The ENTIRE Map fits in a 3x3 Cube...

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whoa whoa what what where am i oh hey what's going on guys log that zip here check it out I'm a with a boss I've got two or heads once Preston plays and ones that speakable gave me loudest with her ever having a special map known as 3x3 escape-proof created by TNT squirrel you don't really look like a squirrels expecting some kind of squirrel with the TNT I would've thought right thanks thats people gave me well maybe you can thank me after i played this map which you'll find on the floor in the description this video enjoy for playing my first map and on the same day oh oh he's thanking him for I got you right right right right right right well first of all this is amazing looking but second of all that's even more amazing looking and third of all we heard this man okay so when it escaped from numerous 3x3 rooms in an attempt to be the ultimate puzzle king or queen if you happen to be queen yeah oh I just explained this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay whatever we're done it stuck oh oh is I supposed to do something here okay maybe we should read the sides oh we just had to press one of these hey yeah I'm ready golly first riddle section one I don't I don't want it's fine okay so riddle shoes are in me and shoes are on me I make it tough for shoes to pass by I'm likes and yet I flout gravity flout and the new me makes things float real high Who am I whoa whoa hold on I gotta like the shoes are in me and shoes are on me the shoes are in me shoes are in me a shock I make it tough for shoes to pass by I'm likes and yet I flout what is flout mean what is this the flout game come on well I've seen jokes like this before not jokes riddles I've seen riddles like this before usually it's like soul like something like the shoes with the soul we got soul maybe soul refused to pass by I'm likes and yet I flout gravity oh it's all sad oh that's perfect okay that makes sense because soul Sam doesn't listen to gravity is that what flaut means soul Sam can we we work together on this put it in here we did it okay great opening in your chest section - all right I got your number what do we got what do we got what do we got so put something in the chest what chest we have no chest what's down here anything is anything on the sign anyway is that that just gives me a hint book is there something am i holding something but something in the chest what chest there is no chest there is a chest there's the chest there hidden oh it's visible whoa interesting okay well we can use it to break wood sure I like it okay but something in the chest I guess I'll put a piece of wood that did that but something put something in the chest that could be anything now I assume we want to turn this into wood planks get big I mean is this it does this reset okay that resets everything okay well good to know I mean I don't know there wasn't sticks it wasn't just wood and it wasn't this what can I make I can either make more sticks I can make a sword let me I'm gonna make it sorta sword let me give it make this so it yeah all right we got a sword great okay yeah okay that didn't do it either are we gonna keep resetting them half slabs there we go okay okay I don't do anything at all the only I was like it think of as a button button maybe and I maybe I could place you know I'm an adventurer might make a hoe maybe and we yeah we can cuz that's oh yeah we actually have just the right amount let me see oh okay huh you've been placed wait let me placed on dirt can be used on dirt Oh put something in the chest okay but what I don't get changed Tommy is the hymnbook farmers use this tool I already did that it's right there maybe we do use the sticks from the hoe or the haps let me see look okay now we got the stone hoe and then to wood I'm in this too what about turn this into sticks to place the stupid huh with my stuff go oh okay great invisible yeah okay well why oh my god chokers what are you gonna do now we can't jump there's no jumping we can't do any jumping in here what about here what is this - is that did I just I can't even I can't reach that it doesn't you let me get on an attainable but that wouldn't work okay how do we is there a way to to get on this guy because we can't oh whoa hey I like did you see that that was the oddest thing oh boy come on get up come on that's so odd that it does that step on all three pressure plates okay [Music] whoa nice but then all wait we can go right through it if we stand on top look I think I think can I - I know for a fact there's a way welcome to the concrete can we do anything to concrete just want to get an eye drop oh that's odd maybe no there's got to be a way I know for a fact that I can I know there's a way okay good this just reset it okay it's fine come on okay this means we need to get down underneath the shoulder box I think they may have fixed this normally when you make a show curb Ochs raise up you will fall completely through it for whatever reason it's not working right now I don't know why like it I'm not gonna pretend to like it but we got put things in it maybe you did you don't play this game with me right now dude well that just made a weird noise maybe okay I just press reset on this room for some reason or another and now we've got extra shulker boxes like littering the room okay look there's one there's another was I supposed to get on this guy yeah okay let's we can fall through that one so what I depress reset the whole time why what do you play these games with me TNT squirrel right right right left right left right left left right okay good we got it so are our left are our RLR LRL well uh I'm gonna move reset from right here okay so right right right left was this a I forgot right right right left right right right left right left right left left okay whoo right right right left right um left right left left ok did that do maybe I right-click the sign right right left right left right left left right right right left right left right left left right left oh maybe that's it ok ok ok fun right right right left right left right left left dude you got to be joking me actually these blocks ok right right right left right left right left left right right right left right left right left left right right right left right left right left left okay right right what right right right okay left okay right okay left right left left wow it worked I'm actually very surprised that it worked I've not used these things working jukebox riddles Section five bish Friday borer breathe Friday for free I love free fish Fridays I don't know okay so then hold on what even is this is a half slab what kind of half oh it's a choker box I think maybe it's a retexture choker box it started just putting off some particles when I stood on it a second ago interesting maybe maybe don't talk about fish fry-day for or characters six characters three characters six not four six three maybe maybe I don't know what that means let's just do it in the order so so 4 4 put you in here ok six three yeah yeah I mean the music's nice whoa whoa every time we're the last disco maybe it has something better maybe it has something to do with the actual yeah probably okay hold on then we need to find one that's fish and then what's what's a good Friday one Friday the 13th that one's obvious Friday 13 okay fish what's a fish one cat cats love fish before weight for weight maybe okay forward that's it wow that wasn't that bad actually washing clothes Section six I feel like we're in like a like a government area welcome Section six we have the culture that you were looking I wouldn't look at very cold rude officer don't ask questions alright so then what am i doing ooh maybe I can do something the leather chest plate can we dye it maybe we put your on down out there now in go on it ooh hey that that let it up no think so hmmm and there's something right here that's invisible Oh bone meal okay let's see hold on okay okay did that Oh maybe do we have to just keep resetting until we get a flower maybe maybe let me see I will just keep on going boom boom boom that didn't do it either okay maybe we need a double tall flower boom boom I say I said ball get it and none of us were kidding please please please I want the bone meal I mean the flowers whatever stop asking questions give me the flower okay so then we got a flower what is what is a flower to do for me anything if I'm missing something what could I be doing instead of of using the bone meal to get flour and grass can that because I think we just need to we need to unpowered I so that this torch gets powered in order to unpowered I maybe we put the flower in there I don't know I'm gonna keep the flower and then press reset oh and let's be clear the items okay well I thought I was on to something and I empty this culture oh yeah no okay that didn't work either you know what I'm I'm kind of confused I really have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing here I mean I have no problem planting crops over and over again but if it's not gonna bleed anything oh okay another flower place maybe one more flower no can we do any with this flower no of course not that'd make too much sense you know place place place come on please please wait Oh seeds can we what can I do with the seeds anything how do I grow how do I grow as a person how do I get this stupid caldron empty it has to have something to do with the lever because why would I why would I be giving a letter otherwise you know what I mean why don't we throw this and this in there that's if it jeez man I can't do we can we what can we like sneak with the leather - no that isn't do anything I know in the pocket edition you can dye objects by mm wait wait I know what I got to do we got to dye the leather using the yellow flowers oh my gosh I can't believe that just came to me oh my gosh hold on oh oh no that's right we can't do think we need a yellow flower okay ready just keep doing this until we get yellow flower there's my yellow flower okay great now check it out Lois y'all ready oh hey we got to turn the flower to diapers okay look dandelion yellow he's a yellow fella okay there it is and if I'm not mistaken yes now we need to do it one more time well we got that again that means we get another flower does it reset it does the culture reset all the cauldron resets - we need to get two flowers in one go is that right we don't we don't in fact we don't even need the flowers I just realized we can just do this okay well that certainly took a lot longer than I wanted it to wow I can't believe I was that's so long dude okay guys again look put it together man that was ages that took ages oh my gosh that's a good riddle though I would not expecting that at all like perfect next such lever flicking get the wool to touch concrete powder wool okay pondcrete powder where's the concrete powder was it just this is just a concrete powder right but then maybe we just okay Oh interesting maybe I mmm of course yeah yeah no oh okay okay now we can start messing around with it okay look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that as good all right now I'm not mistaken we just got a I mean it's touching concrete powder isn't it I'm pretty sure oh this we gotta get it to there no I can't be right is it hold on and now this isn't powered at all anymore I wanna thank you man oh man whoa hey down there something special and see a little bit then I want to say no put it on back now enough baby come on now with it boy up I would do this okay good slow down okay slow it on down now no you stay there no you do okay can I get that's not really doing anything from anymore did that ever do anything we need to figure out hmm maybe ooh did that no this just getting confusing now so I assume I assume that's yeah it's got to be a sticky piston so then I'm like looking it's kinda thing over there please okay so the section was called quick levers or something like you got a quick oh look if you press it fast and look look it did it okay okay okay okay okay so then what now what I mean I think I feel around to something maybe okay for a second okay oh I know we're gonna do power this yes yes oh then wow that's good round and round Section eight okay well that's nice now this choker box doesn't open at all and this section called round and round what did that just do what did that just do it's something oh whoa whoa I don't even what I just did did you see that it just we just ended we just finished that section I don't care that's fine I don't mind but I just don't get it no doubt now we can't jump we don't have any jump ability right now there's no jumping was this do maybe we put the ender chest in here I mean whatever it's come keep on stacking them okay say ants are here now I don't need your hints man I just needed hmm there's got to be someone look look that guy looks a little different can I and I throw something at it maybe huh what are we working with come on let's uh okay I'm doing no no no no no why don't we try to like think maybe one of these walls is all goofed again somewheres yeah cuz I got jumpers I can't jump right now okay I've been jumping around in this stupid room for minutes on in I have no idea what I'm supposed to do I'm trying to press this you can't do anything on there I'm not holding anything special there's no invisible blocks on me there's no invisible walls I don't know what to do so I'm gonna read the hint book okay find the milk and the enderchest at the lobby lobby all milk to get rid of the jump boost okay sure but then how do I escape how would I do I kill myself do I get it maybe maybe no hold on of these books for good measure whoa that one's got that one's got a different hold on but when I open it is it do something different let me see oh okay um well I think my number one answer here is gonna be to kill myself now I got to find a milk bucket around here somewhere interesting I don't know what it means whoa whoa whoa whoa what where am I ooh just happened but I'm looking for milk bucket baby where there's no bucket no where we can fall yeah that works too yeah at least we got some nice concrete powder to join us okay look so I've died so we need to find a milk bucket somewhere in the lobby in the lobby well where's the lobby I thought I was doing the right thing by trying to come back here where's the lobby where's the band really what do what I got it what I gotta go through ah okay so I had to go through all the levels all over again so weird some of the levels have like new stuff marahau the choker boxes randomly appeared some of the other rooms had like random and her chest it appeared and now for whatever reason I swear I didn't do anything crazy look now I can jump now jumping works even though the book says you can you choose if it would be well there wasn't one for one but two now just jump so I did it hungry for bacon oh jeez whoa kill the pig kill the pig ah I know what you got to do yo so this is a special one for anyone that doesn't know you can actually change the Vindicator x' who do some serious damage all I gotta do is name him Johnny Johnny hey what's up dude get Big East but to get the pig one block whole section 11 okay it's got less this one's easy look there we go that was easy why just kind of jump towards the jumping the fence speed of jumping is section 12 here mmm I say we can still jump I still jump boost though I don't I don't get and I it was called what was it called but we got a fence that time that was I didn't get a fence last time and we placed on concrete powder okay whoa whoa okay reset no mind ever I guess I don't know what's happening anymore deadly powder section 13 okay so we can place concrete powder on plants we can place plants on dirt we can place dirt on concrete okay place that there plate that there place that there and then we can place that also on the plant oh I see I think wait Oh whoa slash kill yourself slash kill whoa oh we oh we're supposed to try and kill us that's what we owe okay well then I think we can do this I think we just gotta let me see I'm not mistaken I can just okay right and then and then maybe you mean mean oh well I'm pretty sure I goofed it again we're gonna have to okay maybe maybe we remember going about this the wrong way I'm trying to think these are here these got to be here for a reason these little guys you know what I mean that what are you here for what purpose do you serve plan goes there fine maybe we just gotta be what I thought that was it for sure oh maybe yeah that's not doing it either I don't know we need to suffocate ourselves somehow I couldn't tell you how what [Music] okay so then maybe I that's so weird that it works like what about here and then work on that side either I don't understand Oh what's the shovel for I didn't see the shovel you could break dirt and plant Oh oh my gosh I got like pay better attention like what's going on around me and my surroundings I think pretty sure we can get this like right away okay so now look look at it out Oh now if I'm not mistaken we can break the dirt yeah did it do what you still didn't really gonna play that game can we wait did that well I got close oh that's it I think no put the why why why would you play some plant oh I think I see I think oh I think I got it one right there one right there one right there good good good break break okay and then I want to say if I'm not mistaken no we're just gotta get inside and then oh yes we're doing it we're killing ourselves everybody's favorite now it's just slow and steady pain death until it's time for the next level whenever oh well it's like like didn't let me kill my okay well how convenient where the main section 14 gave me some steak to heal felt bad for me nice okay it's a weather man presumably we have to make it whether we're gonna make it rain probably so then what can I do oh yeah we can use the string to break wood okay we're step completed if I were a weatherman what would it weather clear weather rain weather Thunder anybody know do it too too young okay that's fine so then if I was a weatherman what would I make well again it comes down to maybe sticks or may another hoe a hoe for your pleasure maybe oh oh maybe no no hoe on this one okay now why are these two different I bet you it's got maybe I make a pressure plate no why do we have string there's got to be a reason we've got string for maybe maybe we make a fishing rod I bet you we make a fishing rod we're gonna make a fishing around make a fishing rod fishing rod okay fishing rod Oh boom boom boom boom boom boom it was that no no fishing rod but I don't but it's it's thundering I don't understand okay what am I losing dear if I'm not making this do I make a bow I make a bow okay let's see what you got for me baby see come on oh maybe we make a whole bunch of wool maybe like wool wool oh no I'm learning I think you know I would have reset hey we're on the right track at least so we're gonna break the a bed we're gonna make a bed how could I be so foolish I know the bed goes to look I know exactly the bed goes it goes right there so then I want to say we just do that okay cool what will I say thanks yep that's it put it on down baby what can be placed on wool the bag can be placed on wool okay we place that we can break stained glass with this interesting and then what there and then there and then I sleep don't sleep at night weather Thunder yeah we make it nice and dark come on there we go there we go yeah I've been waiting for this it presumably well where am i oh hey hey hey where am I can't see anything oh so hungry okay there I just added night vision oh oh there's a button right here oh okay well that was convenient be answer what is the answer well that's easy the answer is section 15 I just saw it showing up take it out section 15 I bet you anything this is it watch I will laugh I'll laugh I'll laugh oh oh is that was that nodded maybe it's just 15 is 15 the answer section 15 drop it on down there uh-uh maybe lower case maybe section 15 cuz the last one was lower case - oh wait X ray what is this and be placed on carpet whoa whoa whoa hold on I've never seen that before it's the answers 33 d4r 8x very random that's so weird though 33 d or r 8x Wow I shouldn't tell you what happened there but I'm pretty sure we're about to make it to the pond stage drop it in that's good it's a final riddle section 16 no upper case I see all around me I locate the Gateway when throwing I flee I open the doorway what am i well that's easy that's a I have ender eye of ender just like oh wait we have I then we did it we completed the three by three escape room courtesy of TNT squirrel look at that it's going nuts over there guys we enjoyed the map you can find a talent for it in the description of this video if you enjoyed me playing it you should try to like on the video you enjoyed me playing in general you should subscribe you can see me play way more often thank you so much for watching my friend makes you cops up a lot danger was so soft i loved-ed of malice elated
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,306,768
Rating: 4.2324095 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, escape room, 3x3, escape, puzzle, funny, roleplay, moments, puzzle map, blocks, map, secret, hidden, challenge, funny moments, custom game, custom map, custom, game, games, survival, minecraft map, diamond, structure, structures, block, gaming, gameplay, one block, cube, no swearing, comedy, maps, minecraft 1.12, 1.12, logdotzip, logdotzip minecraft, minecraft logdotzip, log dot zip,
Id: xAPayxR_Tag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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