The 100-ft.-Below Sims 2 Run

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today we are checking out the Sims 2 underground challenge I've been wanting to do something like this for a while um I think this is a pretty self-explanatory basically we have our Sim who is named uh Hieronymus humperdink who has been down here staring at birds for the last hour uh he's actually just staring at the cliff wall because we've trapped him underground in the neighborhood in this well what was a silo uh form or something like that but we've trapped him down here with only the minimum amount of things needed to keep himself sane for a short period of time before he can hopefully earn the money um you know to get his life back in order his goal will be to escape I haven't tried this challenge at all yet and we're trying it for the first time here with twitch chat so we'll see how this goes uh probably badly I might have to give myself more money and retry it but I figure a hundred dollars is kind of a nice you know uh a nice value to try it at because he does need money to pay for his food otherwise he would just die but other than that I've given him pretty much like the bare minimum amount of stuff that we could uh that would suffice he can't get his newspaper or the present that was left for him unfortunately and all the people in this neighborhood are just kind of well taking a risk walking by here but I guess we'll go see what he's doing I have no idea how he's going to live I haven't really done any extensive testing of this so I might just totally mess up in the middle um come on you have your max motives right now you may not think that the environment looks very good but let's get you uh really doing the only there's real estate here I guess that's buying real estate not like being a realtor could be like an e-realtor I mean I guess I should just introduce you to his furniture really quick time is of the essence he has a sink he has this amazing couch he has a um he has a fridge he has his computer he can dig for treasure this is news to me does he even need the computer maybe we could do this one without the computer I don't know what it'll end up being but yeah this is probably already going to have been a video by the time that I do this maybe we could just have him dig for treasure let's try that too that's a good idea in a second let's go Hieronymus all right he's a formal man um and in order to help his confidence we've given him like a pair of ripped jeans very cool what appears to be like Converse here we go actually this is more honest labor you know Blue Collar work I love that good I mean literally he is in a blue collar man like the American the American dream right there he's trying to get deeper down into the Earth the idea um he's digging for more shovel um there's something floating in the air down here sometimes I don't know why did he find anything they've collected him a Memento if I were of my vacation Sims memory panel unlock all the items and has found a tattered old map which leads to a place called mysterious Hut in to aikiki Island okay so when you find that island eventually let's go ahead and um you could hunt some bugs that'd be kind of nice let's go ahead and fill in this hole see check your email now he does okay so let's go through each of his needs um all right are we gonna get to the novel writing anytime soon there we go got to the novel writing he's oh wow this is like practically Windows XP great job all right so what should be the themes of this book unfortunately we can't name the book but let's just uh let's pick this there we go we'll make it a romantic story uh about a rat and an elephant who got hit by a nuke what is that a torpedo and then they wrestle the sumo um and then they had a baby okay romantic there we go that's perfect I don't know if this actually has any effect on the sounds of it but I mean that seems like plot with very thick armor to me oh God he always wears the the sunglasses this actually reminds me of one of my roommates in college a little bit oh God yeah he's pretty much like everybody's roommate in college so let's just see what there's all these people waiting for him so he will not be able to access the other people in general uh he's going to spend most of his time down there but he will have social needs met by you know like Kip from Napoleon Dynamite messaging babes online messaging babes online so he's got that covered you know bladder you don't even need to worry about because it'll just happen on its own as for Hygiene well sync profuse hand washing I'm gonna say there are butterflies phone like just living here can we do anything with that no hunt bugs could we is this like uh could we cash these bugs in with Tom Nook you think I'd better put time on fast because this is gonna get really old really fast I can guarantee you that so the novel writing he has gained enthusiasm for film and literature me thinks that's good because it'll probably mean that he comes out with a better novel but will it sell is the question will he be able to survive off of royalties from his creative endeavor let's give him some time because it does take time to write a novel he'll go through all of his full meets before this novel is over it's not going to be a one day novel this isn't like an Amazon thing like you know those books that people release on Amazon after a couple of days simmer my household's inventory oh yeah he's got his inventory right Rewards top tier stream he has a map to a mysterious Hut but not really much else hey winter is Hazel thank you very much for the sub and speckledorff thank you we're almost there baby came to point and creativity from the money well computer so he's getting more creativity so this bodes well for us because if we look at his stats um where is he this is relationships I did try installing a phone underground for him a while back and he couldn't reach anyone because he doesn't know anyone which kind of begs how does he know the people on the computer this is just a cursed enough way to begin now he it's gonna he's gonna like slingshot down and then back up with his mood with a lovely mouse pad how did he get that in here got these details in The Sims 2 though really make it one of my favorite ones like even the text there that they did we need a telephone to make money on the novel well if that ends up being so then we might have to just you know dig for buried treasure before we get there because the one other good bit of Fortune is that if we have to um if we have to dig for buried treasure well technically we don't even need any furniture to start I'm I think that this start actually might be too easy you know now that we really get down to it digging for Treasure would just be more I don't know like the the meme of the hour as they say there we go nice unfortunately he won't be able to get rid of any of this garbage he said we'll see if his environment deteriorates at a fast enough rate and he's going to need the bathroom a lot we'll just allow nature to take its course there we go good I'm not sure we'll ever need one of those though I mean here we go good hand washing nice oh my God that's really hot water how did he get pipes running down here yeah he's maybe we could get him to mod on someone's Discord you know stop crying and wash your hands like profusely like remember that show Monk or the guy would just yeah there we go now see this seems too much easier than the Sims one because it's like possible to get your needs back up I still haven't done extensive testing with the sink so let's go find out is that like a five times thing no we can't actually do that I was trying shift clicking it so he washed his hands for the entire night there we go and now he's unfortunately he's got this trash in the way but there's nowhere to put it so let's just walk over here and good the trash is just basically disappeared um what is he up to now he's pulled a book out of his yeah have some breakfast have some breakfast I want you to be comfy I want you to be comfy you're going to be living down here for a while his energy is really not going anywhere oh what does he got in the fridge some beer oh yeah he's got like uh wait that looked like A1 steak sauce all right so we've almost got his needs back up we could order groceries but we probably won't be able to get to them I'm thinking we chat with let's just alternate between whoever these people are until I'm happy again Curtis Patrick and Adrian hmm oh does does he get less clean when he picks up trash all right so it was good he's so chilling okay good uh the computer is actually broken so could he repair it oh my God he's actually he's actually repairing his own computer man this is going south really fast I thought that he would have slightly more endurance may we either need to give him better Furniture what do you need humperdink what do you need to get started tell me so I don't know guys I had some high hopes for Humperdinck I'm not sure he's actually going to be able to make it with this amount of like he might need a real shower I'm concerned because it was a lot of time with hand washing it's going to get worse and the environment is quickly downscaling and he can actually work on the novel if his mood is in the red similar to in The Sims one let's give him just a moment try to fix his own computer [Music] um okay he's like basically uh destroyed the computer forever all right so let's begin I guess this seems like it's going to be the meta he started off with what a hundred bucks we'll just begin digging for treasure everywhere nope not there is there any over here it must be somewhat common if they list it as an option sell the treasure and buy a big fridge in TV well he's got to find the treasure first he can't sleep because of his own stench I'm pretty sure he found the rock it has been placed found a major Roost there by Franco Phil designs wow there's actually quite a lot buried deep beneath the center of the earth in this Aztec tomb that he seems to be surging through what is okay all right this is something hey he's also got a ticket there and he's got a rock here well can we it's not a boulder Skippy the stone sells for 25 simoleons the ticket sold for 400 and the birds sold for 170 my God this is actually much easier than I thought it was so in fact we didn't need Furniture to begin with not that he had that much of a lead you know like considering that he's yeah he is too hungry now can you have a snack just eat some all right we'll hang on a second there's a lot to do here there's a lot to be done we've just made some money mostly off of the things that I found underground so I feel justified in this um my God what game are we playing again this is just so bizarre can we get the trash compactor because I think that's our only hope ready prep range these these are not none of these look like trash compactors is this a trash comp yep here we go is this one cheaper it is this may need to be installed beside a wall okay plan B wall into trash compactor there we go one seventy dollar wall somehow installed with the sheetrock that was completely available down here oh it needs to be in a counter of course that makes sense all right well I am kind of a dingus so I messed that one up all right so let's uh with our fabulous hordes of wealth Let's uh put just enough for the compactor you're right you're right perfect now look at the amount of luxury you have we could move some of these things around to make them make slightly more sense all right let's yep yep ponder that for a second Hieronymus or what is your name again Hieronymus humperdink I got it right all right nope clean clean all right let's have some dinner let's have some dinner I don't really want you to die oh you're asleep okay well thank God for that good you got that done too let's have some uh kids cuisine or something instant food there we go already his life has scaled up by so much keep stop crying all right I'm getting some Deja Vu from uh our our previous Sims my God guys I can't believe how overpowered that digging for buried treasure is do you think it runs out like after you go through so many holes if you think you just keep refreshing I we certainly don't even need this computer in fact the computer might be the long way to getting rich there's also think that they can make more money in these games you can also do things like um oh for example I'm pretty sure that you can buy art put it on the walls and sell it later for a profit I get minus luck now that's ridiculous there's no such thing as negative luck a worm farm also a strong possibility well you know what I think when I wake up tomorrow I'll just dig for more treasure in the yard because I'm going to be in no mood to write my novel but I'm going to have a lot of life experience for that novel by the time we're done let's go ahead and just have a look again at Humperdinck consider him from afar you know as a subject iron has found a chicken feed Charlie sculpture of fun the solution to this game is Just dig in the ground this is why I love this game DaRuMa wishing doll by Suki yeah the the writing in this game really was outstanding he found a bone okay so he found a lot of stuff we're getting it what appears to be the second newspaper is this number three there's something over here but I'm it just keeps trying yeah this guy is a is a nut that image he's just he's just he is so nonchalant oh my God you ever do this you ever do this you never had to take a shower in the sink you know why because you're not grateful because you're not grateful okay we're running out of food again come on no uh nope I don't do that I run it fortunately you still can wake up your sim it's not just that they're involuntarily sleeping forever driving some instant meal for breakfast Montana we don't actually seem to run out of money I don't know why that is did they turn off paying for your food in The Sims 2 let me correct me if I'm wrong isn't this I love this this everything that's coming of this playthrough is already just begging so many questions yeah they can all just casually walk next to a Death Pit is this thing ever we'll just get rid of it and buy another one okay now we will actually buy him a bed I think let's go ahead and put this out my rooster that'd be more interesting if you just had to dig up all of your furniture from underground huh what do you know there were poltergeists with everything I needed living beneath my house well that's not a poltergeist but you get the idea what I was trying to say all right let's go ahead man I'm really having a much better time with this game than I was with the Sims one The Sims one is hard it's so hard The Sims one I guess we'll buy him like a decent bed what is this I don't want something I want something stoic and simple like this all right you know have a have a bed it's a bit random though you know you'd think that considering that he has so much time on his hands eat at least put some uh let's see what kind of pajamas he's got [Music] get up oh that's so much less amazing than your Formal Wear you've taken off your sunglasses why I would think that those would have helped you sleep oh you have to buy groceries food in the fridge will run out so could we just buy another fridge that will come with the uh groceries that seems to make some sense right otherwise we'll just have to keep on buying new fridges or perhaps we could farm for the vegetables if that's an option which I need to figure out right now I suppose is that under plants foreign sure you could do that in The Sims one right you could have a vegetable garden this is bamboo what is here synthetic synthetic synthetic iron trellis are there garden plots well you guys know this game better than me are there are there in blood gardening is in the build menu ah thank you yep here we go okay let's get him some plants or at least examine what plants will need gardening hey imagine gardening is under gardening so make sure here we go good yes it is an indeed under gardening hi my faith in the world has not been what is this it looks like I'm just putting doo-doo on the ground is it doo-doo composting apparatus oh we could use all of the urine um Gardens spritzer pretty sure the rest of the stuff is for a Greenhouse Apple Tree okay this is now we're talking let's try out some of these plots gardening your Sims can now grow fresh fruit and vegetables in their yard to cook yes yes okay so we will subsist this is so great this is actually like a survival game now my God in amazing amazing let's plant tomatoes because of course we could just pay eight Simoleons and get them out of thin air so he can run out of money all right so he could subsist off of Just dirt wow you are the salt of the earth Hieronymus humperdink Seasons matter so a greenhouse will be required long term this make this UPS the ante a lot this makes this challenge a lot more interesting and I do have the seasons mod installed or uh expansion a lot is at stake here folks a lot is at stake I suppose we're also going to have to wait for the tomatoes to grow but the rate at which I get treasure from beneath the ground this tomato plant has a slight smile all right I guess we don't have much else to do watering the tomatoes this challenge is already great dig for don't bathe dig for treasure dig for treasure I love how he just has no resistance this is basically holes like with Shia LaBeouf I was trying to figure that out I said yeah he had said that it was like Shia LaBeouf before I was saying well why is it like Shia LaBeouf and then I just thought to myself Stanley yell mats he basically without fail every single time finds something underneath the ground oh God he found a fountain is he eventually going to drown or you think he'll be able to Wade up to the surface with this amount of water it is spreading so many all right let's just find out what happens will it eventually run out maybe I could use this to water the crops Oh wait we're getting something here now these are just weeds well they're better than nothing I can say that for sure okay he's got two of them now come on man this is probably a bad thing I would imagine right isn't this basically the point of holes with Shia LaBeouf I mean he does have Shia LaBeouf took on some facial hair right maybe you know this is the Lesser known evil twin or something who can really tell hmm and so we found whatever this is I mean a treasure map that will never be able to use hidden burrow I mean this basically is the hidden burrow so if we're fine there we've just made like 600 off of selling rocks to no one it's very interesting The Sims 2 it is all right good taking care of more of our needs you know I'm already I mean life has improved so much I say well let's run out the clock on this let's really eat up the rest of the food and then we'll hopefully I mean we're at subsisting now I have no question that he'll be able to survive down here I had my doubts but there we go the stink is visible I love the green visible stink and there like a scene in holes that was like this oh we gotta take care of this guy's sink I I think that's funny that stink and sink crime I mean he's not presenting himself to everyone I'm pretty sure that he can't smell himself is there an outhouse toilet yeah we'll do the Outhouse toilet that sounds like a great idea let's do um nope not this menu here we go Plumbing or at least there was one in The Sims in The Sims one that's if I don't have the right pack installed maybe it's under the build menu outhouses outhouses garage it's a garage of sorts [Music] um no I don't really see it actually that's kind of funny yeah there was an outhouse in The Sims one hmm all right maybe just like normal boring shower unfortunately those 625 dollars still have yet to make that amount of money man we gotta get him an apple tree as well the tomato plant is still healthy we'll water it again if only we get like more water good it's up Arrow but it's like slightly um hysteric no I think we gotta fill in this one oh what is this hang on a second okay the Easter Bunny is here to make me happy uh I think this is like the Easter Bunny of either harass you forever or the Easter Bunny of like I mean I'm gonna help you out I think since they made the Sims 2 a little bit easier this guy might actually be helpful but he is also missing an eye so this might be some sort of like uh Dollar Store Easter Bunny that isn't what is he doing kind of reminds me of my aunt we would go over my aunt's house on Easter when I was a kid and she was a she was kind of like a chain smoker um and she used to dress up as the Easter Bunny so we could just catch the Easter Bunnies smoking uh like a a pack of Marlboros it was pretty funny okay social no he's the social bunny he's a non-affiliated uh religious is the Easter Bunny was that told of in the Bible oh my god oh wait is it the nightmare bunny oh no this is this is a completely good bunny except he made me very uncomfortable all right well I too would be uncomfortable even if that bunny made me feel good I would be uncomfortable after the encounter like for a little while also how did he get out did he just go straight through platform nine and three quarters is something around here great day thank you very much for the kind ten dollar tip Alvarado I appreciate that hope you have a great day too thank you for your generosity come on Hieronymus this bowl of beans isn't going to eat itself well also the environment is not very reliable over here I'm going to go ahead and say this he's at a point where it's only his comfort that's low let's have him dig for like a lot more treasure because I think that we could significantly improve his quality of life just kind of at random here then we go ahead and we build him a room to live in and we just try to keep him out of this outside area as much as possible so that way he goes into the bunker yes he found another one of those tickets which happens to be worth a lot of money this is so good okay let's uh I could hardly even contain my gladness here we go uh for some reason the rock won't fit over there [Music] get another four hundred dollars okay so we didn't even need this computer or anything to begin with well interest I I think it was funny to begin with it let's go ahead and um yeah now we got fourteen hundred dollars let's go ahead and put it uh put a wall in there oh give him a real shower don't you think he needs that order of order of priorities here foreign we're going to give him like a five by five room four by five five by five and herein he will begin building his way back up toward the surface is that enough to contain a staircase or are we going to end up having to build it out more uh sort of we might actually need to do seven by I think seven by seven would be a little bit better so we'll actually let's get rid of those walls Can we cancel those right now I want everything to be symmetrical even if it takes me a little bit longer guys design isn't my strong suit I uh I'm just an idiot four five six seven there we go they 215 clearly this is expensive okay we're going to need to dig some more holes to quote holes uh I'm gonna give you my favorite quote from Holes well what else was I gonna give you um the duck may swim on the lake but my daddy owns the lake hey lovely to be here tomato plant healthy it's going down though it's going down let me tend and then water good do those dishes they aren't going to do themselves when can we get a camera of what's going on up at the surface just all of these people risking their lives to get a chance to see the like human experiment that's taking place it's even funnier when regarded in perspective from afar somebody call the fire department how would they even get this man out of there like If This Were Somehow a disaster IRL you know yeah okay that's good you earned us a nice sleep now you earned it I think you did I get the flu and I can die wait how do we know that he has the flu he can die from the flu hang on a second wait wait I don't want to die of the flu well where how do we know that he's on just unemployed just normal unemployed guy uh tiny notification that's all it is sadly oh is saving Gonna Save Us I want to keep my others saved from the beginning hmm decisions decisions yeah I'll save it I'll save it I don't wanna I don't want to lose everything because of the flu there we go all right well thank you for saving me thank you for saving me all right really nowhere to bring this trash unfortunately so we could just bring it over to yes another trash company or that's an also an ideal solution so at least he's maintained his composure despite the fact that he has the flu there's a lot of other things wrong with him let's go ahead and I'll just come on get your motivation back up humperdink we're gonna dig for treasure like 20 more times uh until you actually find something of value again if one of these found all of these tickets underground which have been worth 400 each though now I'm getting nothing but rocks I don't think it really depends on mood though we got a cozy kit gnome dig for treasure again just keep doing this is infinite money just buried in the dirt okay there we go that was what we mainly needed and now uh we can actually get him a room because he is suffering from being here we'll just place all of these things down 468 25 25 there we go that's what I was looking for okay now my need for symmetry will be fulfilled and we will uh we're gonna go through with the rest of this room I think unfortunately unfortunately don't have enough money we just need three more segments all right come on get up wake up and then we'll move your bed in there stop dying stopped I really don't have much hope for this guy he's crying like a lot is this his health oh no this is his aspiration is Fortune oh he may die he may die now hang on a second no we get it I'm Gonna Save You no don't try to do all that bird watching he's got a lot going on right now oh you could have just walked past those holes the whole time lazy lazy all right sleep eat good he's done with that all right good he won't die of hunger he won't die of hunger or what is he doing what is he doing you know what I've got to speed up this process guys I don't even think that the computer is gonna be that important I've just got to get this man into like surgery right now I'm gonna move everything into this room because I think it's his dire need for a new room that is uh causing this breakdown in society we're gonna move everything in there humperdink here we go move in your chair yes you love your chair we'll put this over here yeah there we go and um we need room for the staircase I think so we'll just put this how about like right over here now whoops we can't actually can we change the direction of that yeah there we go I put that right over there good but now we have practically an entire kitchen for you fancy living [Music] move that over this Jolly music is actually rather uh like perfectly matching the mood hmm we get rid of that and we exchange it for a wall over here that's 210 do we still have enough to afford a door this is the question get rid of that yes the cheapest door is only eighty dollars we can afford that and yes bada bing we've got a oh we could have just done that oh well well [Music] squares are are just right there's something right about a square get up okay we've got you a real house now wow what happens if we put up the walls what does that look like I've done great things for this man no one questioned me unfortunately he doesn't have a roof yeah I mean it pretty much just gets like automatic what is he doing let's just let him be autonomous for a few moments he's is he destroying the yeah he's killing the bugs oh God the bugs have returned from The Sims one can we spray them no I don't like that here we go spray it looks like he's trying to eat the bugs here we go yeah just open up your armpits on them and they should probably go away this is not good Hieronymus the bugs have returned just get back to your home come on Hieronymus not really anywhere to put your trash that's problematic I wonder if there's any way is there any way we could just get rid of the trash I thought that the compactor would like delete it it just puts it down a drain somehow isn't that how it used to work in the other ones or maybe not we still I mean as it is we currently have no way of getting rid of trash he's living in a landfill oh God or maybe we could sell the trash yeah let's try that can't pick up yeah what are we gonna do about that I don't want to do move objects I think that would be a little bit he's got to have some way of figuring it out you know like you don't think that when you throw away your trash it just goes away like magically disappears now they burn a lot of it or they just put it in the ocean it's really they really they really shouldn't do that um but yeah a lot of it does get burned for energy right then sell the bin Ah that's actually would be kind of interesting put the track yeah put the trash in a bin and then sell the bin let's try that sometimes it doesn't allow you to do that but we got to get rid of the trash somehow so let's go ahead and put this it's probably under miscellaneous right should I waistband nope that's dog food I think that this yep piece of garbage they had such great names for these things in this game let's dig for yeah we'll keep it nice outside the front of my house actually let's dig for treasure over here choose aspiration benefits by clicking on the treasure chest icon hmm Where is the aspiration benefits by clicking the treasure chest icon where is that aspiration benefits oh aspiration rewards yeah because some of it is discover buried treasure right lifetime aspiration benefits what is this oh interesting so like because he's got this buried treasure right okay a money tree in a discovery that sent shockwaves oh yeah he can get a money tree this existed in this game I forgot about this but he hasn't really gotten his aspiration Rewards yet he certainly doesn't have a career what is this one too this is like a noodle Soother what the heck it just elevates your mood in general okay that's good um we do have his aspirations over here so if he buys a toilet buys a shower or a tub and earns a hundred dollars or marries a rich Sim so these are his aspirations yeah so going back to the Sims 2 this was like how One of the major game mechanics worked in it was that you had these aspirations and if you did them make your Sim happier I mean for me my aspiration was money I think the the choice was obvious when you live in a pit you need something you can't really marry for love when you live in a pit there's a couple of other boxes you gotta check off before that there's a trash company wait it does destroy the trash I stand corrected okay so then let's go ahead and do this clean up you need to you were irking me sir clean the garbage now he doesn't actually do that we gotta figure a little bit of this out so he's found a gold dragon worth 430 dollars hang on a second let's just see if we can fix this one thing I think we need to do it before try putting this trash over here clean it up wake up okay he's just falling asleep all the time now get out of there humperdink oh we gotta get that man out of there there we go he's got his energy back up you really can't do anything without energy stop waking up humperdink oh it's the hunger okay yes I will do that I didn't think he would be so difficult uh we could have cereal Now options yeah he did get kind of stuck okay he fell asleep in the bowl of cereal yep and he just falls asleep face first in that forever he could drown he could asphyxiated can you imagine he is fixated after falling asleep in the bowl of cereal wait actually that might happen go back to eating it no Jesus all right which one is it going to be good you did up and Adam Champ sleep in your pajamas yeah do it phew he was stuck in like a hunger sleep cycle there that wasn't good okay so I'm not paying any of my bills but I dare them I dare them come and get the bills SimCity Savings and Loans imagine usurers coming to get me or the user you never hear that word anymore is it users or huge I think it's I want to say it's huge because it's usury right you use huge yeah I will get the Repo Man regardless all right he's much better now of course his social status just still garbage but hey at least he has energy at least he won't fall asleep into the bowl of cereal anymore that's progress can you imagine like going to your therapist and saying that well I managed to stay awake through the entire bowl of Cheerios today progress I think we've got somewhere and they and they charge you money for that they charge you money for that let's go ahead we'll buy him an actual toilet this is going to fulfill one of my amazing life aspirations here we got 500 we're one step closer to a money tree Charisma and cleaning level one okay well he does like to clean shower and tub we've we're just gonna try to upgrade his life a bit come on man come on let's go let's go another beautiful day in paradise okay so good the dishes do just kind of disappear or whoops we gotta get rid of that yeah you're not getting the mail man sorry about that so let's check out this trash thing no he's just gotta take out the trash troubling maybe I didn't get the right compactor see I got eliminate unnecessary trips to the curbside can and turn your stinky kitchen debris into funny that it says that you should be able to do that and yet mine doesn't do that don't we think and sign the aspiration points like sir oh really I could do better uh aspiration stuff maybe I'll go ahead and do that just to make him slightly less needy oh I see what we're saying slower need Decay social and comfort life of luxury no matter um cases for career skill negotiator Naturals at the art of haggling don't really need that either wait is this sales no we don't have salary um yeah I think we just need to slow the rate of Decay on these other things that's good okay good call I like that uh slower knee Decay on hygiene wow we can do all of them right now oh wow this is rather good um Financial advice for cash oh this opens up other options for him on the computer this is quite good well we don't have a job and nor do I think that we're ever going to get one let's just do the trees that are kind of native to our character and just drop all of his needs we could definitely give Financial advice on the internet I'd recommend the second aspiration have more flexible desires for mood boost I'm just happy that he had anything I'm I'll figure it out more as we get up the mood tree I just wanted to give him all those main things the main thing I want is this money tree the money tree would be very good for him but the slower I'm just so used to The Sims one need Decay being god-awful like I'm slightly looking forward to the fact that he's okay he's not got this one let's try to eliminate all of the bugs spray them all one thing at a time people you know you gotta focus on one problem in your life at a time and then things begin to improve slowly good we've got most of the bugs yes he's donned his formal jacket again let's get rid of these bugs and these ones and yes I think that's just about it except they do seem to keep spawning from the garbage so we haven't eliminated the root problem yet problematic but you know you gotta walk before you can run all right at least maybe that will kill off some of the bugs spray these ones my god there really are just as many as there were in The Sims one it's almost as if the game's coding is exactly the same scream scream victory over the bugs oh God this is like A Bug's Life all over again this is a man having a lot of like first world problems in a in a real dire situation now I'm convinced that these things aren't going to kill me oh I've also uh crap I've also just about killed my tomato plant because I've neglected it let's tend it really quick come on Save the tomatoes instead of it's going to be very very difficult to get rid of the trash without cutting it exterminated moving the trash can down is unfortunately necessary if you want to play this long we could do that I wonder if we could do that so like let's go ahead and let's just chat about that for a second is there any possible way of getting rid of trash because right now he does seem to be stuck with this the trash compactor doesn't seem to do what it Tinker yeah the trash compactor doesn't actually seem to delete the trash so we have to bring the trash compactor down it's a different trash this one said it would though it's kind of weird hmm bins need to be moved to the trash can eventually it just kind of delays the problem okay so I see so we pretty much thank you actually I did not know that that existed so I gotta move the trash can down all right so with that in mind I'm okay with that if we have to move the trash can down that's like a one-time thing so we got to do move objects true right uh how what is what is the command again in the game for moving the trash can down so we could get it uh down to the ground I'm pretty sure yeah move up move objects uh I think we uh oh actually it did work the first time I think oh move object on okay I think that that worked so now we just take this and we go into buy mode we move the trash can down here fortunately this does work and I think this just permanently deletes the trash so put that over there I wonder if we can get the mail down here too like if we could just somehow bug the mailman into delivering it on the ground that may work either that or you just won't deliver them I don't think that he should be able to receive other packages though that's against the spirit of the challenge in my opinion so if we take out the trash yep it's just gone forever because that's pretty much infinite as far as I'm concerned okay all right we're moving and shaking we're moving and shaking now wasn't necessary uh move the trash bin without oh really you don't even need move objects on well I did it either way I also think it's funny to have the mailbox just facing a wall of dirt that somehow the mailman is expected to arrive at this location I said we'll delete this God I can see his stench can you get the man you can't unfortunately get the mail so we will move the mailbox so that would this work can it magically get delivered okay pay in the bills pay in the bills there we are I liked it better the other way for the record but you know if I must do it like this all right so his social is still down his hygiene is still down we'll take care of those things in a bit but let's get his energy and hunger back up and then we'll dig several more holes dig for treasure dig for treasure now if we can get his other aspirations up oh what is this sound Sim City Savings and Loans okay they've teleported in the Repo Man because I've missed my bills that's probably fine it just unfortunately Fades out of existence they've removed my couch I wasn't really using the couch though so I'm fine with that I didn't need the couch um I'll fulfill my other lifetime aspirations mainly the money tree I think is the big one that he wants oh you opened up another pit to Water World come on oh he's upset because he hasn't achieved his uh dreams of money still I find this a lot more tolerable than the Sims one oh yes we've got the happy Doctor Who came in this guy does occasionally make life better Fun For All okay good we're back on our grind yes old map another rock and a bone another bone there we are okay um we get everything out of the inventory again where is it there we go move move move move sell sell sell sell sell I like how the lifetime aspirations are kind of at the level that your sim is at because like I can't picture this guy doing much more than buying a shower tops at this point so we'll give him like the terrible shower oh my gosh this is very depressing there we go okay come on get it to this side get it to this side there we go all right fancy living got that got that he can earn a hundred dollars I don't think he's gonna be able to do that what else do we have uh what is this reach Charisma and what is this hiring exterminator gonna be hard for him to get down here but I could at least Hire One take a shower all right so now he's got all of his needs met there in the hole let's see if other people are how's the rest of the Town doing and what do we live across from you know we haven't really looked into the neighborhood I think it'll be a while stat Stratford strip I think it's against the spirit of the challenge to just walk there even if we are allowed to though I doubt that it would be allowed ride the rock out of the oh yeah like the pioneers oh sorry wrong episode of SpongeBob hey fitblood thank you very much for the prime rise and shine humperdink all right maybe today we'll get up that social stat for you winter is coming if we don't have a roof we will not survive we haven't yet made it to the money tree let's go see if we have any other lifetime aspiration rewards not just yet we're still going to need to do more if we want to get to where where I'm trying to get man this winter really came on Fast don't you think here in the pit let's go there's a lot more work to do today he does just spend most of his life sleeping though he's like some sort of hibernating squirrel in more than one sense you know I guess we could pay these bills though only fifty four dollars but you still don't really have any other way of making money so let's just keep on digging for treasure another day who knows I guess he must just pass the money up to somebody with really long arms you know that's how I imagine in my mind's eye how he gets the money for doing all of this digging every day oh roofs are free really sweet to put on a roof on this sucker [Music] oh heck yeah heck yeah hang on a second tall and short Auto roof let's do that no uh insufficient funds [Music] not these Rubes oh there it is okay our there's the roof there's the roof it doesn't really make any sense this roof but at least it's not so boring as the rest of the house which is just a square still I think that this is a perfectly acceptable house to live in this also reminds me of my college dorm well uh no it doesn't but and maybe the one that I had a dream about you know the tie yeah there's a tile on my roof well it's to remind me that uh nothing is perfect and you know as they as they say in Perfection there's some small element of imperfection that makes it worth admiring so that's where we're at we found two maps what a haul today what a great hall three wow I'm going to be a rich man tomorrow it's on hang on wake up wake up stop slacking on the job Hieronymus we go go to bed like a real like a real boy or we'll just put a bed down right next to him do we have that inventory again yeah there it is right one two three four and look at all this 400 425 825 12 25. math math math math he's gonna get uh influence I really struggled to see he could start a great YouTube channel though you know those like survival Wilderness living challenges where some guy goes out into the woods and he's got like a lighter and he he builds Atlantis with the lighter it's crazy I think that um our protagonist has a great shot at this you know he could what would be the name of his channel like underground uh like you know he could go after the famous game series Tony Hawk's Underground but really underground I think that would sell I think that would be interesting I would certainly I've everyone would watch that you couldn't not watch it oh we have 1239 dollars it seems like yeah the counts the camera bounces quite bad um what are his aspirations actually I'm going to just follow up on these aspirations let's give him a mirror to practice Charisma although he does need to get into a better mood before then and he's currently not in a great mood I'm not gonna lie he needs to be able to also create food from nothing that's been another source of concern you know what I'm gonna go ahead and say apple tree that's got to be the next thing we don't have to tend to an apple tree right because our tomato plant died because I just didn't have the time I was too busy fighting uh roaches and like other evil doers on the ground I don't want them to multiply there we go are there any more of their kind here they are not welcome there they are begun beasts look at them go I didn't actually used to encounter large bugs like this but uh current place I'm living in you can like hear a cockroach before you before you see it because they're usually quite large oh yeah I've got to pay my bills too thank you I don't want City Sim City Savings and Loan coming after me I wonder if I'll never have to pay my bills because they can't get to the mailbox though too let's just find out are there any nope no bills up here okay great doesn't seem like I'm getting any mail anymore however all right let's have another comfortable bowl of cereal to use this as a pillow again I think that would be perfectly acceptable oh no they have multiplied well then we'll just have to cue orders for is there a real bug on my arm no there wasn't ever get that tingling sensation we should probably get rid of these too cover those things up right away because now we've got like a weed problem it's growing if I make or I could eat the bugs too yeah that's true if I make a pond I could fish for food or sell them wow maybe we'll create a pond down here that would actually be great although I like the idea of like passive food income from apples you know okay he looks like he's having a really hard time here I think he might be trapped between the holes oh no he was just lying get right back in there hit right back in there don't sleep before you eat don't sleep before you eat stop crying it does kind of annoy me when they get into like this mood spiral like this though come on drink wake up you get tired way too fast man as long as that need is met you should be fine oh he might be dying of the gout now yep he's sick he's very sick oh why would you have this is one of the healthiest place to be in wait a second can he have breakfast oh maybe that's the issue well he did get a drink of something from out of there get up have something nope he's just coughing for the entire day all right it's kind of funny though I think you're right I think that the fridge is empty right here but it's not really telling me that is it Czech Foods okay so let's go ahead and see this check Food Supplies current levels okay so there we go level is zero sleep quick and what we're gonna have to do is sell the fridge and buy a new fridge until we can get an uh ongoing food source I'm learning guys I'm really not particularly experienced in The Sims 2. we aren't going to get any pro level gameplay here let's buy him a she's making a regret well I've already spent the 600 I was thinking bigger fridge might come with more food maybe not necessarily the weeds have expanded inward uh you know just sleep be comfortable I'm sure it'll be fine how many crimes can I commit in this game I think that burglar is actually a professional career track I have little patience for this man if I can't access the road I can do one of two things either keep buying new fridges bigger ones are better limited cooking options okay so that's good so they do have more capacity catering table for doing a treasure coin challenge of this type yes we will definitely be doing that so maybe I'll do that all right I'm going to cover the things that are bothering me as pet peeves right now fill in these two holes this has just been speaking to me for a while he somehow keeps failing at filling the holes in why is this happening try it again hmm he's not you fail at everything a lot yeah see like when I even tell what now let's examine are you like gaining the physical strength to fill in this nope he's just very sick he's just very sick he's so mysterious oh [Music] I get it you feel alone the the social Easter Bunny is coming okay he seems to be doing something now good he's cheering you up cheer him up good well God only knows we're just gonna have to have those uh geysers there forever I suppose his every moment of his life is pure suffering but can he at least pull the weeds out he can do that good job let's do that good we've made it comfortable for ourselves in time for the Snows dressing for the weather he needs to make sure he's in his outerwear okay so he doesn't want to go outside in his underwear that makes a little bit of sense is it just me or is he growing pale like he is going to die or is that just uh like a Lut over the whole screen oh he does it automatically that's quite good should probably get rid of this trash as well hang on a second we don't really need that oh what do you know you can just sell that if there's anything else that we can sell the holes that we add too we can sell the geysers okay so then this is actually much better because for some reason he just can't do that I'm okay with this cell do we make any money off of the holes we don't make money off of the holes unfortunately but you know I would like to clean up my yard this is a life hack they do seem to leave behind puddles and just like a floor of blue maybe I'm screwing myself in other ways it's nonetheless still a source of cleaning that we're going to need to complete so I it's not like we're getting away with a lot right here I'm probably gonna delete these because I need better sources of food I didn't like those very much not at all right what is what is this stuff we've created some sort of like mirror substance on the ground I think we just bugged the game horribly uh no pun intended I'm all right with it I mean uh uh am I making zombies for project Zomboy no he's actually that's one of his pet peeves he doesn't like zombies do I have his uh his likes and his dislike he is an average cabbage but I mean like whatever is there damn it we just have blue ground now I'm sure we could put floor over it at some point um this will never do all right Hieronymus at least you're getting food again you don't seem to be so death Leo can't repair things though either hmm he's going to need a bookcase is what he's going to need I have a snack cereal cereal there we go nice nutritious bowl of Cheerios or whatever you're having there we go even his comfort is rising who could deny that let's buy him a slightly better chair and bed and stuff because currently he's just not having it manipulated the terrain around the void blocks I don't know I I think that there's just going to be a lot of bugs in this I I have accepted it I have accepted it oh yeah maybe it is because I still have move objects on try move objects off oh that's why okay so that's so I I guess I cheated there accidentally oh whoops a daisy whoopsy daisy I thought it was just something that was very convenient uh that is unfortunate because how else am I going to get rid of those holes in the ground ah here's the last cockroaches I really don't like these things they bring down my mood and everything and they they're getting away they're regrouping good it's like Thermopylae all right they're all gone thank God I'm alone again I never thought that it would get so what are you doing there was nothing to pan and brush up oh what was that okay sweep alone at last what are you thinking about you're thinking about being cold [Music] we need to get you some kind of heater in here no I'm sure he'll be fine that even his comfort is going down nope okay he's enjoying a good book again he couldn't fill in the holes because the environment stat was so bad ironically it's kind of crazy like what else can he do teleport skill which can be learned from one of the multi so he could teleport with a DLC no I think we just need to force him to live a horrible life down here see my the thing that I I'm feeling right now is we really haven't made any progress since we're getting off this street I was thinking he was going to go up you know like one level then two levels but he just sort of well the treasure was a nice thing to have but then after that his needs were very quickly um not met not quite as bad as in The Sims one because I'm not gonna lie I spent about three days doing that challenge but he's still suffering immensely don't get it twisted I'm sure we could do something a little bit better with these aspiration rewards though like have him giving Financial advice to people on the internet and probably making a lot of money doing that yeah I don't think it's uh toward the spirit of the challenge if we just teleport him out though he's got to earn his way out he's got to earn his way out but can we prevent him from freezing too there's all these other weird things that come up but there's only four days left in the winter as well oh this is his temperature yeah he may freeze to death okay uh hang on a second get up can I how do I change him into [Music] I may need to buy a wardrobe here let's go back out I believe this is under is it decorative nope miscellaneous here we go wardrobes [Music] oh Sims Generation Challenges yeah it seems to well I thought there was one challenging that looked really interesting in the generations it was that you have to here we go outerwear come on just where warm clothes all the time okay maybe he'll be slightly warmer then whoops nope don't even sleep don't even sleep because I don't I would rather that you not sleep and be tired and not freeze to death he's really not doing too particularly good how else can we warm him up though oh he's also aging into a senior citizen as well I didn't even notice this he becomes an elder in 22 days so he might actually be an old man before he gets out wow put in the floor yeah we could do fire some sort of fire let's try that we do have some money to kick around before we die of uh something horrible radiator hmm let's try light maybe like the heat from the lamp we'll keep put a single lamp there you've never stood next to the lamp for warmth you haven't lived the way I have lived hmm maybe there's a radiator in here or something ceiling sprinkler pretty sure that's not what I'm looking for trash shoot oh this is my favorite song this is the sometimes him Place uh hyper remix is the one song I know from this game by name yes give a man a fire he's warm for a day said A Man on Fire warm it's a great phrase hmm let's also try giving him a floor yeah nice wood floor nice warm wood floor nothing warmer than wood okay fancy living fancy living again let's check this out come on we floored you we lamped you you won't be getting weeds in the house anymore unfortunately there actually is a point to floor in this God that is really nauseating I'm not even remotely close to the edge well we'll just look at him like this oh God every day is a nightmare okay yes his uh his uh temperature did slightly rise hopefully he won't die of the flu wallpaper yes this is not a bad idea not a bad idea looks like he's not able to damn it okay we'll just live like this I think one thing we're gonna have to do in this early on in this challenge is just whenever he's unable to repair something you just gotta replace it because how else is he expected to you know live like this and we won't even be able to have a trash can there that'll save money and we'll bring the trash can down that makes it a bit more feasible I like challenge I don't like frustration all right let's see if he makes it through the winter but my one perhaps regret is that he's definitely going to become a senior citizen before he gets out of this hole like he's not gonna make it out of there and uh 22 days he's gonna need more but his needs are up he seems to be recovering from his flu what is that you know the Necessities the bare necessities Hieronymus is healthy again great okay man that's very annoying the flu am I yeah I'm not even on the outskirts that's weird I'm probably one of the only people who plays this now well there have been some wacky people who played this game too what he needs is like a good lawn mower well he doesn't look healthy yet but I'll believe it I'll believe that he's healthy let's go ahead and get some gardening done because that's obviously the main priority here yep you'll get in the right mood when you pull out these weeds they've been clouding your uh your judgment and your and your clear thinking for now Hieronymus there we go nice weed pulling there we go let's see if this was the problem okay good Easter Bunny out of nowhere again I like that Easter Bunny that's better than what was his name Sunny the tragic clown of the Sims one who's actually one of the strangest characters in all of video gaming that appeared to have something to do with it out the rest of these oh God three generations of mold people uh did I finish talking about what I was saying before yeah so basically there was a challenge in The Sims I was reading about um I can't remember it was on some website I just Googled like what are Sims challenges I was trying to cast about for ideas and it said that you could have generations of people and say that some of them couldn't use power like you treat them like they're living before the invention of electricity um I guess he would say discovery of electricity but yeah it just sounded kind of interesting to have them trying to live without power hmm yeah like a well I mean actually as the generations go by you'd start to use more and more powered items like this you first you start off using lamps and then you go on to you know like telephones and then eventually you end at computers when you're in the modern era it's kind of a neat idea under whenever I'm not making videos or just trying to cast about for the next idea I use them uh nothing like living underground in a hole for free now this is a picture I could get behind this is like the kind of Ikea dorm room life I mean don't you kind of feel an Ikea Vibe here like what's some kind of foreverska thank you for the prime actually forever sounds kind of like the name of a piece of Ikea furniture you know I like those they have good names it reminds me of the uh of the Sims 2 Furniture names but look he's actually got his ducks in line now wow took you long enough so from this point we have kind of gotten beyond the impasse it was very difficult getting through all of that but now he's just normal cold is he dying of no don't die of being frozen what what was that from are you going into it's not extreme temperatures look he's in the green zone now being melodramatic no oh God uh is there any way to please I lost my only Sim well it was interesting uh well it lasted man things were just getting in line for uh Hieronymus Humperdinck Grim Grim Reaper is making a phone call it seems like that is a big 2006 phone uh well that was interesting to try out anyway oh I'm just a I'm just a nerd now oh that was the life of Hieronymus humperdink I was thinking it would last a bit longer but I still think that this was interesting to try out um I could reload my last save I feel like that's slightly maybe I'll try it out in a couple of different ways slightly before we sign off but um I felt as though I should have more extremely pushed into the realm of digging for treasure you know maybe settled for a smaller house to begin with and then expand as we rise up the heights uh what did he he died of hubris he was proud he flew too close to the Sun great guy where but where was I at though I think the definite things you got to do in this challenge are you got to bring down the trash can because otherwise he's living down there with a lot of roaches and that's very distracting to him I was just trying to kind of figure out like weird stuff that you got to do for this challenge um like most people who dig holes for money yes he spent most of the day fighting bugs I think other than that getting him this house was the right move especially because I didn't understand the Sims 2 Seasons that I didn't know that that existed or was a thing to probably do that we'll probably sell his ashes for another 150 so he could buy something else you move somebody else in here I think we do have one other guy we might as well give it a shot with him right um let's go back out to the neighborhood we won't save the game uh oh crapper is it actually all just going to be reset well we get to enjoy this fantastic Sims 2 loading screen is it oh he's actually right there we uh so we could go back in time but I don't know I just think that this was fun to do for a test out I wanted to try this out today um I'm probably gonna do a little bit more robust testing but uh yeah anyway I just kind of wanted to do some of that with you guys while we figured out the challenge honestly I learned a lot from doing it with you guys here um yeah I think that's going to be the next video just living uh in a sinkhole underground because I think it I think it's funny
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 80,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims, the sims 2, sims 2, sims gameplay, sims game, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, ambiguousamphibian sims, the sims 2 underground, sims 2 underground, sims 2 challenge, sims challenge
Id: zO2GC_19jLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 56sec (4676 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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