Discovering SECRET Minecraft Rooms

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hey what's going on guys logged a zippe secret mind crab rooms everybody wants one not everybody knows how to build one and in today's video we're gonna be trying to find things in five different secret rooms good stuff baby map itself is by this man Rosie hey what you got there man whoa that was sick dude it must be because he used redstone for this map I get it that's right you can use all of these different secret room glitches tricks and manipulations that you'll find in just a second now welcome to secret rooms vibe Rosie's in this holy moly that's a lot of text but just knew this well it just keeps coming hey y'all y'all might want to pause to read this each room is accessed through use of glitches redstone mechanisms and manipulation no command trickery whoa hey this guy's a pro Brent refine all these five different items in each of the five secret rooms otherwise this head will haunt us for well we're not gonna worry about that too much so why don't we go ahead and start the map secret rooms ooh hey what an entrance level one the common house what's so common about it I guess we about to find out let's see we got tip book here do you note that by clicking on tip level other than a I don't any tips it's fine we're gonna do this right okay so let's see oh well that's easy enough ah gonna play me like that so we got to find all five of these secrets they're all hanging out somewhere in this house okay let's see ooh hey goodies I think I'm gonna keep these just in case we can use them somewhere nice ooh hungry okay so let's see well right off the bat this must be so let me see them yup yup yup oh I died hey I saw good oh hey there was something there okay hold on a second we got this is our first first first guy right there we go that's good and be quick oh no oh come on we're gonna come back to that guy let's see what else is around here huh hmm I should have figured yeah there we go first object contained secret object behind door alert I don't think so okay maybe the buttons open something y'all hiding something yeah yeah that's got to be hidden okay okay let's oh hey oh oh hey I got like shivers or something wait a second we can use this okay so there's a glitch when you hurt yourself on like cactus or what anytime you take damage if you time your jump just right you actually jump a block and a high up a block and a half up come on yeah you see we did it ooh and here we go and that's a star two out of five already are you crushing the game right now honestly okay okay ooh okay there's got me something hey yeah we're doing so good right now let's see okay listen we gotta listen for like something to like change right click again okay that's fine anything anything anything what am I supposed to do okay so maybe it doesn't do anything after all it's a ruse trying to get me with that huh oh here we go I wouldn't even think about this guy yeah yeah that one was simple while we crushing it honestly three out of five now I could use the totem to do whatever I'm supposed to oh you know what hold on a second listen it's a pressure plate I think I know what we got to do yup yup we got to drop an item at the perfect moment check it out check it out check it out check it out there we go be quick get come on what was it do how do I do that there's got to be a way to drop items because if there's a pressure plate down there it means that there's a gap of air down there too otherwise the lava would kill the pressure plate do we do I could it be if I know okay what else what what can we use in order to wait what if we just quickly hold on now I got idea hold on now let's see let's see good okay good yeah hi my health didn't even healing I'm like on fire and I'm hungry too there we go huh what was that what it was links ooh oh wow don't play me like that bros East okay okay there we go four out of five but I'm still confused this just got to be I bet we got two just perfectly place it when we I'm a district I'm gonna just drop a whole budget mess everything there we go if we could just oh oh come on oh so close yes yes yes yes we did it I'm still I'm still they said I'm thrilled ant Stokes at the same time the final object level complete I the fireworks it hurt me a little bit hey don't like that what gives man you and your redstone messing up everything okay level to castle I'm in oh you can get the beacon ready for us and everything alrighty let's do this huh okay well now we're in a castle we can't go any further this way as a big old bear in our way fine play that game now I'm gonna try this one again oh hey hey works this time can't fool me sucker hmm you did it okay so now let's keep an eye open we got press every little thing we possibly can mm-hmm those are just buttons they don't do anything by about you can I get in here maybe I can right-click through some of the lava like it is a minecart on the other side would not surprise me that is it a real thing I come on come on now I bet you somewhere what do we got what do we got what do we got hey what was that hold on oh oh there's some underneath hey hey hey hey now what if we yeah there we go what Oh stand in it whoo get in there come on baby yes good all righty all right that was great check this out yo the ultimate secret room guy in the land we're making such a good time right now although I have a feeling I'm gonna get real hungry real soon they took my steak from the lab it was no good huh oh it's I'm stuck here okay Rui Rui Rui okay you'll be doing it now item hoppers yeah they could be anywhere it could be in anything like what's in here bucket Oh water okay can't do anything with you that's just fine unless I can do something with I don't know what are you useless armorstands like sometimes I have like buttons hidden behind them like people will hide but I can't even grab the armor off the armor stand these jokes truly but maybe I do something with the ah so hard to you know what I mean like can i oh hey you got it we got it this time how'd I miss that before you see that we went right through a little baby chest almost fun thing ever how come everything else is organizing they got the baby chest hole what gives with that huh let's find the goodies there you are we're already at three or five on this room where else could we find things and put in those chests fine I get it oh hey we're up on the roof now I bet y'all anything there's more stuff up here to find mmm let's uh III okay we're stuck on the fire now don't like them but I bet you there's something up here I got pay attention nothing in there fine nothing in that one either I know we've fallen maybe behind can't can't do whoops uh uh I didn't mean to put it back close enough who asked you anyways what else can I break ooh hey good stuff can I do anything with you now you just stupid I hate you okay well I look for pretty much as much as I could find in this room no look I kind of like what you got anything hidden under the tables under the armorstands I think there's always something hidden under the armorstands in fact in fact that looks like something what do we got here hold on now there's something right here oh wait where's that painting that I broke hey I got a really good idea I want to say that this is a false let me see it is it was oh oh item pick up others where we got the item oh that's beautiful we get to keep our painting as well but where is the item that we're looking for there you are okay one more thing where is uh uh uh what was the last thing the nether star I feel like a water bucket has to be for some hey hey this is new what what can I can I do this okay well this is great what about this one no wait yes whoa hey no let me back in did I just ruin it no come on oh boy let's close thank goodness holy moly what not oh okay I'll just wanna check if there's anything else special into the chest no okay fine well we'll grab you level completed and it keeps hurting me what gives man level three it begins what do we have here workshop okay okay okay this is getting kind of difficult to be honest with you I'm not to start thinking ooh what do you have here what is this journal entry 13 today discovered I can stick to one block gaps of course I have to be flying but still cool yes indeed this must mean there's an electron this map somewhere and we are going to have to fit through a one block gap in order to get what it is we need and these are useless I wanted real poachers but this looks promising yeah yes let me on through come on know what I keep catch on fire for no reason there has been something down here I must have been missing right come on yeah press the button do something oh oh there is that looks like a hidden doorway all righty all righty all righty baby we're gonna play like that yeah let me through quick I'm trying to I get some some just hit let's see did anything around here unlock I'm gonna try one more time just free come on I thought I had something it's Oh maybe oh maybe we gonna make the potions okay okay yeah I think we do what what what how do I get them um here's another book note to self fix that second lamp it currently seems to be broken second lamp where one of these one of them right which one's broken hey I wanted to see like why are you in the fire Tyler well I've got very good reason I discovered something right here it looks promising oh there's the elytra oh it's all making sense now there we go there we go give me thank you ever so much yo that's good now I'm wondering I think it's been hid right is it this would make so much sense come on there we go come on what is happening did you all see that I was like bouncing crazy like okay let's try this again come on now come on now you dig here we go here we go here we go get in there did I did it I was making my way through come on come on come on I there is something Oh an ender pearl can I use this to I betcha I bet you wait where'd my underfur go huh what can what do I just have to use it what like up here something or other I'll tell you I fell ha ha ha it's an inner prose I like that now let's see we got some options now should I've gone even even higher up I think I should have okay I'll play this game let's see up to the highest point we possibly can there we go now things are looking up here get it sorry what is this oh hey now if you make potions alright hey this is great it solves a lot of problems what is this another book I have not seen yet hey Kelsey can you remind me to make more fire resistant pots also I'm estimating to bandage if you wash them off but don't use my sink I like my sink that must have everything to do with a hint where is another cauldron or was it the coals and I just emptied let me see empty yeah that's good it didn't do anything though huh are you all done being made yet if I were that yeah here we go we're on our way people drew even better leggings and boots oh when can buy a lot of this stuff and if anything we're probably strong enough to survive well I mean I'm gonna drink the potion that's fine have we found anything on this level yet we have found one thing on this level yet wow that's something else alright down we go yeah thank you ever so much far side of ooh that looks like Preston honest Preston hey well Preston your throne has been dethroned let's not cheat so now how do I get out of here oh right here okay okay you know this is fine I like I play this Kate escape button oh I see gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha OH it all makes sense now well now what do I do ooh this must be the sink okay come on did it did it is this another sink I can come on do we just need to keep yeah oh yeah all come together we are at two out of five in just a second ago I like you smiling I hate you well this looks promising there's got to be something hidden in one of these or maybe maybe we need to cook things I saw a whole bunch of coal and you I don't want the tip a whole bunch of coal hanging out bet you got to cook with it cuz like who knows it's got to be something though and I read some about a lamp the second lamp needs to be fixed what does that mean Hey sneaky look this is wood this is wood this right here not wood there we go I found that because I was f fiving right here I said leaving in a destruction and check it out we happen to cross that's amazing okay ooh that's good I'll take that what else we got those got me some there we are one more to go I mean two more to go right two more yeah emeralds and golden apple but I still want to know what the ender pearl is for what do I do with the ender pearl and if I go too far away it disappears uh-oh did that go through the wall did you see that and what why hold on what really what it was that about it must be some over there it's gotta be like did you see let me in false wall fake Oh what am I supposed to do maybe this activates something LEDs there oh it's going somewhere hey I don't want you to take all those no good looking how about in here okay let's just we're gonna divvy things up huh there we go okay okay good and we'll put some in here for good measure oh hey hey that is something do they would all kind of leads into each other that I don't know are you all hanging out in these oh yeah I like put stuff weird okay well maybe where was that coal well I've been on this level for quite long enough we're gonna take a hint I'm sorry I'm gonna we're missing an emerald with the emerald and a pearls oh hey rebeis edibles can be used to clip into transparent blocks ie glass sea lanterns glow stone and enchantment hmm hold on can I there we go oh wow yo bro Z is I want that I I hate you this is too difficult and what kind of what kind of object is this make a fishing emerald rod I'm sorry I'm not funny whatever we got one final object and I don't know if I what do I even do with this noteblocks right nothing Oh Oh some worked all the top guy flaming like that okay I'll play you like that instead so this is the last thing where's that coal jackpot and we're gonna light up every because what there's what there's 15 furnaces so there's technically enough for every single issue and I mean like it is slowly but surely don't come together hey man hey now I'll be right back oh wow I just really bees all lit up except the second one that's what that book was saying maybe I mean they all have something that you know what I mean Clemmy she's something up man come on this is the only one that didn't have enough room for its coal or whatever the rest I mean this guy where I just removed it somewhere it's missing now so I'm going to use the hit book again we're missing the Golden Apple I've been here forever first we use a combination lock wall looking aesthetically pleasing so I'm gonna okay I just put magma cream in this lid up that means it does not matter what you put in here as long as there's enough of it I bet you anything if we just try and dump into this row yeah come on light on up puppy I need this please please hmm I hate this the ship didn't help me wait a second I think it's all based off of row it's all based on rows one of these is you see they're all in a row together it's watch watch watch it's gonna one of them you one of them's gonna make it turn off watch yep yup okay here we go yup okay hold on now which one did I do before to make it I was where you you go in yes okay great so far so good okay great so the what is missing on this guy empty him oh hey a sound just happened hold on hold on where was it watch listen watch this I did something watch listen huh you hear it you see some happened Oh what when did this happen I hate furnaces that they're so long on the kid even help me where's the item thank you thank you Oh oh we're levels of this junk do we have I think two more come on get real bro Z's bedroom I don't want to go here I guess we have to all right we're gonna be real real quick gimme it wait a second what the heck is are y'all seeing this whoa whoa did that work I was just trying to insult Rosie by sleeping in his bed it led us somewhere I think we see with an arrow I never was pointed arrows are we very impressed there's our diamond that's one out of five already that was beautiful thanks bro Z I hate you still yeah now we go out paint all righty now what's in here ooh shower hmm well I think we'll go ahead yeah oh it's cute oh it's fun hey don't look at me weirdos I'm trying to clean myself come on with you thank you nothing in there fine is there another secret something or other I should know about probably well y'all could let me in that'd be nice maybe these things oh yeah yeah that is something hold up whoa maybe I can the whole I know maybe I can no I wouldn't anything okay what about this there we go hey that's nice oh that's cool now I don't know if it's just a thing or if it actually does something or what I guess we could see what happens when we actually closed oh it just turns the lights off well that's fun hey conserve it can we maybe throw something through here Oh secret hey did I just lose my diamond Oh No now what there's gotta be a way to get back over there good like what do we have we got the music discs maybe this open something it did what is just open it just open oh boy oh it's down here hey nice I give you candy apple oh great but I'm so suck I still don't know how to do that rest of it come on thank you come on Oh eltra oh we can get to Diamond and that must mean it's a thing come on here lemon how do we can i oh I bet you from right here right it's gotta be uh-huh it's gotta be let me yeah yeah good come on oh go I saw it on the ground the diamonds on the ground if we could just sneak Bhuvan okay yes we got it hey and what else we got the Emerald hey this one's going kind of fast three out of five I'm gonna take everything in this room just in case we need it Thank You danged anything yeah that good okay two more to go Anna may as well grab you guys for good man thank you you and well now we're not a big rush we can see what else is in this area ooh oh that's true haha I don't like that oh we can't even leave through this area what are you are you a TARDIS I want in okay does it dude didn't do anything maybe I got told you maybe I bet she's linked to something I bet you what do you do come on oh this little laptop fun hey maybe there's a note there are I guess I mean there isn't no maybe it says something great I can't pick you up man with kids Rogers got it what is an arcade machine in here - yo you live like a king Rozier I mentioned it wait a second the disk window the disk open up the one room okay get it confused what about you what you got something no it did something it's doing something oh is this hidden secrets behind this what is it doing it shooting something out somewhere come on I can't even see behind them what is you what do you do whoa hey no no you all y'all can come right back you're here press now let me through it did I'm in oh yes one more item what is this room you got a sick house seriously I live all the armorstand so that's fantastic so when I just get back in here and it lets me through all perfect okay well we got one more item and I feel like it has everything to do with this what are you and how do I take part so these wouldn't be in here if it didn't do something you know what I mean I'm gonna turn off all the lights maybe some happens who this guy names returns yeah turn on did I just turn the shower on I'm trying you where the light in here oh it's the end rug okay maybe you can't have anything done to it okay and that still didn't change well you got me okay so what if it's one of the items because we've had to use items in the map so far before I bet you let's see I've grabbed everything in all the chests except these stupid discs no one cares about the dedicated is what can we make we can make torches okay fine okay great we make torches and we can make redstone torches well that's just right okay so got those fine I don't know what this would do hey did you see that oh hey this is a special one this is what we were supposed to do okay good oh oh it did it oh yeah Wow whoo hey hey get away from me level complete seriously get away from me how does it even do that it's a nimble did you love that I was good well the final level intergalactic Rosie's this for you my friend level five y'all ready haha that's fast I'm gonna take everything from now on all things capable of doing stuff space drink knife down arrows and levers and up arrows wait a second I just forgot the order I bet you anything that was extremely important because there was levers there's two downs and one up I want to say it was down down up that feel like that's right okay we're going to remember that we need to remember that oh man I feel like I already goofed wait something's moving right there do y'all see that up above I want to grab it let me in come on you see that's doing something what is been happening for Wow where you got me we got some things to check out and explore those some in-betweens nothing down there nothing down there fine fine fine well what do we got some hair yes a I bet you something good maybe hopefully okay we're back downstairs haven't seen this area ooh this looks promising hey now I want this give me make room make way I want the arrows limit I thought I heard something totally tired so for a second maybe not okay I'm impressed you that's good press press press press please well I've been in here for far too long it's time to start using some of these inception door a door thinner door look closely when that door closes there's a door somewhere that's got a door in it this is a little concerning we'll call it huh oh maybe it's this door on the hold on there's something Oh why on the room could this be where it interesting does this stay open now no I bet you it's all hidden down here all the secrets are in this room wow we just unlocked so much there's a chest okay great oh wow I was only one thing of importance in here okay well I guess we got some more searching to do in this new area huh Hey villagers I'm stuck I can't I actually can't go down it doesn't let me go down on what they're studying down there he's got a clipboard and everything this is a great mat brush is there anything in these I feel like I wasn't paying attention yeah hey you know what I'm starting to think we need to make fireworks I got a feeling we need fireworks and we need space strings and I'm not mistaken one of these had a crafting there you are there you are I shall just use them all that's fine we don't do it oh the bed weird doors are looking cool in this one what's it fireworks are dangerous should probably be placed on bone what what does that mean oh wow what else convenient so what is this I've done it oh let's go hey more chance it's all making sense I'm gonna take all these we need this much fire work as we possibly can get clearly some importance happening restaurant torches all mine all my so sweet - the cake - two out of five let's keep passing out baby I know I just said so we got three more to go we got white banners that with up and down arrows we got what frost Walker tripwire lots of space drinks I'm actually feeling rather thirsty might actually I want to save these we might need them for something I don't know where's that main room there there were some weird arrow the arrows all that makes perfect sense is it in this room there's arrows on the ground where actually why is that fair the frost Walker we don't have boots that must be it well then where do we get the boots jackpot there we go there's gotta be a reason that the boots it you know what I mean it's got to be the boots we're doing with folks it's all coming together alrighty give me the boots give the frost Walker our honey if I've done this right wear the boots this should do something yes yes ooh baby one mommy wait oh yeah two more okay I think I know what we need to do so the arrows I just checked but my previous footage the arrows it was down up down and there's nothing but stupid levers down here so we got down up down okay why didn't that oh oh it did work right yeah the Apple and I share it sure whatever so then all that's left where is it it's down here the arrows there's something in this room that I don't know how to do what is this what do I do take it throw something something what do you want sacrifice do you want I mean what do you what is it maybe a personal the buttons at once let me see press press press whispers come on press em all at once I don't know what do we have on us can we make a bow maybe we need to make a bow that makes perfect sense did I just clone would die just clone would I don't know it doesn't matter I didn't make a bow we need one more string there you are jackpot okay here we go here we go here we go time to do this stick stick stick and we're right the space bow it's cutting Finiti but hold on how do I make arrows am I missing what maybe the arrows over here maybe we stand on we get an arrow could it be no there we go yes Oh guys I am so ready for this to be over this map has taken like an hour and a half through the magic of editing you didn't have to see the whole thing okay so there we go what the heck is some shot me oh that's it something did all right something's happening I what why oh right in my mouth yo terrible look at that it does not taste good and hey stop mean okay oh yes oh yes I've got like shivers on me right now empty uh-huh they are we did it oh is that it that's it right I think we won yeah we did with the stupid arrow and everything congratulations you did it and it only took us three tips only three tips baby Matt Bob Rosie I hope you enjoyed secret minecraft rules don't play we sell thousands of you thousan scripture this video if you enjoyed please do drop a like rating on this video of course subscribe to see more amazing minecraft content rides that comes out including more puzzles Maps that's what y'all want to see you know what's getting expanded bro Jets have a go of my friend see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 5,681,655
Rating: 4.7188058 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, secret, minecraft secret rooms, secret room, secret rooms, secret items, items, puzzle, map, minecraft mod, minecraft game, new, challenge, challenge games, modded, mod, spotlight, funny, moments, mini game, mini games, game, custom, maps, minecraft custom maps, minecraft map, minecraft commands, commands, command, lets play, minecraft 1.12, 1.12, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip,, no swearing, no bad words, no cursing, minecraft secrets, hidden minecraft
Id: tvQ00VraY4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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