Minecraft, but the ITEMS become Mobs...

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today we've brought some of minecraft's most popular items to life by using our very own in-game hearts through taking damage we're able to re-animate items in-game each with their own unique personality and many with some seriously unique drops capable of giving you awesome powers one of the items we bring to life though is a little bit of a problem and if we're lucky enough to defeat it we'll be given the most awesome prize ever okay so we're gonna get to that sword you saw in the thumbnail in just a second but first some ground rules about turning mobs into items we need to bring them to life somehow and the only way we can do that is by killing ourselves every single time you die you've got to ch you've got a chance at dropping something known as a heart fragment here's one of them right here this is key to turning these items into real living entities and once you've got two of them you can combine them into one single heart craft them together just like this and you are good to go my friends and we can begin turning things such as oh i don't know the prismarine mob into a reality using a prismarine shard we're actually going to turn this thing into a living breathing creature so don't mind if i do we're going to go ahead and trap him right down here drop him in and just like that started raining that's terrible timing for bringing some life into this world although he appears to love it whoa he just escaped what no way where'd he go i gotta chase him down look at him he's going so fast this little guy is a speed demon but if you manage to defeat him i'm just gonna trap another you can get your hands on something really really cool there we go we got it the prismarine chips hungry collect enough prismarine chips and you can craft together a prismarine helmet which you can use to great effect in the water it will allow you to have a few different powers going on water-based boost as well as fire resistance so first of all what do i look sweet i've also got water breathing dolphins grace as well as fire resistance and the moment we step into this water you can see the speed at which we begin picking up in the middle of the ocean going so fast so useful but i recommend you stay away from lava because things won't necessarily go your way okay the living storage right here but one more first the sapling we can bring saplings to life as well and upon doing so we'll be left with such an adorable creature your heart's just gonna melt look at it i mean i don't know adorable is the the right word for it but this thing is cool it will periodically spawn in random saplings wherever it happens to walk about regular saplings bert saplings the occasional acacia sapling it even defies the laws of gravity i don't think that was supposed to go there but yeah i'm not gonna ask any questions here's the cool thing though guys not only is it good for helping expand on your garden but if you share it you'll get a very special item indeed check this out we just got our hands on some super oak log saplings and get this guys all you have to do is drop one of these super oak log saplings on the ground and with just a little bit of time and patience you'll be left with something quite amazing check this puppy out the ultimate super oak tree oh my gosh look at the size of it compared to all the other trees around oh my wow your wood days are over oh your your need for wood days are over i'm gonna hold on to this might need some shade later okay number three the sword this one so exciting check this out you get a special new friend the one-night sword wow i don't know if i trust anyone swinging a sword that only had one eye but now in this case the sword itself has the eye okay now trying to attack this thing without taming it is not a good idea and he will begin swiping at you right away so we'll go ahead spawn in another do your thing there we go and the key to taming this special sword is by grabbing an amethyst shard from mining an amethyst in the new minecraft 1.17 update throwing it nearby this sword will tame him and he'll now fight faithfully by your side and that's exactly what we're going to show off right now now this is the really cool thing about this guy okay check it out get him he will literally swing into action causing nearby havoc to any foes as well as any friends sorry betsy it's nothing personal but the best part about it is you can actually throw an enchanted book onto this in this case we've got fire aspect and by doing that we've actually enchanted our dear friend here he's now glowing and ready for action and he has a chance at causing nearby mobs to catch fire just by attacking them so good i think you just set the experience on fire as well so it's not going to work every time but if you're lucky enough you won't have to worry about ever having to cook your steak ever again delicious let's bring a diamond to life shall we same story diamond on the ground hard on the ground not a problem now when the diamond bug steps on stone it will slowly turn that stone into gravel and if it happens to find itself on top of a coal block it will compress that coal down until it actually turns into diamond ore go ahead do your thing buddy no one's here judging you i mean you're taking a little bit but hey how else is diamonds only form under pressure right or something like that what did they say point is we just got our hands on some excellent diamond now this thing can attack you and so i would be very wary to punch on it because with any did he just destroy the sign out of sheer anger for me yeah okay good thing diamonds quite heavy so if you go to water it will actually sink to the very bottom and get stuck there uh you're better off just not punching it though okay let's bring a crossbow to life huh this is more of a mini boss than anything else throwing a crossbow on the ground you will see begin flapping its wings and actually taking aim at you and every time you see a red particle appear on the ground arrows will come from above you ready to attack at a moment's notice now if you manage to be strong enough to avoid all of the falling arrows instead you can defeat this guy by swinging your sword a couple times and you'll be left with a special type of crossbow the aimbot crossbow fortnite players shaking in their boots all you gotta do is load the crossbow and it will automatically point to the nearest creature automatically that was amazing now it's pointing to some raw beef over there let's try over here instead what's good honey look no hands ma no hands bam get him ah the perfect weaponry and all it took was bringing one of them to life if only we knew sooner let's bring an armor stand to life huh that one sounds exciting okay so if we bring an armor stand to life guess what it will begin walking around having a grand old time legit just doing its thing that's not too good at jumping though now if you were to attack this guy he would actually begin to attack you back so i do not recommend you necessarily doing that okay easy does it dude seriously bad news bears can we just talk a little bit if you kill it you'll get a special type of armor stand we'll cover that in just a second but speaking of coverage if you accidentally leave any armor lying around on the ground this armor stand will actually pick it up and use it against you as armor okay okay okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry dude where's my pet sword anyways the drop it's an armor stand with arms which you normally cannot get in minecraft so now you can equip these including a sword maybe throw a bow in there give it some food not bad not bad at all okay just want my food and i'm definitely not gonna bring this one to life these are some pretty crazy mob cameos right well speaking of crazy cameos you can book me on cameo today for a personalized video message by checking out the link in the description quick food break guys it's time for us to cook up some raw beef because up next we're bringing some real beef to life and this guy fortunately does not have any beef with us at all i mean he is he is he is beef though oh oh i think i think i hurt his feelings it's okay man be true to who you are he's like looking over the ledge all upset and stuff anyways what this guy does is pretty remarkable you can right click and similar to cake instantly give yourself some extra hunger and not only that a whole bunch of extra effects as well and similar to cake it has multiple bites speed to strength to resistance to haste two fire resistance two ah unleash your inner betsy as you continuously feast from this until you accidentally it by eating too much you pig next to bring to life is the glowing ink sack from the new 1.17 update if you turn this guy into a real living creature it will have a very cool effect of making blocks grow wherever it moves around it will actually cause the blocks to shine bright like a diamond or in this case like a glow ink sac a little punch make things go a little bit crazy ah it reminds me of um splatoon almost where you just go ahead and all over the place and just wherever you walk and use your ink splatter oh my gosh i feel a little bit bad for punching him only a little bit more only a little bit though this is this is kind of fun to be honest now you'll see it's not as noticeable in the daytime but the moment it goes back to night you can really see where this little snail has been making its tracks okay okay okay let's bring a compass to life okay he's gonna know the way obviously all right so grab a compass drop it on the ground drop a heart on the ground and you've got an adorable little friend this guy whoa he's happy to see me you can use him as a tracker for wherever you've died because now when you die you get a heart fragment and he will instantly hone in on any heart fragments found in the world so now you've got a compass to take you exactly back to where you met your demise thanks little guy but he does have an additional ability as well namely if you entice him with his favorite snack which for some reason happens to be carrots don't don't look into it too much he can actually be of serious use inside of cave systems for you come on down buddy i need you for something real special so when a compass is nearby it will actually cause oars to glow in the dark more easily highlighting them wherever they're found in cave systems check out this gold instantly lighting up the moment this compass is nearby it does it for all sorts of different types of ore copper coal diamond gold i mean the list just goes on and on good boy oh wait um good boy okay now for the big one the totem of undying what kind of black hole are we gonna create dividing by zero bringing the tone of undying to life i guess we'll find out huh spawning in totem triangles this tone of undying will actually not be your friend look at this instantaneously these totem triangles all over the place trying to attack you this guy himself is incapable of being killed and if you try to what you'll see happens is not only does he run really fast but he will actually have an infinite amount of totems of undying the moment he lost he loses all of his health so instead we're left to our own devices of trying to attack these totem triangles instead and if you manage to get enough swings in on one what you'll be met with is something quite exciting indeed the chance for you to farm totems of undying so i'm gonna go ahead and just give myself a whole bunch of massive strength boost so you can see what happens if we were to kill this guy go ahead come on back oh yeah yeah okay uh yeah oh my gosh they're so hard to get stop stop there we go so they also have totems of them dying on them and you'll actually need to kill them each two times for them to run out of the totems that they happen to be holding but the moment you do you'll actually get an additional tone of undying for yourself hopefully they don't kill me right now i'm gonna be so embarrassed okay let's try this again there we go took out one of them check out there we go we got our hands on a totem of undying for killing these totem triangles they just keep spawning in so i would highly recommend if you are going to spawn in a living tote of him and dying that you do it in a place where he ends up getting trapped like down there and now you just have to worry about risking your life to get items that are all about not risking your life so guys let us know in the comment section what other items you'd like to see us bring to life make sure you subscribe so you can see what it happens
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 262,870
Rating: 4.9110212 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, diamond sword, sword, diamond, new weapons in minecraft, these items are alive, crowsbow, sapling, armor stand, living items, items are alive, minecraft items are alive, living minecraft items, we turned these ITEMS into Mobs, bringing items to life, designed themselves, mobs that designed themselves, minecraft designed itself, mobs, mobs made themselves, new mobs, new mobs in minecraft, minecraft mobs, mob update, new minecraft update, caves and cliffs update
Id: B5BtGDV0nAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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