40 REMOVED Minecraft Updates you never heard about

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howdy guys today we look at 40 updates that were removed from Minecraft and yes that is the nether reactor over there don't worry we'll get to it soon from giant brick pyramids and the far lands to rare plate armor that was only meant for mobs and armor made of fire for that matter a lot of things got removed from Minecraft that you've probably never heard about sky dimensions excited piston blocks even pigment none of them made the cut long term let's find out more alrighty number one is for all you old school Pocket Edition players out there the nether reactor core originally including four different blocks the nether extra core the initialized version the finished version and the glowing obsidian these were sets of blocks added to Minecraft Pocket Edition used to place a chunk of the nether into your world before the nether was officially in game first you'd need to make the nether reactor core which took six iron and three diamonds placing the nether reactor core within a nether reactor which is made of four gold blocks and 14 cobblestone place like this would allow you to light it and turn your entire world upside down namely into the nether well kind of the nether this was pocket additions answer to the nether and in this example we've got random items many of which come from the nether that will spawn in every 45 seconds what you're seeing here is that the original nether reactor core has begun to decay you can see that the colors on it have changed as well not only that but the cobblestone of gold have become glowing obsidian up until this point there was no other way to get nether items or see zombie pigmen in game after the core cooled down you're left with obsidian and what looks like a completely dead block pocket edition players know this structure quite well it's known as the nether spire and it was the original answer to the nether but for now we move on so long nether spire we've got bigger fish to fry that first one was long the rest will pick up number 2 studded armor now originally the textures of this armor were found in the game's code but not decided to never actually use the studded armor which actually fell right between chainmail and leather armor in terms of - oh boy in terms of defensive capabilities now are you crafting them all here are the different recipes involved lots of leather lots of iron to get a studded helmet a studded chest plate leggings and boots let's go ahead and take this out for the time being put on to the new I know I look good it's just kidding again looking at the armor bonus leather pants has two armor studded leggings with three and chainmail with four number-3 Quivers the first hints originally seen four Quivers were found in an in-depth version of minecraft over a decade ago they were almost brought back for Minecraft 1.9 but were ultimately scrapped for our implementation when you hold them in your offhand slot they act as your arrows and every time you fire one of these guys off you'll note that the quiver goes down in the amount of arrows remaining with it oh man only one more arrow left let the shot ring true yeah maybe it would have Mike the best but now the quiver is empty and as you can see the arrows have been removed from it compared to the other graphic with the arrows number 4 breathable dolphins oddly enough this exists in the pocket edition / bedrock version of the game but not in Java breeding dolphins with raw fish was removed in place of their treasure locating ability which I believe was also scrapped but paid for the time being why don't we show you what this breeding process could have looked like so come on down baby yeah that's right yo they love it and just like that there's a third where the where the third dog oh gosh did they eat it no it was behind me goodness family number 5 magma cubes taking damage when wet this was removed because apparently it was some kind of bug so now when a magma cube hangs on water it's all good for sake of today's video we've updated them so that they do now die in water and that just so nice of us look at him girl time get away from me number 6 is awesome it's plate armed mob specific gear it was also the armor that was the first ever type to be added to Minecraft the only armor types were a helmet and a short chest plate which we've got recipes for right here coming back through the oldest wiki pages you'll be able to find examples of these armor types from way back and for sega today's video we've made it so that you can win but as I said they originally meant for mom number seven is a classic the farlands down we go Far Lands or bust yeah oh oh here's the farlands we're looking at what the very edge of the oldest minecraft world's used to look like about thirteen million blocks in any direction out from the sides of spawn you would start seeing land masses that looked a little something like this tons of chunk errors all over the place overall a weird experience now thirteen million blocks in there's just regular old land so back we go to our next destination which is a familiar one indeed it's number eight actually is probably not familiar because you haven't heard of these remember six-sided blocks known as bark blocks to most of you guys cuz these are actually in-game but there were other variants that were originally in game that are no longer used to have to get them using commands and other than these guys they're all gone but there used to be six sided hay blocks six sided piston blocks excited sticky piston blocks as well they would often be used on servers to act as though they were crates and now they're gone number nine the human mob originally found back in in dev human mobs could be spawned in by pressing G but we have spawn eggs now and this is what they look like definitely not what they sounded like and they actually did bounce a little bit normally when you see them in game but for say for example this is the best we're gonna get alright and right over here is our right over here huh what over here is our next I chase oh right number 10 borders I guess we'll just have to go around instead borders believe it or not we're actually an item originally meant for the education edition of Minecraft and they were mistakenly added in to the bedrock version they've since been removed from bedrock edition however they originally acted as ways of preventing players aka students from getting into certain map areas etc and as you can see here they will push you away if you try and jump anywhere near by them these would be awesome on servers to keep people away from your house number 11 potion call brewing before Brewing stands were implemented in game cauldrons original purpose was for potion mixing and so what we've got here is an example of what that would look like if it were still in game we just made ourselves a lovely potion of strength I really wish this was still in game in some form because I'm honestly a huge fan of the process this is exactly like this is this is what it should look like now currently brewing stands are a little bit easier to work with but this is though number 12 is player statistics check out this ancient screenshot this is from way back like in the classic days you can see attack defense and speed with some stat bonuses there it's a good thing we've got our strength swiftness and resistance potions because it's time for us to add this stat menu right back in game attack defense and speed so why don't we drink our potion of strength and see what happens our attack just rose by 100 points never to drink the swiftness potion you'd see that the speed rises and even the defense potion rises not said he doesn't remember what his plans were for this originally and it was likely just an earlier version of the potion hudge you see in the top right of my screen right now although the numbers are little in the way all right we're gonna say goodbye to our stat boosts so sad moving on number 13 the original player characters Steve and Alex weren't always the only characters involved we originally had Beast Boy Steve and black Steve as well as Ranna and oh my gosh what is that Dora we'll get to it in a second you may have already seen these characters pop up alongside a couple of the other things in today's list if you happen to see a video that we have on our channel called 25 updates that were supposed to be in minecraft and while there are a couple from that video in today's video we did our absolute best to get a fresh new list but you can click the I in the corner to watch that video as well where you can find out a whole bunch of other things that won't be in today's video such as this next one horse saddles number 14 when horses rad 1.6 they first wanted to add a new saddle instead of the pig saddle that were used to as you can see here yeah Pig you got to pay with a sad good work while this saddle is not actually functional it does show up as an item and you might have an idea of what it could have looked like probably just a little bit darker than the one we see on the porker number 15 allowing deny blocks these were also accidental additions from the education edition that made it into the bedrock version of the game and they were eventually removed any players stood on top of deny blocks would be unable to break any blocks anywhere nearby when we would try and break these it doesn't let us click and at that point we can't place anything either but even if you were in adventure mode if you happen to be stood on top of an allow block you could both mine and place so adventure mode away I'll go ahead and take that and place it step off the allow blocks and suddenly can't break anything at all once again number 16 the killer bunny I'm sure most you guys know about this update the killer bunny was originally added in game as an evil mob that you could run across about 1 in 1,000 times instead of a regular bunny it was removed because it was deemed an unfair way to die if it happened to cross one and as you can see they weren't kidding the killer bunny is extremely dangerous dealing pretty decent damage to us in full diamond gear now for number 17 here chickens spawning in the nether you may have noticed in our spire earlier when we were messing with the reactor core but there were some chickens in there well that's because chickens used to routinely spawn on their own within the nether as you can see you've got a couple that have already spawned right here no longer the case although could have easily been confused with chicken jockeys spawning in with baby zombie Pigman but it was decided to be a bug and then was removed sorry buddy yes number 18 is Seasons fantastic it's what I've always wanted but Jeb on Twitter had mentioned his plan for seasonal cycles and then ended up scrapping it here's what it could have looked like spring --beautiful leaves all over the place summer sunflowers now maybe a more drastic change oh how about autumn ooh this looks fancy dad bushes instead of flowers I can get behind it and of course winter wonderland oh you don't love it sorry about the plants number 19 big old city and walls these existed in indiv and they go in straight lines intersecting the x and z coordinates in your original minecraft worlds mostly used as a way for players to identify where they were in the world these were eventually removed hate when that happens anyway he's number 20 notches music that's right DJ knotch he prepared himself some music for the game and this song was originally called calm for we were played in here you can hear it it's uh it's not that good I wonder why they decided against adding it says this sign yeah I don't number 21 the brick pyramid structure is finally here one of the original behemoths of the oldest version of Minecraft these structures were typically in 64 by 64 by 64 spaces that long that wide and that tall and they were originally described as a generation bug however it was likely just a temporary way to get brick blocks in game and they also generated extremely far from original spawn points so finding one of these in game would be an amazing feat if you happen to cross it I mean look at this thing it's gargantuan it commands so much attention kind of like me like that zip maybe I'll hit that like button yet we're over halfway done it really helped the channel out number 22 infinite oh my gosh that scared me really bad oh we might need the water after all huh infinite what stop I'm upset by how much that actually scared me anyways the infinite water source block was a solid block that place flowing water beside it and it was removed for the current way to get infinite water so we've got a bucket here we're try and take this water it doesn't work that work doesn't work it's bad here's a better example of an infinite water baby what is that sound oh gosh it's that other feature that we'll get to in just a little bit Hey but check it out water constantly coming from the sides of this source block obviously it's a little command magic and tomfoolery so it looks a little odd this is the actual original source color of the water by the way number 23 locked chests now at one point locked chests were added an April Fool's update however afterwards the ability to lock chests disappears so while lockable chests are now in game they were actually removed for a period of time we've got a chest key here and maybe can open one of these there we go number 24 rubies they were supposed to be added in game as well but last second they were replaced with emeralds inside come on I couldn't stop myself sorry get real you see we got rubies right here they're really nice they drop us lovely ruby gems and you could use those ruby gems to craft yourself some lovely Ruby armor and tools nice weapons nice ooh wow you oh you look good number 25 a handful of recipes were also removed you know some recipes that are supposed to be in-game they get removed from time to time for example before cocoa beans were implemented there were different means of getting them in game as they acted as though there were a die you could mix these two together nice and get cocoa beans orange in black or you could do red and yellow which makes orange and black to also get cocoa beans very temporary though over here you can see various different saddle recipes that I'll spare you the trouble of making but most importantly the enchanted golden apple used to be craftable and people would make insane zombie pigman farms in the nether just to get their hands on this ultimate Opie treat the recipe for this guy ended up getting removed in 1.9 for the combat change and it made a lot of sense it really is overpowered number 26 water evaporating from magma oh this hideous sound listen to it originally magma blocks would evaporate any source water blocks or flowing water blocks that were on top of them however when the update aquatic came out they were replaced for a downwards pulling effect with bubble columns number 27 chalk boards another remnant of the education edition that slipped into bedrock by mistake you used to hit this will take me a second be able things on to write these boards see it's supposed to be combined you used to be able to write things on these boards brother guy removed Evan the chat number 28 isometric screenshots these were bird's-eye view screenshots of an isometric form of whatever map you happen to have built out in game there's a real screenshot from the end you used to just be able to press a button in-game and it would cause this image to render out and so known why this feature never came out with the main release but I agree with you sign it is a shame this is obviously really low resolution picture it's kind of lame but you know number 29 reverted potions during the 1.9 snap house it was possible to undo a potion for example an extended slowness potion could be given a glowstone dust to make it a shorter version again here's exactly what I mean we've got a potion of harming that does instant damage to to a player adding in some redstone dust though would lower the potency of this potion to just an instant damage instead but it wasn't just potions of harming it would be any sort of potion that you brewed from instant health to down to an instant health what are you looking at oh you want some number 30 sky damage you might want to jump huh oh whoa oh wow that was a heck of a jump where are we this looks like this Kyla hands yes my design the sky dimension was gonna be a collection of floating islands in the sky which you could visit when sleeping and it ended up becoming the N dimension instead here's notches original screenshot of what the sky dimension could have looked like now as of minecraft 1.13 in 1.14 we have a new world option known as the buffet world which allows you to in theory recreate what the sky dimension would it look like floating islands and flowing lava ahoy number 31 the red dragon here's an Andrew dragon hi yeah yeah yeah he's alright here's a red dragon like that roar was way better come on bulging out of meat already we need them number 32 Giants oh now I'm flustered the Giants in game currently but there's no way to actually see it spawning naturally in survival mode so here we did it for you hi you big friend you've got a hundred health we're not gonna bother killing them number 33 cogs fun word to say cogs Racine as early as January 2010 on notches YouTube channel they originally named Gears then renamed to cogs and as for the purpose there you're currently unknown my assumption is that they were supposed to originally act as the earliest form of redstone potentially even working up vertical walls and sides to power various different objects in game they were finally removed during instead back in June of 2010 almost a decade back now number 34 here are the fire item and chain armor recipes 1.8 snapshots and earlier fire could exist as an actual item but it wasn't for placing down believe it or not it was used for making armor check this out chainmail chest plate this was the original way and the only way at one point to get chain mail armor in-game you literally had to craft it with a glitched fire item often needing to use inventory hacks to get the item to begin with number 35 mobs running from exploding creepers we don't mind if I to going to create mode for this one back in minecraft 1.8 mobs would actually run away from any nearby creepers that were about to explode in an attempt to dodge the explosion this ended up causing serious performance issues for a lot of players and the feature ended up getting removed not in half because the pigs would start to fly I think it's a really cool feature I wish it came back we move on to this really ominous building this is odd okay there's nothing in here that's oh whoa number 36 winter mode winter mode was a randomly occurring map type it was also the first biome to appear you could say but if the downside is that it would always snow it made everything snowy and it would never ever stop not only that but because of the snow there'd be way less mobs that were spawning and all over the place so if you got one of these worlds and you didn't like the snow well you'd better start making a new world like who did that number 37 the in dev house this house that you see right here would spawn and when the player first joined the world they'd usually get a bunch of items on them as well but this was the original humble abode not bad I like number 38 though I love tears of joy for crying obsidian it was originally an abandoned project that was going to be implemented to act as a spawn change block but they ended up using beds instead we've got some crying obsidian right here and hey why don't we go ahead and place one of these things down right then I'll get myself as you can see I spawn right by the crying obsidian and if I were to place crying obsidian somewhere else stand on top of that one and then gala Maya thalam you'd see that we spawn right back there 39 Pigman instead of villagers Pigman were supposed to be the original members of the villages what's up cutie pie I Jesus okay well you don't like me that much I thought you were supposed to be friendly better than bad trades I suppose huh they ended up getting replaced by villagers I couldn't tell you why and I'm kind of glad because at least villagers are hilarious looking I just feel bad for killing that alright my friend it's the last one number forty furniture within this fantastic house we've got it what huh a ripoff where's the furniture huh furniture was at some point playing for the game table and chair sprites were found in the game code and as you can see here we've got a nice demo of a data pack from Chuck look at this loveliness oh it's got a tablecloth and everything and I've got a nice little throne here for me to rest my tired leg there's even fun recipes involved for all these different ones if you wanted to get your hands on this data pack but my friends that was all for tea which of these updates did you guys not know about comment below and like I said click the I in the corner to see 25 more updates that were supposed to be in-game and we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 4,967,528
Rating: 4.8034573 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 40, minecraft 40, 40 things, 40 minecraft, rare, rare minecraft, secret minecraft, minecraft 1.14, 1.14, 1.14 minecraft, update, minecraft update, new, new minecraft, new minecraft update, secret, village and pillage, most rare, minecraft secret, logdotzip, no swearing, logdotzip 1.14, minecraft logdotzip, no cursing, removed, updates, you, never, heard, about, ender dragon, 1.15, blocks, features, old minecraft, red dragon, minecraft giant
Id: DdguVeVAZ2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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