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look at we bit the piston stop our next block go and there's another button baby the story by John Hunter silenced or net oh my gosh oh this is hey what's going on guys slug that dip here y'all ever wonder what's inside some of your favorite minecraft blocks Pistons bookshelves branded human sauna is this a block disgusting anyways yeah y'all ever wonder what's inside the furnace as it cooks away and you meet we're in the crafting table and exactly what you use these tools for on the side well the answer is simple in ghosts for put in human form it's a little bit different it's mapped by wolf shot - it's all about finding out what's inside his blog down be descriptive leave it likely to subscribe alright let's dive into the block wolf limb Maps I pressed it I'm in the block is this the inside of a piston no this is a great house what is this game what is this what am i guy cooks like someone's like vomiting dust I guess I just don't understand what I supposed to be doing like that and are you supposed to be on fire I chase oh here we go then what we were looking for oh hey this looks fancy piston bookshelf paint oh it's a painting I see you're kind of creepy furnace and workbench I want to see what's inside of piston uh hey we're supposed to go teleport oh this is grand okay cool alright giant piston block I got a bone to pick with you it's time to see what's inside yeah dude this guy's been pissing me off get it sorry is that that's not is get it's good it's safe okay the piston block okay y'all don't you still look into it why I died I guess that's what I get lesson learn press the button go to the level don't move after that okay the webs they help us alright so you're the giant piston here's book okay her book piston part 1 find the button to push up the staircase okay oh yeah it will be fine okay there's a spawn point now when we die nothing Bad's gonna happen we need to figure out to get inside this piston so we can figure out what's inside this piston now oh oh here we go stairs what that was and did you just see that hold on what the heck oh whoa nice leads to nothing alert check it out look it's gravel what is that about what is it like is it pooping it's stuck okay so we can't get actually inside yet we got to figure out a way to get this guy up we would say find the button to push up the oh okay I should read yeah no it's probably helpful so we got to figure out what this button is oh and it looks like we found it it was on the top of this hill so imma press that and if I've had any luck yep look yep yep yep yep yep okay good and I'm gonna find out what this is about it's bothering me it's like science and I don't get why ooh look there it is Oh almost fell Hey oh nice is it like forming the gravel can we oooh it just appears there yeah well I guess that's the inner workings of the piston this is how this thing works with a lot of gravel and a lot of glass okay so here we go this looks promising book okay more reading push and pull piston part - okay we're on part two now get a redstone block to the redstone wire they come again what redstone block to the redstone one okay well here's the wire okay that makes a little more sense and here's the block how much was the movement I'm in Adventure mode Oh ooh okay okay I think I'm missing something oh nice probably this stupid chest that was right by me yet important oh okay okay good alright great well that's good to know huh night vision I already had that oh great I got gross particles over the place there I fixed it okay so now we need to put this on the Emerald that's what I've take it easy boy feisty yo he's like hey I want to be a part of your video not today we need to get this redstone block all the way to right there so we can get the Redstone I don't know I don't know why to be out of it I assume it's to make the piston work so pris you per se said okay look it's been a long day it's actually early in the morning I actually had to leave the office a little bit early yesterday and we started the map yesterday but I gotta finish it today and you're going the wrong worry okay trust again oh okay now it's starting to travel okay I can mess with this okay that's it that's it that's it oh yeah put them all back make it nice and clean looking and then can i okay good good good baybel this is perfect another puzzle down another puzzle - oh hey oh this guy's powered now I hope that isn't complicating so if we need to get the redstone block over here we need to get it too right oh okay hey Jade out now it'll work look at that oh this is so quick and fun and painful mmm so then do this again I think right okay again it did I huh no oh I got a ha ha ha push it first and then if I do that and then I can get the rest of them is that right am I doing this right I think it's coming together so I can't get any further then oh these oh hey it's all happening guys okay push you and then oh no what right is that those who are here hey Gotham I'm sorry I'm the king of Pistons it's its prestigious title trust me oh that unlocked this whole area right here yeah cuz this is just clay before okay oh and there's some up here too man I am missing things all over the place no no no okay so what do we got going on in here another book why are the zombie books in the Pistons based in part three get the machine working again and find the button okay well I have the button it's right here and this is part three it says it's part yeah there's part three okay well we got right is that hey what do I look at anyways huh can we what are you can i what can you Oh Blanca diamond oh wow well here we go okay well let me see we got all the rest of them in place right here and if I'm not mistaken oh there's the block all right well how about it well that worked very quickly ooh hey laggy don't like wow what is this powering it's hard or something Pistons bumps good now I want more books during the sound me wait is that no K that is laughs well then did that unlock something else no it's just really laggy I don't like that one bit okay hold on the book said get the machine working again and find the button well this isn't the button oh okay all right there's nothing on that last guy oh maybe down here no button okay not there either well I can't reach it anyways all right any bum gonna work maybe weather maybe about the diamond one the diamond yeah jam oh god yeah oh wow this is for me I think this is here before yeah okay let me see yeah yeah this is new okay sweet I'll get check it out turn it off the did it oh thank goodness it's so loud all right final area another book warning falling objects oh wait is it this part is that it is that it is that it is oh grandma well my least favorite blocks uh-huh warning falling off the piston part 4 get something in the hopper to activate the command block that's the hopper here's the button okay okay can we oh oh I like this we gotta push it at the perfect moment I think is that what I'm doing I just keep pushing see look did it maybe maybe we gotta time it I think we might we might have to time it did I get it they did yeah he's acted now a sick okay cool well that was that's crazy okay so I guess I'm a little confused uh-huh we'll be doing oh oh hey this is new oh we're inside the piston arm we're gonna see what all the hubbub is about what makes this thing tinker on the inside okay okay get behind you never would've guessed that there was so much going on inside of piston including just more Pistons I think that's like an oxymoron like I can't make sense of it we got another put the piston made really amazed oh my god oh this is the final piston part go to the maze find for leverage to open up the shining passage what is it shining but it sounds exciting is where we just were oh okay oh great with all the corridor and everything else ah I will rule them you always follow the left wall when you're inside a maze you know why where if you do you can't get lost in it because you'll never like accidentally backtrack over a certain area oh hello whatever oh all the pistons that must be what it is oh yeah I'm still mad left wall good good good good good good all I haven't even seen any levers yet oh oh hello perfect okay let me see I pressed you now if I'm not mistaken that should have unlocked this area yes no no I am press again stupid rats good-o teach you what for alright once again left well every once in a while you're gonna hit some dead ends but as you can see here it all comes out and then nice and clean we got piston or lever whatever it is lever number two the lever whatever show yeah always the dead ends but you get what you want okay and we need two more in order for us to get whatever it is we need to go next and that looks very interesting that is definitely a secret door I will be coming back to you shortly well I mean once I get the levers did I really go through that whole area and there's nothing and then here well then where am I supposed to go I am very confused was it through here oh is this it what the heck I could be right I just saw one over here where's the see look now I've stopped oh look we're through oh and there's the last one right that's four I don't know if I like it the same lever a couple times now and now I'm all disoriented I have no idea where I am anymore oh my gosh lost it's been days I've run out of food and what oh I'm out okay good oh is this other sit this is new okay check it out oh oh oh that was cool oh I like that I was fun what do these buttons none of them do anything at least like right in front of me I feel like I've been had like what is this oh okay this is no cure just press you well there we go oh level complete whoa whoa well hold on a sec you guys ever see that happen to you in-game immediately close your game or your game will legit crash that's why I like lost my mind because the King was about to crash the moment that happened oh yeah we bit the piston stop our next block I really want to know what these books are to be honest with you I've never known oh look at this oh it's lovely I didn't know changed all of them okay sweet well bookshelf is up next there's gotta be something good in here come on boys get your read on yeah I said come on boys get your read on girl whatever it's not a big deal we're back in the labs the left's the okay I'm just gonna stop here chicken is that drama maybe it's the spawn point night vision I don't need my big lab dark gosh that's it for every spawn point stuck slash kill oh great good in between the pages whoa do we need all these oh I'm gonna do it fun oh that's good and there's just the right amount for the whole hot bar so don't worry about it so here's our bookshelf okay anybody pay to book shop hub find the seven buttons inside the bookshelf you file in the mall find the eighth okay there's a hit great yeah I don't read the hand okay we got to find seven buttons Wow no pressure or anything huh maybe oh yeah we got like look we got like look in-between everywhere oh my word dude oh gosh I visit a very long time let me see we're back I hear maybe we just go interesting how do i this is killer I just want to get up the ladder why would you just put like a straight ladder this is so thieriot it's fine here we go Ron top here still haven't seen a single button and it doesn't look like we're gonna get to read after all it's fake books but here's one of the buttons different by Quint I'll block Oh why we are in the book yeah okay we're totally off center here okay different okay let me see well different resources come again what am i what am I looking for your resources or okay I can get in all these I am so confused no button there nothing on that well there's quartz oh yeah well let me find the book called different huh different these aren't even unless it's this in between the pages oh here's different here's different different that's number four different book I don't want I know I don't want the heads I just want to see what the book was about green flowers those are nice I do like flowers although none of this Smee are you really gonna try to hide a button in all these different forever what are you colors alright oh hey hey no there's some in this room boy a key what the Expo a key is this one me again oh whoa whoa oh yeah he's holding a skull yeah oh I'll give it a shivers I'm gonna just let you do your thing we're going to do this okay you look gross - I don't nothing here nothing here nothing here no buttons nothing just pressing wonders here oh wait here's a button I found it the fabled button I can't reach it though I was bad is that underneath no it's no way I've been had oh you monster it was hiding behind the door huh that's awesome all right well difference done now we need to find the BIOS nice so these are all the books that are in the bookshelf okay we got to like find a series of buttons just to find more buttons this is this is a little much enough falling oh hello here's one we got a yellow book the biomes by Alexia ender woman wow there's wonder women I had no idea I guess that makes sense how else were they supposed to be right is this the button the deserts the driest biome in the game it's the only place and buddy's fun he could find the same oh all the different biomes mountains there's a hole we have to climb way too much I get hungry just looking at what why do you get hungry just interesting okay well that didn't do much for me at all there's nothing even to eat here ice we all just get a brain freeze trying to find your way no buttons in the water fine I bet you anything yeah look look at that look saw it instantly it's got to be something it's got to be something what y'all at what y'all looking at uh that's the button so fast well let's go ahead and just grab the rest of the description see y'all can get at least some knowledge there's the nether y'all can pass you pause the video if you want and then here's this guy the flower okay I've over it I'm gonna hit that button be on my way oh that's it the biomes completed now we give her that book which where was it I think it's a biome why there's the biomes I still think I realize how big this bookshelf is like I have not even like reached one side of it there's one Rick by Nick what's his name again oh I can't recall yeah you Rick are you mister what's his name again maybe read the story one winter day in April 1970 Rick was playing his favorite football game sure most high places his dad but the time has come his dad Todd chip okay great story but but it doesn't help me where's the boat where's the button this is the worst house by the way can I just say this is the most terrible house I think I've ever seen oh poor poor what's his name again Hayes was a live here it's really bad next chapter oh my god it's chapter at a time oh my god that's so cool he's pretty lazy screams hell yeah y'all can just posit okay you're actually this story's pretty deep Rick's like looking at like his parents or his friend or something gets sucked into another portal and he can't do anything about it and his poor soccer ball is just wow wow this is really this is really sad actually I I haven't fired come on let's give it the next chapter after burning all right here's the next chapter and he looks all sorts of goofed up I don't even know what's going on with his arms what's that luckily Rick heard about this at school see know what to do at school they told me easy buddy a lot or just made you a paralyzed man for you eventually Rick awoke and he never never ever you will perish sued and Rick was just a he ran back home rivers for free and quickly ran back home man I would not mess with a book that says you will perish then I want to say compress this oh my gosh his eyes stop bad read story once he got home he got inside got a chair up until now something he started to cry tears something look it's my favorite thing jump in don't hesitate to jump it's like a paradise the other side and me of course Wow hey this is like really morbid oh my god stop what is he doing in there what are you doing in there hey hey are you okay buddy what are you doing you don't even have food what are you possibly eating right now I stopped like stuck I can't get through I like it sneak I forgot hey check it out sneaking you can get through like I've done some of you sneak all right get it oh hey is that a button that's kind of that's the button just barely no no books just button yes Rick complete if it's complete then how come I wasn't teleported took me to the chapter this just took me to the next chapter no I want to leave uh-huh how do I get out what what do I am like stalking the story forever oh no this map is cool okay hey you make pretty sense what else would be in a bookshelf of a whole bunch of stories of books hey hey hey what are you oh you're right here okay cool bed bye yeah yeah my favorite person bed oh here we go Ben no I don't want okay fine well actually that's just where I was okay cool well we got to figure out what's this beds all about is this it is this just the read instructions how to put together the egg Kea bed oh you want put together some from Ikea huh good luck with that 35 dark oak stairs 3 dark oak slabs 12 Reds wow that is a whole bunch of thing wow this is a huge commitment there's a lot of stories in here we don't need this many stories I mean this is a nice looking bed and all but you're going crazy if you expect me to actually build this thing I'm just here to try and figure out what is in the recipes book next step please oh I see it's like doing the full-blown room well then can I go back as oh I don't think I looked hard enough I gotta check every single nook and cranny of this area for any buttons and it didn't look like we have any but it also doesn't look like the beds here anymore I'm really confused instructions I feel like the grammars Manion I'm right but I'm too lazy to search for areas first of all but next step we've next stepped it okay uh-huh the text isn't really help yeah just look the pictures okay yeah you're funny I just do the button next step once again great the bed's almost completed y'all been doing it forever patience is a virtue they say but I got none of it and it's been so hard to try and like find and look in between all of these maybe I can't even oh there it is nice bed complete it perfect and I actually had teleport this time we're going for whatever's in here baby yeah this bookshelf is huge like there's an entire like separate area I wasn't even aware of you can we please keep it please like oh it's the most painful they have ever experienced thank you hey this is a color to the room we were just in except without the command oh here's one what's up well we got hit book okay I was looking for PvE but we'll go with the hit book by wolf Shaun - nice maybe the hit book will help tell us that you know the inside I have a feeling we have some parkour to do but she's always reassuring everyone loves parkour right everybody just loves jumping and constantly needing to figure out where to go next in the maze door of destiny really the stuff up here - oh god on Andy let me get up here huh get on up mmm I was just sealing the way this time I was due here I bet you there's like a hidden like wall or soul or somewhere hiding between one of the courts oh my gosh it's a forever wolf Shawn please oh maybe right here that's it that's it that's it that's it okay that's it that's it yes oh my gosh it's coming together we're parkour I don't even know if this is the right way but it's okay must lead to something right maybe I bet you it's hidden it is it was right there Wow yes that was the best one yet that was quick we like skipped half of that usually gonna go through all the nonsense of the rest of the books now there's time okay we can get rid of handbook we got only two is that right yeah two more left and then the final button yeah well this looks promising we've got some ladder parkour and I'm hoping it leads somewhere ooh and there's some crazy sirens going on outside I hope whoever is experiencing that are okay stupid ladders game yeah that's right I'm the king of the lads it's okay it doesn't need to jump it ah work with me chapter x jump their time chapter 10 jump what yes wait I just Oh oh no I just goofed it I'm stuck hey wait a second how long has this been here what I don't even notice this before oh that's useful I've been like trying to find ways to up the ladders on the sides old time great oh speaking of now we're gonna figure out a game what are you looking at gross I don't want this go and there's another button baby the story by Jonathan putter Sava and strawman oh my gosh oh this is not a book I want to read what am I supposed to do here I'm just gonna let him fight oh well this would helped a little bit if I had known that two seconds ago mistake yeah that's it yeah another one another one oh my god all right through all these oh my gosh Oh ridiculous go go go go go go go yeah be honest guys so instead I'm just gonna place myself where I should be right right here oh my god the boss come on yeah let's just try this again huh take out the boss yes yes the boss she did it but she did another boss is gonna be dead again stop why you die you die dead killed I hate it for what just taking our Troicki I've shown the key the keys been thrown how many - oh you want oh well just clear my inventory now I get all the books again I'm stuck I'm here can I use the hint on the last one here it's right here use the last parkour the red book then go to the first green book you see okay well I'm gonna make sure I'm like totally there you are there yeah there is that's it that's it present come on button well now don't mind me I'll just be pressing all of these buttons let you know and sometimes I'm the map maker and sometimes in but it's up to you to figure out who I am now what oh hello if you would take a look at the Redstone behind this should be surprised by how noob I am I would probably be quite surprised by how I knew of y'all was wrong but if you ever feel down just remember that one time I walked in the wrong classroom didn't notice for like 10 seconds that everyone was staring at me yeah that's embarrassing man you can't suck I don't know about you but I feel better when I'm dancing yeah yeah better when I'm done with these messages okay you really go I mean at least he gives us something to talk about together with pressing all the buttons but we've that's technically four messages brand-new day brand-new messages okay well I'm not even gonna read the messages anymore they are just not helping me at all so we're just going oh poor buttons oh we found one that's the message we're looking for okay great four more to go come on dude three more to go coming in quick with it I've got a new button strategy look out look how fast so much faster well I mean marginally faster yeah two buttons to go and a whole lot more messages to go with it it should be around here somewheres just one more oh right yeah these are new so I can get with it I can get down with that button Cadillac complete hey a button appeared on a blue book on the bottom half okay the final rule the final book I mean yeah books books well I assume this to be the button press oh whoa hey hey what what what why uh-huh hey mate up here good job oh this thing I'm not really sure either but I know one thing the day is a pair of this day is coming to come into the world seems to be poor a lot to jump in portal this is a portal why what hey I thought we were doing like something with bookshelves this is a little unexpected I mean I like portals like because we can see what it's all about all right in we go all right the Internet yeah you're here what we're in it bud I'm the fandom nice to meet you I'm the person that kept talking to you inside the books Oh interesting now I bet you have a lot of questions it's like what were the altercation the books well there's a piece of fanfiction some fanfiction got into the can of stuff and melted together in this bookcase the pieces were you know part of the past such as you know you were perish all that you know I don't have any clue it appeared one day now I said we hope you can join the company of course the fiction I believe your luck we're button oh yeah there is in this room we're pointing in two different places oh is this the book is that it is that the book right there is this the Internet we're in the World Wide Web right now Oh and some sick Armour to put yeah yeah yeah hey level completed good stuff two of down and two to go we've knocked out the bookshelves and we've knocked out the Pistons and by two to go I mean three to go but not in this video if you want to see more of what's inside these giant blocks lemon I want to see part two by leaving like on his video and subscribing but that's gonna do it for now hit that Bell to you by the way you get notified for this version of giant minecraft blog by Wolff John - it's good Joe and Matt link the description of this video and like I said if you want to see paintings furnace and crafting tables will you'll have to leave a like on this video and if it gets likes we'll do another and if it doesn't well something you got and relieved things though my friends have a good day we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 972,786
Rating: 4.8768296 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, inside, inside out, What's inside a minecraft block, what's inside, how to, building, blocks, block, minecraft blocks, traps, mini game, mod, minecraft house, parkour, giant blocks, giant blocks parkour, custom parkour map, minigame, mods, challenge, showcase, funny, custom, map, no swearing, modded, games, moments, crazy, new, command, gaming, game, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip, log.zip, minecraft 1.12, 1.12, tutorial, trolling, adventure, roleplay, lets play, mini games, no cursing
Id: 1-mO7vyVZK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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