can't even take down one zombie yeah we're all too weak like this you want me to breathe okay fine break out the axe this is embarrassing there we go one mighty swing oh there's another one oh this one is a deadpool oh it's disappeared okay um look he's dropping all of his pairs of glasses on the ground oh so many reading glasses everywhere the guy was stacking four sets of reading glasses so he could see everything aviators i want someone to take dana i look like an old west cow uh bandit cowband that's a big no yeah just press q to crouch no don't touch it [Laughter] one of them came with us let's uh we gotta get past the tree line crap what are we doing all right can we go through the trees we're going through the come this way okay eat a pineapple whilst we go this is kind of adventurous yeah we're we're getting lads on tour five obese guys who hardly have clothes on this is quite cute to be fair they can't even wield a spoon what about that pack what about that brown house oh we got a lot oh watch out to our left yeah but there's a backpack over there yeah we can take these zombies down as they um yeah as they jump over oh there's a backpack oh yeah we've raised we've established that oh there's a welcome give that to a a he saw it first yes finders keepers another zombie by the way fellas no cool are you okay uh oh yeah no go you're a bit my friend come back here so i can look at you oh me yeah no no i'm good i literally saw it chomp you really yeah so you got shots localization it shows something getting a bit even though they're not getting bit he's lying no he is lying that could be your medical technique there's a survivor house there's that's a boarded window i tr i trust you i'm hang on a second cool come come back here i want to give you something come to me uh hang on here you go oh one second oh we got some steak yeah i'm a nice guy aren't i yeah oh i just need a drink in the bathroom there's two things in the bathroom this frog and some stuff in the bedroom as well is it safe to go inside it is yeah it's quite safe oh look dead naked people just like us oh foraging for beginners that would be useful if i could read uh the horde is the horde is coming towards us we need to go back don't run don't run someone close the door someone close work together people come on we have to buy ourselves some time someone dropped their ranger hat oh oh no somebody lost their hands we can't either anymore i'm sorry i've got it it's another horde in front of us and that's a big fence we can't scale that one oh that might be the storage area where where the hell are we okay uh uh we'll keep walking i'm no harm i'm over running just keep going there's and there's a fair bit behind us too east uh go go go go knight fans knife hands knife islands uh i'm feeling a little smidge depressed at the moment i just want to let you know don't worry i've got some painkillers you have a really nice hat probably because we've been and we're all agrophobic hey come on guys let's stop rubbing about the fact that you've all got hats on all right which way now i've got aviation uh east again feels bad yeah i like that look at that nice blue house that's a lovely house is anyone encumbered i can carry something in my children's backpack the weight of my sins is enough oh uh watch out we've got a lot of zombies this way i feel like if we go up is our best bet here because we can't go east we gotta let's go we need to we need to go right now this is getting bad north try not to bump into each other only run if you have to oh god this is worse than when you all broke both of your legs the other day oh that was awesome remember press e to scale you don't want to lose your hat if you lose that you lose privilege yeah it's okay okay i think we need to break sight lines before we can stop somewhere again agreed i think this is the way the car going oh no who's that there's five of us so the odds of us doing that are quite slim that's locked shall be left behind hey lyme that's a nice hat you got everybody no um you wouldn't be thinking anything we're friends should we go no pro i mean there's a big hoard around us but we could there's a house there's what about a house across the street yeah let's keep walking i'm gonna walk you there surprisingly if you just walk they almost never see you okay there's a dead person in the house a suicide alcohol shed alcohol we need to hit this house oh there's a generator yeah this could be a play okay uh there's an open window over here oh point out the back keep it secret okay keep it wait it's shut there's no window out here all right we're in i just changed my bandage hang on oh that's you i thought you were a zombie like crawling i was like what is this new devilry alas like how you just immediately enter a house and stop munching away yeah listen you see a stick of butter you don't pass that butter stick oh grapes oh there's a bottle of beer in it i'm gonna have that who wants whiskey i have whiskey yeah i'm going to need some food soon uh there's a load of food in the uh do you want me to get some steaks cooking i'll get some steaks yeah i i mean i've got a frying pan on the table yes it's kind of i'm gonna put some uncooked meats in the oven and get it rolling yeah yeah i created stuff right okay step aside ladies and gentlemen this is kind of like a post-apocalyptic version of the biggest loser don't you agree uh who will it's like survivor and the biggest loser combined in fact who will survive long enough to lose weight i've only been gaining i've got to be honest uh i i don't even know how that's down you're letting us down everybody i'm a hungry boy i need to keep eating to maintain my ability to carry uh we can throw some noodles in there as well oh this is gonna be a fat stir-fry boys i hope you're ready we are we are we are eating tonight yeah we got your salt on food otherwise we're all going to starve i'm just going to put all of the meat in the house into the oven all right put the stir-fry in the oven now oh whoops i thought i put it in the wrong place there we go uh that sounds like zombies uh yeah we got zombies coming up on us i haven't closed the window i just won oh i've shut the window close the curtains so that it forgets maybe uh there we go problem solved out of sight out of mind still banging what time is it at the moment in game 10 40. uh does someone want to go out and deal with that it's wow look at that some fresh cooked pork chop i'm gonna be eating that and some burning meat patties no no we got to take those out of the oven but i'm really slow at taking things i'm driving them i'm grabbing them i've gone and put them in my bag i've got the shrimp as well i'll just uh dump on the floor why are you cooking a fresh ham it's a perfectly good ham but the shrimp is not ready yeah shrimp's ready shouldn't come oh it is yeah i just dumped on the floor so who wants some of this special stir-fry i think i'm good my appetite is fed i'm ready to uh yeah i just drank an entire bottle of alcohol and i'm i'm awesome well actually before we go let's all just have a seat on the floor either that or rest on the chair i would probably not quite ready to go out again yet uh yeah we should just sit down yeah just for a little bit away far away from the window while looking at the broken window so that no one dies i just realized that this chair is separated by the wall don't worry about you know i could stuff right now once any doesn't see you know yeah that's fine i'll leave your stir fry geez what a picky guy i wouldn't it gives you like plus 20 first so it's five we have unlimited water all right uh let me let me eat half of it and then i'll drop the other half for you because you know no one else wants any you know come on you know i love i love eating the only thing i'm good at to be honest all of that well i mean i'm always gonna eat that shrimp because no one else seems to want it i'll grab those pads this is after all what we're uh what we're striving for here apparently i'm full to bursting i couldn't possibly eat a single solitary bite and yet i still keep eating shrimp yeah i would like my like pan back your pan's coming back there you go look north west of us we do have an opportunity at maybe better weapons in that uh storage shed area and it's already if we go up there he's like looking like a what's his face taxi driver oh yeah travis bickel from taxi driver he totally does look like travis with the glasses and everything yeah actually uh that's scary what you looking at you looking at me as soon as he said that like i got really panicked yeah say my gosh anxiety just went up yeah he's totally travis bickle that's crazy it's awesome he's deniro oh we stopped but we were still seeing i am walking over her quick pan him literally panned to death okay i think he's just uh glitching a bit do we have more yeah he's just making noises did we check the shed there's a thing in the shed and he wants to get out of the shop bear with me one second i just need to go wash my bandages you know probably worth i'm gonna smash the windows do you think it'll make too much noise because it's worth it no that should be fun okay i'm not gonna do it unless sheds have alarms all right there's some things that i sometimes use okay right lime just smashed it like a madman okay good job zombie's still behind there though yeah you can just go in and open the door you go in and open the door i don't know you're going to open the door oh jesus my hero he's in the lion's den hey it has an axe oh another axe go go team uh can i have his t-shirt uh i think he he's yes oh empty cat we have gas i'll throw it in the gas holder but is he still here no he is gone he dropped his hats and left his plane of existence how do we get into that storage area um because it's too fat to hop the fence keep that in mind it seems like there's a large amount of zombies can maybe one of us get over the fence because if we could get right inside i think it's worth it [Applause] oh how did you get over i just built different actually i think it's because i've eaten so much food my strength is is greater that's a good idea let me let me woke up before you dive oh i'll eat my entire ham i've got moderate exhaustion now god damn it uh just five people tried to climb the face it was like she was so surprised that you were here yeah yeah yeah what worked for you uh weight watchers reverse weight watchers spinach man it's like popeye i'm gonna eat a whole pot of mac and cheese that i've got on or my moderate exertion go without me oh my goodness there's so much stuff in here i still can't i can't i couldn't get in either it's okay we'll just have to watch them and wait there's got to be a gate here y'all can get in like yeah yeah there's a uh a gate over here we'll let you in oh wait other thing look at that zombie over there to the uh just to the left it's got a little duffle bag that's worth it right let's go together oh don't go towards the gate don't go through why have you broke what have you done don't go towards the gate there's a lot there trying to read my comic book uh no one two you can read yeah i can read comic books it's got pictures it wasn't enough to make me not depressed we might have to get in the house and rest a while before we can hop the fence yeah yeah yeah i'm uh not looking so hot oh do you want to show up i'll grab the school bag i'll grab it yeah oh yeah you've got the school bag i i want the heart boxers though it's just a blue plastic chair in that one oh look at that we're clipping we're like oh there it is equip one back i had it in my pocket for a minute right i'm gonna empty some of this i'm gonna empty all this stuff in this garbage bag into my school bag now remember you need to be able to get out too i forg i did forget about that when you were it looks like the hoard of the front gate has broken the gate so we can actually leave now quite happily did you find anything good in there do you need a little strength uh let's wait a little bit because there's a board moving north yeah i'm actually gonna go inside this house and rest on the bed yeah i'll i'll join you i really pushed myself today okay one direction you probably just walk over to us in fact now we have metal bars from that fence that they broke down oh there's quite a few of them in there we might be able to use that uh should we all go together let's all see if we can fight through the oh crap no we can't fight that never mind i'm too weak no you guys are on your own oh what do i do michael there's a zombie in here by the way okay i'll sneak up behind it she's going to stick around steal some food from here oh there's no food i think i just need to rest yeah she broke come join me and lime in bed it's a grand old time well she goes sticking out of her leg she's got a uh it's a fork oh oh that's perfect for eating steak can you open the door uh yeah got it thank you there's a zombie at the window by the way we're gonna try and climb back over okay let's see if we can do it yeah let's see there's another overpowered ham in the freezer mine i just realized this hand fork that we have i can dig for worms we're we're set forever yeah yay no i'm just resting up in this bed at the moment catching some rest didn't they change the way the foraging works yes nice i don't like you standing over me with an ax [Music] we're right below the u.s stuart and that's oh my god yeah we'll all right let's do this why don't we invisi or uh lime are you able to invisible her yeah i can invisible her yeah when she mysteriously walks toward us yeah she could just like pop in the group and it would just be like as if nothing's happened exactly yeah yeah tell me when you join uh you have to everyone takes off all of their clothes to start the challenge so we all start off it looked like an episode of rugrats so recommend okay i think nurse is already regretting joining this so what's up joining this group is you need to take off all your clothes we're all going to be fully clothed but trust us uh when we started this we weren't wearing the doors oh and you've got to be morbidly obese okay so now death yeah everything but yeah yeah def just ruins the game okay so so no positive traits not a single one no occupation it's actually going pretty well once you have seven nobodies you can take on like two zombies it's great okay we're all here with like pots and pans and then there's just spiff with his axe so it's quite good is everyone morbidly obese yeah massively so yeah i'll be underway okay for the entire challenge well the thing is i need to i need to be continuously intaking calories otherwise i'm not strong enough to carry anything that's the excuse he's been served it's my strength okay but it's straight is somebody banging oh [ __ ] there's something in the bathroom what the [ __ ] there's something in the damn bathroom oh there's somebody out front [ __ ] going back in have we managed to get ourselves surrounded i don't want to be inside at a time like this i'm scared to help me i've fallen i've hurt myself oh no cool why aren't you wearing a shirt i had a jacket on but it looks pretty janky it's about fashion all right like i said yesterday it's not project zomboid just project fashion exactly everyone here no first aid uh a.a has a first aid kit uh it's in your backpack now is it oh it should be yeah i'll drop on the floor for you don't worry take me about 20 minutes to get out of the backpack because i'm all thumbs did you look at my booboo i was trying to medical check with you oh crap we got like five zombies in the bathroom guys yeah yeah a med kit's on the floor whoever needs it over here hold on oh wow that's yeah that's multiple that is saying yeah we need to move just grab the make kit and we'll move around don't worry between the five of us we can kill the two women what we've done it nailed it let's go boys two women destroyed by five ob smashers it's like someone destroyed this door grab the nails we might need them oh there's a woman destroy her no no destroy her ben shapiro style effect jesus christ i'm not fat i'm just big boned now take this no we've got men now uh more food more food ooh butter in this house guys we got more oh yeah yep it's not looking good oh who's got the plank oh big stick big stick also could someone carry this med kit it's it's exhausting leather gloves why don't you eat this yeah i me just give me like an hour yeah keep it keep us covered we're swapping the med kill the ham the ham is really good i'm going to eat my pressure take the other hand and every hammer home on my belly i'll take the med kit then um oh he's got a screwdriver in the back of him was that fork yeah somebody's having an issue in that bathroom we're gonna leave and be um i don't think it's worth the bathroom how'd you stomp instead of a space bar all right yes we have the oh crap uh i wouldn't i would not go well northwest we have the hotel which has no loot and a lot of zombies in it i think anywhere with zombies in it is not a good idea from doing the state it's what's north east of us there's like a building with a garage uh you know i just mean straight sorry straight west i'm a yeah directionally challenged oh yeah you got a vehicle up there too uh we've got a horde slightly north of that watch yeah that's fine just go dip down a bit in the woods no good idea we can take we can take that we can take that that's no problem that's no problem i'm gonna need some assistance though we're obese probably away from any situation yeah whale on her yeah stomp on her oh she's dead let's try her this is the one there's some coming up it's okay just look back all right creeping we're creeping we're just going to walk away now if that really traumatized someone i do have a beta blocker so just say something you know uh i'm a nervous wreck right now we've got another one okay it's an electronic shop to catch some stamina i am really exhausted oh there are a few people in here well let's go i'm going to go in i'm going to go around and unlock the door oh great look we can pick up a refrigerator is there food in there i don't think they keep food in their fridges in uh these types of stores oh it's a toaster though that's lit all right you can turn these on oh the door's open lovely unless there is of course oh [ __ ] no you can turn the stuff on yeah not finding any of that does they want to do any laundry whilst you're here uh i found a green comfy couch and a modern oven back here oh i found pipe there's a lot of stuff in this closet pipe wrenches wrenches brooms and it can't actually or a bottle of bleach which is better than water bottles i'll grab the pipe does everyone have a weapon i got a rolling pin uh come grab this pipe wrench what do you like normal wrench you take the pipe wrench oh i've got a pan i'm all right at the moment i mean i've got space in my school bag if uh sounds dumb but i'll space in my school bag if we go find anything else of value yeah you go ahead and take that uh i also have a frying pan so if you want to make some on the drive stir fry is anyone missing a water bottle i've got i've got loads of water bottles i'm guessing okay so we're just south of the motel yes that's right lovely if we keep going uh well we could get to mccoy lumber if we go over to the the weast i think that's a splendid idea we've got a radio in here and a box of screws i've taken the box of screws i don't think we need a radio no we don't need that all right we can probably find a fishing rod there and then go to the lake what a splendid idea and then live forever foraging yeah sounds good to me logic knowledge knowledge here in my um garage surrounded by my four beastbolding friends here in my garage yeah i think we're good oh there's some zombies uh coming up to uh east now let's just ignore them as well we intimidate them with our sheer size the mass of my body the ground vibrates as we stop our way to victory it's like dinosaurs it's like a theme of eastenders when we're walking yeah we're like a really uh i feel like a team that you would never want to come and help you surprisingly none of the americans get an eastenders reference who could have foreseen that let's hit him with a bit of scrappy challenge next that'll really show him um i'm getting hungry can we stop we're gonna need to stop it just wait i have an entire ham in my duffel bag oh no don't worry sorry i've got a uh freshly cooked steak in my in the school bag i also have a tv dinner i've been cooking i've been carrying a lot of food with me whatever i find um i've got an empty gas can as well oh oh yes fill that up i forgot i picked that one before oh there's a leather jacket behind us we have to come in after okay we'll cover free or just be careful yeah yeah someone keep me covered i'm dropping this gas can oh my pot broke i'll just push them um no i have a weapon hold on here have this frying pan it's not the same takes like 20 years to pick something up we've already found a few generators as well which is nice well by it's still empty though unfortunately i didn't get any fuel in it so i'm spending 20 minutes trying to pick it up should we run did someone no we can we can fight this we turn and fight this is my fuel you bet it's only freezing isn't it oh we have someone already has some petrol okay we did a good job uh that one went into the multiverse again the only zombie with the weapon has disappeared into the ether all right so many pairs of glasses uh i'm i'm saying hook in the east unless if okay we're gonna go the car route all right all right keep me covered i'm gonna go uh throw some fuel in this uh uh i'm gonna go sit on the pavement because i can barely walk yeah i don't actually get a few right there's some more yeah i'm gonna sit down too i'm gonna have a have a break oh crap uh i lied i think got it all right i'm all fueled up baby let's let's do this uh okay we need keys uh i have a housekey in the car see what happens oh this is zombie oh oh yeah did you just fall like getting up uh uh must be on your screen nah i'm fine okay yeah if we take the intersection east and then we go a little bit north from there then we're at mccoy and then of course life gets better after that because maybe we'll find uh axes for everyone or something rather than keep continuing to hit everyone with kitchenware what do you mean i don't do such an uncivilized thing i use an axe like a real gentleman that's cause you know your eyes about a third of the way to strength level one we actually might be less garbage by the time this is done then we can use one of those stealth exploits to get us all oh we could do it with this uh police in the vehicle we don't actually need to control the car per se all we need to do is just be inside of it and then we can set it off with the sirens and stealth spam i'll watch from a safe distance um okay i'm interested to see this i think this it could be one of the ways we survived it so it's worth it all right uh we do need to break open the window we can set off the siren then of course we'll need to leave this area uh bro you can have a you can have a hat if you want i'm changing my hats yeah you can i'm giving you my hat okay into the woods we're going to the hamburger joint uh just over there okay let's keep an eye out for it we have a few coming nice nice now stay here and lie and wait i don't want to go to the hamburger place so crouch yeah maybe that's a good idea we'll go to the hamburger place for about five minutes and then we'll wait till the area is uh thoroughly breached i always just well i just want i just wanted some hamburgers that one lost interest in the five of us and it went over to the thing stop making human-like moves everyone stay completely still for two seconds crouch um i don't feel sad okay never mind let's fight it but it didn't work it almost worked uh let's all get inside of the hamburger we'll fight a couple more then we'll get inside of the hamburger joint and emerge a few moments later and we will ascend there is a lot of potatoes ooh soy sauce make sure the coast is clear everyone make sure that you're squatting you know we don't want to cause too much commotion all right now we just stay in here for like five minutes and then we come back out and we can train our stealth would anyone like uh milk no thank you um i have some olive oil if y'all want to drink that oh an eggplant she can put that on okay if no one will have it i'm gonna drink the milk myself yeah you can drink the milk i don't need milk uh does anyone wanna use this kitchen knife so the end cupboard i like this wrench i was gonna say i'll just bang it in the uh backpack if need be okay we're in business this what's the situation with nurse hello yeah any any ideas where you are uh yes depends on where you guys are um oh i'm by the church why is voip on if you hear a um an uh siren we're probably close we're all squatting in what is basically a urinal oh god should i turn off i should turn off voip right because it's showing up on my screen oh is it yeah is it because they have caps lock yeah i forgot to turn it off but it's okay i'll turn it off uh where where were you guys again petrol station base stage from there oh yeah yeah petrol station right up north it's like a small little burger shack sunstar motel yep we're at the burger joint uh in the woods that's like a shack uh just south east of mccoy we're gonna be heading to mccoy but first off uh be very careful because there's a hoard of now uh broke look at me okay i think voip killed it i think wait no we're good we're good you were just walking the place for a little bit more fun all right oh my god i should put this petrol in the oven see what happens okay i think we're good to go now everyone make sure that you're squatting or training whatever skill you want to get better at and we're going to uh but don't walk too close to them otherwise you'll get them interested in us yeah engaged be careful and as soon as they're interested in one of us that's it came over yeah then run oh there really aren't that many uh a few more come okay right i'm gaining sneak here what are we doing just just wiggle around like a snake this is it's increasing the sneak stat you can use the walk to command as well and just click back and forth uh my sneakers not going up well you need to keep looking at them every now and then oh okay usually having them in sight and as long as none of them are uh detecting us this looks really strange but yeah this is how this game works i'm not really sure if we got one of them one of them's detected us we need to walk away before we kill it okay let's get beyond the tree line and then we'll fight it oh no he's a he's bored he's he's coming back he changed his mind okay good morning starting to show up probably because of the chunk loading and us coming closer to it it's odd he keeps changing his mind no he's committed good you've made a firm decision [Music] oh my god oh my god i think it's time to go we've got four the burger shack all right fast sneak away three two one go exhausted too oh oh [ __ ] can we fell over each other what the heck you died oh the alarm stopped or is that just uh yeah it's still going oh okay all right i say uh yeah that didn't work so uh oh i got like one whole point one whole xp from that yeah i think i got i got i got 22. oh jesus nice all right let's go to mccoy oh my god there's a zombie behind us 71 of us it's rather convincing there's two actually there's two we taken i think we can fight them yeah we don't want them to attract anymore oh how many hats are they gonna drop today we're at two two three oh there you go there's some hats nine oh wristwatch i want that it's gold gold one fancy designer oh look at you it takes me half an hour to unpack a water bottle yeah we are now experiencing depression compounded with all of the other negative traits that we had so we're going to need to i don't know find a lot of alcohol or orange soda or something to make ourselves happy well i'm a nervous wreck right now and depressed sorry uh is this the right path i never remember i think that this is you behind you go king oh oh my god we need to go we need to go we need to go there's so many yeah where did all that i can hardly see keep going up the road uh actually a path path this is not good oh they are mixed in with us look i'm pretending i'm one of them nope nope they're on to me yup get on the path chaps all right yeah my my container weight is starting to run low i was accidentally carrying two water bottles and i'm now completely exhausted i've cured my depression by eating mint candies spiff we've talked about this you're going to be losing weight because it's impossible it's impossible i'm growing you guys i'm 106. i've achieved increase in weight are you guys tired too i'm out of stamina it's almost like you guys haven't been eating four steaks a day to keep up your sleep go on keto keep walking keep walking and we'll try to narrow it down to two i'm not sure if we can take quite that many uh we do have a fence coming up safe is gone i'm sorry but you guys are too weak too weak you can't handle the four stakes today you can't you don't understand my grind set all right all right and we got the mom he was exhausted that was the one thing i wanted to yeah now you're on your own sir now you're on your own no it's incredible i'm going to read a newspaper whilst walking away you can't read i can't read you can't you can look at comic books but that's it i could make a newspaper hat though this boy knows how to live life oh jesus who dropped a perfectly good flashlight right there possibly me that looks like a jacket okay we can water ourselves in this trailer i found a lighter get out of there yeah i got a lighter though good job i have a molotov i mean all of us really really want cigarettes so yeah um you know how good of an idea jumping in there is but nope it's a bad idea i didn't think you would all do it i thought you would find something else to do oh there's a fence down there so we can't go that way all right everybody we've lost them we've broken line of sight now uh the next area we can go to which is more interesting is if we keep hanging up north so yeah uh we effed this up uh lumber yard lumber yard we'll be ready for lumber later for right now i don't think we're we could even carry yeah i'm kind of tired cool i've i've eaten three steaks on the way on this walk so far all right let's sit in this patch of gra sand which isn't grass because uh it has good contrast and we'll be able to see if there are any zombies around does anyone have light uh i mean you do have a lighter if you equip the light to get some slightly on the ground like it's a campfire how can i well can i just light it no you're already lighting it look you're slightly brighter i am the lord of light oh lord of light bring me victory upon my enemies this is burning all of the fuel we have i'm not using it i need it to light cigarettes okay do you like like this newspaper on fire or something no oh actually you know what would probably be is it as effective to sit on the ground as it is to sit in the chair should we get you a chair or at the same time perhaps bring a chair from outside would you like a chair yes let's go i'll go back and i'll get some other chairs and i'll bring one out for you to sit on out here among us look at this guy who thinks he can thinks he can uh carry a chair there are three zombies you know i'm not as worried about you i don't want to put my life at risk okay i've actually got heavy loads i was actually i ran over there because i was hoping someone would follow me because i didn't think i could do it on my own all right you're on your own i'm going to get the chair what am i if i don't come back tell the place you have not just pay rent i don't want to stay now but there aren't any lawn chairs over there i'm going i'm going i'm going to do it where's the lawn chair i'm scared oh i see him okay i'll i'll do it i am not a coward this is like the end of master and commander i think that's our biggest ship battle have you got any meat oh they just despawned we're fine yeah we can totally sit over here uh i've got a box of cereal food help help me help me my feet it's a girl crap uh hang on a second yeah you need to go start a name uh do you need bandages yes here we go i have no god okay take those bandages from the ground i need help okay thank you oh well i've got i i've got a whole medkit do you want to take that uh shoes i'm fine i have it on tv i'll place that on the table yeah let me let me let me drop the whole let me drop the whole med kit it'll take me about 20 minutes but okay go find a pair of shoes well done thank you hey welcome in what is that vhs tape oh that's a tv dinner we have butter for you hang on a minute yes please i don't have any food to share i need it i'm bulking for winter i'm i also need some chipmunk spiff is throwing on the pounds yeah i mean i need it oh yes the butter there you go actually i do need those pickles thank you i'm starting to get hungry again med kit because it's i i've got a heavy load when i carry it dumped on the floor are you able to hop a fence because three out of five of us are not i will find out it's your initiation to the pack let's see if you can jump a tall fence did you know that 60 of people cannot hop a fence before or after 60 of obese men who are naked can't hold fences sponsor one today oh i also have a water bottle you might want that they just start playing in the arms of the angels trying to hop a fence oh jesus oh do you need a water bottle i got one for her i have one i have one oh what you have one do you need a bleach water bottle oh that would be nice i just got normal i got a beer bowl as exciting as i get oh are you no you guys are just sitting on the ground you're like role-playing that you're in the chairs i'm actually sitting in the chair by standing to rest i know it may not look like i'm sitting but i i can assure you i am hey can multiple people rest in one chair at once try resting in my chair i can't i can't ah be fair there's just a chair in the office over here all right you go in there and be alone oh maybe that's what i want my phone yeah you find any shoes yeah coming in now okay oh you're a nice guy um hey i found an important piece of literature for you all right i'm i'm listening it's it's a bit of law read this oh you got the flashlight cool yeah yeah yeah please thank you uh i'm i can read now you can read that yeah i think you you said i smeal like poo roses are red violets are blue i think you smeal like poo you know i have a literature that's fine i'll allow it oh wow you picked did you unfortunately uh i don't have a pen does anyone have a pen uh i i do have a pen yeah i can i can fix that typo well i don't know who wrote that squidwards good yeah yeah yeah who wants to who wants to medicate yeah i need some sales follow me into the trailer to medicaid hey hey you got those pills man yeah yeah yeah yeah man i gotta keep getting my fix all right it's getting to be daylight now i think we can uh i think we can begin only once that now that's all the pills we got is anyone still exhausted because now i'm starting to get hungry and there's only one vending machine where we're headed uh i'm heading away to the vending i have a can opener by the way mm-hmm so yeah fanning machine it started off very cooperative but now it is starting to get kind of competitive i just need more food than the rest of you guys it's not my fault cause everyone else i'm just big boned okay just big boned you're the only one who's put weight on since we've started what do you mean yeah it's not my fault you guys don't have are you carrying a sack of rice around with you because that's what you're doing just full of potatoes i don't know what you wrote about you said carry the food for the tea but i'm carrying the food for the team yeah carrying the food for the tea not [ __ ] eat the food for the team i'm keeping it inside myself to keep it warm and safe you know there is something to be said here it's not like that you could get a heart attack from being obese as far as i know you could just keep packing on the pounds and exactly you'll still be at the same level of just garbage life hang on a second there's a plank in here well there's some great stuff in there this is just a lot of playing it's just a whole bunch of blanks oh duct tape in these cars oh yeah i've got a little bit of duct tape all right now we're in business again we still got that gas yeah yeah yeah yeah i've got i've got a can oh we're in the van hold on let me i'm running business i'm using my little amount of stamina yeah it's for the it's for the van good job i hold the power you can fit a grand total of two people wait can we not all jump in the back shotgun oh no it's a two-seater shotgun oh a magazine i can read one of those oh wait no it's a four-seater car never mind we're good oh it is that's pretty good oh it starts crap at least i still have my stamina all right i'm calling dibs because i have the petrol for it what's the plan here what's the plan i have the key i have the petrol spiff has the food we need to make some decisions oh it's fine i think let's walk we don't we don't need them i knew going for that key would secure my my safety i have sneakers just because you have the key doesn't mean you're one of the popular kids now i'm okay i'm gonna go eat my steak diane in the corner how am i gonna feel i like coach just left the car wait the car didn't work no the car does it needs to fuel the house should probably stick together oh so rar didn't want to get in the car because yeah he wouldn't leave with him well give me the fuel and i'll do it well i'm going fishing see y'all later we should all see jesus oh my god this is going to be a real iffy hang on a second let me get out i'll direct you okay you're good we're good yeah you're good we're good yeah no we're like the only problem is like we need another car there's a zombie with a satchel over there i could run them over yeah go north run them over there's a zombie with satchel i wanted yeah now you do have a car we're finally powerful yeah i'll round them up i'll round them up just i'm going to back up over them i'm just going to stay out of this all right yeah just stay out stay out i'm going to slow driver oh my god i think i'm just going to watch you fight yeah i've done this this is a brick beat down all right well done everyone well done spent enough time in london i know the ropes central man hey look there's another container as a satchel man and a duffel bag man jeez i could have run over satchel man oh that's the foreman no why would you do that to the foreman it's okay he doesn't believe in health and safety hey lying cause we can stomp on him we stomp on him you don't need to do that let me just [ __ ] uh let me just chop this um uh petrol in the boot because i'm fed up carrying it oh okay all right now we'll begin to look more and more there's a watch here if anyone wants it better if this is gonna take me about 10 minutes to put it in the boot oh my god you know this car is actually coming in handy [Music] did i put the is the fuel in the boot or did i uh yeah it should be very good yeah what kind of can do well yeah you know you're going at it in the right way you're slowly running over the zombies you don't know that'll keep the car in good condition you've attracted an additional five including duffel bag man i'll lead them over here i'll take him on well be careful what if it just stalls out i don't want you to die i'll i'll pair it up a person in the tiny shed uh the zombies are now on to you oh watch out spiff you're uh you're gonna die you're gonna die stop yeah i'm just maybe wiggling i'll handle this are you sure yeah we'll take a few of them that uh wander off to the side okay uh the good news is that we'll be able to you know okay smith is randomly just teleporting around on my screen you might need to reload you are teleporting again yeah that's what happens when you try and unload a sack okay oh so you can start eating your potatoes while you're watching everyone fight i was moving my potatoes into my uh oh take that instead then okay goodbye satchel another foreman i actually i want his vest so i'm gonna ah here we are well done well done lime i am through hero there's a hoard of five of them how's this car looking by the way it's kind of looking beat up hold on i think it was worth it though we won't do that again it's a blue hard hat who wants to be the blue one oh it's still pretty good it's still pretty good it's usable okay okay good job good job uh should we save it so if we get another car we can actually drive somewhere nice yeah okay i don't want to you know push it too hard it's tried harder enough it's not starting actually okay oh my i'm gonna put aside our uh our company ranger hats now now that we've moved on to these new hard hats goodbye ranger hat you seem you uh you symbolized camaraderie to me i'll see you later oh we got a couple zombies down here uh wow where did y'all go we have a crapload of flanks nothing but planks here actually yeah so many planks jesus christ oh a tire saw saw a lot of zombies just entered in from the north window watch out oh oh yeah watch out boys oh oh yeah yeah okay now we're getting into the long blunt weapon class there's some there's some good weapons over here on the top uh oh i wonder if um how would uh how would spears do in this type of run ear protectors yes you're right we could all be spear we could be like a tribe of spiel i mean spear wielders try saying that very difficult i think the spear is the way to go uh obese men with hard hats and spears is that our gimmick charging we're slowly wallowing well you're emaciated right i'm horribly amazing so it looks like that you've just stolen all of your food for years dear god there's more there i'm outside yeah wait wait i just narrowly escaped death i don't know who was on the other end of you yeah you just chucked nurse into her death oops the weakest link might not have been on purpose all right if we got one behind us buddy oh okay i'm gonna go around i'm gonna go i think you mean you've got one no it's okay i'll help you stop stop stop he wants the white hard hat that's pretty uh that's pretty cool that one no weird one is good but i prefer my fireman one close this garage door what do we need to oh my god jesus oh my god what's going [Laughter] did someone just get back nearly nearly nearly okay oh god my frying pan broke out let me grab my knife at me oh boys there are loads of them coming boys about like i've this all the food i've got all the food we can go the food's gone people we need to come together off me where are we going okay it's door seems pretty good uh until it doesn't can you swing it though i think we can actually make spears now what do you need a saw uh i did find a saw and we have planks that means we can make spears right yeah uh no all we need is a knife or spears ah you're right um oh how about um oh yeah we'd find it all in the woods yeah uh bro i've got a gift for you i have an access to screwdriver okay now we're getting hooked up with hardware i'm gonna go look in the woods would anyone like to wield the deadly rake all right rod look behind you i have a gift you're behind me oh yeah well they are screaming saws and screwdrivers over here oh a hammer okay now we can start to do construction my boyfriend it's going to take me half an hour to unpack it from my duffel bag so i'll just share your food and now you're showing your axe more definitely i know i'm doing it because i'm kind and generous because i just found another one well done i don't mind taking scratch no longer blind you'll take those scraps and you'll enjoy it how much food you got as well you don't want to know it's best if you don't i'm hungry okay that can be your ex please how would you how about a tub of mustard for the for the good boy i don't do anything man i'm [ __ ] i'm starving have this tub of mustard with your handx we can start to set up a base here now i always take the ages to pick the axe up i can't why does it take me so long to pick an axe why are you clapping at me should we take the old cromulan archer base and go to the north building hey i like that oh it's going to make me unhappy there's a log in the back of this so we could actually start a campfire there are many logs uh you know we could we could even build our own like section over here you think there's carbon monoxide poisoning in this game if we start a fire endorsed maybe there is if you're lying i have a gift for you oh i know i'm generous i am yeah he gave me a tub of mustard and an eggs i love mustard yeah i eat the whole top you're gonna love what i'm about to give you i'm just gonna wait 10 minutes for it just gonna wait 10 minutes for you to unpack everything from it almost done just the last last can of soup i believe in you there you go two more boxes of water then we're good to go i love what you're just waving your axe around as well just wait for you to slice your own face off to be honest there we go this is now yours it's a satchel oh i love alcohol it has calories no it's 1500 to be exact ho hold on wait booze can't be at hold on i gotta i gotta take it out of my bag earlier we should probably um move why i i gotta close the deal i gotta put this there's some zombies behind here okay no can yeah there we go wouldn't it be quicker just use the trade feature in game oh i wish i told you about that we did i can't i'll get out of oh he's got a suit no i'm cool with the apron oh are we all wearing uh construction hats now is that like the vibe is that like i said from school he's just like you know trying to be cool and yeah i was trying to do this well i guess i'll um i'll confirm i'll confirm him he hasn't kept up with the times she's still old school we've moved on man come on oh oh oh did you just get are you serious hang on are you right uh yeah fine i think nurse is gone i'm fine the man just bandaged something he banned it i did not bandage anything okay nothing going on here nothing nothing let me just wait a second first i toggle into uh into murder [Music] why would you do that [Music] oh my god behind you oh crap wait this one's got a hand axe i want that uh did you kill dead ghoul oh he had cigarettes he was hoarding cigarettes got his friendship bracelet oh i gave him the friendship bracelet from before fine oh my god pick up his hammer on the floor that's a good way that was that was rather nice [Laughter] that he suddenly attached a bandage to his hands i was one like somebody to get in the closet or something and me just turn right then and there oh right uh who wants the friendship bracelet now yeah i do not want that friendship break so you stay away from me i didn't mean to drop your body hold on those who refuse my friendship pay in the afterlife uh i'd rather pay in the afterlife than die sooner oh sorry i don't want to quite meet it yet uh i am completely exhausted oh should we take a little pit stop yeah i mean we got everything we need to start a base here we should make a pyre and burn ghoul's body it's massive yes wait what happened to ghoul's body it despawned i i'm carrying it oh you're just gonna take over my yeah we need to do to him what they did to the ancient uh greeks in the trojan war yeah we'll burn his body and we'll pour out libations to the gods did anyone actually check the upstairs of this place i know there might be food there oh no i don't think so maybe wait um i just realized i have the ticket to infinite food oh yes that's right oh there's nothing up here get digging boy all right wait wait i i don't want to just dig in a field while the room one boy i don't want to be careful boys smith has now gone rogue to cruise with nurse i'm eating a cockroach okay okay all right let's split up for a few seconds i'm gonna go sit in the bathroom alone uh you all have a good time well actually no there's no chairs in here ah damn it all right good games everybody good luck all right i know where there's a car we could just get out of it and leave these psychopaths behind yes i have the key oh [ __ ] god it's if it's the goddamn friendship bracelet fine why did i accept smith's the next one to go well in return do you want to wear this silver bangle of mine there you go look here's one boy no that would be that would be one boy stop calling me boys how many worms you got boy [Laughter] is one boy doing his job hold on i have some uh i have some i have some fertilizer should we should we bury him is if i dig a grave right in here will it will it break the um oh it's fine okay i've i've evacuated all the worms out of that area i feel like we just lost the first oh i have an idea we could do like a group exercise routine who wants to lead i do not we're having a little funeral over here i'll lead if no one else do you think he'd want me to be at the funeral ceremony whoops i keep dropping this oh we know i think you should do the eulogy in there he was a big man he's not even in there well there's not much to say about him over that he left me all these cigarettes so just smoke one of these yeah well i know i recognize him where is i knew him like a brother um no put him in the hole okay oh i think we could need a deeper grave he was a big boy he was a really big boy no no no why are you digging for worms over his grave that's incredibly rude an attractant it's bait let's see lovely we use this rotted zombified corpse to harness worm power how do you think we're gonna live forever oh there you are uh i wasn't planning for that long live i was just expecting to live until the food right out we fell i am 10 worms right now i am i'm getting hungry again he who holds the food holds the power yeah they treat at the moment i need to go drink some water though so i'm going to go about some good news guys we're still gaining weight still tiny weight you're going to be all doubtful you keep eating at least his body will fertilize the earth oh excellent i'm actually making art right now oh are you doing pixel art or are you writing a word yeah yeah i'm making pixel art oh i see i already see what he's making you immature boy you can already see that why is one of them larger than the other it's realistic look at the microwave you can have it you can have it oh a microwave it's a bit scattered because this is student delicacy step away from the microwave just just work downwards okay you get no no no you back you back up sir you you step away cleaning up your broken glass that you destroyed you slob you animal get out of it this is this i can't even see you anymore no i just feel sad now my man my friend is dead dory we're we're getting a lot of worms from it i don't think i can so what's what's actually north of this place uh sledgehammer more axes up there we could do with some like farming supplies i i reckon we might find it yeah beautiful yeah seeds would be really useful got a microwave steak actually takes longer than expected yeah i think i need to rest uh unfortunately you cannot uh rest on a there's some plastic chairs over here i need to uh like reset up some recording stuff because it's hit the two hour mark and i like to do two hour recordings oh look at this guy thinking about the editing process just it's just easy to work with two hours rather than like you know really long things yeah i've had the power i've had the unfortunate joy of working with audio drift and it is horrific now what is everyone's is everyone i'm exhausted i am very hungry i have severe is everyone severely depressed i'm just agitated uh i'm not depressed um i don't know why you guys would ever be depressed i'm nervous wreck i'm moist you want something to cure your depression just just a little bit i i gave the only cure for depression that was this is basically the currency that we're going to have to use among our group yeah yeah and food and cigarettes i can have one all right uh hang on a second let me let me uh i'll trade you yeah what have you got to trade for the bin candy oh wait hang on a second i'm too depressed so i can't actually put these down what is this oh that's okay [Laughter] you can keep that you can keep that i don't need that all right the more for me we're going to build boys around we can lower our balls oh there's a trowel just keep on going yeah i'm pretty sure that lime is digging us like unlimited worms right now all right there's a shovel in here as well i'll go up like three yeah and go diagonal where'd i put my duffle bag uh this one wow wow this did anyone grab it i found something if you sit near the radio your boredom goes down yeah yeah yeah yeah i was just yeah uh is anyone grabbing this like these saws and stuff uh no just no not at all what we know where they are so we can keep them here well aren't we going to be moving soon oh it's fine it's fine we're probably going to be staying around here for a while why would you leave there's so much the only thing that we don't have here unfortunately is food so despite the fact that we have well unless if we eat worms for the next 40 days it's beautiful i think i have a feeling this is good yep i'm just gonna eat this cake must we listen to the uh boring radio you've got cake as well let the people eat cake how much food do you have enough so i can survive for you know you survive or we survive uh myself and a select few i guess do you still have ghoul's blood on your body it seems that you cleaned off the pink socks those have been with you since the very beginning this sucks the the reminder of my humanity and the rest is the reminder of what i've had to do to survive i can't believe you mauled him with an you know cold blood you just uh no cold blood i was quite warm with the time he was cold you just ran up to him and said axe him in the face i was like we can help him we can fix it if you question him he's probably gonna kill you next though so just go along with it yeah i'm sorry i gave you i gave you that steak bro i gave you that i'm sorry i'm sorry sir kneel before we kneel please forgive me i i will not question you anymore you need to get a bigger weapon you should probably train your aiming skills have my approval i thought you were gonna make us some uh some food do you do after all have on an apron now i mean isn't that what you're contributing to the group every i don't know at the end of the day we're all gonna have to show how much we contributed to see who gets the most food and after all i don't actually have like any food on me my job is food distributor deems myself the most important i i i i all i have is painkillers to take the pain of starvation away i love that nice little base camp yeah there's a chair over here we have tons uh now we're gonna have to ration these out everyone where's the table where we can set this out there's a table over here with the radio that we're listening to for entertainment i i i busted my butt to get these all right like you put some clothes on man come on oh since we're all depressed we can actually just eat worms and it's don't oh oh i'm going to uh stay clear of the worms you guys can eat the worms but i'm okay without them oh food of the gods there's a lot of protein are we going to get like a tapeworm from these oh i've achieved a weight of 107. i just lost another kilogram of weight i've been eating freaking worms how do we rest efficiently now too uh there's some chairs in the office in there there's a zombie in here by the way yeah i think i'm just gonna sit again yeah come to the benches don't worry no you can't unfortunately sit on the benches so i'm just gonna yeah you can rest only on these lawn chairs on the inside oh you know what though my uh my inventory is over in cumbered too now that i mention it i don't really need this frying pan anymore please battle with water i could actually just go in the woods to look for berries i better do that yeah mysteriously disappearing into the woods that sounds like a great idea right now is there a vending machine in the place to our north there's not a there's not really that much food here anymore unfortunately there might be one there's no food but it has about one orange really the value of this area is to find the tools that we did and then pretty much bro i have an idea come with me um [Music] yeah but we want so i'm just dumping some stuff down i'll be with you yeah dumpster i actually know i'll i'll also pop a piper chin here yeah i'll just go trailer stuff i can just drop what are you guys everything looks really suspect over there they're doing something british we're just unloading pipe wrenches into a cupboard very slowly yeah and broken frying pans and i've got a bottle of disinfectant it looks like they're doing the macarena uh into one another hey macarena something something something oh wait i've had antidepressants on me this whole time why haven't i been chugging them oh dear just fill the zombies don't go in yeah i could have answered that one for you before you went in now i'm i'm like taking with me damage discover the game no i am improving okay i am getting better i think i'll eat worms to heal oh good i'm not as completely exhausted as i was before excellent this is all part of the plan hey nurse you get the game plan you're exhausted or are you feeling better now i am i understand all right yeah i i think i figured it out i'm gonna sit right here oh wow all right do you wanna i think we can do you enjoy my collection of uh bobbles and and trinkets yeah i don't really know what this is i can't i can't use it water if you want any of that i have uh no i have a garden hoe i can't carry any of them otherwise where's the car key sparky yeah the car key for the car you think i'd leave that no that's steeper so the only driver has mysteriously disappeared into the woods i'm right in front of you without really telling us a reason for why you went into the woods why did you go into the woods again this car was good i was looking for berries oh that was a good idea let me see the back window uh there's tv shows coming on i love it when the public riots i predict a riot oh it just had adhesive batteries we got some zed's coming in did we go to the north like area now or like yeah we're just uh recovering from our exhaustion yeah let's head let's head north bro we need to get that food i think we should go north because they might take everything before we get there no no no we got the worms that's okay you guys can eat your worms there's some more cars up here to be fair i'll be finding cockroaches yeah i mean you still have all that fuel on you so we could actually be good with a car they're gonna eat all the guys it's in the boot with the other car this is really quickly turned into lord of the flies i've accepted my place in the world eating cockroaches and random assortments of insects she said something i'm trying to make sure that i have enough uh items on me so that i'll survive no matter what happens because some stuff is gonna happen all right bleach bottle and a trowel i think i've pretty much covered hunger and thirst forever as long as i have those two items right yeah no the trowel is oh god uh well i found the food area it's behind this glass there are zombies just chilling here uh let's say there's yeah unfortunately yeah let's just kill these zombies and then we'll get to the food area yep i can't even wear some of my armor because it's too heavy for me to wear uh we've got quite a few zed set that's okay we've got it we got it he's got a biker jacket where's your hair uh i took off my helmet because i it was too heavy for me to wear there's nothing there's one more in there yeah another one thank you yes oh no it just wants to bang his head on the other window i'm gonna head around i don't trust that and there's no reason for us to get rid of it so i'm gonna walk over here instead no it's okay guys i'm killing it oh strong out the window with me oh this guy's got gloves oh look at that i'll put my head there we go we're in there we go yeah look at that take those fingerless gloves no th too much weight i need to stay stay on the yeah same here i'm starting to see why you're just wearing nothing because i too struggle there's no food in here machines grab your vending machines there's nothing in the vending machines okay don't worry i've got two sets of frozen peas in the sausage here to keep a lookout for the keys because if we get another key we can siphon out gas no they took all of the food look they've already broken the window and murdered several people before we got here that's fine we have the worms you have the worms you don't need the food you have the worms oh there's a zombie on the other side of this door come on gang all right everyone i'll get into the get into the break room for a moment uh uh stand right here we need to tune in guys uh crap wait a minute before we do that we have to kill this zombie is there another vending machine in this place stay inside of this room all right okay uh let's line up uh oh there's another there's another this is here's a question yeah how many zombies has everyone killed um oh i have killed twenty eight three i've i've killed thirty-eight oh my god fifteen cute this is how we measure our worth now at the end as is why i should have all of the food i need the food for my muscles to hit zombies harder well that sounds like a problem for someone who should have killed more zombies i i've killed 39 now actually okay i've killed uh uh a lot right but uh come back into the main room we're gonna be doing uh some burpee oh wait no i'm too exhausted to exercise [ __ ] hell lyme you just get the crap out of me a mousetrap that's infinite food that's food [ __ ] you give me all attack first okay i know where to go well actually i'd uh normally i would well you can't lead the way but no it's just not really working room over here hmm no that one does oh wow this is a room of stuff we're on our way slowly some nails an electrical wire uh metal pipe there melt sheet i'll take that one actually well there's another there's another building to the north is there food in that one there's water in it but there's there might be seeds but no food seeds will be worth it though because that is food well we also have to wait for the plants to grow in real time that's fine we can do that i think we should probably take a group and go back to the town to grab food in the car or something well i think we need to set up like some farming and then yes we need to do a food food drink oh god no and a box of screws oh my god no wait what happened everything is fine that that doesn't you just lead them around in a circle i'll get them we need to do a medical check on you too no no no uh those are she's doing good she's just leading them leading zombies in a circle for me all right i think i'll let you guys will i watch and catch my breath oh that's a zombie right no that's just oh wait they're getting a lot of work done out there they're getting more powerful fine you're fine i'm fine oh yeah i saw that that one was fine lime how many worms do you have um how many do you need i'm just checking i have ten well we did a great job clearing up one of those running out of uh body space here hold on let me drop some phobia i know you're a nice guy don't don't spend it all in one place now as i'm now exerted and my lungs are feeling tired i shall smoke a cigarette to heal them oh yes yep that's how it works oh oh [ __ ] oh he's totally dead we can't do anything to save him though [ __ ] you oh my god you got yourself killed my one english friend oh no i told you he did something to him because he was evil and british [Laughter] out the door out the door i'm gonna run down the door might have some stuff on his body though oh i had loads of stuff i'd loads and rails and hammers and stuff two were gone uh he didn't have any food on his body so he's not that valuable but he did have a hammer uh i'm sorry i was holding it for the last minute just in case we ran out well this is an iron man challenge now you're permanently dead oh well it's because you wouldn't accept the friendship bracelet yeah you would have survived they're like oh you two are probably watching the door and then i wasn't going to leave i don't mess with that i don't want to die ghoul was the first one to accept it so he was spared as the first person to die which means he didn't need to accept uh or rather experience any of the deaths of any of the other group members aside from his own yeah to be fair it's probably a good time to call it it's like two o'clock in the morning oh hmm [Music] that has been good fun chaps so i do appreciate uh yeah when we manage to recover your body we'll give you also a royal funeral thank you thank you on top of the worm pit we hate to see you go uh it's been a pleasure it's been great fun i do appreciate it we have to do more stuff like this yes hey that means four seats we can drive on out of here what spiff get the cereal did you get the message that i send you you send me a message no not you not you ain't what's going to say oh i have no message for the dead oh it's okay do you need fire have you got a piece of paper on you uh no i had to put it down because the piece of paper was too heavy to carry around yeah anyway i'll catch you guys later unfortunately so um oh there's a mouse trap in here oh i did get that i did get that okay okay yep come into this back cupboard uh [Music] broom uh empty bucket bleach tomatoes tomatoes do you think we're gonna harm ourselves with this plunger not the plunger but the mouse trap is food yeah yeah we can set those up uh hand me the mouse traps i'll be the uh i'll be the trapper oh yeah the forager the farmer i have a lot of roles could someone else i shall become sausage master uh actually i do need food i'm very hungry now okay let me give you uh a slice of cake oh my god a water bottle you get a cake just pulled it out my ass now you're eating my ass cake unfortunately it didn't sate me my panic's going down because we're in a big room amazing how about a nourishing cigarette with that would that help your hunger cigarette yeah eat them absolutely absolutely hey also i found some fertilizer so we could well we could really get some crops going oh another important message what will it say this time is this the same important message i don't know everyone keeps telling me things i'm like i'm like an unwilling confidant for quite a lot here i don't know this is the same uh misspell see the same message [ __ ] from the last time all right give me that message back so i could edit it i know i'm just gonna let you live with your upsetment over your own spelling but and carry this around all right okay i'll grab one of these strawberry seeds also we can leave like whenever yeah we've got we've got the strawberry seeds right so let's get growing yeah and now that yeah now that we also have the car i think we should probably leave we could we can go up to uh somewhere yeah i finally like to wait and i should be uh good to go i was so exhausted from carrying around that piece of paper before oh do you have the mousetrap by the way i would love him uh did we just leave that mousetrap behind i think we did yeah unfortunately i remember there may or may not be a large horde about to burst out yeah yeah yeah that's true do we want the series i'm not going to go i don't want to be good about the cereal oh no yeah i don't want to split up the group yeah i don't want to die this is as fast as i can walk so where are we driving to uh is there like a nice cabin somewhere uh we could go to the west point mansions those are a nice place oh have they got food well now we are rich uh whittled ourselves down to an even force it will all fit in that car natural selection the culling is that the fastest that you can go nurse um yeah you have a little bit of a limp let me put my uh put your walking shoes on lime why why aren't you wearing any clothes it's streamlined um okay he was uh he was faltering underneath the weight of the clothes reject clothes return to worm it's just all in an attempt to reduce weight so i can move normally all right where is that is that the car yeah that blue one right yep that's our baby oh wait a minute did we get in here we got in here didn't we yeah oh there's only a broken broom in oh here we go oh whoops that's much better hey okay i survived hop on in everyone i'm gonna go check the map just so we i don't strand a map or no map do we want to get lost uh but we're not we're not gonna get lost okay yeah where are you going uh we're going to the west point cabins oh hold on i left the uh the key in a very special spot let me just pull it up i can't wait to sit for a few hours let's do the work we even got headlights wow look at this premium wow and if we need more fuel it's in the boot yeah does anyone want drugs i have some drugs which kinds what kind what kind pain killing drugs you just initiate trade in a moving vehicle yeah no i'm not i'm not in any pain do you have uh i'm also not in pain i could really use those or anything to ease my anxiety is this a smoking or a non-smoking car no too late it's a smoking car now but i've been i've been trying to go cold turkey i mean surely like whilst i'm smoking the cigarette you guys get the feeling of the cigarette being smoked also i'm just saying the hood is completely destroyed so oh look at that backpack look at that keep stalling out oh god hold on no check this out check this out don't worry i'm going to be the only one yeah get it oh that's kind of crazy i didn't know that you could do that wow you can do that it's looking good from all the other sides as well oh yes i saw it i grab it yeah grab it grab it grab it yeah uh i'll take yours i'll take your current one actually okay yeah yeah um i'll i'll drop it speak i'll outplay you guys move on a few seconds a few seconds okay let's go i'll give it to you um when uh all right that would be really nice yeah it takes me like about like seven days to manage the inventory so i'm just gonna spend that the entire car right yeah the fastest way to give someone an item is not to put it on the ground it's to open up the complicated trade menu uh instead uh i've just been enjoying the ride now i'm finally catching my breath maybe i'll even be able to walk once would you like to trade with me the cd of bible readings thank you so much for the trip oh you kept the truth can we plug the bible readings in yeah let's oh yeah oh yeah let's go wow it might actually be the tower of babel oh no i'm here this is the bible this is in the bible [Laughter] that's like joyce mixed with the bible the moo cow oh jesus feel the most most nutritious taste of explosion the message of the cows chernarus uh colonel smythe smith been detecting some oh yeah this lowers the stress oh listen yeah we're listening to a radio story no i mean all that we have where i live is those people telling us about the book of revelations and how we'll die yeah we just don't really have that in the uk religion is kind of you know optional it's too bad you really you're missing out it's one of my right favs to that yeah it comes in all blurry too so it sounds like it's from we're lost hold on what do you mean this is a road this goes somewhere well there's a trailer this way there's not that much else this way though you could yeah you have to go quite a bit farther back south i was not telling you that we were going the wrong way because i need to catch my breath and i also think that you're trying to kill me uh yeah uh let me see can i trade uh damn it i can trade only with nurse we can't trade oh no i lied we totally can't time will you trade with me while you're driving yeah yeah oh my god don't trade and drive them hold on don't trade and drive that's dangerous yeah let me um hold on i got to unequip this no what was that fig above your head what is that oh that's a frog ah there we go you can put a frog above your head oh you managed to put it how do you improve it i wish i knew this how is this done asterisks oh and then what you write the word eggplant yeah well let me try that didn't work guys oh i got it to work oh manifest what you want to see in the world you know i do find it funny how like this car is obviously like revving its engine as fast as possible and we're going like 10 miles an hour well i mean like sunday driving means you drive in the lowest gear possible with your foot on the floor permanently that's how you do it i'm totally recovered now i'm ready for another fight i could keep walking forever except i'm starting to starve to death as well oh that's not good can we take this path down i'm going to take this bath down oh no no no no no no i i don't i think i'd like to get out of the car all right you know there wasn't anything that bad in the city i'm a little bit more confident in my body have you ever heard of a shortcut no apparently you can try and cut down tree whilst driving yeah let's head up toward the uh let's head up toward a restaurant we're all hungry now it's been uh there's somewhere we'll find produce we need to accept uh give spiff the meat or what is this [ __ ] now we go to louisville uh do i have anything to trade uh you know you you can have me through my main inventory yeah actually i do value my life i give you a single mint candy oh thanks you're a nice guy oh piece of candy oh wait this might have a lot of calories and he might be trying to fatten us up like hansel and gretel tasty oh this is weird oh we're heading toward west point you mad man uh we're gonna be going towards the west point rich people homes oh like you're gonna go stomp us off at that uh diner at the diner so that we can consume lettuce and graze for the next few days oh i thought we were still going fishing oh no oh that's right i totally forgot about our adventure yes yes it must be so what else i love to escape the best i can do is a stick of nothing actually i don't want to say that i have that never mind sticking butter this man has a stick of butter no no no no we'll just pantomime whatever we think he has it's bait for the fish you'd waste perfectly good butter on fish how could you there is no bath oh yeah is it like severely like it's just on your way she's the one i know i'm sitting next to her i'm i'm ready to dive out of the car at any moment um you know a cool 61 pound oh my god 61 i'm almost twice your weight [Laughter] have you lost any weight since this began we were both 105. i've lost two kilos really actually i've only lost i shouldn't be doing that entire ham oh hold on i've actually no i'm still the same 105. um damn it car is for everyone [Music] that would severely lower my value to the group we're not gonna do that yeah i think we're all just kind of you were adding value uh wait did we leave a bunch of worms on the table we did unfortunately all of the time you spent picking up worms well it doesn't really matter because we have the trowel which is the means to the worms oh yeah this is fine let's get out at this sketchy diner where nothing will go wrong uh this appears to be a lot of a lot of friends here it was an ambulance not as bad as it could well actually this oh no this is quite bad maybe uh what are we doing what are we are you continuing yes it's up to you guys that's i i personally wouldn't this is quite bad i need to run over people this car is not in a fit state for such a thing to happen yeah the hood is the puts yeah it's it's the legis engine so it's not all right keep going keep going you do you we'll just root for you as you go don't just stop now don't just stop now just threading the needle oh whoops [Music] why would you do that she's trying to signal them she's not on her side why would you do that to herself i just wanted to scream everyone else was doing it what is this this is a great road vehicle sport this looks amazing what is that is did nassco somehow infiltrate our server he's just gonna appear out of the woods that's the ghost of ghoul and aurora here to enact their revenge dark robed man armed with a with a glock nine [ __ ] so uh how's everyone's date going it's going great that's wonderful to hear i was gonna ask if someone wanted a bite to eat but oh that's terrible is that a church oh no it's not it's a donation oh no it's it's it's a it's a total sales we might say yeah we're at south of the border we might be able to stop here and get some fireworks yeah let's go okay uh there's a lot of zombies coming over from the right well left side to be faster than them oh i feel great right now just grab all the food off the tables grab the food off the tables and run go go go go go get the burgers oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh good it's good oh this is so good we lost nourishment uh 33 of our fat friends well actually you're uh actually isn't that the um the the number of people who couldn't climb the fence all right yeah that's true but only one of them there's no correlation it was only 50 percent who could climb the fence anyway it was spiff and ghoul right yeah and i'm still here and he did oh here we go have you all gotten food yeah we've cleared it out pretty much oh there's a fridge there's a fridge there's ice cream yeah yes i want you to have some yes okay okay oh yes i will accept this you're my best friend thank you i will hold on hold on i have something for you give me a sec oh look they added a paper bag sprite here please take this i'm being weighed down by grapefruit again hold on never mind i messed it up oh nothing thank you wait wait wait wait here we go okay okay here uh they're at the kitchen door thank you you're welcome yeah we might need to go through the windows crap it might have caused this our lives okay let's go i'm just quickly eating this grapefruit give me my god you guys oh you made me fall over you bastard oh whose far is that from running into don't let lime get to the car alone why are those two just guarding it oh i like this what was it that was the sound of glass i'm pretty sure you need to probably kill these two right i think we can fight again ah oh wait i'm being crushed underneath the weight of a few french fries what was that someone get chopped again that was a noise no no no no no i'm good i'm good i'm good i get in the car okay we need to leave we need to leave get in the car oh [Music] all three of you are going to die yeah we're all good we're good okay yeah if we're gonna die caa no no please i'm so sorry i didn't mean i'll give you all my food ah whoops also did you just say nurse was your best friend uh hold on there's a gas can in the car no who put it actually you know oh oh i see how this is oh this is just turning into a giant [ __ ] post all right damn it man i'm really running out of water i'm gonna need water i have ketchup if you want does it really do you like to eat some strawberry seeds i think a lot of food stuff contains water yeah unfortunately they don't do it like that in the game need some water nurse i as much as i appreciate this yeast i don't i i'm throwing it out the window hold on i have water give us give us this day our daily east oh thank you so much thank you so much i don't know what ha i have an empty bottle of here you go uh one minute i don't know why i'm just giving you my my trash thanks thanks this is maybe you can use that somehow i've always wanted this it does hold more so it's not totally useless it but i get crushed underneath the weight of a of a bleach bottle full of water unfortunately i'm getting stronger has anyone actually leveled up fully yet on anything oh no no i'm nearly there on strength are you i'm the closest i am to leveling up is uh fishing how that's just for watching a tv you should you should be on melee though i mean i i was accidentally carrying around like five pounds a quarter i'm now nearly at strength level one is anyone close to that or is it because we could do push-ups once we get to our destination you know yes we were going to have a fitness class right let me take this time to actually uh gas out the rest of the car hold on let's just get out right here and uh and we'll have a fitness montage okay yeah let's do some push-ups all right everyone get over here on the highway i'll lead us this way unless if anyone else is in license a backup i don't want you that close okay all right okay okay we're gonna begin uh we should we should form uh we should form like a triangle shut up yeah this is my class not yours all right okay all right the first exercise will be the squat we're gonna do 10 minutes of squats first we're gonna do the macarena for a minute and then just uh right like this my legs do it or else okay my thighs are quivering all right i can see them shaking does that actually make us stronger now we uh this doesn't make you any stronger it just makes you look funny uh it's fitness uh unfortunately no we aren't gonna do that at all okay uh there is no fitness class i lied oh uh can i have the keys now no burpees what actually does make you stronger i can't remember is it burpees uh infant fitness rally push-ups okay yes uh that's what i meant to say we're doing uh 20 minutes of push-ups carrying i'm already exhausted i'm already exhausted i'm already tired too oh my god guys why are you trying to lose weight what the hell you saying i'm not perfect the way i am pressured into it wait wait this is the wrong one oh my god i'm almost up to fitness level or rather strength level one i might be able to hold an entire water bottle if i get there i knew you were onto something when you were just doing sit-ups at the beginning of this challenge why are you guys still going i got tired oh uh it's glitched so once you start exercising and people can see you they don't stop oh oh wait you're are you telling me you're not exercising yeah none of you guys are exercising okay yeah y'all can leave and rejoin oh no i'm i'm doing exercise i really was yeah like nurses nurse is now invisible oh that's because she entered the car right yeah yeah oh that fixes it okay i do need that water bag can i have my water back please you do have your water back oh let me go gas this thing up that's oh i do have my water packs thank you yeah yeah i just took it so i could refill my bottle i thought you were trying to slowly uh cause me to die of thirst ah yes and for my next evil maneuver you shall die slowly all right well um nurse isn't in the car i think we're good i know she's in no i mean is she oh no now everyone's updated no one's exercising randomly in front of me anymore yeah we're fine let's get back on the open road let's go yeah yep it's gassed up ready to round let's go to wally world let's go to the spiffo museum there we go we're good oh yeah we got tunes bible readings i won't leave bible readings yeah what a luxury it would be to have a cd player in the car you know they came and they went pretty fast there's no more cd players in cars that is true we even have at least like a vhs tape player remember those tvs i bet there are some out there imagine watching like vhs oh no nnr is on i don't know i'm just talking about how screwed the world is good channel to eat your fries too yeah i'm having a good time having a good time to that right did they remove the ability to medically inspect other people uh no you can still do that no you just have to stand still as far as i know yeah it should still be in there but i don't think in the car now now we are gonna have to drive through west point so uh get prepared guys if i hit too many zombies we actually all might die horribly yeah just don't do you have any other inspiring speeches for us uh the world is ending good i thought this was just everyone is going to be back to normal tomorrow it's just a mild case of the flu oh there's a prisoner in there is that a prisoner wearing a santa hat no i didn't think there it is welcome to prison this is your new uniform start owen oh maybe that's what they do for manual labor they just all become like mall santas just work their way out you've never had a prisoner crawl his way down your chimney and deliver presents out of anyone prisoners would probably be the best at breaking in places you know in reality st nick was actually a brawler and he was known to get into several fist fights oh did he win them uh no but they they canonized him for it i wonder do you think we need to make fries now with like a potato hmm they added in a lot of new cooking recipes actually advanced cooking oh nice jeep take us somewhere exciting uber driver take me to school ah take me to church okay we're going to school no [Music] take me somewhere nice the best i can do is play nnr radio uber driver please kill my depression the best i can do is killing you is anyone else unpleasantly hot oh god no yes actually yes you need i think you're trying to heat up the car i just thought it'd be fun to have a hot car okay we're going to leave at least we'll all stay awake oh my god uh lime forgot lime why did you drive onto the grass i don't know you're just kind of circling about because i'm just off the books don't worry i know where we're going let's go louisville uber driver take me to louisville we're going to the west white homes to go fishing uh yeah we're going fishing you know we should go fishing though we did say we would at the beginning yeah we have a beautiful spot for it a bunch of rich people they definitely have six figures 401ks and we're going to live the rest of our lives there we won't have to be uber drivers anymore i was i was just unemployed so you you're saying that you are that you're an imposter you're in person my mom took away my license does she have the authority to do that she has my social security number and i can't remember it cause i'm illiterate whose fault is that mom she didn't teach me to read so it's hers oh we are we are at uh the church are we on the road the take me to take me to church all right we're gonna be going to a real pleasant place nice where nothing can go wrong uh turning on it off my recording oh yeah thank you it's shadow play what do you have it set to like caps lock or something alt f9 ah oh that's good actually i have alt x uh wrong turn but we could stay here for a little bit yeah this looks like sure this looks like a nice spot it's a home with a white van which has a wrench in the back away from them there's a thing inside there there's one zombie oh okay maybe we'll get some good stuff out of here let me open up the window for this should we how many are there i don't want to pull another rod there's only one just one is oh okay if you want to open the door i'm just open the front door yeah yeah no need to go against it you just smash the back door nurse despite the fact we had opened up the door already you're completely in that damn it i broke the window oh my gosh we could watch the donkey kart race oh i think we're going to see the clinton inauguration put the put the shrimp in the microwave oh yeah let's just relive the greatest moment in american history the inauguration of bill clinton ah oh we could uh we could sit around the tv and we could watch it i mean after all it is the 90s maybe we will see the inauguration jaunty irish music this is the um donkey race we also have a vhs called home but it's just it's kind of ominous yeah that sounds like a horror movie more than anything else so what i'd like is a vhs tape just the ring you watch the vhs taping game and bam you're dead girl comes out of the tv oh my gosh this is a good time to level up our carpentry disassembling everything oh you have items on you yes i have the big bag i was too weak to carry them i'm gonna go ahead and i mean if we're gonna be dry it seems like i shall also try and disassemble some things i'm going to go forage for berries i'm disassembling the tv oh we have two i feel like that's a bad idea guys we have three zombies outside yeah we have zombies hold on uh you might not want to open the door right now there's perfectly good shrimp microwaving it here is it microwave the shrimp that's looking good it's looking good oh jeez oh um if you want you could disassemble stuff i i got the bed done you want the uh screwdriver no good i don't need this assembled stuff oh my shrimp is now cooked i shall turn off the microwave for you oh we need to use the new foraging system if we want to forage have you tried this yet is it any good uh i have not tried it uh do we want to wait til we get to the rich homes or do we just want to settle down here well i'm getting hungry i wanted to see if i could at least find some berries in the woods okay yeah we could look around a bit has the foraging worked for you at all i um i don't know don't know once i think it's i think it still says we're in the city hold on let me drop something if i drop something maybe no i'm having a few outlines of uh i i legit don't know if it works i'm wondering if i get any more isn't the best way to test to drop an item and then see yeah i just did that oh like uh can it be anything yeah that could be nice would you like your shrimp that you cooked here it is i would leave it outside apparently it's um it's gonna give you unhappiness oh wait let's leave that shrimp let's see if i can see it no i can't see if you can see if you can find a shrimp oh yeah it does pop so an eyeball pops up and does that tell you that there's alcohol wipes as well there it is okay i was wondering what that was yeah i thought it was just a ah well uh if we hop back in then um yeah like an arrow pops up i found a branch magic oh wait do we have a knife how do we i can't really pick it up though how do you pick it up pick up unknown item okay there we are yep i found a branch nice two tree branches all right make a spare begin the search for berries i have no knife if you have one i'll drop them here for you it's actually kind of a cool system oh there has to be something in this farm field here not really seeing any berries [Music] probably should not look at a farm field if i'm looking for berries have you melted the shrimps brains yet i have created some tasty foods for everyone oh oh you're a nice guy you're a nice guy hey come here flow burger floral burger ah just like a beast burger mr beastness it's also being microwaved microwave beef burger can a bee's burger just be any burger and they just put it in a beast bag shouldn't we think of it more as a beast bag oh that's true oh it's completely filled hang on a second yeah i want you to have this i want you to have this oh are you giving me a gift yeah you have one of these ah why isn't it going in what is this i don't know why it's not going against what she said um you can just put it on the floor it's okay i do you trust you trust lyme i trust slime he's he's not gonna take it okay i trust him okay if it's a whole bunch of duct tape it's a trowel okay nearly destroyed trowel thank you very much yeah enjoy it while it lasts i'll i'll probably give it back to you the gift of giving starting to feel a lot more like runescape i gotta say oh a show has come on to decrease our boredom oh it's actually decreasing the unhappiness come into the room everyone oh it's decreasing happiness did you get that yeah moderators it's one for the discord moderators welcome moderators you were waiting we're making changes what the hell the ice is melting it's a climate change analogy wait if it's talking to one person and then there's extra three that's talking about us these are my stories these are my stories well and i thought that tv reduced only a boredom well that's new it has to be new is it is that new or have i just not watched enough tv in this game i don't know but all i know is that this one tv show has cured my depression same here watching one episode of seinfeld just apotheosis all of justice all right let's see was um yeah we'd better we'd better wash ourselves while we're still good all right yeah my depression is gone i'm now moist yeah i'm moist and well fed those are my only two moodlets and my stress is going down stress wow wow this is the greatest tv show ever nurse why are you using the toilet to wash yourself it's convenient we may need to find vhs tapes because we have no other way of de-stressing behind uh just consuming copious amounts i have one more vhs tape and it's just called home so i'm not sure if it's gonna be stressful or not stressful i don't think anything could raise our stress i mean i don't really see why you would watch a scary movie during a zombie apocalypse there are shows that can raise your stress like the final news story raises your stress oh really yeah i didn't even stay around for that see i've read i've read all of the uh project zomboid law so um i know these things ah adjust his glasses menacingly just classes i've read at least four wikipedia articles i know ladies please form a line [Laughter] oh god i look as smooth as a baby let's have you looking great thank you thank you all right he's ready to show those rich people what for now i just got all the blood off of my body i was uh the one thing that happens to us is over time our agrophobia and our claustrophobia should start to go away so we you won't get quite as panicked when you're indoors or outdoors you still will experience some of it but i mean did you notice over the months that you're all negative trace characters started to just slightly improve uh i remember um yeah it does start to uh lower down the like the cowardly and matter of fact like by the end of it i remember my character could fight like five zombies and not be scared it was crazy i cried for only 20 minutes uh which backs like the new look nurse i'd rather sit in the back i think all right now we may actually be able to clear out a house yeah i definitely think the nice little like gathering of like second story homes are gonna be the best one it's down by the river hopefully we can find fishing gear there that's why i'm going down there you know now that i think about it we should have just packed ghouls and rars corpse in the trunk let's brought him with us i don't think we ever went back for aurora's court yeah rose corpse was not worth the effort necessary you did have a box of cereal but that was about it we would have had to fought through fight through about ten of them which we simply can't that's too many calories yeah everything is a math problem you need to plug it into your uh into your my fitness pal to see if the number of calories uh you go through if i'm actually burning calories yeah that's too much i gotta like make sure i'm taking in more than i'm exerting well you know what they say metabolism better weight loss well the thing about it is i think if a zombie apocalypse were to happen we go back to the feudal times and the best sign of wealth in the feudal times is being morbidly obese oh that's true it's a status symbol that you can't remove you're very poor and i'm developing gout so um who's the real winner me i'm gonna stop right here this yellow house oh never mind no i i didn't see the horde it just it seemed so distinctive and memorable it is a very nice house there's a very nice car at the end of that street hold on hold on this one's just as good oh it's all conspiracy the cdc let's go damn cdc the who a rock band government uh medical organization right underneath who gave who the right i'm kind of i'm kind of going with todd here god's speaking facts the united states of america yeah in america yes yes oh there is a house here isn't there there's an isolated farmhouse out there i think ah oh unless if oh stress is going down [Music] yeah i don't want to kiss goodbye to vacations let's stop the quarantine those bastards bless cousin yep we're definitely in the south i love the fact that they made all of these radio lines pre-covered and yet all of them seem very relevant to government that's true they do sound awfully relevant it's just a cold and if we listen to the who i can't go by holiday to barbados it decreased our stress and in the meantime out the window we're seeing literal zombies are you taking us to those riverside apartments that are very rather houses that are very nice like the mansions in the back yeah they are fluent ones yes yes yes oh you're a nice guy okay i'll take that yes this is this is an idea uh this is an idea yeah nice yeah i i've realized we could do spear fishing yep that's exactly why we're going up to the the three homes you genius it's gonna be it's gonna be the best place ever we have water there's no zombies for us to get exhausted too yes everyone just emote your reactions that will be the designated uh method of approval um i would type but i'm driving and i don't want to kill a cell i'm going to do it to bed we can't even know too bad we can't emote our conditions what conditions do you have i have uh it's unpleasantly hot because it's not my fault i put the car heat to go i am as cool as a i'm not eating cucumber turn it up you know the cool thing is i'm pretty sure if you lower down the windows it actually lowers uh like the windshield will actually lower down your temperature actually we can control the ac and the heater from the back seat so we could fight over it by reaching it doesn't seem like the right turn i kind of forget uh we'll be fine we'll figure it out no we will we will that we will yeah try that way on the road again oh yeah this is the right way we've made it this is our it's our destination it's a very nice set of homes damn this is lovely this is oh that's all oh i've never been here wait a minute this isn't the place that i thought you were talking about oh we could probably hop no uh only you what if we just lure them off slowly like in small packs yeah yeah that's a good idea that's a good uh dude we just shouted them out so i yelled i was filled with the spirit the law yeah i don't think our car can handle this okay wait wait wait wait wait do this no problem yeah i think if we rammed the car in there we wouldn't get the car back no no no no um so what's what's the plan okay we drive back in yeah we we got a lure of them over one by one there we go okay there's three coming for us right now we just let them do their thing oh that's what i do see yeah just take it easy take it slow hang on i'm about to become herculean and strength i am ascending to the astral planet wow you're looking at us going strong hold on let me eat this burger real quick it's it's my power-up tool i'm gonna say what is my what is my strength at i'm pretty excited for my first level up okay 1362. i'm getting strong i just realized once we get level one strength we'll be able to carry like two more pounds man can only dream i'm going to wear a watch on both wrists no that's decadence by the way wait i realize i'm being weighed down by the crushing weight of friendship friendship oh yes the friendship how much does the friendship bracelet where you are wearing it now let me discover uh no point note one oh yeah he wants a good bag by the way because i've been able to carry like 20 pounds of [Music] well i might be getting stronger in a few minutes so yeah i would take it excuse me sir excuse me oh okay oh no no no that's not good that's not good that's not good right now you guys might want to uh oh there's another one wow oh that's nice good good so we can yeah just let's run back a bit and then try and lose a few i'm getting faster stronger and more good looking nice you're bleeding all over the floor please that's fine wait what happened i got a i got assaulted i have an idea i'm going to drive by them with the lead pipe you might be able to just run them over one one person get in the car you get in the car you just keep hitting them good luck hit them slowly and we'll take whichever one is electric it's gonna hit them from the side all right if you trust yourself with that cannot tell you how many times i've died frustratingly in this game it just doesn't happen anymore i know i'm jinxing it but it just doesn't yeah behind you you might want to skip [Music] look at that good job yeah and the car's still good you're able to knock them over and then we're able to just basically drop them yeah that's a good synergy yeah this large backpack is good do you want the aaa i don't really need it at the moment yeah go ahead and take it i'll take his pants though i really was no no no no i was eyeballing that no you take you take the backpack on my legs no i insist please no i insist no i'd be insulted if you didn't i'm ready in the car i'm already insulted i don't want it i'm not taking it i'll take it honestly like the real negative is that you have to transfer everything in your bag to the other one yeah i don't want to i don't want to go through the effort of moving things fortunately for me i have nothing in my bag i just wear it for fashion that's damn that's a statement right there oh that's even a better statement prison attire project it's not it's from a project zomboid it's project runway also i realized this is the same amount of um these are the same homes but the devs updated it like they made it nice these are the same three homes oh yeah there are a couple of farm houses and mall too uber driver take me to home take me home up the road to the uh i belong no you can't sing the copyrighted version there we go i love kentucky kentucky we love kentucky and one of us could be homeless wow wow neighbor i'm gonna live in the shack by the river all right is there anything oh okay yeah no there's a shack by the river this guy has a gun that's our first gun that's mine oh my god this house is filled with police and criminals what oh no it's full of police why do all the prisoners have duffel bags oh my god there's so many here get out of the box yeah my hand is broke well if you have the gun could i have your axe yeah i mean you are too weak to carry both it would just be oh god i just fell over get him oh they had a full-on police like wow these prisoners had the same idea we did these people must have been in trouble with the law oh that's how they got that's how they got the money that's something there's a holster over here does anyone have anything that could be holstered a shotgun that would work sure that would work i will take the night stick though that's pretty nice i need like jeans these are ironically military can uh military pants be bloused in uh sneak well they can't not in sneakers obviously but in boots uh tucked into them yeah i'm pretty sure that's how some of it goes oh philosophical quotes for machiavelli here we go oh wait are these people so rich they don't want tvs because they don't see any tv yeah they just listen to cds with philosophical clothes all day i don't agree with them like yes that sounds like the dream oh we have glasses of red wine oh wait a minute oh that sounds nice yeah there's actually some good stuff including pasta mac and cheese pizza pants the pasta we could live here for years wow wait can we make pancakes oh my god i can make pancakes who wants pancakes you want to make some i'd love some pancakes get making yeah yeah yeah yeah surprisingly i don't need to use the stove i can just mix it with water just just do it in my hands okay who wants these pancakes oh i got to cook them hold on let me just put it in the fireplace nurse looking at the bookshelf as if we could even read i'm gonna burn some books i can't wait to read one day come sit down at my feast of wine oh should we have like a nice little feast right next to the campfire we will sacrifice one of you friends okay you know what uh if that's the case i'll give over some food um do you want some sausages to cook in the oven yeah i'm getting some pancakes cooked up right now you can put fuel oh my goodness that's so good oh you i think you could do that for a while you could see the logs right oh yeah they're doobie logs and i think there's fire on them when you set them on fire oh yeah does anyone know where i can uh check this or rather put in this cd of machiavelli's quotes where uh you can check upstairs there might be media um in the closet oh radio or there's no boom boxes yet are there no alas if only we could read your pancakes are cooked yeah i got them right now oh then there's some more pancakes for me we have another cd called hell has opened um okay that one's good that seems pretty relevant should we see if our stress right lime's just limes just destroyed the dining table okay nurse i have a gift for you oh good what is it i made it myself what floor pancakes my favorite it's just like my mom used to make is that ooh it's going to be stockings i could be very sexy in these the jeans hmm oh why are there chairs in a row like what's going on here oh check for uh uh floor stashes oh that's a good one yeah these are criminals um does anyone need a bandage there's stuff in the uh in the bathroom i shouldn't be talking in this bathroom talk oh big hiking bag does anyone not have a spiff here have this i like my duffel bag this has more capacity okay fine i i believe you though it does clash with your socks it does but sometimes choices have to be made and honestly we all clash though yes i will i will move my goods over there in about half an hour's time oh flip-flops oh the you can't place the gravy oh man who took the table once ah yeah line moved it like a weirdo oh well there goes you put all the why do you put this is kind of like this is kind of low class of us to just eat at the couch and stare at the fire you're we're eating oatmeal beer a pancake and wine this really looks uh like you're about to commit a crime in here uh and i'm gonna jump out the window i don't think i'm gonna live in this house anymore goodbye why is there a people here let's be like the neighbor who spies on you every now and then what you doing today neighbor this is so feast of chips oats and soda climb in the window report you to the homeowners association how dare you move your dining room table out of the unregulated location oh we need ketchup that's another thing we need here i'm gonna put hell is opened and machiavelli's quotes on the table we could use those for plates oh you know i bet we could steal the tv from the neighbors neighbors probably have a tv yeah oh idea guy i've been holding on to this line the entire time i'm scared of letting go of it don't let go i gotta say i don't feel like total trash anymore i did for a long time this is nice yeah now that we've made it oh i forgot about those guys already meat patty here we go oh your pancakes are burning um did the pancakes duplicate for everyone the pancakes have been duped for everyone yeah who do we have clothes i saw a set of pancakes i love clone no i do i do me oh i wonder what they're doing probably sleeping man i could sleep soon that would be nice i instead i'll be eating virtual pancakes a delight oh i actually have exercise fatigue i'm about to level up hang on a minute i just need to do some push-ups while i cook this beef you just casually hop that fence nurse i'm kind of jealous yeah i have three strength lucky i think it's because i'm very underweight but not ob oh that might be it because like we just have extra reserves we have like a lot of them friends gather around and be impressed by my gains oh we're we're looting the neighbors i left a second ah i can carry one more kilogram than i could before wow you actually leveled up this is actually huge yeah i did this is a celebration for you then i feel amazing is anyone about to level up in anything i think i'll drink all of the wine to uh reward myself for this um i'm pretty close to getting to level one strength well i need to keep beating hang on a minute i'm gonna need to get stronger wait level one strength i'm level three how are you level three strength i don't know if i'm level three string what did you do did you make it with the devil is that is that why i've been able to kill so much stuff you just casually didn't take all of the negative traits no i definitely took all of the negative traits the only one i didn't take was death so no fair i got no idea it might have taken um feeble instead of like weak that might be it oh that might be it yeah i just click the list from top to bottom and then remove death well if it makes you feel any better ambi i am at zero i've been really oh my god i thought you were oh my god they were having they were having a frat party here what the hell bunch of college kids frat house they said i'll call and ships all over the place kind of looks like our place i won't allow it no you you need to kill them hey they have a tv though they have a tv um [Music] but i don't understand why the police and criminals were just living in this house together like having some sort of all this oh i bet they had like a standoff it's just oh i've got a vhs of foraging oh wait that's actually perfect that's actually pretty damn good we can't read books but we can use our eyes uh i'm thinking you know i get tired very often if we were to rest in the living room and we put it we put a tv next to the fireplace yeah um i'll i'll grab the tv from the neighbors real quick yeah good steal that uh do we need the stand as well what a good idea uh yeah uh if you need a hat which neighbor's house are you at oh i got it i'm pretty strong i i i'm almost at level one so i really want to push it to the limit and break that threshold i also have enough alcohol for us to have a single bottle each i think hold on wow one sip exciting yes i do i have four bottles of wine wow it's gonna be a great day all right do you have the tv or the tv stand i both oh what are you arnold schwarzenegger did you enter the car really quick you're doing push-ups still i am oh yeah well let me just come over to you and do more push-ups i love that no i think i'll stay in for a few more minutes and continue to get more and more yeah man yeah you do you all right now i will re-log oh no you can just enter the car and leave oh okay if i get oh getting into the car previously i see we're going back to the house the first house uh yeah i got a bunch of alcohol that i can just dump on the table perfect we get one bottle each the finest wine now do we really be a redneck and place a table on the one we eat or should we put the tea onto the table like in front of us by two inches okay yeah hey i've got something for you am i still doing this in the yard no no you're good you could oh another note okay all right nothing suspicious about this one this poem is i've never seen that word before i think it's uh oh okay i see all right nothing to see here i'm good at rhymes i'm really good at rhymes who is the imposter among us oh jesus why was i going out oh yeah i was going to help you with the tv and then [Music] hey do you have a pen can i can i borrow your pen please i have a pen i'd like i've got if anyone has a pen you want to you want to respond to my uh my rap battle no i think it's just thank you i think i just want to compose i don't know maybe we'll work our own faces on the tv your verse of wisdom this is very comfy why did you bring the barbecue in it's fine it's okay i'm sit everyone joins there's nothing wrong with that okay all right let's all have a seat uh with family meme grab yourself a thing of wine yeah there's enough for everyone all right family wine drinking contest all at the same time tasty wine what can i do with this they shot a poison mechanic to this game uh uh you can use it with bleach and the higher cooking skill you have the harder it is to detect oh that's pretty cool wait what hmm you can poison stuff but it's only home-cooked meals as long as you don't eat anything that someone made themselves it'll be golden that's why i only eat ketchup i'm now very drunk this is lovely someone put in the vhs tape i'm bored this is my life and blood i i'm going to make something are you gonna make some stuff uh look at this this is whoops this is gonna do that what was that here we go welcome back it's exposure survival time yes welcome back to nature here we go welcome back to nature who wants some lime pancakes really yeah actually um private limelight lime pancakes check it out it's on the table oh i don't know wow lime that's really cool oh foraging knowledge we're gonna be so powerful by the end of this the only problem is like our brains work a little bit slower so we don't retain all the information to get actually to a full level yeah yeah there we are information power of knowledge you guys want to loot the neighbor's house i already looted that one uh there's there's some stuff i haven't looted but it's pretty oh you guys want to loot the uh damn it hang on a second i don't know why is it not hello yeah yeah hello wait wait a second wait a second uh i don't know why my my offer never mind i'm just putting it on the ground my train did you put a trade down do you put a trade down no i didn't no i didn't no nurse uh lime i just want to let you know in case you didn't know because pretty much everyone else knows but nurse actually got bit we're just not addressing the elephant in the room here and it's fine i don't know what you're talking about because i gave i gave a a really well written poem saying oh are you talking about it you've literally seen her get bit twice i know you're in a secret you like it was uh you like lime pancakes don't you oh oh you got bit by a zombie oh that's fine i thought you liked lime pancakes i was gonna say get out of this house what's wrong with you but do you like lime pancakes that's pretty bad i love lime pancake all right let's go back to watching this show yeah yeah roof to the fishing authentic british cuisine oh gravy biscuit and gravy menu bottom loose iced tea no thank you it's the americanized version i t back to oh this is now just normal tv i forgot that we have we should just watch the entirety of tv for a few weeks miami no it's spreading closer florida man is coming oh they built a wall out of police officers the dispersal you know i've never really watched the news with this much interest but it seems more significant now that we're together it's really very very interesting military servicemen trying to fight off the florida men i'm just gonna take some drugs real quick how close are you to actual zombification we still got like a full day right yeah it's yeah let's say that she is constantly popping [Laughter] i think she might want somebody trying something else right now why do you put the grill in front of the window it's as if you're trying to go fishing one last time though before uh oh yeah one lesson can we at least go fishing before this is all over yeah let's go fishing let's go okay let's let's go check out the woodland shack because there might actually be a fishing rod out there we don't need a fishing rod we just need a stick it's the authentic way i'm going to get that is a.a walking into a chair or is that just me no i was resting in the chair by walking in you've never walked into something um we could use the car as a light source i don't think we'll be able to drive it through though like some thick woods it'll be fine oh yeah we do have a lake over there yeah there's a nice little cabin right next to it we could stand there do you still have with the twigs we could make a spare out of uh yeah if you all have a knife um i got two plates i left them back at the other house we could also forage a knife i have a bread knife oh actually investigate the area as we're going through this like little uh oh my god this is dark okay maybe you don't that's it's a very dark no enable search mode yeah we'll see if we can find a branch or something i don't know if there's zombies out here like this ah it'll be fine this is all this would be a great time to kill everyone if someone were trying it would be a shame if that were to happen i literally can't even see anyone this is amazing just hugged ashore just hugged the shore hug the shore okay this would be a great time it would be a wonderful time for just i i we're fine we're fine would it be wild if we just killed each other yeah what a wild idea it's wild there's i feel as though there's been this huh subtle betrayal going on why where did the sick go just uh you keep ignoring my my slam poetry and i i'm upset i will be validated even if it takes your life ah jesus did we ever go into the house with the bird bath uh did we uh we checked the one up a little bit we'll be fine there's nothing good in there i lost track of everyone are you all scheming to murder me oh my god you're so creepy you're so creepy i just you scared the hell out of me you just smoked up a bush oh no i won't be killed i i'll just pass on why did we go the long way uh because it's it's the only way i can go without getting lost what the long way where the hell are you people just talking to the shoreline just keep hugging the uh to the left or the right it i can see nothing this is horrible i found a flashlight i'll come get you oh that that'd be great yeah where are you great do you go to the left side of the right side left i see you sitting at the hey you see me from across the way no huh oh i see yeah i see something ah what do you see me how'd you get over there yeah we need a flashlight all right i'm coming to get you okay we'll just sit tight and just like how did you get over there oh wait yeah you just followed it around it's just oh where the hell are you gosh it is dark oh i see nurse waddling her way over i actually no she doesn't waddle she walks normally yes i stagger no oh i see your flashlight yeah we're across the pond what is your business here right how did you cross this ford it's a night guard scram you don't actually scream into the woods just keep keep walking around and you'll get rid of us yeah just keep on following it oh i see what you're saying why are you going over here i could oh wait fishing fishing there's a cabin yeah for could i hopefully fishing them in a plastic bag or something yes if you have a road oh this place in a sense and a dream ah there we are so dark yeah we'll just wait for flashlight guy why are you dropping empty bottles uh the fish might like it hello hey look that does i'm just resting interesting okay would you like a would you like a lollipop before you die sure yes my last meal uh i got a bottle of ketchup thank you very much a bottle of ketchup for a last meal ketchup on a lollipop you couldn't ask for anything better what do i have i have you could eat this pen i have a red pen for you this is your gift that's great you could all right let's write something down oh yeah and you want to remember in the afterlife uh it is really dark all right thank you for waiting for me over here yeah it's okay we kind of needed your flashlight i forgot we also have like terrible eyesight so because we're all just missing our five senses why did that happen well we can we can do that in the future if you we could do all five of us with the blind trade oh we made it wow that was not well we just walked into it oh flashlight off dang it flashlight on why would you do that it was a perfectly good house do you know how much this lowers the property down here you fiend okay wait no please we don't have a fishing rod though it's just fishing tackle uh this is kind of crazy though don't you think look at him coming in over the sink get your feet out of the sink please just thank you wow there's a lot of fishy stuff oh matches there's so much fishing stuff can we make a fishing rod no we can light a fire back at home though and we could have a roaring fire oh yeah yeah yeah yeah um does anyone have a knife let's gather around no i thought we wanted to try and catch at least one fish yeah yeah we are we are should we wait for it to be day though how long do you have a nurse until you like crumple and like i honestly it it looks like it's halfway oh god my foraging rose like crazy it's at like 63.88 just from finding one thing in nature one vhs tape actually that's uh we watch the show about foraging but imagine the skill it would take to forage for a vhs tape in a forest i mean that should be the best forager ever i'm walking through a forest and i found a plastic can here i found a rockers oh what kind of rock if we get a chipped one we can actually make a spear uh i lied it was vhs tape i'm gonna i'm gonna wander in the woods and see if i can find a chipped stone so we can actually make spears to go fishing yeah see how much you know oh i caught myself i can't see anything it's surprisingly being naked and walking for a forest is not the best i wonder if we find the same objects if we forage near each other let's check i'll be the only guy with a source of light in the woods oh my you really don't look like you should be foraging you're just a nude construction worker hi there hi this hello yeah it's come to my attention that you could die at any moment and i don't want to be the person who gets bit let me turn around yeah i think it's best if you look into the water uh do you guys want to be here come up to the water just above the cabin i've always wanted to for the scent of ceremonies how come you get to do all of we're gonna this your ashes across across the water that'd be fine it's gonna be kind of pulverized you get to kill everyone because i have the shotgun um don't stand too close [Laughter] this is very moody oh i don't know where i'm at anymore just just go north to the coast you want to write anything on that oh yeah i don't want to be left alone with him do you want to actually leave a final message do you want to leave like a whale sure uh i don't have a word that's weird it gives me an aim outline when you're in pvp uh i i think uh a.a has a pen do you want to give you want to go with that gun give her give her the pen so she can write it well yeah but you must make her write her will there you go uh hang on a second it's on the ground yeah take that pen tell me to shout so you can see where we are so that uh we'll remember you when you die and will you uh spiff you're gonna have to make the eulogy because you killed her um uh sure okay that would be nice to do an on the spot eulogy so she you know she's still alive or we won't she is it yeah he might as well i mean it's just it'll be the three of us at the uh at her death day we're going to celebrate your life after by drinking all of that red wine thank you for the red wine um you've written your notes yeah is it done yes hold on one second okay i don't know what is her is are you ailing now yeah well what canelo the nurse at arms actually we are at a sedge this edge has withered uh from the lake on the cold hillside oh what canal we nurse at arms alone and paley loitering are you are you done with the note the squirrels greenery just just leave it on your body it probably says something me me okay uh time for your farewell roses of red violets are blue i'm glad that i could be friends with you oh god why no it's so inhuman no oh my that's that's four i'll help out hang on that's will oh crap she's oh she's wait i don't know what happens uh just stand on her no we can't stand on her why is that don't put her stump on her all right she's still okay it works uh who wants to read out nurse's will lyme do you wanna read it um wait we're already literate no you i've stolen it okay what did it say um uh nurses will don't get bitters people will kill you take my drugs uh you know those are good words to live for yeah that's uh that sounds like that's fueled by coke that's a will as well yeah oh i found something i found a bandana all right i'll take the gloves uh she was holding a comic book for her entire life that she couldn't read damn i'll take that because we can actually read that that's called pictures i don't know it looks like she was in a cleaning crew of some sort she had a kettle why were you carrying on she has a can opener a fresh uncooked bacon wow all right lime what do you want uh i'll take her bandana i'll stack it on top of mine all right you're yeah it's very nice of you hold on i'll replace my construction i'll tie it to my head yeah i don't think i have anything i need something to mask the uh my baldness uh construction hat right there ah maybe yeah maybe i'll get back into that am i now you know i can use the bacon to gain back some strength i did we check for i was in the um residential home because like i i still want to go fishing i want to end it off going fishing and then there were three all righty guys i'm gonna i'm gonna head out thank you have a nice night guys enjoy the afterlife yes bye oh god and then they were free fifty percent survive already yeah it's getting lonelier all right well i don't think that you're gonna try to kill us off anymore except actually uh yeah and i mean you guys are a bit so there's not really much point yeah most of these wounds are just inflicted from the environment how many uh how many shells do you have uh i have only like four more shells so although at the same time it's pretty useless the way that pvp is working right now i'm pretty convinced that i could beat you to death yeah i feel like melee is much more viable i think the shotgun is only useful if you can like injure someone and you're not injured and then you can go away and re-engage with melee so it's like getting the first hit i actually or shooting someone in the legs running away and then shooting at them at a range that's that's it you know i feel more like that this lent itself to like a survivor competition than then who can survive with all the negative traits yeah it's kind of like a manhunt well we were thinking of trying a manhunt challenge but that that could work ah manhunt would be good fun and silly yeah once the pvp gets a little bit more uh you know uh fleshed out well that's locked oh yeah or we can wow okay sure yeah we could do that well there's a guy on tv saying ponies are better i was getting rid of my stress we still don't have as well here we need a spear for the moral victory here icing chocolate uh we're gonna divide up some chocolate um but i i think do we all need to go foraging just in the woods and try and find the uh chipstone oh you're right i totally could have done that the whole time why wasn't i thinking of that then you want a knife right here i mean we could get that or a chip stop here eat this peanut butter i mean i have two knifes on me oh kitchen knife yeah i've got uh two bread knives i don't think you can use bread knife sadly hold on oh spear survivalist that's a bread knife we need needles we need um cleaver and gemstones yep okay all right well time to go in the woods keep your eyes peeled we're editing it off on a fishing trip damn it it's what everyone else would have wanted yeah that's because you guys have some wood glue i don't really see the point of it all now i mean we lost all of our friends you know we still have each other memories and we could come back to this another day and continue not if i like maybe it's on fire maybe even bring our friends back as an entirely different group that have to now try and kill us they're all positive traits that we're all naked no contest yeah but we have knowledge and evidently we are the strongest survivors yeah i mean what was everyone's end goal how did ghoul die he uh opened what did he do wrong he uh uh he just he just messed up melee i think yeah he messed up melissa a handful of times here in combat okay uh and um oh i found something not a grasshopper as well and a newspaper oh what is this i got a normal stone not a chipped one are you kidding me this is a much more immersive inventory system i i like this foraging system it much makes it feel like you're actually looking around for stuff yeah much more realistic and there's also uh it seems as though there are more items now they've added to the ground i'm wondering if they duplicate among us or if we can among us there i just said it again what funny happenstance hmm another thing yeah if we can i've created free burgers nice like just fabricated them materialize them okay all right i found it true all right i found some bread and i sliced it and now i've made um burger oh i thought you meant that you foraged for burgers in the wild yes i found wild floor burgers mmm tasty i went out so far i came across another road okay let me start to round about back still no chip stone what the heck yeah i'm content i'm content to finish with a small fishing trip of the of the three of us it'll be yeah i mean we got the pond right there so did we actually all grab fishing supply uh as long as we uh or what we could use well in fact we could use worms as bait couldn't we if you have a rod uh yeah you did have a rod but sadly we don't oh we don't have a rod so spear fishing i guess yeah that's why we're looking for the chip stone yeah if we can find a knife or uh chipped stone either one then we can you can do this i leveled up in foraging yeah i wonder do you think that it'll uh expand the radius around your head yeah definitely because i'm only coming across stuff that's like right in front of me yeah i'm i'm actually really enjoying this uh foraging system very immersive yep just got to level one foraging holy hell i wonder how you did that did you find a lot of items in the woods uh i yeah i think it's like you have to find it and then you also have to pick it up whenever you do find stuff oh i wonder if it could be exploited by having someone drop items that you can forage down oh in a forest and having another play pick it up let's find out never thought about that it's only one way to test it because you sure as hell no the devs haven't 71.75 i just dropped a cricket in front of me still at 71.75 yeah it might be without i think you'll have to be a different player yeah so where are you uh i am just to the south east of the houses if you go to the road where we killed the zombies yeah i am also level one foraging increases your productivity by a lot ooh piece of candy ooh piece of candy ooh piece of candy oh there's something actually i found another tree branch okay well let's do that i'll just take that oh what you can get duct tape yep i got about three experiments okay where did you drop steph i haven't dropped anything i need you to drop something for me to drop oh okay uh here take this uh take this cricket when i picked it up it didn't give me anything i showed you no what survival challenge uh because i just found duct tape like in the woods normally oh yes come here come here there's something here so i think you can find stuff other than like 74.38 okay yeah i am getting the eyeball the all-seeing eyeball yeah pick it up where is it it's in the middle of those flowers what an unexpected cricket who could have foreseen that did you gain experience i did not oh they've made it unexploitable only a matter of time only a matter of time because you found duct tape in the wild yeah yeah like just random duct tape like and it's way out there to where none of us would have dropped it wow so i'm guessing you can actually find like scrap stuff now i kind of like that like you could go fishing and get some shoes you know that was always one of my favorites those those biting shoes up to no good again yeah like if you could find nails with it as well now like you could how are we going come on i think i've just found some bleach that's an idea that's an idea wait a minute then you could live entirely in the woods without needing any nails yeah that's what i was thinking like sorry i found you i just put two in two i just used my mind how do i put how do i pick up the item that i found in forage uh right click the image like with the question mark and you should be able to pick it up pick up unknown item okay i'm wondering an empty bottle of bleach wow somewhat useful actually yeah uh it stores more than water practically a canteen unto itself one night two tweaks i i'm wondering if like are the foraging items preset and i wonder how often they well this is just i bet they have a loot somewhere yeah kind of curious about that it doesn't seem like it does what it used to to your thirst which remember how foraging used to just make you extremely and uh tired as well yes yeah it just over did it it's pretty overpowered too i mean you could just like literally walk into the woods as soon as you start playing and you you never have to do anything this one definitely requires a lot more uh tlc wait a minute maybe i don't want to eat this entire yeah i'll eat an entire thing of honey ooh banana i don't know about you guys but i think that we should just start a fire and maybe uh i think yeah we can see a day because we've done it yeah yeah yeah sadly no chipstone unfortunately no fishing but we'll just have a good talk there you know we'll that'll substitute for it and then we'll call it that sounds fine by me i i'm very sad this was fun right yeah this was great meet back at the house in our uh really rather rather distasteful living room that we were living in with all of the dead bodies in the front of it it adds character and that's why they call it home why is my pain going up have i been bitten no no i just over exercised oh yeah exercise fatigue will do that to you they're now so brolic yeah they're hard i can confirm dead bodies in the front i'll put those out front yeah i'm coming into the back door i'm almost home all right we'll have a bug feast now that we're at home because that's all that we have i got a qriket cockroach and duct tape tasty bug feast oh what do you think i woke up tv in front of the fireplace i thought it'd be pretty funny it is i want to light a fire now though oh we have matches wait no the magic is done yeah we have matches oh we could also i can light the fire with nurse's will plus the lighter let's do that good job we're and then we can gather around it sounds good to me huh let me just play something real quick gotta make this place feel good drink a bottle of white wine mmm lovely all right let's gather around the campfire i'll put the food that i found today on the ground i found a cockroach um what else did i find if a lot of cans of things but i think that's low quality food let's eat this cricket maybe we could roast that uh a couple of tree branches we can't actually do anything with we still you know have fishing on our minds as it's a dream it's a dream that perhaps one day uh we'll get there the three of us uh was six of us but now just three we're no longer nude our lives have clearly improved by quite a lot uh what was your favorite part of the adventure let's go around i really liked digging for worms that was really fun and eating them i liked putting our friends down when their time would come and i i personally enjoyed reading all of the literature that came out of this uh endeavor fun was happened by all some great poems written by illiterate people now uh you think we could develop our own language i mean one day uh absolutely yeah um i mean haven't we already got some kind of unspoken bond among us oh there we go again we're among us uh nothing to see here now we have to of course finish finish it with a good little bit of exercise let's squat i i greatly preferred having our friends die as they uh even if they themselves would have protested their deaths i i felt as though that it made the uh the limited time that they were here more meaningful uh and their nudity more intense definitely remember them like um what's his name uh the british guy um and then the friendship bracelet guy and um yeah i've forgotten them mostly but that's okay uh the strongest survive you mean the guy who first got the friendship bracelet and the one who refused to wear it yeah yeah and i'm wearing it and so i will live now uh well only the first guy i guess i guess it picks every other person that wears the friendship bracelet to die yes that is that is how it works oh dear right well i guess that's that's the end yeah it's called a day it's been absolutely lovely um surviving with all of you thank you for this i thank you for the journey
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 417,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid multiplayer, project zomboid all negative traits, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, nurse, the spiffing brit, spiffing brit, pr1vate lime, pr1vatelime, ghul king, rarr, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid game, lets play project zomboid
Id: wzV4jbfxVkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 9sec (12969 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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