RollerCoaster Tycoon...20+ Years Later

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hey folks future aaa here today we're doing a retrospective on to one of my favorite games of all time rollercoaster tycoon made by legendary game designer chris sawyer a figure whom i regard with great awe it's not the most graphically advanced game ever created but i personally enjoy its graphics despite the fact that the way i streamed it with its resolution designed to fit older computers it kind of looks wacky do not adjust your television sets this is my intent in creating this vod anyway this one was a real treat to revisit and please let me know if you like this and you want to see more retro stuff as it's some of my favorite stuff to do enjoy roller coaster tycoon perhaps the greatest game ever made for its time i know i say that about a lot of games uh yes the video resolution is right i know it looks a little weird uh but this game was made with just such an odd result all right i mean by today's standard such an odd resolution we're gonna go through and just play one of the uh one of the water scenarios in the uh early game because i love this game uh and it is quite amazing we need 500 guests in our park at the end of october year three with a park rating of at least 600 so this is uh let's see how far we get i will probably just go to the goal and then once we get there we're gonna make some awesome coasters i'm pretty excited about this one this is one of my favorite games and just a real throwback um and i just did the micro park challenge for the next video which will probably be uh hitting before this thing hits so uh i i guess kind of like take that into account um unfortunately this game was made before really visible hot keys and you can't really zoom in that much and it's i know it looks very dated in a lot of ways too um but this is a truly amazing game like don't don't doubt it at any second um this is one of the for its time to use zoomers out there this is one of the best games ever made and if you know of this game you know it's it is a legendary a game of epic and legendary status that kind of made chris sawyer's uh career i do believe um i think this is really all that he had to create right but yeah an absolutely amazing game for its time and even still i was playing it quite recently uh and it's still amazing it's still absolutely amazing let's go ahead and pause just for a second no we really pause because time just doesn't really go by that fast and i want to get some motion going right away let's get a ferris wheel in here um now the kind of like gentler rides our park goers will not be as enthused about over time we're gonna go ahead and just destroy that tree because uh trees don't deserve to live um here we go uh whoops we gotta go ahead and let's redo that entrance we're gonna do that over there now you gotta go ahead and place an entrance and i think you know how this works i think that you know how this works yes we should get some swan boats early on too because that's i mean this car this uh this park is begging for swan boats but we're going to go ahead and just we want to make this like six long for damn it all right five is fine i'll settle on that um i guess we could put some more stalls here now i'm really used to playing in a very small park over the last couple of days so i'm feeling like that this is um pretty important that i i'd be very like conscious of space here wait a minute no hang on a second see i i just played the 15 by 15 micro park so i'm out of my mind i feel like every single square count so i'm gonna be really uh shall we say judicious about this so let's go here and then here see that's better one two three four five we used up the space better clearly much better uh this game will raise your iq to play it uh but we've got this nice nice lake over here everyone loves this lake it's very nice um did you ever play foxhole i don't think i've ever played foxhole that's the other uh isometric world war two game right i don't know i'm kind of thinking of other games of this era of this ilk here we go look at these swan boats i don't know if you're really supposed to build a track with swan boats here like what's sop about swan boats but um i wonder if we build this under lower um you know what we could do is something like this and we're going to make a lot of mistakes so let's just get ready for that because it's been a while since i really played this game well but that's good because mistakes are good they're sometimes good sometimes good let's go ahead and put our tracks over here and then we'll put the entrance hither uh no that doesn't make any sense why did i do this um okay well that's okay we can build the okay we've got a razor lower the land so this was all just a total mistake uh very much regret this decision let's go ahead and just trash this ride unfortunately we do get back i believe all of our money in this game because it does refer uh give everything back do i prefer rct1 or rc2 i don't really know i i think rct1 is the one that sticks with me because i never had a pc as a kid i had an xbox so i played it on xbox which actually was pretty good they did a decent job porting it over i don't know by today's standards it would feel good at all um but it certainly felt good back then to have an xbox controller in my child hands uh which they redesigned for child hands hey ghoul king good streamer and video creator friend ghoul king in the chat how are you my friend certainly you remember rct which was like one of the greatest uh uh roller coaster games pretty much of all time not even just roller coaster games but game games you know yeah it was pretty good for the console don't question it uh mill mill jewel hey thank you very much for the uh for the prime much appreciated my friend let's go let's cut right to the chase here uh scrambled eggs is not really such a great ride no one's ever excited to get on it in my experience uh we want to raise our park rating and our value but we're just going to kind of go through and have some fun here i think i'll go with everything except for i believe ride improvements i could be wrong about this but scenery and theming just aren't as good roller coasters thrill rides gentle rides and shops and stalls generally speaking we kind of got to fill out the more exciting stuff first because i just genuinely speaking the gentle rides aren't that exciting they're uh you just kind of place them down and they do nothing i think it would be interesting though if we had like a wooden coaster that was extremely expensive and went all the way around the park uh and was very questionable and it does and so we're gonna cut right to the chase here and we're just gonna go through and uh we're gonna navigate around many of these trees with our first coaster and we're gonna make something that circumnavigates the park uh very exciting very exciting we'll put the entrance maybe way back here in the of course in the back um fry's stall we get a fry's stall going though maybe we should get some other stuff you know let's just pause on that for a second because we can always come back let's get the uh the money machine going we want to get a couple of rides i know i said that i hated scrambled eggs i still do i stand by that but we do need something that's just generating income to begin with so let's put that over here by our uh stupid boring rides goddamn tree in the way okay deforestation there we go um man everything is like a crossword puzzle in this game you know what i mean you know what i mean scrambled eggs is no good i don't like it uh i know i'm kind of an ignoramus for saying that now we could really this game's uh elevation tools were amazing you could practically build an entire park on top of the park um what if we do something like now we don't want a huge line for scrambled eggs either but what we can do is something like this and then we do that to get this path going i know we wasted a little bit of money but we want our cues to be hey get back on the path now you can also drown guests i'm going to go ahead and just place a guest in the water there he goes uh he's drowning because none of them can swim so we'll put him back on the path he this slightly ruined his day but um yeah guest torture was always like kind of oddly normal in this game we'll make a merry let's just get the easy stuff out of the way first um i really want these rides to kind of like interact with the rest of the park better so that's why i wanted to build the coaster first but maybe if we build the coaster around them too then we will reach zen enlightenment let's delete some of these things as well we turn this twice there we go my god rct was just such a banger ah deep into the game do you like to set up areas for certain rides like roller coaster zone or arcade i like it my see like my ideal park is the one where everything is kind of like touching each other you know what i mean like um wait a second we want three here let's just make this a straight path like i want the rides zooming up and down above and below one another to me that's a very successful park i like that let's get rid of this because i'm always wigged out whenever there's two paths next to each other used to delete the paths at least to places without a single thing no guess could interact with the stuff in the park yeah the guests kind of just walk around it random see some of them oh no those are geese i thought i thought those were guests geese guest they sound so similar but here we go our park is finally uh we don't want to open up that roller coaster let's just make sure that we're making a little bit of money we don't have any handymen let's hire one handyman we've got to hire one of those they're wearing green that looks good uh let's also hire a mechanic it's a bit of a waste of money i probably shouldn't do this and let's also just hit him bad handyman i know mowing the grass because otherwise he's going to spend the entire time mowing the grass which we don't really care for we want him sweeping the paths because there's a lot of vomit on the paths um but yeah i i like i said sort of the zen enlightenment model of uh rct so a nice wooden coaster has always looked good uh we can buy land and stuff like that but this scenario will probably be quite easy in comparison with some of the other ones i'm thinking a little bit maybe it would be better to just invest a little bit more in stuff that's actually going to make me money here because i do have a tendency to go broke because i get a bit ambitious at the beginning uh but it's just because i'm such an ambitious guy the multiple paths thing confuses the ai yes they do walk in circles like i once had a big area where it was just all path and i thought it would help them openly get to things but yeah they did all get lost uh we do want to create a kiosk asap uh if possible uh these are the boring rides we get the coasters we could build like a mini coaster at first or we could do a miniature railroad hey the near mark hey thank you very much for the uh for the two oh jesus christ for the sub and the gifts up hey thank you very much near mark oh god bless and thank you for the uh for the jabberwocky reference hmm always always warms my heart so me thinks uh let's see we got a fry stall everyone loves french fries um despite the fact that they surrender um there we go let's begin let's begin with the coaster okay so we're gonna make a nice big station big station go back into the construction menu now i know that the ui seems pretty dated in this game but at the same time like for its for its era this game's ui was incredibly good uh very very good let's go ahead and we're gonna raise the stakes a little bit at the beginning can we get beyond this tree let's delete that tree good happy happy little tree oh god look at all this other land that we have my god hang on a second no i think we need to rescind all of that let's go ahead and make a longer station we want a very long station for many many a car there we are and we're going to go ahead oh it's raining guys like for its time this game's weather effects were incredible look at those exactly the same picks i know it sounds like i'm making fun of it but this game's basically everything about this game was just so advanced ah damn it and i know that a lot of the ui seems dated now but it was incredible for its time oh god knights i would just spend okay we don't want this to be quite so and maybe we do want it to be pretty ambitious we want to give it a good start a nice clean push at the beginning there we are nice clean push uh though this is getting going to be very expensive maybe we don't want to do that now it's not costing me money to do any of this but we want to work with the normal elevations of the land yeah we are going to we are going to go bankrupt if we don't do this all right well let's begin the turn because we're going to make our way around the park hopefully this will uh work out oh god yeah we are going to go bankrupt we're going to need to make very tight turns here uh let's go ahead go down a bit uh we just want to kind of get them some early momentum then we'll do this uh we could oh we could do a downward spiral my god to think do you think we could be going down and spiraling at the same time uh all right let's go around the other way then oh man this really brings me back to coney island jesus hey psp how are you hey thank you very much for the huge tracts of land yeah we do have a lot of land in this challenge feeling good about that we are going bankrupt though after only about like one turn in this roller coaster i really should have thought this through uh but let's just have this one go up and then down a lot and then we're going to have to test the whole thing uh okay let's go ahead and we'll do another turn another turn yes like that ish good we've got to get rid of some of these god damn trees there we are received the most disappointing park in the country wow i've never gotten that award before what an uh what kind of uh made this game uh of course i'm kidding of course i'm kidding um now why is that even a ward though what are just an outstanding blow to my confidence oh my god yeah we are gonna go bankrupt it seems okay this coaster i take it all back this coaster won't do any of the things that i said we're just gonna kind of go back to the main entrance and uh live with it uh because we aren't gonna have enough money to get back there uh but we will go down it's gonna do something absolutely thrilling before we're done does it cost more money to build over water we'll go almost into the water just to upset everyone there we go uh let's go ahead and do this whoops no we don't want to do that my god why did i play this today uh huh there we go uh hang on a second nope we gotta be going up and banking at the same time no oh jesus so many options no i said up and bank there we go yes yes just like that ah good okay maybe this will work out well we'll find out in a moment um i guess we'll do like one more rising up rise up don't talk about my parks money please don't talk about my parks money but no one no one wants to we'll be doing well in a few more uh maybe hours or days but believe me this is going to be cool once we finally get this coaster which did none of the things that i want i mean this is kind of like the story with rct though you know like you have some idea and then it doesn't work out and then everyone gets very upset and then you get bankrupt and then you need to tell all of the shareholders uh and then eventually you run out of money uh but we're almost there we're gonna it looks like we're almost gonna make it back in time to have enough money and we could just take out another bank my god uh we should not have gone down then but it's all right we'll just put the footpath over it it's fine okay um no no more footpath oops wrong one tree there we go yep we're just going to delete that footpath and then how will anyone get the right god only knows um okay good that uh damn it another tree uh going back and see this was the type of thing i was never really very good at all right well we did finish the ride and we didn't run out of money we have a dollar and sixty wow talk about talk about barely having enough money left um is the ride going to work now you're going to have to go ahead and test out the ride but look at all these nice cars we got on the coaster guys you're neglecting all the nice cars that we got on the coaster and look we are making money we now have seven dollars and look they have no way to go over there so they just won't go that way eventually we'll buy a footpath that goes over the roller coaster that is senseless here we go look there goes the roller coaster nice good there it goes uh running a chair uh there we go good uh the roller coaster goes down up then down good and yes oh yes it does work jesus amazing uh okay so it does work thank god what else would we have done if it didn't work um okay we now have 25 let's see if we can get back to the main path in time no we now have three socks uh dollars roller crystal has one that's no path leading from its exit i know we're running out of money uh we're going to need a loan we're going can we get a loan let's raise our loan just by maybe like a thousand dollars good there we go so we have enough to open up the roller coaster oh god really didn't think that would be good man some things never change don't tell me that the guests will be upset with the ride please please god no no dude come on keep going that way there we go who has the least upsetting park in the country now and we really should have gone with one of those prefab designs nah nah that was the right decision we made our own cool custom coaster which uh just isn't really all that exciting but hey it goes over the lake that's kind of interesting right yeah yeah ah triple g hey thank you very much for the for the uh 300 bits you know my tts is very quiet today because no we got to fill up those rides got to fill them up because this game is just so outstandingly loud that i had to lower everything oh in fact let's have the music again though let's have the music i did turn it off there we go okay so the music is now on so the merry-go-round will play obnoxious songs for us get ready to put the cotton in your ears oh no it's playing a menacing classical song now well that's a little upsetting oh yes park tickets can go up so let's go raise the prices on everything yes because that is also true yeah we've been charging people free admission to our park i always forget that this is a thing so we're going to charge them the steep price of 15 to get in this absolute massacre of a park uh but that should start generating us some actual revenue uh because it is not very good and then we can eventually start paying back more of our loan our loan uh all right so the one thing that i didn't like about this game i'll say this kind of right out up in the front is uh it had no way of speeding up time at least that i know of maybe an rct too but uh uh too bad so you just watch them go around in that one ride for now they're having a good time they're loving it and now there are ways to optimize this like to get the highest excitement rating nausea rating is medium excitement rating is high i believe we want intensity to be kind of uh not so high too because i had a ride that was too intense where no one was very happy or our guests here we go some of them are getting right back on i guess that that means that their nausea is going to go up we might want to put a bathroom nearby here your right attraction okay good we've got the information kioskis this is a place where people could very easily get lost we're going to put that right in the front and we do have some dollars now excellent this is amazing how lucky are we there we are okay let's put this down and let's charge everyone a very steep price for a map uh actually i think i'm going to leave some of these ones at the default just because i don't want to raise the imbalance though eventually you do need to kind of uh raise and lower the prices to suit demand now a lot of guests find the merry-go-round to be very boring so they don't want to get onto it um are we experiencing that too yeah so let's see this guest's thoughts that guy in the yellow shirt i want to go on something more thrilling than merry-go-round one so yeah they're going to be getting on the ferris wheel because it's slightly more thrilling i believe and maybe scrambled eggs that no one really likes scrambled eggs uh so they do kind of make their way around into the park and most of the people we're going to have quite a lot of vomit over in this section of the park let's also connect this back because just to get the surface area going we uh this is important and we will let's build over this thing because this was all just a massive error but we're going to have to live with it now but it's you know it's quite all right it's quite all right there we go uh raise the ground raise the god damn it get rid of the footpath of course get rid of the footpath there we go and great okay so we got over the roller coaster um [Music] and then we go down again and god damn it another foot path in the way there we are good okay everything's fine i don't know why is it stressing is stressing you out to be playing this i'm clearly stressed out i'm a kid i love following people walking at the park with them were people walking in the park with a magnifying glass wait a minute were there npcs in this game using a magnifying glass you know i never really observed the npcs that get a map see that gentleman in the green shirt just got a map let's see if he looks at his map he just bought a beverage is he going back to buy another map uh let's see what he's doing it is kind of fascinating to watch some of these people now he's gonna go to the bathroom you can make the bathroom cost money which was always a little bit uh a violation of human rights but kind of funny at the same time are there places i guess there are some public bathrooms where you got to pay like 50 cents to use it right oh you're all completely relaxed well that's a relief no i think that i don't like the paint scheme on this thing's uh cars i want them to look more like kind of classic there we go red nice red rides red and white over the uh over the brown nice the nice wood grain of the uh of the wooden coaster now that's that's a theme park in fact this is too saturated a red i think we need something more tasteful like a more retired shade of red there we are ah a mature shade of red very good now that we've increased the surface area with the uh other footpaths you can see that the park is most dense at the beginning and i think we'll start to get a little bit more activity over in this section because clearly we can't we currently aren't getting enough people what now what is this guy upset with he's in a yellow shirt he looks too intense for him so we could i guess have lowered the intensity rating we're getting pretty good rides with this many people so i think that's fine the nausea rating is only what normal high it's not like intense vomit right medium vomit okay so then that's a little bit better we just need people who aren't such pansies in the park and we are back up to another sixteen hundred dollars so i think that we can start to invest more money into more rides okay a metal coaster only seventeen hundred dollars we might be able to get a cheap version of some of these coasters though i will go with some prefabs so this one is thirteen hundred twenty dollars at a minimum uh i really don't love this one but it is going to get us some money and we'll do a i want to do one that was non-prefab just so that people could see how the game works if you've never seen this game before but uh what is the crazy caterpillar how much how expensive is this uh crazy caterpillar let's see what usually the smallest one is the cheapest good nice small crazy caterpillar so let's do that let's do that in the back of the park because i'm not going to enjoy this uh making this ride at all let's put um [Music] crazy caterpillar yeah i know prefabs but look at all i just wasted like five thousand dollars i need something i need a cheap hit for a moment and then we'll go back to that now can we build directly over the water here let's see let's see if the crazy cat nope we can't do it there uh nope uh okay good we're getting a healthy line there now nice good good voluntary uh maybe this one would be good can we build it directly over the water no thirty eight hundred dollars much too expensive ah jackass i was being a jackass okay let's build the boring cars let's build the mini cars because everyone is uh everyone hates them we got such narrow margins here man i really didn't do a very good job with any of this okay never mind uh swan boat okay i have a good idea at last if we build this how do we get the swan boat over here actually hang on a second i need to put on my thinking cap okay we're going to be doing some terrain navigation so if we do this if we lower this bit of land and we raise this bit yes this was what i desired and then we do that oh look at how satisfyingly that cliff goes down look what we've just created amazing right uh so now we've created like a small area where we can do some swan boats so let's have that for everyone who's too terrified to get on this coaster which mostly it just seems to be people who keep getting on and off that coaster uh we'll have them go on these swan boats over here so let's go ahead and do this and if we just keep them into a small uh let's see here we'll need to do slightly the wrong spot for that but it's fine nope okay but i at least see i can see before me what what that my destiny looks like if we do this there we go yep should be a very cheap ride to make that's going to make us a lot of money we'll give a a wide a wide berth for these uh this will be a thrilling ride that yeah i think we'll just let them go out in the open because this is kind of nice we'll do the entrance over here can we build this atop water we can i stand corrected i thought that we couldn't do that over water okay we can't just leave this out in the open though this is a nice ride uh we gotta do one of these things there we go success it is opened okay then we do this and we go slightly up there we go okay we've got people coming into the hey why are you going over there there we go good okay we got the boats do you want to make them swan boats or regular boats would i agree that leo looks like brienne of tarth i have never seen the comparison of him to brianna of tarth nor do i know wait is that a like game of thrones you know i never actually watch game of thrones who is brienne of tarth man my genius is showing jesus okay good so anyone who's too scared to go on that coaster is getting on the boats maybe those people will drown guests are commenting that my park entrance fee is very cheap now this is great about this game is that it did actually make it very plausible to sustain an economy there we go so let's raise it to 20 the safest park in the country dear god the safest and did we have that other award the most boring most disappointing safest park in the country yes man look at that thumb ah swan boats why do you want swan boats i'm going after oh god they're going out on the rest of the lake i didn't intend for any of that so apparently they can go beneath these look there they go that seems very dangerous i don't call that safe but all right we'll allow them to do that more people will get on this thing and at least they'll be entertained we're making money again that's what's important yeah i might have to fence yeah you know actually let's let's close this because the truth is that if we don't close this these people are just going to get very carried away and it'll take them too long and there'll be a long line so we're going to go ahead we're going to go back to construction and there's going to be a very boring ride you get to do this you get to see the lake but you never get to go on it so we're going to go like this and then like yep that's it you couldn't be responsible park members so you're just gonna go around in a circle that's what you get to do and they still get on and they still get on they love it look there go too guys right now we'll give them the swan boats though we'll give them swan boats oh no we haven't even unlocked swan boats alas well i feel really deprived of uh meaningful choice oh look there go the people they look so innocent we could just remove one of the bits of track on them yeah you can kill your guests in this game it is all too common man look there they go there they go i don't know about you but i love the the way that the graphics look on the coasters in this game some people say that it's bad graphics but i i think it looks just so amazing it's one of my favorite games uh it just means so much to me we might end up rebuilding this coaster too we can pretty much refund all of our money all right so we get the river rapids oh this is more of an interesting ride ropey rapids hey ropey rapids let's get something that's actually one of the prefabs i haven't shown you a prefabs the prefabs are generally better than me uh what i could design in an afternoon let's put that uh i kind of wanted to have good feng shui though with the rest of the park if only we could get ropey rapids to go here but it doesn't perfectly fit it doesn't perfectly fit no ropey rapids why ropey rapids could we do this if we get rid of all these trees we're going to have to pen penned a lot of money let's just get rid of all of these unfortunately we do need to right click all of them this was made before click and drag i don't know of any non click and drag things though man i'm probably putting a lot of misinformation out there about this game i feel bad because i just really can't do this game enough justice guys it's so amazing roller coaster tycoon can't construct it here why because yeah probably because of the elevation thing now this is one area where modern gaming was kind of nice because it let you just fix those elevation bits really easily but um here's what i think let's go ahead and just try to lower the land around there um right up till about there okay so i see how i'm going to memorize this yeah okay so we've got to go ahead and raise the area of the ground here and i think it was there let's go ahead and do this and this and good good good where else i think here well now we don't want to use up tons of money because moving dirt is a great way to go broke in this game uh i think it was also there but let's take another look at ropi rapids everyone you love ropey rapids it's one of your favorite places come on you haven't even touched your ropey rapids yet ah damn it uh okay all right i see the path before me three and three okay i've memorized the pattern damn it ropey rapids there we go uh ah come on three-dimensional there we go three-dimensional viewfinder great oh yes i can feel ropey rapids taking shape no i did it wrong again there we go okay uh one two and are we out of money now well we are prepared for ropey rapids when we eventually do now save up enough money for it since after we spent all of that money can't construct it here now this is irking me this is irking me why ever not why ever not oh because there's probably a tree in the way still isn't there there after all there no there isn't oh there is a tree in the way yep 2600 okay so we just need to save up another thousand dollars then we can get ropey rapids there we have finally created the footprint so and i guess it does show its age a little bit in ways like that but otherwise it's a fine game um yeah a singular tree yeah singular tree in the path well i do like leaving around some of the nature just to make it look you know authentic because otherwise i find that the park always looks just kind of uh bad and dirty bad and dirty like you uh like you swinging ship oh we have the swinging ship everyone loves the swinging ship well i love the swinging ship uh i would always get very nauseous on this thing as a kid but i loved it i loved the nausea that it uh created oh the camera icon also shows you what parts see this game was so genius because of that oh chris sawyer oh yes the camera actually does show you the preview of okay this is nice now we could do that see i love this one though because it's a water ride everyone loves the look of water in this game uh and other stuff let's go raise the park fees just to gargantuan prices okay so everyone wants to get on this ride so clearly there's very high demand let's raise the price to match that uh the ferris wheel also seems to have a full load at all times so let's go ahead and raise the price there as well merry-go-round we can't really tell because it's not always full we could lower the price on this but i think most people don't get on it because it's too intense or so it's deemed um we could slightly raise the size of the queue for this but um our park will be pretty full in no time um the boat hire is free and yet still no one's getting on it we're clearly going to need to raise this because we just aren't even making enough money on that it's making negative 81 an hour i mean but the park is getting money overall so that's fine it's gonna raise and lower some things right here i think we'll take a little bit off of our research and funding though because we aren't making things to keep up with our funding so i just want to take care of some of that merry-go-round still hasn't been fixed okay so my handyman is just a little bit of uh slowpoke right here but there he is he's making his way very slow man but you know we're uh we're paying good money for his health care so there he goes the guests are not uh flailing in the water unfortunately we'll have time for that at the end those are uh geese um unfortunately i know i wish that they were guests too because i do kind of enjoy the like the catharsis of human suffering that comes out of this game is that guy very nauseous or is he just his face is just green yeah he's extremely nauseous his hunger and his thirst are just off the charts he's he's gonna he might die oh god what happened to him now look here these people are what are they they're consuming french fries what are they doing these people are frighteningly happy haven't finished my fries yet okay there we go i love just how direct the thoughts are in this game uh so amazing yeah we're going to have a zombie apocalypse at this man can you imagine if chris sawyer had made a zombie apocalypse game i feel like that these types of graphics would just agree with me for a zombie apocalypse look that guy was nauseous getting onto the ride there he goes look he's going he's going to throw up on the ride i love this let's raise the park entrance fee even more twenty dollars no one's gonna let's wait until they complain for god's sake total admissions now we don't wanna lose all of our customers it's 22. they won't notice it 22 dollars it's not perfectly on the five yet there we go let's raise the merry-go-round price [Music] uh raise it to match the other ones because we're gonna keep the demand consistent there we go biggest ripoff in the country i haven't gotten that reward yet but if we can get it i would really love to have it yeah we could just raise our loans slightly you know we'll be making a lot more money if we get this because the prefabs are generally more optimized so let's just do it build this over here ropey rapids there we go okay yeah we were gonna need the money for the entrance anyway uh so let's do this we want the uh q to go around here and we want the uh exit to go this way man they gotta have been british folks i don't really know was chris sawyer british calling things a cue i genuinely have no idea i don't really know as much about there's some things i know about the history of this game but not that much really not really that much i gotta say maybe uh just a bit of an ignoramus here okay so let's go have this line go around here uh we're gonna go like this because why not because we can let's just make things more complex than they need to be uh we'll go like that and great okay so ropi rapids nice long line river rapids no that's not what i meant to call it look everyone's getting on ropey rapids though because clearly it's a great deal we're gonna make the entry fee for this ride like two dollars did we add an entry fee to this roller coaster actually two dollars okay so i think that's pretty fair rugby rapids and the roller coaster are two dollars you'll probably see pretty quickly that because ropey rapids is a prefab design it's more like i don't know if this is even true but isn't it well made for awaiting test results okay so yeah can't crash because it's a pretty fab it's fine hey uncle clumsy hey thank you very much for the for the sub and failed school thank you for the sub the excitement system is pretty complicated this game does you know i'm really gliding over a lot of systems that i truly don't understand actually i just recalled the name of the uh the youtuber who does a lot of good videos on stuff like this now i'm sure there are more than him but the one i've seen personally is uh i believe it's marcel vos marcel voss i've i've never chatted with him but he makes very good rct stuff it's like very much looking at this game as a science so i would go check out those things look there's a rapid in the river um this is one of my favorite rides because it just has a lot of movement in it i don't really know if it's uh i don't know much about the systems of the rides in this game you know i can build my own coaster not a very good one by any means um but here we go there they go off on that direction now we can't just rotate this to see where they're going um okay so they're gonna go up this can we even see them okay there's a car going up behind this thing right now then it's gonna go over here through the rapids and then down this rather large place so this is going to be very exciting i i mostly want to see how this first one will do see how uh do we get an excitement rating on this thing too and clearly it's a long time for one of these things to go so all of our guests are still awaiting our test results my god but does it take a very long time for this thing to charge up and look we're already making back money we can already pay back some of that loan so let's do that because we don't want to uh have to pay that every month can't pay back loan not enough cash available well i was just kind of content to look at this thing for a little while now obviously you should be taking out a lot of loans at the beginning but um expensive water jay schlatt used to do rct yeah i think he did open ttd and stuff like that too a lot of his videos are like short masterpieces on these things i've watched a couple of his things uh when i was uh kind of fishing for ideas you know um i know he does a lot more kind of streaming stuff right now but he's just a very good stall uh storyteller very young too jay schlott is very good for his age and he was making a lot of things that were very good when he was like in his teens i think yeah you should go see his i i haven't seen his rct though i know he did it i've seen his open ttd which was a fine video yeah i think he's about 20 what is he 22 something like that but i mean i'm talking about videos that he did years ago but very good stuff very good stuff i defier castra hey thank you very much for the sub much appreciated my friend excitement six out of ten do we have six out of ten excitement i won't allow it excitement medium well intensity low but low nausea as well max speed 29 miles per hour drops to now you can get all of these statistics on the right and you could really go ham with this type of thing uh what is this this is the miles per hour um [Music] um niger rating 0.9 intensity rating 1.53 excitement rating so i think that this is fine because you do need a like a spectrum of different ride intensities nausea ratings and other such garbage in your park now no one is getting unscrambled eggs oh alas it is still making us money maybe if we lowered the price though because at this point we just kind of want to create value in the park the coasters are going to make us a lot of the money and the refreshment styles first of all people still do seem to be getting on it so that's fine but please get on scrambled eggs scrambled eggs is one of the least desirable rides in my experience uh let's see we're at fifteen hundred dollars again let's go ahead and pay back more of our loan i just don't like to be uh i don't like to be underwater i still feel like i've got a lot to say i haven't got all my thoughts about disgusting state of the past in our park so we're gonna go ahead and hire another handyman we could assign these guys zones but i think uh as long as we just assign them to foot paths that's fine but yeah i've been getting like a hankering to play a hankering look at me i've been getting a hankering we do need some garbage bins because it doesn't appear as if we have any of those in this park there is going to be a lot of litter let's work on little things like this we'll just kind of consolidate our park um yeah but i've been getting a real hankering to play a lot of games like this lately i don't know maybe just stuff when i was a child like i played i grabbed a game boy advance the other day i had a massive sinus infection this week so i couldn't really do anything um i was just kind of sitting there in pain uh i can't i can't really do anything at a computer when i have it i just kind of go for walks that's about it but um yeah probably not a great idea to play a lot of game boy advance which was really not a very good portable on the eyes i gotta say it's probably one of the reasons why my vision deteriorated as a kid but uh yeah anyway um [Music] i i don't know it just felt great to play gba i'm i'm fishing for what to say about it but yeah it felt great it felt amazing now what is this right maybe this ride is just such garbage and we should make it a little bit longer because the a lot it's just not very efficient but people are still getting on people never got one yes zoo tycoon other games of this of the suspended roller coaster i'll show you an expelled roller coaster ah so funny oh god oh that was such a funny joke um [Laughter] oh all right here we go uh let's put this over here i guess we'll just have a waste now we don't really have to waste the space over there this and then this we could bring the path back but there's something so satisfying about like the over and then under in this game and there were more height tools in the second game i think so that was very nice that we could get that back okay this is going to be a very popular ride i know because i'm a very experienced man uh let's go ahead and bring this back here so if we do this crap so let's do that and then a little bit of a pain that you have to reconnect everything but that was how this is how games were made folks this was how games were made is it free it is free why is the free thing by default let's charge people like a dollar fifty to get on this because it is quite a popular ride everyone loves the swinging ship even with low ratings on everything maybe they'll go from the roller coaster into the swinging ship and then have vomit over here let's go ahead and put a bathroom over here i don't know if this really affects it but this is like the capital of vomit over here right now our handymen are mostly taking care of it for some reason there's vomit by scrambled eggs what is the intensity rating on it's fine it's fine sega game gear was where it's at never played rct one but put lots of hours in our ct2 as a kid rct2 and rct1 i know there's probably a lot of subtle differences but to my eye having not played them for a while yeah you probably had similar experience um i know about one-way signs i don't actually know about one-way signs is that a better way to take care of foot traffic in this game there's probably a lot of stuff i don't know about is this the one-way son banner sign but there's a lot yeah you could do like a statue of uh caesar something like that bathroom supply the water for the log flume right well i mean i'm old enough i'm not saying that this is very old but it's not very old at all but there was a time when they would sell adapters for the game boy color so that you could play the game boy color in dark environments and you would shine a light on the screen with this attachment this is like the era of gaming that i am kind of feeling nostalgia for we aren't getting people going on the god damn no one likes the guy one thing i've learned is that later on in the park you just kind of go for a free merry-go-round and everyone sort of accepts that now no one wants to get on ferris wheel one ah yeah okay let's just bring down all of the gentle ride prices to one dollar one dollar one dollar there we go okay great swinging ship as i suspected everyone demands to go on the swinging ship i'll leave that one at 150 though because i like to have some nice full lines here and i think we can raise up our monthly funding again i do want to get some of the nice stalls because some of the nice stalls are the things more worth persevering after in this game um maximum funding will also go for thrill rides and i don't see why not roller coasters as well at this point in time um do we have to pay this back with interest over time well nonetheless let's go for something more exciting we want to get more people here we want to get more roller coasters into our park because this really is kind of a sparse park still um what is our park rating as well we should probably be checking that out from time to time we've got good we've got some nice roller coasters though do we actually have any money uh yeah maybe maybe no more roller coaster research just for a few minutes i wasn't expecting that they would go right for all of that but thrill rides are fine we do have a drop ride uh roto drop that we could construct if we get things going um we don't really want any of that we could do a 1300 train for pete's sake i'm just sort of stuck waiting here again he thinks no me thinks no we could do another swinging ship to make more money because clearly they'll they'll want it just do something on this side of the park this is a waste to have guests over in this side of the park with nothing going on or we just attract more people into our ass roller coaster yeah i don't know that it's starting to seem like kind of a white elephant to me you know you have this idea that you think something's going to be great and then it just fails and then your whole family hates you and then you get kicked out and then uh and then you gotta well we won't go into that uh but here we go fizzly this seems like oh this looks awful let's do this yep okay yep this is one of the more dangerous rides okay this is exactly what i wanted great um let's go around to the back over here from the uh yep yep this is i'm doing this i'm doing this can we do it somewhere that it looks more threatening than it is and not really for now but you know we do we do have dense foot traffic over there but we want something over on this side of the park let's go fill out this side of the park um just destroy some of these completely innocent trees what did they ever do to anyone there we go maybe we could get it right on the edge of the park like this i'm gonna be very like stingy with the space right here there we go okay uh presto good oh god who says presto ferris wheel one is broken down we'll send it to therapy then why why don't we uh perhaps not the most sensitive way to uh address ferris wheel one's mental health but a lot damn it i didn't mean to do that well it doesn't really make a difference you know having a random q in there does it make it we could drown that one man uh no i don't think i'll drown him i don't think i'll do that at all there we go much better [Music] yeah this elevation the topography though i gotta say is about as bad as that of simcity you know oh we could change the color let's make it red to signify that you might die on this ride if i were to for example change the launch speed of the ride ah all right let's let's do this let's do this i want a nice consolidated long line there we go nice long line there uh this one's gonna be pretty fast so it doesn't actually need that big a cue there we go never will i call a line a line anymore i'm gonna call it a q from now on whoa dangerous dangerous man two dollars to get on this thing a lot of people do deem this one very intense though if i'm not mistaken i mean look at it it's terrifying except come on we know something about the excitement don't we or they go for two runs here do they go for two runs is that it so medium medium and low so that's pretty good not a bad not a bad start to this one we'll get people frequenting this path as we develop our park and why is no one getting on the god damn uh i do recall in another park i had to lower these things to like sense to get people to go on them remember this is an age before inflation got as out of hand as it is right now so we're just going to need to keep doing this uh merry-go-round is basically the least interesting ride to people but hey look the boat hire is filling up there we go it's all supply and demand supply and demand and as our other coasters start to fill up now good good good people are entering the park people are entering the park have i made the have i made the roller coaster of death not yet only because i want the park rating to become unsuspectingly high before i start to kill off guests quietly on the side delete a track or two on the loop-de-loop i think you can delete is it one you might be able to delete one without killing anyone uh maybe maybe you could also make it uh longer and then uh man that really wasn't that expensive a coaster nope i want a successful park first then we'll start killing off the guests which is really the the true goal of most of this game uh i won't lie now this coaster starts to get to some really interesting things the wooden coaster has a lot of limitations because it can't do like loop-de-loops all all around but i've found that whenever i make coasters guests just don't go on them because they're too insane or i can't finish them because they're too expensive so let's make a real theme park first and then we'll get on to the things that are just absurd um we'll go with a few more free prefabs because they have been good money hogs for us but yeah there is so much elevation that it makes getting a prefab down kind of inconvenient in this park hmm that is a little bit of a disappointment well maybe we could get like some sort of unsuspecting log flume over here uh here we go unsuspecting log flume coming right up let's see what this one looks like okay this is kind of doable whoops uh did that already can we just build this log flume out in the middle of the water come on of course you can do this see how cool would that be to have a log flume on top of a lake i know seems like decadent and a little bit ridiculous but at the same time that would be nice so that is one area where this game's uh top top hog rifle graphical tools uh were a little bit you know early i suppose but i don't just want to play a flat map can we do that nope all right so you know what i'm going to go ahead and say let's make our own custom log flume that goes over the water because i think it's going to be kind of badass to just have a log flume and now we'll uh we'll start to fulfill my year-long ambitions we're going to have a log flume that interacts with the other rides amazing right one wouldn't think that a roller coaster would go up and above another one too dangerous a.a don't do that no i'm doing it i'm doing it but we'll put it somewhere that typography would be kind of inconvenient no okay yeah let's put it right at the front entrance just because that gets people on a ride right away maybe we could even deposit them somewhere else in the park there we go no one will hear your screams delete ah but these willows in the are they willows whatever they are they're trees they're just trees of course all right let's uh let's go ahead and get out of the station platform we'll put this over here and then we will begin with the decadence we could do an s-bend now we want to kind of get them up right away yeah you know we got to get them up there we go so let's get them up get him up over the lake too high for supports oh this was the disadvantage of building directly over the lake uh yes okay i'm beginning to see the the cost of my decadence okay so then let's ah this lake is such a jackass um okay so then let's deposit them here we'll move over this way while we still can while we still can then we'll raise it up raise it up i know this seems a bit unnecessary but here we go um this is a total waste total waste but we want to get them very high there we go they're very high up now uh and let's go pass over the other ride here we go a smashing uh probably crash over beyond this other ride so we do this and we are actually going to need to keep these people over the footpath so let's just delete this other one then we go over this way and then we go over yonder or if we do this we give them just a little bit of room to enjoy the splash maybe we could even go over the other guests here nope uh well i do want it to go for that far so let's just do that i guess they're commenting that are yes we can raise the entrance fee charge him more i love these people pigeons pigeons remember eddie from ered neri calling everyone a pigeon i think 25 seems like plenty yes the cost of the cost of the decadence now i think that this lake's elevation doesn't get quite so high here either that or we could just have some amazing splash we go around this way and the up and up okay too high for supports now the one thing that this game did a great job at was um letting you be able to just refund stuff you know that was good too high for supports ah my life is a waste here we go uh well will this work if this doesn't work then we're going to just have to take a totally different okay none of that worked out nope uh all right so then let's just turn we're just gonna have to go back over that same section of coaster again now this was kind of my ambition during this stream was to get a little bit better at some of this stuff man some of the supports in this game really weren't all that high though like that see that's just not very impressive can we go down i can tell that we're going to collide with the coaster if we go down much more we could kind of change something out in this to make it go underneath it but i think that would be a little bit too complex for my small small brain so i think we're going to just do this there we go okay it goes over it twice and then it kind of goes like practically into the lake i think i like that as an ending yes there we go uh will i have it go back over itself no that seems too complex let's just maybe we'll have it go up slightly again after this nope not there there okay there we go we good we can have one last like little drop before the end just to kind of give it we want to get have the ride last a while and give people a good ride you know give them a good give them a good ride a run for their money oh no look what we've done um delete just go straight god damn it we're gonna have to lower that ground okay fortunately we can pretty easily access this tool okay no more ground no more ground do we need to go higher uh yeah we are at a five level okay so let's go ahead and demolish whoops uh permanent damage uh verdid right there uh hang on a second nope you just won't get to go quite as far down there we go okay and look we made it back to the entrance sort of that's fine good entrance uh we could put that you know let's make a nice long queue that kind of goes over the ride and we'll do an exit right about there ish and then this should be pretty easy to construct there's just something so satisfying about doing the paths in this game we'll go blue everyone called everyone it i thought everyone oh well he said sap he said pigeon sim theme park is worth it oh sim theme park now all of those good old max's games see ah hey the fire coaster as well as dracantia90 and sentinel a thank you very much for the subs guys much appreciated uh vampire survivors is excellent i do uh feel sorry for you um it is a very good game i will just say that much um i'm sorry it's very good i have my friend flak magnet to thank for that but yeah as a kid i was i don't know if anyone else was under that kind of misconception that max has made both games i don't know why i guess max has just made a lot of great design games whoops we've got to do this oops ah that was a mistake hmm very tricky let's just delete that path we'll delete this one too and we'll do something like this no i've done this all wrong i've done this all wrong here we go that's much better okay exit and then over here to this spot there we go okay great we've got it going again slightly unintuitive path construction but remember it's nice because everything is on a grid i mean i'm not really even going to say unintuitive because like it's practically legos right if you can't figure out i am pretty stupid or i am just feeling i'm feeling the intensity of the dumb as i do this all right we can even look we can even see the uh what is it see i mean maybe it is a little bit needlessly difficult though to be fair uh height marks on paths here we go so we're at a six here what if we bring it this normal level no we got to bring it back down it's a little hard to see in my advanced age nope uh we got to do that again because we can't go over the other way and we go down there and then we go on to the same level and then yes uh but that moment of satisfaction when you connect it is just there's nothing that quite compares with that let's not even test the ride because i'm just so outstandingly confident in this i'm pretty sure that you can't design a log flume wrong and let's trick them into getting in line and then we raise the price as soon as they're in line we just take a lot of money from these people we ah no we won't do that let's do like two dollars i think that's pretty fair ah ah fantastic hey philakites hey how are you my friend hey god bless a thank you very much for the raid uh i really have to catch you one of these days when you're streaming hey how are you my my attractive friend uh my amazingly attractive friend man we used up a lot of time we could pay back some of our loan now look at this good look look at us paying off our student loans that's amazing ah unfortunately i can't actually tab out right now of the game because the game is my computer will have to be turned off before i tap out of the game uh or i will be able to close it but it's just done wonky stuff to my computer no one is getting on the ferris wheel anymore so they're just kind of trapped on there we're going to lower the price to like 70 cents and we're gonna lower the price of this to like 50 cents but don't worry because our park overall is making a lot of money so we're fine um but hey filocats hey did you do any rct god what a just an absolute throwback will i build mr bones wild ride yeah yeah i mean i gotta i gotta if i can i don't know if we'll get up to it though um so what are we at now we're at max funding thrill rides shops and stalls i don't know why it's just like it's the need to feel like i've gotten out of debt that's pretty important to me here we go swinging ship everything else seems to be getting a healthy line i would like some balloons though to appear in the park you know some good balloonery uh and you know this is kind of justified because we've raised up the price of the park so much that we can afford to run these rides for free because look people are paying like 25 to get into this park that's a pretty good amount of money to get just for getting him i mean i don't like getting nickel and dimed when i get into the park i prefer to just get on the rides you know like you pay for a pass you wear it on your wrist and then you're having a great time you know you aren't thinking about the money you all you're using are your chuck e cheese tokens or something like that right now we we might want to consider hiring another mechanic sooner or later is anyone getting on this thing yeah that also has a line that's two dollars look the guests jumped with glee when they get off of the rides they're so happy ah a couple of times see this was the game that i would play as a kid when my i would uh i we didn't really have a very good computer at home so my mom would take us to the library and we would just play this it's a very fun time though very nice game so it was kind of like a precious game but i don't know i had an hour to play rct and then it was kind of over you know but it was still special it was still important very important game very important game don't question it um log flume is actually getting a ton of action lock flims are always popular i don't know why people love water they love getting wet excitement rating medium intensity rating 2.35 low um [Music] nausea rating low i mean uh i'm completely happy with this because the people love it because it's fun but there's no like vomit necessarily i didn't really even intend for that i i was indifferent to their vomit but uh i mean it is what it is water slide oh water slide what the hell is that water slide uh see like this game's ui was actually very damn good for its time see now we can afford to go out of debt we can get something called a demon drop who even knows what this is let's actually take a look at some of these things my god i can't actually see them why can't i they don't even have previews why because i haven't researched the previews yet let's see what the demon drop looks like my god that actually looks kind of like fun okay i did my own coaster let's kind of alternate prefabs to our own coasters for a little while let's see how expensive this thing is 1200 upwards this thing looks a little bit expensive um we could probably build this off over here though i think that's going to be uh yeah kind of necessary because now we're just running out of space in the rest of the park not really like a perfectly amazing park but you know i just didn't have enough money to really go all out with my artistry at the beginning i feel i think it's going to be cheaper to just get rid of some of these trees let's go take a look at this thing again trying to tell where the entrance will sit exactly i think we could do it on either side of this oh who is who's upset now who's upset now need to get out of debt sounds like animal oh god yeah tom nook i hate tom nook i learned to fear and despise that man fixing me up with new loans all the time you know i'm not i'm not afraid to admit this i just took my ds and i sped up time so that i would get like infinite interest on all of my loans it wasn't a very good way to play animal crossing but i got that goddamn tom nook off of my back you know he was a real jerk um [Music] i'm holding back a lot of anger at that man right now i might need to do some therapy yeah you're right yeah he was a sketchy dude fixing me up with another loan every five minutes god damn that raccoon don't like him don't like him at all i think i played only the one for the nintendo ds though i played a lot i had a great uh game library we're probably gonna need to hire another mechanic here let's go ahead and see that oh yes it worked on the first try yes the first try i love the first try hmm me thinks cue begins here the water of course the water slide is in the way the entire water slide is in the way right ah no it's going to rain uh rain is actually quite upsetting for most of your guests i've got a water slide unfortunately it doesn't really interact with anything i i prefer it when they kind of go up and over each other but we got something going anyway let's go ahead and kind of expand out our parks paths over over yonder so let's just um [Music] let's find a path maybe like right over let's say for example somewhere perfectly charming like over here and we'll go over the coaster and through the woods [Music] or maybe we'll just go directly up this hill yeah that would work too just like that yep we just send him up send him over there we go now they have a thrilling walk over this coaster don't stick your hands up too high or you might get lobotomized here uh something like that [Music] why are you walking over the path it's not supported yet all right back down back down i say there we go it's much less expensive if it's on the ground there we go okay so we're going to build the path back out here tree in the way god damn this tree okay okay all right we're back we're over there at the thing uh let's see if we can get underneath can we get underneath yes we can get underneath fantastic okay yes my brain hurts a little bit less now there we go yeah it was a little bit stressful creating some of the paths in this not gonna lie all right so let's go ahead and make our cue over this way because we do need people to queue yes they have to buy the umbrellas too oh yes do we actually have uh are there umbrellas sold are those sold at the kiosk stand oh hell yeah i hadn't thought of that price gouging it's like charging a lot of money for water during a natural disaster that did actually happen to me once i uh i lived through uh this isn't really living through a hurricane is a little bit eye-opening because a lot of people in your neighborhood it turns out don't really care uh but yeah that was that's the reality the situation but yeah that happened to me there was a local deli that just charged everyone like 50 for a gallon of water just trying to kill the entire neighborhood um but yeah that was quite sad actually all right i don't really want to deal with this so i think i'm just going to go ahead and uh go ahead we'll replace the exit somewhere else now you do spend a lot of time puzzling over some of the controls in this game but it is rather intuitive i gotta say like you don't really hit a lot of brick walls you don't need to look things up it's just it was so well designed this game yeah a little bit of ptsd a little bit of ptsd i get that i feel that yeah it's no fun it's no fun hurricane hmm let's go back actually um oh jesus uh what did i even do oh i see what i did i accidentally there we go station oh jesus wait a second yep okay i see what we did i see what we did yeah just do that and there we go that's perfect perfect no i meant to be working on the paths game i'm meant to be working on the paths of course please okay there we go like it would be nice if you could just build a you know simple like staircase like this but at the same time it kind of taught me principles of recursion as a kid you know like how could things go back on themselves and do something different just like this here we go my god that is much too high oh well we go over here and then let's bring it down bring it down bring it around damn it there we go perfect perfection is this right next to the i can't really tell there we go okay this way yep and then bring it yes yes just like that oh perfect okay good it's all connected jesus a bit of an ordeal to construct a path but you know this game made it fun it made it fun all right what has happened uh to our theme park it is improved clearly but this is one of those games where when you look away things just get keep on getting better you know what i mean yeah roller coasters and death like what other game could have you confront a fear of death like that i'm pretty sure that planet coaster just made the people you know like stay alive whenever their coaster crashed look this guy is trapped or he is just very confused so we're going to just send him uh into the water on this ride can we do this nope unfortunately we can't place in there can we do it here we can send him there now he's drowning help i am drowning uh we'll force him to go on the new ride stand there great you're having a great time going on the water slide ride after you were drowning in water ah nothing like it nothing quite like it am i playing open rtc i know i'm just playing the regular one i know there's uh slightly better controls in it but i just kind of wanted to do the uh the base game before i went over and did the you know improved ui version of it and all of that uh all of that junk but no open rct does look very good i would uh [Music] is that like is that one of the ones where you need to own the base game i think you you got to have the base game to have it run isn't it like a mod um otherwise i would say you know ah it is still on steam it is still on steam marvelous game marvelous game let's make this like a more threatening color like orange there we go and then we'll make the card just just yellow just yellow no actually it'll look like uh we'll do blue because those two contrast and it just looks terrifying awful ride absolutely awful ride there we go that's much more like true to its name hmm i don't know i'm feeling pretty pleased with this part guys we've made three thousand dollars we've got all of this room and yet it always kind of has you strive for more because in this this game truly does reward like maximalism on a postage stamp you know what i mean yeah an assault on the senses this game is an offense to the tongue what or whatever what have you i don't know what to call it oh balloons balloons i totally missed this a couple seconds ago that must have been those ding sounds so let's put these throughout the park uh because the sooner we do it the more we could get balloons to spread there we go we'll have blue balloons for now but we'll also have red balloons because why not have both right we'll put that in a different part of the park to tempt our guests with balloons at every turn getting off a ride maybe you want a balloon there we go let's do the primary let's start with the primary colors start with the primary colors look there they go they're walking by with balloons now i believe it was in rct too that if you clicked on a guest they dropped their balloon uh still in this game if you see a balloon go flying up in the air you can pop the balloon by clicking on it which i always thought was kind of a cool easter egg um but yeah it is quite nice and practically everyone buys a balloon they must have them i don't know why they just have an uncontrollable love of latex um yeah safety yeah we could do like a maybe we could do an orange balloon nearby the orange ride because it was very dangerous as uh as designated by the orange color of it there we go oh wait a minute this is not an orange balloon this is a cotton candy stall well maybe you know you uh decide you need a sugar rush too before you get on the ride just to kind of maybe like enhance the amount of vomit there yeah maybe that's a little bit boring let's go with uh let's go with pink there we go all right so these should start to circulate throughout our park like blood throughout the veins and capillaries of the body got a lot of good demand going let's just make sure that we're kind of fully utilizing all of our ride space so i don't see everybody getting on this thing let's lower the price slightly i just want my rides to get good usage i don't know if this is really good practice but i think you know like economically speaking it seems like a good practice lower the price until you're meeting the demand in the perfect spot you know supply and demand supply and demand let's lower the price on this didn't we just lower the price on that let's lower it even more let's raise the price on the swinging ship now we'll leave that the same because everyone's just kind of getting on that anyway we'll raise the price of the log flume because everyone loves the log flume they would marry it if they could merry-go-round is already pretty cheap happy with that that looks about right how does this thing look this thing looks fun we want a line we don't want a full line but we want not an empty line either disgusting state of the paths in our park i wholeheartedly disagree because i can spot almost no vomit yeah i spotted two vomit in the entire park get over it come on folks hey caco how are you kako amazing emoji artist and just amazing person a good friend caco in the stream how are you kako my apologies if i was so engrossed in the game and i didn't see you before how are you gekko are you an are you a roller coaster tycoon it i don't know what to call someone who plays rollercoaster tycoon are you a tycoon [Laughter] i guess we could put an umbrella area over here but people will buy umbrellas because everyone is just such a pigeon in this game you know they're pigeons that's what they are they're pigeons i think we have enough money now to buy extremely expensive coasters with almost no reason doing pretty good today ah that's good to hear i had a sinus infection this week my life was just absolute ass for a while but that's good uh you love roller coaster tycoon ah everything i imagined you to be then ah that's so good our ct is just like visually perhaps the uh balloon that has risen hang on a second stop everything we're doing the greatest easter egg in any game we're going to pop the balloon in three two one no it's slightly moving this is was a bug that i spotted earlier okay maybe the other one will work yes there goes another balloon burger bar will build that build every stall because it can give you an award for the best food in the country and i don't know why that is but i am vain and i need rewards uh so we'll do this we'll go ahead and do this i guess our complaining entrance is teaching oh jesus christ it's funny like you know they don't really take the price of the rides into account but they'll say that the park is too cheap in general so you know yolo uh [Music] yeah jack up that price thank you i didn't see that before i was so busy with the coasters i like the idea of a really high entrance fee and then no prices on rides like really cheap rides let's just get folks on the rides i want to see the rides getting good use we should probably hire another mechanic now because it's getting a little out of hand uh i'm also going to go ahead and hire i don't know if this actually makes a difference i've never really observed its effectiveness but security guard just because i don't want people to destroy the benches the entertainer i haven't really noticed make a big difference but again maybe i'm an idiot ferris wheel wanted see this is this is not a one-man job anymore this is my god this is a really color clash but i don't care everything's just gonna be rainbow themed by the time that we're done okay now we're going to make an extremely wild ride we have five thousand dollars which is much too much for one man and i want something that goes all the way around the park and interacts with everything excitingly uh this is exterminator basically that's what this next ride will be uh we're gonna probably kill a lot of trees i think we're going to go for the ride that actually goes all the way around the park now you know actually we still haven't made enough money i hate to say it but like what did this thing cost us five thousand dollars this ride was a real waste i should have just gone with more prefabs before but oh well oh well uh let's build them a lot of other unnecessary things that they don't need guests can't get to the entrance of burger but oh alas thank you for letting man such great notifications in this game delete that path good now we've got them on a single path they won't get lost and open sesame see what i did there because it's a sesame seed bun oh jesus christ wow where did where did these jokes come from oh my god oh my god roller coaster two is yeah we clearly need those mechanics now let's see how people are enjoying the park are you enjoying the park guests only four people on swinging ship one okay so we got a lower swinging ship ones price slightly uh because we lowered the rise prices of the other rides we want everything to kind of be an equilibrium i suppose uh we could do an ad campaign as well i believe that ad campaigns in this game can be very profitable but um ferris wheel one still hasn't been fixed because everyone is upset we could do one of these normal rides while we wait take out more loan i think i'm just going to build the mini cars they do love mini cars who doesn't like a nice small car get into like a good chevy spark or something like that and you just feel right you know okay stupid you can't place that thing now what is it it tells me about the intensity yeah tell me about the intensity entertainers are good for areas with long lines ah that does make sense i suppose that since we've mitigated the length of lines we'll be fine for that for now but yes ah thank you for clarifying man i learned so much about uh a lot of games that i really don't know enough about when i stream with you guys so thank you for that big entry feels don't scale well as ticket prices that's true that's true i see what you mean there let's just kind of make this all natural um food corridor spread around the park willy-nilly uh maybe i like having a lot of stuff at the entrance it's because it kind of helps me gather my thoughts we are probably going to need more benches though over there because people are going to be eating they'll be sitting on their asses and chewing let's do one of these help me make money this game's financial uh situation was actually pretty negotiable too like i gotta say this it was not a game in which i confronted great frustration as a child in which there were many simulation games in which i did uh not to say that i was slow but i was yeah pretty slow pretty slow um wait a second wait hold hold the applause here hang on a second there we go we wanna we want a moderate line but not too long just so that we don't have to hire you know spend more money on entertainers oh i could have just done this the whole time okay well then let's have a fantastically long line look at that oh they'll be waiting for days and they'll love it there we go it seems kind of counterintuitive that you need to go all the way to the end of the park to get on a gentle ride you know like if you're that gentle you probably wouldn't be that willing to walk this far across the park but it does seem like a very pleasant place to just kind of walk around and look at things and enjoy myself you know hey dino 626 hey thank you very much for uh coming out that's very nice of you i'm making a food court somewhere in the middle of sherry to make a crosswords see now you have logic on your side i didn't use logic when i made this park i just uh i used a different wrapper look at this everyone's enjoying water slide one be a shame if we're not free i didn't realize that that was not free one dollar is still a steal i i mean i want to make it worth it for them to walk this far back in the park let's make everything a dollar and see how it scales from there six thousand dollars yes yes the profits will be immense i do i got to say though i'm glad that guests buy the other balloons they do often wait oh look at those people with their cotton candy eating them like fat fat people i like that i like that about them i like that i like that they're eating my cotton candy and making me more wealthy here we go more benches just kind of spread out benches everywhere we do want people to have places to rest uh otherwise god dear god look that man is going to throw up certainly he's going to throw up within the next five to 10 seconds um we'll just put more benches around here more benches over here just kind of random places uh souvenirs stall i did once get the hat stall uh and people were just running around in hats and dear god what were they doing put that over there and one over there and one over there that's good souvenir or as i said as a child a souvenir i don't know why i said that they should have gotten me checked out or something i guess souvenir kind of makes sense at the end like you don't want to be carrying it around you know i would hate to carry around a souvenir or god forbid a souvenir hey vorm's sending in a raid we're getting a raid from vorm hey what's up brother how are you i can't actually tab out right now because rct is just such an old game and i haven't figured it out with my computer yet but how are you i was just thinking about you i was thinking about cdda the other day i was thinking about uh i was thinking i was actually thinking about our great session together uh i did really enjoy that man i really have just i've not had like the bandwidth or headspace to go back to cdda but i'm like starting to feel a hankering but what were you playing today damn how are you my guy sniko hey thank you very much for the sub much appreciated doing pretty well i think we could hire another handyman let's have one guy mow the lawns because it's really just a waste but um yeah i don't i don't want to spend all of his time all of his hard-earned time on that there he goes yeah uh there we go don't water those gardens good job good job am i using open rct too no we're just uh we're on the original rct too uh sorry original rct and we're just kind of you know having a good time we're just playing the normal uh game but yeah we should probably check out some of the modding stuff or just ui hey look people are actually going on the roller coaster hey hey hey hey hey it's too bad though there's no like nice way of just analyzing all of your prices i think that these roller coasters are getting a tad bit expensive and they can't really compete with the prefabs unfortunately but you know i can't complain we're making money the whole park is doing a lot better we're now upping where or rather we're approaching um eight thousand dollars i'm thinking it's about time to get the entire park uh circumnavigated with one of these and i've been using that word a lot it reminds me of like magellan or something it's like i'm magellan but with a computer you know hmm stuff like an abrupt ending to this thing right here here we go we'll have the station over yonder this is going to be probably the biggest ride in the park so i'm it's going to deman uh in fact no it's going to demand a big station big big station so maybe we'll do this somewhere where we don't have anything else we don't really have too much to enter into over here i say this spot i say this spot what what does that think checking out core keeper see you're always on to interesting stuff i had to give that a try even seven days to die i feel like i didn't give enough credit until i played alongside you my good man my good man this station is much too small do we have like another nice spot where we can just go straight for a long time in the park you know i and i don't want to do it over the lake because i got to avoid that lake you know i don't like lakes or anything about them oh look we're going to collide with the balloon stall you know what no balloons stall me thinks no balloon stall i need to make way for this this is much more important let's have something that goes all the way around very exciting merry-go-round one is broken down ah okay this is the ride that can do the loops the loops and the loops here we go let's have a turn let's have a turn there we go good okay now we will start to go downward and then we will begin the loop-de-loops as we go yes we're having loop-de-loops everyone isn't this exciting isn't this exciting this is probably the most terrifying part of the ride when you're just kind of being held horizontally there's a calculator for maximum price for each ride and the maximum price for entry for you could check out mars yeah marcel i really should optimize if i'm going to play this game extensively i just kind of did a few challenges that i thought looked interesting but one of the reasons why i love this game is because you truly could go like really in depth with this game and that's why i i i appreciate the fact that he does that type of thing if we get a good s-bend going here can we do a loop to loop uh he looks up vertical loop s bend left let's do an s bend to the left because we gotta dodge that tree i like a little bit of tree dodging you know helix come on let's get the helix uh nah not the station platform we could do a booster that would be pretty exciting [Music] i'm thinking let's just go up a little bit more like this vertical loop here we go vertical loop left come on there we go yes we get the loop the loops going okay um will this be enough speed to get through the loop-de-loop uh that that is the question hang on a second i think we're going to need to go back a bit actually i've got to have this thing go down faster and then loop the loop sooner is it a loop the loop or a loop d loop this was always problematic for me uh it comes down comes down like maximum going down then that then this and yes here we go vertical loop left ah that's more like it still probably not enough speed but i digress all right we've used up a lot of money man it would be a real shame if this thing didn't work i'm sure we could fix something if it doesn't work and just leave the rest of the coaster the same he thinks raise or lower the land first okay land i will lower you every valley will be exalted in every hill in high place made low i'll allow it okay uh something like this new ride attraction spiral slide that sounds jarring and exciting too steep for hill lift no no i don't think i want them going on chains i don't want to break the momentum otherwise we could just do another chain we could just do another chain well let's have it go over here um [Music] we kind of want it to excitingly go past this thing so let's go ahead and do slight lower no no we got to get higher we got to get higher here uh we did do one loop the loop oh we could do a booster okay maybe yeah one booster 155 okay fair enough yeah we could always just add in more boosters oh god okay me thinks like ride goes for a slight turn be a shame if we're gonna go to a slight turn like this no no okay we bank it we bank it i see what we're gonna do here and we can't do that if we go downward though can we do nope so we just bank it and then can we do yes helix down large now this is more like what i was looking for okay helix down large what about helix down small that's not gonna be enough space we wanted it to go through the other one oh i thought i said helix down helix up he looks jesus christ helix up yeah you know what let's do helix up large nah nah this won't work at all he looks down large there we go all right and then we get out of that helix and then we turn i don't know why but this is just like such an engaging process it's at the speed of the booster two oh we could set the seat see i didn't even know that this existed in the game hey thank you jesus if i had known that i would have played everything differently he looks down large okay this is kind of exciting we don't want to make it too exciting though other one otherwise no one will ever get on it everyone will die and they'd rather not ride the ride we've got three thousand dollars left to get back to the beginning um i clearly still didn't have enough money it does start it does kind of look cool now though so maybe we could just turn return to the station and have this one go around this part of the i don't know the park you'll have it go down and then up again yeah let's give it a little bit of a straight away in case if we made a mistake just that we could add another booster if we had to um or actually why not just add in a booster just because then we go up like a lot up and then we go straight and then we go around hmm then maybe we do another helix down or maybe like a big big thing like this yeah there we go nice big turn my god that was very expensive and then we go this way straight and then we go very down and then maybe like another loop-de-loop here nope they won't have enough momentum for that uh it's always just so interesting when you get back and see the ride and then realize that all of your mistakes are all of the mistakes you were making um actually we kind of got to be back down at ground level we'll try to bring it back over like here-ish let's just get it done first and see if it does more or less the thing that i wanted to because i would be pretty disappointed if this ride just absolutely failed uh yeah there we go and if we go uh maybe straight for another second and then down-ish there we go okay we're finally almost back down on the ground but yeah like a lot of practice with stuff like this and you eventually get good at the game i'm not saying that i'm good at the game but i'm saying that i as a kid i did spend more time on it here we go okay good i think one more and then a tight turn in and there we go we made it back to the beginning entrance let's give this one a nice long line a nice long queue and then an exit and we will test that out so as it tests um you know just like this do that and then that and then that and then that because we could have plenty of space because i bet you that a lot of people will want to ride this ride okay let's see how they did do you have enough momentum now we can get a crash here it's always very exciting and oh we did have enough momentum okay let's see how i did booster booster okay do we have set those boosters to any speed hey ask bear hey thank you very much for the sub ass bear you know we might even be able to add in another uh loop-de-loop we can always go back into our coaster and change it up i i don't think it's as exciting as i thought it would be but i just kind of wanted something that would work to begin with so i think let's go back in clearly it works unfortunately we do have to kind of navigate around the coaster like this whoops go back down go back over here and then we maybe change the speed of this let's just raise this maybe to a conservative 58 miles per hour then we raise this one maybe to another conservative 58 miles per hour first wheel one is broken down not as much as this thing's about to break down um [Music] there we go oh yeah we should get a picture booth yeah maybe after the loop the loop that's true that would make us more money uh i didn't say any of that i didn't say any of that no i wonder where the optimal point for the picture booth is like maybe where it's very exciting on ride photo section great look at that we could get them when they're all the horrified that would be the moment i would like on this i would like somebody to take a picture of me after a great big loop ah the haunted hat well actually the haunted house is kind of dog uh yeah maybe maybe not the haunted house okay i think we could add in another loop-de-loop here don't you think money um there we go there we go uh [Music] um i think we'll need to go yeah we'll need to go straight up then we'll need to do another vertical loop right um uh we gotta go all the way back to the beginning if only that there were a way to click back to the start without having to do this a million times unless if there is and i just don't know it probably something they added in in later games we'll just kind of take out all of that track there whoops there we go and now they're playing uh the beautiful blue danube by strauss just the the music choices in this game were also amazing ah here we go okay good vertical loop let's go uh let's go right because we can always kind of bring it back out okay i see how this is going to go uh back to level 10 and then hey okay i see how this is gonna work we're just gonna have to kind of delete some of this oh i can do that that way ah yes ah chris sawyer you did it again i doubt why did i ever i swear to god i didn't even ever doubt you it's just such an amazing game this was all right here we go straight straight from maybe another nope straight there we go then we have one of those and there it is good now we've made it more exciting test uh you don't want to kill anybody otherwise that'll get rid of the money uh last game that incorporated classical music such a yeah i mean you know on the one hand like some of the songs in this do get a little annoying but on the other hand uh they're all classical music so they do kind of they do last let's set down the price of this a bit whoops 50 cents scrambled eggs eventually is probably just gonna become a free ride be happy or else there we go that looks a little dystopian don't you think um there we go good the loop is happening and the next one this looks like a slightly sketchier loop good it is but it did work it did work you know it doesn't look like it gets so fast but i i think that's actually better because i think from my perspective i am a bit of a maniac like just psycho in terms of what i want these coasters to do so i think that's fine uh we it has a pretty awful color scheme though i'm thinking we make this one just like uh the gold doesn't look bad on the water but i want like solid black and white coasters i think that would look pretty cool uh let's just do this one in white there is a prefab park that has this i think it looks neat yeah all the same colors let's just do white on white will that be too hard to see let's do black on white and then white on black that's kind of cool like ian and yang oh damn it ah damn it no oh god why and we can fix this in some way uh what if we lower the unright photo price no it's happening again jesus they're all deeming it too exciting uh rather too intense hang on a second at first i want to change the color scheme to look kind of cool and then come on how can you how could you be so unreasonable of course now you'll love this ride is anyone going to get on my amazing this is such a cool ride though it doesn't look too intense all right so we gotta troubleshoot this because i made too many cool coasters in this game that have all just kind of gotten passed up call it the vorma i will call it the vormatorium after the one the only vormathrax if he'll allow it where do i rename vormatorium bless form it's actually a great name for a coaster why is it too intense though i think it's i think it's not intense enough see from my like troglodyte in in uh inspection let's just make sure that that is what it is uh let's go ahead and see the intensity rating of it ultra extreme oh you kid you kid excitement rating low see i objected this i'm probably going to leave it there and just make it completely free i i doubt that anyone will ever come along or remove a track so they all fall off and die the g's may get too high and low at some points having non-bank turns at high speeds tends to impact ah [Music] i see what you're saying kako okay this makes a little bit a little bit more sense so actually banking that turns ah so that might be one spot where we need to bank the turn wow i actually hadn't even thought of that you know you're right okay if we go back in let's try to right these wrongs write these wrongs if we can do this this would actually be kind of a victory though you know uh bank deterrence shouldn't be so bad g-force increases intensity so turn down the boosters and put a break in before they i gotcha i got you okay that makes a little bit more sense that makes a little bit more sense okay so then what i'm kind of feeling is that right here uh there's really no point in having these banked turns so let's just do this um [Music] yeah and then i think we do this and then i think for the next segment we just do that normal at yeah this is just a normal ass turn that we need right here you feel me on that pretty sure that's just a normal last turn okay and then we go into a normal last drop okay this normal ass drop is fine but if we keep going over here photo section that's fine okay this part looks not so sketchy then the turn rebanks i think that's fine okay but we might want to bank this turn actually is what is what you're saying to me is what you're saying to me oh we unlocked a hedge maze i do enjoy the hedge maze okay so me thinks me thinks hang on a second me thinks bank that bank that soldier boy there we go and oh no we just collided with the other ride okay it's fine because you know what we could probably do is this this kind of extend it out a little bit further uh and then maybe do an s bend in there okay so let's just do that we'll connect it in the boring ass way um okay so go straight for like 10 more dollars and then we'll make a turn here uh or rather we'll bank and then we'll make a turn yep just like that go straight and then turn again uh a little weird okay we'll just make a bigger turn it's getting very expensive uh there we go okay uh i'm thinking s bend okay we'll do an s club seven bend into the end there we go [Music] ain't no bend like an s club bend there we go uh s bend left there we go no one could bend it like s club roller coaster 2 is broken down there we go so then we extend in here and let's try that out that's a start let's start open [Music] you'll probably be fine actually we might we might legitimately kill someone here but you know i wouldn't want you to leave without that so yeah well we're just gonna do this uh hey crash man 40. hey thank you very much for the five gift subs thank you crash man 40. uh what can i do for you crash man 48 thank you look on the graphs to see the problem aries oh maybe the problem aries okay that's a good oh what an outstandingly good idea ah vertical g's altitude velocity okay this is actually a great way to analyze the coaster well let's go see if these i don't think that they'll die but they might die of the intensity it looks like a lot of people are uh staying away from it because of the intensity guessing they'll live unless if they just go back we've got currently two people on the ride they're all kind of eyeballing it suspiciously another two brave souls have ventured to possibly die for entertainment we're like yeah it's fine just get on it just i'm a little bit concerned what usually happens would be that this ride would start falling back and then i mean it is a completely free ride right now i i'll grant them that uh wait a second we want to see graphs there we go okay so the velocity is risen see where the velocity i mean the velocity looked fine the entire ride i thought okay and it does barely make it through the loop-de-loop okay so that's pretty good that's actually an improvement uh as far as altitude i don't think that that altitude looked too high uh vertical g's and okay lateral jeez oh this is interesting i never really saw this i guess i just never looked at it that way well we do have some people and i do like having one very scary coaster that no one gets on vertical g's and lateral g's i'm thinking it's probably because the lateral g's we probably don't want this thing hitting over max out at about three g's but the lateral g's go over three g's at one point so let's go ahead and see this is it still recording it damn it i got a second if we just x out of the ride and then we look at it again maybe this is over the course of the ride so like over there at the very end of the ride yep i think that's where it is i think they're feeling a lot of g's there at the very end okay so we just get rid of that or maybe we put in breaks after the loop-de-loop uh and then i think that it'll be a little bit better so we're gonna go ahead and close the ride see this is good this is what this game is about this game is about learning to do the coaster and my god look i was an idiot i totally messed it up okay so let's go over here and then we just add in a break section there special let's make that breaks oops i accidentally deleted them uh it's fine we'll just put them there i don't think we'll need two of them i think that's enough open for business again this will definitely work don't question it everyone get on the ride now good one guy we are at least getting a slow trickle of people here hey android hey welcome in how are you uh you'll probably live you'll probably be fine get on the formatorium oh yes there they go some vandals are in our park i don't like that i mean it kind of speaks to how good a job we do or at least i'll say this when you go for complex you kind of got to know what you're doing i don't really know what i'm doing so this first coaster being very basic was probably good for our park um and in that case prefabs are very good too but it is fun to just kind of like you know make mistakes and kind of learn about the game is it still free i do believe that the ride is still free so we need to charge people something but i think that these are probably people who just enjoy intensity to begin with so they wouldn't mind paying another three dollars um potentially with which they could risk their life here we go let's watch them have a good time yeah this game i mean you know it does kind of give you it could probably make you interested in like physical engineering as a kid i don't know what else what other good interest does this game break out a lot of the games that i enjoyed as a kid were like that too brought out something like there's another one called space cam which is a great game i had a friend who became like an actual robotics engineer and he played a lot of space kim it almost looks like they're picking up speed on some of these areas amazing that they have enough speed to get into that thing though yeah barely barely [Laughter] okay well we are starting to get a couple of takers yeah it could definitely use some improvements it's probably not very well optimized maybe it's even costing us money but i kind of just wanted okay there we go now we're getting people getting on this thing they've they've witnessed the fact that others have lived on the ride okay now they're willing to get on it may not be a very fun ride but um i mean in particular i would be horrified of this loop it just sort of stalls out but uh fortunately rides in this game do behave somewhat predictably they don't just randomly at least as far as i recall just go off the rails oh we're getting healthy uptick in our um percentage here now have we met the scenario goals it's usually pretty easy to meet these i haven't really paid much attention to it as we've uh as we've begun oh jesus christ we got a raid from uh robas jesus man oh i gotta send you a raid one of these i've just always been streaming at these late times how are you my friend hey thank you for uh thank you for the raid welcome in raiders from robas jesus christ what are you guys doing i can't actually tab out right now because uh roller coaster tycoon is just so old it's so old it's so goddamn old i don't even think i need to ask about this game because it's just such a classic uh you've played this right uh can i name a ride after you though in your honors in your i mean in your honor storm works is stroke what is storm works what is storm works jesus hey it's t train thank you very much for the sub oh storm oh like is that a oh storm works like oh you guys were playing i got to try that out hang on a second you have good taste good taste you have oh wait a second not oh wait now i got to try this thing out you know i've been checking out heroes hour i'd recommend that ah man rct is just such a cur look they're on all of the benches okay this is really getting out of hand they've just just really fat people like explosively fat humans have been coming into the park just either that or like people who just sit down with such great momentum that the seat breaks i don't know how is this possible how can this happen okay we're gonna hire a third mechanic because they aren't doing their jobs enough and i do think that the second security guard is warranted and probably another handyman because look at all of the vomit uh probably many more of them i just mismanaged this entire situation and i'm having a good time with it i gotta say though i'm i'm really enjoying mismanaging the uh the vomit situation i do like it second game i ever played the first one was shooting at those chickens in two oh jesus yeah you know i went and i i splurged and i bought a game boy player on ebay because i felt like that there were just so many gems from the past that i needed to do it was like a comfort food sort of is that guy sitting on a broken bench yeah i'm pretty sure he is i disliked in this game though how everyone came to the park as an individual like i would probably not ever go to a roller park a roller park wow where am i uh roller coaster tycoon park alone either that or if i did it would just be maybe it would be a really good time to go to a roll uh a theme park alone yes i complain i agree with the guests yeah they're right um now they will be mowing some of the lawns let's make sure only one handyman is responsible for the mowing because otherwise they just get a little too carried away with the mowing if you ask me we could set areas but i'd rather just avoid it because it's a bit of a pain uh but yeah the vormatorium the vormatorium is doing very god damn it the formatorium is broken down already all right we're going to need to charge a lot more for the vormatorium come on you got to pay uh you got to pay up to get on the vormatorium 1.50 for a photo now why is everyone let's go ahead and look at the macro economic data uh we're gonna go ahead and look at these look at how the heads jumble around isn't that nice you love that i love that okay they need to go to the bathroom it's too crowded here the dormitory oh they actually did enjoy the dormitorium wow so happy with that you hex edited your oh i gotta go ahead and try that maybe i'll go ahead and hex it at my rct to fix that wide screen you're right that is a little ah that would be nice i fear though that i would like crash the game or something i think i had to do that with another game though to get it running oh hedge maze i do actually enjoy constructing these hedge mazes um but i might do a prefab here hmm yep for gamecube yeah i don't know i i hadn't bought any retro stuff the thing that pains me is that i sold uh my original pokemon games i know like not not the original original ones like you know used ones that i had bought a few years ago um on ebay a while back when they were like 30 bucks now they're worth like 100 bucks a piece uh so it's just like i feel really stupid um but i'm also just like hey you know if i could do them on stream it would kind of justify it to me more i would just want one from each generation because actually nintendo has allowed more uh content creation on their games over time i believe it was at the end of 2019 or when was it somewhere that they kind of put out an official statement that they could um that they would allow more people to do content on their games uh which i i believe it was very like limited before that but it's it's nice to see them do that let's go ahead and add in a couple more bathrooms because we really don't have enough there we go uh endless ooh balloon yes but yeah i don't know i was just feeling so much like retro gaming nostalgia that i had to share it with you guys and i was happy to see that a lot of people liked sim city so i decided to do that anyway the next video's on uh roller coaster tycoons so that'll be a fun one uh damn it they're destroying all of my trash cans not only using them but also destroying them maybe i really should set out these paths okay i'm gonna play the game right for a few minutes um [Music] yeah maybe we'll actually put out some mechanic areas because they should be able to handle this uh i'm gonna assign one of them to the front area of the park okay you uniform handyman one whoever you are you get these blue foot areas it gets so confusing to spot the footpaths later on though okay you're responsible only for sweeping up the vomit over here i think that's pretty good we give this guy like the whole full front half of the park hopefully that's you know what the numbers are how much can one man handle can you handle that amount of vomit handyman one i certainly hope that you can handyman two handyman two now we do get that nice outline of your areas so we're gonna go ahead and assign you over to here handyman two you get the left side or the right side of the park i guess this is uh we can't really see his other footpath there god damn it there we go and man i get so upset when i play this game but i'm having a great time i'm having a great time i can't tell what is this theme is this the what is the name of this song that's currently playing in the background i feel like notre dame plays that at football games like the college isn't that like their uh isn't that their their fight song just because that's such a familiar song my dad watched a lot of uh notre dame football when i was a kid what is that what is the original name of that song it's like we're gonna get uh i don't know newt rockne and george gipp come out of nowhere when they're playing that i think that they would make for great guests does anyone know what i'm talking about am i any foot any college football fans in here well regardless okay i think we've got the vomit situation a little bit more under control we've at least got people assigned to the areas uh in fact this might be a bit much for this one gentleman so let's take him off of some of that uh okay that's plenty of vomit for one man to be spending his day with let's have this oh you thought you could mow the grass i thought i got rid of that responsibility from you you are not to mow the grass i think we'll just hire one guy to mow the grass in general because no one's ever really complained about the grass mowing the grass admiring the grass there we go all right i think we've got all the footpaths uh assigned it is a little bit of a better way just to make sure that your guys cover all the areas because sometimes they just stand around and do nothing uh but yeah yeah this guy i don't know i got a little inspired by uh that old j schlatt video where he did open tdd that was a very good video he really did a good job on those videos you got to give him credit like i said before i think i've ever mowed the grass in this game i don't know if mowing the grass is a total waste of time maybe it looks it's like makes it look slightly clean i think it looks slightly more attractive but the truth is that look if you want to get the grass to stop looking bad i don't think bad grass does anything but all you got to do is that i mean it's not costing me any money right i don't see my money changing my money appears to be still there it's still there in the bank so yeah i think we're fine with that you just got to be careful that you don't accidentally spend a lot of money because look at how bad the grass gets but unfortunately that does look what i'm about to do i'm about to ruin this man's whole career uh i just undid that mode grass so a little unfortunate but i don't think it's worth it to do it until the very end if at all it just seems decadent look he's mowing the yeah we don't need to do that okay looks like that the vandalism is slightly lowered let's hire one more security guard because we get the money to get the money um can we assign them areas too we could assign them areas may be a good idea but i've never actually seen the security guard at work nor have i observed a guy breaking a bench like are some people just so full of hate and spite hatred in spite that they will just destroy cans i mean it could just be that it's so full but i've never observed a can get completely destroyed what are they making them out of tin foil like the land before aluminum foil we should have named the park oh are we anywhere near the scenario objective we're at april year three we are coming near to the end now uh 500 guests well we have many more than that park rating of at least 600 800 um yeah all we really got to do is clean off some paths like i said i wasn't even paying attention to the scenario goals basically at all in this and we still did great hey a cluckin kentuckian i think that's a great name hey thank you very much for the sub much appreciated my friend i think we can make the boat hire free let's just get people on rides that have nobody on them i've clearly done all the goals of this scenario brass doesn't do anything but does look good to the player okay so it's just a total waste there's a couple things like that parkitect i've not actually played it looks good though um i it's really one of those games where there's just so many games that i would like to play and i'm just like probably one i would have bought if i didn't have a channel you know i got to say when you have a youtube channel uh you do end up at least probably for the first couple of years of my channel i think that this kind of started to die down now you do kind of got to play games in one niche if you want to get any views um but i feel like that that envelope has kind of expanded to fit all of my gaming tastes so i'm very thankful for that i don't say that enough um i i do think that the whole channel kind of reflects what i what i completely enjoy about gaming now i the one exception i would say would be games that are kind of like competitive or addictive like fps games mobas stuff like that but i find it you get kind of unhealthy tendencies when you get into games like that you know what i mean like quite literally just addiction oh no the vormatorium has broken down i love the vormitorium my favorite ride of them all let's put in another beverage area because drank you know um drank uh well actually somewhere very far away on the park because they need it tempt them with fur uh purple plurp um people become vandals when they get mad so it kind of becomes a spiral like it's out of hand oh jesus have fun going back to stormworks got to teach robert how to make a real man maybe i should try this storm works too look at all the umbrella edge god they're so prepared they're so prepared that's nice hey beers of war thank you for the sub let's see what people don't like about the park the value is uh here's our cash we could start to pay off more of our yeah let's go ahead and do that let's just get totally out of debt i think we'll just pay back our entire loan here because why not start there right even though the scenario doesn't really have that as a goal can we start to loan other people out money now like new theme parks that are beginning ah one thing i haven't really done is just zoom out you really can admire this game you know just by zooming out a little bit it's nice it's nice to look at it make sure that all of our rides are being used zero people on roller coaster two why would they ever not get on roller coaster two those slobs let's make it free if you won't get or half price half price at least start at that uh roller coaster two okay they're getting on the ride good i just like when people are on the rides i don't necessarily care it's like the most altruistic theme park we just want you to have fun okay zoom out again just to kind of do some myron see isn't that nice look at how small everything is it's like looking into a little ant farm and we haven't even really used up the whole footprint either but we do have one ride that kind of intermingles with the others in the park and that's really why i that's the whole reason why i play this game is to watch the rides intermingle like art i mean i would not feel safe on that thing but it just looks really cool hey pity me dearly oh that's a great name hey thank you very much for uh coming out ah good the vormatorium is back open again people are enjoying it people are loving it hmm maybe it'll be fun to make a food court on the water oh that's a great idea i wish i had thought of that um but i i am streaming this so i can steal your idea uh hey thank you silly idea uh what what an awfully convenient name you have for me i about to just destroy your entire career hang on a second did i not even notice this before land slope unsuitable i don't like that oh wait a second we didn't even do that right there we go oh we've got to have it with this kind of thing right yeah so you know let's try that let's see if we can get this thing going ah no that would look kind of cool though i feel like that would be a nice finishing touch it might not be a coaster but it is pretty i'm doing it i'm doing it okay um i think that this one looks very nice i think that this one looks very nice indeed so if we just send the people out add this like this oh look at that that's nice and then we give them a way of crossing over to the other side let's just go straight across and please don't yes they didn't even collide oh yeah look at that look at them go look at them go oh jesus we opened up a whole new artery in our park amazing ah comparing the human biological system to a collection of pixels it feels nice it feels nice i gotta say okay so let's see can we build the cotton candy directly next to it can we build it under no that's not what i what kind of idiot would have built it there i genuinely don't know how you do this without raising up the land i've ever played transport tekken open dd open ttd a little bit but i've not had the same experience with it as i did with this game um but i do like it cotton candy for the mo for the mer people control oh control click no not control click uh but it was a good suggestion thank you um oh control click will raise it up and wait a minute are you kidding me i wish i had known that for the video because uh uh no no uh that didn't work either hmm what am i to do i mean i could raise up the land underneath it maybe shift yeah how do you do that i'm sure that there was a way to do this um it could be an open rct or rct2 but i feel like you're right as well if you make the path level with the water or maybe what if i just do this how now brown cow what if i do um this i take the path and i do something like this and then let's say like bring it over here and then say that we want an area for stalls over this way and we say build it directly on top of that actually cotton candy is quite a terrible idea here because it's bad for your soul man why is the security guard out there in the middle of nowhere footpath in the way no um yeah there's got to be some kind of hotkey that hang on a second really quick look through the controls uh no no i don't actually know the control for that i will have to look that one up uh does anyone know that off the top of there yeah let me try let me try shift again maybe i was just messing it up before thank you thank you for the help on that i honestly i thought that that was just a capability that didn't exist yet in this game yeah maybe it's just misreading it or maybe they can buy cotton candy from there and the game's like it's fine it says shift and move up then control will align this stuff near it hmm shift and then up okay so let me try that shift then up i'll try the shift then up key i'll try it a couple of ways and then if i can't get it to work then i'll just cry and upset me now that didn't work control shift a lot of raise the land we could raise the land and lower it that's true okay yeah i'm gonna go default to that let's do this we'll raise the land maybe if we have the land raise then and i just i really want to see this once and for all because this has been kind of frustrating me this week no okay i can't i don't think it can happen either that or maybe there is is a way but i just don't see it immediately in front of me um okay so now we're level with the land so then we build this and i do know for a fact that you can lower the land after you've uh done it let's sell one more balloon let's just give everyone a paralyzing number of balloon choices at this point in the park okay there we go and then we lower that land that's pretty good we make it look a little bit more believable with the stilts although there's really no point to those um we raised that but it's closed how are you buying the balloons are you stealing those balloons let's sell black balloons um satisfying yeah i don't know uh this game was pretty satisfying shift mouse movement but it ah maybe it's just an open rct well alas unfree balloon day yeah i don't know oh where are we may year three let's make sure we get all the way to the very end i do want to give you the satisfaction of getting a job well done how is our parks rating doing anyway i don't know how to access that from there so let's just click on the entrance all right 500 guests i don't think that 400 of them will leave our park rating has gone way up so yeah i mean a kid-friendly game we don't have any recent awards but can we see historic awards we did have the biggest disappointment award that was uh a regrettable award but also one that i'm kind of proud to display i think it would be i would want that just to show how far everything has come fall right out of the sky either maybe we could just build some kind of smashing a coaster prefab that would be nice and we don't have anybody let's just see what some awesome coasters look like i think that'd be kind of neat there are some pretty crazy designs for um the wood one and we do have a lot of space in the back here so let's go ahead and take out a lot more money in our loan because that doesn't actually affect anything from this challenge and i was paying it back for no reason and let's just build something outstandingly large and intense in the back because why not you know when you came here i want to i want a grand finale to this oh no it's raining ah can't lower land tree in the way it'd be nice if they had slightly better landscaping i guess you could just get rid of that though here i go complaining again it's like complaining is my job ah man like that i know you can't hear it as well because i lowered the background music but that nice pitter-patter of the rain because this game's volume can get really really obnoxious it just feels right there's something right about raindrops as expressed by part of particle effects in video games don't you think did you feel me on that yeah water shopping center okay this looks outstanding i don't know why they made some of these things so big in the like who the hell could fit that in their park i want something large i want you to see some of the bigger prefabs okay let's take this all the way to the end bring it around town you know that that's what we're going for here tree no get out of the way trees there we go ten dollars that's actually very cheap to remove an entire tree it costs thousands of dollars to remove a tree in real life most of the time um perilous task perilous task it is um get rid of these trees there we are okay we'll put this nearby the car people just to intimidate the car people because they seem to fear everything flight of the phoenix that doesn't look anywhere near as large as this thing we're going to have to actually zoom out to see this thing's entire footprint that's clearly even too large for this um we could do this one but i want something even bigger and denser than that then we could get a wooden coaster here some of the prefabs in this game were amazing or maybe i could give you like a really big wooden wild mouse coaster because this thing is now it's a it's a very compact design it's a cool coaster but it's not as kind of epic as the other ones epic in the true sense of the word not just epic like epic you know balloon shop in the pathway yeah that is kind of nice i would probably do like a whole whole bunch of those things my god look at this who is this for see this looks a little bit more like it dense ah this is a good coaster i can already tell some of these i don't even know though i felt like they had more names back in the xbox version when i played it okay can we fit this in there oh still too big 17 this one was from 1797. you can always okay this is like the perfect footprint let's do that uh we'll find some way to pass it it just looks like an interesting ride we can't actually see it visually unfortunately can we turn it um not really so let's just do this ooh that's kind of interesting i i kind of hate the color but uh let's do something else hate the color hate the color for rides like this i like them to look an intense color something like just very extreme white or black like you're going to die on this ride oh it's actually two coasters in one now that's kind of neat uh yeah there are some prefabs like that i totally forgot very cool very very cool um can we change one without the other or are they technically one ride maybe it's one ride with two station platforms where it's coordinated launch i'm not sure um we do need to add in the entrance and exit though entrance and it'll all have to be on stilts hmm actually i'm just gonna go for the entrance yeah two entrances and two exits yep this is that kind of ride okay that's wild you know if we do this over here now the thing is that can you imagine like what kind of genius would it take to pass this whole thing out which was why this game has prefabs and i do appreciate the prefabs for that reason um hey silly alex welcome in how you doing hey charizard revenge how are you can we buy land on this map most of the maps i've been on i haven't been able to buy land but a lot of them you can yeah you know i hadn't really considered that maybe it's after the challenge ends land not for sale okay so uh yep some of the land we could buy but look it's really not that much of the land how much is the land 90 for land wow it's pretty good [Music] okay i think all we got to do is path this back and we'll make it a very gaudy long path at that so i want to make sure i have my cues of the right length first ooh bumper cars bumper cars everyone loves bunker uh bunker bunker bunker cars yeah whatever they are okay this is going to be an amazing ride so let's just do this path this back here and looks like we've got to go down one but i'm not going to be too worried about this let's just do it thus there we go and yes we could just go straight back into the original path good um uh we'll just do this and then path back in directly like that and then around town there we go good oh yes and then we will have them go both go simultaneously everyone loves simultaneous launching uh how the hell are we going to get the footpath over there god only knows okay well let's just do this um we have received award for the tidiest park in the country all of the vomit is cleaned up that's great i love it when the vomit gets cleaned up let's just keep it on an even kill with this other one over there and then this i am kind of starting to see the the joy of modern look we could just completely get rid of the support for that loop-de-loop and nothing changes about it awesome right yep these two are more or less the same it does appear and we'll just kind of run this one back around that way and then there and then to that thing and then uh there we go let's just start up a new one and then build this around uh water slide one is broken now we might even need another mechanic at this point i think i'm very happy with this park i think we could change the balloon coloration but that's a pretty minor thing i don't know why i just get i get very upset when the balloons aren't like variationed in their colors you know uh good it was it was actually fantastic that we left that space there then a little hard to tell what's going on visually too at times but there we go and since we know that it's a prefab we know that it'll work and let's open and open and then they automatically go together uh let's make it a little bit of money but at this point who really cares okay they are getting the they aren't getting the jump it's too intense for me thing but they are getting the i reject this coaster type of thing hmm bunker cards bonker cards look someone's getting on it someone's getting on it uh why is this other station platform not i guess they gotta have another car park at that spot well people aren't getting on in fact all right uh maybe it's gonna be a while till they make their way to this part of the park it's a little bit remote out here to be fair let's go ahead and advertise our park on tv not that button not that button yes here we go advertising uh campaign for the park let's just do it four weeks everyone come in our park is done our park is ready we'd love you we we do love you there we are come in all people who generically look exactly the same and ride roller coasters hmm i think that i'll have to trace this thing i think it just goes in one end and comes out the other it's like digestion except uh you know you don't of course drink your own you know uh deposits that you put this is such a boring ride considering how dangerous it looks wow i mean it looks cool architecturally maybe it's just that i think things are supposed to go as fast as possible hmm right bumper cars bumper cars now i suppose bumper cars let's have some bumper cars now one of the joyous occasions i wish to share with you about bunker bars uh is this if you build up like one bit of land you can do this as long as the supports fix it i believe it's considered a gentle ride though there's nothing gentle about bumper cars you're hitting other people um [Music] i like those rides where you you start to you need surgery after the ride you know those kinds of rides there we go see that's kind of cool right how you can build the uh i do love that about this game um let's do that and then fortunately the path tools were pretty easy to use here so even though that we have had the height thing kind of disagreeing with us a bit a little bit every year and there it is doable and bumper cars are pretty popular people like them i i would i would dare say in this game as much as they do in real life uh oh alas no we actually made it too high accidentally right i we're we're close enough to the end of this scenario but i don't think it'll make a big difference let's just do it um whoops permanent damage there good good there we go okay so then we open that up because everyone who doesn't love bumper cars and let's make it in i've been enjoying this kind of black and white theme throughout the park it just looks very extreme and intense let's make the rooftop of that white and then cool all right that's happening okay people are making way to the boring coaster of death and confusion ah now i am confusion oh we can get the rock music okay let's turn off the merry-go-round music because i'm sick of it you're sick of it too i know you are because we've been where is it where's the goddamn merry-go-round music i truly hate it where is it no truly where is it carousel we could make a carousel something other than a carousel how do i turn off that goddamn music can i at least see it on here um yeah i swear there was some spot where we could do that far right tab oh thank you very much thank you very much ah there we go oh there's other styles all right i'm tired of that yeah so what i was referring to was that i like the music from this more right so we have the dodgems beat style oh we could do a space style i don't know what that sounds like oh that's actually rather um foreboding yeah you know kind of like in the sims this game had a a foreboding uh bizarre sometimes dark sense of humor or backstage i do kind of like the rock music though there this makes me feel like i'm at a rave you know uh like some maybe not a rave but like a a club where people are you know shaking shaking things around yeah and that's that's nice that's nice where where where are we going with this um i don't think that's happening in the bumper cars but i mean it depends what they're bumping you know yeah you like that all right let's get more balloon colors because i think that's the whole point of the end of this challenge either that or i'll just uh kind of zoom out and admire all of our work it isn't you know we didn't really get everything i felt like if i were working a little bit faster if i weren't streaming probably i would have done a little bit more um that's my subtle way of blaming you um no but of course i'm getting that's always kind of true though whenever you stream a game you never really play your best when you're streaming you know what i mean some people come after me like this like uh you're an idiot and i hate you a.a and they say mean bad things uh and i deserve it i really deserve it but understand that i have streamer blindness too i don't want to block out that tree because the trees are our friends but i certainly want more balloons i just always enjoy doing this at the end of the park just putting in every single balloon color so i think we'll just finish it off with this okay yes yellow balloons you love all of those colors we're also going to need probably green balloons so that we can get that full google suite of colors you know apparently google uh has uh popularized the thought that green is a primary color though i guess it kind of makes sense with the whole programming thing you know google's logo is green red blue and yellow i always thought that there was something a little bit more primary about green you know the rgb i suppose that does sort of make sense do purple here i think that's good i know we're starting to get all the balloon colors you know at the very end of the park when we do meet our goal uh every single person in the park will release their balloons at once which is just simply a magical sight it's very nice um [Music] i don't know what's your uh i'm kind of curious what you guys like what what is your favorite ride in the park uh i'll tell you mine when you tell me yours i'm kind of curious i don't want a bias vote though uh for me it's you probably know which one is my favorite but i i don't know i'm kind of curious which one do you like uh so just describe it describe it i mean like the water is nice the moving water i gotta say is nice or is this i mean the entire park it's not a very good park i'm not gonna lie this is not a very good one yeah yeah i feel like any uh yeah my ride is kind of trash but i still feel like that even with anything custom it just it fits the landscape better you know like i gotta say that i like i mean maybe this is vain of me but i like my own ride i'm dating myself a little bit here but my ride is better than the other ones simply because it fits the the footprint you know like you gotta you gotta play to the land i love those rides that go underground and then overground and so on and so forth until there's no more ground to be gotten but even this ride although it's probably the most beautiful prefab i've ever seen i find it boring in this game simply because it's just on flat ground you know it it interacts with only itself and the true beauty to be found in roller coaster tycoon is where the ride meets the land i don't know i'm trying to describe this i just did a micro park challenge so i had to do a lot of thinking like this but i realize where the true beauty in this game is and it's where like the challenge meets the the substance you know and it's like the medium that you're working with is what is truly beautiful this is a pleasure to look at this game though i don't know what it is about it but it's so beautiful the yeah the obviously the boat ride is probably the most thrilling ride in the park um custom ride fully custom ride [Laughter] i i do kind of love that no the advertising is over all right well we do have 1124 guests we have 12 thousand dollars in loan yeah i don't know that's that's most of what i have had to say about it um let me see if we could do anything else kind of crazy well to be fair here's what i think is that these rides deemed less intense by patrons we'll do like one more crazy coaster because i just feel like one is it's not enough let's do something that intersects with this one something even more ambitious and crazy because we now have twelve thousand dollars and that's plenty of money let's do something different um [Music] um you know i'm tempted to do another one of these but i do want to try something different let's do this because it just looks totally awful custom design absolutely we're doing it sign me up [Music] can it be a swan coaster yes it can be a swan coaster oh god why did i say that oh no maybe it'll collide with the bumper cars well the station doesn't have to be that large because we don't really need this thing to make us any money from this point on uh whoops that won't work um here we go you gotta have the chains going otherwise the thing just stops and kind of falls back on itself i think we'll make this a contrasting color with the last one maybe another white oh my god this thing can go really ridiculously high up wow jesus okay what kind of special things did as a helix up oh yes uh we're going to create my favorite kind of coaster helix down uh let's do this to the left okay this is going to be ridiculous ah this is my favorite thing to do in this game oh that's very dangerous yes uh exactly how i envisioned it exactly how i dreamed it we just go straight then we go up then maybe we go back through the other coaster i can't even see the perspective is a little bit difficult here we do something like that and then we do that and then we do that and then we bring it around town can't really even bank this thing hmm let's just try that see if it gets too intense or something like that and if we want to change the coaster we can nope uh yeah here we go go down over the bumper cars to upset the people in there and then we'll do this and then we'll do this uh let's see let's go up again and we do that we do one more big helix and then we get them off the ride before they're dead [Music] oh through the other loop oh that would be interesting oh i wonder if we could yeah actually that's a better idea you know that would beat my other helix idea just because it would be more ride interaction i like it i like it now those things are at a level eight uh oh i don't know how well up to ooh actually that might be kind of hard to get to ah well hart is my middle name um it's not it's not special okay helix down left nope here we go this is the joy of this game though this is the joy of this game guys helix down left helix is actually my middle name helix can we go there no the other roller coaster is in the way can we actually go through it i'm not sure we might not have enough loop in this de-loop but it appears from this angle as if there's enough do loop in the loop let's try like a more conservative de-loop hmm okay what if we just bring it down a little bit and then we go straight and oh we almost did it wait i think we're almost through the loop hang on a second we might need to bring it over one square yep yep i think that's gonna do it either that or i'm just totally screwed uh that really looks like it should go through though don't you think we did it oh my god oh my day is ah this made my entire day hey innkeeper how are you my friend we did it oh my god this is so intense this is that's so sad that this is so intense for me okay but it's still very intense and nice um we can't really bank these turns so let's just do this um we'll do a helix down to the right and then okay this was yeah this is one helix to rule tomorrow oh here we go um now we do even if people never ride this thing i just stand justified in that i created something with massive helixes that always are that just looks insane oh that's so much fun uh we're at a level six there at the end so we'll bring this down to a six okay i'm starting to get this i'm getting a hang of this guys i'm getting a hang of this hey gelatinous noob a and distant rebel in white shadow and beers of war eh thank you very much for the prime my friends i was so focused on the roller coaster i'm gonna say the path is no matter we can just get rid of the path rebuild it somewhere else um or kill the people there because this that's what this game is mostly about um turn and one more and we're good we linked it back up let's go for uh an entrance here i think we're going to want to cue these people and i don't really want to risk it over there so let's just do what a threatening thing to say i'm going to cue you wow that's pretty bad okay um [Music] river rapids one is broken down and where are we we're in september so only one month away a month away plenty of time left before the end hopefully the park rating hasn't been destroyed by this probably going to kill people let's uh test the ride while we construct the paths uh what a hideous coloration let's change it to yeah i like the whole idea of kind of a black and white bark let's do that and kind of differentiate which ones which see that's neat that is neat all right and then the cars themselves should probably be in black again you know i don't mind the yellow i think that contrast boldly hey mushroom toast welcome in how are you we're just playing the greatest game ever made hey thanks for the 100 bits now let's see if this thing goes fast enough because i really didn't think much about that okay that's pretty good it made it around good good it goes through the loop and maybe crashes with the other one if they perfectly time up i've actually never seen that happen before but maybe it could happen uh all right let's see the intensity rating and stuff like that so that people will actually get on it though at this point who really cares not yet available mm-hmm vertical gs lateral juice okay i'll just leave that open on the side there while i construct the path i mean it's not really going to change the path that i construct you know i think that this kind of red white black it's like a youtube kind of theme you know everything on youtube is red white and black and this matches them [Music] oh we could actually just build it right out over to here uh that's all right we could just do this and then this i had ignored that obvious answer shame on me there we go and then we just do this and this and this sorry there's been a lot of that throughout this stream but uh okay we've got extreme intensity probably no one will want to get on it i'm gonna open it uh no one's gonna get on the line they're all gonna look at it and go holy crap i'm gonna uh yeah die on that but that's okay because we'll make it less intense somehow they'll you know i mean i have the moral victory my my park looks amazing it looks beautiful i actually didn't expect it to look this good it's pretty much a puke machine uh ultra extreme vomit i really don't agree with this because i i don't think that it's that bad uh max positive vertical g's 2.86 max lateral g's 3.65 that might be that might be the the ticket there the lateral g's um we'll keep it free just to try to convince people to get on and vomit um [Music] where could we decrease the lateral g's maybe i think that's that's the ticket let's just kind of watch this graph as it happens all right clearly it's somewhere a little further down the line here uh we get to i believe here the lateral g's aren't so bad but i think it's around these last turns maybe it's like here yeah it's probably just these regular turns that aren't helixes hey vernal path thanks for coming out no very high nausea very high nausea see the the um the g's aren't so bad here man is this isn't this system just irreplaceable though in this game okay so it was there and like basically all of this like all of these turns they just hated them they hated them so we should probably replace these with helix turns so what i'm learning from this is that basically if you send them on a regular turn uh they better be going slow that does kind of make sense though because if you're just on a regular ass turn entrance fee is cheap raise it up raise it up oops free no wrong one thirty five dollars forty dollars forty dollars give me the money now this seems very expensive who would pay a hun that seems like a lot that seems like a lot hey quaglon hey quaglon thank you for the rape oh jesus you're a gentleman and a scholar i wish i were eating at a steakhouse with you right now funny story quagg and i actually did go out to eat at a steakhouse together it was a great time ah man i really do hope to get to through uh through uh raleigh again now i say raleigh raleigh i just like the way that it sounds i know we had we had a great steak dinner together it was very nice hey thank you very much for the raid the or should i say the wrong uh no i can't really put that together with raleigh hey you're a roller coaster tycoon guy aren't you certainly you are oh of course you are of course you are now we're going to send you on this ride which has given been given such a great intensity rating because i don't know how to do helix turns you know so unfortunately i'd have to go back and destroy most of the ride unless if we well the scenario will probably be over by the time i'm through with this so what i'm seeing is this the more like you put people through intense pain on this ride the more upset they are with you so let's just make this like a regular ass turn oh you know i stand corrected about all that stuff i said before too you can just do a regular a regular right click to get this happening so if we just make this a normal turn here and can we do a helix up oh we can do a helix up to the left wow very impressive roller coaster tycoon very impressive um here we go slightly up slightly up no one mine's slightly up everyone of course loves being slightly up here we go good okay so we've slightly lowered the g's there great okay so now it's just to fix the other half of the ride which was mostly just a death trap everyone had decided so if we make this turn less extreme here i think that we'll probably get um a lot a much better rating so i think if we take out that see look i am a genius oh god favorite uh what's my favorite cut oh i don't know i like a good burger i don't really really oh steak though man i haven't had steak in a while you know we used to have really good ribs at a restaurant i worked at man i feel like i should go out and get a steak now i just haven't been out to eat in a while it's just like a very uh very um steakless lifestyle hmm now what did i have today i you know i've been treating myself to some good bread lately i really like hmm i just found this bakery in my town i really like it how now if we do a helix down okay okay action this is good this is nice this is nice yeah gluten yeah we'll go with that gluten free meat put me down for gluten free meat man i feel like such a wimp i don't have a like a good steak i like now what is like a food that's he looks down left damn it now i'll tell you what i've been eating i had a great potato cauliflower soup the other day it was fantastic you gotta try this thing you gotta try oh hang on damn it i was thinking so much about potato cauliflower soup you distracted me you distracted me there we go helix down to the left there we go okay no more potato cauliflower soup there we go an excellent soup though i highly recommend it yeah you know what i like i like some good i mean this now this is gonna sound kind of annoying what i'm about to say but i like some good rosemary bread and some good or sourdough or something like that and some potato cauli like homey foods like that that's my kind of that's my deal that's my deal i think we just got to make these turns wider as well though we do have space and time and uh i feel like i'm about to get on off on a stephen hawking rant here but that's fine um let's go ahead and do this if we normalize that or we don't even need to normalize that here we go let's just denormalize that and i think these helix turns have been very good to us hey super amadeus say thank you very much for the prime and real wolfy lol hey thank you very much for the prime much appreciate it oh no just oh just not even a prime oh it's a regular sub oh thank you even more hey thank you very much you're a gentleman and a scholar look at these regular ass turns everyone look at these regular ass turns okay let's see if we fix the uh the thing make it work there we go and our park should be oh park rating went way down but it's still well well and above the uh required amount probably because we neglected the entire park oh no oh no actually a regular pleb level sub is well to be honest with you if you want to know about twitch uh what you call pleb level subs are actually the the best kind that streamers can get regular regular subs are are the best things that streamer can get or is it bits i don't know but thank you either way it's it's always appreciated never expected so you take over the world in real world now see i would never do a take over the world real world scenario unless if the world were really really small really small world i would need it to be because otherwise that would uh i would find that very upsetting but yeah i'll probably head back to zomboid and rimworld after a while i'm just kind of trying to do other things so that i uh get some much-needed variety i've been feeling good about doing all the variety on the channel look at this nice calm turn oh god i love that yeah that's nice that's nice okay they haven't even collided yet but that did look that did look good the more yeah we had the moral victory there what were our maximum g's awaiting test results let's see okay uh come on okay we got it under three i think that everyone will be happy with that i'm pretty sure that we can open the ride um they won't die if i open the ride will they want to get on it oh look there's already vomit right in front of it and yes ah we did it oh god even as the park rating was plummeting we had just done such a good job before that it was completely fine and look at this this is my favorite part of the game when all the balloons are released uh you might have noticed they all stopped what they were doing and clapped at the such a special moment though unfortunately the balloons do disappear there if you just do that um everything is closed down now in the park but look we can do this we can just pop them all that's nice i like that um we'll wait i want to give you a moment because they will all pop together and then we'll watch that coaster and then it's just such a great feeling of you know a game that really didn't have any final goal but just had some like satisfying end about it see to me that's what one of the things that made rollercoaster tycoon so special and i i do love this game uh i think it holds a lot of the the same places in other people's hearts i don't want to pop too many more because there they all go they're popping ah they all pop in one nice wave and it's it's just so utterly satisfying look people love the roller coaster i think it looks super badass to just make all of your coasters black and white you can kind of tell apart what's going on let's see how the people react happy people oh yeah we get the thoughts of somebody riding it right um unfortunately we get the train okay he's thinking what is he thinking he's thinking that roller coaster four which this one is is a really good value the form he went on the vormatorium too formatorium everyone loves the vormatorium oh that's nice this on-ride photo from vormatorium is really good value okay so he loves everything this guy has no problems with anything in our park yeah you know really my favorite type of thing to do is just this downward spiral to something that shoots them out so i was happy that i got to do that in the park we have one of these things something that goes up and down and then we have just general other coaster interaction and a lot of like happy footpathing um zoom out from all of it to just kind of appreciate everything unfortunately you can't see the moving objects when you zoom out one more so we even got something going through a loop-de-loop so i don't know why it really brings me back i just feel so nostalgic whenever i play this so too bad the 3d rct 0 yeah you know personally i enjoyed the first two more than any of the other ones um but sometimes too it's just like how can you possibly come close to something with a sequel kind of like sim city and some uh city skylines like i kind of prefer simcity to the newer or actually you know i never even played the newer ones but i do like being able to play offline so that's um that's part of my you know two cents on that anyway we probably could have made this park a lot more aesthetically pleasing but i just wanted to play through a full scenario here uh and get some results out of it so i think i am going to save um and probably just like leave this one do i have that right here save there we go and uh leafy lake uh i'm gonna name this one twitch there we go so if you've not had the pleasure of playing rct um i'm not sponsored or anything like that obviously this game is super old um but yeah go ahead and check this one out it's on steam if you want to download a copy but um they do still there are still physical copies out there you i don't even know how to get it on windows 10 or if that's possible without the steam version and stuff like that does gog have it it seems like the type of thing that gog would have um price of a hot dog yeah we could well we could say we could make people pay a million dollars to go to the bathroom in this game um one of the other many reasons why i love it so much but i don't know thanks for uh thanks for sitting here with me uh and enjoying it it kind of means a lot uh geoj i do like gog because even if the cloud shuts down you als you also still just have a copy of your games if you put onto like an external hard drive or something so it's probably a good one worth checking out
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 195,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rollercoaster tycoon, roller coaster tycoon, rollercoaster tycoon game, rollercoaster tycoon gameplay, roller coaster tycoon game, roller coaster tycoon gameplay, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguous amphibian vods, ambiguousamphibian vods
Id: iaz7MOZqYtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 19sec (10639 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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