Simcity 4...20 Years Later

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howdy ho we're going to have the city of can't stand and opal uh today we had rytopia and indianapolis and audi annapolis which were much better cities and will hopefully feed into the progress of this city uh but we did just have the game crash because uh my computer doesn't like me so uh we're going to hopefully avoid all of the mistakes that we had in the last city we actually had a we had to invite in a nuclear missile company uh which was uh regrettable i i regretted that um i i wish i hadn't done that we're gonna go ahead and maybe start with cleaner energy this time because we surprisingly had a lot of issues i just have been forced enough to not run into a last time we're going to go for oil right away because oil's pretty good um i figured out that water doesn't work with oh wait a minute this thing needs road access i thought that this thing did not need road access i stand corrected okay we will connect that out to the wider region of can stand in opal um we'll we'll road out this way now see now the issue with the last city was we had a lot of good things in it oh my god were those deer oh no those are not deer those are like elk or something sorry uh easily distracted but uh yeah we made we had a lot of serious issues with elasticity we are going to have agriculture this time because the last time we did not have agriculture and that was actually rather inhibiting our progress we're going to start with the size of one plot of agricultural land though because i think i should have done this the last time this is smart of me okay so if we do that and then we start to build up avenues on the outside of it this is a much better mold for a city wouldn't you agree because our society is going to be filled entirely with ignorant uh ignoramuses there we go ignorant ignoramus is the worst kind that seems somewhat squarish now i do have a city design this time and hopefully from the last time it won't go so bad we built the highway first now we will have like a cloverleaf intersection there in the middle we're going to continue with that again but yes moose yes maybe it's mies nice is it mies or is it moose or is it mooses whichever one it is i don't really uh i've never had much of an opinion on that but we will do agriculture on the outside eventually this will become industry but we want to get all this pollution off of the map this is what i was trying to say before but uh everyone was ignoring me everyone was ignoring me here we go if we do this and then this who these roads make no sense but all right it's fine fine we aren't going to question it yeah i mean we had i i rather liked the evil alien base that we had in our last city and the sims just had such character though like simlish what other game would ever make something creative like simlish you know maybe though it's because we're all looking back on a bygone era when there weren't as many games around think about how much harder it was to get a game published now people's individual gaming tastes are more atomized before we had a an experience of gaming together which we don't really have anymore you know we have we all play our individual games we play mobile games but uh yeah the sims was something that a lot more people shared i think i think that's true um that's just my stupid opinion but let's go ahead and see this so we've got this so what we're gonna go ahead and do next you know i'm not gonna go straight for the high density stuff that was pretty stupid of me the last time but we're gonna go ahead and go we'll go straight up to low density just to kind of build out wide first that's generally speaking the better way to play this game but again your roads are gonna have to be all repaved over but we'll just destroy entire people's lives as we go through that um [Music] we will go through with another avenue here because we do want to get this avenue infrastructure built up contrary to popular belief avenues seem to be the best way to like if there's any one thing that you're building up in the long term of your city at the beginning it's the infrastructure it's weird like that it's weird here we go now we go alone see the city is already up to a much better start than the last one was ah thank you for coming out onesie again we are streaming this so i will be getting uh backseat gaming uh as needed because i actually learned quite a lot from the last one i learned more from streaming from you guys than i do from any like youtube tutorial or anything which i did go down this rabbit hole so anyway we will get the industrial on the outside then we got the uh we got the commercial over here and you know uh in popular belief you're supposed to go residential next to the commercial so we'll kind of put that more toward the interior of the city but we'll also kind of checkerboard it out uh throughout the rest of it so if we go you know i i was a little too excited the last time i was doing this let's just do another industrial zone or what is it uh residential zoom so you can't actually begin moving people in and it does seem as though we're getting you know like imported work from other places through our connections to the sim world because of uh rytopia of course rytopia and uh indianapolis and audi annapolis all of which are real cities um here we go good we've got these roads kind of connecting here this is nice to see okay that's fine all right let's just uh watch this thing develop a little bit now speed up time all right so we've got people moving in we've got people moving in are we collecting their money we need money money money uh a hundred dollars a month nothing to scoff at nothing to scoff at but we do have more industrial demand now what are what type of uh we do have to build a fire station now who would set a fire in a perfectly good city uh we'll build this over we do want this to be centrally located you know the more i play the more i realize i have to centrally locate my fire stations let's do there just because the response time it's always in the response time where is the fire oh the fire just went out on its own look we have like 20 of the same pizzeria on three blocks look at this pizzeria more like pizza reheat pizza reed who doesn't love a good leftovers joke man leftovers joke all right let's uh continue this continue expanding inward um now we will put the more of the serious residential stuff near the inside let's go ahead and build these avenues this this away here we go and we are going to have a cloverleaf intersection near the middle but we'll probably just end up having to bulldoze a lot of our own roads see like this is very centrally located but um me thinks we'll end up doing this and i am going to build my elevated highway clover leaf ooh rotated elevated highway cloverleaf what is this well okay we're going to have to delete a lot of this then i take that back i made a big made a big mistake there made a big mistake nope stop those trucks stop those trucks hey la lazy zafira hey thank you very much thanks for coming out no i don't want it to be i want it to be diagonal please anything but diagonal no why is it only giving me the option of diagonal this is actually a little bit weird uh i don't i don't like that one bit oh wait a minute no there is an option of orthogonal over here hang on a second zoom in wait a second where was i getting that orthogonal option maybe we all we need to do is build like it oh okay there it is there it is yep it's orthogonal it's orthogonal it's orthogonal okay this is how it why see there it goes again it's diagonal well when we get that back to normal what we're probably gonna just end up doing is replacing this avenue with this thing so let's go ahead and uh i'm gonna go ahead and just delete this sorry avenue we're gonna be doing a lot of just destroying people's lives in this run unfortunately now we will be putting an elevated highway directly over these people's homes so i do apologize for this in advance i'm sorry it's a little inconsiderate of me but it needs to happen to somebody and you just happen to be the ones who uh live there so we're gonna go do that okay i'm thinking that this will be the spot i don't know if this is gonna be perfectly centered but it's good enough and good enough is really what we're going for here we're just going to keep that as a frame of reference now it is exorbitantly expensive so can we somehow defund this thing nope uh yeah so this is the disadvantage of having an elevated highway early on uh i just kind of want this as a frame of reference because i'm going to cross highways this way and this way throughout the city but we just need to kind of know where they'll be so that we don't make any stupid mistakes for later on uh it's just kind of like an uh a waste of money but we have a necessary evil if you will um what was that sound that was my computer doing something i don't like the sound of that uh very much now these people are unfortunate yes you're going to have to live uh over the highway i'm sorry uh write a note to city hall maybe we'll do something about it later on um okay that wasn't a very good plot it just sometimes this game just does this but okay very well one thing we're going to do a little more here is save because i was losing my playthrough every time i play uh the last time put dirt roads around it now unfortunately don't that is the one thing that city skylines really added to just the mimic was the dirt roads we don't have that in simcity uh i did rather enjoy that okay now we're going to go ahead and invite in dirty industry but as you may know i don't like dirty industry because it just generally causes a lot of problems for your city and you're better off just avoiding as much of it as you can so we're gonna go ahead and um i might have made this a little bit wide here well we'll have a lot of industry yeah no actually you know we're probably better off just fixing it from now on you know this avenue is too far out we'll bring it back but we'll leave it as it is for now a lot of little readjustments like this but they're important to notice early on because it's even something slightly off it's going to ruin everything later on see like that was too much room for industry but it's because the agricultural zones kind of demand a lot so let's bring it back maybe like two pips and then do there that's a little bit better that's more reasonable and now we can kind of export our pollution you know what i mean like just let it go off the map just throw it into the ocean uh like like you're supposed to um there we go that's tic-tac-toe that's nice okay speed up time because they do demand dirty industry but again we'll just raise taxes on dirty industry because life isn't fair we're going to raise that up to just like i would say 13 and a half percent discourage them from moving it and see like they love it here they love it they want to come so badly but we did get some manufacturing out of that and you would be better off with manufacturing the whole way just because manufacturing is like carbon neutral if you will they uh they don't have a carbon footprint they don't have feet at all in fact they don't have feet at all [Music] all right i'm thinking now we could probably build up high density residential and i'm going to go ahead and put this not near the doo doo stain in our city but i'm going to go ahead and put it on the other side of this thing so we'll do like something like this because we do want to get this high rate then i know this area is always going to be high density residential in our city so i want to prepare for that now there we go all right now we go with avenues see now we're getting that good city expenditure ex expanded here because that's a word um that i was kind of seeking earlier on in this uh in this run so i'm actually i'm glad that the game crashed now in fact i'm glad yes i am um yes chuck everything into the ocean why would i put it into the garbage you know uh of course i'm kidding of course i'm kidding um i mean that some of it some of it does go that way unfortunately i'm not we don't live in a perfect world um right now since we were getting pollution with our water supply earlier i think we're just going to put the water pump in our neighborhood because oh actually we could put it right here couldn't we maybe we won't have any road access there i don't know if this thing actually needs it we'll put it there because it's kind of a wasted one space uh and then we will start to spread this out over the rest of our city now the song is starting to make me a little bit depressed so i'm probably gonna change this there were a lot of you know like for as good as this game soundtrack was there were a lot of like real heavy hitters on this soundtrack as well why did i do it like that well whatever it's done the dark deed is done again we'll save super quick just so that that doesn't happen again and then uh yeah i'm there we go transit angst i like this i like this number this one was a hit okay let's check out our budget see if we're raising money by a little bit yeah uh good all right so we know that we're always pretty much going to be centrally locating our population i think we've done a pretty good job just bringing them right in there to begin with uh we have negative demand on everything maybe because of taxes i'm gonna figure out why and why do we have negative demand on everything ah actually aw contraire uh we do need more commercial zonery and they do want some high tech already that's fantastic we want them to want high tech high high-tech is great uh the sooner you can get high-tech into your town the better so we're gonna expand high-tech probably out onto this side um probably just gonna end up demolishing a couple of these farms we have room for it we don't really have room to start educating our people yet they're just they're pretty poor um they can't pay taxes yeah we can't really give them an education unfortunately yet by holding shift while placing rci lots it removes roads from the equation i did not know that hey thank you sean honnery much appreciated my two bottom left agricultural zones oh thank you i did not see that yep right you are right you are now there are a few little tricks that you can play with the roads in this game and that is nice that is quite nice we'll just connect that as well because it's more vainage in our city now i don't want these to be this wide so i'm going to again bring this back we've made the mistake here we're not going to repeat it so much uh about that much room how many is this 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20. this is about 20 spaces so let's just kind of count that out 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20. all right this is about 20 actually okay visually that does not look like the same this appears to be wider than this but then this is tall but i guess that's just due to the isometric angle yeah so notice it does kind of play tricks on you man isometry is just so interesting is isometry a word if it's not i would like it to be added to the dictionary all right here we go so let's go ahead and create our high-tech zone we don't have enough money money we need money oh that is interesting look at how holding shift down does that marvelous marvelous marvelous let's just do that for now because they'll figure it out now the high tech should bring in a lot of money oh i forgot that they don't have power yeah uh not doesn't really seem worth it to connect that zone like that so let's just add in another residential zone uh can we build it underneath the highway i'll do whatever it takes there we go all right good enough i didn't want to have to build power poles marvelous marvelous hey nero how are you my friend yeah i know i i don't like the square counting i do i gotta say like i kind of enjoyed the gridless stuff that they did in cities skylines and i'll try not to compare this and that the whole time but it just kind of makes you think of where stuff went because i thought that was that that was like a really good city building game and you know that's i think after sim city then city skylines was like the next big one surprised that i didn't really ever see a sim city five i guess there is that new sim city that they created but that was wasn't that a bit more of like a lighter game something like that okay so we do want um people to move into our city so we could lower taxes just in general on residential i think high tech will start to move in this looks like manufacturing i'm not sure if it's wealthy enough for them to come in but we might also need to educate our people um [Music] the truth is that we just need more people i don't mind lowering taxes a little bit just to lure them in lure them in with the promise of uh low taxes because we got the room for it we might as well right now might as well aren't i a great mayor i've lowered all of your taxes don't even have to pay me anything we'll just get it from the businesses we'll just get it from the businesses of course and we do need to have kind of like a fundraiser at the start because after you do your first push see now we're generating 500 a month and it's going to go up from here we got the land uh the demand isn't quite there yet but you know we got to educate our people so we give it some time and this is generally speaking where the original sim city was tough because he couldn't speed up time or not to this to this level see like we just saved from 13 000 to 16 000 that would have taken like a whole day of sitting in front of your super nintendo at which point you would have been offered like 40 scammy loans throughout the entire course of the game so don't do that you know be smart we could destroy the highway section to earn more money but i want to leave it there just so that just to make a point just to make a point i gotta say though yeah like for all that the gridless city planning i really there's something there's some part of me that really enjoys seeing squares like i'm a bit of a tight uh wha what is that i was is it the tight wad right yeah bit of a tight wad so i enjoy squares uh here we go but aren't we all like if you enjoy this yeah like there's probably some party that's that's kind of a tight wad i would just imagine i would just imagine no shade thrown no shade thrown i'm just being honest just being honest uh here we go you gotta get rid of this goddamn pizzeria why is the demand low in this town though i'm trying to figure it out what things can we do we could raise tax oh sorry lower taxes whoops so used to raising taxes what other kinds of things well they don't have any education sims lacking in lifespan maybe we need to give them like one local service let's start off with early elementary education we won't do much more than that but just so that we could get our sims maybe getting up toward high tech over time a little early but i'm going to allow it and we're going to build over these yeah we're going to build over your house sorry i just i like this spot too much actually this is more central yeah we'll do that good enough good enough okay so more folks are moving in and around the school that's good to see accountant's still happy with me uh you're gonna be happier in a moment yeah good all right all my advisors are happy with me we're still making money i'm okay with this uh and we can probably take off some from the local schools funding because we just don't have that many kids yet and now this means that later on when we get a high school it'll be worth it it does actually take some time for your sims to get educated yeah we don't want them getting too smart now either we don't want them getting too smart just elementary school learn to count learn some fractions but then that's it no you know no nuclear physics we don't want any um we don't want any nuclear fallout disasters like we had in the last uh city that was quite bad quite bad but see you know our revenue hasn't really revenue on the state [Music] yeah revenue our revenue hasn't really suffered [Music] late i don't how do you say that in french what was the was it which king louis was that in france who was a little uh it was a little sus him saying that don't you think i am the state the divine right of kings but yeah let's not kid ourselves this game is basically uh that yeah louis xvi the guy whose head they took off that's like pretty much the only numbered i guess henry viii too any king who took off a lot of people's heads that was kind of messed up yeah glad we live in our time glad we live in our time okay how the hell is this car going to get there we're actually going to have to pave the road wait can they get there yep they got there they just did it from that section of road that was fine now we don't want to have the industry expand too much more we could have done that near the power plant too a little bit i regret that uh we will lower taxes on high tech as well because we want to attract them in asap i think this has been a pretty good tax policy for the whole time we lower them to eight and we raise dirty industry let's raise dirty industry even to like 14 or 15 because i really don't want dirty industry sticking around here too long okay not bad [Music] not bad our sims are getting a little bit smarter we got some money in our pocket again so now what do we build i guess is the question well we want to make land more desirable so let's look at some of the data views education everyone's still dumb as a box of rocks uh not too much crime we won't need to do that for a while we got some fire hazards but we got a decent centrally located firehouse desirability let's see wealthy desirability not really very large space but other people want to move in um commercial what about high-tech industry so high-tech industries sort of wants to move in but it wants to move into like the residential areas um interesting okay water we don't have much water power is fine traffic zones traffic is going to be great in the city land value mayor rating health health other stuff okay so me thinks from for now let's go continue to build out our infrastructure just because that's going to connect all of the rest of the city so let's do like here we're definitely going to be building up this avenue oh no avenue why won't you build out oh probably because i haven't finished this off yet let's go over here i just want that in place so that i can change it later there we go okay that's good uh cool yeah we'll build an on-ramp just destroy those two people's houses for that uh sorry um and then we'll go ahead and build out a bit more now it seems to me like the one thing that there is demand for is high tech industry and it sort of could develop over here so let's keep on building this section like we were before and then if we do this it's gonna be a little bit funky but funky's okay for now um hey i mean even if the overall demand is negative at least the manufacturers in the high tech one can i get a house next to the dump would like a place to rummage around after all one sims trash is another sims treasure and be cool true true hey vay what's up my brother oh god man that was pretty clever damn how are you doing bae what have you been up to lately how's life ah vivictis making a self-driving car hey what's up alex how are you my brother sim city isn't it such a throwback the soundtracks to these games was just off the charts oh god man i got to catch up with you man i've been trying to catch my breath lately i feel like i was behind on a lot of stuff good to see you though how are you doing ah now what is this track the only thing that is quite unfortunate about this has compared with cities is that you can um um okay they aren't fully filling up this five dollar fill up um oh they need commercial zones they need commercial zones to fill in the rest of this okay well then a commercial zone it is a commercial zone it is i feel like when i get pretty excited i start to sound like bernie sanders [Music] maybe that's like a no he's not even well yeah he's from brooklyn maybe it's like a living near brooklyn thing [Music] i love i grew up like right outside of brooklyn it just kind of like okay now this is getting a little bit disturbing it's getting a little bit disturbing wait i know this song gets a little too exciting as well i think we'll have bohemian street jam here we go i still don't know what bohemian means it's very uh avant-garde very avant-garde why does that keep coming up bohemian it's cause they couldn't name it bohemian rhapsody i suppose oh yes i forgot that we need water for high-tech industry why did i leave this out of the equation such an such a dingus i've been damn ah guys remember remind me to not be a dingus don't be a dingus like old uncle amphibian uh i can't wait to be an uncle one day really hope i get the opportunity to be an uncle if i uh sounds like such a weird ambition if my sister ever has any kids then i'll be an uncle or if i discover a brother that i didn't know i had or something like that or another sister that i didn't know hello dingus oh challenge accepted right brook thank you very much for the sub uh much appreciated you you dunderhead you've done yeah these are some words i want to bring back bigger school slash yeah really pack them in there man now unfortunately we got offered that when our population grew okay so good demands are very healthy now took a little while to figure it out but wow we went straight to high-tech industry that's fantastic these guys fantastic yeah um is this yeah this is high-tech it's the white smoke it's not the there we go this is manufacturing oh this manufacturing that's still produces smoke interesting i won't be i wasn't gonna be a dingus i wasn't planning on it wake up in the morning looking like p diddy put my glasses i'm on the uh floor i'm gonna be a dingus roughly in the words of cassia i think except for the dingus part why does that song just like stay with me kesha what a lyricist man when i wake brush my teeth with a bottle of jack because when i leave for the sim city i'm probably not gonna come back oh jesus oh kesha you absolute shakespearean writer it does there's something about those songs there's something about those songs just stays with me ah this is like a good sinister song to keep it going all right so we got high tech demand we got agricultural demand we don't really care for the agriculture of the man we don't want to really expand in that way anymore so let's just go ahead and build more residences and more opportunities for high tech to come in here especially behind the other high tech is where they'll want to live because high tech kind of demands to move into like residential neighborhoods it's a little odd but i mean a lot of cities if you live in it like a very nicely laid out sitting they'll often do this like you know an office in a residential area maybe they're making semiconductors there or something and there's some engineer who's like i've got no commute because i make semiconductors like i know this guy uh near me who he sells vacuums it was the most interesting job i've ever heard of not like vacuums like uh like the brave little toaster i'm i'm talking about like space space such an interesting job though all right so we've got some healthy uh demand going on there we've got some healthy demand love to see that some good healthy demand we could expand out our highway system now if we wanted to but i'm thinking that let's just go ahead and continue to build residential zones here because we've already got them in the radius of the school we might as well do that um if i put high tech on the hill is it higher tech oh god i think if you go high enough you get the space program yeah oh that was pretty funny that was pretty funny uh you are a punster man you guys are just like the funniest oh zone is too large okay we got a a farm on a fire see i some of the fires in this game are just irrational like i had a whole city with um folks who were working in like these dickensian factories and then we had a fire on an orange grove just why like it didn't make any sense let's go have an emergency safe oh wait no we can't during a disaster whoops yeah occasionally the game has been crashing so we want to just keep an eye on that i don't know if it's because i changed the resolution or if it's just because this game was not originally made for windows 10 i honestly have no idea but you know i'm not a i'm not a computer scientist or anything so yeah um where does this one go okay so this goes one beyond that i'm actually okay with these road placements i will allow these to be a part of our city but i don't want them you know what can they move in let's just find out well will they move in in the middle of the cloverleaf not a very nice place to live probably because you're just it's kind of like having a motive traffic around you all the time yep much as i suspected that is just an ass place to live and no one will ever live there what we could probably do there would be i don't know like some kind of park or some type of greenery if we can somehow do that um can we like seed some trees yeah like this is kind of interesting if we do some trees around there because we really aren't going to have anything else look at that look we we planted it the best time to oh palm trees yeah yeah i love that uh let's see noble fur trees i i do say that they're they're no i do say they're noble hmm all right not perfectly symmetrical but it's okay it's okay uh let's go in like this i do get a little bit like uh obsessive over getting everything uh symmetrical you know there we go good build them up cram them in oh high capacity capacity uh jail i mean high school there we go um no high school is a great place high school is a great place i love school don't question it um oh yeah we gotta we gotta give them high school because they how the hell are they manufacturing all of these semiconductors low ph of the acetic acid in the oranges is known to be highly combustible under the correct temperature and humidity obviously yeah yeah ah man i didn't know any of that any of you guys ever do that experiment where you like you make a potato into electricity or something see that seemed pretty interesting to me like you take the chemical energy i was thinking like if i eat a potato could i plug something in to my to my body but i'm still looking for the outlet so that's where i'm that's where i'm unfortunately at right now i still can't seem to locate it [Music] um so what how is our city doing we've got the uh we got the demand up now we do want to prevent some other problems before they occur so let's go keep an eye on our advisors so yeah um they don't have any health that's okay a little bit but we want to get them some high school education let's get a large capacity high school and we'll put this near the other one now since we're going to have most of our residences in the middle wow this situation really does work out right um put it there that'll pretty much cover all of our residential zones but if we put it over here it might cover future ones i don't really want to kill the property values over here but also i might just kill the property values over here a little bit or not even sorry not kill the property values just destroy the people um yeah destroy the people it's okay i didn't really love it there but whatever um local funding there we go probably not gonna have that many students at first because most of people here are just dinguses uh but yeah here we go no hospitals just live with it okay good she just lived with it thank you for taking uh that answer hmm okay we could get it's just so tempting all right we're gonna connect out to the other region for no particular reason oh yes look at all those other homes that we destroyed but such a nice even way of destroying people's homes don't you think so we've done that i think that this city is starting to look pretty good don't you think let's save it um good so let's go ahead and we will start to connect this to the rest of simnation because uh well everybody's got a commute and the nice part is that it's pretty easy to get on a highway from practically anywhere in this town and yet for a lot of the town it's not very invasive of course for the center of the city everyone just hates their life but you know that's uh that's their problem why didn't we offer the road connection here is it because we're well we're probably going to just destroy these property values but eventually they'll become high-rise apartments too so they they'll just have to learn to live with it um that did absolutely nothing yeah why didn't we get unwrapped and off-ramps offered uh let's go figure that out oh perhaps it's because it's an avenue no we shall still should have been offered it still puzzling that one out okay we'll figure it out otherwise we'll just do another on-ramp or an off-ramp somewhere else but see these on and off ramps did connect to this avenue so that gives me great hope [Music] hey crom door hey how are you krondor yeah this game is my childhood too it's like we're brothers only closer okay you know i think no health for these people we just gave them high school education they'll have to learn to use webmd on their own and make questionable healthcare decisions uh we're gonna go ahead and just look it up you'll be he'll be fine lowering taxes on the dirty people so dirty the dirty dirty people those peop those dirty actually they aren't that dirty anymore they've kind of come around they've they've washed out their mouths with a bar of soap uh i still love that demand for high tech industry we did build a high school okay i'm remembering this now with the game crash that was awful yeah windows 10 stability mods that would be a good thing to look into all right well the residential demand is coming back up have we lowered our residential taxes as we probably should a little bit uh 8.5 that's good uh we also want to lower it on i'm gonna go just ahead and just do this for the future i'm gonna lower it on middle and high wealth commerce because it doesn't make that big of a difference and it is gonna encourage them eventually to come in actually it might not be service i take this back i'm gonna leave those at nine i'm gonna bring down the office incentives to eight though because i want them to come in and start building commercial skyscrapers uh because that's really cool and if you can get it to happen it's just i see that as being the point of this game to get a bunch of big big skyscrapers too all right our people are still pretty dumb though uh not saying that it'd be mean but it's just it's true look they are seething with dumb uh the other thing that we could probably do here is i never like to build these small elementary schools i'm gonna go ahead and just as long as i can build this one yup yeah there it is there we go okay goodbye elementary school even with the kids inside just avert your eyes please for a moment oh it's horrible um fictional atrocities all right well that's good we've covered almost everyone we can slightly increase that radius too just by going in and oh look at this local bus funding we could have people like dirty harry come in and transport the kids to school wouldn't everyone be happy with that uh this funding is way too high there we go okay now we want to micromanage those things a little bit because school funding can change your fortunes it can be extremely expensive to overfund a school and just drain from the city's lifeblood until eventually you need it you'll have like teachers rioting and stuff but that's just kind of the way it works in this game yeah i i love this game though too because the fact that we messed up in our last run like games were pretty tough games were more inaccessible and i would say more poorly balanced in the past i don't know if i would really say that this is poorly balanced but i mean i struggled as a 12 year old in uh simcity and i i kind of liked it i enjoyed this i kept playing it a lot i enjoyed struggle as a kid that sounds really odd but yeah like that's that's what makes games fun is because it's uh uh it's all about you know struggling having a hard time and then getting upset and crying that's what it's about oh god i'm such a baby as a kid i remember when i couldn't beat the nfl legends in nfl street i just started crying it was really funny i was so upset it was but i still remember that as like one of the most satisfying games that i peed i think i was really young and be honest but it was it was like it was a few days ago but but um yeah yeah nfl street those nfl legends were pretty hard but that was one of those games that uh ea their studios ea sports big they were responsible for that i don't know if they're still around they made nba street nfl street those are great games hey zero zero zero zero zero zero zero mage hey thanks very much for the four months how are you yeah and not to mention a lot of endorphins being released like i get a jolt of excitement in me whenever i see these buildings get built just so good to watch the buildings get built and look we have a decent selection of property values you could live on the just i don't know why this side of town isn't good uh but this side of town is clearly uh good and this side is like in the middle so that's we want more of that i don't understand why somebody would want to live that close to a highway though yeah look the house is immediately indecay look our palm trees are growing up into the road we really can't do anything about that i uh that is a little bit jarring can we get rid of that yeah we're going to have to delete that later we're going to have to delete that later you can also label your neighborhood so i'm not going to do it because it kind of it's going to make me look like a nerd but i don't want to look like a nerd when i'm playing simcity ah this is such a great track in this soundtrack all right so now we wait there's a little bit of waiting too but i don't know i feel like that's part of the game it's just observing and watching and enjoying ah here we go okay more truck dispatchers this bat dispatch whatever they are satchels dispatchers okay some of these games though i feel like are just isn't there gosh i feel like roguelikes and roguelites have come up over the last couple of years uh i believe there are some roguelike city builders a couple of them i wanted to try out go down maybe we'll go down this rabbit hole now that we've done simcity all right a couple like little archaic bits about this game though you can't speed through disasters like we're forced to watch him do that you daw man hey you da man yeah hey thanks for the resub i've ride nine two months god bless how are you doing sim farm yeah we got to go back through all those other sim games well i was kind of tempted to go on ebay and buy the herbs sims in the city that was one of my favorite games as a kid the gba ones they just said fantastic writing those and uh the sims busting out which uh i was almost not allowed to get as a kid because uh my mom thought that it was had some bad stuff in it uh but i had to explain that that wasn't like uh but there was nothing bad in the game of course um yeah but um i don't know it brings me back that was actually um i think my sister enjoyed playing uh the sims she was uh there were really that many games that she played but it was like uh it was very much a younger brother in that way pretty much you know trying to get them to uh trying to get your sibling to play with you um oh jesus look at this the chain their zone no not cayenne standing opal that's funny when i was a kid i would always go over my friend's house and he had a all these older brothers so they were playing like halo and all this stuff that was just would never be allowed in my house when i was a kid but uh i think that's where a lot of my gaming tastes go back to because we didn't have a computer like we didn't have a great computer it was like my mom would have to work on that when i was a kid and we some of the stuff that i was trying to run on it made the computer run so slow computers have gone so much faster over the last few decades um wow decades yeah really the last couple of decades i think that's why i enjoy computer gaming though is because consoles were much more accessible back then but it's kind of it's kind of changing now consoles are so expensive it's weird weird to have seen that all do a 180. anyway now i'm getting a little bit uh fanciful here but yes that is all very good good and well oh yeah we got to do this ah this makes the planning of the plots is so much better wow look at that oh i can't stand it nopal all right this is a little bit just wasted space probably come in there but it wouldn't really be worth it d-zone give me my dollar back or my simoleon they even had their own made-up currency in these games those so charming so charming uh oh no the toys r us guy told your yeah you remember that when you were a kid when you'd have to go into gamestop and they'd tell your mom about uh all the bad stuff happening in the game you know technically it was considered pawning i was not very good at holding on to money as a kid so i would uh i would like sell back games a week after but what a horrible thing right you know all those physical games that i lost but i bought a lot of crap too some great games in my collection but well i also didn't have any money as a kid either so it's like you could mostly just go on ebay now so one of my most prized possessions is i own a sealed copy of the lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring for gba like shrink wrap and all and i i'm not really the type to collect that type of stuff but like it's i want to save that forever even if i were to play the game i'd probably buy an open copy just because i want to be able to pass down what it looked like to have physical games now that there are so many fewer physical games around can't stand an opal well you never i can't stand an opal [Laughter] uh i think no i'm not really i'm not that old i talk about it like that i'm kind of a zoomer i think i do remember windows 95 though windows 95 and being like ooh windows 2000 ooh like 2 000 that kind of whole y2k thing going on i don't i don't remember all the paranoia with people about y2k but i remember the excitement around it watching the the ball drop on new year's eve what an unfortunate phrase you know everyone watches the ball drop on new year's eve physical games are reserved for consoles nowadays and also too you know all the day one updates on consoles i did have kind of a nostalgia trip a couple of years ago when i uh i went out and i nabbed a like an xbox one and a ps4 i don't know why i think it was just to like have a physical copy of something it was a huge waste that i like never play them because i just play pc stuff but yeah a lot of it is like internet updates now you can hardly even put in the disc i was just amazed [Music] but yeah i don't know time will tell i haven't done much console stuff in a while man this music is so forlorn now i kind of feel that though save save we don't lose let's go ahead and switch the track switch the track i need something have we heard rush hour yet rush hour is everyone's favorite i'm feeling like it's time for rush hour stuff gets done in the city when rush hour plays okay environment lady oh yep garbage okay you're right i am garbage it's garbage from garbage i began into garbage i returned uh let's see okay so what we're gonna do here is a waste to energy plant uh hopefully that will melt down soon enough we'll do a landfill just so we can keep an eye on how much garbage there is but we really want this thing to be small because we can't we can't be producing garbage on a normal basis you know what i mean and we've also got a no why is it we're really better off not doing a lot of fire we could do smoke detector programs but i don't want to waste the money right now i mean at least the fi the uh the firemen are earning their money make them work make them work for it all right so we've got the recycling so we lower the amount of garbage come on get happy environment lady there we go why are you upset no hospital's too bad everyone dies uh everyone dies oh let's think uh come on okay maybe maybe i do need another fire truck now they do seem to be all happening in this part of town um we could divide this up into like quadrants all right let's just make sure that we're making money though yeah we're not making money anymore come on nate you're just gonna have to burn while i earn money literally the city is burning down right now so that i can earn money and there is no demand either well there is high tech demand we will move in more high tech here yeah let's do that oh ps4 see i would prefer to have like a ps1 to a p like a p two four six i gotta do it again two uh damn it two four six eight 10 12 14 16 18 20. i think that's 20 so 22 there we go okay so that's about ah so i kind of messed this up but it's all right you know we're just gonna have to live with it i have to live with it so we want to make places where high tech is in demand because that's literally the one thing that people want right now i guess we'll just open up another block i don't know why they haven't filled up this one man don't you just don't you just feel that vibe going when when we play uh this is the best track on this man it's such a good song gerald williams and move him into one of the houses oh yeah make a sim and move them see i haven't really even explored this whole facet of the game let's go do that for one second while we wait for our ass city to continue developing oh we could create like brian newby or whoever it is uh which one do i most look like really none of them yeah none not a single one of these let's keep it a mystery [Music] hagar topeka the sim names are great sofia spamoni carmine mercury yep they all sound vaguely like adult you know where i'm going with this yeah dad be too much and it gives you his astrological sign like i am a capricorn so i'll move in my sim uh just an arrow he's gonna live in just this pieces oh no he can't now can i solidify okay he's gonna have a great actually no tad bituman he lives he has a pretty bad life he lives in uh he lives in the low rent apartments he drives a long commute to work today every day he hums hi-ho for new job fumes for females i mean firehouse here we go home sign wealth just one dollar i totally forgot about this section of this game it's great oh my god we could have him ride around on it this is where the sims got really wacky it was like it was controlled wackiness in this game though you know it didn't get too wacky yeah an adult human person they all they all sound like adult human people yeah but there was definitely something that made a sim name like a sim name and not a name you know what i mean i guess not anybody that's like will wright thought of that ah damn it my pipe wasn't close enough to the edge though it could just be that the pipes are becoming lacking in water supply now well they're very picky in this part of town but hey i mean at least they're moving in more high-tech industries practically without any push being needed okay we send out the trucks you know it keeps happening in this part of town even if it does rob us of much-needed taxpayer dollars let's just go ahead and build one because damn it oh actually you know what i gotta figure out is oh and we could do a day-night cycle too that would be pretty interesting don't you like that ooh that looks like it's going to crash the game though let's save it no there we go ah windows 10 compatibility oh look at that that's kind of nice now maybe a little hard to see i'll do one or two of them but that is nice it's a whole facet of this game i i didn't even look at all right let's let's see if we get that taxpayer money first no one's happy with me look at this guy he's this guy's just dabbing intimidatingly menacingly oh god accountant ladies happy why is the count lady happy are we yeah we are barely making money but why are you happy with me yep yeah i don't even need you i that's like the only thing i need to do here we go uh trash tottering let's go see okay the landfill is the land full now uh that's no good that's no good okay if i cancel out wait he's green now again he's right uh but how are we producing this much trash i'm trying to decide if we should get another waste to energy plant or a recycling plant so let's go read up on each one so recycling plant reduces city garbage by twenty percent but this thing just takes garbage and produces power with it monthly cost is one thousand i mean it pollutes heavily awesome cheat code to make your advisors llamas oh god what is that cheat code do you know that i would like llama advisors though i do kind of like the ones that they are there how much do it generate again 5 000 per month monthly cost a thousand okay so it's way expensive but it does have the function of reducing the amount of garbage this i guess we're reducing garbage by like 40 percent though let's see if we can get a second recycling center and if that reduces the amount of garbage enough that they can start burning the garbage in here because i've seen them burn down the garbage in the landfills they will take the garbage out of the landfills i will turn this car around mister unless if he's upset about are we like running out of power too i'm gonna say if we make him be less upset for a minute he always gets upset with me he's very testy uh you know i think that this was a mistake i think that this was a mistake let's just go on with another one of those trash burners burn all of the trash burn it all burn it all the dolly oh is it dalai lama ah that's pretty funny still the waste energy plants the monthly funding to zero so it won't pose oh but it does take care of the trash oh you absolute genius wait is that a real thing these things can melt down as well okay i believe hey thank you very much i did not know that hey thank you is city skylines worth getting i like city skylines um it does a lot of things that this game never did um kind of like a different taste of the same genre but i don't know check out some videos sims lacking in lifespan okay maybe we they do need a hospital now because we need them to live long enough to become smart and i just don't think that they're reaching that let's splurge a bit because we just got rid of that thousand dollar monthly cost and yet we are getting rid of the garbage so let's go ahead and do um let's do one hospital and we can pretty much just do this smack dab in the middle of the city uh this will raise property values so these people look do like a little bit impoverished generally speaking uh you want to raise up your whole cities i mean i guess you want to raise up your whole city's property values right you want them all to live an upwardly mobile lifestyle over time yes more of this more of this maybe they'll even do something perhaps bohemian control x to impla input the code let me try that out give me a second that's crazy that's crazy just have to take care of putting out these fires and we also want to reduce this local funding there we go let's lower this significantly because the just not that many people most of the people here just stay alive forever they don't die of course they don't die their computer programs why would they die let me try that out uh except yeah we need to go ahead and do some more of these gifts the gifts are really good okay so dalai lama you say dalai lama does that work should that change my advisors oh my god they are llamas i don't want them to stay like that forever because they look more like satanic than like real llamas can i have them back but that is kind of funny and maybe uh they still do kind of dab angrily at me holy cow this is why the sims was so amazing wow so control x with yeah look they're doing llama dabbing i wonder what happens if i do it again can i change it back to normal nope okay sorry your llamas forever it's like a bad uh thing of goosebumps but at least oh that's weird okay so it did there was like a delay on it so dalai lama okay so i can make them into llamas as i please well that is good to know that is good to know all right okay i'm i'm kind of liking this better now it's like it's more just uh of a flippant uh oh look he's so respectful this llama okay yes uh you want private institutions because you don't really have to pay for them it's kind of nice for your city you don't have to worry about it too much let's go ahead and we'll put in a church there just that place was de-watered anyway so we might as well do it um who else you're not hat you haven't been happy with me for a long time uh i don't like you here we go landfill the landfill you know let's build a little bit more landfill just so we can keep an eye on the trash just for a bit longer and then we'll uh maybe we'll maybe we'll give this thing a bit of funding so that it can get some power maybe it'll get this guy off my case just a little bit oh it still does no look there it's trash incinerated tons i like that i like that let's give it a bit though just because he still seems to be upset with me brave need and uh yes okay here we go we're getting all the events that we want now okay so we've got the uh the church you want to have churches around anywhere that you want to have built up so let's go ahead and um go into our commercial district and just instead of one of these scammy car dealerships we could put uh maybe this in there this place looks like garbage and we said we were gonna get rid of the pizzerias so let's do that and then we'll do um the other gifts no i keep getting offered cemeteries is this like a threat or is it do they really like me [Music] we should also put in our mayor's house let's put it in somewhere that's already very wealthy this place looks decrepit uh these all look decrepit so let's just put it there the mayor's house area is going to be very high value so that's important um man there's going to be a very high wealth neighborhood when we get farther on i know you love pizza but i i haven't had good pizza this music is upsetting no i don't like this much better you know for all of the good tracks in this there are a lot of them that i i wince that not like that i don't like them but that they like you know i i am filled with fear as i hear them okay let's take care of one problem at a time let's check out our landfill situation if we're still producing them we're going to have to create another okay yes we are still producing um i will accept the prison because you seem like a wise llama but uh actually prison wouldn't be so bad as the other things and we might need to get our budget out yeah this is a big bad budget uh we will need to raise taxes we will need to raise taxes but let's go ahead and get another recycling plant because these people are really needy and they don't produce anything i don't like you start to dislike your citizens the more you play this great city that's just a giant landfill like every other city uses it for their garbage but we charge them rent or something yeah i could see that happening all right let's um accept that nuclear base contract again oh unfortunately it is it is going to cost us money to figure out this budget utilities is very expensive for us let's go ahead and check out what we're using in terms of power okay yeah we are producing way too much power we can just take down our total power production buy like a lot that's good sanitation department for some reason all we do is just create crap so that's not great but let's give that a second to adjust so that the data can come to us i'm going to save again i've said so many crashes that have happened to me it's or it's not so much that i've had a lot of crashes it's that when i do have a crash because there's no auto save it's further debilitating okay that's perfect so we're meeting demand demand is rising but the city's budget is oh crap we shouldn't have time sped up when we don't have our budget met uh there we go i'll do a statue of myself in a minute health and education um health maybe not so important education let's go ahead and check out our high school because our high school might be over funded still i think i did keep that a little bit overfunded student capacity number yep yeah so we don't really need that much because it is expensive you really need to adjust those budgets okay we're back in the green accountant should be happy with me good she's fine power man why could you come on i've done so much for you power man yup yeah yep claim that i am the prince of darkness oh oh ooh bed man how do we not have enough money for our power oh yeah because the power needs kept rising all right i will fund the power then again needy people come on just try some candles try some candles can you believe these people do i watch practical engineering on youtube no i i think what did what was the channel i watched uh that guy stuff made here the guy who does the uh he does like all the machine learning stuff i thought that was kind of neat those types of channels are really cool though kind of like that whole mark rober uh type of thing all right let's see if we're becoming less of a dingus over time hmm good taste though good taste hey i'm black how are you health is yeah health is for the living graph on power come on tell me well of course the power need went down because we stopped producing it there we go okay now they're more or less exactly the same we do want to have that out uh outscaling that though and we are getting some offers for really nice things like universities now this is good um i'm gonna raise the power budget a little bit more too because you really don't want this one to go down even if it goes out for a bit it's upsetting upsetting for everyone buff it by like 500 okay we're close enough to budget now though that i think that the demand will fill in come on can't stand an opal ah damn it okay we've got a healthy amount of um low wealth residential demand we could probably zone some more of those things while we still have the funds before we run out of money and then get more taxpayers to come here so i think i'm gonna go ahead and do that uh let's make these high density why do i feel st i like sense stress in my voice maybe it's when when the budget isn't balanced i i feel like viscerally uncomfortable yeah i get upset i get worried what if we run out yep okay evil neighborinos and i enjoyed the greetings video i remember the robot in the beginning laughing face oh i love the robot the robot was such fun hey happy you enjoyed the video i was so pleasant to me to see that people like simcity glad i got to catch the stream i didn't get an alert on the last couple how's simcity treating you oh it's divine i drown in our sin i do love your name hey robo robo engineer leo are you too how are you guys thank you very much for the subs uh sim cities i don't know this city is treating me better than the last city we've actually got something reasonable going up now if only they would pay their taxes but the other truth is that we've established enough infrastructure that now we can comfortably grow the rest of the city uh we've got ooh radio station everyone loves the radio station intensify skeptical smiley face love you ambi cult the sim city does oh i deleted the uh the first one because i was uh actually wait the first one yes i did delete that one because i had like all of my uh my desktop visible at one point and i had my steam and everything so i was just like don't want to dox um but yeah it was also that the volume was very high uh i had that issue with the main video because the music was way too loud because i wanted to make uh i wanted to pay homage to the game's soundtracks which i honestly think this is the best soundtrack of like any game uh but yeah it was way too loud so i just i didn't think it was very palatable as a vod trying to raise my vods standard lately you know raise my vod standards that's what most of youtube used to be when i first started watching it was a lot of like vods long form stuff but i sometimes i feel like i'd like to do a little bit of a better job with it but that's kind of like my mission statement for the vod channel is just don't really do any editing just have fun uh nothing editing is not fun i've kind of talked about this before but um you know sometimes it's just kind of you want a game that's pretty much it hey drown in our cinema thank you for gifting the two subs much appreciated yeah i haven't done any mods uh maybe when i get decent at the main game and i get bored of the main game generally speaking that's how i go through with the mods whenever i'm tired of the main gamer i feel like i wish this were in the main game then i go out seeking mods until then though i i don't like to play with mods at the beginning because then i can't distinguish what's in the vanilla from what's modded which can also become problematic but uh yeah that's a that's a novel thought [Music] the zone oh i didn't mean to disown you no i'm sorry for destroying your house there we go all right this city is looking better [Music] okay we're building up we're making money again we're making money and we still have farmland we could probably get rid of those farmlands in time hey kg cow are you he thinks it's almost time for another fire station but at the same time like you can kind of afford to have some fires happening in your city but you know we might want to get more high-tech developing here and high-tech kind of demands that fire's already be put out for it so let's go ahead and take care of that now uh if we did a large fire station large fire station i feel like is kind of valueless because let me explain this only because a large fire station is kind of like a small fire station but larger um and you need to spread out your fire stations too because response time counts for these types of things but i mean do you feel me on that did i ever play the new simcity which tried to make it a bit online i've never actually played that one i've heard good things about it though maybe there was like this lost sim city that you know folks didn't really know about this lost sim city that never never really discover uh its potential yeah small fire station is like a large fire station but smaller oh god [Music] okay a little bit more funding is not that bad let's check on our schools too we don't want them rioting actually this elementary school is over funded wow good thing i checked on that i should pay you less [Music] some city societies as well yeah i don't know i just there's something about this graphical style that's so relaxing to me it reminds me of the like the factorio style all of that other stuff this game ran pretty well too as i recall i think i've heard it's single thread processing so you need to like force it onto one when you're on your modern uh computers or whatnot but i know nothing about computer science that was literally just a comment that i read yesterday but oftentimes despite all of the like you know ballyhoo and uh uh miscreants in the youtube comments there's also i mean 95 of the things said on youtube are good information maybe not 95 but a lot of it is very positive for all of the kind like bad bally who that you hear about um a lot of it is very good and i've learned a lot of how to play games i wouldn't get like other more advanced sophisticated you know bohemian opinions perhaps from it but uh actually i don't want any of this yeah that's too expensive we'll do that later on in our city when we're more ready for it but yeah yeah that's how it is maybe we could connect up this other side of the city nah not gonna be too ambitious here we just don't have that much money money uh okay let's do another commercial zone yeah the the funny part is that building zones is just a great way to raise money [Music] oh whoops that wasn't supposed to be an avenue as all right we'll leave it as an avenue until we eventually turn it into a highway we'll just replace it later on you will pay for your sins you will pay for your sins [Music] okay here we go uh it's too bad that we can't at least preview this okay i'm all right with this and how about this no this is not bohemian [Music] there we go me thinks that you know i'm liking this shift click tool this is way better than the way that i was doing it all this shift clicking is just making every second of my life just pure pleasure wow okay let's wait a month and then we'll give them a road wow hey bazardaki artist thanks very much i also eat food you too we have so much in common what a great icebreaker man i'm gonna say that on the next time i go out on a like uh maybe to get a slice of cake with someone [Music] ah i'm really out of words what am i even saying okay actually i'm sick of this day night cycle no more night only day though actually that did look kind of cool there with all the things lit up oh look it's coming to life oh so exciting traffic the one thing i do wish that happened in this game is if you observe the traffic very carefully you'll notice that cars just kind of fade into and out of existence i guess that's like a memory thing but i thought that was kind of neat in cities skylines how you could actually follow a car back to its home um that was interesting have i saved lately no i have not thank you for that good call we keep losing progress okay this song is getting a little bit tinny what's by the bay have we just heard that one street sweeper free sweeper is not that bad [Music] have i tried open ttd oh open ttd is another one on this list of fantastic amazing games uh openttd as well as you know i never actually played openttv i think i was too young for open ttd but the one i did play was roller coaster tycoon i remember uh we didn't really have a good computer at home but my my mom would take us to the library where they had a computer that could play that i think we had a mac so it couldn't do anything basically in those times because nothing was compatible with with apple like at least none of the stuff that i wanted we didn't have internet explorer we didn't have i believe we couldn't run flash on it or maybe i was just i had a very small brain this was a very old old world like i know that all of these things sound crazy but you couldn't even go on like addicting games on this computer it was wild so whenever you would go to school and we would have recess or something i think i would just kind of like play runescape whatever it was okay this is looking pretty good old-school runescape there we go yeah i guess that's probably contributes to the memory of this game how what makes it so fast i kind of like leaving in some greenery there that's nice leaving in some trees that does look that does look pretty uh too bad we're going to have to get rid of it in order to raise more money for taxes to create larger buildings i also think we need to water this area as well um oh what did i just press there whoops it's not really a very good way of canceling what we just would be nice if you had an undo button as well but ooh didn't mean to do that i think this game might have been a little bit before the time of uh hot keys as well there might be some there might be some that i'm just kind of overlooking oops i made another mistake here we go because it really i mean it's a pretty robust game for how few things you're working with which is really nice you know you don't need a lot of different tools to make it work um but the few tools that you do have can be used in interesting ways all right here we go yep that's good hey cheese what's up my brother how are you doing thanks for very much for the raid what were you guys doing today i guess doing zomboid oh hey thank you welcome in raiders of cheese cheese cheese um i don't know if you were a sim city four guy but we're do we've been jamming to some sim city four today are you do you have any sim city four people i think zomboids graphics were uh largely inspired by the sims so i don't know if that uh resounds with you i guess it's it's kind of like asking if people drink water if people ever played sim city i don't know is that a ridiculous question did you guys play simcity we need more water speaking of water water on my mind here we go okay we're going in with the pipes damn it uh uh nope nope we're not doing that okay we're gonna need to restore water we're gonna need to restore water to the system city's doing pretty well love some city sim city back in the day what was your sim city my guy we're uh i mean i played the original sim city ported to the super nintendo i believe it was this the original sim city or it looks very similar to it uh there's sim caller oh jesus christ uh somebody get me a napkin that was the funniest joke i don't know why why would someone need to get me a napkin all right i'm really running out of stuff to say um i think i'm just gonna go back to building my city hey thank you for the raid though my guy but what was your sim city were you like uh an original sim city guy were you a super nintendo sim city guy were you uh like a sim city four guy were you a sim city 2000 guy were you a sim city 3000 guy were you a sim city societies uh guy were you a sim city retitled to just normal old sim city guy or were you a uh a city skylines guy uh ah the original many moons ago many many moons ago i love that i love that i might have to uh i might have to appropriate that hey thank you very much for the sub hey a paralyzed panda hey thank you very much for the sub too much appreciated my friend all right now we've got a healthy monthly income this city is is coming up in the world um [Music] what should we do next so demand is now at a really healthy point i think it's highest for high tech so we should really focus on that we want to get those guys coming in but we've also got a little bit more room for them where they don't appear to be moving in we've got the fire area covered got a good amount of manufacturing that's nice that's nice oh i don't know what to do here okay now it's suddenly gone negative maybe that's just the is it creating like this weird balancing act our city like this let's just fill in some areas that i wanted to let's go ahead and flesh out this highway system let's take care of our advisors because this guy is not a is not happy now you're fine okay this guy though i was thinking was going to be upset with me okay so what we're going to go ahead and do now is to take out some of our traffic issues we do want to be replacing most of these streets with roads um so yeah oh jesus well we'll have a good response time on that see we've got the fire station right nearby all's well that ends will uh so this block is very very problematic because a lot of people are living in here so we're just going to go ahead and replace all of these trees with roads i know that this doesn't look like it's going to do anything but it it surprisingly does sort of and look they they get to the radio station in time to hear uh you know radio disney or whatever they whatever the kids are listening to nowadays um i think we're good oh you know what we can also just do it this makes it a lot easier to see visualize okay it seems to be in this side of town a little bit more this side in here it's not as bad over there but they do have an avenue there and we are actually going to fill out this highway because you know right now we've traded the long term stability for the short term stability sim city 2000 on ps see they ported this game to so many amazing other uh other consoles and things like that oh we do want to support these local side streets though man this is actually kind of held back our city a bit i hate to say this i don't know maybe just straight up i haven't used we're all right i do think that the elevated highway looks cool though right even if it isn't good doesn't it look cool doesn't it look cool everyone of course it does who are you kidding um now here is an issue with our city is that the roads aren't perfectly lined up so this is going to negatively impact us a bit we'll take that what is this oh private school private school we love private school because we don't have to pay for it um [Music] looks like we've got most of our population educated over there we can add this in over here it's going to further raise the property values they look pretty high already so i'm not sure if that's going to make a huge difference but you know it's just another option um you know let's fill out the elevated highways because that seems pretty important ooh 7600 but look they are raising higher they are raising things higher okay sorry everybody we're going to destroy the road sorry about this yes save the game thank you for getting to save the game i lost a whole hour's worth of progress really do feel like a whole city was just destroyed by losing that hour of progress okay isn't that nice look at that i love that i think we do the highway first and then we do the road so we're going to go straight through the dirty industry that's how you take down uh big bad things there we go okay so we've got this avenue raising the circulation of our town a little bit what is the uh expense now now it is only like 400 a month let's just see how that is and can we create a highway on off ramp see i think i'm building the wrong set of things right here hmm side on rip oh you know what it is perhaps it's because these are perpendicular no but these are also perpendicular now i don't really know why this is happening i don't get the option of on off ramps here and this is you know it really is the dickens it really is the dickens uh a little upsetting really yeah i don't know why we don't get that option maybe if we build like little side roads let's try this uh find somewhere that they're intersecting so if we do this it should no and yet it still doesn't give us on-off rooms maybe because we're too close to the clover leaf there hmm let's have a look at another area so over here it looks pretty open if we just do that yes we are getting the option there so that's what we need to do we need to build roads through this thing um and we're actually getting to the point we're going to need to totally restructure the town uh we could have looked a little bit further into the crystal ball to have this going but see here's a spot where it's very nice because these two roads they line up perfectly so when we do our elevated highway over that see look i love that i mean yeah we destroyed an amazing apartment building but at the same time look at all the good that we did too um okay we have no money left we are raising money though so i'll get over it i'll get over it but it's cool though you know we got an elevated highway this is hard to get done it's hard to get done it's just a more interesting urban design don't you think rather than just blocky avenues in my i opine this i opine this even if it costs a little bit more money it's it's nice it's nice that's what i'm trying to say one thing i wish the city builder games has bigger buildings like uh ah yes yeah the buildings in chicago chicago has a beautiful skyline i visited chicago uh about a year ago i've never been this is an amazing city amazing city i've been there for a long time so i i got to see probably only like the highlights the good things um i don't think it's a perfect city i think it doesn't have a lot of crime in some well i don't know probably not as bad as it used to be supposedly there were a lot of murders when i was visiting the city uh but i made it out i made it out so yeah okay oh look at that yes oh that is nice look at all of the infrastructure in private property oh yeah why didn't we get that option over here oh you know what i think it was it was probably because we had this side street right here and this side street just has no business existing so let's go ahead and just cause chaos for a moment i think we're going to need to just delete this for a moment delete it all and then i'll put it back in a moment that's good um i avoided capture yes i avoided capture i think we'll go highway and then that ah yes and the rush hour theme is playing while we do see the every whenever the rush hour theme plays everything goes well okay this isn't going to this can be a highway to nowhere for a few minutes while we figure this out and then we'll fund the rest of that but that's going to basically solve the rest of the city's traffic problems hopefully because they'll have an elevated highway to get wherever they want to then we can kind of confront them individually oh no i like your city i like your city don't get me wrong don't get me wrong but i'm lucky i made it out of there i'm lucky yeah yeah water department pipes let's go ahead and just look into some of our other can we cut costs on power or anything okay we can cut power costs slightly we're gonna need to we're gonna need to and you know we should probably raise taxes a little bit yeah i think uh people will still want to move in we're trying to save up we got to raise taxes slightly and let's raise it on high tech as well because it was pretty expensive so we make a little bit more money but they got to pay up there's high demand i'm pretty sure that it'll meet it um and you know what else let's go ahead and raise our commercial taxes because we're not up to skyscrapers yet that was a little bit too early of me we'll do that later on in the playthrough but we just kind of need the taxpayer dollars right now um hey on the positive note look at the landfill no more landfill we got the garbage problem taken out that was great we don't really talk about these victories we talk only about the bad things uh but let's celebrate that right stop your hating and start celebrating this commercial district looks like it's going downhill why is everything going downhill in the city ah but look we have this nice big tenement i don't know who else is excited about a large tenement but hey it's growing it's growing okay now we go and look at how satisfying this is gonna ah yeah oh didn't mean to destroy those but yeah it was kind of coming to them ah look at that nice highway system connecting the whole city at least on these parts that's nice i think sim city is four is better than city skylines i think it's kind of apples and oranges i wouldn't uh i wouldn't really directly compare them uh city skylines i would probably play for more hours but this one gives me a bigger hit of nostalgia i like the soundtrack to this that i am allowed to play on youtube more cities skylines has a lot of tracks that are licensed to it that video creators can't actually stream like hook down a feeling by who is it bj thompson thomas who was it whatever um he's the guy who originally sang that song don't quote me on that he sang it for that anyway that's a fine song on that uh on that game but i just i simply can't play it because it would get copyrighted uh but this was an original soundtrack so yeah i do love this game's soundtrack but that's the one i kind of prefer from city skylines also the writing in the sims just brings me back a little bit more nostalgically but city skylines is a fine game and they keep adding things to it that just are making it into like the ultimate city builder and you could just play the sims soundtrack on the side yeah true yeah there is that i don't know i mean it does have this quirky attitude about it probably because it brings back some of the childhood memories but if i were a kid now with a pc i'd probably like city skylines more i don't know but uh to each his own to each his own so what do we have demand for now we do have commercial demand we have decent middle wealth residential demand coming up and are these high i gotta go check my zoning again let's go back into our zones and these are oh these are in fact low density huh i did not know that okay nowhere i would really build on-ramps or off-ramps for these but let's go ahead and just replace these well in a minute in a minute but good to know that these are all low density i think i'll just build wide first again so we'll do another commercial district probably adjacent to this one um uh this is getting kind of pensive no this one's getting disturbing again too that's also disturbing what's something that i recognize night owl that's a good one probably playing a lot of the same tracks several times in a row but forgive me um yeah there's just something like deep and dark and mysterious about the sims it's kind of dark in a lot of ways but that kind of hit me in a way i don't know like you know life is tough true right let's uh let's go ahead over here and it's gonna be a big commercial zone probably just build it all the way out here but i don't want this last section built okay that's pretty good what are we going to build up to we want enough room for maybe one more residential area before the next thing uh we could always just line it up with the next neighborhoods sections so let's do that let's do each this is gonna be a better way to do our why are some of these things just facing each other that is a little weird see what it's doing there it's a little odd we have like little quarters and then those lead to other quarters yeah but look at this that strange that is that's strange yeah like why would those buildings ever face each other you see what i mean so we got to make them even even smaller and smaller blocks all right very well very well i i kind of messed this up no please there we go good okay good oh jesus jesus yeah that's that's what i was talking about good yeah ah that's nice good we gotta block we gotta block victory victory yeah well we could have done the roads first uh fairfare yeah probably would have made it a little bit simpler it's funny like they give you all those easy tools but then it turns out that they're not so easy to use there we go oh it's an option you know it made the game accessible at various levels i do like a game like that though like this uh so for example this sir cities skylines you know you could make it as smart or as stupid as you wanted you can make it a very casual game or you could make it very complex there is that which is kind of nice hopefully we can get another on off ramp here oh we couldn't that might be too close to the other one this bad well it's so close to the other one that it might not even make a difference oh well okay let's see how they developed that and we'll also run some pipes over there starting to occur to me though just how much planning you need to put in if you want to make something that looks really cool in these games because that's my whole goal with these runs you know what i mean save save all right let's watch the city build up a little bit maybe we'll change some incentives oops uh another road over there it looks like we need uh except you should pretty much always accept the gifts well that's a police station but police are a gift um i don't know what i'm saying here we go for some reason i was thinking of that meme of the woman who says jesus is the bread which is so kind of out of context uh was that a tic tac was that a vine maybe that was a vine wow fines i miss vine vine came out when i was a freshman in college or was it it it rose it rose to prominence there we go so 800 uh this is nice you know we could kind of go in with our high tech industry now too we could replace some of these farmlands just because they seem like easy pickings uh yeah let's go ahead and de-zone this entire area because this farm isn't really producing anything oh what what just happened there no everything is fine everything is fine good good oh look it goes right underneath the area that's great i love it when it goes right underneath the area what if they can just build a road underneath oh they can great okay so they don't need to necessarily have it be an overpass phew all right so i'll kind of go in and explain a little bit more of this city's planning rationale now but i think it's a little bit more evident um i was watching some youtube videos and i found a design that i i think i like a little bit better that's the idea that you put all the industrial stuff on the outside because you know even if it has to start off polluting a bit i think we're pretty much all onto manufacturing and high-tech but it at least goes off the map edges you build some residential but mostly commercial outside and they put your residential in the very middle and that way the residential people can get to the rest of the city through all of the other avenues that you create and that is nice what's the song called with the trumpets in my last video probably rush hour i would look up the simcity for uh soundtrack i did use a couple of other ones so i cited them at the bottom he's one of the sims songs because it's also maxis anya good green slot by link leaders what is this one country club okay country club is cheap but it does create crime a little weird a crimey club no idea what i'm saying um let's go ahead and do i guess i'll just put this on the outside i mean it's zero dollars that's a good deal right zero dollars i'm just going to take over this farm and put a country club on it because it is somewhat near to their residential zones too and maybe that'll help somehow i i have no idea what i'm doing good we got a lot of residential demand coming in now so i don't really want to expand out too much more residential area i might do one or two more residential blocks but i think i'm just going to make these areas more dense especially low wealth hmm methinks um plant robber 2018 hey thank you very much for gifting this much appreciated my friend free police station has anyone ever just offered you a free police station on craigslist um now this one's going to be flanked on i don't know actually we could do another residential zone here yep i think we'll do that um how does this okay i'll take that maybe we could replace some of those things on the edge with like parks and whatnot um ah this is now becoming a big city see now this makes sense though right i'll go into zones or i'll do water now ah look at that yeah it looks like a computer chip now look at that it's nice like intel would be so proud uh is that low density uh who cares now the city is pretty much just gonna take off on its own though demand is so high we've yeah we're getting almost 2 000 simoleons a month and rising ooh look they've already built wow look they went right for uh high density nice buy one get one police stations any poetry lately no unfortunately i haven't well usually i'm memorizing poetry if i do anything with it [Music] i haven't been very literary lately i've just mostly been kind of like uh key framing to be honest with you a lot of key framing i've been doing lately that's been good i uh i made my editing process a little bit more interesting i do stuff with like a stream deck i don't know if any of you guys make videos and stuff like that but uh yeah it kind of makes the process of editing feel more like a video game which is uh well life is kind of a game in many ways in many ways here we go right now this this song is starting to make me feel like post-modern angst do we have the song post-modern acts we do have area 52 so we'll play that uh area 52 is pretty good but man it occurs to me just how repetitive the soundtrack gets i mean i'd been listening to it for a couple days before and i was just jamming to it but now i am getting a little bit tired of it maybe i'll have to play that city skyline soundtrack hey you know that's a start that's a start either that or maybe i'll just add in the custom tunes to it though i did look through the um custom tracks thing i gotta save again because the city is actually doing rather well and i am worried but i did check the custom tunes i don't know why i get like a grade box on that i can't seem to do it maybe uh it's because i haven't filled out a custom tunes folder but i wanted to play uh you know uh the blues the blues yeah hey jammy hey thank you very much for the prime my friend what do you get when you win the game of life i don't know uh fulfillment validation whatever you're in it for i can't answer that question well when you win the board game of life i can tell you that you go to retiree home and then you die um unfortunately and you'd get to ch but you get to choose hey if you did really well in the game of life then you get to go to the really nice retiree home before you die um that's why i don't play that board game i hate that board game um i i hate life so to speak i hate life so be it um yeah yeah okay let's extend out these pipes over there though this is unfortunately going to dilute to use scientific terms uh our pipe network here we go do this okay not so much dilution but let's speed up time and will they they are look at the dilution occurring in real time okay we've got to get more uh more stuff unfortunately you can kind of spot them throughout but we'll try to keep these away from the pollution or areas where i suspect there might be pollution i don't really want to eat up our residential zones do it like over here we'll probably open up the stock market over there or something soon going to open up the stock market if you do well enough in this game of life is like a terrible version of monopoly hey i do kind of like life you know um oh yeah i said i hated life yeah i should stop contradicting myself yeah i hate life oh no hey laugh out loud laugh out laugh hey thank you very much for the prime my friend we still seem to be lacking water there this is wait a minute this is bad why are we why are we without water oh that was not connected to the pipe network whoops i was not looking at that all right take some time see if that's any better hey dr zombu hey thank you very much for the sub why are we still in pause time there we go okay good water is reestablished so what we're gonna go ahead and start doing now is um if you want high rises and you want skyscrapers to appear in your city you actually need to go ahead and oh yeah there's a water pollution overlay oh thank you yes let's go ahead and check that to make sure we don't have any water pollution okay so the water pollution is mostly just farms produce a lot of water pollution so um high tech produces it seems none that's great uh but yeah farms i know this doesn't look like it's the farms that are doing it but it's partly the farms it's also obviously this that's doing it but um yeah how are we going to take care of this well we do need this somewhere out on the external part of the city i don't think that's going to kill us though air pollution is somewhat bad by the um by the traffic we are going to need to raise this air quality with more parks at some point in the near future but let's go ahead and just do let's see where the demands at the demand is there for low-income residential so we could fill some more of that out here or maybe over here where it's already a little bit lower yeah we'll do that so we build in the avenues uh we've got the highway that's going to come over there that's good very good very good i think we're probably just going to end up getting rid of this avenue though maybe we want to keep some of these veins it's better to keep in too many roads i think to start and then eventually get rid of them then well i don't know don't quote me on that i'm an idiot uh but yeah we'll do this building a little bit further out here but you know it's not quite so high value as it is in the middle of the city uh whoops we gotta do this as well that should be good okay now we're gonna go ahead we're gonna have to delete this road a little bit of wasted space there but it's not gonna be perfect it's not gonna be perfect uh whoops we also deleted that so let's go in with another avenue and then we'll bring our highway all the way down there it's very satisfying to get some highways in this game though i gotta say uh oh do we want it there no we don't want it there uh should have deleted that yeah i'm gonna want it here instead go ahead and delete that what a waste of money there we go let's go talking about it like it's real what a waste of money yeah it's actually simoleons it's actually simoleons have i tried total warhammer did i just say that no i didn't use total warehouse my buddy was playing total warhammer though just chatting with him about it the other night he seems to enjoy it and he's pretty into warhammer too oh darn it uh you know what i did yeah there we go okay good got it there it is we might need to add in another one as well but well it's a mistake we'll have to fix later on we'll get really rich and we can just completely de-build and rebuild the city fast have i tried the simcity 3 osd no i've actually not i don't think i heard that one ever i should probably listen to it because i believe it's also jerry martin too right yeah that i bet that's a very good soundtrack i can't say from personal experience but i know that everything else he's touched has turned to gold it's amazing hey zolorus hey thank you very much for the prime okay so good uh this isn't like quite the this looks a little bit more like medium on average residential wealth we did do um yeah we'll just pave over all these people's homes now okay so i'm going to degentrify this neighborhood i'm going to zone it for multi-family housing oh yeah man that was really of me um but yeah yeah degentrify you know like thunderclouds appear evil villain music plays we're going to degentrify your neighborhood please don't please don't take away our land yes all right let's see how this works this might uh change the neighborhood we're going to change the character of the neighborhood [Music] no don't do it don't change the character of the neighborhood anything but that look at the houses growing larger and the lawns growing smaller hey drowning arthur hey thank you very much for gifting the sub the highway dead end is for sick jumps that's like remember those roller coasters in roller coaster tycoon where the track had an ending and then you learn that if you turn up the speed on the roller coaster you actually just cause everyone to die i i don't know how you guys played simcity that was how i played sim city is it oh i can have two of these nice oh that was awesome and also kind of bad yeah i don't know how you guys played sim city now can i do this too nope uh total waste of money well we have money to spare now that's good to see that these can be built a little bit closer i guess you want to build these as close as possible yeah low income skyrise is rarely build on high income low density housing pretty much always buildings only either stay the same wealth or go up when they yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't think it's really going to change the wealth but i'm thinking um what we could do is raise taxes on the rich and lower them on the poor or uh vice versa i don't really mean in terms of like building a utopia i just mean in terms of um filling out the city the first thing we want to do is just fill out the city as much as we can okay it looks like we're getting ready for another run of high tech so fortunately high tech is really easy to zone in let's do avenues down here and here and then we'll do this i think that's good and then this and look at how nicely that connects into the other one okay we are low on power it seems uh we do have a lot of free taxpayer dollars so we can go ahead and um yeah it's definitely time for a new look at how big this city has gotten now we're going to just leave all of this in the same part of the city as well unfortunately we haven't been offered solar yet oil is pretty good i'll take [Music] i'm it put it like there pretty much all of this farmland is just worthless to us now um you're going to build a dollar general and nobody can stop us can't stop won't stop uh let's go ahead and do some pipes we need to make sure that these pipes are in there because just the one area that can be kind of sensitive is industrial because if dirty or you know even like manufacturing builds over it before high tech gets to it it can just take a little bit longer now is this medium oh this is one of the few areas that we still had with medium density we need to up this to high density actually i'm not 100 no actually we do have high tech places there well we'll make it into high density anyway and then we're just going to go ahead and supply that spot with water because we're pretty much going to need the water if we want this to develop here and then we can probably just bulldoze a lot of the dirty industries or at parks we'll just start by bulldozing because we want to maximize the land now this will cause the area to become more desirable to high-tech so good we've gotten rid of the smoke stacks we'll give that a minute that's also considered dirty industry is this one manufacturing manufacturing manufacturing yeah so if you see like a lot of crates and stuff like that this one's dirty because it's kind of a warehouse or just it's dirty don't question it um this looks yeah this is high tech whenever they look more interesting it's usually high tech so just like a couple of foundries one and two there it is uh gas natural gas the only thing about natural gas i like it but it just feels to me like it's it's kind of like it's not perfectly clean uh and it's the one good thing about oil is that it does produce a lot of power oil and coal they make a lot of it but natural gas is very expensive and doesn't really fully solve the problem um at least in simcity so i don't tend to pick it as much but that's where i'm kind of out with that there probably is a use for it though i'm just an idiot i've honestly been playing this game for only like 15 hours back now since i started again uh major build up this might actually be too much high industry but let's just see how it does wow look at that that's really impressive actually the demand is shot down might even consider lowering the taxes for high industry just to fill out those spaces but yeah now we can start to do bigger and bigger chunks of our city for the rest i i think our budget is doing great and i mean if you look at the hospitals and the schools we've basically catered to all of our residents with only one of each of those big buildings which is fantastic we might need another one but as long as we concentrate all the residences in one place that's amazing that's a1 high tech will usually only build in aries with high land value too yeah i mean we could put in some like plazas and stuff like that but uh you got some options now the question is do we want to raise the property values even more um i think we've got just such low demand from these rich folks do you have anywhere we want to spruce it up a bit i guess this manufacturing we don't want to totally kick out manufacturing this area looks like it's kind of gone down by the wayside a little bit maybe because it's kind of like lower income let's go ahead and put a church here on the edge because we want to keep our industries at high tech um i think that raises property values a bit clearly yes uh yep yeah everybody's building here again good um all right well we've got a lot of money let's see how our advisors are with us we don't want to totally avoid so many problems she's happy see this is an advisor that it's rare to make so happy city water full of filth oh we don't have any um uh h2o treatment so let's go ahead and do that i believe that we got through this entire game without any water treatment plant um we'll put that probably near the i don't know if there is any disadvantage to putting this near the pollution i think you just kind of want this thing away from stuff i mean if it is a water treatment plant wouldn't it put it like slightly away fact check me on that i i might be doing something stupid yeah near the country yeah just so they can blow the dew out on the people at the country club uh no don't do that don't do that but there was a skate park i used to go to that had a water treatment plant right next to it pretty gross pretty gross stretch of road okay occasionally roads are demanding to be replaced i'm not doing this until the city is like fully made but uh yeah actually we did kind of ignore this whole traffic problem there's a couple of roads that we can link up this makes our lives easier see that's a nice line right there we're kind of putting band-aids on this problem though okay here's another one this one looks good that's a nice y uh long stretch of road see these two they don't fully line up these ones though are good these are great right here on the outside who else uh looks like we're getting low on water again getting low on water oh what's this oh jesus christ hey civil engineer what's up brother hey happy st patty's day oh that's your dog right ah god bless hey thank you for the raid my guy how are you doing i saw your comment that was that was a splendid what were you guys playing today hey thank you for the raid my guy that means a lot i'm really i'm really more the guest to these city building games than you have you done any uh sims 34 or what was your first simcity uh i don't know are should i say rce or engineer i don't know what what do you what is your prefer uh what is your preferred preferred uh pronoun if you will um yeah ah matt all right that's that's easier for me i'm rob i don't think we've really chatted before this hey thank you for the raid much appreciated man welcome in raiders uh what were you guys doing oh rogue tower ah rogue tower that's what i gotta get on man like all of these nice rogue-like roguelike games i was just feeling this nostalgia trip happy paddy's day to you too as well yeah hippo lippo i think you've sorry hippo lip hippo hippo lip you know it was hippo lip oh with the extra p hey thank you very much for giving uh matt the uh matt the sub i've seen some of your stuff your stuff is really good on these cities games like the city skylines with the poop thing uh poop kano man i want to make my own poop kano now have you thought of revisiting any uh any uh simcity man it just it fills me with the quirkiness to try this game oh wait oh wait one of my plan my power plants is being destroyed hang on a second jesus no i shouldn't have sped up time jesus it's like oh jesus yeah i don't know i like i like city's skylines i i think it's more robust and more of a complete game than this okay yeah we are running out of power one of these things is going through a meltdown and we have a lot of garbage being exported over to uh either indianapolis or audi annapolis it's got to be one or the other um but cruise ships through the poop can uh a do cruise uh is there a pun there there's gotta be a pun in there somewhere oh no no no we need to supply more power hang on a second hang on a second my llama advisors are telling me that we're running out of power uh hang on a second have you ever converted all of your um advisors to okay there we go capacity the capacity sorry everything is a city so it's not the capacity anymore it's the cape the city oh jesus see there's a pun there's a pun yeah you don't have uh yeah you just gotta put in the uh dalai lama cheat code to get your horse people but i can change them back if uh they do actually fill me with fear because i feel like we're playing the purge whenever i do um city skylines or not what is it what is it this um what is what is the name of this game simcity i'll change them back though because it does make me feel like no not dalai rama dalai lama there we go though that would be if someone is having a dalai rama please invite me um that just sounds like a lot of fun [Music] yeah simcity is nostalgic yeah but they're i mean they don't really look like llamas now see their people again you can open your eyes again traffic jams on the side street has that no don't stew the local sims that sounds inappropriate i won't have any of that in my city we've um basically we've just violated everyone's human rights in this city it's a horrible place uh by building a highway over their homes but it's it's actually doing quite well we're getting closer to skyscrapers just one of my many ambitions from when i was 12 and crying about this game now i don't think i would ever i think i would always relax i was a pretty upset kid though i mean looking back how did i make it this far surprising surprising but what was your sim city though were you like a sim city 2000 guy were you like a sim city original guy were you a sim city super nintendo guy were you a sim city 3000 guy were you the sim city societies guy a sim city uh just the normal name sim city guy were you a sim city four uh our current game kind of guy what kind of sim city guy were you ah middle wealth or actually low wealth i don't know why i said that with such disdain in my voice low wealth ah not i'm not really like that not really like that dolly rama melting clocks everywhere oh what like uh who is it salvador dali with his melting clocks yeah that was kind of a weird uh stick don't you think melting clocks why melting clocks everybody you don't need to okay here we go we got to get into more commercial zones if you don't build up the commercial zones uh early enough fast enough you will be smackeldorfed in this game we have avoided being smackeldorf we have a void wow sentences rob jesus sin city original and s seat uh yes sin city was also just a banger see this is a nice chill track i missed the uh i missed the characters from the the gba games though those were really where it was at i thought i thought there was such clever writing man i really gotta get a game boy again that was just so much of my childhood was just spent indoors wow but um not really even gba gba had some great titles but it was basically like a fluffed up super nintendo didn't it have essentially the same i mean it was it was so similar to the super nintendo but that there was a lot more that you could do in the i don't know maybe i'll take all that back about the same controls did super nintendo have four buttons on the right hand side i don't know i'm done comparing and contrasting i thought i was a genius when i discovered this when i was a kid i was like the nintendo entertainment system is like the game boy or the game boy color and the super nintendo was like the gba and i was like no one has ever seen this i should become a video game journalist that was my uh weird ambition when i was 10. was it 10 i think i was in i think it was 11 i think it was 11. became suddenly extremely precocious over stupid things yeah that's a good name that's a good age for that though you know just reflect back on the childhood like that then it was and then it all went wrong at 12. let's see if they have enough water time is an abstract constructed to make us i was about to get to see so advanced wars ah advanced wars was amazing advance wars was incredible i i would have so many battles and then my gba would run out of battery and i would have to have them again and i loved every second of it is amazing okay good our workers are going on strike they don't need to be paid that much um here we go we'll raise the school funding we'll pay you more we'll pay you more please stop rioting there we go okay now we are spending a lot of money but it'll come back up we'll come right back up people will love to pay these taxes you will won't you why are we out of power oh no okay this is problematic give them more money give them more money let them burn the dollar bills burn the dollar bills actually this one does not need it we just need a a third power plant this is unexpected are we actually using up all that we're producing hmm do i like or own frogs i don't know i think my name is mostly just uh it's like a alliterative tongue twister that's why i wanted this name i don't dislike frogs what is that uh what is the frog meme what are frogs what are frogs [Music] seem like a me animal to me i know everything that you know is a lie now that i've said that right well you know we didn't really go with the uh with the necessary coal plant at the beginning so let's have a novelty coal plant let's see if that improves our power problems city yeah there we go coal isn't all that expensive to burn there we go just burn it into the high-tech industry man it must be just so upsetting to look off into the distance and realize that your whole city is generating that much pollution ah now you give me the solar power okay um [Music] next time [Music] actually this time this time i regret everything goodbye man those poor coal workers finally getting it a place to call their own hey sit here hey thank you for the six months my friend appreciate it hey ghoul what's up my brother hey thanks for the seven months jesus christ ghoul how are you doing i was just chatting with my friend over in uh in raleigh the other day love raleigh i'll go visit there again sometime cola is the answer i agree hey young dash thank you thank you very much for the uh for this much appreciated hey are you like are you a sim city guy man my city's really my city's really improving now do we have anyone with low taxes because we uh oh no yeah no one wants to move here anymore okay we could raise taxes on high tech slightly just to improve the rest of the city like a half a percent because you know they love it here they love our city they're not going anywhere uh take that back come on a half a percent that's it how cheap are they jesus all we needed was to power their industry without going broke and now this is upsetting me a little bit now we need to have less power no how can we do this how can we do this okay let's go look into our power okay our capacity is still way over but not by that much um all right i guess we're just gonna need to pile up the garbage then again if that's how we're feeling about this we're just going to pile up the garbage on all of your loans no it's fine what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and lower or we're going to raise your lower your taxes again so that you'll stay please don't leave we'll lower them again what if the government were really like this and people were it's expensive to move your business come on man we need to trick them into staying we need to trick them into staying um let's go ahead and do uh probably not gonna need that much room out here for this let's do like that okay now i'm ready to build the last of my big areas and now we can move them all in because we can invest in the short term so that we can collect their tax revenues in the long run you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying yeah of course you do of course you do there we go okay good commercial district to create commercials i think when i was a kid i was naive enough to believe that that just meant that they created commercials in commercial districts but it still kind of makes sense to this very day now you have 440 left we lower everyone's taxes because we have negative money uh we don't even have that capability to print money yet but let's lower them for especially for high tech because we want a lot of them to move in and then we're going to lower them all for a commercial eight eight eight point oh there we go wu-tang oh jesus all right i hope that this works be a shame if it didn't be a shame if it didn't oh jesus okay i'll accept give me the show me the military base show me the military base just bring in more people so that we can get their money oh god no this could be really bad we're gonna go into the we're gonna go deep into the red now we might have to have some dirty ass water in the city for a while oh no no no this is getting a little out of control negative ten thousand dollars my um oh no the government yeah we could trick them into saying well we could raise taxes in incredibly high for a little while but let's just see if there's anything else that is like a major expense on our uh on our income statement here um sanitation department okay you know what we're just not going to take your garbage for a couple of days you know i kind of take this back we got to raise them all back up to nine we got that we tricked them into moving in they're already building the house so they'll have to stay um what else can we do residential demand looks a little bit too high right now no i don't want to get them to leave but uh transportation we could probably go down on mass transit now road services let's see how that does see if that improves our budget just by a little bit by just by a little bit okay they are building up over there they are building up is that going to be enough to afford pipes oh oh uh what is that uh oh so oh no it's horrible no i didn't mean to do that at all ooh not the right time for the power plant to blow up jesus okay you know uh scratch all of this uh didn't you know i should have checked in on the power plants health um it's okay uh yolo um we're gonna go ahead and just build these gifts we're going to build this missile range now we'll build the missile range everyone loves good missile range uh could blow up the city but it should at least be interesting for a little while put that near the science geeks because they're gonna maybe they could intercept the missile or something like that let's come over we'll put the toxic waste dump over by where we were already polluting on this road which led directly to the other city why can't i build a toxic waste dump there oops uh don't speed up time okay well actually we are in the green again now that the power plant is blown up uh but the whole city is probably gonna be pretty low on power oh that had to be what was wrong before we didn't need to invite in the nuclear missile people it was just not producing power okay well that's fine um should we have a toxic waste dump anyway just for fun i think we should yes absolutely right there this is gonna oh my dear god it's gonna irradiate us all well at least we'll have taller nba players you know um we'll put that nearby the cemetery so that we could use that for that excuse and then um we'll have area 5.1 [Music] am i really trying anymore this might actually destroy the entire city i've just built every single structure that's not supposed to be built um yeah radio yes man can you imagine sim city with a zombie uh mod or something like that that would be super neat i would like that a lot um do we actually need the other power thing what is our what is our power usage oh i should really keep an eye on my um geez you know that was all totally unnecessary well we're fine as it turns out that one power plant just wasn't producing anything it just doesn't i wasn't reading the messages [Music] phew jesus how are we doing in terms of wealth let's lower everybody's taxes a bit because they're not going to be too happy about the toxic waste dump i just invited in actually i think i am going to delete the toxic waste dump immediately that was just a massive waste of money i don't want them around here uh and i also kind of fear the nuke people but we're going to leave that one because it's funny um it is it's pretty funny i'm not gonna lie it's really funny to have nukes on this side of the town that are just being launched without warning at any moment that sometimes trigger an amazing animation all right we're also gonna have water you know if you have nukes you also gotta have some water from time to time oh that was that was a lot at once wasn't it wasn't that a lot at once yeah we're just investing in the future just investing in the future don't don't worry about it don't worry too much about it let's go ahead and we'll get some water pipes over there some water pipes again i do feel pretty good about the grid of this city i think we've scaled this up in the right ways um there it is there's another one nice nice nice okay good more pipes more pipes more pipes good you can expand your stupid business where you make uh whatever you make uh hair dryers or whatever these high-tech companies are making advanced back scratchers advanced back scratches hey hermit how are you my friend look at a city that words are backed with nuclear and if you don't believe me you can go to the nuclear power plant tomorrow and ask them and tell them how you feel about it we don't have a police force we just have nukes it sends out the message okay now this city is generating a lot of dough we're getting pretty uh let's save the game we had a lot happen there but yeah sometimes your uh power plants do just like stop working i don't know why oh that looked like something went wrong over there [Music] [Laughter] oh what was the emergency what was the emergency we're probably gonna get rid of this place before it blows us up um yeah that is definitely a fire um you need to build another one of those yeah this is why i generally think that these things are clearly an explosion now it can it off-road it did we pay for the four-wheel drive on these things okay it's fine it's fine you know i should have left the nukes there i regret that i really do i i think it would have sent out the right message to our people those farms over there seem a little irrelevant there now don't they yeah why you know federer fund nukes at the federal level when we could just do it at the local level i know that they're paying us so it's like a contract by uh some kind of private firm or whatever it is but by the time they're done with us we'll probably be very infirm i've never had this advisor happy with me for the entire time uh what are you upset about oh i know what you're upset about we lost one of our waste facilities when that thing blew up it destroyed two of our uh two of our facilities i understand your pain i am working to resolve your problems okay you're you usually have some good points to make except i think that this one is a little bit trifling impedance trumpet um oh jeez okay well we do have we do have room now to expand so we can lower taxes slightly if we want to i'm trying to think of how else we'll raise demand let's just lower them all around i'm gonna go for like a generalized actually just high-tech because we're gonna have a lot of room for high tech okay speed up time they should move in there now good last couple of places filling out with high tech so if you can't if you don't have any room to expand but people aren't building you gotta lower taxes that just brings them in and maybe as they get the jobs you know this middle part of town even with that four-leaf clover highway intersection still does look very desirable i think that we did a great job in that part of town guys the nukes have glowing reviews yeah have you ever read the uh nuclear bases uh reviews on yelp man i got you know you always get the right opinion on you actually yelp is not that bad for getting good reviews i gotta say like at least i have one particular instance in mind there's probably a lot of exceptions people just angry about some people just hate everything you know who knows why they just they hate they hate but yeah yelp yelp can be a great place to get like the straight poop all right we're definitely going to be expanding out here so let's do this and good there we are see this city has topography like that elevated highway in the middle what is what is happening wait why did it zoom out automatically i need to save usually bad things happen when it when it zooms out automatically why did you zoom out automatically game nope all right everything is fine ignore that okay um yeah we need medium wealth people to come in so nothing says medium like living in the corner um i have no idea what that what did that even mean okay medium people you can live over here join me mediums uh that's a weird spot to put a road i disagree with you mostly but okay this makes a little bit more sense i'll allow that okay and then we'll do this why would you put the roads there though why would you ever put a road there you absolute buffoon there we go okay good good and i think this last one ah that's satisfying clean moment when you finish some of the city good all right let's let that develop this is a city now guys we've almost filled up the entire block it feels full yahoo answers i do miss yahoo answers why don't i get recommended yahoo answers anymore i used to always love yahoo answers there's such funny things sometimes i would just read yahoo answers for entertainment purposes did i try loop here on seem ah loop hero is a great game i do love loop here you have excellent taste uh loop hero is really fun i did play loop hero it was it was a good time i think our pipes are thinning out again i'll build three here yep they are definitely thinning all right let's build another one of those things uh water doo doo facility here we go no this isn't really one of the doo-doo facilities where do you work i work i work in a doo-doo facility doo-doo yeah i love doo-doo it's just such a great word it's just such a great word dude duty it's pretty funny uh i'm a child uh duty all right that's enough that's enough that's enough how is this how is this my job this is crazy i laugh at duty now you do get to a point of making videos where you just go how does this what i'm doing sim city 4 compared to sim city 2013 i've never actually played sim city 2013 but i'm also told that a lot of people uh though i don't know i there's a lot of games that i found unpopular that i do enjoy or that a lot of people find out popular that i didn't enjoy how do we get demand to rise in our town um ooh this is not good we got more room i guess we could go through and we could check off some of the problems that our advisors are giving us because i don't there's like a lot of greenery in here look at the plantings in the middle that's very nice oh they do that everywhere let's have that day night cycle again there we go oh no not a fire it's fine i i gotta say i think that we did a better job with this city than any of the previous ones although it's taken a longer time for some reason i think it's more well laid out sim city yeah i don't know why it's like a previous year but sim city 23 2013 that does sound more futuristic than what we're at right now i don't know i was getting excited though because back in like the early 2000s right like in the yachts as they say the years 2000 to 20 2009 people would always call it 2000. you know the year is 2001. um i i was arrested in the year 2003 and whenever they're trying to refer to those types of events the important events that occurred in those years but then we got to like 20 like to 2010 and a lot of people still said 2010 they weren't saying 2010 yet but now that we're in you know like 2022 and beyond and even several years prior to this people have been saying 20 something and it just feels like we're living in the future you know i don't think that we take some time to appreciate these things my power plant is my power plant is definitely fine yeah uh we aren't getting that weirdo well what is what is going on here it's not the power plant it's just that these people are unemployed what do they have demand for they want to work in agriculture and high tech so we'll give them some high-tech jobs let's go ahead and check on education because we haven't looked at that in a long time and we also don't have a university in the city uh we probably should get a university just because i think it's going to improve does it actually improve the overall education of your citizens i mean it would make sense that it does right but ambi nobody expects esservel hey thank you very much for the uh that is one of my favorite emoji thank you very much for the sub months oh god god bless you thank you very much my friend my power plant no it's our power plant not my power plant oh you think i'm so grabby about my power [Music] yeah that high school is not really cutting it anymore um that's funny like nobody goes to school who's going to school here all right we'll give them more bus funding get them get those kids in here get them smarter so that they can work in high tech we're gonna need computer chips asap um you know i really could have built my residentials and this wasn't perfect but we got most people smart we just have this uh class of like uh dickensian chippy chim chippy sweeps chimney sweeps living on one part of our society zone is too large i disagree wholeheartedly disagree with that uh let's go whoops there we go zone is not large enough all right where am i going with this um rhodes i'm really just excited i want to get this thing done i feel such great satisfaction once the city finally is like there and we're almost there i'm i can feel the momentum it's calling me let's lower everyone's taxes to get them all to move in maybe like 8.5 on everybody i think that we could afford to do that just like a a tax cut across the board just to get them all get them in here get them in here what do we have 52 000 people i'm sure that some people could move into a skyscraper and they would love that um let's get this actually let's get the bigger commercial structures going let's lower theirs down to eight and then we really want to get those high-tech folks in but they're already coming because we got it down to eight uh agricultural dirty industry yeah that's fine it's commercial and residential i think it's already low enough on high tech but we'll see okay good they are developing the area [Music] sort of but look what's starting to happen is that all of the places in the center of the city where it's already zoned for residential are starting to rise up so as we lower power power the power is fine right power is fine man these people really aren't paying enough in taxes suddenly i'm feeling another tax rate rise coming on after all of those cuts uh that's not so great i might have to make this place even bigger we're yeah we nearly are there we're nearly maxed out but even when you hit that there's still you can rise vertically even after we rise up to our other heights one thing we might consider doing is consolidating our water pumps because they are kind of expensive and spread out right now oh i forgot to expand the water network over there we got to work with what funds we've got though while we can still investment invested and bring it into cash flow we want to turn that principle into cash flow asap i'm like a simcity financier um i'm like a sim city fiancee fiance that oil plant blows up it's gonna hit my solar plant oh that's true yeah we should probably separate those well it's too late for that now so let's just blow up the cemetery if anything happens with that it just it bothers like the power plants don't blow up all the time in real life it's not like it's the mayor's decision it's somebody else who's an expert at this kind of thing you know like they wouldn't have uh you know whoever happens to be the president at that given point in time be like should we blow up the power plant because it looks like it's something might go off you know right are they at least reaping the power from this good they are they appear to be they're turning on their lights using up more valuable oil and destroying our mother earth good okay let's zone some more uh residential zones because they clearly want to move in here uh there we go okay fix that up fix that up that's that's what we're looking for that's it baby there we go don't do that do this yeah you know you might want to plan your power plants you're right in terms of like when will they blow up without i was hoping that things would go better from the beginning this is a little too like safari for me this song you know i was feeling it before but not right now how about urban underground i'm feeling kind of gritty this isn't no i'm feeling you know what i'm feeling i felt that no one would say this i'm feeling a bohemian street jam coming on i'm going to need to pick out a different uh i feel like we've gone through the whole soundtrack several times now i'm a little sad i i love the soundtrack so much and then i overplayed it to myself but it's still good it's still good oh yeah how is arson is that guy still alive tad bit too much the second oh this was his child i suppose it looks like our original sim must have died i didn't know that that happened see that's like little easter eggs like that is what ah that used to be in a lot of these types of games you know even that like that whole dalai lama thing that was pretty funny didn't you think that was funny laugh or else this is a nice looking city though like now just we haven't really taken any time to appreciate it you didn't appreciate it before but now you're gonna appreciate it good you are gonna appreciate it good you're going to love this city or else now let's bring over this pipe over this way and then that one there and just be the rest of the people bring in the people and then the people bring the jobs this is a nice place yeah i'd move into this i'd want to move in somewhere like maybe like here-ish no not that close to the highway maybe like maybe i live in that big tenement you know get a lot of neighbors argue with them uh quarrel with them that sounds like a nice way to spend my time right sustainable at a certain point the cemetery will start making oil for my plants ah the cemetery we just go straight up night it's kind of nice i think that's a little bit blinding after the night view well blinding it is blinding it is we could go agriculture i just don't care for having more agriculture in the city i've seen cities that have no agriculture and are fine we just need to wait for our population to get smarter i'll give them some time give them some time let's build a university so that maybe they'll get smarter in that time create more demand for high-tech jobs because a lot of it still does appear to be manufacturing we could raise up taxes on manufacturing too if we wanted to get everything to high tech but let's also see if we have any free presents anywhere we could build a statue it's not that expensive to upkeep so we'll do this somewhere that's already pretty high wealth i think maybe encourage more development there maybe like there i don't know will people want to move near my statue will they want to build an apartment building there something like that what a vain thing to say let me build another statue of myself uh across the street from the first one um destroying a man's house for no reason and then i'll build a third statue of myself and even more impressive one maybe we'll build this one like down the block we could build this somewhere uh a little more useful maybe uh let's see high tech where do we want it to be high tech but it's not yeah this looks like it's stuck in manufacturing a bit let's do one there maybe that'll raise the wealth or something i don't really know what i'm doing with a lot of these presents though oh no okay fire trucks though the fire situation has been fine for this whole city city hall will build a city hall somewhere let's get somewhere really uh rich and expensive these seem to be very well developed i don't want to mess with these but let's get rid of some of these unemployed people uh we'll just evict you and destroy your house if you don't have a job uh motivation put it like here because this area is a little bit more undecided or this one's got some traffic let's put it over here that way they finish it up that wasn't none of that was good ideas okay we got a courthouse at long last let's put the courthouse over here because i want this area to be very rich very nice very nice these places are kind of dingy now so let's just get rid of those put in a courthouse that does actually look like somewhere that a courthouse could belong in the city just realized this is simcity for and not the sims 4 yeah frequently mixed up i wonder if there's a reason why they go to four and they i feel like simcity 4 has been you know the one and the sims 4 was the one we've still got a lot of uh residential demand i'm wondering if we should just put more resonances on the outlying parts what or what we'll end up with okay more fire trucks hmm why is everyone moving out probably because we don't have any agricultural jobs you know let's just because we have the goddamn demand for it i'll build like two farms over here here have a random farm over here too just that we have something for that spot we have no one that knows what to put over there we'll see how we do with that i bet you though that for the rest they could just kind of build up in the middle i want to keep again i'm going to go out to the just so you can see that i actually had a plan for most of this thing uh look it's it does look fairly robust i guess i should have done more commercial over here but you know we had fairly like dotted commercial developments industrial stuff on the outside some commercial and then residential mostly toward the middle this is a little uneven but it's nice it's nice don't question why was skitty was it kitties skylines kitties skylines have you played kitties skylines very nice game very nice game why what oh why is it no i was saying something stupid because i had nothing to say uh no sims what did i play i played the sims 2. i never really played much the sims one though i've been trying to figure out how to get it to run on windows 10 or if i just have to go get a physical copy of the game because i never really played the sims one i played a lot of games uh based around the sims one but not really anything oh god now we're really paying for these people what we might do is just delete our water supply yeah it's costing me 350 a month i mean the people of the town whom i represent because i'm a good mayor because i'm a great mayor of course but look at that response time from only two small fire stations fantastic fantastic let's see what happens when they move in so suddenly demand has drastically risen from low income hmm you know this city didn't really go as well as my last one i'm gonna go ahead and i'm just gonna zoom out to the region here i'll give this a little more time but i'm going to just philosophy for a moment here get more fire we should probably do the smoke alarm policy as soon as this ends we can uh there we go man that's great response time though we did a good job with our fire stations in the city um in my i opine that feel free to disagree with me look for the sims one complete collection with all the dlc ooh that's a good idea yeah cause they they did a lot of uh extra discs i was hoping gog would get it or something like that for uh origin hey thank you for that but i don't i'm wondering if i can even do it on uh if i have to go reinstall like windows xp or something like that which would be perfectly fine yeah this is a much better city i i enjoyed the humor of the last city though because we were just nuking ourselves for money ironically the nuke probably cost more than it than it actually saved but i'm going to go ahead and exit out to region for a moment save and exit to region because this city will need maybe a little bit more touching up now why is the game just jittering on my screen i don't know if you see that rytopia was a very i don't know how this city did so well because there was no planning involved and half the city i have to level later on but just people were moving in people wanted to come to this city we did get extra solar power plants so that was nice but i mean look even only half the city is really well developed and then this half is just a mess and yet still it has a population of 120 000 only at year 99 probably because i had to restart and make up for some of my mistakes and i made it super dense and i didn't care about traffic and a lot of lives were lost in order to get to that but at the same time i mean it's doing pretty well you can't really argue with that and then if we exit out to region and we look at the other one that i planned a bit more i mean this one had excessive schools and everything else too maybe i should go reconsider the tax policy because a lot of it comes back to this uh here's indianapolis the place is doing great if i speed up time a bit i believe they're making money where are we here uh yep there yeah they are making money by a bit by a good bit uh if we i i let this one run for a couple minutes and more skyscrapers should probably come up oh we got good residential demand good residential demand too but there are also a lot of decayed buildings and we don't really have that many decayed buildings in the new city so i do kind of appreciate that now what happens i'm just gonna see to demonstrate yeah look at that thing going up there to demonstrate what happens if we lower the taxes on commercial because this city can afford to do it if we get those skyscrapers just super interesting to watch it see like nine to eight percent man a lot of these things are really looking bad but will we get new developments in the middle of it somehow this city just kept going on zoom out more so we can watch them as they come in but yeah i mean that's pretty much the name of the game with simcity incredible game just so much fun to watch and really the one that kind of started city builders so i i do appreciate that about it um all right we're gonna go ahead and just dispatch these trucks because this city was otherwise just a mess probably exit out to region doesn't look like they're really getting those developments but this one was kind of impressive though there's bigger ones in the game there's much more interesting stuff to see [Music] i think uh oh man that this is the song that makes me a little bit depressed depressed no i mean looking at this place it looks pretty well planned it's the only one that's actually had an elevated highway not caring about traffic is always a killer and yet in this one we did care about traffic and yet even still it's it's taken longer to do better i don't know it's kind of puzzling sometimes there's other factors we did also accept and then reject a bunch of nuclear and toxic waste contracts and we added like a a meltdown at several power plants that i kind of neglected so yeah those were all so enjoyable experiences but it wouldn't be the sims without that so that's what i enjoyed am i winning son i had a good time i liked the name i think the name of this one was the best can't stand an opal ah let's go check on our sim i i think i'd like to see how this guy did tad bit too much the second what does that even mean he lives he is risen up his father was a very hard worker and he has now inherited uh his his vast riches uh his health is excellent his education is two he's 200 iq he's 56 he works in the fray tag building he's a capricorn he lives in no manner he's well he has three dollars his father had one dollar and his job is the ceo [Laughter] hello what is your job i am the ceo oh he lives in the high wealth residential oh good for you tad bit too much the second the ceo let's go for a drive tad bit too much the second let's go for a drive in your um scammy used car uh let's go see let's see or oh let's go and you man look at these cars they look a little dated now red exotic sports car let's give you a red exotic sports car and let's follow you around which uh whoops how do i continue time can we still watch him uh i could raise my mayor rating yeah let's drive around his tad bit too much the second all right just gonna go ahead and this game also had i totally left this out but it yeah it had an entire free drive mode too and i believe that you could also get into a helicopter and bother people in that as well and look you can just yep you can just destroy other people's cars um i am getting like crime rating though right it's turning red the diamond on top of me what happens when i crash into too many cars yep i just explode um unfortunately we didn't do the mission does that mean that our mayor rating goes down oh jesus christ mayor rating minus 40. i don't think that really does that much though yeah minus three thousand dollars isn't really that much either so did i kill tad bit too much and there is a giant nuclear smoke cloud over the town for no inex no reason at all uh is he dead he's still alive what is he he's still the ceo uh we'll give him this appears to be a rickshaw i thought that was like a guy being he'll be transported i don't even know what you call this a palanquin palanquin i i have no idea how you pronounce that wow a bohemian thing change my sims house change my sims job what is he you work at the school now you give back to the community be a good person there we go well no one ever knew what became of him because he mysteriously disappeared amazing game though simcity for the make him work at the power plant where when he'll explode the mayor has died long live the mayor no i was being tad bit too much the second his father worked his way up from the uh from the slums in our city and he moved these don't really look like slums to me they just look like fine um [Music] but uh yeah this is certainly really nice over here all right folks well i think i'm gonna actually call it there i uh i don't feel like i have it in me to finish off this thing today uh we did have the entire game crash so i just wanted to kind of go back uh have a have a trip nostalgically to the past with you in this game
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 318,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simcity, sims, maxis, simcity 4, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods
Id: Adq9i7A8H9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 10sec (10330 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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