Ferro-Fury 12ga Slugs with Huge Ferrocerium Core

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you call that a bullet now that's a bullet i apologize to every australian out there hey this is jeff of taofledermaus today we're going to be testing two types of ferrofury bullets that michael smith was kind enough to send us the first type is a 73 caliber massive semi-jacketed hollow point with a weight of 716 grains the second type also 73 caliber has an even larger hollow point cavity and both of these bullets are filled with ferrocerium we'll be driving these monsters over 1600 feet per second while these can be loaded into one of these fancy full brass old-timey shells we decided to do our tests using modern and reliable components it doesn't look as cool on instagram though welcome back top leader folks oh gee brianna and young danny out here with you i think for the first time on stage together it's not it is this is the first and who's behind the camera come on swivel that around everybody wants to see you no i'm i'm i'm witness protection program jeff actually has no face when he steps in front of the camera his face is actually just a blur tate today we're out here with a contribution sent by michael smith out of unknown city idaho is that his real name we don't know because he also comes from an unknown city in idaho oh okay so what's the population there um it's unknown 123. michael smith has sent the pharaoh cerium pharaoh fury fury pharaoh yeah yeah something like that say that three times i had to come up with a catchy name come on michael has sent us some slugs today packed with ferrocerium and in the uk that would be called ferocium and these things are essentially lighter ferrocerium is latin for lighter flints it's been packed into the hollow points of this cylindrical slug and then capped with wax it's not cylindrical it's a bullet shaped it's a jacketed hollow point this one looks both of them yeah they're beautiful by fury custom bullets but that's what i was gonna say which i can't i can't put their website because can't do that right so meantime we're going to put up this website right up here over danny and this is a website that sells uh toilet paper and bottled water [Laughter] so we're going to try and shoot these out here today we waited around and get some reduced lighting out here so maybe we can see these spark we're going to try them off of different targets downrange and uh young brianna young danny are going to fire these off well you are too we're going to have a competition everybody wants a competition we've always wanted a shoot-off yeah so we're going to use the best shooter based on off one shot one shot should be completely fair make it count yeah all right so enough yapping let's get to it jeff i'm sure has showed you these on the table top already yes and people get very angry when we talk about them after you've already talked about them so we just do it more you gotta have something to make youtube viewers angry about because all the money they paid for this video the reason i do that is because uh people skip over things and then they start asking questions we already answered so if we use it you know and throw the information out there twice maybe they'll catch it once and if you guys wait till the end of this video we're gonna do this whole intro all over again to tell you all about it that way if you skip it you're gonna get caught no matter what so all right let's do it let's do it do it even that what uh that blue laser dot gotcha okay ready ready here we go that's a nice little ding yeah it's because of gravity so he was you were aiming at the that lucky charm up there right charm yeah wow that's a quite a drop but windage was perfect i was felt good when i pulled the trigger i was on target well now we know what we're dealing with now you know so you were able to see in the high speed the flash oh yeah it through sparks like 10 feet out four inch i called it four and a half oh never mind i'm gonna pull out my tape measure and then i realized i don't carry a tape measure oh but that's pretty cool left little uh little smoke yeah it's smoke marks there too i don't need one for six inches okay now whose turn is it now brianna's i think so [Applause] yeah yeah can't show her husband camera's shy he is he exists people uh i was kind of surprised it sparked on the aluminum you think the with the ferro serum you needed steel but apparently you don't i saw the flash on that one i saw the flash on that one it looked like it went high that one went high first one shot low with danny the first one went almost exactly the same distance low with danny this one different shotgun but with high full rifling of course yeah both of them fully rifled she was shooting an iron-sighted shotgun danny's was a red dot we tested danny's before this whole shoot started and danny's as accurate right with the foster slugs excited yards we're trying to determine whether or not those slugs have that much variation or uh whether it's a difference in guns but we got to blame something you know can we blame danny or brianna or clearly it's not we'll be blaming you you're next right right it's best to blame oh gee if you can yeah and you can but his face was blasted with sparks he couldn't we couldn't really see that in real time because it occurred so fast but he was blasted i'm surprised his glasses aren't broken they flew off yeah down on the ground that was awesome douglas caught it in the face yep turned him into a bubble head there yep well i'm gonna try the same shotgun that brianna's shot i'm gonna hold the exact same point of aim what do you want to shoot at oh should we get something different well you want to shoot that again i don't care let's shoot it again because it was so correct maybe he'll catch on fire that's a cool shirt you got there greg surely is this is the og's danger store covert gear jeff you buy og's danger storm merch you will be invisible to women by this evening okay works out perfect um all right i'm gonna hold the same shotgun on the same blue dot we're gonna see where they hit okay i'm ready when you are all right here we go [Applause] i think that was on why you gotta do me like that well i gotta say greg was closest so far but we got some inconsistent rounds anyway we had uh blue tape about here rig hit right here yeah you did good you didn't you didn't adjust or anything you didn't make any adjustments or anything look at this and then yeah it's something fragment broke his glasses mr brianna found the lens blown out of this and shattered all over the ground so we want to see that one in the high speed unless it broke it wouldn't hit the ground i don't know it's shattering we usually talk about this and it's like oh it broke some other way we're afterward like that oh obviously a bullet fragment hit them in the face before you can cut all of this or [ __ ] out oh that's true especially because i said horseshit yeah okay danny's gonna show us his bushcrafting method of starting a fire in a in a blizzard when he's camping right but if he does that what's going to do for toilet paper oh well wouldn't you rather be warm okay this is going to be ready we'll ignite the toilet paper use some snow an icicle okay i'm ready all right here we go well no flamage i guess it doesn't work i can't believe it didn't light though as many sparks you can see it's that's the california blend that's a summer blend you had left over we're special more sparkling commercial i can't believe it in light it was it just had occurred so fast it just it sucked all the oxygen out of the atmosphere uh coriolis maybe we put it out with a shot oh see now you're thinking well folks since we couldn't light the toilet paper obviously the next logical step in what we're going to do it's science to light the toilet paper and then see if shooting it will put the fire out it'll suck the heat out of it from the shock wave okay is the flame confusing you or anything okay i'm ready [Laughter] i just transferred the fire to a different location okay [Music] that i just feel it's like a marshmallow you just take off the burnt part we're using the new the big mouth ones now we tried all the red pills now we're going to try the blue pills yeah so we're going to assume these have 25 more ferrocerium [Laughter] so i've read we're hoping for a bigger well they spark on a lead plate you wouldn't think anything would spark off lead you know what though every one of your rounds or quite a few of your round spark off of a lead plate though that's true it's some kind of uh scientific flash atmospheric it's our special lead plate yeah it's hardened lead but we don't know where these are going to hit if they're going to impact yeah so we're coming up with excuses before we shoot it so that's all right okay i'm ready all right i'm going to try and put it on a blue dot holy crap you oh flash it looks like greg is winning the competition today it can't be jeff because everybody knows for years and years and years greg can shoot that's that's his however the tape was up here the tape is no longer here we have a piece of torn tape here i thought i saw a flash out here there was a lot of sparkage on that one but you guys by now will have seen where that flash actually was we did find uh a warm piece of splattered jacket yes so that's definitely it because those them the ones of the big mouth had that red stripe on there and the other ones had the blue stripe so brianne is going to take this and try to make this into like a belly button ring or something i don't know what you can do with that thing you can make it into a necklace i say it's independent just doesn't look the same on me anyway but uh made a decent crater nonetheless and evidently we got some sparks out of it yeah it's it's kind of hard to see all the full sparkage in real life the cool thing is you have the camera that will show us yes and it is it's it's actually kind of dark out here i can't run the camera too fast so here's the question for viewers did you notice 25 more sparks with this round than the previous round i i think i did 25 maybe 26 26 more yeah i've got a little extra in the package then that's right some settling may occur during shipping so anyway so uh yeah they got a stout recoil on them and uh they're flashing like they're supposed to yeah that one was dead on accurate i mean these are more accurate i don't know these are they're a little shorter they're stubbier shorter and stubbier like the bulge back here that oh brianna was had pointed out oh okay let's see i'm just i'm just dating facts okay brianna's the one that brought up the fact that there was a slight bulge back here so okay okay you ready danny i'm ready using b open sights now or steel sites right open steel yeah open steel sights yeah okay i'm ready all right here we go wow that's a oh splash shower oh sparks so right on the chin a little bit low yeah got him on the chin though using the same point of aim same shooter but two different brands of shotguns we wanted to see the difference between the point of impact between this remittan 870 and danny's mossberg 500 and one tended to shoot high 110 to shoot low probably slightly different barrel harmonics between the two but honestly to get anything really conclusive we'd have to take many more shots to compare the two 720 ish grains of lead shot has to go somewhere seven oh these 715 grains of it are on the ground yeah just like it's designed to be yeah this guy looks like he has a look at looks like daddy tried to give him a tactical beard he needs a tactical hat look at this the artists and we never show him doing the artistry what but greg is a professionalish artist well i don't know if you call a professional but well oh danny tat and now he's got danny's uh technical goatee okay now okay mr artist that's pretty good um let's see where greg lands it so danny's shotgun obviously uh fitted for him a lot better he hit right here on the chin as opposed to using my shotgun way up there so now i'm gonna get back on my gun and see if it's actually printing accurate for me yeah okay greg is up all right you ready yep i'm ready here we go hopefully on the face wow wow man these are kind of cool yeah melting goat we got him right in the eye young danny found this hot little piece of lead laying on the ground okay and one thing we were noticing look here like seven or eight feet out to either side yeah it looks like a bunch 22's hit it or something pretty good puck marks there you ever stand anywhere close to steel yeah does a great job just a little bit of an angle on there yep very safe for us back there yeah so we're going to put away the steel now that we know where all of our shotguns are going we also know what these things do against a a nice piece of steel they clearly make a flash what's next all right so we got the jelly head out here you've seen this before it used to be inside of a piece of glass and we've got the atomic defense chinese level three a-ish uh ballistic helmet so we're gonna try are we shooting through the helmet yeah oh yeah yeah try to put it into the helmet see what it does inside the gel if it's if it's sparks without hitting steel or aluminum or lead it sparks it's been sparking on everything yeah we'll see if the helmet is ferrocerium proof and uh what it'll do to the jelly head give it a try look above that little rail let me get my helmet or my ears there huh look at that let me get the velcro patch or whatever okay yeah it ought to go flying you need to put a tarp down to catch it yeah and get a metal detector or a thermal camera yeah uv camera okay i'm ready and strap it down here we go hopefully on the velcro patch that was traumatic for me and for him my friend sandy here didn't get hit evidently it could have gone right over the top of her flat head in the shape of that biscuit anyway uh no damage to the head whatsoever and it's not because of this lovely lovely helmet no it it stopped it well it stopped it but i don't think it would have protected your biscuit inside well maybe the blunt force but it the slug did not go through so the slug went hit pretty close to where i was aiming yeah you hit once you hit the patch and inside here look at that big ass bulge just a big old bulge in there so the round did not exit into the uh interior of the helmet yeah i guess that's a good sign but man look at that chunk yeah that would yeah would that would you feel that i think he would feel that yes you would sandy says but you have a beautiful corpse yeah so anyway this helmet will no longer fit on anyone which is probably good because they're safer without it no no it they said it'll stop certain it said it was stopped 12 gauge slugs and it technically did yeah yeah but it would stop you too right it would yeah it would definitely stop you yeah but that energy has to go somewhere you know 2500 foot pounds of energy or whatever here's your ruining that beautiful helmet well here's your liner inside this kind of gives you an idea okay that was a good idea actually great i'm full of them kevin i know that actually is a lot better i'm sorry that's quite all right i'm used to it this is the kevlar fibers you can tell them in there how much they buckled if this had been your biscuit in there oof yeah so yeah yeah if you had a tiny little head you'd be okay all the padding in the world so yeah when you're ordering these order them five sizes too big and lots of padding and lots of styrofoam in here and yeah maybe put a sleeping bag or something over the top of your head but it detected you know it did impress it stopped it but it stopped a slug there's not going to be any digging in there to find out where it went yeah maybe someday i'll cut it open well good thing we have these bungees on there though right what would have happened if those bungees hadn't been there i don't know anyway i hope you guys had a very good time with the pharaoh cerium red and blue now with 25 more ferrocerium yep danny nice signing off with you the sun is going down out here so we don't have much more time that we can even do this so appreciate you guys being with us if you're super bored swinging by og's danger show that's right you have a channel don't you shameless plug nobody is coming for coming it's up to you okay so yeah fun times over there um it's been a while since i posted a video but i've had some computer problems oh you know what those are like i do
Views: 197,556
Rating: 4.9459229 out of 5
Keywords: elephant, gun, 12ga shotgun, taofledermaus, world's biggest, kentucky ballistics, demolitionranch, funny, powerful, vigil, incendiary, world of tanks
Id: EcBmqzSl5VY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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