50 Updates you've (probably) NEVER Used in Minecraft

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hey what's going on guys la god zip here from armor smelting to shearing snowmen here's a list of 50 updates you've probably never done or used in Minecraft now there's a good chance you've used a few of these updates but there's an even better chance there's a couple you haven't yet checked out so stick around to the end of the video to find out which ones you missed and special thanks to blue commander for today's world number one you made beetroots - yeah I don't know you guys realize this you can make beetroot soup using six beet roots and a bowl but you've probably never done they don't yield too much and you need a crafting table to make them so you can't do it on the go kind of pointless number 2 get mob struck by lightning this is quite rare but it does happen creepers struck by lightning for charged creeper please don't kill me that would be very bad villagers being struck by lightning turning the witches wouldn't you know and everyone knew that pigs would turn into zombies Pigman but how many of these things have you actually managed to see in game number three crafted gold gear now gold is fairly rare in Minecraft but when did you last find yourself actually making a golden element a golden chest play gold and pants these are mine now by the way there are even golden boots more often times than not it's used for golden apples so probably never done this in Minecraft 1.14 villager trades are a little more useful so number four here may not apply to all of you but it's maxing out a villagers traits if you trade a villager enough times what you'll see is a big ol X on the end there and it means you can't trade with them anymore you've maxed out his trades come on Boris don't do it to me man now the villagers have semi-decent trades you may actually find yourself doing this more number 5 beatin the wither oh yeah the weather is one of the penultimate bosses in game and well it doesn't come with its own credit scene most people never happen across him in order to do so you'll need to click three wither skeleton skulls in four soulsand thankfully we've got a noobs the sword here so we should be able to make a fairly quick work of this poor soul but just try not to blow me up with your explosion okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so check it out this is gonna be like a literally a two-hit let's go baby yeah how are you all done this you've never done it oh well that was awkward yeah we've never done that then you've never made a bacon more on that later number six beaten the ender dragon yes believe it or not I want to go visit Microsoft in Washington and they gave us some game stats that showed that less than 10% of players even make it to the end here come on don't die already would you so I can show off the next how you guys get the idea number seven found a mushroom biome home to mushrooms and mushrooms it happens to be the only place you can find mycelium in game the traveling trader may have some bottom I don't exactly marry off the top my head but you'll need to come here if you ever want to find some of these lovely little cows with their dough put a little mushroom head which leads us to number eight found rare Opie Golden Apple as I open this chest you'll see a whole bunch of loot slowly changing look for a glowing Golden Apple not these golden apples were seeing pop up over here those are regular ones a golden enchanted apple is extremely rare and the odds of you having found one anytime recently are extremely low we haven't even seen one pop up on screen yet that's how rare they are so let us know in the comments below if you've ever found one of these for now the hunt continues number nine make charcoal if you didn't realize you can cook wood inside of a furnace in order to make charcoal interestingly enough it essentially works exactly the same as regular coal it's just an alternative source of it for those that cannot find any ores nearby number 10 unlocked all recipes direct your attention to the top right of the screen boom we just got so many new recipes unlocked it is extremely difficult to naturally unlock all these in game now that you can using your little knowledge book here doing so would require you to collect every single item that is used in some kind of recipe in game so good luck with that huh what's that for just kidding I know it's it's related number eleven brought a gas to the overworld this one's extremely difficult especially on survival multiplayer servers because everyone just messes you up with you the more creative survival players could in theory try and figure out a way to get a ghast inside their nether portal look at that he actually just made his way through a couple of them I've gotta worry about the showcase area guys go easy please huh I could swear we got the guest out here somewhere where oh oh there he is hey hey what up dude how's it hangin bro Oh number 12 used a TNT minecart yes believe it or not I don't even think I've done this in normal survival minecraft before you can use a TNT minecart to send an explosion to a dear friend of yours or creeper and usually they'll take it with a bang oh nice let's uh let's send a couple to our fish friends as well that way that might be that might be pleasant Oh down they go oh boy number 13 how many of you wrote a pig and a carrot on a stick combined I imagine not many of you because well why would you really come on we're gonna go say hi to our friend hey Pig do you know what sacrifice means don't worry about it number 14 found buried treasure as of minecraft 1.13 there are now treasure maps that you can find in game and navigating the X will give you a nice treasure but we'll find it in a second it's down the path number 15 completed a raid which is another new feature from Minecraft 1.14 essentially bunch of bad guys they all invaded nearby village and then you got to kill them to survive and gosh I wish I had some gear on me yeah get him Gollum talking about Oh big man big man huh yeah figured as much voluntary exile huh yo that sounds nasty look guys you're just gonna have to figure it out on your own okay I got things to do number 16 found the rare brown panda we've already covered this in a rare mobs video which you can click the I in the corner for by the way people to check it out but essentially pandas have two special genetic gene codes that will spawn in when they spawn in in-game and if two of them which is very rare by the way are the brown panda well you'll find a brown panda in game high number seventeen made lingering potions these require your awkward potions blaze powder glistering melon however combining a potion of healing with some gunpowder would get yourself a special potion known as a splash potion which you can splash two potion but if you were to mix that splash potion with dragon's breath instead you'd get a lingering potion which will keep the effect active in the area for extended periods of time very useful for team efforts number eighteen that's turtle eggs might take a while guys we're gonna watch soup to your legs head you really increase the tick speed so that they do their thing come on now baby you're gonna hatch a what maybe you need some friends maybe need some family look I think you guys get the idea okay how many of you have ever done that how many of you are turtle dads anyways we're right near this X I'm gonna start digging oh honey there you are number 19 sathru the in-game credits yeah who would do that whenever you finally beat the ender dragon and jump into the portal that is left behind on his defeat he then gain credits right usually we skip them and most of you guys do too how many of you guys have honestly made to be end I don't know if anyone has number 20 playing and pirates speak in your language options in language option known as pirate speak which changes everything in game to look more pirate to we've actually recently done a video on this it's known as five rare secret minecraft Easter egg updates if you wanna check that out you can click the I in the corner as well but long story short we now have new game mode your rank was changed to aimless sailing now we're a swashbuckler once again yo you see those turtle eggs hatch earlier insanity number 21 used custom world presets amplified large biomes etc well if you haven't this is what they look like huge towering areas of death and truth and destiny these are specifically available on the Java version of Minecraft and it allows you to have crazy height maps for your minecraft worlds I mean look at this this is insane it goes all the way up to 256 on the Y level now given that about 33% of minecraft players use Java and the rest don't literally most people have never done this before so I want to hear from people that yeah whatever number 22 maxed out their gear in game these are an example of the things that you would need in order to max out all of your lovely armors in game it has taken me over 60 levels just to max out this helmet alone my goodness and it's not even maxed out yet we can still put mending on it so it would take hundreds of levels to max out your gear number 23 most y'all never ever found an ice bikes pile I mean I can't blame you look it's majestic one of the rarest biomes in game it only spawns in next to other specific types of bombs which are also not quite as common as your normal Plains fields etc so if you've ever happened across one of these in game can save yourself quite lucky number 24 is right up here bred a mule that's right baby makin in order to breed a mule you'll need a horse you'll also need a donkey and not a baby donkey a grown donkey and gonna need to encourage them to oh you know do their business oh that's right I have to tame them first yeah get it oh there's the only way to get a mule in game that's later the first time I think I've ever done that here you can keep the change number 25 get out of my way used a furnace my car this is one of the oldest features in game and most of you guys don't even know it exists in order to make a furnace minecart you just throw a furnace who thought about in a crafting table but more importantly you'll need to load up with coal check this thing out right right click on it look at that it's now smoking and good to go now we're gonna put a minecart with a chest here you'd see that these two will start mine sorry it's been a long day just move yes get pushed on and look at that the furnace minecart will actually wait what happened whatever the chess minecart did that just did he just huh we gotta get over here yo he got pushed out of the way huh it's kind of hilarious well that's probably exactly why none of you have ever used this thing before it's pretty glitchy we're half way down my friends have y'all smack that like button yeah oh you haven't oh thanks for doing it right now number 26 used brick blocks before now you gonna get brick blocks from smelting bricks which you get from clay which you get from the water which is just way too many steps for me I never ever use brick blocks in game to build and I would guess that most people don't use them in game either I mean why would you look I made a weird-looking e number 27 used gold or iron pressure plates which are specifically weight based which means that you need a few more entities than just one for a lot of these guys the gold one as you can tell uses a lot less entity requirement to output its power we've got a grand total of five chickens on there you get this piston to move however if we were to trade it with the iron seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty three twenty four twenty four challenges the load and bidding up down tell you what no wonder no one ever uses these to kill the chickens use below why didn't want to know number twenty eight make rabbit stew in order to make rabbits take me to bowl a brown mushroom a baked potato a carrot and a cooked rabbit that's a whole lot of recipes and it's one more extra from being able to make it in a 2x2 crafting table which means if you ever want to make rabbit stew you're gonna have to put all of these things together just to get you know an item that's not even saying that good I don't taste that good either looks looks gross number 29 sheared a snow golem I love you knew this but if you shear a snow golem his head pops off to see his face it is doctors please fix his smile don't worry man I've been there number 30 found a woodland mansion one of the more recent updates it came out in 1.11 I believe oh this buttons could take a while to teleport sound the woodland mansion is home to the evoke earth of indicators and the vexes and is also the original source of the totem of undying in oh my gosh did someone blow this area up or what this place creeps me out like every old boy hey does anyone know where I could find a bathroom around here oh my gosh not there glad that soon for cheese 31 played hardcore mode this is a job of minecraft version only Sam a survival mode locked at hardest difficulty and one life only Hey look at my hearts below me they've got some weird little squigglies inside him that means it's hardcore mode if I were to lose all of my hearts I would be unable to visit my poor pet sheep and village of friends again goodbye world BAM spectate world is your new option there is no longer a respawn you'll instantly go to spectator mode and you can't leave it it allows you to roam what remains of your survivor world as a ghost simply looking on remembering times of your number 32 crafted a map maps you need paper and you need compasses you put the paper out of compass you get the map you right-click the empty map you got get a map number 33 collected all mob heads now in order to get a wither skeleton skull mob head you just got to go to the wither and kill enough with her skeleton to get the dragon head you got to go to the end cities and collect them off of an city warships but to get creeper head zombie heads and skeletons skulls you'll need to get a charged creeper which we saw earlier by the way to blow up one of these three mobs nearby and then there's a chance you'll get your hands on one of these mob skulls just technically even a player mob skull but you can only get this if you play on multiplayer servers however it will drop the skin of the head of whoever got killed by the charged creeper number 34 crafted a diamond though yeah seriously who has made one of these before I feel dirty taking this right now give it to me my own diamond ho yeah I don't need it 35 smelted armor this is more of a recent update but you can actually smell certain armor types using coal in order to retrieve small amounts of iron and/or gold back it's quite amazing we're gonna go ahead and load up this gold chest plate right after we see the furnace turn our helmet into one single nugget it's kind of sad to be honest with you even for a full chest plate you're only getting back one nugget it's good for people with zombie pigman farms I guess but for the rest of us it's kind of a bum deal number 36 built a beacon the only way you've done this is if you've managed to kill the wither and since most of you have not managed to kill the wither most of you have never made a beacon legit in-game before maybe you've also technically never powered one in game these are extremely useful for passive effects nearby where ever it's been placed 37 and 38 pink sheep spider jockey you've probably never found either of these guys in game before it's because they're extremely rare spawns and more to that point like I said before you can check out our red mobs video by clicking the I in the corner number 39 summon the ender dragon once you defeat the santur dragon you can come back in order to do it you'll need and the crystals which you can make and placing these end crystals around the sides and border of the ender dragons teleportation nest will cause them to all activate and slowly but surely restore all of the healing towers around which the ender dragon operates until they've all been lit and the ender dragon can spawn in once more nice work number 40 slept in the nether because you can trying to sleep in the nether will cause your bed to explode and kill you funnily enough we actually have a series on my Minecraft Pocket Edition channel right now where I found a new boo it basically invaded my Minecraft world safe and she tried to put a bed down in the nether you can all agree behind to go to check out that series it's really funny down to the wire the last 10 number 41 collected every kind of fish you've got your pufferfish in a you've got your tropical fish in a bucket and your salmon and you're caught in the bucket however it's worth noting that there are over 2,000 types of tropical fish so good luck ever collecting every type of fish be free my friends away with you hopefully get some nice laps and how that's time I free a puffer fish cheese number 42 messed with redstone redstone is a foreign experience to most people so if you've never messed with it well no one really blames you we should do a video on the Sun that'd be fun learn a little bit books reading big brain alert number 43 transfer - ochre to the overworld I'll spare you that bleeds to the end again but there's a way to get a shocker to your actual overworld game using a boat and some serious ingenuity you can also click the I in the credit got a whole bunch of these pop it off today if you want to check out how you can get yourself your very own shulker for your main overworld it's so cute they do try and kill you though you get used to its kind of going a cat number 44 traveled above the nether yes this is a fairly difficult glitch to achieve but we've got a button here that accomplishes it for us so we're gonna teleport right at the top of the nether it involves using minecarts to slowly travel upwards and look at that we're all the way up at the top here so much building room each time they update minecraft they try and make it harder and harder to get back above the bedrock in the nether but someone always finds away number 45 found ender mites there's like a 1 in 50 chance of an endermite spawning in when you shoot an ender pearl i don't usually use too many ender pearls in my survival world so the odds of me running into one of these is fairly slim to none and especially slim to none for you if you don't usually hunt for Enderman and especially if you don't play on you know a mode that isn't in peacefull it wouldn't make much sense alright here's what they look like by the way get away 46 crafted conduit this is something that came out in the update aquatic but you can fish for or killed rounds for Nautilus shells and heart of the seas can be found in treasure chests like the one we found earlier to get yourself a conduit but it isn't in there you'll also need a bunch of prismarine to make a structure around the conduit in order for its power to activate down we go once you've placed enough prismarine blocks down you can put your conduit right in the center and it will very shortly thereafter turn into an entity that will give you very special conduit power now look we got caught up our steel damaged a mop and nearby and let you breathe underwater nice number 47 found a skeleton horse trap also featured in our rare mom's video you can find skeleton horses in thunderstorms sometimes and even you broach them it's cousin trap will occur we get four horsemen mean business number 48 never mind die right granite and andesite on purpose seriously when's the last time you weren't actively looking for blocks that look like this yes number 49 used the debug stick which was an item that was added I believe in one point twelve or one point thirteen that you can use to do fun things in game with various different block types yes such as this what I'm doing here and rotating it's fun and number 50 seen the debug world which contains every single block variant found in game waterlogged versions of stairs waterlogged versions of stairs that have been rotated one time non waterlogged versions different fence types every single type of fire every single type of redstone connection so many different things it's so weird so my friends how many out of those 50 had you never done before let us know in the comment section below and we'll see you later I guess I'm singing by the ocean
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,964,054
Rating: 4.4462457 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 50, minecraft 50, 50 things, 50 minecraft, rare, rare minecraft, secret minecraft, minecraft 1.14, 1.14, 1.14 minecraft, update, minecraft update, new, new minecraft, new minecraft update, secret, village and pillage, mobs, most rare, minecraft rare, minecraft secret, logdotzip, no swearing, logdotzip 1.14, minecraft logdotzip, family friendly, no cursing, minecraft mods, wither, ender dragon, beacon, diamonds, villager, things, in minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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