20 things Noobs ALWAYS do in Minecraft

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hey what's going on guys slog a dip here last week we covered 20 things minecraft pros never do but this week is for the noobs as we help them save their items from falling into lava by turning their awful dirt houses into nice weird living and for the first time ever a noob finally might be able to get their hands on some bedrock after mining it for so so long plus a surprise appearance from a potato of the face sure but anyways 20 things noobs always do with Minecraft oh yeah we should we should probably get to the world first alrighty welcome to new blends it says barely brown on brown seems like an innocent enough place for number one noobs they always get you close to creepers well new mode here fixes all of that we've got a fun pen here we're gonna summon some fun and we're look at what happens right here okay where's the fun oh geez ooh hey gunpowder hey that was fun we did follow instructions stand on wall press button don't move fun oh okay I did it okay so check it out in noob mode creepers don't blow up on you in fact they kind of just pop out of existence kind of in a fun bubbly format I think it actually even made a pop sound let's listen together oh it does oh I love easy gunpowder I want to install this data pack right now okay let's move on though we've got number two here gosh seriously what the font building a dirt house ooh classic noob move you've seen every newb Under the Sun to say they want to build up the most ridiculous house in the world in fact over my Pocket Edition channel I play with such a noob she literally is called Alex the new and we get into some serious antics in Minecraft Survival so you can check out a playlist for that in the description but anyways finishing up this house here we're just gonna lock ourselves in so you guys on the other side noobs used dirt as doors you should know that by now and voila just like that home sweet home so what just happened here well in noob mode during how scissor fit for a king and queen I mean look at this rose bushes I don't even have to water and people come watering for me it's amazing comes with your own pet cat who loves you look hey I just want to pet you he's always like this it's fine hey where do you kitty wakey it's all right I got a pet dog too hey buddy he doesn't care about anything oh right the house well it's built nice enough certainly no new buy no could build anything like this which is probably why newb mode gives you this house all it takes is 25 pieces of dirt and you've got instant gratification and a sweet bed to look down see am i laying it on too much is it too much number three digging straight den I mean it's the number one rule of Minecraft honestly or the golden rule you know whatever well in noob mode it's no problem we're gonna dig straight down and then look at this oh boy oh oh boy okay I'm actually burning hey hey okay I think I did something wrong how did I even mess up noob mode and it's fine no one even saw anything what do you get talking about it see you get instantly gravitated back up it's really nice Wow and it goes for a while oh I get it cuz you get to choose one it oh I that's nice okay hold on I know how it works now the moment you start following your doom you get anti-gravity floating and then you can sneak to get to stop whenever you want talk about ultimate noob stat I mean look or you just keep it going baby look at how to tell you what now oh my gosh yo what is that give that wall that one looks awesome a great view from up here well it was alright what does this do Oh Mike don't know weird this actually leads somewhere huh it lives in number 4 losing pressure source to love I can get the last part to rhyme Louie what happens in noob mode Gold ha ha ha instantly saved it's right here see I got it like gold all in your little push and while I try and throw you in all instantly saved I'm mad about this it works for any gem type it could be quartz it could be redstone it could I earn it would be lepers Lily maybe all of these call emerald and of course you guessed it diamond yeah call well that must be why Santa gives that out he's just hanging out by himself over there I wouldn't trust him now but seriously all of it it's beautiful it just keeps I mean look at this this is beautiful this is Oh oh no I pick X number five that's all right guys I got another pickaxe yeah noobs always try to mind bedrock I mean it's just the truth I mean everyone's tried to mine bedrock but noobs just keep going and going it's energizer bunny status really so this times can be different I'm I'm a pro I'm just playing this new world this should work just fine so you know I'm just good you know we're just gonna hang out we're just gonna do our thing here it's fine it's all good so uh I'll be back I'm actually having a really good time you know this is what I usually do at night I'm actually oh you really want that don't you all right I'll make an exception just for you here you go oh it gave me bedrock hey I wasn't done mining and I can do this on my own but for sake of time we should probably take is bedrock so yes now even the newbies of noobs can get their hands on a block they honestly have no business having their hands on number six starving to death noobs are always running out of food in game honestly reward kick hold on running track - till you're dead come again oh we got hit with hunger effect well hey if you're gonna reward me with cake then I'll go ahead and take my sweet time around this track okay seriously can I get the cake already come on oh boy now not hungry now I am hung we'll be back ah you see you start running around a little but you start getting a little hungry now look at what happens when my hunger goes all the way down to zero you're not you and you're hungry noob mode gives you a new ball gives you a cake to keep you from going all the way hungry delicious number seven breaking crops before they're ready noobs don't know how to plant seeds worth a dang it's not gonna happen we got everything we need just in case oh you know how goes but look what happens with the noob mode data pack you plant some seeds break them you get y'all ready for this wait I'll empty my inventory so you can see a little bit easier plant the seeds get the wheat wheat wheat look at my hotbar it is just raking in right now we've got 20 pieces of wheat just like that you can do it on jungle trees break that get some extra goodies for your time every single time plant some carrots get some full-blown carrots right away nether wart same story instant growth it doesn't matter what you're placing down you're gonna get it all baby even these malone's break them Alone's break why can oh there we go yeah old melon for that yo that is very hard to see that hitbox of that guy look there it is there boom look we just got so many melons that's so happy love melons number eight putting on cursive binding armored noobs they don't know what cursive binding armor even is let me to explain it in case you don't know as well crystal biting is a negative enchantment of curse you get on certain armor types when you put it on you can't take it off I'm trying to click it off right now it's not working okay look if you're a noob you can just shake it off and if you press sneak enough times all the armor came off you see you got it you got a really commit you gotta own to it though baby like that was difficult I would try it once again I want you to appreciate the ferociousness of my sneaky there we go my goodness did you see that dude hey pay attention names we'll get to this armor in a second for now it's all about this armor and there's a cow behind that where you going in number nine noobs used leather armor far too often well now you've got on a full set of leather armor you get some special effects jump boost as well as a speed boost at all times leather armor is the new in it's seriously cool like look at this we're going places we shouldn't even be yet this is amazing we're doing it at such intense speed alright we'll move on back to this number 10 gold armor noobs love gold armor it makes them feel like royalty I mean look I don't blame them it's made of all gold you know there's worse things but putting on a full set of gold armor has some interesting effects as well you get a golden pixie this is a guardian friend look good oh nice he's got a little particle effects to glow golden ones yellow I'm all about it now look what happens when the golden pixie is in your area you get here of the village as well as luck three luck will improve any and all loot table drops you happen across mineshaft chests and city loot etc etc but you also get hero of the village now there's a village nearby but what's good stupid hey I need you to pick up a job ASAP oh that was quick okay well thank you so check it out discounted trades when you've got on full gold armor instead of for emeralds it's three instead of nine emeralds it's six I don't have enough emeralds for either can you oh now you're just teasing me oh yeah a big man wants to run away now where's my pixie hey can you know this guy Oh white liege pooped out a Golden Apple or something that was amazing I think I accidentally paused the recording right as it happened but maybe well did he just drop like some armor on me too woah hey yo this guy's awesome you got anything else for me up there dude seriously hey Jamie man I want my handouts as a ripoff file just take all that oh no I killed him well I deserve didn't give me stuff you look just kidding by the way guys handouts are bad number 11 drowning jump in for a prize oh boy I love me some prizes what is it Oh your prize is death well sort of you might expect to drown if you run out of breath and that'd be a very reasonable assumption but in the new data pack something else happens when you run out of air bubbles you get some effects y'all's ready water breathing three dolphins grace three so not only can you now breathe underwater as a noob forever but you can do so with intense speed look up faster swimming around ya'll king of the underwater world very close got a specified better now you have the perfect opportunity to look out for every single thing that's happening in the ocean you know got to worry about turtle shell helmets you don't got worried about water breathing potions lame you don't worry about anything like I would even paint anywhere I'll walk it I don't even hit anything oh this is easy there's probably going to choke his area though beautiful view isn't it the ocean oh sorry I don't have that many friends number twelve falling-block landslide no noobs do this all the time I mean heck pros do it too I mean who can blame them it's one of the most fun things to do watching sand and gravel fall I could literally do it all day but the new mode data Peck things work a little bit differently if you were to break your fall and just like that the ground disappears from below you well now you've got some means to stay laughs a little bit y'all see you loved us beautiful okay the cloud lasts for a few seconds and will allow you to hover above any bits that you accidentally unearth in your new bush like tendencies like I said I don't blame you digging sand I dig it okay but now you can do it with safety oh it's just the best look we're totally safe man they should have that regular survival just kidding by the way I'd break everything number 13 noobs always stare at an Enderman and everyone knows you're not supposed to because then they attack you when you do that press if you need me Leonard come again oh boy well now the new bow data pack instantly the moment you look at an Enderman a pumpkin gets put on your head that's because when you wear a pumpkin around Anderman and look at them nothing bad happens to them lose it's instantaneously just flashing all up on here yeah oh my edits this Lenin's place you know this isn't the last Enderman house I visited even through windows no problem number 14 huh precious family heirloom no touching yeah whatever man just gonna get my stuff back and be on my way number 14 noobs never sleep ever you're always on the server trying to get everyone to get in bed and they let see what do you think happens now when you don't sleep well phantoms arrive but the new mode data pack phantoms are no problem at all because the moment they get near they all start dying right away it's beautiful and not only that but phantoms now drop a new special little drop look at this guy looks like an Electra how do what it how do you Sam I used to be so confident in my name Elektra Elektra whatever you get wings you put the wings on and then you can fly well kind of you can glide you can't really you need fireworks to fly I finally won number 15 noobs eat poisonous potatoes while they're harvesting up all their delicious crops every once in a while they'll get themselves a poisonous potato naturally since we're new mode we're getting insane and mashed potatoes but as you can see after harvesting all of those we did manage to get one extra poisonous potato and so look at what happens if you try and eat this poisonous potato potato man appears look at him Oh delicious Savior of starch is hauled citizen that tato is tainted allow me to dispose of this evil that gives all potatoes a bad name and here I have this instead and that is the legendary golden potato the whole Isaac uh-huh I want to know it was a good cool potatoes what's up potato man was a good baby yeah y'all y'all saying it why aren't you showing up whatever we got ourselves a big boy potato now look at what happens when we eat on that triple Hearts also can see all mobs does it make sense no it doesn't need to plus you get absorption X and strength too so you can punch on innocent animals oh yeah and did I mention spud buddies I forgot our little surprise these guys just follow you around when you try and plant potatoes it's kind of hilarious they don't really don't really do too much they just you can just you mean you could slay them not even pros use diamond hoes first of all let me show you what it does in this data pack Oh
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 5,699,414
Rating: 4.8261075 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Noob Mode, minecraft noob, noob vs pro, minecraft noob vs pro, noob, pro, noob in minecraft, Minecraft pro, minecraft pro tips, pro minecraft player, minecraft 1.15, 1.15, pro mode, Never Dig Straight down, minecraft data packs, diamond, minecraft survival, minecraft data pack, survival challenge, minecraft addon, logdotzip, new update, new minecraft, minecraft update, new, op minecraft, nether update, 20 things Noobs ALWAYS do in Minecraft, noob survival tips, noobs
Id: cbA2sPJvmVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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