15 RAREST Minecraft 1.14 Mobs

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hey what's going on guys slog that zip here this mob right here is the rarest mob in Minecraft how rare exactly well look at the percentage you sitting up here on screen right now it is literally so rare that I don't have the time to say the number that you're looking at on screen it is so rare seven almost 75 zeros and then a whole jumble of numbers at the end you will never see this mob and game and today's video will be covering this mob alongside 14 others for a grand total of the 15 rarest mobs in Minecraft so we start our list of 15 rarest minecraft mobs with number 1 a new mob foxes and more importantly the Fox items that is because Fox have a 20% chance to spawn with an item in their mouths and each has its own rarity whether it's wheat leather feathers eggs rabbits hides and even emeralds these are different percentage chances you have of getting these individual items and what we have here are a whole bunch of Fox spawn eggs and more importantly what we have right here is a giant pit of death so I'm gonna just slowly spawn in 100 different foxes now you can already see by looking at a couple of the foxes that some of them have things in their mouths when we spawn them in and we're gonna see those all collect once we finish getting through all 100 of these Fox spawns and we should see some spread a different item type the moment we reach the bottom so we are just about done let's go ahead and bounce on down sorry about all that cheese man I mean well it almost killed me too and so here's the spread from 100 foxes we got three wheat three eggs six feathers one emerald five rabbit's foot - rabbit hides and five leather not about spread and actually eggs are the source of another very rare mob spawn but we'll get to that soon number two brown pandas arguably the rarest of the different panda variants found in game what makes them so rare is that both the main gene and hidden gene stats of a panda must be brown for the brown pannattu actually spawn in that's right they're two different genes associated with a panda mob spawn and so you'll want to make sure that those are sorted and matched in order to get this now genes are randomized so the chances of finding of brown panda is quite rare here's what they look like though if you ever happened to see one just know you got really lucky because these guys are very uncommon to find but it's worth noting that there are other Panda variants as well so here's what a normal Panda looks like adorable we've got our lazy Panda and they all have different facial features on them all slightly different variants up textures the playful panda going busy with it look at his mouth he's still happy to be here the weak panda or the sick Panda looking real sad you've got the worried panda who's kind of got a frown on his face it was kind of adorable but kind of sad as well and the aggressive panda who will mess with you if you give him a gold punch was good baby I woo but ultimately the brown one's gonna be the rarest of them all so keep that in mind when you're exploring your bamboo jungles number three charge creepers a rare sight indeed if you're unaware a different mobs will drop their heads when killed by a charged creeper so this is one of the only ways you can get mob skulls in game where the skeletons skulls obviously drop their own skull as a drop but for the rest of the mob skulls you're gonna need to get your hands on some charged creepers now the way you charge a creeper is to get one to get struck by lightning now the chance of that happening are quite low so it is a rare mob indeed charged creepers also have a larger explosion radius but producers may be a mob griefing is up so we won't see an explosion here but we can very easily show it to you right over here so here's what a regular creepers explosion looks like in terms of block damage not too substantial let's take a look at what a charged creepers gonna do us for huh look at the difference in size enormous and so you'll want to make sure you stay steer clear of any charged creepers the moment you see them in your radar otherwise oh boy forgot to switch it tonight look just stay away from charge creepers okay our gonna look a little bit like these guys instead yes Wow mob skulls galore look we got creeper skulls over here we got you okay I guess we got one skull let's try again huh give me some skulls baby man and that was an explosion well I got another creeper skull okay well you want to work with me here a little bit buddy there we go see I was telling the truth it rare you can technically even use the creepers to get players skulls as well though from testing we realized that you can't get your own skull you can only use other players to get skulls of theirs we move on to number four mushrooms and specifically brown mushrooms Brown mushrooms were added to Minecraft 1.14 and are even rarer than their red mushroom counterpart now speaking of it's time we headed to a mushroom island biome in we go don't worry this is a serious shortcut anyways here we are mushroom spawn and the rarest biome in the game the mushroom island biome which is what makes them so rare they can be shared from mushrooms or mushrooms or milk for stew so let's go find ourselves a nice red mushroom to go say hello to where y'all at yeah check them out so they're extremely rare if you happen to get one in your base well you either went a long way to grab them or you spawned in on a mushroom pile and biome either way you can shear them to turn them into regular cows or as stated use a bowl on them to get a whole bunch of mushroom stew but let's take it a step further shall we what's even a rare is the brown mushroom it only spawns when a mushroom is struck by lightning ah maybe seared for mushrooms or fed flowers and milked for suspicious to which is a difference between it and the red mushroom so let's change the weather to Thunder baby and we're gonna see if we can get one of these mushrooms to get struck by lightning and so the reality of the situation is I'm not gonna save that to chance we're just gonna summon in some like BAM and instantly he has turned into a brown mushroom now this works in a very similar format where you can right click to get yourself a mushroom stew but if you feed flowers before you milk the mushroom the mushroom stew you get will be a suspicious stew instead so check it out we now have a suspicious - any guesses as to the effect we're gonna get by eating this ha we got blindness very unexpected and speaking of unexpected we've got a list of 15 other unexpected updates that came out in Minecraft 1.14 that you can check out right now at the end of the day's video by clicking the I that you see pop-up in the corner of the screen right now either way to find a brown mushroom in your world is an extremely rare site so if you happen to cross one do what you can to bring them home with you for now let's kill the rain and head back to the mainland because it's time to get to mob number five Enderman created golems this one is very rare and we might not even be able to see it today that's how rare it is iron golems will spawn naturally and snow golems must be spawned in by the player but there's a very very low chance that an Enderman can pick up a pumpkin and spawn in a golem and so what we have here are some Enderman spawn eggs and you could in theory see this Enderman picked up some of the nearby pumpkins that we have in this pan here so I'm going to spawn in a whole bunch of them see if pick up the pumpkins and if they do there's a chance they'll put it on top of the snow blocks or on top of the iron blocks that we've placed in this pen excuse me guys I'm trying to you mind if I yeah the idea is that Enderman are capable of picking up blocks they find on their journeys some of them grabbing dirt blocks some of them grabbing cobblestone and every once in a while they can grab other blocks including pumpkins and jack-o'-lanterns it doesn't look like any of them are interested today but that's the chance we ran we thankfully have a command we can enter in right here that will allow us to someone in an Enderman that's already holding one of these pumpkins and so maybe with a little bit of luck one of them will place it on the snow golem I'm not counting on it come on guys I literally just need one of you to put down a pumpkin already either way the idea behind it is that if the Enderman were to place it on top of this snow block it would summon in the snow golem and if you replace it on top of this iron block we get an iron golem get busy dude for now we moved a mob number six or mobs number six tropical fish 90% of all tropical fish which are mobs that were added into Minecraft 1.13 update aquatic oh my gosh can you guys shut up already either way the fish contain one of 22 common variants and only 10% have different size color or patterns I'm adding to a total of over 20 seven different variants of tropical fish so one unique fish has a 1 in 2700 chance of existing and that only happens 10% of the time as well what we're seeing right here are a normal set of tropical fish spawn eggs and so if we start right clicking you'll see a whole bunch of different fish begin to populate this aquarium area and a lot of them look different whether it's color shape size or variety of fish however if we look inside this other chest here you'll see some of the fish breakdown we've got an orange white cob here a row sky spotty and a white gray - or hey let's grab a teal rose - sure as well so you know the teal Rose looks like white grey Rose sky spotty and an orange white cob again the rarity of each of these as fish not to high but for the specific traits of each one is where you're gonna run into this one in 2700 chance of existing so if you happen to find yourself on an adventure to collect all the different fish variants in game will he'll get ready for a serious journey because it's gonna take a long time to collect all these different specific types of fish but a challenge nonetheless and I'm curious to see who can get close to collecting them all my guess not gonna happen anytime soon mom number 7 the wandering trader villager which was added in Minecraft 1.14 s village of pillage every 20 in real life minutes it's got a chance of spotting it in game but it's only a 1.5 percent chance let's take a look at this fella hey wandering trader ah no llamas this time huh he has lots of different unique trades that should vary up every single time you happen across one in game but yes as we said and only a 1.5 percent chance of spawning however if it doesn't spawn in in that twenty minute period well the chance of spotting in gets high or maxing out at a 7.5 percent chance of spawning in every twenty minutes once you reach that cap which is why the wandering trader is fairly rare but not as rare as some of your other mom so if you happen to see one of these in game know that for the most part you've got pretty lucky to find him the traits though you know leave something to be desired sorry guys mom number 8 skeleton traps one of the rarest mobs yet in today's video lightning storms which don't always happen a Skilton trap has a chance of spawning based on your difficulty level which will range from as low as a point seven five percent chance of spotting in to as much as a six point seven five percent chance spawning in on higher difficulty levels so based on difficulty can be rarer than a spider jockey which we'll get to very soon by the way or almost as common as a wandering trader allow me to change the weather to thunder so you can get an idea of what you should see in game if you happen to find yourself a skeleton horse hanging out in your minecraft worlds if you approach it it means you're gonna run into a skeleton trap because these are rare enough but finding one and getting nearby will cause the trap to occur which will spawn in four skeleton horsemen with enchanted gear both enchanted foes as well as some enchanted armor that you'll have to fend against in order to take them out and possibly use some of their skeleton horses for your own ein yo look they're battling each other what are they dumb looks like they're missing the brain or something oh I guess they are now this is essentially the only way for you to get skeleton horses in game so keep that in mind if you ever want to fly in one of these naturally number-9 sheep wait what cheep yes cheaper on this list black gray and light gray sheep have only a 5% chance of spawning in in-game well brown sheep only have a 3% chance of spawning in in-game and so we've got a whole bunch of different sheep to show off this exact feature fiber said chance five percent chance five percent chance three percent chance ooh white sheep have an 80% chance of spawning in essentially all the time but check out this little puppy over here the pink sheep which has a point one six four percent chance of spawning in in game that is about a tenth of a percent look at him in all his glory pink goodness if you find one of these in game you better use a nametag on him and save him because he's very rare down to the wire at number 10 ender mites yes these little buggers only have a 5% chance of spawning in when throwing and ender pearl which is hard enough to get because they don't drop too frequently and you have to kill an Enderman to get one and they do do damage to you so you wouldn't use them too often in any ways which is why netter might made it to this list so we've got a whole mess of ender pearls and we're gonna see how many of them we need to use in order to make one of these ender mites spawn in at a 5% spawn rate we should in theory get one endermite after about 20 and ER pearl throws maybe 25 but I'll let you know what happens here I'm stuck in a block guys this is this is so exciting guys seriously so exciting okay so that's pearl number 50 we just threw no endermite yet and that's pro 100 with nothing Wow no way with two left so it took 142 ender pearls to get this endermite to spawning get away you ugly don't like kinda reminds me of like a fruit gusher and termites themselves are good for making Enderman farms in the end so if you happen to get one use a name tag on it because they do D spawn naturally with x mob number 11 which is actually multiple mobs quadruplets chickens as you know you can spawn into chicken naturally by throwing a chicken egg but baby chickens have a one and a Chance of spawning from a thrown egg or 12.5% chance which is fairly high however there's a really rare chance to spawn in for baby chickens at once a 1 in 256 percent chance or 1 in 256 chance aka about a point 4 percent chance of that actually happening so we've gotten here a whole bunch of eggs and we go about to get our cholesterol all baby now we have more than 256 eggs right here so in theory we should see this quadruplet egg meanwhile like I said you'll be 12.5% chance of getting a regular chicken spawn to occur regardless so we're gonna see if we can capture this baby on camera but more unlikely I'll just have to pause and resume once we get this mega rare spawn the way you'll be able to tell that we managed to get it is if you see four chickens all kind of floating at the exact same time which would be very convenient and obviously just because it's a 1 in 256 chance does not necessarily mean that we're going to I think we just did it we did it hey not bad look at that can we just oh wait that was already live well that was convenient we got them all at once that was not that bad at all that didn't take too long but that's the idea 1 in 256 percent oh this looks funny moron rare chicken mobs in a second for now though we get to number 12 spider jockeys arguably the original rare mob in game a skeleton riding a spider sounds like a nightmare well it's not only a nightmare but it's pretty rare only 1% chance that a spider jockey will spawn in in game but there are different variants of sad spider jockey we need to switch things at night just getting the aleph helmets on so this is what they look like in game you've got various different types a stray a wither skeleton jockey and of course your regular run-of-the-mill spider jockey I remember seeing one of these things back in 2009 again they were one of the rarest mobs they're not too smart every once in a while when they're trying to shoot off with their bow they'll end up hitting their spider instead we already saw some of that with them attempting through it it looks like he's trying to attack something down there ooh yo let's see it yo battle your best day get it yeah ooh come on boys I want to see some action whoa they killed each other spiders the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny oh man he's after me now get out you see spider jockey in game know that you found a very rare mob but number 13 speaking of jockeys and of chickens is the chicken jockey what's he gonna rare the spider jockey Oh chicken jockey they only have a point two five percent chance of spawning in however that's in a chicken free environment if chickens are detected nearby then the chance roughly doubles to about point five percent chance of spawn however that's still quite rare and this comes in variants as well you've got your zombie variant chicken jockey your husk variant your pigment variant and your drowned very and you can even find zombie villager variants as well which aren't actually shown here but that's okay at the end of the world look at these little armies of poultry zombie goodness this guy's got no interest in me it's probably cuz it's not raining either way these are pretty rare so if you manage to put a nametag on one of them it will stay in this form long term number 14 the killer bunny now this one actually made it in as a rare mob because originally it did spawn in in game it no longer does however in the snapshots it did spawn in and it was a one in 1,000 chance of spawning in this is back at snapchat 14 w 27 a however in the next snapshot it changed to 1 in 2,500 or a 0.04 percent chance of spawning in now since the snapshot 14 w 34 8 no longer spawns and that's because it's quote a tired joke and it's been referenced in so many games this is courtesy of I believe Jeb or Dinnerbone and another reason is that they're basically a random death events and so they've ended up getting rid of the spawn occurring naturally in game but this is what they used to look like an innocent kinder bunny killer bunny I try and kill you and that's a really sad experience don't you want to be play friend ID and finally my friends the rarest mom though when he started at the start of today's video the 4 point 3 7 9 7 e - 75 % mom ok another jockey this mob was discovered on reddit through an experiment this mob can only spawn under special conditions its chances of spawning well it's roughly seventy four zeros followed by four three seven nine six nine one four four eight percent chance of spawning or this for short again you saw it on screen the number itself here it is again try even counting this number good luck you'll probably never naturally find this mob in game but this is what he will look like it's a chicken jockey riding enchanted diamond armor or regular diamond diamond in this case it's enchanted alongside an enchanted iron sword that's also a zombie villager that's also writing the chicken if you see one of these in game consider yourself basically blessed because the chances of this happening are pretty much zero I want to see if we can get our hands on the actual gear because it does have enchantments on you even saw that it gave off a little bit of a thorns effect on me when I attempted to attack you stay away hi I want your gear give it to me yeah man he's got really strong gear on doesn't he look look at that what did he have blasts prot respiration honk affinity I'm braking feather falling blast prot depth Strider and I'm braking amazing the reason it's so rare is because there is a percentage chance of a mob spawning with a helmet on its head chest legs boots as a villager and on a chicken and for all of those to align exactly as we saw is what results in this crazy long percentage but that's gonna go over the 15 rarest mobs in Minecraft let us know which mob you thought was your favorite and let us know what other lists of Minecraft videos you'd like to see us do next thanks for subscribing we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 5,750,186
Rating: 4.5856233 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft 1.14, 1.14, 1.14 minecraft, update, minecraft update, new, new minecraft, new minecraft update, new mobs, minecraft mobs, rare, rare mobs, secret, village and pillage, mobs, 15, logdotzip 15, logdotzip rare mobs, most rare, minecraft rare, minecraft secret, fox, panda, zombie, sheep, fish, wandering trader, skeleton, minecraft zombie, things, logdotzip, no swearing, logdotzip 1.14, minecraft logdotzip, family friendly, no cursing, minecraft mods
Id: C5b8EOK7v5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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