50 Updates we PAID for in Minecraft

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we paid five developers to make us fifty minecraft updates each developer was in charge of making a grand total of 10 unique additions to Minecraft from brand new mobs some bet attack and some that protect to special rare drops to aid you in your survival world even some odd ways of getting around the best part they were told they could make whatever they wanted so with that enjoy these 50 paid minecraft updates alright let's take a look at ambiguous chameleons data pack let's start with our first one right over here the ability to banish the wandering trader and I got to say finally this guy is an eyesore as well as an eyesore we've got a peaceful option to get rid of the trader as well as a mean option which is the one I'm looking forward to most so be able to see watering traded nearby high steep and with enough sneaking you will banish this sucker goodbye no one to trades begin with Oh even says something he's quite friendly given the circumstances but okay here's the mean option apparently we sneak jump aim downwards and then oh whoa we can launch him your best day of my life can we just oh wow ok favourite update so far next paid update is the pig raft I'm looking forward to this one so you'll need a special crafter for this one it's gonna require eight Pig spawn eggs and a boat oh gosh I I can explain actually I I don't know if I can so we're gonna throw this onto the water in order to effectively activate it big raft away oh ho I love him okay so we're gonna get on and then oh do we have to oh yeah right clicking oh yeah oh gosh Wow works in land too you know that sheep is like what the heck's going on so check this out oh boy this is very hard to control oh we're going through land somebody help these poor swine's oh this is really goofy I love it though I do love it and I gotta lie about it hold on a second this is definitely you know I'm so glad I spent money getting this developed Plus at a moment's notice you've got infinite access to I assume like a whole mess of bacon I'll be number three witches arrows an arrow that transforms a target into a harmless sheep this arrow only drops from witches so we've got the ability to get one of these right now yo what up you suck you died ahead witches arrows and look at little sheep face Oh everything's the best so hold arrows in the hoff hand the hoff hand I say anyways to properly use them with a bow so we got a bow here we've got these in our hoff hand slot and we're gonna go ahead and turn this unfortunate little spider into my new best friend Wow hey get on my way I'm looking at the hay okay but does it work with all mobs let me see yes yes why isn't this in game no what does need to make sense I'm just asking why it's not in game looking okay I guess chickens get different treatment around here but can we turn a sheep into a sheep we can oh wow oh wow oh I love it isn't the fun wonder before the squeak gun which I assume is squid ink mm-hmm is they making so as you can see you're gonna need a lot of creative mode to maximise on the ability to use some of these updates but some of these are a lot of fun and you know should probably used in creative mode only anyways sprays foes with ink in pairing sight and movement yeah oh hi sheep hey hey suck get get squeaked alright that's it for that one just kidding it also slows enemies and decreases their follow range hi stupid get yeah oh gosh okay not slow enough so as you can see he's been slowed and we've decreased his follow range just like the sign said see guys I told you I could read look at him over there just suck and just being dumb ah not good at anything probably as anybody knows name you didn't know I'm talking about loser how's this as a weapon didn't even know I made them Wow worst here here's a new friend for you oh gosh looks messed up yeah actually I want this I want this too alright number 5 the potion of animal friendship this is perfect this special project calls animals to aid you in battle alright guys hold on a second all is good there first throw a diamond on a brewing Center upgraded I'll do it I've done it and then we need to follow this recipe so I'm gonna say be awesome time and by skipping through a majority of this process though I got to say what kind of animal friendship potion is comprised of a bunch of ingredients made from animals I mean we threw in a fish a rabbit's foot the shell of a turtle this seems like I don't even have the words this seems messed up can't wait to drink it though alright and just like that we've got a potion of animal friendship with our animals affected last three visits because no one could like me for longer than that about a time except you guys so for a short while after drinking nearby animals we'll follow you and defend you from your foes so I'm gonna go ahead and drink this and see what happens we've got ourselves a nice friends button which had one of those in real life and we've got some friends look they all love me and apparently they follow me Yannick getting on over there and we got what our foes hey hey defend me guys defend me I'm being attacked squeak-squeak get yo bad to the bone because he's a sheep looking at get the zombie what are you doing oh no I squeaked him I squeaked him to all the chicken I got all my friends not my Pig Raph though I guess I'm just gonna let you live that was just hey you know that's that happens sometimes you gotta go though what the heck are you invincible I can't kill the chicken you're useless to me I can't even eat you oh man not you too whatever number six paid updates guard and glove I don't even want to know what this is but it's in the garden you'll need leather pants so what was to brown dyes garden love this is an effective solution to harvesting crops you right-click to harvest mature crops and they instantly replant as a result so good so good why is it this a real thing I mean I guess it technically is a real thing now cuz they paid to have it made but like wow come on join us in Minecraft land please I beg I need to most of you know next up is the sturdy glove to make your sturdy glove combine your garden glove with eight blocks of iron and just like that you're ready to go this is a cool glove it lets you pick up blocks and then toss them best day what am i strong look I can carry dirt with my head apparently and sand well the best yo ho well I'm strong yeah oh my god I'm kind of yo I think you got some splinters aw at number eight is the miner gotcha which is apparently a cute little bit your pet to look after weirdest recipe ever but I'm not gonna question it we've got our mine agachi presumably the texts all big and when you scroll over it it makes a fun little noise look at you and it's gonna take three minutes to hat so it will be back hatch I just heard some sound effects and once it's hatched state is active every once in a while you'll get a nice present in this case our pet apparently gave us one oh look hey we got a ball of a Channing Wow best present ever next update through the magical snort oh we go sure here we are in snowy land stay here for warmth why well that's because number nine is a blizzard a new and dangerous weather effect stay in a blizzard for too long and you'll begin to get cold you'll start moving slower and eventually you'll take damage if you stay by a fire you'll be warm if you wear a hat you'll be warm now I'm not gonna pay any heed to what they were just talking about almost dead bone in it Blizzard and see what happens it's fine I have my glove with me grab yeah where'd it go ooh getting chilly that's right and we instantly get hit with a slowness to effect till eventually you start freezing and you'll start to take damage when you're freezing as well we just got smacked with three hearts of damage wish you could have seen it you'll just have to take my word for it you see cuz there's three hearts of damage missing down there why would I lie to you now we're gonna get close right alright I by the fire what else do you want it squeaked see look now it's only getting chilly again until eventually the fire warms you up completely and you won't even have slowness in due course either only had a hat that wasn't made of pigs and number 10 for chameleons is the merchant stand throw together eight blocks of emeralds in one single chest to get one of the coolest baby little stands you've ever seen you can use this handy block by throwing it on the ground and the moment you do it will instantly take shape now the way this thing works is quite simple loaded up with various types of crops or other items that villagers normally take by dropping them nearby and you will from time to time collect emeralds see look this guy's got some emeralds for me we just got three of them right there because the merchants stand will automatically sell any crops that you decide you add to the stand and as you can see here every once in a while you'll pull the tidy profit you'll actually see particles go off and you'll hear a fun little merchant sound aka a villager sound sounding quite pleased hey good work here dude see there it is right there little particles appear as well as a nice sound effect sneak to collect your money alright now we check out 10 updates by lost the first of which is awesome rocket launchers yes we can use this to shoot random firework rockets and they literally shoot in all sorts of directions and they'll naturally blow up as well you can use this thing as an awesome powerful weapon certainly not balanced by any means but hey sometimes the best types of weapon ha ha ha yo imagine having a fish for fourth of July in fact although I wanted make it night baby oh gosh Oh No hey went out with a bang up next to paid updates emotes three moats to let you express yourself I know y'all saw that dab one in there so we've got our target here the pig what do you what what do you want get away get away thank you Jesus actually I'm hungry so good oh yeah they most so check it out right click - head shake no ha ha ha hey hey what's up everybody yeah and I wave gosh yeah he's move on next up super hard mode all mobs are buffs they get increased movement speed and attack power we're gonna enable super hard mode we're gonna put on this stuff I guess as though it's gonna protect us come on you can't use my bridge rodeo I don't need armor yeah I'm the best man alive modest - oh gosh ok I get it I get it like oh boy hey bunny putty buddy I don't have what you need can we stop thank you at least they have the same out of health otherwise we'd be in a whole mess of trouble but look at him he's just coming from me like he's going oh where's my firework gun Oh get it out quick yeah now this works on any mob in the world not just creepers not just husks and before the auto torched place so this device will automatically place torches for you oh yeah he toggled on and on with a sneak and a right-click so now the torch place is on and we're gonna explore a nearby cave so that you can see it in action look at this instantly placing torches for us could you imagine having this in Minecraft what is in my minecraft hahaha that's so funny for me mostly sex for you number five stamina a concept for a possible game mode style the idea here is that with stamina mode enabled you can only do certain actions at appropriate speed when your stamina is full when it's less such as when jumping you lose stamina as you can see that bar slowly goes down when we do things like sprint and we do things like jump even going for a little dip in the water will lower your stamina and if you hit a zero stamina you'll start to move slower you'll have weakness mining fatigue you essentially won't be able to get anything done so talk about a serious type of hard mode down there pass number six Enderman Tinto or TNT yeah this Enderman holds TNT so you check them out yo he's holding T&T Wow very dangerous we're gonna make him mad at me we're gonna shoot that at oh boy oh wow these literally places T okay Oh Oh easy does it hold on I have the solution yeah ah oh gosh I hate stabbing what do I do oh gosh came with okay what just happened stop before he's following me he's literally following me around and stop bad hi who gave this guy TNT problems all day good good I hope it damages you wait hey my stuff wait what happened what did you do to this man his heads on the ground and outs blown up stop ahktar see you can upload the rest of the show kissed oh good he died stoke i huh and that will do so sad guys paid update number seven is the scrap box the box which contains a bunch of random items and when opened it will drop one to ten of those random items so we're gonna clear out the inventory just kidding it's already been cleared we're gonna open up the scrap box whoa it's like a loot box nice hey we got a brick wall okay and a boat and playing so we did get a diamond ain't mad about it hold on I want to see let's let's another 10 diamond block and a skeleton horse Oh best day ever I love Christmas okay about this one what do we get a dropper it's like lucky blocks guys this time we got whatever all rights give one more shot oh ho useless what did you do number eight is horse armor enchantments they could use some enchantments here's some examples of what that might look like iron horse armor with frost Walker to fire immunity and leaping tame you Oh big man maybe I'll find it every horse just kidding he likes me now okay so let's put on the leaping see what happens there well other than an insane sound effect that's going on right now that we've actually taken out in post-production jobs out the Jedi right there we've also got frost Walker for our buddy here mmm-hmm cool yeah you should be able to add and chant mr. horses I mean it makes perfect sense to me and of course we also have our hands on fire immunity which will keep the horse nice and safe you and the meanwhile will continue to take fire damage so long as you happen to be nearby so you know be careful number nine slices of cake now being able to turn a cake into a bunch of slices would allow you to eat them from your inventory so now we got a nice little cake and now we got slices of cake too good hold on hungry boy alert imagine if you had a button in real life to make you hungry I'd press that thing all the time I just love to eat it it's so true okay so check it out now you got a cake and now you can eat a piece at a time and restore your hunger that way which makes it more similar to other food and games so it kind of loses the appeal of instantly restoring hunger but hey on the flip side now you can have slice of cake wherever you are and like come on why would you want that and number ten here is realistic Apple the update everybody's been waiting for normally you don't eat a whole Apple in one bite well now you can eat an apple in four bites man I just ate a whole bunch of cake we try and do to me all right let's do it eat yeah Wow what are my ability there now is the Apple company joke anyways don't worry about it I'm hungry nice four whole bites you even eat the core sick free and now your turn back to - Geoff's world to show you the ooze this is a swamp based mob and as you can see here he is all over you know literally he's a sticky wonder if you were to throw anything nearby this is whether it be items spawn eggs weapons it will literally catch inside of the US look it's literally getting stuck at him if you try and throw a trident at this guy it wouldn't even damage him it just gets stuck inside of the oozes body and again get too close and he will actually be able to take the item that you're holding in your hand and steal it from your hotbar they'll even capture it nearby mob so be very careful when fighting this guy and just know that if you kill the ooze you'll get all of your items back in addition the ooze also has a chance at dropping a brand new item ooh this one's got it look dropped it it's known as goo shoes and it's number seven this is a new type of armor that's dropped by use and it allows you to climb up walls so don't mind while I do just that climbing up this wall thank you very much and hey we can drop down to the next item painful yeah that was that that's that's it for that one hey you useful you know would have been quite useful last video to get up this witch's Hut let's see yep look at that way easier to climb when we do it that way in fact I should probably just grab another one of these next up is the yo-yo a new type of weapon yo-yo that's it to make it you'll need four oak planks and a lead just like that you've got your yo-yo in hand yeah right click while holding the yo-yo to throw it and it will literally yo-yo in whatever direction it is you're looking beautiful up down left right any direction essentially and you can use it to damage mobs like all these look ah well that is a very strong weapon whoa free beef how strong is it strong enough to take out all the bat seeds but is there more to it than just that die I'm trying to push the button more than once how's it fare against an iron golem oh whoa this guy doesn't like yo-yos rude number nine the vine room a new type of block that's been added so we've got it right here well the rest before it anyways you'll need six vines placed as you saw in this crafting table to get twelve vine ropes the vine ropes are lovely all you'll need to do is place one down and then you can place down another one by literally just right-clicking existing vines and that will allow you to slowly place them downwards so we've placed all those vines now by looking downwards and sneaking you will actually be able to go down this vine alternatively by standing nearby it sneaking and then going in an upwards direction you can very easily climb it as well so now you've got a nice simple up and down a vine option and number 10 The Lost relic and ruins which is a structure that you can happen across in swamp areas if you happen to find this ruin look for a chest nearby because there's a chance that it contains this lost relic and this thing has a lot of different uses first off if there's air above you you can levitate mobs nearby via right-clicking them so why don't we spawn in a news and then right-click and then check this out levitate the mob yes you fool trying to use on me uh uh mmm get away I don't know I don't like you go down there thank you much better they killed it if there's blocks above you you can right-click to get night vision so now we can see that dark cave over there because we happen to be right underneath a block now you can swim down and right-click while in water for conduit power so now we've got a whole bunch of dolphins grace the ability to build and place way more effectively when in water and the ability to breathe underwater very useful dang it a step further the lost relic also gives some passive effects namely you get slow falling when you're holding it in your hand and it will also give you dolphins grace in water just in general while you happen to be swimming around not only that it will give you resistance so you can actually take a lot less damage namely in this case no damage when you get the relic in hand its Opie much jeez so all fifty paid updates are now live on the channel you can let us know in the comments below which developers updates you like the most and if you didn't catch the first 25 of the 50 updates that we paid for on the channel make sure you go watch that video right now and thanks for subscribing he
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 3,620,943
Rating: 4.8423724 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new update, crafting recipes, gaming, minecraft 1.16, items, funny, mobs, logdotzip, new, new minecraft items, update, minecraft updates, new minecraft tnt, new items, rare minecraft mobs, new items in minecraft, new pet update, new tools, new weapons, new minecraft blocks, new crafting recipes, 50 NEW Crafting Recipes, confirmed Minecraft updates, new blocks, new minecraft mobs, 50 new updates in minecraft, new mobs, giant spider, pets, pig, pig boat, minecraft pig
Id: hTYCMu5Q4Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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