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we all know why we're here super cute cat game let's go i'm ready to start this immediately i don't care i'm getting right into it i want to control the little man is that the moon said it the last of us it's the cats of us multiple cats so cute oh they're just living their lives as a cat owner myself now i am incredibly attached to this game because if this was like five years ago 10 years ago didn't really gel all that well with cats but now we have one so oh my god you're so cute look at your little face hey what's up oh my god that's so accurate [Music] because when we were playing um the last guardian you could tell whoever made that or you could tell the people who were like involved in it studied cats a lot and now playing this is like oh my god everyone in the team must have had a cat because this is perfect the coach is a little scamp ain't i man this lighting is very very nice to look at hello are we friends oh my god the haptics in my controller it's like i'm being licked for real so i don't know much about the game's story or lore i've always been of the mind that unless it was obvious and it was always said like this that humans are just dead and we live in the apocalypse now no surveying the land is my tongue sticking out no maybe not i thought it was all right it's too wet there i don't care let's all go to sleep oh my god i hope nothing happens to this cat because i am incredibly attached right now i've only known the cat for five minutes but if anything happens to them i kill everyone in this room and then myself [Music] hmm everything good everything in our litter fine everybody's happy oh big stretch [Music] how many people who have played this game so far on youtube or twitch or whatever saw that and said big stretch you got to say it every time or it doesn't count my calvin name [Music] inside the wall oh my god it's that cat language i'm finally going to be able to understand what bb's saying to me all these times he just comes in and screams in my face it actually means something [Music] hehe look at him go [Music] man this world is way better looking than i thought it was going to be like these are some high-end visuals [Music] wow cat squad what up friend cat squad can i sprint [Applause] [Music] we're all meowing together let's go cat squad [Music] don't eat the plants though we don't know what's toxic to you can i jump okay you get to jump first i guess not accurate at all the cat jumped immediately after coming up to it they didn't stand there for five minutes going should i sure that's a tall ledge i don't know if maybe i can make that and then they jump and as i got i wasn't that tall at all it was a real cat yeah you'd be like this for like 10 minutes and then huh okay i made it oh yeah scratch the tree [Music] get it get it yeah scratch oh gotta sharpen those nails all right y'all see that i am ready to slaughter [Music] oh i can jump high world's greatest cat catfishing for a drinkie yeah nice you got fuel up we got a long road ahead of us here kiddies we gotta get some fluids in us we also gotta get some food i know after you i insist where are we heading it's like we're heading to cat college damn this looks awesome because it feels post-apocalyptic doesn't it like the humans are all dead cats reign supreme i always knew that would happen when all humanity dies cats will outlive us all they've been here way before us and they'll be here way after us wow you all know that i'm a sucker for good lighting engines oh yeah precarious cats look at my little beans yeah so athletic i'm also trying to figure out where we are sorry am i am i blocking your path stare at my ass for five seconds like some sort of compound or like a dam or something nice sprint doesn't seem like it oh what's down here oh that's interesting looking damn though the light sort of like cascades down the walls oh yeah oh yeah it's been a while it's been a while since i got to gosh over graphics oh here he comes i can feel huh he's starting to come out oh look at the lighting the reflections very cool looking hold l2 to observe observing observing what's up there have we scorched the sky is this like the matrix where instead of the robots taking over the cats took over oh no you're gonna fall you're gonna fall oh oh no oh no no oh don't show me that no oh my god that's it i'm done i can't play the game oh my god it's like the start of up you know where you start off immediately and you start crying it's emotional manipulation and i don't appreciate it oh my god now you're limping are you okay what do we need to do to make the stop oh my god my heart is breaking in half i can't this is i am wildly uncomfortable he doesn't know any better he's just a cat it's okay he's gonna be fine there's a bag moving oh there's something in the bag the hell were those they look like head crabs you okay oh my god it's trico all over again i can't yeah lick it better if you lick it it'll go away oh thank god you're fine all right crisis averted wow and this is a cool world some cool sci-fi elements let me enter whoa we're inside like a big thing city that's not good i think the wall goes all the way up that's like a roof you have lights on you hello where'd that one go anybody here [Music] oh my god this is so cute the animations on the cat are the best bb would never maybe you would see how much effort it takes to survive in a world like this and he'd be like uh i'll i'll just die instead it's fine guys wow it looks like final fantasy vii like not just graphically like the remake style of visuals but like being under midgard not midgard um is it midgard whatever the city whoa bobot i forgot there's robots in the game they were in all the trailers and everything can can you read that cat because i can't oh my god and go everywhere oh my god this is way too much power for me oh no i oh i'm gonna get this cat killed if i'm not careful can i go up there whoa dude being a cat is dope do you realize how much effort it takes as a human to do any of this oh i can't get up there you can make it to that sign you can make it never mind no trumpets you hear that cat no trumpets can i like chitter at the camera you know what i like to do at birth they act all weird he hell help he hell help [Music] nice i love that little sound he makes and he jumps [Music] because that's what bibi does all the time as well he jumps up onto like a account or something else goes where are we going when do i get my backpack follow me already i'll trust a stranger why not oh yeah i got a bucket baby it's the stanley parable all over again i got a reassurance bucket everything's a bucket even the cat but why do i need a bucket though what am i doing with this [Music] i'm so clever so clever so smug it just knocks them off that's so cute the little like if i nudge it will it fall like what's going through their heads the head empty yeah knock them all down every single one of them leave no paint can alive death to all paint cans nice good job follow me okay how do we get in oh yellow will guide the way click on sheridan uncatted oh yes damage destruction misery oh hold on this is your last chance human last chance to stop me or this is going on the ground nice hell yeah this is like portal this is gonna make me bounce like little blue feed prince now great little detail fantastic oh yeah scratch the carpet oh yeah thankfully baby doesn't do this our house would be absolutely ruined we have ample scratching posts in our house because otherwise they go for the couch the carpet the walls just cat things you know can i sleep in the bed good night i sleep here now do you think if i left the cat long enough he would uh he would just sit down water club club don't mind if i yes some of these paintings are glowing it was one of the other room that was kind of glowing as well i also hope that i'm not like missing things because i feel like i'm just kind of plowing through cat elevator wait that seems exactly designed for cats somebody's helping us out the robots you guys are little robots hi bobot where'd you go though do you think the cats and the robots work together to destroy the humans i hope so oh no whoa be careful i think i'll kill you nice annihilated i am the top predator [Music] eat it robot you just got downed by a superior being whoa these textures are awesome i don't know why i expected it to not look good shame on me i just thought like oh game about a cat i don't know your brain goes to a certain place when you think about that but this looks phenomenal like the the visuals and the sound design are top-notch what was that [Music] please be safe please don't get hurt again i can't take it oh there's loads of them yeah yeah be careful run oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god run run this is scary get away from me uh robot freaks get off me get off me get away from me weird little half-life looking weirdos so they're gonna look like headcrabs okay okay can't grab but you can't see [Music] never catch a cat dude they're too quick ah they caught me oh there was a weird lake oh oh oh oh god oh god oh god why does the place look infected did the disease kill all the humans and now it's about to kill me yeah get off me you freaks get off me weird little pustool things oh my god is that nice you got a nice scratch oh cute we're safe does my meowing affect the tvs oh it's on this hard drive is it all your secrets i don't know what that's saying interesting really curious about the type of world that we're in and you see all those like oh cool see all those like um it's like pustules and stuff all over the walls as we were going by like a disease spread around i can still hear them i can still hear those little blobby freaks where are they they're all around me we need to get out of here they're going to be the death of my cat and i can't allow that to happen oh do i jump to these excuse me oh no probably down there i'd have to jump across that please be careful oh my god you're so sure-footed this is oh jesus i'm not saying anything anymore every time i say something the opposite happens whoa so dope looking god i'm smart like i said bibi would never he would attempt something like this he would look at it then fall over and then just fall asleep maybe like i'd rather die guys october 11th that was on another one back there as well what is this language maybe we just exist in a world that never had humans maybe it was it's just a robot world robots and cats where do i go that way at least do i have to go i have to go there [Music] i see [Music] nice oh because the robots are helping me and every time i meow stuff like lights up to show me the [Music] way that's cool [Music] it's kind of like um when you play journey it's circle is the same thing as well and you let out like a pulse and it kind of guides you where you need to be and where you're going and talk to other people etc where's my backpack at though i want that is a robot going to give me a backpack oh scary not again no oh my god this game is making me anxious it's fine nothing it's like nathan drake falls off something i'm like served you right idiot go around here jumping all over things of course things are going to break and you're going to fall what did you expect more on something happens to the cat i'm like no precious baby no so good tiny that was kind of like big stretch i love the little pitter patter of the feet i feel like everyone should play this game this is one of those games that humans need it's like the perfect kind of game because you know what i'll admit it the last couple of days even this last week i'm feeling a little miserable um little and miserable don't really go together but i've just not been feeling the best like mentally emotionally just kind of like in a funk um my i did something to my back i've been in pain it's been kind of all over the place but this game made me forget at all it's making me feel great thank you game thank you cats i know what you're thinking jack you're a real cat why don't you just pan him and make yourself feel better my cat catch up across rooftops can't make him well i can't make him meow on command because he's very good about that but he doesn't work with robots oh can i get up on that there's a lot of attention to detail gone into this world like i know the environments that i'm running around in are pretty linear but everywhere you can go is everything's like really fleshed out ooh how do we stop that one just pull the power out it was much easier i don't have to throw anything into this one should i bring this with me i'm gonna do it anyway i think i'm gonna need this i think i'm gonna need to plug this back in somewhere the game allows me to bring it with me and i will never mind it got rid of it it just dropped it on its own oh yeah oh yeah can i can i knock everything off your off your desk oh i can't do the little pat pat though don't even specific items i guess let's have a look around uh wc 99 campus affiliated institution walled city 99 interesting f nut or fnut science and tech institute wait does this give us any lore it is hereby certified that the above has satisfactorily completed the requirements objective directors and therefore warranted the status of affiliates okay didn't really help me but interesting i don't know why there's a cat standing in front of that really ominous red door slash need help [Laughter] oh you can just run across everything data corrupted need help body required for download body required ah enter the door turn on find a body i did it i'm a cat coder did it i'm just typing gg gg bro nice oh enter the door turn on find a body okay you got it bud we'll find you a body huh can you go up there oh yes [Music] i actually turned it off wait was the point of being able to go up through that there's a whole open door here oh god i'm locked in i'm in sci-fi prison help [Music] not sure if i should be doing any of this okay it's all right i'll figure it out don't worry no put it in put it in there you go okay nice one is working um do i need four batteries problem no sick looking ass samurai japanese frog no problem wait if i'm meow what does it do cool thanks now i'm up here um i probably just need the one battery right what happens if i do this again okay oh there's a battery up there i didn't it you never know if it's like you need multiple batteries or you need one battery and then you need to put it in a different sequence to figure out what to do with it there's one up there and there's probably a first somewhere here i come i am a cat genius watch me do hey what's up [Music] all right here i am rocky like a hurricane all righty now one more if i were a battery where would i be wait i don't actually see another one hello what is this microscope any up here click click click click click cat commands very staring me in the face and i just can't see it at all unless i don't need a fourth battery oh wait you're on doesn't mean you have a battery somewhere plugged in give up your secrets yeah oh it's right here duh i have those lights everywhere okay it's hard to see nice now what secret lair [Music] oh i'm all over this like a cat on furniture [Music] perfect [Music] must knock down must knock down okay are you my friend are you the one who needs body is it okay if i stand on your head i broke his head oh god what a catastrophe that's okay we can build them better we have the technology i'm gonna give you a new head i i think i actually don't know what i picked up what is this like where do i where do i put this oh oh hello [Music] i don't know what i'm doing what did i pick up what does this look like it looks like a head like a teeny tiny pair of eyes [Music] this thing is showing me like a little robot head sure give me something back out here [Music] ah i see you're gonna print it all you're uploading to it makes sense you did tell me that but i'm a cat and as the human controlling the cat i also have adhd which means no information goes in and stays so i'm exactly like a cat the cat doesn't even know what he's doing [Music] [Music] you're cute too b12 you killed him another one down great job [Music] my god if i could have a little teeny tiny thing like that that bibi could follow around the house just like a little remote and you just be like okay go patrol around and if bb grabs you just wait until he lets go and then go around again i wouldn't have to do anything it worked i'm free thank you i couldn't believe the cameras a cat in the dead city i'm i can't remember my name it seems my memory is corrupted dude you're talking to a cat he doesn't care he's like got any snacks i've been trapped in the electronic network for so long i know i worked for a scientist who lived here for now you can call me b12 that's what it says on my exterior okay it's dangerous in the dead city but you seem like you know how to handle yourself let's get out of here follow me okay lead on maestro [Music] that key unlocks the door i remember that much let me get that for you thank you very good battery low already come over here i see so he's gonna be like my go grab things in the environment guy you're gonna have to put this on that's my backpack i didn't even realize oh it's so cute i hate it though it inhibits my senses i love face oh that makes so much sense that the cat would hate it [Laughter] that's a really nice attention to detail are we good now are we ever going to like this is this just our life forevermore okay wait i forgot where did you say we were going this backpack was designed for small quadrupeds like you is this uncomfortable for you don't worry you'll get used to it i've digitized the key and stored it in the backpack you can just digitize [ __ ] like that whoa it's got a little hard drive on it cool i have memories yeah that's a that's about as what i imagine a cat's memory is like scattered fragments of nothing easy if you're ever curious about an object you can show it to me or to others if we come across any now let's get out of this flat are we not doing anything with this anymore it is written i hope this will work okay i think it did oh that's why [Music] i know whatever [Applause] cool i have a light [Music] whoa that's impressive lighting [Music] nice do you like this song [Music] i call it cat toe and fugue in g minor thank you thank you very much uh code equals 3748 pap okay can i not move past that okay three seven four eight do we need to read it as you or are we like are we good [Music] ah [Music] cool it's more involved than i expected [Music] oh it's raining wait is it yes zip line that elevator in the distance that's important i think i know we need to go up can you make sounds with me no whoa whoa yeah my god this whole place is ruined really cool that type of like world building and storytelling is right up my alley the sort of like sci-fi stuff and humanity's dead and this is what gets my juices flowing hey this is the thing i saw in the memory wait i remember the outside it feels like i've been here before this where you came from promise someone i would go there promised who i don't know you tell me this postcard the mural was painted from it let's take it [Music] why do i have these memories how did they get here let's keep going so you so the outside world is just completely closed off then and then they put people inside these like big walled compounds what does it say i'm having can i can i like read it or zoom in on it or something oh i can't i'm having a great vacation here in montpellier lots of sun and great people i think i could stay here a little longer than expected okay hey because a lot of the stuff in the game said like made in france no escape damn humanity kind of got the shaft didn't they to be fair you kind of have it coming it's 40 degrees celsius in england today 40. that's not just like a record break for heat in england it's like well beyond our previous record so you know like global warming the sun all that kind of stuff it's getting us safe zone so glad i have here you here to translate now this is a safe zone what is safe looking about this to you get away from me you little freaks no no no no no no not again oh my god get away from me dirt bags oh it's a robot i thought it was a human the slums i think humans are all dead is this a is this not a good occurrence oh what does that mean what did you do oh hey you could jump that it's a locker but you can do it i believe in you the 235 to 1 aspect ratio kicking in really makes the game look like so cinematic out of nowhere also this language kind of looks like korean some of the letters look like korean letters [Music] ah cool robot designs he just has a camera for a head anything here i need oh hey hey i was busy looking around is it really that weird that a cat showed up in your town hey [Music] music's awesome [Music] i'm just a cat hey uh backpack dude uh b12 can you go out vitamin b12 can you go out and like talk to them and explain our situation oh my god is this a boss fight i'm gonna have to fight him this is it he's gonna be like a samurai there's gonna be a sword inside that pole ah you're such a cool design hi why are you talking to me in stock it's like the nasdaq is down today the qsd is up the dsq uh pound d though is uh hit rock bottom they seem to have their own language you you're a robot and you don't speak robot [Music] you're no zerk we're not familiar with your kind you're welcome in our village as long as you don't eat anyone i would never i can't eat you do you think when all the humans died that the cats ate them [Music] yeah can we can we cut it with like the tornado warning i'm a cat not a natural disaster thank you thank you damn his design is so dope you look lost what do you need uh i'll show this oh a picture of the outside ridiculous this elevator isn't operational everyone knows that it is impossible to leave this place well except the outsiders they're all gone now except momo you can try to talk to him if you want but he gave up on trying to leave it's for the best he lives high up in that building with the orange neon sign cool cool ask b12 for help don't hesitate to call me anytime i'm here to help the guardian told us to talk to momo up at the big building with the orange neon sign he's the only lead we've got for getting out of here it's your like my quest guy man wait so you like sealed off this whole city and then the infection still managed to get in here anyway and look at this [Music] i love worlds like this i love this um is it cyberpunk would you call this cyberpunk i guess it would be right all the little details everywhere even all the graffiti and stuff [Music] don't make me this is just a thing we do it's a it's an old tradition from the past scratch a carpet good fortune for years jorus you gave us such a fright we thought you were a zerk the heck is a zerk ooh very pretty all right ronin why are you guys covered in blankets you're robots what do you need blankets for you already thought you'd take the elevator i've never seen that thing work and i'll be 374 years old tomorrow jesus such a beautiful dream what a shame it's just a dream no it's not it can be reality it is i robocat pleased to meet everybody i've blended in nicely the ancient stories speak oh how do i the engine story speak of a natural light that leaked from a star and landed at our feet whoa this light caused warmth and well-being in our ancestors it helped them grow natural light that leaked from a star and landed at our feet so did that sort of like infection or something land on an asteroid or a meteor or a piece or something and jayla why go up there there's nothing up there i think momo has some pictures just like this did you show it to him no i gotta go up there that's what we were just talking about you guys got any snacks our long gone ancestors the soft ones left us this city our home is their legacy the soft ones hear that everybody were the soft ones i always knew that snowflakes would lose please don't interrupt my meditation with these strange images that's what you were doing oh oh [Music] okay cool nice meeting you i take care of the plants humans improve them so much now they require very little light i just add a bit of water and look how big they get it really is an amazing technology the outside why bother trying to find it we're good here it's interesting that you guys say find it when it's like can't you just like go up there or surely there's an edge to this city none of you have tried exploring any further okay i don't get updates like that anymore um i'll explore around here basketball oh whoop sorry my bad i'm a cat i'm not really good at bald sports the marketplace hello i'm the merchant of the market azuz you give me something i'll give you something in exchange it's as simple as that this is an ancient relic a testament to the talent of our ancestors it will cost you three energy cans i can't do less nope sorry i won't accept that all right this is a set of electrical cable the best of the market i'll exchange this for a super spirit detergent that's the best i can do okay so we have to collect some stuff this is a music sheet a masterful piece of art of a very renowned artist it will cost you one energy drink can i can't do less okay so energy drink can seem to be the way forward hello excuse me trash robot look at all the hidden gems in this trash pennies from heaven or from somewhere anyway a blue sky imagine that no it's true and for realsies we're fortunate to have these items to help us defend against the zerks the slums has its threats and preparation is key we come across fake pictures like this sometimes all talking about the outside beautiful dream i guess i'm going to show you guys i'm going to head outside and it's going to be beautifully covered in infection i imagine the outside is not nearly livable anymore since you know everybody died and everything but you say momo was uh whoops is there anywhere to go up there can i actually go over that you say momo was like an outsider as in they're human [Music] hey what's up dudes all the weird stuff always happens to you mate i don't dare to leave our village it's too dangerous besides the guardian is the only one who can open this door that's a pretty nice picture fake but pretty whoa what is wrong with you can i scratch your leg oh he likes me we are bonded for life now whatever happens to the cat you are responsible zach i left it in the streets and the next day the zerks are consumed it completely that's crazy right they can eat everything another picture of the outside get out of here with that stuff it's all nonsense so are the zerks the little like blobby dudes little head little head crabs have been chasing me because they thought i was a zerk so i must be around the same size this little hub is so pretty super spirit laundry grandma clothing elliott programming oh wait her super spirit laundry to the left okay that's where i'm gonna get my super detergent wait let me go back and talk to these people grandma made me these clothes pretty stylish no i'm not going to bother showing you guys the thing because you're all saying the same thing you want something [Music] grandma clothing can i have any clothes i love him i do love knitting so far i've knitted 478 miles of scarves it's something to do my god scarves across america if you bring me some electric cable i could make you a pancho you inspire me but it's not easy to find the right materials around here got it i have a mission that's very pretty it looks a bit peculiar to be real though okay okay i'mma bring you that electrical cable and you're gonna make me a scarf to make all the other cats jealous if i ever find them again [Applause] so if today's yesterday's tomorrow tomorrow will be yesterday today right time is weird um sure we don't age like our soft one ancestors we are trapped here forever how do you power though whoa is that the outside i can't oh it's it's too amazing it made my eyes all blurry announcement looking for someone capable of monitoring the southern entrance to the safe zone the remuneration is two pints of cyuba oil per day please contact the guardian interesting interesting will do i don't really know where i am do i have a map that i can look at i'm looking for any sheet music to play the guitar to add some ambience if you find any bring them back to me i live near the elevator marusk righty hoo hoo oh why is this all glowing oh it's a memory r.i.p humans humans were the first residents around here it seems that they're all dead now what do you think it feels like being dead not silly coming from me but are they actually at peace will i be at peace when i die i don't know what death feels like for an ai i'm sorry i didn't want to break the mood let's move on memory received uh show memory oh is it just the same dialogue yeah okay get a saudi can get an energy drink yes noice wait oh it was a music sheet that i could get for one can right are those cans he's not gonna know you could bring him any can he's a robot man he's not gonna figure it out he probably will and then he might kill me anywhere to go from here i i'm so turned around i actually don't know where i've been and where i haven't been it's kind of confusing can i get up there oh you can make that easy get up there jump on that jump on that bamboo come on you're a very capable cat oh this is where i came in never mind that's where i came in and then the dude ran away from me and then i came over here i get it elevator i guess we just gotta look around for stuff then oh a barb this is a great place to be for energy drink kids employee of the month september xx27 oh we're way in the future hey what up you want something [Music] uh the myth of the blue sky beautiful concept hey guys this place is getting a little moody can i put on some music [Music] something a bit more lighthearted get those robo toes tapping [Music] that's kind of nice it's kind of zelda sort of like mario sounding you're new around here what can i do for you nice picture of the outside momo is a real fan of that myth you should show it to him this flat is all the way up the area look for orange neon sign [Music] interested for some drink kinda but i'm more interested what you have down you here energy drink hens robo oil i can use that to bribe people come on i want to be a cat that bribes people there really nothing back here that i can get or do oh one two eight three where do i put that one in zero lov equals seven one two eight three okay now i'll be back can i talk to you hey hey wake up [ __ ] there's a cat here don't you understand that we're more important than you he doesn't even get it all right let's go upstairs oh memory do they really consume this their original design didn't have a digestive system maybe they somehow evolved by mimicking humans do you think i should try some of it i do not want to be disrespectful of their ways go for it bro get robo hammered oh my god can i play pool nope you got to put it that way that way yeah no no oh man [Music] yes cheap music heck yeah what's up dude carol jacobs this is the newspaper from the people living above on level two it's a few years old but something to read through that home slice the outside my father's trying to find it we're good here how are you though you call this levin if you were up on the outside you could feel rain that's fresh secret doorway or not i'm exactly where i was [Music] which is god knows where i wish the little dude could like bring up a map or something because i'm getting lost because now i don't know where i've been and where i haven't hey dude you're new those guys better not drop a paint bucket again or else cosmo will be ticked off some people tried finding an exit in this city it didn't go well okay thank you robo boy robo buddy robo baby robo pal [Music] disney can i come in [Music] hello cat at your door are you one of the troublemakers playing with the paint buckets on the roof keep your paint away i'm tired of cleaning my stoop because of your mess gotta make a mess have we and then she'll come out and then i can go in okay yeah yeah yeah that's cool yep let's go up here what's up here no no no too eager there you go nice okay follow the lights all right hey punk oh there he goes oh there he goes he's gonna do it oh oh oh they're tossing them to one another whoa i'm up in the roof swanito those circles of light are pleasing to watch but i want to see the real sky one day me too buddy me too but as a gamer i never will i'm stuck inside it's a cold life but someone has to do it oh yeah chill the beans so cute am i my controller's purring can you hear that i don't know how that gets picked up on the mic but it's purring all right that's enough sleeping sleep 16 hours a day some other time oh big stretch well oh god i should not be on this i see no god up here other than me you're so tiny is there a benefit to being up here like i jump somewhere further someone down there oh my god there's too many places to go my brain is getting fried is that a music sheet get open the table why is there no x showing up to jump up there there you go nice there's eight sheets geez hello do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior cat avon calling what's that sound at the door probably nothing oh never mind then i guess i'll just be ignored by the humans and now by robots what's the difference you're all the same you're not cats you'll never understand what it's like to get scratched oh sorry my bad i'm making a mess oh god i'm making a mess oh geez my bad bye bye guys jokes on them i'm doing it on purpose this music is awesome oh nice oh god i'm so talented music sheet six can i go under this he that's one of bb's favorite things to do if we're sitting in our like chill sort of gaming space um like not here or the one next to this room he goes under the couch sometimes and sleeps because it's safe in there it's a strange notebook with a symbol on it this one seems to belong to someone named clementine everything is going according to plan we managed to contact the upper level before the transceiver went down they were in a place called midtown i knew it it's not great town it's not [ __ ] town it's just mid and apparently it's controlled by some kind of oppressive force i talked to moammar earlier his eyes i know this look he will not come with us i don't know what this means but it'll probably be useful later we should go see that momo person who the guardian told us about can i type in your computer i wanted to look up your robo secrets okay well i did get a music sheet in here as well so that's good but i'm dangerously low on drinks cans which i would really really like where else can i go here can i get over to that one yeah baby any music sheets lying around i don't know why some of them are on the roof honestly this is like information overload there's too many places to go i'm like should i go down there what's over there oh you remember oh he's dead he's de-powered looks like this poor guy also wanted to go up to the upper level yes i remember midtown is up there away from all the garbage and sickness of the slums [Music] even in dire times humans could not help but divide themselves by social class back then a lot of people from the slums were prepared to do anything to move up there apparently robots also copied this behavior okay doesn't seem to be anything over there okay at least we got a memory out of that there's so many secrets everywhere wow oh zipline okay i think i gotta get back to paint pocket people what such an explorer there's a guy down here i want to talk to you hello oh he's got a cute hat he's got like a jacksepticeye hat he looks like jack's have to go oh hey it's you you do look weird and small but there's something about you i feel compelled to pay you but i won't because i don't understand why are you sure what if i rubbed up against you what if i scratched your couch would you want to pet me then yeah you want to pet this you want a piece of this cat don't admit it i'll keep scratching until there's nothing but dust okay he won't pet me what's the point of even being alive if you're not going to get pets soda drink let's go so i need four total it's interesting that you picked the right one it's like soju pokari sweat in there sorry it wasn't me it was the robots [Music] hey oh no suenito i talked to already what's over there i want to get to that place [Music] go little kitty cat remote control ah yes humans have traveled to far-off places with these is that it look i'm watching tv maybe there's something i can switch to that will actually be a memory anything anything tickling your juices there b12 how does b12 help against like as a vitamin sorry vitamin good tv go tv great tv rats the brain even have a cat hop in i go so sneaky man this is going to be a nightmare if i'm missing like one sheet later how to develop your artificial intelligence in order to be as creative as a real human volume 42. you don't you bow down to our superior cat intellect oh i'm sleeping in a little cubby that's so cute okay as much as i would literally love to keep you there all day we have stuff to do and places to be and things to find you like this song i learned it from the sheet music [Music] it's like that one video of the cat on tick tock that gets his foot caught in the back of the piano and he's trying to get off it and he makes music and then people dubbed over it with piano music to make it sound like he wrote a symphony and then of course everyone on the internet believed that the cat actually played what was being played it's like tell me you don't play an instrument without telling me hey doc i found the keys to your safe you need to be more careful with these nice it's not enough to bury yourself behind a bunch of books jess the librarian oh so that safe is like not in here [Music] because i have a code as well one two eight three or one two three eight or i can't remember human music hmm i like it uh who's he robo the philosopher [Music] seems like a great guy instead of marcus aurelius weird robo jesus i've made my joke wait there has to be more in here love this i love the design of everything the role the computers in the box everywhere it's very very cool to look at but not having a way of like reconciling if i've found everything having no like map or anything anywhere let's see what these robo boys are up to hey fellas what you doing please don't bother vapora she's so clumsy oh i'm gonna bother [Music] don't you worry about that i just got to see if i can bother you first are you hoarding anything up here [Music] like if you see any music sheets here's the elevator with the zip line seen in music sheets or like energy drink vending machines anything like that you just let me know really important ventilation power supply yoink i don't know we turned off the ventilation for i don't know whose house this is i can't jump over there makes sense you can't go everywhere oh i see nice i did it i'm the world's greatest cat somebody's playing like the robo bongos oh yeah get a drink big drinky keep your spry and nimble [Music] any reason i can be up with these boxes oh hello what do we have here notebooks it's a strange notebook with a symbol on it this one seems to belong to someone named all traits of organic life has disappeared except for what we call the zerks they seem to eat almost anything that moves and breed at an inconceivable rate as if being locked in the city wasn't hard enough i don't know what this means but it'll be probably be useful later let's go see that momo person yeah yeah yeah we'll get there god keep your antenna on alright i'm being a cat first which means i have no idea what i'm doing except knocking [ __ ] off shelves and being annoying to everybody that's not me oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah nice did i get everything in here i'm so paranoid about missing out and stuff now that i know i have to collect things it's like agitating my brain okay i gotta go over and mess with you there's really no reason not to at this point oh god please stop doing that oh i need you to survive like always there'll be no near misses around here hello careful i need to focus i don't want to drop another bucket what if i did this okay got a meow at just the right time nice suck it oh they're pissed they're super pissed i gotta sneak in now is my chance anything else up here though i'm not like time limited to this am i because that would stink okay okay go over there hook and over here and then there and back here way bye [Music] okay i gotta get my detergent nice [Music] there's only one i needed right any music sheets or anything lying around in here i know you've got something else here don't even try and hide it i am a cat i will find everything that you're hiding from me really is it just a detergent [Music] is this whole area and it's just detergent well that's poopy [Music] i thought i'd at least get another music sheet in here [Music] that is a lot of effort to get that all right i'm heading out at least i can uh bring that back to the dude right i can get one thing for this is it this one oh no that was an energy drinking yes this is the better one uh uh there there you go nice i can go get me a scarf grab mom grandma i'm coming wait did i no someone say did i get a drink out of that have i tried everything around here at ground level i think i tried you oh dang it [Music] so that's three hey hello i'm a musician but i don't have any songs i have music sheets tomorrow's sounds cool here watch that oh [Music] i just get to chill out that's cute dude i love elgin ring more than anybody but this might be game of the year [Music] oh you can sing along [Music] i'm dreaming wait is that music sheet in the wall that i can get [Music] no i like your funny tunes robo person [Laughter] oh my controls are backwards forward is back and left is right that's so funny how do i get this off oh thank god i hated that it's just like a real cat access to the sewers is condemned because of the proliferation of xerx stay safe in the safe zone okay yes was it one two eight three yeah what do i get sheet music baby how many do i have now uh one two three four i only have four oh my god there's so many more lying around somewhere god this is intense every now and then you get reminded of how crazy this place is giant sealed doors like that okay well one sheet of music at least i can get from the merchant [Music] but it's not even really like giving oh a memory it's not even really giving me like direction on where to possibly get them or maybe it is i just don't know remarkable companions have evolved so much he's called a c-12 or a c something in the day in the early days their simple ai merely imitated human art his name is c14 your b12 now this is all their own humans often said that making art is important in desperate situations these are certainly desperate times sure sure yeah yeah i agree but i'm also a cat so i don't care here i come wait what was the thing that i got for three cans okay oh it's a memory this is an early model of a companion back then they'd have they didn't have any personality they were just glorified autonomous cleaners i think it's nice that they eventually mimicked humans it's like they missed them and in a way they kind of kept them from going extinct they're good robots um right okay so now i need to find one more energy can i got these keys though aren't these keys to a safe as well because i thought they were in that library area and they probably were and i just missed it all right time to peruse a little further oh elliott programming knock on the door and wait for us to open hello scary why can't i hello why can't i do it what the [ __ ] can you i'm just gonna go in i thought i had to talk through the door and then you were gonna let me in we were programmed to be slaves but since that many days we have a soul hope one day the outsiders will find the exit of this hell momo oh am i in momo's place oh no i'm in elliot program what am i saying you're here for elliot he's just over there okay i'm just gonna explore first though i don't mind if i look at your [ __ ] do you sheet music excellent so that's one two three four five okay and six is in the store all right so i just need to find two more in the wild and an energy drink you got anything else in here anything cool going on lots of memories remember when we had some memories this tree is a scientific marvel it's remarkable that human ingenuity found a way to create plants that thrive without sunlight organic life requires trees to purify the city's air robots don't need it but they take care of them anyway it's what the humans would have wanted oh it is kind of cool that they're sort of living out what humans would have what can you do for me yes can i help you oh yes everyone around here knows this symbol it's the outsiders they live in the upper floors of this area you can probably talk to momo about this okay you want to go outside well good luck it's not going to happen anytime soon oh keys how does it open can you not do anything for me oh i don't need those cables i have plenty of it here i forget why i needed you can someone let me in hello i'm out here knock knock this is a cat's version i don't think there's anybody in there the same unless it's a thing it's like if you kept scratching the door for 15 minutes a secret would have happened okay uh what was it to get you to come out and give me tips don't hesitate to call me anytime i'm here to help guardian toast i'm always up to the big building yeah yeah i know but i wanna i wanna do other things first i wanna live what you got behind here secrets i knew it classic human actually you're a robot but whatever um maybe we should just go to the orange building then but i'm worried that it'll like progress things but i can at least go to grandmom first hi grandma i have a lecture cable i do have that i do thank you my dear i'll get to work right away oh knitted up good grandmom gain a new item a poncho there you go little one it'll suit you well what do i do with it some of my finest handiwork can i not wear it [Applause] this really looks warm perfect for a cold robot wait who's cold i didn't find out who's cold around here you guys are all bundled up did i talk to somebody who was cold hey you're walking around what's your deal oh you're creepy looking okay never mind are you cold you want this do you want pancho i recognize grandma style she's very talented you know okay was there somebody back in here god i have the i have the worst memory for this game i didn't go in here oh hi wait are you momo is this where i was supposed to go i didn't even see if i was near the orange neon sign but he is so cute hi i'm here to help it is momo it's never going to work why did i let them go i'm all alone now hey what do you want this is a picture of the outside do you want to go there hello bother it's a waste of time we're bringing only loneliness and despair my friends had this dream too but now they're gone and i'm all alone i don't know where they ended up i tried to contact them but that transceiver doesn't work my friends and i took notes of our research about the outside here take mine if you really want to go out there ah so i'm missing one notebook now you're on your own i'm done with the outside good luck wow momo seems very sad he misses his friends let me check the notebook he gave us the outsider's manifesto we must go outside at any cost you must protect our brothers and sisters we must stay away from desserts they're saying clementines balthazar duck and momo so clementine's balth is ours now but it's so i need docs i think we should find the other notebooks oh you think oh yeah go on brain man oh back home too i remember this video game it was made just after i was created i think i can't remember it well the scientist and i spent a lot of time playing it it was fun i miss him i can't remember his name because it's gonna be a secret for later cozy little look you got here momo mind if i cat it up you got you about to have something else in here you got any energy drinks uh music sheets cough up the goods momo i know you got them [Music] the city has a cylindrical shape of about 450 meters in diameter there's a level above ours the city seems to have a ceiling if i believe my box a big blue sky is behind them or hidden behind what if it's not what if it's like a can it's like a bunch of cans on top of one another and you just live inside one cylinder on top of another cylinder what's this earth earth is the third planet from the sun and the fifth largest in the solar system by mass and diameter the date is the only celestial object known to foster life according to radiometric dating the earth is 4.54 billion years old as a single natural satellite the moon which formed soon after the gravitational interaction with the moon creates the tide stabilizes the earth's axis of rotation and gradually reduces its rotation speed let it talk about like space stuff so far i was gonna scratch your wall bro i don't even care i don't even care what you want to do i'm a cat i do what i want i leave my marks everywhere sometimes it's hard to know if it actually has a reason or you're just doing it to be an [ __ ] so exactly like a cat a music sheet so there's one so i'm missing i'm missing one now besides the one at the store i have one i've two six seven eight three one so i'm missing four and five is that it god i wish it told me if i had all the stuff in an area or if i had like a map kind of like resident evil where i could just look at it oh yeah oh yeah don't accidentally put the bag on though yeah oh hold on nope gotta play nice oh got that out of my system i'll scratch up your doors well just so you know that i was here okay thanks bro [Music] all right i don't know which places i've been in which i haven't the symbol on the wall matches the one with the on the notebook oh we already visited this place but we could check if there's other signs like that ah so that's how we find them there's one over there yeah we went that way and here did i go in there i think i did [Music] take it down [Music] here's where the little cat elevator is whoops my bad is that something over there did i go over there god where have i been and where have i not been that's the cat question i don't think i can do much over there yeah because i went over here after i interacted with these guys i um maybe i don't know if i got the notebook in there though can i get up there if i go over here yes i love how many ways there are to get around did you guys get in trouble that was my fault made you guys look so stupid i was definitely in here but did i get a notebook you guys watching at home will remember that i did but i for the [ __ ] life of me can't remember what i picked up in here i probably did it's not that big oh god the safe was right here [Music] in the library jesus it was so close to me i mean i knew it had to be here but this is where the last notebook is because i didn't get anything in here finally last notebook this time it belonged to someone named doc for weeks of research i've combined a spectrometer with a powerful uv lamp with this we should be capable of warding off the zerks on our way out the initial attempt was explosive i might have to test it under real conditions oh there's also a note in this book it says i found a design flaw in the transceiver but i think i figured out how to fix it here's the equation with this you should be able to help momo repair the transceiver if it can communicate with the upper levels that could be on our way up let's show them what we found okay [Music] nice okay so that's how we progress the actual area um [Music] but now i just need one more music sheet of drink and then i get the other music sheet there any other vending machines around that i missed oh that is a sneaky vending machine can i drop down here it's so tucked away jesus that's hard find okay oh that's the last drink which means one more uh one more music sheet um where was the guy again so lost all the time he's this way i know you go here you go right you go straight and then you have them [Music] [Music] here you go sir oh am i missing a music sheet because i gave it to the musician already oh my god i didn't even think about that i'm sorry i don't have anything to exchange right now that's okay because i'm a super cat and i bought all of your wares um i'm going this way [Music] wait is it not this way [Music] clearly i've mastered the art of knowing where i'm going it's okay if you run around in circles long enough you find your way nope that's grandma no those robots wait weren't they just they were right next to this area what am i doing i went the wrong way here you go i have all the music now you have to keep playing all of them i just want to [Music] yeah that's very cool can i just give you more music do you do you have to play all of them [Music] this is like those things with like you just watch me do my thing and then at the end it's like should i clap should i give you money like oh my god the last one wait it's the last sheet music you've done very well little one have this badge as a token of my gratitude oh let's see this last piece the way you compute tonight what do i do with the badge [Music] that's a fun one i don't even have the badge in here what do i do with it yeah that's cool thank you for your music that was no that was dope to listen to that over and over and over again i'm being harsh of course um but the fact that i i couldn't skip any of those because i thought maybe oh if i go far away that they'll actually keep playing and that was the point of it that you give them one and then it plays that song as you're roaming around for the rest it didn't you can only hear them when you're uh such and such distance away is this how i got in yeah i'm back i have all the diaries [Music] hey little cat are you still looking for those useless notebooks useless i found clementine's nose she was really brave you know the most fearless person i've ever met that's balthazar's notebook right i never quite understood what he was talking about most of the time but he was very wise that's my notebook i was the last to join the outsiders also the last remaining one could i interest you in poncho instead of the last notebook i guess not oh it belonged to doc he was really a huge nerd for electronics and stuff he was always on the verge of great discovery wait you actually found all my friends notebooks oh what's that note the transceiver can be repaired this is incredible that means you should be able to communicate outside of the slums clementines balthazar duck i'm sorry i doubted our cause i i'll promise you i find a way to reach the surface thank you we might be able to find you a way up and let's fix this piece of junk transceiver wait you're not going to just bring me there are you because i have a poncho that i need to get rid of a voila it works come with me okay wait is it your friend downstairs let me get downstairs again up there see that building high above the others if you install the transceiver at the very top of that tower we should be able to communicate with the whole city my friends might still be out there there's a way they'll know it sweet you're the only one small and quick enough to evade the zerks we need you little outsider bring us to the sky oh that one whoa how in the bloody hell am i supposed to get there you kidding me oh wait this is a different way oh [ __ ] did i progress the game without giving him the thing oh man it's fine they don't really give you much anyway other than like badges and stuff it's not like he's going to give me like a double jump or something it just stinks because i had it with me the rooftops okay well that seems to go to places i need to uh leave the game here i think last checkpoint eight seconds ago damn it i'm annoyed by that now um really really cool game so far i think there's so much more to it than i thought i just thought oh it'll be fun to just run around as a cat and do that and i thought that was the whole thing but the fact that there's this much intrigue in the world and the story and the characters um it's so much more than just the cat obviously like this whole outside world and the fact that like what happened to the humans and what plague actually killed them all and the fact that the zerks kind of looked like robots already but they're not are they alien who knows but we're gonna find out as we continue our journey i don't think the game is that long anyways so we'll be through it in like three episodes i think so stay up to date with that subscribe to the channel make sure you're notified whenever the episodes are coming out and don't forget to check out top of the morning coffee down in the description below click on the link and get some for yourself today we also have hot chocolate and tea and i've heard some very very great things and lots of really nice reviews about it so if you like coffee you'll love my beans go get some for yourself but i'll see you in the next episode
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 6,854,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: OaE_UPIfiAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 18sec (6138 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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