OUTSTANDING 12ga defense slug - Have you SEEN this?

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today we'll be testing the  capabilities of a twister six lug   as a defense round loaded in a mid length hole this is jeff of taofledermaus  bringing you the most exotic 12 gauge   rounds from around the world  sent to us by viewers like you   today's submission was by a viewer that just goes  by the moniker psycho clown we'll call him pk from   here on out but he used a mold imported from  russia from a company called bullet molds as   company and they call this the twister slug the  slug is attached by a screw to a brp-12 gas seal   to ensure we have proper alignment of the slug  to the gas seal we simply use an unfired hole   as a jig i've seen a lot of people really over  think this and use a lot of other contraptions but   it really is this simple you can see if you  have perfect alignment simply by rolling it   on a hard surface the twister is a controlled  fragmentation slug when it impacts a material   like flesh or ballistic gel in this case it  will break into seven different pieces creating   pretty gnarly wound tracks using the same mold but  different center pins the twister can be created   with three petals four petals five petals or six  petals like the one we're using today although   this isn't officially called the twister six  just for the sake of continuity that's what we're   calling it now because we're using that shorter  brp 12 wad which is only 20 millimeters tall   we're gonna load these into a two and one quarter  inch hole instead of a two and three quarter inch   hole while this isn't much of a difference it does  allow me to load nine of these into the tube of my   mossberg 590 instead of just eight two and three  quarter inch shells the twister six weighs in at   a respectable 36.5 grams or just over one and a  quarter ounce that's pretty hefty considering a   foster slug weighs in at one ounce now let's  head out to the range and let's do the twist we're gonna shoot him at uh 10 yards   fully rifled barrel and uh hopefully we can  capture one and see what the results are 1205 or 9 i'm sorry 209. using full  rifling with the attached wad which it   may or may not need with full rifling we had good  stability but as you'll see in the other tests   that wasn't always the case we did have a little  bit of wonkiness going on using full rifling minimal over penetration still a lot of energy  there everything stayed together pedals didn't   separate but with that expansion there's a lot  of transfer the wad it looks like it compressed   pretty uniformly too which is really important  let's let's try it out of a smooth bore let's   do that there's so many people um there's so much  mentality out there that rifling makes everything   more accurate or better or something somehow  but these things aren't designed for rifling   russian stuff is not designed for rifling  they can't have rifled shotguns there and   because of their laws so they make fantastic slugs  to compensate for that we've gotten a little lazy   here in the united states and don't innovate as  much as we should but come the countries that   have these very strict raws  on rifle barrels and stuff   end up producing some really good stuff they  say necessity is the mother of invention   exactly yep we'll make well okay no no rifle  barrel we make slug as accurate as rifled barrel   that was horrible but you know what i mean  okay smoothbore this time with bead sites but   danny doesn't need a red dot okay  let's see if the velocity is any   different let's see if the accuracy is any  different stability damage okay i'm ready 11 57. i think that one went through i believe so out of a smoothbore which most people own for a  defense shotgun the slug performed beautifully   and so far i'm really happy with how well that  brp-12 that green wad is holding up to the test danny and i were trying to figure out why we had  lower velocity on a on a the smooth bore which   has a four inch long longer barrel than the rifled  barrel why we're getting lowered velocities i mean   and what's the theory there uh it's just a theory  at this point theory my theory is is uh the lower   powder charge the 25 might be using up all of  its power before it reaches the end of the barrel   uh and then it starts just becoming drag through  the barrel right and slowing down a little bit okay i'm ready when you are all right one of  the big surprises of this test was how much   energy these slugs delivered even at these  lower velocities the slug did fragment as it   passed through the magazines and you could see  some of the orange petals flying through the air all right here we go at this higher velocity the slug still perform  very well using that brp-12 gas seal and i think   you'll agree that smoothbore performance with  these slugs is rather impressive now one may argue   that this velocity may be a little excessive for a  home defense situation but you're an adult and you   can make your own decisions okay danny is there  anything we can learn from that big mess there   don't use wet magazines for  a bulletproof vest oh okay   um i think that was right on target here  you were you were dead on on that one all   right well we had full pass through up to that  point on both of them and out the back yeah 10 24 is that right 10 24 100 and 224 824 i'm  sorry in our tests we had sort of mixed results   using full rifling now we really can't complain  about the accuracy the accuracy was quite good   but the stability as you can see in the high  speed is a little bit wonky in some of the shots   remember the slug is engineered  to be shot through a smoothbore   and to think that you're going to get better  accuracy with rifling is kind of like thinking   that you're going to get better accuracy  from a rifle if you put fins on the bullet that was 10.71 once again we're really happy  with the accuracy through full rifling now   one thing you may not have noticed is we're  now firing these things at subsonic speeds   at this low velocity a lot of expanding  bullets simply do not expand at all but   the twister had no problem fragmenting  and dumped a lot of energy in the process okay the ballistic gel is getting a  little sad looking and i'm eventually   probably going to turn them into like ballistic  gummy bears or heads or something like that   but i did bring this out just in case we  needed it we got 10 inches through the   short part but the the whole idea  is just show the fragmentation   and um from a side shot a side shot this time not  you know not from the perspective of the shooter   and again um low velocity subsonic  usually you need to get supersonic to   cause fragmentation like like that like we've  seen but not with these things good hydraulics   yeah yeah yeah that's surprising  good idea all right here we go this is the same powder load as the last two  shots subsonic and look at the devastation it   does to that gel block if you're a hunter and  you're thinking about using these for hunting   wild boar or deer or something like that you're  probably wondering how much damage this round does   to the meat well let's find out uh the infamous  meat target that everybody wants yeah it's i hate   wasting food but it's for science you know and  we can't bring out a whole pig or nothing like   that so we got a pork shoulder here i'm seeing a  whole pig would be kind of gruesome and i don't   know where i'd keep it in my garage provided we  can hit center should be not a problem we got uh about eight and a half inches of meat  there how wide is it i'm not bragging   all right overall six by let's call it eight yep 10 46. once again we're using full rifling and  right before it impacts the target which is at   10 yards or 9.1 meters the slug really begins to  twist around wildly i think at higher velocities   and it did longer distances that would be less  noticeable and the entire point of this video   is to see how well these slugs will perform at  lower velocities at a self-defense range of 10   yards or less okay danny did it tenderize our  meat for us i would say it did you can take the   plastic off if that helps oh look at that there's  a bone in there but i think we missed the bone yeah no we broke some bone oh  interesting okay look at that yeah   all right turn away kids it's gonna get  graphic here yeah i'm gonna show you   never mind look at this this is  all shattered bone in here wow any sign of the slug or wow that really broke up that bone big time  yeah this is all i think some people do hunt   like well bore with these things this is what  shoulder yeah pork shoulder work shoulder well   not much shoulder left in that one uh well   we got an exit here look at that look  at that oh there's a piece right there   right there look at that didn't expect that nope  that's like buffalo door lock there right there   one there one there i just want to mention if you  if you aren't subscribed to buffalo outdoors he is   one of the nicest guys i i know of on  the internet if you love tn outdoors   nine in his ballistic test you'll love um buffalo  outdoors hey you just happen to have his shirt on   look at this even all the way  through shattered the bone wow okay jeez and that was these are  just kind of low velocity rounds i forgot to bring my wetsuit oh okay  let's do it all right here we go danny i am actually quite impressed  with that one subsonic velocity   full fragmentation what happened well  we went through the bottom of the jug   which is the thickest part you know everybody's  gonna be sitting that jug down hard or slamming   it down or driving it at work we had these  jugs and i think i dropped one off like a it   was an accident but it was like like a five-story  building no i'm kidding no i've dropped them like   you know tesla height and they don't break no  they're polycarbonate and very tough very tough   yeah that one shattered broke the fragments flew  both directions i on the high speed it looked like   i saw a couple fragments making it all the way out  the jug the end there we do have some tears here   right there at least we got dents we got dents  that wasn't there before dinner there small   one there and i thought i saw another one here  right there a little okay the thing and then i   think they kind of went sideways because this is  what we found yep yeah we found a lot of it and   think about how nasty that is those those are some  sizable pieces of lead fragments each the size of   a 25 30 caliber you're right yeah and maybe i'll  weigh those and figure it out and then this time   we recovered the basin and the wad and i just  want to show people something here the the screw came through the bottom of the gas seal and i  think some people may have an issue with that   thinking they're going to lose their gas seal but  it's kind of like when you get a tire nailing in   your tire you're not going to necessarily  get any leakage until you take the nail out   so i think we just you know kept our gas seal  fine even though the screw was sticking out but yeah i definitely like these  wads a lot better we have a   better more uniform compression going on amazingly  even at subsonic speeds we had great fragmentation   that would make a great home defense round any thoughts danny well i agree with  you on as far as the whole defense round   this traveled we found it what maybe 10 12 feet  out there past yeah it didn't make it very far   and then these were kind of yeah just all over the  place yeah left and right of the target uh some of   it probably these that these that dented probably  got flushed back out when the water came out   yeah and i got a little bit wet yeah we kind of  suspected knew that was going to happen but it's a   hot day out here and felt good i thought i thought  i was going to spray the cameras splash back   is the twist around the perfect home defense round  in my opinion it worked fantastic but these are   just my opinions and i'm just another knucklehead  on youtube but we do the tests you see them and   you decide for yourself danny and i had a lot of  fun filming these things for you guys and i hope   you enjoyed it if you don't mind take the time to  rate the video even if you hate it please rate it   i just want to take this time to again thank our  patreon supporters these folks stepped up to the   plate and really helped us out during some rough  times on youtube but this year has gotten a lot   better and we're actually asking our patreon  supporters to cut back or even just donate to   a different channel who might need it more than  us thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Views: 230,125
Rating: 4.9586129 out of 5
Keywords: survival, home defense, kentucky ballistics, exotic 12 ga, slow motion camera, smarter everyday, ammo shortage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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