15 Updates that made Minecraft EASIER

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hey what's going on guys slog.zip here minecraft wasn't always a walk in the park and today we're looking at 15 updates that made minecraft a much easier game to play from new things such as the crafting recipe book and the totem of undying to some of the oldest updates like setting your spawn with beds or the ability to sprint in game even some really unexpected ones such as number one we start with tool durability changes makes sense we start with mining in minecraft originally all the pig axes that you use frequently in game used to be a lot weaker these days they're a lot stronger you currently get about 60 uses out of a wooden pick about 130 out of stone 31 out of gold which is a little bit lower but more to that in a second 250 with iron and a whopping roughly 1600 oh a whopping roughly 1600 for diamond pig axes now let's contrast what they used to look like as you can see in the top left of the screen right now you can make note of the original durabilities of all of these different pickaxes the durability level represents the original durability that they had in game so for example wooden pickaxes used to share the same durability at 33 as gold do which didn't change at all however where stone used to have 65 it got bumped up to 130 in current game looking over here iron pickaxes were a little less than half as good and diamonds have had the craziest buff to them diamond pickaxes back in the day used to only last about one fifth as long as they currently last and speaking to that they've been changed a grand total of four times in general over time originally starting with 255 uses then getting bumped up about double to 511 then getting bumped up about double again to a thousand until they've reached their final point at 1560 uses where they currently stand today number two sneaking something i happen to be doing right now one of the most useful updates in game imagine a world without sneaking this made minecraft way easier when it comes to building hiding and everything else that's because sneaking lets you build bridges without dying now you can sneak along an edge and no matter how much you push up against it you actually will not fall in now sneaking wasn't always in game and when you wanted to build across a giant ledge you'd have to very carefully try and just make it so you can see the edge of that block every single time and it was a doozy oftentimes you'd end up falling off the side in an attempt to building a bridge to wherever it is you needed to go oh gosh we're almost there oh seriously imagine the world without sneaking no good sneaking also lets you get to places you normally can't go you can see here we're having trouble making it inside this something's in the way of my head but point being we can now sneak and get to this lower spot underneath this is actually a recent change but it is a welcome one nonetheless and not only that but sneaking makes it a lot easier for you to stay safe from nearby mobs zombies can't sneak so this guy's got no way of reaching us despite him being right in front of us although he appears to have a decent amount of backup what do they just keep coming gee whiz you get a real job like play minecraft all day seriously guys it's really hard okay thing of our difficulty levels number three is up next these options can be found in the options menu and we start of course with the normal difficulty the one that you typically will begin your game on first of all pay attention to my hunger down here in normal difficulty when hunger is at zero you will continue to take damage until you have basically a sliver of health that's right you'll get all the way down to half a heart of health and then conveniently enough it'll stop it'll leave you a half heart it's a nice guy you know but that's only in normal mode and you'll see why that's different for other modes in a second but in addition mobs do regular amounts of damage in the other versions they do reduce damage and more importantly cave spiders have the ability to poison you in normal difficulty mode so if i'm gonna give this little baby a punch look i've been poisoned this only works in normal mode finally lightning will burn blocks around it in normal mode as you can see one lightning strike there actually hit a few different amounts of the glass blocks keep that in mind because it all changes with easy mode the hunger switch works a little bit differently in easy mode essentially you'll be left with about half of your health but once you hit half health you'll no longer see your health meter dropping by any substantial amount in addition in easy mode cave spiders will not poison you they will still attack you but you will not be poisoned by them so it's a lot easier to happen across them in game and of course lightning will only burn one single block in easy mode it will not travel around in numerous blocks it cannot hit multiple blocks at once it stays isolated and then of course my friends there is peaceful mode i like to call it builders mode i like to call it baby mode it's peaceful come on in peaceful mode the hunger switch it pretty much doesn't even do anything because you can't lose hunger in peaceful mode and in addition hostile mobs of all sorts they don't even spawn in they instantly disappear if you were to try and spawn them in they can't do anything to get you not even creepers have a chance on top of that your health is regenerated much more quickly we just got struck by lightning yet the healing is outpacing the fact that we're on fire somebody help me i'm just kidding you guys are dumb it's a video game i'm not actually on fire stop also sorry for calling you dumb i didn't mean it i know you guys aren't dumb i know most y'all subscribed to hit that bell but oh you didn't oh okay you're dumb number four shortcuts at least shortcuts with respect to building sneak click building makes building much easier notice we've got buttons on these dispensers when you right click normally you go into a menu and we've got a carpet on top of this chest that when you right click normally you go into a menu stuff like this would not be possible if you could not sneak while building we're gonna try this on our very own we've got some target blocks here and we've got a lot of different things we're gonna place right on top of them let's put a furnace down by sneaking we can essentially add whatever we want to the sides of these different objects it's fantastic i want a torch on that side i want a snow layer on this side heck maybe we'll put a sign right here that says hey yeah and so this stuff wouldn't be possible without you being able to sneak on top of various different blocks or in general but here's another quick building shortcut in creative mode pick block aka the middle click button on your mouse by default will let you automatically switch to any block and give it to you when you middle click on it for example this dragon egg we just got our hands on it right away by middle clicking on it or perhaps we wanted a sign here well it works just as nicely in survival mode when you middle click any item in survival mode that you currently have it will automatically switch your hotbar over to that item you have to have one of them on you though if i were to middle click this obsidian nothing's happening but because i do have an oak sign and middle click it it instantly swaps over this is great for building in creative mode it's even more full-fledged being able to completely copy even text that appears on signs or an entire life what's up sheep we got family here baby number five accessibility changes that's spelled wrong by the way just in case anyone's using me as a dictionary wouldn't i recommend you do that subtitles can be enabled under options just in case you don't know click accessibility click show subtitles and now look at the bottom right of my screen you can see essentially everything going on with respect to sound in game used for those with troubled hearing subtitles makes it easier to get the sense of your surroundings as you can see we've got portal whooshes footsteps lava is popping y'all what's poppin it's lava and you can even have it use up all different sorts of sound effects now you can hear shears click uh sheep in fear sheep hurts oh sheep hurts what a funny and that also kind of sad thing to show off can we mind something let's mine yeah baby block breaking block broken the list goes on and on but i especially like cow moo is my favorite i mean it makes sense in addition to subtitles another accessibility change was the creative mode inventory notice right here we've got tabs along the top of the gui that lets us instantly sub categorize all different items we can even save things or search for them at a moment's notice didn't always used to be that way in fact it's much easier than it used to be welcome to 1.2.5 in minecraft by the way check out this inventory this is what this puppy used to look like at all times a giant conglomerate glob of every single item block whatever it is under the sun this was the way to access it no search ability nothing at all so count your blessings things are a lot easier now all right what's next i'd say it's number six food and saturation changes used to be a breeze to eat food now it's even easier that's because back then food couldn't stack you could not stack food on top of one another i'm literally trying it's not working versus now you can have a whole stack of apples and a stack of bread in fairness there wasn't hunger back then and food used to heal you hearts instantly but they recently made a change to hunger and they made health a lot easier to get back that's because restoring health used to cost three of your hunger points listed down there it's kind of absurd in addition walking and sneaking alone used to drain hunger so now look we've simulated this it's a little exaggerated of course but just by moving around we are losing substantial amounts of hunger and on top of that once you heal it well you're not much better off anyways at least in the olden days whereas now look how much you can get out of look at what one heart two three four what see i'm taking like mad damage right now you can't even tell it's happening because i'm healing it so fast using this bread now if that were back in the old days well let's just say cactus used to pose a little bit more of a threat i mean we're getting our health back so quickly this is a joke you never used to number seven sprinting made minecraft way easier it made traveling more easier in general but it also made certain jumps that were not possible now possible this block no problem to get to when sprinting but good luck trying to clear that path when sprinting doesn't exist it's literally impossible what are you looking at not only could you make new jumps but you also had a lot faster way of getting around for example we have a little race track here we'll call it and look at what happens walking right here's the timer we've got it took us 6 56 to reach the end of that lovely keeps going 656 to reach the end of that wall now look at what happens if we are sprinting towards it 6 16. as you can tell big difference 5.88 that time around and walking once again let's see what do we got what do we got what do we got what do we got what do we got 646 right sprinting is way better than walking now with all this talk of moving around we figured number eight should be transportation because there's been a lot of updates that make getting around easier in minecraft besides sprinting over time new ways of transportation have been implemented into minecraft such as minecarts one of the original transportation implementations now they it's moving abnormally slow right here but you know that's because we don't have any powered rails also um it's really short rail so there's nowhere really to go anyways oh god there was also boats that were added and uh uh horses and llamas were also implemented making things a little bit easier to get around as you can see the horse moves just a smidge faster than humans and while the llama isn't the fastest by any means i would suggest that the llama's main purpose is not for that anyways it's to store goodies as you can see we can store things with the llama and furthermore we can even use a lead on that llama to make him join us on our adventures or in this case to accidentally attach to a fence post get over here you're coming with me now baby yeah look at him go against his will no less my favorite oh he's gone heck they even added an elytra for literally flying in minecraft it has honestly never been easier to get around in this game i mean look you can literally fly i mean come on sky is the limit i understand but a little much no i'm just kidding i love this thing that's the best look at my flips number nine combat was made a lot easier as well i'm not even talking necessarily about the combat update and the switch from spam clicking to cooldowns but shields made it very easy to fight against arrow attacks you used to just have to eat all these arrows that the skeletons would shoot at you no longer the case with this puppy beautiful put it on and you are good to block well i mean that time i was a little slow to the punch but either way once you've got this thing up i mean they even made an advancement around it come on baby they can handle skeletons and anything else that happens to shoot a projectile in your general direction try me punk yeah in addition toads of a dying came out in the 1.12 update and will keep you alive during a dangerous encounter look at these golden emerald wonders they kind of look like villagers and you'd wonder why villagers never done me any favors but these ones will actually keep you alive so notice we're getting wailed on right now ain't no thing because of the totem in my hand we're going to survive this onslaught we just did so now we get the egg out of here the totem will give you absorption hunger and regeneration for a brief period of time to allow you some recovery opportunity against any nearby foes i get away no one even likes you guys stupid budget zombies number 10 loot became a lot easier to acquire in numerous different ways back in the day for example you could only get items from chests mobs or oars but over things over things over time things changed fishing first of all was updated to allow you to get more than just fish in fact you used to only be able to get one type of fish now they've changed to have numerous types of fish sometimes you can get loot enchanted books so relaxing just fishing out on the old range or wherever the heck we are waiting patiently to get there we go ah man we just got a regular fish second time's a charm huh yeah a bowl what things worthless anyways tnt was also changed to have a 100 block drop rate so now you can use tnt to get items ores etc way easier than you normally used to be able to in fact no one really considered tnt a resource gathering tool until this recent change which believe it or not actually happened i believe in 1.13 so this is a very fresh change you can now use it to get your diamonds your iron all sorts of different things where before you'd expect to lose most of them now you've got inherent value in getting tnt drops oh and i love it plus there was also a time where villagers didn't exist in fact they used to be known as testificates and they originally showed up in one of minecraft's early betas upon hanging out in game you'd see him looking a little bit like this with big testificate above their name now currently villagers serve a purpose of taking items and giving you items in return for those items and you use those items to get different items in return for those items that you gave items for yeah when they were first introduced they didn't really have much of anything going on they were fun punching bags and they'd always look at you weird but outside of finding them they didn't really do much yet however in these days villagers serve a huge purpose in that they give you trades for i mean do i need to do it again only five more updates to focus on my friends this next one are commands and special items for creative mode back in the old days the only way to get more mobs was breeding them or finding them having already spawned in game that's because all these puppies these spawn eggs right they didn't actually exist yet you could only find mobs in game now spawning in mobs is as simple as grabbing a spawn egg of your choice and right clicking somewhere so that they oh yeah did you see that that was insane whoa he okay in addition commands and command blocks made it a lot easier to do things such as oh i don't know create a message that would appear in game perhaps give yourself a special new item maybe you wanted to set a nearby block to do something special or a nice quick teleportation to wherever you needed to go perhaps you even wanted to give yourself a nice effect such as jump boost so much fun if you want to move great distances in the past you used to have to use external software to change where you spawned in game now you can just teleport there number 12 crafting tutorials arguably one of the changes that made minecraft the easiest mode of itself the crafting tab in the crafting table makes it easier to craft items now you don't need the wiki see this book right here just like that we've got every possible combination of item that you would be able to craft in game at your fingertips you can even filter out which ones you are capable of crafting by pressing this button in this case we have anything to make anything with or you can continue to search for what you would need if you had those items on hand but as you can see it is comprehensive before you just used to have to memorize the recipe and try and guess at new items when they came out in updates there are also a few early in-game hints that show up when you start a new map such as these things they normally pop up in the top right corner we've done our best to simulate them this is your movement this is looking around with your mouse this is your instruction to punch your very first tree this is how you would open your inventory by default settings and then it explains you how to craft a blank and it explains that the recipe book could help you know this guy overall welcome changes for all the little newbies out there can't hang baby number 13 experience changes back in the old days you can only get experience from attacking mobs so we've gotten well i don't want to bring another spider into this cold cruel world let's just kill this one and look at that we got some experience for our trouble however minecraft was updated to allow for experience gained via smelting and mining as well so we've got a couple different ores that we'd like to cook up right here and if you look at my experience bar you'll notice that even just mining we're still getting pretty decent experience it didn't used to be this way getting experience was literally a grind and you really valued your levels because you used to lose all of them on death now you keep seven if you've got enough levels in the bank to begin with even smelting boom extra xp thank you very much finally they made the ball of enchanting obtainable in game you can trade certain villagers for this guy and it's literally volatile experience i said that weird i know y'all been waiting for this next one number 14 spawn changes over time changes to spawning made things a lot easier in game back then you could literally spawn in a lava lake the criteria for where you spawn has now changed a little bit to be more fair but in addition we're also given the ability to set our own spawn point via our favorite item the bed time set night look at what happens tomorrow to currently kill myself i see i'm over here it's bad however if i had slept in a bit hey hey this bed is occupied well well get out of it you he shook his head at me now you get in the lava good anyway set a bed down and if you sleep in it now well hey you just respect cannot talk today somebody help me guys now if i were to fall in this lava lose all my precious items you'd see a little bit of a different situation appear namely now we spawn right by our bed and in addition we also got compasses that will point towards your spawn point at all times so if you ever get lost and at least need to get back to your spawn point you can use the compasses to make it happen being lost in minecraft used to be like a major part of the experience and i feel like most people don't get lost these days because there's a lot of things in game that makes it really hard to get lost and our final change is probably one of my favorite ones spectator mode back in the old days the only way to see caves was glitching or digging down and with spectator mode it is a lot easier to do so you can also spectate different mobs so we're going to leave these guys right in the little cage for the time being and in a hot second we're going to spectate them so you get an idea of what they are actually capable of but for now i'm going to press this button so you can see exactly what i mean spectator mode instantly able to see anything underground we basically see through stone we can see lava lakes we can see strongholds mine shafts we can see where this tnt got blown up we can see it all but again here's the cool part left click on a creature and you will see what they see so here's what an enderman sees when it's looking around oh boy very scary oh he's literally just dodging around teleporting oh gosh here's what a creeper sees pixelated green mess wonder gosh no wonder they blow up on everything i can't hardly tell what's going on i'd assume there's an enemy by me at all times and of course finally spiders have a fun look as well look at all the different versions of the world that they see this is what i guess having what six eyes looks like yeah i can get behind it hey guys let us know what you think has been made super easy about minecraft that didn't show up in today's video there's a chance we'll make another one of these on that exact subject with that though we leave you take it easy
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,323,279
Rating: 4.855124 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft changes, minecraft updates, minecraft needs, minecraft mods, logdotzip, best minecraft mods, mods, mod, update, funny, new, no swearing, minecraft 1.14, 1.14, 1.14 minecraft, minecraft update, new minecraft, new minecraft update, logdotzip 1.14, minecraft logdotzip, features, no cursing, villager, mining, better, 15 updates minecraft, noob vs pro, minecraft update 1.15, crafting recipes in minecraft, best minecraft updates, minecraft new update
Id: p2-I-E4Qchc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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