PDX1 12ga. Defender Rounds- The PERFECT Home Defense Round?

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if a one out slug is good and buckshot is good then combining them together must be even better today we're going to find out if this reese's peanut butter cup of shotgun rounds is the answer to your defensive needs i've got to admit if i saw this box of menacing looking 12 gauge ammo on the shelf at the gun store i would definitely take a second look at it heck the box itself looks like the book cover of a tom clancy novel and the shells inside couldn't be more sinister looking all black with a black oxide base these look like something the grim reaper himself would carry now let's pop the hood and see what makes this thing tick inside we have three copper plated double odd buckshot balls combined with a one ounce foster slug the dublot buckshot is surrounded by a material called grex which is a buffer and the purpose of a buffer is to prevent the various projectiles inside the shell from slamming into each other and deforming during the intense firing cycle in other words it kind of acts like packing peanuts the combined weight of the buckshot and the slug is 1.35 ounces or 590 grains now that's a pretty hefty load but the velocity is just barely over the speed of sound at sea level 1150 feet per second and by comparison a normal velocity for a one ounce foster slug is anywhere between 1300 and around 1600 feet per second now let's get out there and see how these things perform welcome back top later folks jeff and officer greg out here with you today on the sinaloa cartel memorial rifle range we have something that's a little different because it's not sent in by a viewer well it was sent by a viewer but it wasn't manufactured by a viewer you've probably seen or heard about the winchester pd x1 it's a self-defense round kind of marketed as a self-defense round made by winchester commercially available so uh when you can find ammo you can find these sitting on shelves and as you can see in the picture there it is a one ounce slug that also comes with three copper plated buckshot rounds so we're gonna give it a try it's a flashy packaging it's embossed it's got all kinds of goofy uh illustrations on there it's packaged in an all black round so it looks super tactical you could probably use it at midnight but we're gonna wait and see we're gonna try and see is it a gimmick i remember watching videos on these a couple years ago i don't really remember what the results were but i don't know that many people who use them so is it better just to have a slug or buckshot or should we be pairing our slug with buckshot we're going to give it a try on a few different targets out here and let you know we'd like to thank a viewer an anonymous viewer from michigan who sent these in thanks chuck his name is not chuck we weren't supposed to say that i'm sure that uh yeah now everyone's gonna know exactly who he is there's only one chuck in michigan but he sent two boxes of these this is 20 rounds and these days you know that's not easy to find no thank you man what's even funnier is that 14.99 for 10 rounds of this stuff that tells you that he's had these for a little bit because you can't even find these anymore and if you did they'd be 50 a box so the first thing we're gonna do is fire them against these blank uh these are copyrighted og cardboard targets we're gonna fire these pdx rounds against this so that we can get an idea of how it groups are they accurate is the slug accurate if the slug is accurate do the three uh plated buckshot rounds fly off in goofy directions and endanger folks in the background so we kind of want to know what these are going to do we're going to try them at what 10 yards 10 yards yeah okay i'm ready three [Music] three [Music] round number one round number one that came with four projectiles is indicated by a green circle it sounded like paul farrell the uh the slug hit right here on the heart where we were aiming and remember we're at 10 yards this is 30 feet away this is about the farthest you would find in any house in america down the hallway and across the living room 10 yards roughly we hit the slug right here in the heart the three rounds however or the three buckshot rounds one of them went over his shoulder that would be kind of unacceptable out there so we did notice a nice triangular pattern round number two indicated by the little blue triangle hit a little bit high could have been me but you'll notice that the plated buckshot rounds kind of landed almost in the same neighborhood as each other it's almost like they're flying in the same pattern each time but round number two all of the buckshot rounds stayed on him at 10 yards that's a good sign and then round number three has no color but you can see round number three over here and it's buckshot rounds in the same general area different pattern each time though you can see although they're in the same neighborhood they're in a different place each time so especially these guys up here now the question i have is wouldn't just getting hit with that one ounce slug or do the job well absolutely yeah anything else is that's kind of what we're that's kind of what we're out to show today is that maybe you just put a one-out slug in a dang shotgun and quit trying to gimmick it up with extra stuff you know slammed in there with your one out slug is there really any reason to have those three liability balls we'll call these liability balls because they're not consistent enough to plan on each time but we definitely know where our slugs are going so for me my choice i'd stick with a standard slug if i was uh working on this guy at 10 yards so we're going to try it now with a standard old double lock book mill spec round you know it's good because it's od green just because it's od green folks does not mean that this thing kills any better or does anything anything different they just they put it inside this hole for you so you'd buy it we're gonna try this standard old double buck military round uh and see what kind of pattern it gets would it be better to use this at 10 yards than those pdx ones you'd be the judge okay paul double odd buck military though military buckshot yeah that's good okay i'm ready here we go lighter recoil oh really okay here we go [Music] yes they all hit my guy actually no i'm sorry one went over his shoulder please insert your comment here about that ninth round flyer because everybody saw the paul farrell video but like jeff pointed out how do we know this one's the flyer and not this one or this one yeah why do why should we care about that i don't know i don't i think they ran out of idea it looks like a bunny look at that look at the guy who sees a zebra in the clouds i do so our standard military double lock buck did okay at 10 yards but not great i don't like that round i would prefer something a little bit tighter and i happen to use federal flight control in my shotguns we're going to try a federal flight control around here at the uh empty unmarked face and take a look and see what kind of and i just want to remind everyone this is a cylinder bore shotgun in case you skipped over that part where we where i mentioned it before i'm sure they did they yeah i second that drives me crazy they'll ask questions bro what what's the what load is it how much do they wait it's like did you not see the all of my specs i put up there we have the attention span of a mosquito these days i know because everybody's watching tick tock so oh god everything's in six second chunks so if this video is more than six seconds long they gotta fast forward it yeah let's put a flight control right here in the face flight control ready all right here we go the flight control wad is very impressive that's doing most of the work we got some buffer in there but the wad itself is so kind of revolutionary the way it works to keep the shot together at further distances well this is why the federal flight control is my choice for home defense and whatever else anything 12-gauge related we put all well we put eight visible rounds and of course our ninth pellet uh paul ferrell flyer is probably up here in the wod somewhere but eight rounds here in a uh in a buckshot sandwich fed it to him right there one round over here in the ear but still i mean look at overall that thing is uh i don't know quite a bit i think i see the ninth one there it's something very did you see it i think i see it yeah either way we got the eighth big pellets in here and one in there probably about 50 of the size of this little bunny rabbit group down here yeah so that's why we like the flight control it does have a kick to it so you can't do them all day long but as far as group that's what i want even at the middle of the circle there yes bazinga okay i'm ready okay i'm ready at this range we have a much tighter spread of the buckshot than at 10 yards the pdx1 definitely has a lot of knockdown power and it'll definitely stop the thread it'll get the job done and one can definitely make the case that it's better to have a round that's overkill a little bit than under kill well we hit doug right here in the bazone goes that's the slug and then one two three rounds look how much tighter the group is on those uh plated buckshot balls at seven yards than they were at 10 yards that's a is that more acceptable to you this is more acceptable yes yeah i'd say anything inside of 10 is okay but yeah i'd rather have but then we got to ask what are those other buckshot doing i mean that slug is going to do the job right the other ones are just yeah along for the ride if you want to take a look here i mean what's the point if i've got this thing flying through my gui bits why do i even need these little guys trailing around out there yep that's what i mean it looks cool and everything the box looks cool the idea seems cool it's like a big old bully and then he's got three little friends tagging along behind him little toadies yeah you really don't need those three little toadies the big bully is going to do the job for you yeah i prefer just to have that one projectile to worry about it makes a lot more sense it's gonna stop whatever you're shooting at yep doug was stopping dead in his tracks yep bazungas holistic jailhead just because here because people like it let's bring out the stupid stuff okay i'm ready here we go one important thing we can see in the shot is because the slug is at a relatively low velocity it really doesn't have enough energy to expand a higher velocity foster slug would have flattened out like a pancake going through this gel and dumped most of its energy so using the pdx-1 you'd have a higher probability of over penetration even though you're at a lower velocity as odd as that sounds this is a kit evidently it comes with water and lemons but you got to mix it yourself let's give it a try is that stupid enough to be good yeah that's a louisiana lemon ballistic gel harold eat your heart out okay fire [Music] well some targets have a practical logical use others are just purely visual and i'm not really sure where this one falls next target hey we wanted to mention these uh blast cloud by ames target cool little cardboard cylinder full of magic chalk dust of different colors because we're uh we don't see color here on top later mouse so uh yeah we're gonna try these out they're kind of like i don't know they're kind of like tannerite or something they just blow up and make it they don't they don't blow up they just don't blow up but i mean they it's a visual target it's they're kind of cool they explode and look cool he wanted me like he said it to me he's like don't don't talk about him for a couple of weeks because i'm not ready yet it's like i thought you're ready that's why you sent it to me so you can use these on like gender reveals and stuff i guess what happens if it blows up and it's green though okay take your time because people kind of judge you on youtube right oh really i hadn't noticed yeah okay i'm ready here we go oh it's kind of pink brianna's having a red baby here we go you may have seen these targets used by jerry mitchulec am i saying his name right but the company makes these is relatively new and they approached me and wanted to send some of these to us i liked small business and i liked supporting small business be sure to check out the link in the description if you're interested in this new product what's the story of the stapler that is a tactical paperclip dispenser oh okay no that hasn't worked for years i've been using it out at the 4h range and it stopped working so i'm tired of it getting mixed in with the good ones okay let's hit it good riddance i'm ready here we go now we know which one's bad i know you probably lost a lot of sleep at night wondering what the best round is against a stapler or this may give me some idea what this round can do if you needed to reach a door lock [Music] chinese bubbles here it says maiden usa oh yeah well these are maybe maybe the chinese ones is good harbor freight bubbles well the chinese ones are made out of actual chemicals there we go we're gonna shoot this big old jug of bubbles see if it makes bubbles it says bubble blast solution so it's just it's perfect you saw that it's like hey that's a good target see what it tastes like wow there's a couple of bubbles yeah wow there's a couple of bubbles it'd be kind of boring if we just shot at paper targets for the entire video so we try to keep things interesting one thing this does show is how accurate the slug is but also shows that the slug itself is doing most of the work not the pellets the pellets that are hitting really aren't doing that much damage by comparison okay ballistic gel test sort of barely okay i'm ready when you are do they really want to know that no no in this test we're able to demonstrate just how much penetration or over penetration this round has and that includes the buckshot and again this is due to its relatively low velocity which doesn't allow expansion of either the pellets or the slug itself whether or not over penetration is an issue to you is something you have to decide for yourself okay what happened greg so i was aiming for up here hit down here oh you know it's kind of good enough kind of cool if you can zoom in here all that little white buffering that was in that shot shell is stuck here in the face of this oh that's gonna be fun to get out of there when i recast it yeah yeah the grix i think they call it greg's yeah because grape nuts yeah it's little little beads the round busted through out here in the back of this chiseled off piece of clearish ballista that's where the gummy bear was born from though he was born from there yeah see when a mama gummy bear and a daddy gummy bear we think it's this one here the hidden belly button it kept on going though i don't know where the the any sign of the buck shot no i don't even know where they had to hit that we were like super close yeah but i mean is it in there i don't see any i mean those pellet marks there that could be the pellets sealing up around yeah yeah yeah tiny little hopefully on the high speed we'll be able to see something you know if only you had a uh metal metal detector or a thermal camera you could go out there in that vast vast wasteland and find these three we had like 12 hours to spin on the center oh god well anyway what are your final thoughts on these okay so kind of a gimmick i probably wouldn't use them out past 10 yards we determined that they're fun to shoot but really is there any reason for your your uh one ounce slug to have three little friends trailing along that you don't really know where they're gonna go so if it was me i'd stick with a one ounce slug or some decent uh double up buckshot not try and combine the two of them together but if if you could find this it's it's perfectly fine it's accurate absolutely you know what i'm saying i don't want to i'm not dogging on it i don't want to dog on it we'd like to thank unknown name chuck from michigan for sending those through because ammo is not all that easy to find these days so that was pretty cool yeah that was great that's 50 dollars worth of ammo at least by today's standards yeah so uh yeah decent self-defense ammo it'll work it'll it'll do the job but you have other options too that so just because you can't get this doesn't mean you can't use buckshot or a slug or something if you're a new shotgun owner who just bought a shotgun because of the old pandemic or whatever riots in the streets and you found this sitting on the store shelves absolutely throw it in there and you would be well yeah yeah it does the job and does it fine it's the slugs were accurate yep but um anything else oh i was just gonna say it's two items that work well individually but when you put them together it doesn't work any better than the the sum of the two as you mentioned if that big one out slug is flying through your sternum why would you even need these three little guys out here you don't need the extra damage so that part is kind of a gimmick but they do look cool so they do more cool yeah looking cool is the important part as you guys can tell so anyway that's about it for us out here today it's a little warm so we're gonna pack it up and head on in appreciate you guys stopping by if you're interested in about how we made these cardboard targets over here yeah go check them out if you're subscribed to me and you watch these and you like greg go subscribe to them it's free isn't it if you don't like greg and you wish you know i wish that guy would get off of there and bring back danny that's fine too go over and watch the video anyway yeah my newest video we're gonna put up here in a little bit probably within hours of this one is gonna be about how i made those cardboard targets so yeah you have lots of neat stuff on there so yeah sometimes well yeah if you're super bored and maybe your netflix is down and i don't know if you're stuck in a cave somewhere you got nothing else to watch it's that or the view reruns oh maybe you give og's dangerous show a shot so anyway thanks for stopping by we'll see you guys on the next video
Views: 494,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ammo shortage, self protection, 12ga, taufledermaus, demolitionranch, hickok45, tnoutdoors9, slow motion, exotic 12ga rounds
Id: 3O_i76vVZzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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