Do FLECHETTES work like in Video Games/Hollywood Movies?

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PencilThrowingManiac 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
today on powell fledermaus we tests flesh sheds do they deserve the reputation they have this video would not have been possible without Anthony who sent these to us to test out in the box he also had this card for the Veterans Crisis Line even though Anthony didn't ask me to show this card I thought it was an important message to get out to everyone let's take a look at what makes this tick inside that thick Sabo r19 hardened steel darts with a total weight of only one third of an ounce the Sabo keeps the darts oriented in a straight forward direction and prevents any barrel damage from metal to metal contact at the very bottom of the Sabo is an aluminum disc to help support the darts so they don't go blasting through the base of the Sabo packed around the pins are little plastic beads called buffer and what this does is keep the darts locked inside the Sabo until it leaves the barrel at a velocity of 1925 feet per second I think you'll agree that this looks like a really well thought out design now it's time to go out to the test facility and see how well these actually function okay hongkong body armor piece of was a 10 millimeter thick I don't know it's fiberglass okay let's see how the circuit board material yeah yeah okay I am ready alright there we go maybe too close to the range we'll have to look I don't know if more range is gonna help these are not I could see on the high-speed camera they were flying like garbage that's the only way to describe it we got one hit sideways down low sideways sideways sideways sideways sideways sideways and we got one broke off in here yeah like you see a garbage yeah it's it's just one no we can't we can't save their complete garbage maybe that was this a fluke I don't know not very many actually hit that target at 10 yards that's I think that's a 10 inch by 10 inch square so we go 6 ok they clean these are better than buckshot what's your thinking on that so far I'd stick with long distances say maybe 50 yards they're gonna be so spread out by then you won't be well maybe they might have a chance to string okay Danny's very optimistic I like that but but now King yards no bueno yeah I'm telling you I had high hopes for these things working now what we see is a pretty wide spread for 10 yards most of the darts are tumbling through the air a couple of them are flying straight though but if they're not going where you pointed to them to go that doesn't really help much but this is just one test out of many so maybe this is just a fluke let's see if the trend continues in test number two we'll see if these have the capability of penetrating Kevlar body armor aha we got one went through one here one here okay okay so will they go through body armor yes maybe if you're lucky out of 19 darts 17 of them tumbled 2 of them went straight and managed to go through the Kevlar those are not very good odds okay that's zoom in a little bit and see what happened while most of the darts are very erratic and flying sideways two of them slipped by those two boom easily piercing the Kevlar and the water jug behind it now even though these things aren't functioning like we hoped I still would not want to be downrange of them that's a high dollar stuff yeah to head to hit one here one here and actually got full pass through your in here okay nothing left even for a pinky wiggle with that would that take out a wild hog I don't know yeah out of 19 darts two of them went through very cleanly you could say that they wiped out that roll of toilet paper okay no more jokes we only got one hit Nikki told in and out man this one's completely intact lives for another day is it better than buckshot Danny yeah if you watch this channel you know that Danny is a pretty good shot ten yards is not very far most of the darts flew above the cans this test we had up kind of a funky separation of the sabo from the darts and for some reason they released really high the projectiles must go where you're aiming otherwise what's the point you know and now for the ballistic gel test danny is only about ten feet away the reason for this is we want most of the darts to hit the block you hey would it do the Franken Jill no look like one zip straight through it really high speed one couple of them here I mention I hate casting that Jill and it looked like one just went it arced through the entire length of the Jill okay oh that was that maybe nine or ten feet that's we're an incident right here okay it's hard to see but there is a path okay well way through right here okay these better than buckshot not yet got these beat those hog balls see that company isn't afraid to send us test products because they know it works we could show that it works and then companies like this never send us anything you know why because it did we make him look bad and thankfully we had a very generous viewer who offered to send these to us and we thank him for that anthony anthony yeah we show you great stuff and then we show you not so great stuff this we're not picky now be completely honest with you and I think you'll agree if I only saw this one test I would think that these flechette SAR better than sliced buckshot that is absolutely terrifying but remember that's maybe ten feet away and you already saw the other test which we're at about three times that distance for the next test we're gonna see if Danny's theory is correct if they'll straighten out at much further distances 35 yards at a big piece of cardboard we got a little brush in front of it it's kind of hiding there we'll see if these how many actually hit that target we'll see how the better than buckshot round does okay I'm ready Danny did any of those hit yes they did okay okay and can you see them right there one two three then those went straight in you can see the pins I hope a game was gonna hurt you there's something right in the middle there [Music] now in keyhole so some of them hit but the four of them get straight on okay they said they're better than buckshot let's see what buckshot does at 35 yards here we go I don't think we ever tested flight control to that distance it's like 20 yards or 25 35 yards nine kill it's nine bullets on target that's impressive yeah take my shoes off yeah flight control that's some good stuff man especially when you start reaching out for their yards at 50 yards I don't know flight control that's probably beyond its range yeah well anyway Thank You Anthony for sending those to us I'm sorry they didn't work very well but now we know we're smarter now right that's it now you know the rest of the story
Views: 630,006
Rating: 4.9070272 out of 5
Keywords: video game myths, hollywood myths, mythbusters, flechettes, slow motion camera, slomo, demolitionranch, camping, sports
Id: vs_a_guXLeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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