Split Point .22 bullet - A case study

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all right telfolder crew welcome back uh sorry for the delay uh jeff's computer had little uh technical issues it died we had to build a new one uh anyway we're back we're out here to uh kind of test out a myth that uh uh back in the black and white tv days and probably other times beyond that uh of modifying a bullet actually cutting grooves in it cut slots in it we did one once before with a phillips head indentation but uh these have actually been modified beyond that um we're going to call it a scientific channel today oh yeah yeah it's it's hollywood myths you know yeah hollywood missed uh dispelled and uh so anyway we're gonna run some a couple of different uh unmodified and then uh some modified we'll run it through this uh semi-transparent gel and uh see what kind of uh reactions we get out of these what so what do we have to compare it with what we got here standard velocity cci 22 uh lead round nose 1070 feet per second 40 grain bullet and uh cci mini mag long rifle hyper hollow point uh 1260 feet per second 36 grain and then those are just cci the same thing these are cci's but they've been slightly modified jeff will probably show you on the table top what he did there this is kind of a tribute to wasn't even a youtube channel it was a website called box of truth a lot of people have you ever seen the box of truth no oh a lot of people have i don't have to look that way they never made videos it was all it was all just still photos and we're going to try bullets backwards we're going to try it it was really interesting and i think the last time they posted was like 2006 and the the guy that made it may have died because he was an older guy but he never made it to video he would have been great absolutely great if um if he made videos but it was just you know very simple he explained what he was doing and had a couple photographs even today they refer to box of truth you know okay round nose first i'm ready okay i'm ready all right it's gonna be just above that one okay above or below is either is fine ah okay now the split point i'm ready let's take a look at the ballistic gel test the first bullet is the round nose it's a heavier bullet but a little slower than the other type we had really good penetration but as you can see almost no expansion of the bullet at all next up is the hollow point it is a lighter bullet but traveling almost 200 feet per second faster than the round nose bullet the bullet immediately expands and creates a larger wound cavity than the round nose next up is our split point the biggest difference here is we have a shallower temporary wound cavity and something like that may be more useful for small game than something that needs a lot of penetration to get to the vitals okay danny remove the bullets from the gel so explain what your findings are yeah first shot all lid round nosed not about 12 available of gel on that first one second one was the hollow point that was the first one was 10.70 10.70 and then 12 60th i believe something like that yep nice expansion on that yep that's what they're designed to do and that one only made it 10 inches which you would expect with the expansion on there third one the split point this is what we dug out of there it lost these pedals oh at about uh two and a half and five and a half inches just a cluster of little pieces the main body made it in there almost 10 inches again okay it was a little short a little short of the hollow point of the whole same velocity just different type of bullets okay so what does that gel test really tell us i don't know does it do does this hollow point do more damage than a round nose does it i mean what is damage you know i mean is it damages amount of energy transferred from the bullet to the target that one's just going to punch a hole yeah it could go right through a squirrel or whatever you know yeah this one's gonna transfer energy which is gonna hit hard knock them down create a lot of impact a lot of transfer of energy this one's going to create a wound channel plus this thing traveling on through so there might be some validity to this modification i don't i don't know you know yeah we'll we'll shoot some other uh you know just some household objects and stuff you know we just grab some goofy things just just give you an idea different materials and different different things to give you an idea how much damage it actually does to flush you know i got extra 11 just in case there we go hollow point i'm ready here we go wow big difference okay split point i'm ready here we go oh the lemon may represent something like a squirrel or a rat or something that you're shooting at the round nose it definitely made it made it through the lemon but didn't do a lot of tissue damage to this lemon the hollow point on the other hand does a tremendous amount of tissue damage since the hollow point expands it gets larger and more effectively transfers its energy to the target and then finally our split point bullet it actually expands and also fragments the greatest energy transfer occurs very shallow so a small target like this really gets wrecked do we see any difference there i'm sure these are all fbi certified calibrated lemons they're basically the same size same feel but other than that semi-scientific okay what happened all right uh round nose just all lead cracked it a little bit not too much damage hollow point definite difference and then the split one that split one blue chunks uh about 15 feet out there okay so we definitely saw a little difference a big difference between one type of the other and quite a difference between the hollow point and the split tip that's you know it's good just do it this way you see the different reactive targets yes not just gel right right the gel doesn't tell you the whole story you know little chunk look at that pop the plug interesting jam that one so hard round nose okay i'm ready okay hollow point i'm ready okay split point now ready yep well did you hear that one accelerate it got faster soap in a box who would have thought uh here comes our round nose good penetration we see a bit of soap uh fragments ejected out the back now let's see if there's any difference between the round nose and the hollow point all right here it comes and yeah we can see a big difference we can see that the the box is torn we see a lot more uh fragments of soap bigger chunks flying out the back so yeah maybe the ballistic soap in a box is a good comparative medium okay let's take a look at the split point bullet we see the box is torn a lot more than the first two tests a lot more pieces of soap being ejected out of the back just a more violent reaction round nose a little damage to the back there a little damage to the back okay hollow point a little more damage to the back oh yeah yep okay and then split points definite damage this was they're all in order all right we got we had to put them in order so we didn't confuse ourselves or the viewers okay so the round point in out a little bit of damage a little exit wound there a little that's the exit flaking uh hollow point entrance hey getting better at this dove hunting stuff yeah exit look at it it has a neat little cone inside there see that that's interesting okay all right split point entrance got the got the dove again exit definite difference yep yep i can i think we can all agree that it made a difference especially between the you you can you can argue the fact that we're using a 40 grain round nose which is slower but heavier than the the 36 grain is that what it is um hollow point which is faster than the round nose at 1260. but then you take the same exact hollow point with the split and you can see the difference there same velocity same weight we didn't remove any lead or anything definitely a big difference there let's move on next target danny uh this blabber silly putty how much is there uh right at five pounds oh okay so was that 2.2 kilos 2.2 kilos okay close enough in drug measurements drug dealer measurements uh take me back to the 70s oh we won't talk about that well i mean that's pretty solid yeah it's a non-newtonian fluid right yeah yeah a lot of people don't know that or maybe they do from watching our videos stop it you're gonna you just you mess up the calibration of it okay here that's an actual silly putty you can buy five pounds of silly putty from the i think it's like crayol crayola website or whoever owns silly putty now but it's it's kind of fun don't get it on your carpet you don't want to get it on your carpet no so will the bullets just bounce off that will he go through it what will happen let's find out hopefully it doesn't bounce off okay um ready here we go well i don't think it's did you hit it [Laughter] where to go in it you did hit it it did hit it didn't bounce off they didn't center didn't yeah and then it went all the way through we had our safety screens on just in case [Laughter] oh look at that how cute little tiny exit wound hollow point i'm ready here we go here we go hey what happened on that one point to impact did it come out the bottom or something no exit wound oh interesting okay well we'll have to uh shoot it again and then cut it open and see where that bullet went let's take a look at the kronos high speed camera footage here our round nose bullet going right through our ballistic silly putty now i kind of doubt that silly putty will ever become the standard in ballistic material or not but it was kind of fun trying now surprising at least to me was the hollow point never made it all the way through our silly putty the ambient temperature on the day that we filmed this was only about 50 degrees so the silly putty was actually a little stiffer and a little tougher to penetrate and then finally our split point bullet behave real similar to our hollow point bullet didn't go all the way through our silly putty and it's kind of interesting to see how the really small particles of silly putty are ejected out of the entry hole there okay now we gotta cut this loaf open we know the first one went through first one went through second one hollow point i don't know about the best way to go about this i don't know what what's the best knife to use with silly putty i would say hand that block to a eight-year-old kid now i bet he'd find it in 20 seconds okay three hours it is very hard to find bullets inside silly putty folks it is very hard to find it especially a five pound block yeah so what did we find in there all right well of course the uh the round nose went all the way through uh the hollow point expanded just like you would expect it to just like in the gel same as in the gel yeah and then the split one we never did find the pedals no but we found the the main body of it almost exactly what it did in ballistic gel which is interesting yeah just a lot harder to find maybe not the i i i thought all three of them would go through and and we'd have some interesting exit wounds with this but the bullets did not pass through that that silly putty which is interesting okay hydrostatic shock just pure water in a soda can see if we can see a difference okay hollow point i'm ready and the split point i'm ready wow now one thing we wanted to show was the difference between the three types of bullets but we also wanted to show you that ballistic gel isn't just the only type of medium that you can use for testing stuff like this now with all these goofy targets it's still very apparent that there is a big difference between the three types of bullets and there really is no ideal bullet for every single situation maybe you need a bullet for very deep penetration maybe you need one for medium penetration and maybe there's one like the split point that would be great for very shallow penetration on a small game animal but it's nice to have options hey what happened danny yeah this was interesting uh this was the round nose first shot dead center of the circle little blowout in the rear hollow point dead center in the circle a little more blowout in the rear and then split point look at the difference i thought there would be no difference with these things so that's a good comparison they're all three impact points the same same calibrated fbi certified water inside i should note we calibrated with a bb gun or something like that i don't understand the gel calibration thing but hey whatever yeah interestingly impressive well there you go do you it appears that this actually works as far as transferring energy to your target so defecation hits the real rotary oscillator and you got to go out hunting so the question is would you take this into battle [Laughter] never mind that's my go-to i encourage several thousand rounds of 22s and uh only so many 357s or 44s yep yep so when it comes down that's the one that's going with me yeah yeah i can eat i can defend yeah well there you go it appears that it wasn't just a myth one of the rare instances where hollywood kind of got it right and it they might have got their data from fbi files or whatever some kind of crime data you know using these dumb dumb bullets or something little boys back in the boonies yeah yeah amazing i i didn't think we'd see any difference at all between the hollow point this to be honest but it definitely did and a lot of people have commented saying that that's what they've done you know and i'm sure they learned about it from these old radio shows like richard diamond or philip marlowe or oh jeff reagan riggin uh if you don't listen to old time radio you have no idea i'm talking about this shadow knows i don't like the shadow do you like the shadow nope for whatever reason or the whistler lone ranger started out on radio they all did dragnet yeah yeah yeah all right well there you go we'll go hammer those out and make a new volkswagen door be sure and be with us again next week when philip marlow says inside of two hours a lavish mansion seethed with suspicion a sealed cabin filled with gas and an artist's retreat had a corpse on the floor all because one man was too good-looking to be true to anyone [Music]
Views: 767,806
Rating: 4.9129829 out of 5
Keywords: sports, slow motion camera, red dead redemption 2, taofledermaus, 22lr, lifehacks, shop tools, demolitionranch, box of truth, rdr2, split point
Id: LCB5Cc-sz9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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