I'm A Hole... (Donut County)

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I cannot wait to find out what character I'm being today the beauty videogames is you can let you become whatever you want whenever you want in whatever world you want so let's see who we're gonna be today mirrors house is mirror the cat please let me be the cat or the goose I see a goose she is the dog I know there's a person there this dog has toasted his mouth what is happening Mira when are you coming to work I'm bored what is this button here stop sending me Docs this is just like an endless cycle of ducks isn't it ok I reply to you normally quiet BK she's talking to a raccoon I'm dead I've died you lying low why are you dead this raccoon is savage come to the donut shop and stop feeding your dog bread that's true bread is not good for dogs ok leaving in five minutes bite do I have to pull this yeah how'd you get to pull it that's kind of cool I like that it's actually a goose hey hey you stop wait wait are we a hole of all the characters we're a hole we've been a hole before we've actually practiced for this day I need to get big enough to swallow this goose am i big enough yet it's one of the Teague you and OH D and good-bye goose it didn't work I wanna know oh where are you going what are you doing you're delivering Donuts why we angered this guy a goose delivering Donuts should be a blessing to all but I'm swallowing you get in the hole get in the hole you although the doughnuts give me these thank to you I think these make me bigger you put donut shop ok this is possibly the greatest game of all time we're a hole that's the character we're today we're a hole we're actually being a hole in a game before so we're we're well ready for this I love the art style or this is BK dude the honking stops that's cuz of me hey hey guess what six weeks later whoa what happened here Mira how the quadcopter no how could you smash my quadcopter oh she's in trouble who cares about your stupid quadcopter do you have any eyes how could you destroy it it's out what it put again 999 feet below doughnut County oh is this our fault with a whole lot we this might this might be our fault not a hundred percent sure though I I never destroyed anything I'm kind oh em gee what you used that stupid app to open up holes all over town I may have caused a guy to fall down a hole up to the center of the earth but that wasn't me wasn't me calm prove it and now we're all stuck underground everything here looks fine to me except my quadcopter I'm the victim will someone back me up here Coco what is that hair this is Pikachu as well green Pikachu BK it's obvious that you did it come on Potter says so I got swallowed by a hole right after I ordered a doughnut from your shop what does that have to do with mirror smashing my quadcopter shop about your drone putter what's happened to your son Oh pop my sweet popping boy he must still be up there somewhere oh so there is still something up here left-click to deploy a hole wait we we gonna send him we're gonna send him to the floor and just just swallowing things I'm a hole a lonely little hole and that's that good that's that done oh is this Poppa maybe we need to just swallow literally everything to uncover the rest of the story that would make sense right and the more we eat the more we unlock and the bigger we guess we can swallow bigger things but I can swallow these so I can swallow your house if I want to this is really random there's a guy making a pot not just a guy a fox is oddly satisfying actually really satisfying sorry I'm taking this with me this is mine now if why do you ever go in go and drop in drop in there we go sorry buddy he's still he's still trying to make me he hasn't quite realized maybe he's just a puppet actually see you later buddy oh oh I have a kidnapping everyone via an app this is literally the game we plays like two weeks ago just is actually swallowing real-life people on all this beautiful pottery he spent so long making this and we're just destroying it all in one go not just swallowing it but smashing it and then swallowing it absolute savages you can take the kiln as well I don't even care I'm taking everything even the planks of wood yes I think this guy has figured out how to beat me how do i swallow you I'm gonna take this with me thank you look he's literally deceived me I'm gonna have to swallow your kill now oh oh a burning of alive this isn't good oh no I'm just sending him up I thought I was cooking him that would have been terrible goodbye but see you later buddy I am now a tornado I upgraded from a hole to a tornado okay this hole is becoming an issue it's absolutely massive I can eat rocks and potentially this guy's house is that what's happening here I don't want to do it I feel really bad it's gonna go in isn't it ah no oh it's awful dynne it's so slowly as well and this is the person that spoke before great delivery what is happening the Thrasher pedia trash' PD or even I can't even read so these are all the things that I have swallowed a cave a coffee mug helmet swimming pool bone dog dish doughnut Rock kiln potter's house literally a house Potter and pop used to live here climb inside for a free ride in the suitcase I'm gonna pass have a garbage day the style of this game is amazing I love it have a garbage day put down a t-shirt or early we're in there every day we have back below to see what's going on I just wanted to surprise pup with a doughnut so if you ordered a doughnut through this app a hole would just swallow you interesting we made this guy cry now I feel really bad now he's floating away a lone pup BK this is all your fault I don't like playing as BK look at his stupid face no he's not if you got swallowed first how do you know pop is in the balloon this story is full of holes half your brain is full of holes and so is the entire town thanks to you just doing my job wait I mean not not true I'm innocent wait pop is in a hot-air balloon I saw a hot air balloon float by my ranger station you saw pop which way was he heading I don't know I got distracted do we swallow this guy - are we gonna go through all of these characters and find out how we lost how we swallowed them through after them ordering a donut I think we do this is a flashback ranger station click to deploy a hole we get to swallow snakes perfect yes oh that actually made me jump where you going no come back okay there's not touch the snakes until we've got enough to swallow them all here we go get out here it doesn't even matter if you jump anymore you just goes straight down it doesn't even matter if you go ahead to sleep what a rock this hole is coming for you the garden snake these remind me of animal crossing characters they're so cute wait this one's in a cage not anymore why done what they done snake danger it's almost critical wait what what is this I'm a snake hole now a bit of tornado and a snake snake dangers going up and up and up it also reminds me of an acute if any of you guys have been around for that long Oh do I need to scare all the chickens I think I do snake dangers up to an all-time high this isn't good guys how do I get this guy off though oh wait whoa it was spinning it we spinning it hey he's just gonna freak out now isn't he no the snakes inside oh no we're ruining everyone's life goodbye chicken see you later why would you keep snakes inside a snake danger sign that doesn't even make sense it's okay you're all going down every single one of you goodbye it's all coming down you ready see you later buddy see you down see you down below we did it go nuts and a great delivery of an animal crossing character I wonder if we get to rank 10 when we complete it and get our quadcopter back chicken buckets wooden fence Oh hold up salt saw pop easy we've got three eyes two eyes and a mouth three mouths one eye two mouths not sure what's going on here with my telescope you mean my telescope salt and pepper they both got the most mysterious face that's what I said my telescope well me and pepper were feuding again so I moved my trailer to Mint River he took a liking to this bird yeah a bird made for liking or licking I'm not sure let's find out after this guy there is a dog having some issues down there a very very cute dog though let's deploy this hole and see what's going down look how cute he's doing flips he's trying to catch the fish I'm gonna catch the fish buddy sorry well is if we catch all the fish we ruin his day are you gonna jump in the hole oh oh he's too fat to fit I can definitely fix that come on in buddy see you down below we need a dog downstairs ha ha ha I actually feel kind of bad when it comes to dogs I can swallow the humans and the animals but dogs know oh this is the bird that he likes what's so special about this bird I know I'm full of water how do I empty myself now oh I can feed the birds that makes sense but there's no fish left now ah the bird drinks the water got it and fish just come out of the water because we're getting rid of it of course why wouldn't that happen this guy's immune we're gonna take the dogs home with X he is gonna need a home when he gets down to the 9,000 feet below so they can't come with me but this guy can get out of here DC so cute what could I take now I can take more water this guy is drinking a lot of water right now a worrying amount of water oh I could take him with me he's gone down as well this music that's some my favorite music in a video game ever yes hold on a second portable outhouse or trailer those are two very different things from my perspective one your puen I guess should keep you in a caravan never mind never mind it was a drinking bird now you have your answer for now your hood 9,000 feet underneath the ground okay 999 feet sorry so are you saying you're like in love with a bird oh look a pepper she's like wait what Oh cuz this is the bird in there he snuck her in this game's like completely catching me off guard it wasn't a bird it was a coyote we're all hopeless now coyote I thought she moved away to the desert I did let me guess you fell down a hole oh okay I might have skipped this a little bit but the coyote was the original owner of the donut shop and he sold it to the raccoons now the raccoons have tainted it with the giant hole and this is the back story of how it happened he's now selling corn for a living by the way in the desert and we're gonna swallow his whole livelihood oh hello sir don't um don't mind me just swallowing your rocks in your fire and eventually all your money in the future sorry like this give me the corn oh that's actually kind of clever because you need to do that to actually complete the level that's cool you don't need to stay warm you're in the desert I can't swallow this year I'm not big enough whoa I'm making popcorn yeah let's go I've been a volcano I'm gonna oh the birds the birds taking it at least he had his nice last meal before he went to the 999 feet below come on then corn I want to make some more and you can get in here - which iPod called machine I've always wanted to be one of those you can come with me - wait why are there two coyotes there was only one under the ground take this rock I couldn't take the sign a small food fortress is how it describes a can that's true it keeps our food protected and safe we're back around the campfire anyway that's my sad story not as weird as I'm Salt's here to be honest roma has entered the fray it feels like a smash trailer all over again what is the doughnut without a hole wait she solved it very good question since BK we should really stop to ponder this for as long as possible um I don't know without a hole is still a doughnut that's true actually a jam donut does not have a hole in the middle it has jam in the middle which technically means it has a hole in the middle to fit the jam in Rome I got a new phone so we've ordered doughnuts to celebrate flashback wow what a house are we gonna swallow this giant carrot home and also all of these animals are they bunny so dear I'm not really sure look I'm a carrot bunny bunny come this way come on you can make it through the gate it's okay now come this way good boy good boy I like your blue hair by the way come over here eat me so I can eat you know oh that's not exactly what I thought was gonna happen oh wait the bunnies are literally jumping to their death come here friend hey there we go oh no two bunnies are making the hole even bigger and now I can swallow your fences I'm coming for you this is working come here chumps again I feel bad swallowing the animals the holes getting even bigger how many bunnies are down there now like hundreds it's got to be big enough to swallow that giant hole there's two more bunnies coming in can I catch them kinda I just flicked the rock in the air here we go it's gonna get even bigger so we can eat up that carrot turnin and uh whoa whoa whoa sorry rabbits oh whoa you can just go eat them again though no we just exploded their house into many many parts this is so destructive so destructive but so satisfying at the same time and it's gone level done this is extremely gross I agree BK very gross very you know what I'm actually agreeing with PK on many points PK sorry wrong and got your gross oh we've gone to UM to peppers trailer as well she's also watching Birds apparently she's watching bird videos on our laptop which I don't know how she is because her laptop's here I have yet again become incredibly fiery I have now become even more fiery be careful guys don't want your laptop now do you flames flames everywhere actually yeah I keep saying it but I do feel kind of bad this is this is their home was their home here he goes see you later another trailer swallowed or another giant toilet swallowed now everything else can come with me come here come here stones thank you sure why does take the rocks giving them protection and their car as well literally have nothing left behind and this bird can just rule the world sorry pepper I don't know more about cocoa wearing a maid's outfit potentially fake hair and oven mitts interesting and also suspicious mortal is next where have you been this whole time I didn't see you what do you do friend I sell explosives well they is gonna go well what can we explode let's see oh it's a popcorn coming off it it looks like popcorn okay I think I know what to do launch ad the birds get out of here punks I need to swallow you oh no do I need what's happening oh no my holes gone glitchy I think I've broken it guys have legit broken it care fix tip we're all good we're gonna have to like this and then send this bird flying with so bean we have to do it more than once as well why do we want the world to burn one hole at a time but I should have caught her in the hole that have been a lot nicer than just letting her fall to the floor right oh jeez I've no idea what's happening I've gone popcorn again I just want to store the car thank you and the fire truck oh no oh no I've just realized what's gonna happen there's Coco see I'm doing the world a service oh it's all coming out now I knew the raccoons were making the holes I knew the hole everyone wait what's a back story gecko Park is that a gym next door I think it is how many snakes would it take to defeat you this is so weird just one duck would take you to defeat me that's it maybe two ducks maybe three not four big snakes venomous or normal size but you've got to fight in a tiny room okay twelve definitely twelve what thousands Wow okay expect the shipment soon you haven't looked into the disappearances yet have you oh you know an ad with the dodo is bad news nope oh so she knew already looks so hasn't answered his phone in days did you talk to possum he said he has info possum told me that the earth is hollow and flat at the same time somehow these flat earthers mirror you know ever since those raccoons moved in folks have been disappearing and you work at their donut shop what plot twist she works there I don't know the raccoons treat me really well and BK is my friend I ordered a doughnuts why I gotta go oh I'll talk to you soon no you're gonna get swallowed and there's geckos everywhere geckos the change color which might just be called chameleons I'm not too sure bro there's loads of them get in the hole one fat one left come here there we go now we're gonna swallow the big lizards goodbye flamingo get in the hole please thank you Oh No this dude is in trouble almost done now time for the big event goodbye there was swallow your house huzzah it's a giant tin can a fortress a food fortress and that's how Coco fell down the hole I'm so sorry Coco I think Mira's behind this all along it was my fault you got put in the hole I should never have taken the job with the raccoons what the I thought we were friends dude I thought we were too how did Mira end up in the hole if she was in on the whole thing how did she end up here yeah and how did the raccoon end up here as well but then you ruin my town yeah I don't get it I tried to help you when you asked me to I brought the cats pot of greed for you even though it's a waste of points as this whole thing a microtransaction because I'd be very disappointed you told me that with the cat sport you could launch everyone back out of the hole yet here we are still in the hole chickens are not a waste of points kiss not upon the heads you offended her look a kiss ah but no it's the least you can do this guy's weird I like him it's his story now 802 p.m. fool that tree we're good to go this is all a nap game don't worry guys and there's the raccoon delivering doughnuts or just a giant hole Oh what does this lever do what does it do absolutely nothing goodbye chicken ah don't fall off don't fall off wait wait what's happening he just cut to this why did you deliver a donut to Coco he he ordered one and how relatable is this playing app games having a poo what's the problem PK this is too much wrong to call it is amazing you have to buy the catapult upgrade right now and fix things but I got to save up my quadcopter oh I see direct you promised fine fine I'll fix everything but you owe me by loading store this is so odd tablet holder beanbag chair what do I want to buy catapult a catapult okay I'll buy the cattle Pole yes I'll buy it I can buy some energy drinks as well don't know what that's gonna do but I did it left click to catapult whoa I can launch things at the same time this is great news and I launched the chicken to save everyone God think about you supposed to ding the bell it's got loads of stuff I can fling in the air there we go strawberries have come down what is happening oh there we go okay so I need to do this and then what oh I think I know what to do this and then this yeah it get him back into his little mansion there's no chicken mansion what's he gonna do it's the key to a chicken saving the world oh oh oh got the eggs I can throw eggs oh there's a switch here I can throw the egg yes three eggs at a time oh my goodness Wow give you older bags this is why he's so angry at me because I stole them all I'm not surprised this is its livelihood his business we're very good at stealing people's businesses aren't we I'm just gonna sit back and let it struggle in there you go eggs complete now I should be able to swallow everything get any Dalek come on get in there one of this swirl it through everything I'll take your chicken statue I'll take your car the chickens dad chooses bounced off can I catch it can I catch it of course I can call me eggs here today born tomorrow or swallowed into the ground he's like a budget Mickey Mouse you weren't even trying to help BK I was trying it's hard to use the catapult for good bear claws chiming in now where are all these characters coming from apparently I saved this guy's life you were getting hunted by bees okay I see where this is going oh no here's the beekeeper e how he's supposed to save him in a honey nut forest I want to deploy a hole come on let's save this man's life I don't like bees they can get very very angry but they can't sting a hole can they I'm gonna swallow these bees doing they're flying all over the place just get in the hole there we go easy does it easy does it yes there we go quite just notice these as well but how do I get the bees just by throwing the Frog this frog zopi he should be the DLC how old does a beekeeper get in such a sticky situation huh you're supposed to know these bees and love these bees and they're supposed to love you as well but doesn't quite look that way does it buddy I'm just going to eat all these bees - frogs eat bees oh my goodness this frog is massive now get him got him oh-oh it didn't work no hey there we go now I can swallow everything else way down here so close to rank ten I want my quadcopter bees are very hyper and they like to kiss their moms but Pleasant real pleasant chef is next how many people did you put down this hole I can even see there's obviously the Gekko is next and the bird behind you is drinking still his restaurant got ruined let me guess by the raccoon here it is cat soup help ugh I am actually helping these guys you know look I can just swallow this bug straight out sorry buddy I didn't mean to do that to you haha I just wanted to grab the bugs and maybe you as well yeah here we go it's the bird again why is this bird everywhere maybe the birds buying this whole thing what is happening okay I need to take the salt can I take the pepper as well oh I see we're making the soup ain't gonna pay to work here pots plus salt plus pepper no no no no leave me alone leave me alone get out the soup no you drank it you punk get in the hole I need to feed the chef bird this makes sense now just see you season me for bugs like salt so we're in trouble here and I don't want to put bugs in the soup do I won season me did it work no with double bugs double bugs did it work it worked yes okay I got a tiny little bit of pepper in there cheese he definitely did have a bug problem get out of here guys come on just disappear no one likes bugs and it's all gone so if you do have a bug problem then there's a plus side to having a giant hole that can swallow everything right Oh even the buildings I mean that's one way to get rid of load of bugs just swallow the whole building instead including this nuts and the skyscrapers as well okay I definitely ruined more than one life there's got to be at least a hundred people in each building this guy is just awful what is he doing with this app oh I racked up yes report to raccoon HQ for training let's go it's a cockroach disgusting right let's see how we get out of here I'm guessing we just take the quadcopter out of here I got food poisoning from cat soup more than once disgusting Wow everything I do seems to have helped everyone he's got a point mirror maybe bkn so bad okay everybody we all know cat soup was a whole even before I got hold but let's get back to the real problem here yeah my 100% smashed quadcopter why did you smash the mirror dude I didn't want to smash it I had to Oh more backstory why I'm a quadcopter I am a quadcopter this gives me like massive adventure time vibes and I think that's why I love it his the raccoon playing the quadcopter they unlocked in an app and this app by the way gives you real life in app purchases you buy something in the app appears in real life that's definite something that should happen check this out Wow oh yeah and this Wow notice how the propellers been really fast that's how it flies no kidding and it only took 12 deliveries for me to get it can I see sure Oh No Oh be careful careful like this a little lower hmm how about this what did she do that for what are you doing you're acting psycho how can you brag about this stupid toy when you got it by destroying our friends homes that's a good point actually they ordered the donuts dude I give people what they want this is pointless BK what's your password for this thing never give out your password by the way do you know what's at the bottom of the holes I don't know what are you doing Oh teaching you a lesson you are getting owned BK I could take up the quadcopter parts that's so bad literally using his most favorite possession to send him below tree there was someone in that tree I'll take the path as well don't mind if I do I'll take you last BK there you go get out of here Punk and this is how everyone ended up in the giant Hall even mirror oh my goodness we always got the donut in one there it goes Oh what has happened I think that's it how do we get out of here though I had to do it dude there was no other way to get through to you you don't know what it's like to lose something you care about I mean I guess I get what you mean you guys love your way trash houses and I took them away by doing my job which I guess in this context is an evil job yeah close enough will you help us get everyone out of the hole now Wow okay fine where do we start Wow oh it's open you know I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I know stuff but I know basically nothing me too buddy we're in the same boat you've got to oh yeah I forgot about putt whoops if you guys can find pop we can use these hot-air balloons get back to the surface oh yeah pop BK can you look pop pop on your tablet of course tablet please locate GPS data for a hot-air balloon containing a pop is actually gonna work I'm kidding this thing doesn't have voice commands professional troll you know who might be able to find pop possum Nana nanana opossum is too weird he's weird but you have to admit possum was right where is possum if we met him already earth is hollow not flat though he was wrong about that if you know where he lives I can get him just deliver a donut to the abandoned house I always thought it was haunted this is worse we're gonna deliver someone to the underground oh he's weird look at him I've come to swallow your house oh it's creepy do I have to move the candles around I think I've messed this up guys if I swallow these the fridge opens of course oh he's got weird masks and everything well is this guy up to he's got masks of his own face was that actually him what you screaming oh there he is again it's a cat with a mask on come on guys you have to know that this is a cat with a mask on surely there he is no he's lost his mask what are you doing you crazy man there's a possum this is a fake a fraud get in the hole I'm so confused by this game this kind of looks like life is strange right now is that what's happening here I love weird games this is taking it to another level all right then the house is coming down probably my favorite house that we swallowed so far not gonna lie that's a cool one right possum help us out here I was right uh-huh Hollow Earth Occam's razor what how many hours do we have to listen to this so possum do you know how to locate pop pop pop I think I heard the cops looking for a dog in a hot-air balloon where is he I may be able to find out if I had a raccoon police scanner OMG BK where can we get a raccoon police scanner the police chief probably as one are we gonna have to swallow all these things just to get him out of here we certainly do I think this is the raccoon version of Disneyland right now there's the police scanner and we're actually got a swallow Disney basically for raccoons I need to activate this gumball machine Kapaa oh wait is it it might be water balloons actually give me as many water balloons as you can handle oh I need to power the water wheel it's a log flume ride that's kind of cool I like that get up there buddy I want to see you whoosh all the way down there he goes hey put your hands up you're coming down oh weaponed here there we go finish the ride off perfectly don't forget smile for the picture there we go now you've earned a ride down right your raccoon punks this whole thing is coming down okay and you're coming down with it oh my goodness oh no there's definitely something wrong with health and safety in here oh my goodness this is great now I get to swallow the whole thing imagine if that actually happen at Disneyland good boy log flume see you later buddy I don't think is this big enough to just swallow it I don't think it is hey there we go do you see that ruin did I get my police scanner though hopefully oh there he is grab me the scanner guys I could get in trouble for this trash King will take away my table if he finds out oh no were you gonna go crowded too these characters are so cute and sassy will he drop you and your friends into a weird cave okay okay I get it possum anything on the scanner one sec yes got it shovel continues at raccoon hates queue day three of protesters they have custom t-shirts now hmm that's not it down at County stoner shop is missing investigation under way I valve delivery raccoon named BK well you're in trouble requesting back-up on the 405 hot air balloon causing traffic jam we can swallow him if he's on the floor that's why he's closed in a traffic jam we could swallow him come on oh this is a holes perfect that is the tiniest car I have ever seen you can get through all the traffic buddy I need any I need you get in here thank you sir you don't need you don't need to be stuck in a traffic jam anymore why these raccoons doing well they're not watching TV anymore you're coming with me who carries 9 TVs with them huh hey doughnuts finally we had see some doughnuts in a game called doughnut County right what's next we've got doughnuts ready to oh geez why are you taking pictures I'm a little bit confused by this this is very strange oh I'm blinding them okay that makes a lot more sense you can put them on Instagram later it's gonna be fine I just want my pop back okay final one go on pop come down you need to help us out here buddy am I supposed to be firing these up there I don't think I am oh no my arm he's tracking them down who's this dude no stop this instant oh did that work can I drag him down via this I think I can no almost had you yes one Instagram photo was all it took one ugly Instagram photo and he's absolutely distraught come on down you little punk I need your help that's literally almost every single person it's coming down into the hole we can't fit you all down here this is a problem a very big problem why don't we all just start living in the center of the earth instead they'll be fine right nothing could possibly go wrong there oh no what oh my god the world is over just keep swirling just keep swallowing bye we have have to be rained on by cars this could be a big problem there he is pop the the the kid I forgot about your safe ruff okay pop get out I think this whatever loot bouquet you absolute legend I'm going up to save us no way dude you can't go alone you're just run away I'm coming with you I'm coming too in case really hacked the mainframe No yeah though just just stay here you guys just leaving with no plan uh we're going to talk to the leader of the raccoons trash King we're going to do a boss fight and kick his butt okay this could potentially be some kind of crazy boss fight do we have to swallow all of this surely not we want to replenish the world Wow Erie it doesn't feel that different up here it's like we got replaced by raccoons do you think this is all my fault I feel bad but I can't undo what I did BK here's a tip you feeling guilty I don't blame you for everything that raccoons do you still want to be friends I do but if you want to be friends with me don't make gilts your Gil it's my problem harsh but true this is such a pretty game look how cool this is there it is raccoon HQ it looks exactly like the observatory in LA they copied copied it all Wow smells awful do you guys use like reverse air fresheners okay we're texting trash King hey DK o''h gon reply don't do the old texting and then don't reply who is this sorry new phone Oh wicked this is so adorable it's BK I work for you I was wondering like is it possible to undo some of the holes and give people their trash back could be awkward could be a super easy boss fight' he said nothing duck second duck reply okay never mind no problem it didn't work dude I think he's mad at me dang whoops you know what would be fun opening all I'm wrecking this place well yeah are we actually gonna do it okay fine fix a hole with a no hole it looks like he's trying to break into his own place that's a little bit weird isn't it well we try it oh nothing else we could do I can help possum we told you to stay with everyone else you did but I read between the lines I can help hack into the HQ security system you can sneak a hole inside that way how do we hack in just plug this into the security system well I sweep we can use the catapult okay here goes nothing is this a USB cord it shoot it up into this this is cold possum hack protocol I'm a hacker and of course he's playing on the toilet is that trash king he's not wearing his um snow wearing his crown and who drinks coffee on the toilet that's so weird whoa this place is in the same he's even got a statue of himself and burger deliveries what okay we have a lot of work to do I think we need to get the key cards see you later buddy goodbye if we fire him up there yeah grab the key card the red key card and then we go into the lab see I've got this I've been a whole my whole life to biology lab all right this is the biology lab rabbits some raccoons welcome to the biology lab new recruits donut County was home to many rude screaming beasts nobody knows why the animals were just outside it's our job to figure out the purpose of these nude creatures watch as our top raccoons extract the facts well that's just a snake and the raccoons are just watching they're not really doing anything so I'm gonna swallow you up begone begone see you later oh wait is this a puzzle it is how do I shoot things grab Hey okay let's grab the bird as well I don't know why I need these two things or why I'm grabbing these at all but I guess we're gonna find out right maybe the Frog I see we need the Frog to eat the Flies of course he used to eat snakes no wait bees and now he eats flies can probably eat rabbits as well come on in the hole no hey there we go give me all these Oh again why don't panic it's just a roll call this was literally very normal I turned on the emergency lights because it's fun please finish putting out your waivers the next five seconds oh my goodness it's firing out the rabbits again exploding all over the place we did it if I grab all these rabbits I need to go to anthropology next and then we should be able to do this hello he's got the card come here Punk oh yeah perfect Hey look a lot of raccoons doing nothing again and almost falling off their chairs goodbye friends I know you like your iPad's but it's time to take a break involuntary break because I've got some infiltrating to do I think I just swallowed a yep I sorted a sweater firework all right you see what's going on here self the fire alarm and we're good Pat nobody panic everything is fine to whomever is driving this hole please go away absolutely not I can short-circuit this and get drunk okay perfect now what oh I see what's going on here I need I need this rocket the bird drinks the water and then I caused this - we were wait do it now yes and now fire this up here go hey hey what well that concludes the tour attention whole driver meet me in my office thank you I'm trying to go access destroyed him maybe we're not so bad at boss fights ha we've actually destroyed the whole thing and you thought our hole was just a mere mortal ha never mess with a giant sinkhole guys in real life and in racoon world what is all this stuff why is he leading me here with Donuts I'm a little bit confused this is like all the stuff that we've um that we've swallowed really strange hold on a second is that a trash pile is that gonna be everything that we've swallowed oh is that how you capture a whole these dudes are so smart with all their technology hello friends he's got the USB stick BK please report to my office right now I am opening up direct access for you alone we have urgent business well he said my name are you sure you can handle him alone he seems like he stinks yeah he definitely stinks but I can handle him I thought about what you said earlier this is my mess to clean up it is but you can always call me for backup I appreciate it wish me luck you don't need it you're gonna kick butt love you guys infiltrating the observatory wanna pick up no I'm here to get you reversed the holes bring everyone back did you know you're the highest rated hole driver in donut county you're famous BK wow really picture this dude full-time employee status company stock the company will take care of everything for you they'll even wipe your butts I hate wiping my butt if you join me you'll get to play with the real big-boy toys oh my goodness the real big Penta copter okay it's still a quadcopter a Penta copter would have been sick though a king quadcopter it has a cement cannon for tough construction jobs it's the pickup truck of quadcopters OMG OMG i have one more thing to show you follow me he's trying to win him over hey possum this is bad she have a bazooka or something that could blow up a bunch of quad copters nah but I can check the dog web when we get back never mind maybe weights a for fun Oh No BK you'll get us in big trouble right now buddy this is not healthy that's where the hole is coming from sick BK those nerds in the hot air balloon are holding you back you got to learn to put yourself first Oh No you've got to reach in and take the pickle don't don't don't what if my hand gets stuck like yours ha it's not stuck I could take it out whenever it's meant to inspire you sign this Wow branch manager he's luring your in PK come on and get health insurance yep and of course a brand new quadcopter hmm all right hand me the pen no BK we've talked about this don't sign it don't sign it don't sign it oh oh that sound it's the key quadcopter we need to surrender Mira that thing can easily pop our balloon not if we blow it up first I told you I don't have a bazooka and trash king has my hacking device we're gonna use a hole trust me it's designed to destroy stuff what is happening right now it's turned into an RPG can I absorb this looks like I can oh no he cemented me what is happening what is happening the giant bombs I don't think I was supposed to get full of cement right now I was a bad idea no no it's taken like a third of my help already explode it thank goodness right I need just one of this guys I have no idea what to do I'm gonna die I'm gonna die stay away a small one this is yes okay that's how you do it it takes out a load of his health as well we just need to wait for the small ones oh I see what you're doing I see what you're doing here you still don't gonna catch me I'm faster than you you absolute chump you're not gonna fill me cement today where's the small one need the small one there it is catch it yes gotcha you're going down buddy BAM Hey right final thing and then we win but then BK is gone forever right okay this is bad this is bad this is really bad I think I'm okay though as long as I get this tiny one we're good perfect right it's over buddy get out of here you stinker you're done if BK is in that he might possibly be dead now but that's kind of his own fault for taking the king copter right we destroyed it all without B case help I can't believe he abandoned us he sold us out I'm not surprised BK is a true capitalist well I'm gonna kick his butt I'll fix his quadcopter and smash it again what was that oh he's come back this is a joke it's back it has a bazooka not fair don't blow us up hahaha you thought you could use my holes against me I'm the trash King I roll I designed this app sorry to burst your balloon but your friend BK took the pickle later nerds have fun what is happening sorry I'm late BK let's do this I didn't take the pickle BK he's got the hacking device we can hack into the quadcopter and take it apart BK hold still I'm going to catapult you right into the quadcopter dodge the bazooka okay wait don't we get blown up it's your own fault BK here he goes I missed I definitely missed I've got one more chance go he's hacking you've got this buddy I believe in you you can do it it work what is happening maybe I can fire all of these in I can okay sweet just keep on going this is why you should never let a virus into your computer because it will explode you final one just get out here just give up now I'm going to swallow all your parts nananana nanana no no no I'm actually turning into a tornado this time and when I swallow that bazooka you guys are in trouble I'm glad BK was good all this time he didn't let us down and there we go it's taking down the whole thing but how do we get out of the 900 foot hole huh how does that happen she's slightly confused and concerned oh I'm controlling it I'm a tornado this is sweet I've gone from hole to tornado this is fantastic hey get out of here it's just a matter of time before the whole raccoon industry dies and it's gone boss fights complete thank you PK for causing the problem and then saving the world in the end congratulations do you get the crown now you guys ruined everything I guess raccoons just can't cut it in donut county more like you can't cut it dude ya know your company stinks you ruin the neighborhood BK it's not about the company think about all the innocent raccoons that moved here Oh Angie give me a break the truth is we're running out of trash we first came to donate County because the trash was plentiful now we have to keep opening up more holes to get less and less trash I was looking out for us dude have you won you were just looking out for yourself you didn't run out of trash you went out of people to steal from what am I supposed to do I have nothing now bring everyone back yeah all our stuff - it's so much work though I'd have to build a huge catapult if you do it will tell you how to get your hand out the pickle jar really oh I just noticed he's still stuck on that that's funny really nope oh well so much long okay this looks promising this looks like our way out of here how do they build that down here though I think it's ready okay everyone one at a time let's get moving thanks Mira and BK stay out of trouble rock Sodapop actually save the day or no we do this that's powerful before I go have one request could you please no cat support any snakes back up there I'll see what we can do nope see ya even though he saved the world I've ruined it he's still at robbed see you later guys ha everyone is just taking turns getting fired out of this cannon last one has been destroyed and now it's us but how do we press the button hey Mira thanks for being so cool to me and show me how to be good and for your patience and oMG okay that's enough praise hmm I don't know maybe someday you'll make it up to me after you do my laundry for a hundred years are we living that long I'll be great praise me now well after spending so much time with you I decided you stink only 75% as much as the trash king you still need a bath though you love my stink we do I really don't know would you do me the honor and pressing launch button gladly too slow off they go is that the end I think that's the end hey we did it we can be the we could be the helicopter everything is being made back to normal look they put pins in they've um if it places or band-aids on them they're rebuilding the world one step at a time this is so cool was this created by one guy no way but it looks like a few guys they've got lots of band-aids to go around that's good this is a great game I loved it it's actually the cutest game ever and I did skip some bits in the Edit so if you want to go and play it for yourself I'll leave a link to it in the description below there's that crazy dog hey buddy how's it going what's he doing let's go like what our dogs do even the credits are super stylistic I love it the music was fantastic I'm definitely gonna look up that guy story editor other art there's not many but I don't feel like there's not many people in this team maybe like 10 20 such a cool game I loved it guys let me know what you think if you enjoyed it leave a like that we greatly appreciate it subscribe if you're brand new to the channel as well for more crazy weird stuff like this and yeah I guess I'll see you next time check out the game in the description below so you can play through for yourself take more time find more secrets maybe even try and find out more about Bek or if there's any other storylines cuz I have no idea thank you guys again and I'll see you next time good [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 19,114,055
Rating: 4.8654132 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm donut county, donut county dantdm, dantdm hole, hole dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim
Id: uvOH6fpLTC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 57sec (3237 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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