"Have You Seen My Son?" Project Zomboid Multiplayer w/ Friends

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all right let's get started on our adventure for our lives powers you can't uh watch your questionable films anymore so now you're going to come meet up with us i mean well we were we were beginning to we were becoming very powerful men by watching tv in here we had learned almost all of the skills i for one m level two and carpentry and cooking and farming uh level one uh but i'm progressing and coming along splendidly are you guys nearing the mall we're going to leave our sketchy we we can go to the mall videotape store right it's back this one yeah yeah i know yeah yeah um look for the big green building i'm uh i'm blocked my uh oh okay here i'll switch i'll switch it out yeah switch seats i'll hurry up and take over i'm trying chunk locked what are we calling this yeah i'm willing to risk my life to go there okay let's uh sneak over we're gonna meet them at the mall i'm just going to drink it would you like some bourbon newbert oh hell yeah okay i'm going to give you half of an entire uh bottle to just chug before we get there because we don't get tired it's fine i'm locked i'm locked it's not looking good have you seen my son i am your son dang it drink it [Music] what happens if we log drink it drink it around i'm just gonna quit wait i'm a miner i can't do this hey it's rar all right uh all right we're gonna be looking for my son today we're going through i think i left him in the mall so we have to go back in there we're going to need to raid the gun store where are you guys relative to the mall we'll meet up with you new bird and i are in the back take some clothes real quick okay get a pair for my son maybe we'll find him in there uh i'm gonna go ahead and leave this blue pen in my we have all of this garbage could we have enough ammo we're doing great new bird and i are at the clothes store picking out some clothing for him and uh the rest of my family when we eventually find them where are you guys are you uh oh we'll cross that bridge when we come to it would you like a balaclava or some uh ear i already got it i already got quite a look no i don't really like this balaclava it doesn't show the perfection that is my face turpin's got quite a uh entourage yeah so just give me a sec i am in the big i think golf cart place i think we can uh do you guys want to go in the uh south entrance or the west entrance do you know which ones i'm talking about okay uh yeah we'll go to the south one all right we'll uh yeah like the main entrance right yes sir oh score wristwatch oh wait south our main entrance here you've inherited this watch she's gonna shoot me where it or else where it or else all right uh actually we might be able to stealth in here on the west i'm gonna uh renege on our agreement that's french for lie here help me with this one help me with this one don't go in too hard now don't go in too hard okay now destroy this destroy this woman there we are uh a black border too there we are log i am fine i don't know why it's happening so bad oh score food we've only had it in louiseville is the weird thing i wonder if it's because of the chunk density we're also driving around pretty fast so i know we're having a pretty good time yeah generally speaking driving causes them all right well we're doing fine where we're at so uh screw you guys in like a few days gotta cut through the uh black box is like it's a like where are you i got locked like three separate times all right yeah i'd be very slow and careful here we're trying to be quiet on our way into the mall we don't want anyone to we don't want mall security to know about what i'm doing here all in favor of driving through the middle everyone damn it there we are okay uh we're not going to move i lied when i said that before so that you know i'll meet you i'm going to see if we can go to the back of the mall um wait for me wait while you're at your picture but i thought you're still in the back seat where are you at all right newbert i have an idea yeah i'm gonna need your uh work together with me on this one are you ready to uh listen to my idea sure let's go all right uh we're gonna go in the mall we're gonna see if we can be quiet first okay so we'll try to quietly uh get through to the gun store do you know where the gun store is i have no idea where anything is in this building okay the gun store is about the third store to the to the left when we walk in you see what i mean like this side is the left oh crap that's all of them oh oh my gosh wow it's my are you my son have you seen my son uh pick through whichever person looks who's who's who uh wait a minute this is that's no none of you are my son have you seen my son guys my dad has dementia i'm sorry does your does your son have a mighty beard because it might be me does anyone have a pair of earbuds he left me three uh two cds no all i have is these like really futuristic uh glasses that kind of makes me look like blade all right clearly you you know my son you and me are dressed alike civil can yeah you do kind of look like blade uh awesome um all right we're gonna go to the gun store we're gonna see if we can do it quietly so i'm not gonna fight probably did someone just get bit yeah i got bit by a teleporting zombie why you got uh maybe if you had the cool goggles if only you were from the future hannah i'm gonna sneak into the back why is balloon here there's there's nothing back here unfortunately move it move it all right if you just distract them we can make our way into the gun store and then ah okay now we're moving and sh we are both moving and shaking now zombies at the mall i know i know we need to get only like one store if we just quietly make our way over to the gun store yep okay the gun store is pretty clear if you guys can come into the gun store yeah there's like three zombies in the gun store if you've managed to make your way in here i don't even have a weapon but i don't want to shoot my gun in here otherwise oh they're all over the gun store now because i came in all right i have an idea no i have an idea if you want to go to the gun store i'll just shoot my gun i'm bleeding i gotta got a bandage here oh yeah that's a lot that's a lot who brought i didn't bring this many in i didn't bring this many in no you see if you can get the gun store i'm just going to shoot my gun in the middle of the mall yeah you have to be quick i'm going as fast as he can rip yeah if you can break down the door in there then we have access to the whole armory and we can clear out the mall the back um the back ways are completely filled with zombies by the way oh good to know good to know so don't go there don't go there am i dead i'm not dead no i'm not dead i'm fine all right um i'm like trying to attract them away from the gun store is that having any success or should i come back there and shoot off a few more rounds i am currently making like a half ditch effort to get in this gun store before it hits a fan come on unlock faster who's shooting i'm shooting i'm trying to get them away from the gun store so that you guys can get in loud noises scare me we're in good you got in okay nice good job good job oh crap crap [Music] all right good night you guys are in the pickle now i've got a horde out here i think i've attracted most of them away from the gun store there are other ones oh yeah that's not good hang on a second did you at least manage to get in there yeah i got on the armory i was able to get into the back oh [ __ ] i ran out of ammo yeah i'm fine they're raining from the sky where we are yeah they just keep falling okay i have about um how many more bullets do i have left i have oh crap i have a gem i have like 24 bullets left i can probably clear out the ones that are against the door but then there's a lot more on there we just need to get you guys into the armory man my character's not panicked at all he's just like yup i've been here before hmm he says my nightmares are worse yeah right pretty much well i just need to make sure that the moisture doesn't overwhelm me before the number of zombies do the overwhelming moisture i'm very wet right now i'm soaked what happened i've just been sweating i've been wearing what the hell is that one in all those videos yeah i was watching all of those adult movies before we met that's true for context holy hell i just went through the hallway of death how am i alive i hope you're getting guns i finally got level uh what am i at now i got i got overran i had a dip out there's like 30 inside the same room crap come on guys i got 48 shells to go oh my gosh it's finally peace and quiet in this entryway well i hear you firing now so that means that you found a gun right uh you know it's one that i came with oh my gosh there's so many over there what no no don't go that way tripping trip don't aggro them please too late that's only two let's fight them over here i just want to get them away from that store i think uh i'm out of rounds now i have only bourbon unfortunately let's get some let's get some molotov that would not be bad at a time like this i think i did my part i shot off 50 rounds in the middle of the of the well we can still always just yell we can always just yell i'm going to try and make it to the back armory it's going to go terribly i'm probably gonna die oh god i poked my head into this clothing store at the front and back in one of the corners the zombies can't get out right now there's like a million zombies tucked in the corner krom why don't you try to get into the store uh lead your horde over to me and i'll just uh i'll take your horde on to mine where are you are you by the west exit i'm heading your way right now i see you okay um hang on a second walk near each other and then you i'm just gonna shout a lot and you walk to the store no i don't have any aggro so let me just grab some weapons in here yeah i'm going to try to de-aggro that one off of you do you guys there we go music concert area is close to the mall all right i think i got all of those ones on me i am getting tired though so now i'm i've got like a 3 000 zombies on me do you guys know if the music concert area is close to the mall uh hang on a second not sure a little pretty occupied [ __ ] there's an m14 in here oh you did good okay see if you can find a shotgun i i'm i'm actually taking a shotgun i was just informing that there's a uh m14 in here i'll take the m14 i'll take that how are you doing and then after that i'd like to have a turn in the armory if that's all right yep let me know like what is what is a round two uh we got shotguns uh shotgun shells hopefully a js 2000 yeah yeah we got one of those yeah i paid one of my bag i'm coming out i'm coming out with my shotgun so in order to be this chad i had to sacrifice my hair i'm like saitama from uh one punch man just half and you're not there yet yeah i lost i mean yeah halfway there there i mean my favorite is lime your character looks like he's will smith from the future uh do you want to get you a shotgun ambi i can just grab one put it in my bag and give it to you uh yeah that would that would be equally good okay i also have a lot of uh bag space so if you'd like tire yourself out and you want to just meet out in front of the mall yup yup i'm just like you guys might want to stay clear of me i'm leading a very large group of rounds yeah i don't want to be here okay i'm going back to troopin outside of the mall lime do you have everything that you need uh i'm i'm describing stuff okay i like lost my group so there's a huge group in there that was a little bit irresponsible of me yeah i wouldn't uh oh is this car hot why or did you use it need a key what the hell is this bunny ears dance magazine and a red balloon there's like a prize out here that's wild stuff it's it i took some bunny ears and more bunny ears stayed in there so i don't know what's going on interesting we have some kind of like uh perpetual recursion problem going on is friedrich nietzsche in the server nature he might we might have an issue we have to voice with the admins yeah you have no way to talk to the admins outside of just slash hauling oh you are just like uh hang on a second i'm running i'm running yeah i'm leading a big group around with my shotgun so be careful okay i'm gonna go into the back rooms here if you can just uh leave them away from me that'll be a lot easier am i bringing my shotgun group to the front is that what you said oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] jesus christ okay i'm gonna go out to the front then again too if lima's the other shotgun that's all i've just been looking for another shotgun yeah yeah i got the shotgun let me know when you guys are ready for me to bring this group forward okay let's go into the other uh building line uh so that you can transfer the shotgun onto my body all right sounds good oh you are dude i have like three aiming actually if you have any other more higher powered rifle that you want to give me and you want to take the shotgun that's fine too no i'm a veteran so it's all good all right yeah we'll just get some space between us and then okay how about here in this parking lot uh not in that parking lot right here i'll just drop it right here right here uh shotgun going on the floor and i was there's only three boxes in there by the way so shotgun shells in the whole place green square on the map right that's right yeah oh okay i do have a pistol if you want that as well though uh i have an m9 with me right now uh yeah i can give you some nine mil boxes here yeah yeah i don't even need the pistol you can keep the pistol do you have enough rounds for yourself oh yeah i got the rifle i also have a bunch of 38 rounds i have gotten okay levels of aiming since i started this let's roll sprinting from how far i spawned yeah let me reload this m14 and we'll be golden how the hell i guess i what is our uh we still have to have to find my son have you seen my son your son is already dead in this apocalypse the only one you can worry about himself i'm bringing my group oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] how did you get over there oh that's bad okay everybody back up back up back up shut the door i'll run around and shout i'll run around and shout i didn't know you i thought you guys were still in the mall god damn it uh reloading reloading okay now we can start to make our push back toward the actually [ __ ] this group uh make our push back toward the mall i just brought my group out the front i'm out of ammo i'm out of ammo back up back up back up out okay uh i say yeah leave that group there that's not really worth fighting them unless if do we want to like take over the vhs tape store do we want that to be a fallback point because i think we might as well try to clear out the whole place we could try it all right uh make sure you got four in your sights whenever you do it because we are going to run out of ammo fast oh i don't have a shotgun all you got is my uh i like the crossing guard i've never seen the crossing guard before yeah there i go disregarding my yeah the crossing guard one is pretty cool shoot these things maybe yeah give us a few seconds we gotta match our shots here but yeah we just watched like all of the videotapes in the vhs store we have we i've memorized every single tape in there jesus ah all right lime we're good yeah i'm just gonna go open up these boxes see how much rounds i got to work with here all right i got 200 oh jesus trooping is like a movie right here i know i am he's amazing yeah that's a lot of zombies dude you are a movie have you seen my son have you seen my son oh god uh police uh bulletproof vest uh i mean not a bulletproof vest at all there we go all right now we're getting ready for some zombie killing action is multiplayer out now on the new build uh up to 32 players yeah a couple like little caveats and things that they're working on but yeah guys you should be playing uh project zomboid it hit a whole new player account crap ooh that wasn't anything 26 000 at its peak 26. yeah that's what i'm gonna get 26 000. i mean that was great for them i know they had a rim world's highest concurrent player one i mean that's kind of like the the number that they look at i think that one was 50k though i think tynan's mentioned pz as like a source of inspiration okay we could probably somebody could stealth their way back into the mall now and see if it's safe i'd let most of my girls out there we could go to the south entrance maybe maybe i'm going to see if i can walk my way back yeah i might still be swarming with them all right i'm gonna like kind of sneak a bit because i don't have any exhaustion anymore i think i'm not close it's not okay but it's it's a little bit better i think i'm just gonna see if i can draw him out because the main thing is we want him to get out of the mall into the open right yeah hey beef bee beef thanks very much for the sub newbert jesus watch away no no yeah be very careful i just realized you're appointing a shotgun stream that's true it's not giving me an aim outline when i see you though so i don't think i i'm like in danger of shooting you plus remember in this game you can just miraculously live from being shot with a shotgun the way that the pvp is set up right now oh no it changed it changed oh no that's a real shame that's just for that server any other one you get shot by shock and you're not gonna probably lime put me down pretty fast with his little pistol earlier so hey big red thank you oh crap here we go yeah like one one shot should be enough one to two depending upon where you get shot should be enough to kill you i mean unless you get shot like 10 times in the foot in which case you're still bleeding all right am i right aiming five to take my stuff i gotta i gotta jet here in a second so uh yeah just drop it just drop it i'll uh run up to the stores okay then i'll grab it is this it oh crap it's getting foggy it randomly got super foggy it's pretty safe in here oh yeah yeah it's building right here jesus some lag spikes all of a sudden oh yeah it's just because it got real foggy yeah right here i'm trying i'm lagging pretty good keep walking me safe because my i'm so lagging i can't really do anything yeah i i'm trying drop it there i'll be able to handle it all right i'll do my best but right now i'm like super lagged i think it might be crashing [Music] okay there we go all right i'm good any tips on how to keep the game fun i played 25 minutes at a time got bored out of my mind play with friends if you play zomboid on your on your own it's uh it's bound to be a depressing quiet experience but if you play with friends that's what gives it the goal was this the place that's one of those games that like you know oh [ __ ] jesus there we go oh jesus look at all them coming out still no i'm inside the mall and it's still just crowded are you guys in the mall i am i'm trying to round up the ones that are still in here what floor are you guys in yeah we're gonna run out of ammo pretty soon hang on a second is there a backdoor entrance to the side here um no i mean like from the exterior of the mall yeah you guys are on the other side right now i see you yeah truman and i are heading around wow that's a lot of zombies they're all pouring back in the front door no nurses on it tell nurse to get into the tell nurse to get in feel that project zomboid is a game you need to create your own goals beyond simply surviving yeah we had a good we had we had a journey the other day oh [ __ ] here we go okay mall entrance again what the hell is going on over there the nice thing is you're gonna be able to lose line of sight really easy now with the fog too scared of it but too scared with that yeah actually the fog is pretty good for that okay the other side of the mall is pretty much cleared out like there's none of them here i might be able to stealth my way back in i don't know what side of the mall you guys are in because i i'm running through the front door and there was like nobody there yeah if you go to the uh east side or the south side it's like totally empty somewhere what is wrong with me something is wrong with me hey pal nick thanks for this up much appreciated fall in love with the rest of my life if someone managed to create a stalker overhaul for bz yeah i mean you know now that multiplayer is back in i guess that the modding community will start to get a little bit more active again it kind of goes in waves like that it's like the tide all the zombies that were upstairs came downstairs you guys go upstairs oh shut up okay oh [ __ ] jesus yeah yeah sorry about that i didn't know that you were in there at all around like just pistol rounds by the way okay so it's no more shotgun chills oh no no it's baron oh no no no crap all right yeah i mean grab a rifle i mean i'm great with pistol ammo but it's like uh it's just not going to cover that many you guys deleted something hey collector thanks very much for the sub uh shotgun will be useful more useful than that is shotgun shells right now oh i hear the gunshots yep yeah we're shooting in the mall are you downstairs upstairs it's like the wild west we're downstairs though it is it is fewer than it was before yeah i'm not liking this we're like running our groups into each other too watch out run uh east i think we're at the point where we can almost like take them all back uh we're gonna have to do with the ammo that we have currently i i only say that because i'm very good with a pistol like i might be able to quiet if you keep it up with the shotgun i might be able to [Music] i'm gonna go the back the back hallway is clear by the way if you can get in through that way it's clear oh i'll do that good idea yeah keep shooting keep shooting i found the back hallway i don't have a melee weapon on me but give me one second yes good just like that keep shooting when i move you shoot just like that hell yeah adj bring that back hang on let me eat just uh an entire quarter of a can of oats and then i'll be right with you again okay yeah there's not much in there so just be prepared it's all like pistol calibers and mostly revolver stuff that's fine yeah i don't really need uh i don't really need shotgun because i'm at aiming five now i mean although shotgun would be nice you got to aiming five already i'm a veteran oh my goodness i'm just looking for my son is any of this surplus back here no this is all [ __ ] 45 auto i need 9 mil double barrel shotgun 44 44 d e pistol if there's a de pistol in here that'll be useful d e 45 wow this really isn't that good you're right yeah no it's scalped i'm pretty sure chromium had a selection of shock and shells on him before he uh went to put ooh and there is an m1911 i'll bring that out and what does that take 45 caliber yeah there we go uh 308 magazine yeah he just took everything and then locked crap i think this might be enough for the 1911. we just might not have like anything left shells are my rifle and i can get a consistent one shot every time i just need to like run like a mile away or to hit him correctly all right i don't want to take everything but i'm going to take quite a lot there's not much left there i got my gun so i got enough the only thing i didn't take was the de pistol and the four uh 44k uh where are we at i don't really want to take much more i am going to be encumbered uh actually through the stairs what ah genius absolute genius marvelous job wonderful anyone got a screwdriver by the way actually you know what lime i'm just gonna take everything else out of this place go right ahead go right ahead is the gun store on the bottom floor yes but i'm i'm getting out everything else out of it so you don't really even need to come anymore i'll i'll bring it to you i mean i'm not gonna get 308 mags because we haven't do we have an m14 rifle yeah okay but you i mean you don't really need that many magazines do you want one i mean i i'm not really using the m14 i'm finding much better use with the 308 i'll bring in everything else that's in here like all the stuff that i still think is useful two two three i don't even think we'll have but the thing is that my inventory is so light because my bag is so well organized i got tons of 45 that's actually good yeah my character should be able to find for this there's not like something zombies outside i think the double barrel shotguns are next to useless the js 2000 i might take though uh actually i cannot carry that oh uh crap i gotta get out no it's me oh wait okay we're safe scared the bejesus out of me right yeah mike i can pretty much one shot anything now well that's good all right uh i have guns for everybody give me one second i just want to make sure that's everything there's about like 100 zombies outside the gun store towards the front of the gun store ish roger that attach that to my belt left and attach that to my build right okay i have an axe and a knife too and green military flashlight there we go all right i have everything from the gun store uh yeah i'll take military desert boots is there any weapons left over here yeah there's knives on the left shelf right there i looted everything come outside of the mall and i'll give it to actually it is pretty safe in here are there many around uh if yeah there's a lot outside but if we stay quiet we should be good okay uh there's a duffel bag in here too somebody grab that all right uh yeah go into the back and i'll hook you up with anything you need um what is your aiming skill mine yeah let's not talk about it nothing okay i'm gonna give you the d e pistol actually i've got two m19 there's a lot of ammo for that i'm just trying to think of what you can use with yeah i'm gonna give you the de pistol okay and then uh let me just see what does that take that takes whoa what is that before magazine okay and now i'm gonna give you magazines for it okay there's four magazines on the ground and here's five boxes of ammo you're gonna need a duffel bag to carry that stuff around in though too it took me long enough uh this this if you want it two two three rounds uh yeah i might be able to use that eventually uh m36 might be useful in time so i'll grab that too does anybody want a i already took all the ammo for it and that gun play so i'm pretty much done with my js2000 because i already have the first aiming levels and it doesn't seem like we're gonna find a lot of it does anybody want a shotgun i don't have any shells for it though i have five kilograms of space if you just want to haul it uh yeah uh i also have another extra m1911 though actually better than a shotgun might be a waste yeah there we go all right do i have enough magazines i'm kind of keeping extra on me just because i don't think you guys have the levels that you need uh i got four levels of naming so i'm good okay then i'll give you some of this uh m1911 oh no i got a i got an m36 and a hunting rifle already i'm pretty much golden even better okay good yeah we've pretty much cleared out most of this mall just um sniping them oh they shoot dad [Laughter] i took my eye off the ball for a second all right now it's just aim practice time i think pretty much i'm getting like watch out 50 of my shots are lethal so that's good uh where else can we go for guns in louisville i'm just trying to think uh military surplus there is a police station i think oh that is true yeah we could probably go to the police station police station is gonna be the most accessible one though it's gonna be pretty crowded uh why don't we just stay at the mall for a little while might as well clear this out oh [ __ ] rack rack no ammo here we go open open open open open what am i i'm wielding the m9 right now i forgot i had a gun just spending all your time pushing them ah nice do you guys have some gun for me no you sad yeller thanks very much for the subject but i have no ammo for it i only have these at the same mode that came in the gun i gave a case of 223 the ambiguous so you might be able to use i have a pistol for you trooping where is trooping there you are oh hang on a second right there trooping trooping trooping yeah is that troupen yeah okay yeah let's see uh trippin why don't you just take my here take like three boxes of 45 cal i put it on the ground okay uh take this m1911 man that contains a magazine i just want to make sure i have one for myself good there we go thank you my american friend just typing out the ones that are outside yeah we've seriously lowered their account there's not that many left with like a bottle of beer sniping zombies from a rooftop not a actually not a bad idea i kind of like that like the sound of it get some dawn of the dead vibes going did i hear somebody get bit nope no he's i'm not [ __ ] no you're upstairs can't we just shoot the ones that are down we're repeating this again oh that is a good idea yeah from like up on the stairway i need some water you guys got any water or like a sink nearby nope yeah uh come to me let's just get somewhere safe you can jesus right there's there's only a little bit more left in this mall like there's a couple sinks back here i'll find some yeah we're so close to having this place cleared i'm just like we might as well kill the last ones in it uh there we go open up one more box there's the more like in front of us uh yeah [ __ ] uh i mean there's gonna be a lot more coming in but if we could just clear out one part there we go okay that's even in vanilla zomboid aiming what are we at now we're almost at level six aiming okay it's pretty much clear now you can come back inside we did our job yeah you can get to the gun store pretty much freely we should be able to get to all the sporting goods stores and hopefully get some like uh i don't know pole arms maybe there's uh is there like a hardware store in the mall as well uh i think i think there is it's upstairs i think i haven't seen that yeah do i know what the zombie population settings are for the serving i don't know what they are but i mean that's pretty standard i think what we got they're vanilla yeah this feels pretty let's turn it vanilla nah i don't know it feels pretty balanced we can make it worse [Laughter] how do you want it i haven't died yet so i just figured you know it felt a little easy maybe i don't know no i i think it was like the right difficulty that was a good level gosh it's dark in here could someone find the lights oh i found the lights actually lights are out aren't they damn yeah the power went out like immediately and it is it is now 9 p.m we might start to need flashlights i'm gonna get onto some like white flooring so that i could see around me mart i'm just using my aiming outlines just figure out where zombies are um open one box okay i'm running uh i'm running whoops that's the wrong ammo type there we go who's firing right next to me yeah word of warning you might not really get that much experience with starting with the pistol that's the one thing that sucks about it yeah i've got like 11 xp there we go don't you get teleported back when you crash i don't know yeah my guy's if it was a mogus yeah if it was a mogus if you were if you're deem the imposter they'll be like it sounds like content we'll merge you with the team again all right i got the upstairs now i i think this mall is pretty much done i'm going to the pharmacy not that we really even need mez we're fine reloading is getting better cool okay here we go i think i'm just going to stay on the top floor and shoot from there pretty safe up here my feet are more effective than this gun nice click by the way oh nurse is here what was that oh it's nurse jesus hang on a second maybe we gotta pull her up down yeah tell her to get into the chat i still don't know how she does that i can't do that oh she drop a frog there we go god i don't don't even know what that's called in english oh what color is it yeah oh okay okay i'm in the right one hello hello hello nurse out of context yeah i was just like who the hell is that invisibly walking over have you seen my son uh i think he's in the back room or i don't know i who are you have you seen my son who is this man pbl no ass oh look uh actual orange soda i completely forgot about my lost family for a few minutes yeah don't die again the entire time all right now hang on a second pbl come over here i want to give you something here i i got you something too here here i got you something here hang on look in there you've been you've been bit haven't you you can you can have that piece of piece of meat too don't don't have to ask where it's from what the hell is this why is there all this money did you kill my son no no i i i the son of a [ __ ] killed my son i'm a businessman by trade if i had a pvp option i would why do i have one against nurse but i don't want to go into one against pbl what did you do with my son get this car get this clown out of here he's like a traveling salesman look at him what the hell is that i'm going off skulking into the shadows [ __ ] the search continues the search continues how do you pull out a mag and bullet without using the oh if you do the uh yeah i really should eject mag rack yeah i really don't hold down the reload button that much uh nurse do you need any weapons uh yeah what kind of weapons do you have uh a bunch of knives do i have extra i have an extra m1911 i have an extra shotgun but no rounds for it okay we'll just take guns i got a hunting rifle there's a shotgun i have three bullets for that one that's not very useful uh i have a can of soda uh oh very nice very generous uh here take this uh walkman and this cd called cries of the damned and the metamorphosis by kafka um what else okay um take uh take this apple uh you wanna jar a man no i actually i kind of want that um [Music] what else do i have oh hunting knife crap there we go i'm gonna take that uh take this empty soda can i don't really feel like holding onto my garbage um take this m1911 pistol that's probably more useful okay i need someone to defend me uh screw it i'm not even gonna use this thing yeah you take all the rounds okay yeah have a nice life all right uh all right where are we on the mall situation uh it looks pretty clear i just it's just so dark i can't see anything yeah i'm gonna stay i'm to stand in the light clearly i'm going to need to to wash oh where'd all this light come from ssg in tennessee thank you very much by the way there's a there's a customers coming from this hallway oh what did the entire okay the entire world went dark for a second why are you dancing like that that's not even natural oh um we had a desert eagle pistol i just found their corpse oh we can do that uh maybe me four magazines okay i'm okay with this yeah i just i just split your head into with a with an axe yeah my game crashed as and i got grabbed and then i died as my game closed so i was like oh damn i've really improved here there's a school back on that one yeah um i had a few little lag spikes and i crashed but now it's pretty good now that's cleared out a bit man i'm really gonna need a uh i'm gonna need a wash and starting to look like the terminator or shaft under the other i can't really decide i've been kind of like drifting back and forth hang on a second nurse do you still have that uh you still have that cd player yes yes yes may i have that back for a moment please yes yes thank you okay where is everybody uh right here oh hey you wanna hunting anyone want a hunting ring yeah i need that for a few minutes yes i've been trying to listen to this message all right here we are uh value porta disk uh convert this into a wearable here we go okay is that a stop sign private one yeah where did you get that i need to wear these headphones okay i'm just gonna listen i was giving these on the jet blue i was on the plane to see my son and then this all happened um how do i begin the disc here we go equip this to my primary oh here we go okay i'm gonna turn on the disc uh all right please stop dancing that's very disrespectful uh oh i need those other cds nurse we have to cook gotcha damn it there you go oh thank you very much you're welcome you know what this reminds me of we could um let's listen that's in the mall night of the living dead yeah yeah that'd be a nice there we go hang on a second we're listening to uh where is everybody by jerry jones what the hell is this you're with the times old man i'm listening to my walk man unequip here we go uh crap why is this not working you can dance by pressing and holding q and doing the emote can i plug this oh i know what i'm doing wrong okay hang on a second i didn't actually plug in the headphones into the head there we are uh they should be good to go uh crap here we are unequip i might need to find another set of headphones gosh i wish i had the robot right now ah ass no i i ultimately converted them to something that they were never meant to be alas i'll upload this one i can actually move around i'll just like all right here we are more headphones have you found the moonwalk private land there's a moonwalk that walks backwards oh yeah i know what you're talking about there we are good one okay now we should be listening to the metamorphosis by avid uh or rather uh franz kafka are we going to get this audiobook on here we are damn it a boy from kentucky i wonder what that is all right we're going to be listening to a boy from kentucky play that sounds like a classic do you ever it sounds like something that gets banned in libraries press play to start i don't know why is this not working damn it surprise is not a single flashlight in this hardware store god damn it these machines have you tried turning it on and off again i don't know yeah i'm gonna try a reset you're right you're right lime try smacking it a couple times that usually fixes it existential nihilistic bliss thanks very much for the prime yeah this cd my cd player is not working i'm going to remove my invisalign now damn it all right uh all right so much for that okay uh all my dreams of hearing my son's voice have now been sl smashed and grabbed and uh rattled around let's go do something else oh hold on there's a hardware store here let's see what they got on sale pretty upset pretty upset so uh your son i'm kind of late to the party what what are we who are we looking for have you seen him no i don't don't ask yeah he's delirious oh it's kind of kind of kind of spoiled if that makes sense we were sitting in the vhs tape store and we were watching all of the adult films i was starting to get very aroused uh and then we got to the uh and we were getting to the end and i realized that i uh i'd been reincarnated here i was sent on a secret agent mission uh and i've been missing him for a quite a long time so yeah that's what i'm after but there's all these men who look suspiciously like him none of them seem to oh a doodle here we are what the hell is this i love it they're a little easily distracted but uh but the point stands that we're we're looking for this man uh we still haven't found him uh yeah just just roll with it i hmm i don't want to know what happens if you don't say um that the sun exists that's i'm looking for more money to put my suitcase is someone just sauntering in the darkness yeah okay you go spiffo uh let's see hmm i want to go down there nurse where i don't want to go down to this there's a [ __ ] crazy down there okay i'm just sauntering i think he needs more than that he's gone he disappeared maybe i need medical attention actually hold on let me check oh whoops no you're okay no i mean like mental mental health okay i can't i think i may or may not be seeing nice things from this oh yes i can who wants an m14 huh yeah i've gotten my use out of it that's 20 shots i'll drop like another 40. okay oh nice ambiguous maybe you remember the name of your son that might help us find him yeah all right uh hang on a second i was just possessed by a demon okay maybe maybe we ought to where is everyone in the mall i'm no oh here we are right okay your son possibly have a name no i was i was speaking in tongues for a minute i was i was sent this note from uh from the nine divines uh who dropped the car what might this note have said life is uh i need i need john to read it okay hold on i can't even remember what i wrote on there it's a matter of latitude perhaps we could be the same in the multiverse if i were a dumb i would fly up and perhaps falter they're there to drift into the sun seven days pass and i arise dry and in labor suddenly there i see the eyes of a child born of the day that was what that was what my son said to me in my vision anyone else want to read i had it's a really no that note is for you if you give it then it's just a note okay okay that note was for you that note was for you you leave that you just read that you read that uh yeah so where are we going to next let's go clear out the rest of this mall shall we more to clear out oh yeah yeah there's a lot of them downstairs oh god he's enabled by the way watch out yeah it keeps the game keeps like prompting me if i want to shoot nurse i don't know why she's the only one he's been he's been pit he's been bit pbl he's been bit multiple times we have to kill him oh yeah trooping could you invite nurse yeah i almost blasted her brains out the rifle where are you guys he's been bit hold on stand still he's been bit it's okay uh you know it's just a scratch it's a it's a laceration he's lying he's lying let me just remove this band-aid though what's under this band-aid oh it's because we're in the same faction i don't even know why i can't put on pvp though for sure oh okay i mean you're okay you know yeah that's fine if anything if anything i can pay you not to kill me because i have like 79 in the suitcase yeah he's just been collecting all of the money that we've found since we began it will come to you someday when this is over yeah tomorrow it's i'm making a future investment that's what it is also i really like the um the gun flashes in the dark oh they have a tempur-pedic in here oh oh those men trip mattresses are ass sleep on that it is the texture of ass i know it sponsored i used to have one of those pillows it was like i i did i did actually used to have a temperament it's probably like the like the boogiest thing i've ever said uh i wouldn't recommend it i wouldn't be jumping down from upstairs watch out there's a lot of zombie jumping down they're being attracted to your ass pillow they're seeking the tempur-pedic mattress don't let them get it oh [ __ ] oh my yeah my my m9 keeps racking now there we go okay i'm good i'm good all right i'm getting bored from being inside so much probably from being depressed from being around you people um how do you get bored in a mall there's so much to do because it's dark and sad in here it's pitch black in here it is pretty and it's like foggy outside it's just ass weather it's like we're in england or something pumpkin spice the grand ohio mall wow we are this isn't even ohio that's that's like if i put on my and my house welcome to california jesus uh strawberry cake i wish it would be day again should we all just sleep at the same time let's do a test of that it's probably better here in the mall than it is in other places oh a bunch of books that we can't read yeah man i wish we could greetings for chumps so how would how was your time uh getting here nurse it seemed like you were uh you just kind of like teleported in yeah i was approached by a a furry person uh and they all gave me a ride oh that's nice up here in the mall yeah so you just got in some random stranger's car yeah they were in a full uh a fursuit full-on fursuit and and they offered me a ride and was it a gentleman in a santa suit because he also uh he also approached me with an offer i just wanted to compare offers and see if he gave you a better package than me are y'all making like packs with the devil no there was a guy right before i started playing he just opened the door and then he teleported out of existence i'm pretty sure it was one of the admins that you've got here running this show there's some kind of circus that we're being run through yeah i uh i don't take kindly to that i got the silver package you know i don't like being toyed with hmm i don't think we can all fit in the car can we no but we might be able to find enough cars i mean we have the one that's four-seater up at the entrance no we're too morbidly obese like we were last time oh i am as fit and lean as a we're gonna have to pile someone into the trunk just squish him in there didn't they leave a car out front yeah yeah we got that that's a four seater oh yeah how many is this one two three four five yeah we got six people if we have six if we have a six seat car then we could get it done um y'all could look for keys in here i'm sure there's some chilling here i'll go pull up and get the um r down here if we can find gas i can burglarize a car some folks are asking about joining a server i don't think we'll i don't have any plans to do a server for multiplayer just because it's too much management right now we're on a private server just actually i don't know is this are you are you going to end up doing a you aren't going to end up doing a public one are you newbert um so the idea is people can join after we understand that they know dos and they don't run in here and start doing something that will get whoever's streaming in trouble oh you genius vetting process to it but it's otherwise it's open yeah so i guess people could keep their eyes out for stuff like that that would be fun yeah my experience is that if you just go into a server and then like you're doing something and then somebody just randomly like i'll do stuff like that i'll do pvp servers but for right now these days i'm just kind of doing everything co-op formula has the key we have yeah this thing's good okay we just had a little fear while setting it up of like we wanted to make something specifically for streaming but we want to make sure that people didn't come in and get us in trouble no i get that there we go okay uh we can head back home towards a special factory place oh yeah i would find that agreeable uh yeah we're gonna have to walk there though the car don't work damn it there we go yeah i would i would walk with you to the end all right let's go where are you all at there we go at the front parking lot uh south parking lot bulletproof vest on them i am full of fluid at all times how much do you need like a baguette i need like two bottles i have high thirst so i need some water i will pee it out into here hang on a second where are you here you go there you are have one bottle of urine for the young man all right does anyone i just have a random revolver someone can have this one for free there it is m36 revolver amazing revolver you're all so nice thank you for the gifts 38 special i don't have any rounds for you but you are definitely special um there's another hunting knife on the ground uh i have a pencil if anyone wants i'm gonna we're gonna raffle off this pencil at the end of the video um there we go okay oh and let me just holster this wow 100 what an amazing amount of money um rack repair attached does anyone have nine millimeter magazines that they aren't using uh i have a nine millimeter pistol that has a magazine yeah are you using it you can have it i said if you aren't using it you can have it you can have it [Music] machine no we can siphon out some gas we can fit out some gas hold on i gotta get some get some guests why is everyone just discarding pistols next to the car that seems rather dangerous would you just put your pistol down next to your car this is america you put it you'd at least hide it in the glove box wouldn't you rather than just here officer no it's fine it's fine oh you're right how i totally forgot my american flag at home that i wave around with me wherever i go zingy cobra thanks much for the four months yeah we just cavemanned that car so what do we need now we need uh oh look at this big tall glass of water truck over here wow wait hang on so emotional that car what are you all doing over there bumping i think they did they fix bumping into each other it was so fun to do that uh it might be a certain thing don't do it no oh they did they fixed it wow [Music] probably ah that's why that would explain a lot that would make sense has anyone found a gas can yet i am filling this thing up as of right i had one a couple lives ago but a lime has a gas can yes he's slurping in all of the gas good job thank you i'm actually just holding it in my mouth and i'm just spitting it back into the car i thought you were supposed to swallow the gas oh yeah and then pee it out into the other car and then i'll just vomit it out into the car i've been doing it all wrong i just love the taste of gasoline so much hmm all right um van should be all filled up by the way oh who's this guy let's hop on board come on in everyone let's get going would anyone like to get into the sketchy van with the blown out window first [Laughter] last one's in the rotten egg i'll take the door seat thank you what am i doing wrong hugo dankworth is uh is currently in that seat i'll just take shotgun that's fine what uh i'll just i'll just be driver okay hop on in there oh wait oh she got out of the car she's a ghost proof so where are we oh yeah driving to the spiffo place i think i remember where that is you weren't you the one who mixed up east and west before though uh that's fine it's fine i'm a good driver we're heading we're heading east thank you very much i'm waiting for one of you all to get caught in chunk loading oh no oh yeah yeah and we're just flattened like we went into a black hole jesus since we're all in the same uh chunk it should mostly be fine it's okay the faster we go the server can't like detect us right so that that'll be good we just go under detection all of the world dude you are you are a drift king look at those skills i know i know i knew we were in america when we got into this nascar don't hit how did i hit that wow he used his mind through the pets with the car where are you taking me uh we're going to spiffo's if i remember where that is we're going to get you a burger not this way uh wait maybe this way you can play at okay it ain't down here let's drift around will you at least pay with all of those 11 that you have in your suitcase why have you been hoarding money there's no value left to fiat currency we're going back to barter anyway so you're just carrying around all this useless cash in the off chance that the american government eventually takes back over the zombie apocalypse and then suddenly it's worth something again assuming that they won't have reprinted all of this money because they're going to need to come back from a major recession that's bound to take place it has many uses i could start a fire with it i could wipe my ass with it i could uh i don't know i'd give you paper cuts man you know that's what the germans used to do when they were paying off their debt between world war one and world war ii they would just take hunks of cash and burn it in the fireplace to stay warm because it was valueless after they had printed so much money exactly wouldn't you be better off hoarding things like guns and ammo and water bottles though which are probably some of the most expensive valuable items don't demand i can just buy that stuff right yeah pure rages thanks much for the prime uh yes it's pretty much the modless we've been using though there are a couple different changes now with the building is that we'll get new brits wanting uh office building uh okay so it's useless are we at the university no no oh drift king as in our team actually i didn't get that reference but yes get more money yeah this high roller has got a lot of money to drop off there we gotta bring him back there uh i'm just joking i'm just kidding i'm just kidding actually where is the uh where is the police where is the police south palace i think we need to go a little bit further south of here southwest west if you go back to the main road then we'll uh and then you hook uh south then we'll be at the police station we'll have more guns i mean clearly we'll also have a lot more zombies to deal with but i don't believe that we have a sledgehammer right now is that correct uh i do not believe so yeah so let's keep looking for that okay then we'll go to the police officer i'm turning this man in he has a suitcase full of cash [Laughter] i've been going around town with him what no i legally obtained this money that zombie has no one with no one with a suitcase full of cash running around town in a fedora is has no secrets don't try to lie to me [Laughter] oh wait where is my fedora oh i think i i dropped it when i got uh actually never mind i i took it off myself very suspicious very suspicious the fedora hold on gangsters in the 90s use bleach as a as a why would they use bleach as a currency i guess liquid may make a pretty good currency and that you could divide it uh the only thing i could think of was like drams from um what's that one rogue like case of cud oh that's true yeah they did use water as a currency in caves of cut right or caves of could as as real gamers pronounce it um i don't think you're taking me the police station i think you're just kidnapping me uh i'm just driving wherever it takes wherever the road tells me to go and it's telling me to go down south there's a post office that's like government that's pretty close to a police station i don't trust any man who is in a van with blood and broken windows this is i'm just going where the road takes me you gotta admit this man can drift the van yeah you really should try out for nascar if this whole organized crime thing doesn't work out for you thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks you know i i really pride myself in my drive there's a fire station down there i think okay all right that's almost the police they one of them puts out uh uh uh parties the other one puts out fire generally together they show up they're like peanut butter and jelly the firemen in the police department they're always seeing each other always in awkwardly close proximity let's go ahead and take us wherever you want if you want to have us get some envelopes all right we'll just look around hold on yeah we have to be coming close to some type of government building around here magic the gathering cards will be the currency of the apocalypse no actually right by me somebody robbed the there was like a jewelry store and there was a magic store right by and they broke through the jewelry store to get the magic cards this passed up all of these jewels priorities yeah you know i've actually never been down this way there's nothing but houses down here yeah this looks uh what is that you know i did find a gun in somebody's house like they had just left it there yeah criminal geniuses don't question it if you know if they don't reprint the card it's very valuable piece of cardboard damn i i was really thinking the fire station around here hey hey lion can you turn on the air conditioner because it's really cold inside this car uh the air conditioner yeah yeah yeah yeah the heater i don't know i don't know is that what you call it i see it going we got the ac oh wait what is it we yeah actually we did well you can control it from any seat oh can you yeah real gamers know that wow of course it's cause you've been carrying around all this money yeah you lost touch with your roots we're just gonna go into town all right you know that roof looked pretty good to me if you want to stop off here and we could take out this apartment complex yeah okay let's do it all right everybody get out of the van i see some cash registers in there this is going to be worth it oh [ __ ] what oh no we're good dude just give a thumbs up when you're drinking soda yeah yeah you're like so committed to this role play as the kool-aid guy that even when all of our lives in danger you just oh yeah yeah i think you meant to say oh yeah ah yes the kool-aid guy never jumps in ah yes drink kool-aid oh man i got a cold bro dude wait can you guys see me coughing right now you can't see me why would you be coughing uh because you're just like are you infected she's infected oh god watch out i'm i'm bringing my much larger my horde is bigger than your horde oh somebody somebody done got bit what the heck if my dad were here he could totally kill all these zombies i i got stuck on a telephone pole oh no this is uh this is not working have you seen my son don't worry knock off blade to the rescue this is not okay oh the zombies are jumping from outside like the top floors of the building uh are you good nurse i am i'm sick yeah you might want to probably because we turned the ac on in the car natural selection is occurring right now oh no right before our very eyes i don't need that van that van is perfect for drifting i'm dirty to enter this van no don't get out no keep driving you gotta earn this van wait that van is my baby all right keep going don't bloody it you shouldn't left the key inside oh my god that's my damn accuracy is really improved you're right you know veteran is is probably the best for uh shooting i i don't know if that was entirely obvious yeah i know um the desensitized really helps oh come on it's all bloody now look at the engine yeah beta blockers are we'll get you a new engine we'll get you a new engine when we get to spiffo's just calm down oh that's a lot of zombies why is briefcase guy just suspiciously walking back and forth okay there we go thank you briefcase guys well done briefcase guy i all right i'll allow you to continue your organized life of crime not really a life of organized crime just kind of an organized life of crime look he is he's oh he's challenging your title as the drift king what a flex what a flex he's reversed drifting how are you just going to simply watch this man take your title how do i turn on pvp shoot him right there on the spot there can only be one drift king oh jesus he's drifting right into me did you open that window on purpose oh jesus yeah there's an alarm going up a tactical drive-by okay here i'll help you hang on okay all right you guys continue doing whatever the hell you're doing over there i'm going to go into the apartment complex and get up to the top get a nice view hold on let me reload that's actually a good question man this apartment building is just ass it's just pure ass can we put on some carlos santana in the wood if i could oh yeah i'm getting anxious from all the dead bodies nearby i got to get on to get onto the higher floors because then the dead bodies won't uh affect you so much no the dead bodies are they're decaying super quick yeah i'm getting that okay oh look at that poor baby stall out what did you do to it i think you should start up first time every time is that car your son honestly it might be at this point i i had a son a whole three roads with it and now it's just being abused you didn't give give you my consent i'll take that i okay i totally just killed uh rick from rick and morty and there's one something that looks exactly like uh all right time for another uh another round of bourbon this is okay just remain calm that's all you need to do just just deny reality uh you're not looking too good i think we're good close your eyes it's not real it's time to take out this thing i am at the library all right one apartment complex cleared see if you can find the illegal guns uh in the uh lobby grab one for yourself i need to i'm gonna go up to the roof and just eat a lot of food while i watch whatever's going on down here it's not looking good oh but it's going to look good from up there um shovel oh sledgehammer i found a sledgehammer oh damn we can get to the surplus store yep nice you guys are like walking in more into more zombies want to get back into the car i did not expect to find that here yeah yeah let's go all right let's do it surplus store so [ __ ] up i am jesus christ what stop doing that with the car uh drive down drive down the block my baby which which way are we going first get away yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm coming get in get in i mean i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in oh my god oh my she's not in i got bit through the window okay it's just a scratch oh my god [Music] she wasn't in the car in my screen yet no i gotta i'm gonna wait a few minutes please close the window she's dead she's dead we'll close the windows guys troop impressive again close the window if only you had closed the windows jump to the back guys jump to the back uh you you'd better keep going i don't i don't want to go the same way that she did no i'm much i should survive the natural select no not that close okay damn it okay all of the seats are occupied what that's not make up your mind which seat should i get into the shotgun the shotgun okay i believe you now all right go okay i feel somewhat safe here oh there's still uh there's still that guy he's he's still trying to get in oh wait who's that your son's a ghost who the hell is that oh jesus have you seen oh no he's seen my son oh there he goes all right let's get out of here let's go to the gun store i changed my mind i just took up a new whiskey drinking habit you know where it is you drive oh my god this thing looks so worse for where no it's fine it's fine it gives the car character it gives the car character pure white like a stallion now it's red it's faster oreo yeah this is the oreo factory back there we're stopping we're stopping here we have to i already have this sledgehammer we have to try i'm i'll be driving the car the door is locked they're closed guys they only open tomorrow at 9am the absolute genius turned off the car all right uh i'll circle i'll circle come with me if you want to live oh they have lots of cash registers here of course the man has literally risked his life for a happy meal wait can we take the spiffer statue or is that just static there i think you can take it oh that would be pretty great like level um roman spqr mayhem thank you very much for the sub i'm getting some goddamn burgers this car does not it's making a lot of noise is what i want to say but i'm going to say you're doing great it's it's it's final like death cries it's getting set into shock ah yes the death knell of the uh of the fallen vehicle i would like you guys to very quickly come to the uh surplus store because i'm having some trouble over here get in my van yeah yeah uh y'all still i'm out in the front please hurry uh other door other side of the car completely the other side of the car i'll keep driving i'll keep driving where is lime i'm i'm at the i'm at the statue okay pbl refuses to get in my car he's just he loves money too much here we are is there is there a free seat for him okay yeah can he get into shotgun yes all right get in shotgun yeah yeah yeah okay let's get out let's go all right i'll leave some onion wings in the glove box feliz navidad all right maybe you can navigate navigate for me mapman okay um just just go forward actually go um okay yeah go forward and you're one gonna want to take a right as soon as you see it right now yeah take a right oh this is police well we don't really need the police station as much anymore because we have the sledge hammer okay map lord which way then you're now you're gonna want to go um take a right or no that's wrong wait a minute really take a right and then you take a left and you go around oh okay yeah get you you gotta have faith in the map man wait this left i know like actual roads actual roads even better than uh than google yeah and then you take the left wow i would love that if if google just complimented you whenever you made the right move wow great turn did you know you can make a stack of money by stacking money on top of each other i had no idea i am making 136 stacks of money thank you lord uh i mean captain of the obvious statements i can punch people with the stack of money what i'm gonna i'm gonna smack you guys with the stack of money oh it's right about here right do i make a left is this the right spot it should be around this area is it down the road a little bit more yeah actually i think you're right i think it's it's across that fence i came to uh too early i've been enjoying clearly loving multiplayer multiplayer is a blast look at all these people in is that santa suits or are they just wearing red this is funny oh what the hell why are there so many zombies here i think it's down south a little bit more yeah yep oh yeah it's just straight ahead go straight ahead to the right turn right right roger roger yeah go straight ahead there and then uh yeah yeah this is it jim's otter yep this is yeah there it is see he was gonna get it but i i i still stun there wow yeah i think we're within a few feet of it right here oh yep that's the big warehouse i just saw it i just saw it yeah you just passed it i did oh yeah you're right yeah take another right just take another right um you can just like head around okay right here uh no just keep on going keep on going oh go to the beer and liquor place right yeah yeah yeah gotcha oh yes that's right okay now i remember that makes sense to have a gun store next to a liquor store we did it the doors are open why do we need a sledgehammer you'll see in the back okay i hope they have a cash register oh fanny pack i need more stacks of money damn it oh this i don't trust this guy it's me where did he come from where did she go i've missed you so seems like stormy weather since you've been are we going down this road i don't want to go here alone uh yeah i'm just looking for some fun stuff to put on my character because i lost like the blade goggles so i just i need to go for a different how many people are playing in our lobby we've got about this uh what are we at six or somewhere between six and eight seven why do bodies disappear in ten seconds because of uh well that one was a weird one but that was because of server settings sometimes they just bug out ooh uh we have enough ammo to last forever i think heck yeah excuse me oh it's my son there we are how have you been why are you wearing a balaclava why are you wearing bach lava on your head here we are uh all right i don't think i need this anymore i'm gonna give up my life of violence take off all my clothes yeah why don't you just put all the yeah there's like that scene in uh breaking bad when they he just opens the door this is all the money i have to launder walter why am i getting stressed i haven't even i wasn't bit i wasn't even touched by a zombie is it from all the dead bodies nearby oh army baseball cap take that there you stack of money i don't know i feel like that that kills my look i was such a genuine guy and now i'm i i'm starting to look more and more like disrespect no it's my money the deeper we go into this playthrough okay i'll take an m14 does anybody have an m14 anymore here here tripping here i msr 700 that's a move that's a play uh what does that take two two three two two three nice nine millimeter i'll keep the magazine all right i'm going to place down some of these other weapons it's like revolvers uh not i don't even know uh was yeah revolver here we go handgun i can i can i can play stacks of money in my belt just have money coming out of my pocket yeah mr money man think he likes to count his money by placing it on the table i don't need these axes anymore i have money in my pockets now he's like he's just it looks master criminal who's still in pre-k level math like one two it looks wacky on my pockets look at my pockets yeah you look like the monopoly man it's literally money coming out of his pockets he's just don't pass go don't collect 200. he's just so loaded that he needs to have his he has like hoover flags except it's the opposite he looks like one of the pretty much the monopoly men but during the great depression just like uh ripping on all the poor people oh my god walks through a hooverville filled up on uh ammo you all good yeah almost there i'm just i'm just counting my dollars here hang on hmm hey spook troll thanks very much for the prime for once the yeah the prisons have armories in this right i believe you're right yeah the prison should happen we could visit the police station do i have one magazine for this thing is that it what i would really want to do well uh we don't have extended mags hey you good oh nurse welcome welcome oh she's alive again she's been reincarnated yes i am done holy not whoever was driving that car's fault yep absolutely don't know don't know yeah i got scratched if i get infected i'm blowing out your brains it wasn't my fault i think i can actually do like long range oh wow you guys took all the the shotgun shells i only have like one box oh i'm only running the um i'm playing a different game now guys i'm playing sniper ghost warrior can i join you i got my own rifle that's crazy what rifle do you have uh the 308 version oh yeah you're pretty good and you've got aiming skill i have the uh what is that msr 700 um what is yours i have an eight-time scope yeah that's crazy it lets you hit things from like you can use it like close range full map distances yeah i just shot three from super far away okay let's see how far i can hit from because this is kind of a big deal when it comes to players pvp yeah no you can snipe someone from like across a map it's crazy i don't know why i'm still not getting an aim outline i'm sorry i think there you go oh oh is that mine there we go oh that one okay thank you yep all right how far can i go it's like the length of all these parking space that's how far i can shoot i need something interesting the stack of money says it does damage but i can't swing with it i like how pbl just like doesn't get any weapons he's just counting up the dollar bills do they have any use in the game oh this does have bullet penetration look at that i'm a man of business that's true he's like the kind of the guy that we're all defending probably the sharpest dresser that i've seen in this game maybe even rivaling you lime they're right now i i felt like i felt like both of us look better without the hats yeah should we make uh yeah i got my blade i got my blade goggles back yeah should we make damn it oh that's not good that's bad is help what happened god this is like what's that story by jack london where the guy takes his son out shooting and then the sun just dies and it doesn't have a good ending um [Music] uh yeah there's a story by jack london where he just takes his son out he's like some is how you shoot and the sun just dies it doesn't even have a moral to the story i'm pretty sure it was just like purely for the sake of spreading whoa give me a second i'm i'm damn it that was a really quiet shot whoever shot that gun oh nurse you really look like you're in nirvana right now like with that kind of dress she's got the kurt cobain look i'll i'll get i'll give you three dollars for abandoning my wounds thank you is this a bribe no you you bandaged me so it's okay okay sure yeah no it is payment i will take it wherever you can get it yeah money man money man let's go out in the snow oh boy franklin thanks very much for the prime yeah let's go enjoy the snow i kind of want to go up on top of a building and just snipe want to give that a try uh yeah yeah hey guys twine mod has updated so the server is going to probably restart soon the twine it's one of the mods that's on the server uh that's probably going to restart since the mod updated i just got notified i'll do like 20 minutes from now or something oh probably not even that one ah jacket the reset i don't think we're using any twine oh no this is by the way the stacks of money are glitched and you can't do anything while they're in your hands not even push or anything oh my god oh my god this kind of sounds like the monkey's paw you know you asked for infinite wealth and now you can only hold on to the wealth yeah now you're midas money man midas was it worth it your quest for money what if they'll ever make these elevators working what was it now you're doomed the only thing you can even process now is money also i just saved your life troop thank you oh jesus jesus not good i can't wait until i have the function to cut my hand off right then why don't you guys uh why don't you get some shooting practice in i'm gonna go uh uh live my best life back in the other room that we were just in i'm gonna go up to the top of the warehouse i'll go with you i'm gonna put that back on also i hear a lot of zombies in here and it's all locked it is all locked it was finally starting to get decent with the uh with the handgun surprisingly this is just normal vanilla games maybe i've been playing maybe it's because we were playing with those ass characters before we're good here wait hold on let me just smash this it'll be five seconds oh we're golden all right i love how we just jumped through a pipe by the way there any mods we like to use i don't know i like brita we aren't using brita right now but brit is good did you just fall no brita may be overpowered or suffer from gun bloat in multiplayer though that does tend to happen we got a bird's eye view i get a bird's eye i lost one of my eyes and it was replaced they had only one bird donor that was all that was available that day you're like teleporting by the way liam oh yeah i'm i'm good on my end i really wish i posted up on a roof that's what they all say oh a nice shot thank you thank you liking this snow though i don't think we've had a winter server have we has zomboid updated hell yeah zomboids updated i definitely want to do a cryogenic winter that'd be awesome wrong screen the game just die out for everybody no it's kind of lagging i see people teleporting the server is getting ready i think the server is getting ready to restart yeah all right we're just gonna be back in a couple seconds so what's gonna happen is you just need to go to your uh you might need to restart your zomboid i don't know how it is for you guys to make your mods update it just uh i was able to install it in-house that's kind of crazy all right we'll get it back going in a second idaron wants to know how you guys feel about cryowinter [Music] i think he's since he since the server is restarting he's sitting here like settings window open what can we do i'm kind of indifferent like if i ever if i have a plot around it i'll roll with it if not i find it just becomes like kind of a nuisance absolutely i agree yeah well bruce bruce thanks remember spruce this is a great doing everybody's day going rpg services i ate pizza oh now i want pizza even more i woke i've been enjoying uh the node exchanges the node exchanges yeah passing notes was it we can write on signs right can you in theory you could write on anything [Laughter] i think it'd be cool to have a video we all do together sometime where we could do treasure hunt yeah if you enjoy deep dish pizza you deserve the gulag i do enjoy deep dish pizza why would you deserve the goo deep dish pizza is fantastic man is just chilling with this long lost son this dude is a thin crust vegetable only monster hey bruce bruce thanks for coming out thanks for like you know doing a server that's kind of cool hope it's going well server running is is wild is it still getting restarted if you guys want when the server restarts and when we get done streaming if you guys don't plan to come back to these characters you can totally just throw the server password stuff in chat and they can wreak havoc for a few days all right hunt us down if you want to do that at the end of the stream that could be interesting i'm i'll i'll leave it uh i'll leave it covered for now yeah i've seen some wild stuff i wouldn't recommend it now there used to be one guy who would message me like whenever i was waking up for work one day so i would go uh i would wake up and then i would be like uh it would be like 5 a.m going to work and then uh not not flex and not flexing at all uh and then this guy would uh message me about all of his complaints about the server and how someone had um had killed him in it and how he was very upset about that and how he thought that someone was cheating uh and it was just like very very uh very cringe it's possibly the server's version is outdated uh which which uh i which mod is it it's the twine mod uh the server is updating it right now so when you go to join it when the server's up your steam is gonna do it automatically your game will just handle it all right you know what would be an interesting video the biggest issue is that since your steam is going to update the mods automatically if any of you disconnected and tried to join in you wouldn't be able to because they would have updated the mod you wouldn't build versions that's why it's restarting you could do a video like the one mr beast does where it's like a hundred of his viewers chasing after him and his friends we might you could like make it a quick like a short-term server like that otherwise i would not i would not want to have an ongoing yeah like momentary servers are fine you know like if you do a stream where it's come get me or something like that that's kind of fun but you also want to you know find a way that you can do where you don't uh give away sensitive details yeah definitely think about doing more uh do i have a so yeah we dance without yeah we don't have a server but uh they'll say which server we're on think about doing more kenshi hell yeah is it catchy too coming out sometime soon so excited i believe it is all right we can hop back into the server now sweet oh yeah there you go sorry about that guys i wasn't expecting that i apologize kind of interrupted what was going on which one was it the twine one uh just join the server and it'll handle it immediately yeah i got the same mod was out of date you might need to close your zomboid and turn it back on oh okay what the heck yeah again i am sorry i didn't expect a model man you're good you're good man nice of you to have us on the server in the first place yeah yeah some of that stuff is just like wild running a server is probably one of the most mind-boggling experience i would not recommend running a server uh ever if you wish to maintain sanity the server's uh version is outdated workshop id and a big number all right so mm-hmm he has sent me this in case anybody has any problems i'm gonna put it in general okay oh perfect thank you one second let me uh what the hell and am i in okay i'm not getting into yeah a lot easier to find the mod if you just have to like straight up like do it spears twine and leather binding chipstone spearheads oh i just got the download prompt for it yeah give me one second spears twine it says i'm in yeah it says you're here that is not true there we go subscribe good to know all right i think i'm gonna uns okay there we go i'm gonna unsubscribe to your channel and then [Laughter] okay talking for me my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined this pizza tastes awful what kind of pizza okay i unsubscribed from your channel and i reported all of your videos uh to the fbi uh i'll see you in court i'll just walk to the nearest tim hortons how do we rejoin the server what are you doing first things that i do when my channel gets deleted go to tim hortons apply for a job well i got my application ready for this day i've always been ready for the next step just been looking for a good reason to go to really follow through all right looks like everybody's loading back in then yeah yes sir i am happy that wasn't as painful as i thought it was about to be no that was actually quite smooth that was quite smooth okay yeah we are all loading back in all right i'll get it back started and that's that's iron for like so quickly coming up with like a step list for everybody to just quickly fix it around is a god dude for real it's snowing outside right now i think that's what he meant when he asked how he felt about cryo winter this is new a poncho oh yeah it looks like we uh went back in the world stayed a bit oh really slightly but not by that much it was maybe by like a minute or more ammo then uh yeah you could potentially take the ammo that we didn't already take i'm still up on the roof oh yeah your inventory might not have updated that's true yeah you might get uh duplicates there yeah go for it um all the ammo is yours yeah i had around his iron is uh is quite special oh i can snipe them from the roof huh this is my moment time for pie are you still like my zombies yeah i'm slipping them from the rooftop here where it belongs things to be upset about in the apocalypse that was my undead monster kill stealing uh all the way back to league of legends now with this kill stealer kill stealer warfare lobbies back in the day yeah that would get me pretty salty i i enjoyed the casual pvp from before because it was always uh it was enjoyable to just be able to assassinate your friends without them expecting it am i able to leave the faction uh you can actually enable pvp by going to the faction tab and kill your friends if you want that that's very interesting that you should say that thank you for those step-by-step instructions i will give you this suitcase of money if you kill everybody [Laughter] can you give you a gun if you don't i just i didn't even see the pvp option at all it's a little tick box at the bottom of the faction tab uh enable pvp infections i do see that but i don't see the normal uh green red indicator on the bottom right for whether is is that just my client or is that everybody's that you can by default the reason why we aren't yeah yeah because we're not we're in a faction ah oh so maybe it's like uh i'm just gonna see if i can see one of you guys and if i could see the aim outline genuinely curious who's dragging all the zombies away it's actually quite moody up here i like this it's me hello oh it's a strip club oh there's lots of money in the strip club yes i'll put up the mod collection i didn't actually know what it would be for this one but i'll uh i'll post it with the vod normally it's just the exclamation point pz mods that's usually the collection that we're using though it's slightly different for this one i'll update it i'm hearing some bullshittery going on oh you're in the strip club i'm stealing all the strippers one dollar bills [Laughter] man i thought i'd have a good view up here i really want to have a gun fight now um yeah we could have one i mean we had one previously and i got just steamrolled you got outplayed brah okay i helped you but i jumped from the windows absolute idiot this is great let me put this on i mean we could just kill each other i'd be down for that have a good ol uh death match once again be careful of when you no i'm not going yeah i was wondering how it worked on this server though because now that i turned on pvp yes i can see the aim outlines of everybody i mean i'd be i'd be down to have a good old pvp session this storm it was actually kind of moody my one like uh my one gripe with zomboid's aiming system is kind of like we were chatting with with colleen is that there's not really that much skill required it's just kind of like uh whoever gets the first hit yeah it's whoever gets the first hit and whoever has aim skill that's like the two things so it's kind of a shame that there's not more than just like randomness of did you see me but yeah hopefully they'll take that from thunder tier one there are a couple things you can do like for example when i was fighting lime i hid inside of a tree and he couldn't see me like in the same tile as a tree yeah yeah that one oh true that true that i also tried sneaking into the back seat of the car because i heard him saying like i gotta turn off the engine like i'm gonna sneak in the backseat and wait for him but he saw me more lad somebody did a good job over here there's no zombies anybody want this bunny suit here's a bunny suit and a tail as well and some stockings are you propositioning me right now yes i am propositioning you i will give you money if you put this if you put this on i'll give you my suitcase ah here we go one second needs magazine to operate i'm like really scared of being in front of you guys when you shoot because i don't know who enabled pvp oh you i i already saw you i already saw you in front of her don't worry newbert it's fine it's okay it was so funny now everyone's on edge i was doing my 24 hour stream and i was getting a million dm's you pushed nurse and i was like what are you guys talking about i didn't realize there was a video oh yeah yeah she made a video where you pushed her there's no reason you should watch your back that doesn't sound menacing at all yeah i feel like flashlights are gonna be pretty valuable like i have cat's eyes right now and yet i still can't see anything i don't know why yeah i am i am lost i maybe world settings made it for darker nights yes i would not recommend that for streaming but it is it is probably more immersive it's better for like multiplayer stuff why are we on foot by the way we have a car that's true i'll be fine we just value exercise i just can't wait till um until i see how sprinters work with multiplayer that'll really be fun oh my god that would be interesting i like the challenges that we had going before because although this is kind of like oh [ __ ] yeah i'm actually going to turn off that pvp i haven't literally almost shot somebody uh whoops melee pvp there we go now okay turned it off now as much as i like this kind of surviving together stuff i i feel like it's more suited to bigger servers where it's more like a rust vibe i feel like project zomboid mp has managed to somehow be more toxic than russ pvp it certainly is i mean yeah rust you don't have like any skills projects onboard if your character dies you may or may not lose like hours of uh grinding yeah you retain nothing in rust you do actually retain you know your base i suppose in zomboid you do too though to be fair to a certain extent yeah 24 hours how did you do it 24 hours then how did that treat you um so i did the stream mainly because i really wanted to introduce pg to my community also my car was damaged so i was like i'll do this i can maybe get some donations to pay for my car and stream totally paid for my car that's very nice so i just streamed for 24 hours it got really wonky there was so much violence once everybody joined in because everybody's just kill everyone that's it we had a faction of eight and then another faction of six and we all banned together to go all the way to the level i was the only one that returned on that trip i feel like i'd wanted to do a lot of this good just kind of pvp it almost seems too easy like i i'm so used to the game being overwhelmingly difficult but now that we have a big faction yeah i feel like sprinters would uh would set us back in our place i think yeah i haven't gotten bitten like at all since that first day what you say we can take it we're like left for dead gang at this point we're like you can enable it on the fly or no yeah yeah they can do anything on the floor oh i know this is temporary disabled for multiplayer though i don't think it's they're disabled on this server because during the stream they put them in 100 and then they did an overwhelming fog heavy rain and all sprinters and they gave him the ability to open doors and all you could see in chat was just death logs yeah that's the kind of server that's the kind of server you would want to join has anyone explored the giant park in uh there's nothing in there yeah i i took a i took a van through there and it's just all trails there's no like cool like cabin or anything like that it's actually a golf course that big thing in the middle of this looseville oh interesting you know my inventory company loading is improving i totally should have grabbed ton of more shells for you guys not just shells for me ah adron put actually i might steal that hang on a second i'm just stealing the mod list from aderon thank you later on oh no what is happening here oh no no no there we go i never realized like i'll put that up with the vibe it has a little bit of a whistle when you shoot it yeah they really improve the sounds zombies coming from below where have we not gone in run into everyone i don't know like what kind of landmark we haven't visited in louisville i think what's up what's up we should start imitating them maybe pbo and me look like we probably robbed a bank together you're right i just noticed if you give me that balaclava i'll definitely be a bank robber yeah you want it yeah yeah yeah let me have it let me have it yes now that's more like it now if only i was if only i was a burglar now now i just look like a hunter i think the money man let me do a medical check on you let me do a medical check no no i'm fine i'm fine let me do it then you prove it prove it okay prove it he's been bit he's been bent hang on hang on i'll prove it give me a second crap when a man who's been bit be able to do this oh oh he's right he's right i don't we'll just see about that we'll just see about hey why are you walking why are you moving why are you moving being all suspicious like that i'm switching careful there you're being very suspicious you're being very suspicious money man stop moving around stop moving around stop moving around he's trying to take him he's been bent he's been bent do i have it so he's gonna vouch for me she checked my wounds right nurse he's been bit he won't let me how much how much then we're going to have to find out i have 178 in the suitcase they're all yours get him get him he took he took my son's money oh i can't walk oh do a medical check on him now that he's down now that he's down i will check you now there's unfortunately he's still running he's still running he's been bitten down like a dog my money get his money get his money see if he turns see if he turns oh [ __ ] he didn't turn yeah he didn't turn yet oh wait a minute wait a minute just killed me for nothing my money too dark i tried hiding in the tree but he was too smart i shouldn't have told him that ah it's okay i got your corpse just picked the whole thing up hey hey ambiguous all you gotta do now is log out and log back in here we go here lies pbl he wouldn't tell me about uh his bite so i had to kill him i had to put him down hey so nurse how you doing friends we gather here today i'm i'm fine just a bullet in my stomach oh it's not bad it's okay oh [ __ ] you shot nurse why would you do that she wasn't in fa he at least lied about being infected i tried to aim for pvl you had cereal on you too i'll be taking that i'll also be wearing your suit i think all um one two three four i declare a thumb war move you have ten seconds nine eight seven six five four uh really slow second three two one okay war oh wait what are we doing we're killing we're having a thumb war oh i i need to watch this hang on let me open up your stream pause pause pause time out the most intensive thumb wars um hmm your voice sounds so much better on your stream than it does on discord damn it rob yes i always sound good on stream holy [ __ ] [Laughter] i'm shooting one of the admins crap okay i got one of the admins i killed the wrong person oh somebody else is there oh no oh no i got bit [ __ ] it's fine it's fine i'm taking you out with me yeah i got you back i'm killing everyone today well i see you in that tree i thought i was safe i've killed three people where are you ambi i need to finish this blade must live i lost track of him i just killed three people in like 10 seconds look at this look at this amphibian hiding in the tree unbelievable i just killed an admin there was just some guy walking down the street and it said admin you killed the admin he's gonna come you know crap nose i heard a shot where are you oh there's a guy oh i don't think you can shoot that far ambi [Music] [ __ ] where did he go i just saw him oh i got you i got you i played it where are you i got you i'm gonna i got him one two three four i declare oh you did never mind uh victory is mine oh [ __ ] wait how many did you kill everybody uh yeah i killed everyone else oh [ __ ] jesus christ i killed an admin who was the admin like this is some guy there's some guy walking down the street oh crap was that iteron yeah you killed that you're on he's probably going to troll you now oh no yeah now i'm probably going to be on his hit list forever adron's going to be pretty he's pretty gentle but you might have a few more zombies than you're expecting when you go somewhere see i don't that's why i don't like the combat in this though like with people i guess it's there's like a psychological aspect to it but it's not as uh was it it's it's so realistic that it ends really quickly yeah it's unfortunate okay now i'm just probably going to feed myself to the zombies i'll go back to where i belong i think i'm going wrong i'm gonna go get some pizza yeah me too order pizza that was an absolute joy when you shot me in that tree did you actually did you actually see me or were you not aiming at me oh no i i was aiming at i i had an outline on you i oh okay i got into the tree character or just just an outline i can't uh maybe if i got close i'd have to go back to the footage i can't remember what i saw exactly did i did anybody notice that did i see uh pbl when i i'm just gonna feed myself to the undead now yeah i i think if you get close enough like if you're if you're in there for a second and you have a memory of the character then i think it will display the outline but otherwise i think you are pretty safe in the trees nice okay like that was i i stole that otherwise i would have done like a second floor window that's huge usually that's a pretty safe bet man you're taking a lot of hits there to die yeah but you know i'm i'm built different oh there you go 344 zombies oh that was fun zombie crouching that oh god that was actually quite a lot of fun i i really enjoyed that hey thanks for letting us on the stair version oh yeah absolutely it was a blast
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 179,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid multiplayer, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, multiplayer, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid guide, project zomboid multiplayer vod
Id: 1-KYJ07mn9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 35sec (7535 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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